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Requests ECCS Performance Analyses Per AEC 710619 Interim Acceptance Criteria.Should Analyses Show Noncompliance, Program & Schedule for Improvements Must Be Submitted by 720701
Person / Time
Site: Big Rock Point File:Consumers Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/20/1971
From: Morris P
To: Haueter R
NUDOCS 8101260082
Download: ML20126E369 (2)


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JUL 2 01971  ;

Reekst Be. 50-155 I

6 h=====es Power Company ATFN: Mr. Robert L. Hauster Nacisar Management Administrator 212 West Michigan Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 Sentleman.

. On June 19, 1971, the AEC adopted interim acceptance criteria for the performance of emergency core cooling systems (ECCS) for light-water  !

mmelaar power plaats. A espy of the Masion's interia policy state ammt on this matter is enclosed for your information. la accordance  !

with Section IV.C.1(b) of the policy stacament, you are requested to submit analyses of the performance of the ECCS presently installed in Big Rock Point using methods equivalent to the evaluation model in dependix A, Part 2 of the policy statement as soon as practicable, but ,

not later than January 1,1972, to determine' the extent of compliance f with the criteria of Esctions IV.A and 3 of the statement.

h inforestion we need regarding thess. analyses is outlined below.

1. Provide carves of peak clad tangerature and percent elad metal-water reaction as a function of break sisa for the various een Maations-of ECC subsystems evaluated by applying the single failure criterion to the active components involved in the amargency cooling process. '

A discussica should be Lacluded showing the justification for the BCC embsystem combiastions used in the evaluation.  ;

l 2. For several breaks that typify small, intermediate and large breaks, t

, provide curves of (a) peak feel elad temperature for various fuel '

I tod groups within a feel bundle,'(b) eore coolant flow, (e) feel ekammel talet and eetiet quality, (d) best transfer coefficients,- (e) l reseter vessel mater level, and (f) minimum critical hast fluz ratio j (aMXFE), all as functions of time. ladicate the time that ested core  ;

I sooling flow is initiated, the time the fuel chaumal h e wetted based seen item 4 of dppendia A, Part 2, and the time that the temperature transiest is ter=famead. ,

J l 3. Der the smalyses performed in 1 and 2 abere, discuss the range of _

peaking factore studied and the beeis for selecting the soabinatian '

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Consumers Power Company JUL 2 01971 ]

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that resulted in the most severe thermal transient. 01rves of peak  ;

clad temperature vs time for~the range of peaking factors studied j mhould be included.

4. Discuss in detail any deviations in the evaluation model used in the foregoing studies from that described in Appendix A, Part 2 of the  !

Commission's interim policy statement.

In the event these analyses show that the Big Rock Point f acility is not j in compliance with the criteria of Sections IV.A and B, you are requested to submit a program of improvements and a schedule for effecting them prior to July 1, 1974, together with anticipated performance information on the  ;

improved system as indicated in items 1-4 above, as soon as practicabic but not later than July 1, 1972.

I You are requested to make, as soon as practicable, such' interim improve-ments in operating techniques as are practical and worthwhile in improving ,

emergency core cooling system performance or reliability. Please inform us of any such actions taken. In addition, in accordance with Items IV.C.1(b)(3) and (4) of the statement, you are requested to submit a proposed augmented inservice inspection program to provide additional -

assurance of continued primary coolant system integrity, to propose . l appropriate additions to your primary system leakage detection system to provide at least two different methods of detection, and to propose technical specifications that reduce allowable rates of identified and unidentified leakage to the lowest practical values. These interim measures should be offected promptly and reported to the AEC not later than October 1, 1971.  !

When each of the information items requested has been prepared, please send rs 60 copies. Ynen we have completed our review of this information for the Big Rock Point ECCS, we will contact you regarding the results of our evaluation.

Be g DISTRIBUTION Sincerely, Suppi WDooly, DR Original Signed by Silanauer EGCase DR Reading REngelken, CO (2) Feier A. Morris FSchroeder RRMaccary DRL Reading HKShapar, OGC RSBoyd DRS/DRL Branch Peter A. Morris, Director DJSkovholt PDR RHVo11mer DLZiemann Division of Reactor Licensing ACRS 3 1 JJShea - RMDiggs  :

Baclosures AEC Interim Policy Statement i

cc: George F. Trowbridge, Esquire  ;

Shaw, Pittman, Potts, Trowbridge and Madden  !

910 - 17th Street, N. W. l


Washington, D. C. 20006


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SUMMME > . .. ... meg;,Qg,,,,,DLZiemann _DJS ,ho,1 t ,, FSchroeder_ PA ris ,_

7N DATT > 7.[. .7.1.. . . . 7.[].>Y71 . 7[. ../.71... . . .7/ /71- .2 [.7.1. . ... . . . .


  • u e oovinwee.1 pnwvmo onct i st t s t e .4e ,

Form AEC-SIS (Rev. 9-53) AECM 0240

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