ML20059E946 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Indian Point ![]() |
Issue date: | 08/31/1990 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML100331486 | List: |
References | |
WCAP-12688, WCAP-12688-R02, WCAP-12688-R2, NUDOCS 9009110030 | |
Download: ML20059E946 (15) | |
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This nonproprietary report bears a Westinghouse copyright notice. The NRC is permitted to make the number of copies of this report necessary for its internal use and such additional copies which are necessa.y in order to have e
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Copies of this report or portions thereof made by the NRC must include the copyright notice.
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Introduction The initial assessment for Indian Point #2 small radius tube fr.tigue was performed in 1987 (Reference 1).
The Indian Point #2 tube fatigue evaluation was later revised for changes in operating conditions associated with power uprating, (References 2 and 3).
This revision was based on Anti-Vibration Bar (AVB) maps from the 1987 evaluation.
The initial evaluation made in Reference 1 identified two tubes which required action.
The evaluation for operation at uprated conditions identified four more tubes which required action to support long term operation at the uprated condition.
The NRC has requested that Westinghouse re-evaluate the AVB positions and associated flow peaking factors for all steam generators evaluated prior to 1989.
Indian Point #2 is included in this set since the evaluation was performed in late 1987 and early 1988.
In addition, the presence of extensive copper deposits on the tubes complicated the identification of AVB positions from eddy current data.
Initial efforts using projections of AVB depths from outer rows (typically Row 15 and higher) were undertaken by EPRI in their review of eddy current data from Indian Point #2 steam generators 22 and 24, (Reference 1).
This was done to avoid the copper deposits which typically were more prevalent on the smaller radius tubes.
Ja,c For both these reasons, the effort described here to remap the AVB positions in all four Indian Point 42 steam generators and perform the related flow peaking factor, tube vibration, and tube fatigue analysis has been undertaken.
Eddy Current Data Interpretation and AVB Position Mapping The eddy current data taken during the 1984 Refueling Outage of steam gr. trators 22 and 24 which were reviewed by EPRI have been completely re-reviewed by Westinghouse eddy current specialists.
This review took advantage of recently developed techniques to aid in distinguishing eddy current signals due to AVDs from signals due to co-'er deposits on the tubes.
The eddy current data from all four steam generators were entered into projection programs and the AVB positions were projected from each tube which had eddy current data.
The projections were examined row by row [
l Ja,c In some cases the data were sparse and good data from higher rows were not available.
In those cases, only the [
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la,c the AVB projections made from the inner rcWs (Rows 9-13) went deeper than projections made from outer rows (Row 15 and above).
In the original evaluatio.. (Reference 1) the projections were based on [
}a,c The AVB iccation maps for *.he four steam generators are shown in Figures 1 thru 4.
It should be not63 from the map of S/G 24 (Figure 4) that the four tubes (R9C65, R10C71, R11C45, and R11C46) which had been identified in References 2 and 3 as requiring preventive action prior to operating at the uprated power are shown to be supported (R9C65 and R10C71) or as not being flow peaked (R11C45 and R11C46) on the new map.
Thus, they do not now require any preventive action.
Allowable and Actual Flow Peaking Ratios at the Uprated Power Condition The analytical methods used to evaluate the susceptibility to vibration induced fatigue of the small radius U-bend tubes are the same as those used in the original and uprated analyses (References 1, 2, and 3) and the detailed description of the methods will not be repeated here, The AVB insertion maps (Figures 1 thru 4) were used tn determine flow peaking factors and all unsupported tubes having flow peaking factors greater tnan 1.0 are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 also lists the type of AVB insertion pattern attributed to each tube with a peaking f actor greater than 1.0.
The AVB insertion patterns and associated flow peaking factors and peaking ratios are shown in Figure 5.
The peaking ratio is the peaking factor divided by the peaking factor for North Anna R9C51.
The results of the thermal hydraulic and tube stability evaluation are given in a slightly different form than in the previous analyses of Indian Point #2.
