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Monthly Operating Rept for Dec 1982
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/11/1983
From: Bahr J, Jeanette Curry, Eich E
Shared Package
ML20072B027 List:
NUDOCS 8301250128
Download: ML20072B026 (5)


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P OPERATING DATA REPORT H OCKET NO. 50-?A7 DATE 1 - d- A ~t COSIPLETED BY F P4ch TELEPilONE (911)525-5155 OPERATING 5 f ATUS N08'5 Indiani point finit No. 2 Initial criticality for

1. Unit Name: Cycle 6 was acheived on
2. Reporting Period:

December 19R2

  • 2758 December 29, 1982. At the en<1
3. Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 1013 of the report period, pre-
4. Namepbte Rating 1 Gross MWe): parations for returning the
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 8. 7_3 * **#*


  • ".ndemay _
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe):
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):


8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report.Give Reasons:
9. Power Lesel To bhich Restricted.If Any (Net MWe):
10. Reasons For Restrictions.If Any: , ,

P r

t This Month Cumulative ,

744 8760 74545 ,

11. Ilours in Reporting Period

- _ 62.50 5836.15 48157.68

12. Number 0f Hours Reactor was Critica, 1578.51 0 51.08
13. Reactor Resene Shutdown Hours 0 5778.30 46839.30
14. Hours Generater on-Line 0 0 0
15. Unit Resene Shutdown Hours
16. Gross Thennal Energy Generated (MWH) 0 19122101 121436676 -

l 0 4663410 37502726

17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) . _ . . . .


-7434 4447401 I IS. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) U 65.4 62.8

19. Unit Senice factor D 65.4 52.8 -

i 20. Unit Availability Factor

  • 0 59.3 55.B
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Neti _

54.9 0 58.2

22. Unit Capacity FactorlU>ing DER Neti 7.3 9.8 0
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Oser Nest 6 Months (Type.Date,and Duration of Eacht:

Unit presently shutdown for refueling and maintenance.

1 B 'l j 25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:

! 2ti. Units in Test Status (Prior io Commercial Operationi: Forecast Achiesed i INill \L CRITICALITY INill \l.11.I'C I RiflI Y N/A CO\lMI'RCI \1 OPl R AIlON \ \

i ~

l 8301250120 B'30115 08/DI DR ADOCK 05000247 l l PDR _



50-247 I.P. Unit No. 2 UNIT DATE l-4-83

. COMPLETED BY E. F. Eich TELEPilONE (914)526-5155 MONTH n oc om bn r. 19g7 ,


(MWe Net) (MWe Neil

' O 17 0 0

~ 18 0

' 19 0 4

0 0 20 0

21 0 6 0 0 22

- 0 0 23 8 0 0 24 9

0 25 10 0 0 26 33 0

27 f 0 12 28 0-

' 29 0 14 0 0 .

30 0 0 IS 31 0

i 16 INSTRUCTIONS On t!.is tiirmat.hst the aserage d,a y unit pimer lesel m MWe Net tiir each day in the rerotting inanih. Compute to i the nearest whole megawatt.


UNil Siltrit)OhNS AND POWER MEDUCllONS I#UMI I NO- "O-2A7 UNII N AML T_p rtn i +- A2 DYIE 1./.4/.e 3 DFCEMBFR 198& COMPLETED BY 3, ,, gich REPOR T MONTil "IELEPHONE (ni4)5;; ;;33

-, E 3 Yk Licensee h h S.4?

Cause & Correstise N" - 11830 i 3i f. 5sE Event ti ?

N0 Action to

$E E Report # 50 Present Recurrence Te e dj =g v Q

8 820918 8 744 C 1 ZZ ZZZZZZ Refueling an'd' Maintenance Outaae WA


continued from September.

i i

1 2 3 4 F: I%ced Reason: Method: Exhibit G -Instructinrn S: Scheduled A-l'quipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual for Picparation i.I D.sta B. Maintenance of Test 2-Manual Scram. Entry Shecis f or I.icensee C. Refueling 3 Automatic Scram. Event Report II.I.RI Fih t St:RI G.

D-Regulator) Restriction 4-Other (Explain) 01611 E-Operator Training & License Examination F-Administ rative . 5 G-Operational Error (Explain) Exhibit I - Same Source l c8/77) Il-Other (Esplain) ,,

1 l

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L 3

4 o


OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE Docket No. 50-247 Date: 1/6/83 Completed by: J. Curry Telephone No. (914) 526-5235 At the beginning of the December report period, India Point Unit No. 2 was in the cold shutdown condition for the Cycle 5/6 refueling and maintenance outage.

The following significant outage tasks were addressed during the period.

o Tensioning of the reactor vessel studs was completed on December 5.

o The connection of the piping to the new moisture separator reheater tube bundles was completed. Reassembly of the high and low pressure turbines and connection of associated piping were completed.

o The containment equipment hatch was reinstalled. Calibration ' and the placing into service of the new digital metal impact monitoring system were completed.

o Modification of the reactor vessel head vent was completed.

o Prerequisites for leaving the cold shutdown condition were completed. A successful reactor coolant system hydrostatic test (performed at 340 0F and 2385 psig) was completed on December 22.

o Control rod drop tests and a control rod position indication system calibration were performed.

o Steam generator secondary safety valve settings were verified.

o On December 29, the containment building was closed and control rods withdrawn to their " full out" position. Boron dilution to critical conditions was completed December 29 with a measured boron concentration of 1398 ppm.

o The low power physics test program was completed on December 30.

At the close of the report period, steam was introduced to the secondary side and the turbine rolled in preparation for returning Unit 2 to service.

Docket No. 50-247 Date 1/11/83 Completed by J. Bahr December, 1982 Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance Indian Point Unit No. 2 Date Component MWR Malfunction Corrective Action 7/18/82 Feedwater control 3386 & 3387 Nos. 23 and 22 Replace failed Valves FCV-437, Feedwater Reg- activator bolting 427 gulating Valves activator failure 7/23/82 No. 21 Diesel 3221 Low fuel oil Regulator adjusted Generator pressure on No. 21 Diesel Generator 8/12/82 No. 24 Service 3815 Pump failed New pump installed Water Pump surveillance test 8/14/82 No. 26 Fan Cooler 4107 0.3GPM leak Two hoses replaced Unit Motor Cooler on hose to-motor cooler i

8/6/82 No. 22 Charging 3803 Head flange Replaced No. 4 Pump gasket leak cylinder cover on No. 4 piston gasket from motor 8/11/82 No. 22 Auxiliary 3960 Leak in cooling Tightened loose Boiler Feed Pump line fitting

8/15/82 Nos. 25 and 23 4153 and Leak in hoses Hoses replaced Fan Cooler Units 4154 to motor coolers Motor Coolers

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