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Opposes Licensing of Plant & Urges Negative Vote.Paper Entitled, Infant Mortality Changes Following TMI Accident Encl
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 01/12/1984
From: Andersen A, Andersen D
To: Gilinsky V
Shared Package
ML20151Y970 List: ... further results
FOIA-87-444 NUDOCS 8805120012
Download: ML20153G777 (4)



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% kn @asne an6Mde 1155 South Dora Street, Uklah, California 95482 (707)462 5648 Jan. 12, 1984


VictorCplinsky e

m.n..e aa.e a aa

< c/o Nuclear Regulatory Cor:anission c=.m,

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ca co.

Docketing and Servicing Department Washington D.C.

20555 W cam D. good For so-. of ws #t 6e

..a no. cr oeco p4u u nt. n en.

en re em., e,...i.e Re: licensin8 of Diablo Canyon

.o..etw,a evioams re m m n.

nuclear power plant

' ' ' ' ' ' * " ^ * " "

Dear Mr. Calinsky sst for hw or.c. Dt meora of p.t.


.oan o'n bCS:nND.4*tm..stm, wit 48 m en e.

e... r.g ni te u. 6e.,v,.

On Friday, January 13, there will be rituals v

re e. uset of repo+ni u yo.

re i u. is % u,. re,,c en re held in San 1,uis Obispo, Ukiah, and =any other places in von re one,t.

California all expressing the hope and the prayer that artra.c<i..

.No i [2[v,*.*[. 'e'*"-,' "[j you will envision accurately the ettects of a decision not

'Ei tI.Ne *NI..*[/l,'

to license operation of the Diablo Canjon nuclear power r

o No co c en.oe t a,. r.,

.e eir.i, c...r e, w or po... re to, r.

Plant and the ef fects if the plant is licensed, s us.<u cm pe... er+ st so. v. no exei e.t mai., r.,

This letter has much the sa=e purpose. We hope you re ie er re, i:, will teel, in very personal ways, the ef f ects of a decision re err.:.. ' e s t,...

t r..,


..-in eo i s.c e

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one way or another.


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o, n ie.e. : rs.r g r., un,..

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We realize that you f ace genuine dile::ast for instance,

".'de *aI N c*.'i I c m# 2iki tha t there are sincere individuals in govern =ent and private a: o-or, cars" industry who have worked for years to get the plant to its T*. crcen tensii,as o cr. e..

e...s cr e. cupa... v i ncre o

cori.e t e ut. i poo, ac peo r.

present state for who= a negative vote would see:n a personal Tn s e.,ro c.t c.o rr.-rt tragedy and that energy sources other t.han fossil fuels must 9, NGee mom-govra-. toi or:sm.

inse v -.v,; e -n st re..

be found. However, to us the hazards et nuclear radiation is's.-e n a:i. io"o. ;

,. c c.... r.. r n.,,a...

are so great that, it there were no other argt=ents against com em+, te s 'vos D, a ; cts: a s m es e;::: es:n. sc* e n e s:te the plant, they would be sutticient. Therefore, in this t

u n et r,e c r r e v r e.

to", t. ece eme. :c a ;e o letter we concentrate on them.

coni ca res:t, n. c c a..

It you were to vote for licensing, you would be adcing to ta.-.c era re nv.e r e m...

m e.e. ~... i the unsolved problea et how to cope with the radioactive waste Tr.

er ec. coris te t. esi c a[. t$[ [:

.[e[.-s.'e n. '.

and you would be approving et a nuclear reactor in an area IE,')2 *!*.Y.((. l r'c[i ccj' j

very likely to oe struck vy su eartn%2ae.

Y.7;*.[ Y,, *'.',"s5.,e*I [.s '.

We all know that radioactive c.atertals do get back into

.:.: io use. ns-e. rir a s.

r the environ =ent with present methods et waste storage, tha t w e c..e..:. m,- r. cre c,.i there is a danger et this happening every time they are trans.

io gera cataanim sag 'com.


ported, and that there could be cassive contamination f ro weie e m form +g e

. o,,

...,,,,, c.,, :.o. r. n r a an earthquake or irom teactor f ailure.

a g ea #*.

, e

  • ea. c<va ast om em s

r e t-a.n c.u.w n..

We know tha t th e e t t e c t s o f ra d ia t ion on hte.a n s a re 8905120012 000418 PDR FOIA HAMLIN87-444 PDR

I s

g canc'er including leukemia, birth def ects of all kinds including mental retardation, f

and death.

You hold the awesome power of deciding whether to increase or, decrease these sangers.

Please imagane the results of your decision in personal terms. Vould you offer one of your own children or grandchildren to become a leukemia victim or to be born mentally retarded? Then realize that it you vote to increase the hazards of nuclear radiation, you are deciding that some people, who care as much as you do, will suf fer these unnecessary tragedies.

To turn to the hopetul visi.on--if you say "no" to the license then, first, money that would have gone to Diablo can go to wind; solar, and other saf e renew-able energy projects and to energy conservation, and, secondly, people throughout California and the world will feel a great sense of gratitude and relief that this threat et nuclear radiation has been lessened, and third and most important, indi-viduals in the future will be whole and healthy because et your decision. Whe ther they will realize their debt to you, who can sayt We feel sure that God will know--

and you will know.


M.~ J.~, M. 3 : V( dhea, Dorothy Norvell Andersen M/W s

,w Alfred T. Andersen

f. S. We're enclosing an article with which you may or c.ay not be f amiliar, a su:: nary of Dr. Ernest Sternglass' paper "Infant Mortality Changes Following i

the Three Mile Island Accident". It is one of c.any sources which have convinced,us of the seriousness of radiation hasards f ro= nuclear power plants.