The maximum allowable peaking ratio (the peaking ratio which causes the stress ratio to be unity after operation over the design basis period) is given in Figure 6 as a function of tube row and column. The maximum allowable peaking ratio is also given in the last column of Table 1 for the tubes included in that table.
Inspection of the last two columns of Table 1 shows that the following tubes have peaking ratios large enough to cause the stress ratio to be greater than unity and thus may require preventive action prior to operation at the uprated power condition.
t gnsueeerted tuben With 9 tress natiqL_ Greater thnn Unitv at the Derated Power conditlen S/G 21 No tubes S/G 22 No tubes S/G 23 R11C48 S/G 24 No tubes 2
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l Operation Over the current Cycle and Future Uprated Cycles The operatirt ?onditions for the current cycle, which started on June 23, 1990, are saown in Table 2 and are more limiting than the original conditions considered in Ref erence 1 and less limiting than the uprated conditions considered in Reterences 2 and 3.
Therefore the tube listed above, which would have a stress ratio greater than unity operating at the uprated conditions, has beca evaluated for the design basis period of the plant with the historical operating conditions through February 2990, current cycle t
conditions from June 1990 to February 1991, and uprated values after February 1991.
Conclusions All but one tube in the four steam generators at Indian Point Unit 2 could operate for the design basis operating period without exceeding the tube fatigue crite_:sn.
This tube, SG-23 R11C48, however, does meet the criteria for design basis operation at the current cycle conditions through the end of the current cycle.
Therefore no action is required prior to the end of the current operating cycle. However, tube SG-23 R11C48 should receive preventive action at the end of the current cycle.
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Table 1 Velocity Peaking Factors and Peaking Ratios for Indian Point 2 U-Bend riow
-- Original AVBs for Indian Point 2 --
Type Allowable Steam Row Col.
of AVB Peaking Peaking Peaking Cana rmt er h
h Tnmar+ien Fneter h
21 9
65, 64 a,e 10 77 70 34 20 12, 11 11 86 22 9
84 10 87 78 74 68 65, 64 14 11 88 23 9
61, 60 10 81 53 37 11 48
3 i
24 8
73 64 33 28 9
38 10 10 54 6
11 51, 50 44 2
Based upon uprated conditions, t Exceeds allowable flow peaking (but does not exceed 1.0 fatigue usage factor during current cycle).
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a Table 2 Indian Point #2 Steam Generator Operating Conditions Used as Input for ATHos Analysis
Current original Uprated Cycle ouantiev vainal Xalual Y.Alus2 Thermal Power (Mwt) 694 770.8 754 Primary Flowrate (GPM) 89,700 89,100 92,600 Primary Inlet Temp. (*F) 579 591.4 586.7 Primary Outlet Temp ('F) 525 525.3 531 Feedwater Flow (1bm/hr) 2.93x106 3,31x106 3.23x106 Feedwater Temp. ('F) 416 430 424 Outlet Nozzle Steam Press. (psia) 690 641 735 Circulation Ratio
- 1. Data taken from Reference 3.
- 2. Data as per Reference 5.
These data apply to the cycle starting June 23, 1990, and running to February, 1991.
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- 1. Indian Peint Unit 2 Evaluatien for Tube Vibration Induced Patigue.
WCAP-11611, May 1988 2 connel! dated Edimen co. of New York. Inc. Indian Point Unit 2 3093.4 Mwt stretch natine Eneineerine Renert, WCAP-12187, March 1989
- 3. Tran*mit t al ef T/H and rTV Renere for Tpr DcRP Pamoval. NSD-SGT-SM-9074, May 24, 1989
- 4. WEAP-11911 - clariffentiona en TPP Tube Vibration Induced Patigue. IPP 90-513, January 17, 1990
- 5. Indian point #2 Ranifax Tranem4ttai dated Julv 17. 1990. 4,22 pm i
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I r l I o. TYPE OF AVB PEAKING TYPE OF AVB PEAKING INSERTION FACTOR INSERTION FACTOR -a,c .,,e i e i 1 3 i i I t L e Figure 5 Final Peaking Factor for Indian'. Point-2 ( .I
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