IR 05000413/1980010

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IE Insp Repts 50-413/80-10 & 50-414/80-10 on 800527-30. Noncompliance Noted:Undersized Fillet Weld
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/20/1980
From: Coley J, Herdt A, Kleinsorge W
Shared Package
ML19338D977 List:
50-413-80-10, 50-414-80-10, NUDOCS 8009240313
Download: ML19338E004 (10)











a REGION 11 o

101 MARIETTA ST., N.W., sulTE 3100


- ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 Report Nos. 50-413/80-10 and 50-414/80-10 Licensee: Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Facility Name: Catawba Nuclear Station

Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414 License Nos. CPPR-116 and CPPR-117 Inspection at e

li i South Carolina l





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//BfKleinso Date Signed

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Date Signed


Approved by

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gi A. Rf perdt, Section Chief, RCES Branch Date Signed



SUMMARY Inspection on May 27-30, 1980 Areas Inspected This routine, unannounced inspection involved 53 inspector-hours on site in the areas of reactor coolant pressure boundary piping (Units 1 and 2), safety-related piping (Units I and 2), containment (Structural steel welding) - observation of work and work activities (Unit 2), and safety-related pipe supports (Unit 2).

Results Of the four areas inspected, no items of noncompliance or deviations were identified in three areas; one item of noncompliance was found in one area (Infraction -

" Undersize Fillet Weld" paragraph 9).

8009240 3/$











Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • D. L'. Freeze,, Project Engineer
  • R. A. Morgan, Senior QA Engineer R.' G.; Rouse, QA Technician.
  • J. C. Shropshire, QA Engineer (QAE) Mechanical, Welding


  • S. W. Dressler, Senior Construction Engineer
  • L. R. Davison, Senior QC Engineer H. L. Atkins,.QA-Other licensee employees contacted included seven construction craftsmen, two technicians, and four engineers.

Other Organizations Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company


  • C. F. Toegel, Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI)


J. W. Kosko, ANI.

NRC Resident Inspector

  • G. F. Maxwell
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview


The inspection scope and findings were summarized on May 30, 1980 with


those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above. The inspector identified the areas inspected and discussed in detail the item of noncompliance and the unresolved item. No dissenting comments were received from the licensee.


Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings


(Closed) Infraction 413/79-23-01:

" Failure to Establish Adequate Measures for Handling and Storage of Equipment and Materials".

Duke letter of.

response dated May 20, 1980 has-been reviewed and determined to be accept-


able by Region-II. The inspectors held discussions with the project engineer l

and examined the' corrective actions as stated in the letter of response.

The inspectors. concluded that Duke had determined the full extent of the subject noncompliance, performed the necessary survey and follow-up actions to correct the present conditions and developed the necessary corrective actions to-preclude recurrence of similar circumstances. The corrective actions identified in the letter of response have been implemented.

l l

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. (Closed) Unresolved Item 413/79-23-02, 414/79-23-01:

"High Temperature

- Oven Calibration". The inspector determined that the high temperature oven thermostats and recording devices are at the date of ' this inspection, I

within the tolerance specified in Duke Construction Procedure ~CP-39,

- " Reconditioning of Low Hydrogen Coated Electrodes". The inspectors reviewed Revision 5 to the above procedure, which incorporates a monthly temperature verification, and found it acceptable. This item is considered closed.


Unresolved Item


Unresolved items. are matters about which more information is required to determine whether they are acceptable or may involve noncompliance or



New unresolved items identified during this inspection are l

discussed in paragraph Sb.


Independent Inspection Effort l


Construction Activities -

i (Units 1 & 2)


The -inspectors conducted a general inspection of the Unit I and 2 containments, auxiliary building, fuel building, pipe fabrication shop



and electrode issue station to observe construction progress and construction activities such as welding,. material handling and control, l

housekeeping and storage.


