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Forwards Request for Addl Fire Protection Info to Complete Facility Program Review.Responses Requested by 810515
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/1981
From: Tedesco R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Tallman W
NUDOCS 8103231079
Download: ML20126F933 (8)




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N1 6 l$61 LBd1 Rdg DEisenhut BJYoungblood ADromerick MRushbrook Docket Nos.: M RTedesco bec: TERA and 50-444 RVollmer NRC/PDR TMurley L/PDR Dross NSIC Mr. William C. Tallman RHartfield, MPA TIC Chaiman & Chief Executive Officer VNoonan ACRS(16)

Public Service Company of New Hampshire OELD 1000 Elm Street 0IE (3)

Manchester, New Hampshire 03106

Dear Mr. Tallman:


Request For Additional Fire Protection Infomation - Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2 In order to complete our fire protection review of the Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2 we find that we need additional infomation. The specific information required is listed in the Enclosure.

In order to complete our review of your fire protection program, we request that you provide your responses by May 15, 1981.

If you desire any discussion or clarification of the infomation requested, please contact, A. W. Dromerick, Project Manager (301)492-7100.

Sincerely, Original signed by Robert L Tedesco Robert L. Tedesco, Assistant Director for Licensing Division of Licensing


As stated cc: See next page Q

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Public Service Ccccany cf New Harcshin 100 Elc. Stree


Mancnester, New Hancshire 03105 1

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6 John A. Ritscher, Esc.

Repes and Gray E. Tucper (incer, Esq.

l Assis an: Attorney General 225 Franklin Stree Boston, Massacnuse::s 02110 Office cf A :ceney General 205 State Ecuse Annex Ralph H. Wocc, Esq.

Concord, h hancshire C3301 General Counsei Samuel Chilk Pu6Iic Service Co:;any cf 'iew Ha=; shire Secretary cf tne Cc=ission 1C00 Ein Street U. 5. Nuclear :.eguia cry Cc=ission Manchester, o.,ew..nampshire Cn h:-

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Mr. Jcnn Haseltire, Prcject Manager Alan 5. Rcsenthal, Es::.

Yankee A cnic Electric Cc ;any 20 Turncike :!cac Atcaic Safety and Licensic; accesi Ecard i

U. 5. helear Regulaury Ccrinicn Westtero, Massachusetts 01581 Wasnin:::cn, 3. C.

2:555 t

Mr. Bruce 3. Beckley, Decjec* "anager Cr. Jcen J. Buck Public Service Cc:pany of New Har;; shire Atenic Safety acc Licensin; Acceci Ecced 1C00 Ein Street U. 5. Eclear Regulatry Cc nissice Manchester, New Hancshire 03105 Washing cn, ',. C.

2:555 Ms. Eli:abe:n H. Weinhc!d Micnael C. rarrar, Esr.

3 Gocfrey Avenue Hen;:cn,.',ew Hampsnire 02?c2 Atanic Safety and Licensien I::ce:1 hard U. 5. hele3r :e;aicnry Ccmission ugSs,.1...3 sn,

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10ber: A. Backus, Esc.

O'Neill, Backus, and Spielman Ivan W. Sci *., Esc.

116 Lcwell Street Manchester, New Ha:csh;re C3!C5 Atenic Safety anc Licensing harc U. 5. helear.egulatry Cc::-issi cn i

Wasninge n, D. C.

2C555 u4.crean ess,.sq.


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Dr..rnest Sa.3,.ercress+-

i Brociline, Massacnusetts 02145 Fisheries Res Ccliege or...earch Ins titute - WH-10 i

j risnerles Karin P. Shelden, Esc.

University of Wasningno Shelcen, Har cn & Weiss sea nie, Washing:cn 95195 1725 I Street, Ti. W.

Washing:ca, D. C. 20005 Mr. Arnie Wich:

d, ew..earcshire n.,ouse c:

., Laurie Burt, Esq.


Science, Technclogy and Energy Cominee Office of the Assistan A::ceney General 5:3te Mcuse Envircerental Prc ectico Divisien Ccncorc, Ne,< Ha= shire 032^1 One Ashburten Place Besten, Massacnuse::s 021C3 Resident inscecter

'i Seabrock h elear Pcwer 5:a:icn D. Pierre G. Careren, Jr., Esc.

c/o U. 5. Eclear F.eguia: cry Comissica General Counsel P. O. Box 1119 Public Service Cc=any cf New Hancsnire Seabrcck, New Ha= snire 0337' L

1000 Ein 5:ree Manches ter, New 43rcShire 03105 I

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Enclosure Request For Additional Information Seabrook Station, Units 1 and 2 FIRE PROTECTION PROGRAM I.

Power Systems In accordance with section 9.5.1, Branch T'e'chnical Position ASB 9.5-1, position C.4.a.(1) of NRC Standard Review Plan and section III.G of new Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50, it is the staff'. position that cabling for redundant safe shutdown systems should be separated by walls having a three-hour fire rating or equivalent protection (see section III.G.2 of Appendix R).

That is, cabling required for or associated with the primary method of shutdown, should be physically separated by the equivalent obi. three-hour rated fire barrier from cabling required for or associated with the redundant or alternate method of shutd:wn.

