IR 05000414/1997008

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Notice of Deviation from Insp on 971012-1122.Deviation Noted:On 971020,licensee Had Not Performed Alarm Set Point Adjustment Evaluation Discussed in Violation 50-414/97-08-01
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/19/1997
Shared Package
ML20197F239 List:
50-413-97-14, 50-414-97-08, 50-414-97-14, 50-414-97-8, NUDOCS 9712300172
Download: ML20197F266 (2)


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NOTICE OF DEVIATION Duke Energy Corporation Docket Nos. 50-413. 50 414 Catawba Nuclear Station License Nos. NPF 35. NPF 52 During an NRC inspection conducted from October M to November 22, 1997, a deviation from NRC comitments was identified, in accordance with the

" General Statement of Policy and Procedures for NRC Enforcement Actions."

NOREG 1600 the deviation is listed below:

Licensee Event Report (LER) 50 414/95 01 documented that a preventive maintenance (Pil) program would be developed to periodicaily monitor E-max model number USC156 and 175C157 energized digital optical isolators '

in critical application The licensee's response to Violation 50 413.414/97 08 01 dated July 2 , stated, in part that the licensee would evaluate the possibility of raising the low nitrogen pre'sure alarm set point for the main feedwater isolation valves to provide more margin between the set point and the operability limit. The response further stated that this comitment would be completed by September 30. 199 Contrary to the above, these comitments were not met in that: On A)ril 29. 1997, a change to the LER 50 414/95 01 comitment to esta)lish a PM program was made in the licensee's Problem Investigation Process Report 2 C95 0246. which tracked the LER actions. The comitment change involved implementing a PH program to replace E max model number 175C156 and 175C157 energized digital optical isolatcrs in critical applications on 12-year intervals rather than to periodically monitor their performanc The NRC was not notified of this comitment chang . As of October 20. 1997, the licensee had not performed the alarm set point adjustment evaluation discussed in violation 50-413.414/97 08 01. This was discovered after a nitrogen leak on that date resulted in main feedwater isolation valve 2CF-33 becoming inoperable and generating an alarm in the control roo The NRC was not notified of a delay in the comitment implementation dat Please provide to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission. ATIN: Document Control Desk. Washington, D.C. 20555. with a copy to the Regional Administrator Region II. and a copy to the NRC Resident inspector at the Catawba Nuclear Station, in writing within 30 days of the date of this Notic (1) the reason for the deviation, or if contested, the basis for disputing the deviation. (2) the corrective steps that have been taken and the results Enclosure 2 MS >bN Nof>oI13 g &,, , , %-


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i Notice of Deviation 2 i i achieved. (3) the corrective steps that will be taken to avoid further i deviations. and (4) the date when your_ corrective action will be complete j


Where good cause is shown, consideration will be given to extending the


response tim '!

Dated at Atlanta. Georgia l this 19th day of December 199 l





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Enclosure 2




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