Base Material Repairs (Units 1 & 2)


The inspectors had a-discussion with ANI J. W. Kesko relative to weld


repairs to pipe af ter the-cut out of a socket welded joint, where the :

i pipe wall is partally. cut. -The ANI was concerned about the licensees

j policy for inspection and documentation of such repairs. As a result of the above discussion, the inspectors reviewed Duke Construction


procedure CP-123 " Repair of ASME Class 1.2 and 3 Weld Preparations".

The inspectors noted that prior to the issue of Revision 5 to CP-123, the licensee has no limit on the depth of repair cavity (or remaining l'

pipe wall thickness) that could be ~ repaired concurrently with the


rewelding of a ~ socket weld joint. Revision 5 to CP-123 incorporates-the repair. cavity depth limits of ASME Section III subsubarticles NB-4130,.NC-4130 and ND-4130. The inspectors concerns are that repairs-made' prior to the issue of CP-123 Revision 5 could have been made on -

. pipe with.'a remaining wallfthickness below-the qualified thickness


rang' ', of the welding procedure, or the welder's qualification.

In e


. addition for, thin J remaining wall thickness repairs, unacceptable I. D. nurface conditions - may have resulted.

Because repair depth-records were not maintained by the licensee, it could not - be deter-mined _ ' at the time of this inspection whether' the above conditions exist ~. or the requirements, of - NB-4130, NC-4130 and ND-4130 were satisfied. - The licensee indicated that they would look -further into the matter. The inspectors stated that the above would be an unresolved

_ item no, 413-414/80-10-02: " Base Material Repairs".




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-6 In the areas examined, no items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping (Units 1 & 2)

The inspectors observed non-welding and welding work activities for reactor


coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) piping. The applicable code for installation of RCPB piping is the ASME B and PV code, 1974 edition plus addenda through summer 1974.

Observation of Non Welding Activities a.

Observation of specific work activities were conducted to determine

conformance, where applicable, with the following; inspection and/or work procedures, record keeping, installation specifications or plans, specified materials, specified materials, specified NDE, calibration and use of proper test equipment and qualified inspection and NDE personnel.


Activity System or Component Procedure


Storage Pipe & Fittings QAP P-3 Rev.10 Receiving Pipe & Fittings QAP P-1 Rev.19 Inspection-b.

Observation of Welding Activities The inspectors observed field welding of reactor coolant pressure boundary piping at various stages of seld completion.

(1) The inspectors examined weld joint fitup prior to welding, to determine whether weld identification / location, joint preparation and. alignment, evidence of QC verification meet applicable proce-


dures. The following weld joints were examined:

Joint No.

Unit No.

Isometric Size System NI-307-11

1-NI-307 12"x1.125" Safety Injection NI-307-7

1-NI-307 12"x1.125" Safety Injection NI-63-3

2-NI-63 10"x1.000" Safety Injection (2) The inspectors examincd weld joints where the root pass (only)

had been completed to determined; weld / welder identification,

-qualified welder / weld procedure, physical appearance of weld and evidence of QC - verification.

The following weld joints were examined.




o m

















Joint No.

Unit No.

Isometric Size

' System NC-46-23-

-1-NC-4e 4"x0.531" Reactor Coolant i



~4"x0.531" Reactor Coolant (3) The inspectors examined weld joints of pipe to pipe / fitting (PPF)

and pipe to component (PC) where welding-was beyond the root pass to determine; weld / welder identification, qualified welder / weld procedure, periodic checks of welding variable, use of specified-


weld material, proper interpass temperature and where applicable pre-heat and post-weld heat treatment and physical appearance of weld - (e.g.. starts, stops, undercut and surface imperfections).

The following weld joints were examined.

Joint No.

Unit No.

Isometric Size Systet


1-NC-46 4"x0.531" Reactor

Coolant NI-63-5

2-NC-63 10"x1.000" Safety Injection




(4) The inspectors examined the following welds and wcld radiographs I

where nondestructive testing (NDE) was completed to determine; surface s.uitability, specified NDE being performed and with

qualified personnel:


l Joint No.

-Unit No.