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Ae:1 dent 'ut TM,.'a t:1l e ILland Last Tridcy r:arked the.first c.:iniverthry of the accident at l

Three ::ile Island.

One year later, the 03:I contcinment 1s still filled with radioactive wator rir.d pases.

Hetropolitan i

Edison, the plant oviner, nas propocod "cacanup" procedures which amount to little more then relec:ing the trapped wastes into the environnon'..

Rocently the.?C has succosted that they may permit thuce releaser veithout waiting for cc=;1etion of an environmenu.1 impcet statec.ent.

>:ot surprisin517, these plans have been angrily :riticized by area residents.

Tne recent anniversary and 1.,r.cndin ne. reltcsca ma'te thic i

s cond.::e to revits the hnnr. ht.elLn effects of tnn 9:1 accident.

The Keccny Cotu ission cuggested that there were n; immediate huath effects cttributchle to the radioactive raioc:es lact etring.

T; icy concluded that the accident-rcleto; increast in latca+. tancero veoul be undetectab2.c and t h:.t paveholo.i:a1 !.treca s ens workers ar.d thoce livinc in 3

the area tac the on.y uignifice.nt effect.

/ A recent study by Dr. Ernrist J. fatern;16:,s of the University i

of Pitt:. burgh Schoe.' of !!edicine calls this con:lusien cer.:.

l ion ly into qun tion.

Storngines focute: his cttention en irif t.nt nortolity rr. cord: collceted fr,e aroc hospitals cnd th e U. ';. ::en t hly 'h.e...l 'itatistien...w.,"f.c & c N i~M-*12 tc

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/The cu cr is norm:Oly n.,crie : of leu infan mortclity due to lov er rish of pneun0nia anu influen a.

In the Lutter of 1979 hocrever, the infant.ortality rcto in Pennsylvcnic rose l

fron a level of 10.:. par thour.s..d in :::::h to a peck of lo.5 in Jul;.

In Au uct, mortalit;. levels returr.ed to c nere ty;-

1:al level of 3 per thoucanu.

Tci re;r::ents a rise fre:

141 te P.71 dea *h.

-cm c.n th 1,: :cu. :::::h r.:

uiv-- carres-p'he pr:bs. bili *y thatonding to en incre se of note than live stor.dard deviations.

4 thi is a purely statistical fluctue.: ion is euca less than 1 in 1000, s

v' *;u rin g t..'e s ce. : period, infant.ortr?.ity in tnc U.S. as a

hele continue:. to decline.

heucs to tr.e : utn and cast of 7?:I, not :in thc.ota of the radioactiv a cca.lume, nico.c::-

cricnced r.o increm
0n in infer.

destat.- itern 10:s esti:.:-

stos that during tM pt.riod of ':sy th*:agh July iM9, 332 "ex ct:" dockh:,ccured in ?cnn:Giv L i t., *cie, Cnd I.c7 York (cr 427 fru Mri'l to Vuly).

ho C100 predict 3 inCroates in

  • hc ratoc of liuh: min and childcoed : sneers within the next
  • *c ' d *bc
  • * "tM " t 4 ' * ** 't - :. * * * */ ; t,

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Sternglass' conclusions cro no't withou t preaedont, cad cre supnorted by previous scientific Ltudit;.

>igila in the rates of infant mortality were ot:ervea Tc.,r,increates tacting at-co. spheric nucicar wc:pon tcetc in the fifties and cixtios.

Theco effects were not inmodiately recognized beccuse the.

radiation doce: were then thought to be too snall to cause damage.

"cre rocent studius on the correl: tion between in-f ant nortality and X-ray expo ure durinc pregnancy have fur-ther demonstrcted the extrono sensitivity of the ceveloping fetus to low level radiction.

The fetal thyroid..>here rad-ioactive Iodine-131 cencentrates, is critical to develop ent and =aturation during tne finc1 montns of pregnancy.

Thus the fetal thyroics of infants born between April and July,

would have be m cetive end very sensitive to radiation at the tiro of the TMI accident.

Habies born af ter July or 3 0, / 9

< 3 w.

.. o y c., -. 4..,. w s...<.e.

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accident -- her.ce the charp drop in cortality during August.

v Ster -lacs rees en further tn cint c" t tht: for e ach in f ar.t V:. 0 ran h, r. * *. b v rcre--t'v't" seri u sl. 0 *. r' u a t o c i tr,

n a.n

-n e eu r wre: ne;cce, r-ci:1' lenaire to -ent al

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,, m e o

...u fantc and young peepic criectcc cay reach well into the


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.. u tne 'T.I releacts v;cre c;all

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ey n the low-level radiati, on released by nuclear power =lon+ s as a p


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.e was decreasing ct

.e a rate ccupr:ble to the rest of the United Statec, until 1970, when the.:illstone nu c1:ar plant was 0;ened a.

eu.e.e. Co

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The plant has resulcrly relected severs 1'nillion curies of rad'.ation per ("ecr cince beir; pu,t on-line.

Mearwe.ile, phede

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w free about 18 to 9 3 per 1000, live 1.trs.

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s arcou further fic.a the plant.






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....u... n.o. r 3.< t y Cnan[-cscilo'..i).J tac Three "lle Asiand,.ccicent",

T r c Co n'. e: at the th 'llorld CenGrecs of ',.n' inters and C 4t'.t!L in 705-AviV C h v, C

  • u O r)V 2.e, I m,. V.



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