To assure that redundant shutdown cable systems and all other cable syste ; that are associated with the shutdown cable systems are separated from ea:h other so that both are not subject to damage from a single fire hazard, we require the following information for each system needed to bring the plant-to a sa fe shutdown.


Provide a table that lists all equipment including instrumentation and vital support system equipment required to achieve and maintain het and/or cold shutdown. For each equipment listed:

Differentiate between equipment required to achieve and maintain bot a.

shutdown and equipment required to achieve and maintain cold shutdown, a'


De fine each equipment's location by fire area, Define each equipment's redundant counterpart.


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. d.

Identify each equipment's essential cabling (instrumentation, control,andpower).

For each cable identified: (1) Describe the ca bl e routing (by fire area) from source to termination, and (2) Identify each fire area locatfon where the cables are separated by less than a wall having a three-hour fire rating from cables for

?.ny redundant shutdown system, and List any problem areas identiff'ed 'by item 1.d.(2) above that will e.

be corrected in accordance with section III.G.3 of Appendix R (i.e., alternate or dedicated shutdcen capability).


Provide a table that lists Class 1E and !bn-Class 1E cables that are associated with the essential safe shutdewn systems identified in ite: 1 a bo ve.

For each cable listed:

(* See note on Page 3).


Define the cables' association to the safe shutdown system (commen pcwer source, common raceway, separation less than IEEE Standard-384 guidelines, cables for equipment whose spurious operation will adversely affect shutdown systems, etc.),

i b.

Describe each associated cable routing (by fire area) from source to termination, and c.

Identify each location where the associated cables are separated by less than a wall having A three-hour fire rating from cables a

reqvf red for or associated with any redandant shutdown system.

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1 3.

Prodde one of the following for each of the circuits identified in item 2,. c a bo v e :

j (a) The results of an analysis that dat:4rstrates that failure caused by open, ground, or hot short of cable:; will not affect it's associated shutdown sistem.

  • Note *

(b) Identify each circuit requiring a solution in accordance with



section III.G.3 of Appendix R, or (c ) Identify each circuit meeting or that will be modified to meet the


i recuirements of section III.G.2 of App 6ndix R (i.e., three-hour wall, 20 feet of clear space with automatic fire suppression, or one-hour barrier with automatic fire suppression).

4 To assure compliance with GDC 19, we require the following information be provided for the control room.

If credit is to be taken for an alternate or dedicated shutdom method for other fire areas '(as identified by item 1.e or 3.b above) in accordance with section III.G'.3 'of new Appendix R to 10 CFR Part 50, the following infomation will also be required for each of these plant areas.


A table that lists all equipment including instrumentation and vital a.

support system equipment that are required by the primary cethod of achieving and r.lintaining het and/or cold shutdcwn.

  • NOTE t

Optien 3a is considered to be One method of meeting the recuirements of If option 3a is selected the information recuested.l Section II.G.3 A::endix R.

in items 2a and ' c aoove should be provided in general terms ard tne inicr-n tion recuested by 25 need not be provided.



A table that lists all equipment thgluding instrumentation and vital support system equipment that are required by the alternate, dedicated, or remte method of achieving and r-afntaining hot and/or cold shutdown.

Identify each alternathshutdown equipment listed 13 item 4.b above c.

with essential cables (instrumentation, control, and pcwer) that are located in the fire area containthg the primary shutdown equipment.

Br each e:;uipment listed crovide one of the following:

(1 ) Detailed electrical schematic crawings that show the essential cables that are duplicated elsewhere and-are electrically isolated from the subject fire areas, or i

(2) The results of an analysis that deconstrates that failure (open, ground, or hot short) of each cable identified will not affect the capability to achieve and maintain hot or


cold shutdown.


Provide a table that lists Class 1E and Non-Class 1E cables that are associated with the af ternate, dedicated,or remote r.ethod of shutdown.

For each ite.Ilisted, identify each associated cable located in the fire area containing the petrary shutdown equipment. For each cable so identified provide the results 'of an analysis that demnstrates that failure (open, ground, or Not short) of the associated cable will not adversely affect the al tarr.a te. dedicated.or remote r,ethod of shutdewn.

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. 6 5.

The residual heat removal syst'ed is generally a low pressure system that interfaces with the high pressure priEary coolant system. To preclude a LOCA through this interface, we require compliance with the recommenda-tions of Branch Technical position P.SB 5-1.

Thus, this interface most likely consists of two redundant.and independent motor cperated valves with diverse interlocks in accordance with Branch Technical Position ICSB 3.

These two motor operated valves and their associated cable may be subject to a single fire hazard.

It is our concern that this single fire could cause the two valves to open resulting in a fire-initiated LOCA through the subject high-1cw pressure system interface. To assure that this interface and other high-low pressure interfaces are adequately protected from the effects of a single fire, me require the following informatien:


Identify each high-1cw pressure interface that uses redundant electrically controlled devices (such as two series motor operated velve;} ti isolate or preclude rupture of any primary coolant bounda ry.


Identify each device's essential cabling (pewer and control) and describe the cable routing (by fire area) from source to a#


Identif,r each location where the identified cables are separated c.

by.less than a wall haying a thr2e-hour fire rating fr0m cables for the redundant device.

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For the areas identified in item Sic above (if any) provide the bases and justification as to the', acceptability of the existing design or any prop: sed cedifications.

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