Isometric Size System i

i l


1-NC-22 31"x2.69" Reactor


Coolant i

i NC-23-5

1-NC-23 31"x2.69" Reactor Coolant NC-24-8

1-NC-24 27.5"x2.42" Reactor I

Coolant NC-25-1

1-NC-25 29"x2.35" Reactor l



(5) The inspectors observed activities at weld material issue stations to determine adequacy.of; weld material storage / segregation, oven I

temperatures, issue records and return of unused weld material.

- Also observed work areas for uncontrolled weld material.


Within the areas examined, there were no items of noncompliance or deviations






















' Safety-Related Piping Observation'of Work and Work Activities (Units 1 & 2)

The inspectors observed non-welding and welding work activities for safety-related piping outside of the reactor coolant boundary. For-the applicable code see paragraph-6.


Observation of Non Welding Activities (1)

(Units 1 & 2) Observation of specific work activities were conducted to determine conformance, where applicable, with the following; inspection.and/or work procedures, record keeping, installation specifications or plans, specified materials, specified NDE, calibration and use of proper test equipment and qualified inspec-l tion and NDE personnel:


Activity System or Component Procedure t'

Storage Pipe Fittings &

QAP P-3 Rev. 10 Piping assemblies Receiving Pipe & Fittings QAP P-1 Rev. 19 Inspection l


(Unit 1) The following piping " runs" were inspected for compliance


with installation specifications ~ and plans:

s From (Weld No.)

To(Weld No.)

Plan l



11 1 RN-406



/' -

12 1 RN-406

6 1 RN-405

11 1 KC-239 1-

1 KC-240 b.

Observation of Welding Activities (Unit 1 & 2)

i g

The inspectors observed field welding of safety-related piping outside


the reactor coolant pressure boundary at various states of weld comple-tion.

(1) The inspectors examined weld joint fitup, prior to welding, to determine whether weld. identification / location, joint preparation and alignment, evidence of QC verification meet applicable proce-



dures. The following weld joints were examined:

Joint No.

Unit No.

Isometric Size System f


2-CA-17 8"x0.906" Auxiliary j





h4 i














1-NS-82 8"x0.322" Containment Spray NS-82-17A

1-NS-82 8"x0.322 Containment Spray CA-126-3

1-CA-126 4"x0.531 Auxiliary Feedwater KC-134-9

2-KC-134 3/4" to 4" Component Cooling (2) The inspectors examined weld joints where the root pass (only)

had been completed to determine; weld / welder identification, qualified welder / weld procedure, physical appearance of weld and evidence of QC verification.

The following weld joints were examined:

Joint No.

Unit No.

Isometric Size System NI-79-15

2-NI-79 4"x0.531" Safety Injection NI-79-16

2-NI-79 4"x0.531" Safety Injection NI-27-2

2-NI-27 8"x0.250" Safety Injection


(3) The inspectors examined weld joints of pipe to pipe / fitting (PPF)

and pipe to components (PC) where welding was beyond the root pass to determine; weld / welder identification, qualified welder /

weld procedure, periodic checks of welding variables, use of specified weld material, proper interpass temperature and where applicable pre-heat and post-weld heat treatment and physical appearance of weld (e.g.

starts, stops, undercut and surface imperfections). The following joints were examined:

Joint No.

Unit No.

Isometric Size System NI-81-2

2-NI-81 4"x0.531" Safety Injection NI-79-15

2-NI-79 4"x0.531" Safety Injection NV-149-5

1-NV-149 10"x1.000" Chemical &

Volume Control J


.. +..



,c -









2-KC-152 8"x0.322 Component Cooling KC-134-4

2-KC-134 4"x0.237" Component Cooling (4) The inspectors examined the following welds where non-destructive testing-(NDE) was in progress to determine; surface suitability, specified NDE being performed and with qualified personnel:

Joint No.

Unit No.

Isometric Size System KD-17-4

1-KD-17 10"x0.365 Diesel Generator


Engine L

Cooling Water

  • CA-66-16

1-CA-66 6"x0.432 Auxiliary Feedwater

  • NB-9-5

1-NB-9 4"x0.237" Boron Recycle

  • NV-309-2

1-NV-309 3"x0.438" Chemical &


l Volume l


  • SM-1-1

1-SM-1 54x1.094 Main Steam

  • KC-132-3

2-KC-132 4"x0.237" Component




  • KC-117-3

2-KC-117 4"x.237" Component Cooling l

  • NV-52 11

2-NV-52 3"x.437" Chemical &

i Volume i

Control i

  • NV-52-3

2-NV-52 3"x.437" Chemical &

Volume l



- * Inspection made by examination of weld joints and completed radiographs.

(5) The inspectors observed activities at weld material issue stations


to determine. adequacy of; weld material storage / segregation, oven temperatures, issue. records and return of unused weld material.

Also observed work areas for uncontrolled weld ma terial.





.,- r







Within the areas examined, there were no items of noncompliance or deviations identified.


Containment (Structural Steel Welding) - Observation of Work and Work Activities (Unit 2)

The inspectors observed field welding activities associated with. steel containment structures and steel supports for major equipment within the containment at various stages of weld completion. The applicable code for containment structural welding is the ASME B and PV code, 1971 edition plus addenda through Summer 1972.


The inspectors observed welding activities where joint fitup and alignment were complete (but welding had not been started) to determine conformance with applicable specifications and procedures in the areas of:

weld identification, joint fitup and alignment and evidence of QC verification.

Structure / Support Weld No.

-Weld Type


Containment P-2-10B Butt Containment P-2-24B Butt Containment P-2-26B Butt-b.

The inspectors observed welding activities where welding was in progress to determine conformance with specifications and procedures in the of; weld identification, specified weld procedures, qualified arear welders, specified weld material, specified purge (if applicable);

repair procedures, specified NDE being performed and periodic checks of welding variables.

Structures / Support Weld No'.

Weld Type Containment P-2-4B Butt Containment P-2-11B Butt The inspectors observed activities at weld material issue stations to c.

determine adequacy of; weld material storage / segregation, oven tempera-tures, issue records and return of unused weld material. Also observed work areas for uncontrolled weld material.


During observation of welding activities there did appear to be a sufficient number of qualified inspection personnel at the work site.

Within the areas examined, there were no items of noncompliance or deviations














Safety-Related Pipe Supports (Unit 1)

The inspectors examined safety-related pipe supports outside of the contain-ment to ascertain whether the following characteristics conform to the applicable codes and construction specifications.

Weld location, length,_ size and shape.


Weld surface finish and appearance.


Transitions between components of different wall thickness.


Weld reinforcement - height and appearance.


Joint configurations of permanent attachments and structural supports.


Removal of temporary attachments, arc strikes and weld spatter.


Finish grinding or machining of weld surface


surface finish and



absence of wall thinning.

Surface defects - cra'cks, laps, lack of penetration, lack of fusion,


porosity, slag, oxide film and under cut exceeding prescribed limits.

The following supports were examined:

i Support No.

Applicable Code



'AWS D1.1-1975 1-ARN-3839 AWS DI.1-1975 1-AKC-3590 ASE III Summer 1976 (NF)

1-ANR-3149 AWS D1.1-1975


1-RRN-238-1 ASE III Summer 1976 (NF)

1-ANV-3726 AWS DI.1-1975 1-RRN-338 ASE III Summer 1976 (NF) and AWS D1.1-1975 On May 29, 1980, the inspectors noted that for completed and accepted pipe support 1-ARN-3839, which supports a ASE Class 3 pipe line, a portion of the fabrication fillet weld was undersize. The fillet weld leg in one area was less than 1/4-inch. The above is contrary to the requirements of Duke pipe support drawing No. CN-AA-131 Revision 6 which requires a 5/16-inch minimum fillet weld leg. size for the above support. Therefore the welder did not_ deposit an adequate size fillet weld and the inspector did not examine in this area. Failure to accomplish activities affecting quality in-accordance with drawings, is in noncompliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V. This is an infraction and is assigned item No. 413/80-10-01:

" Undersize Fillet Weld".
