IR 05000413/1980015

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IE Insp Repts 50-413/80-15 & 50-414/80-15 on 800630-0703. Noncompliance Noted:Failure to Document QC Welding Surveillance
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/25/1980
From: Herdt A, Vandoorn P
Shared Package
ML19338D985 List:
50-413-80-15, 50-414-80-15, NUDOCS 8009240320
Download: ML19338E011 (6)






  1. o




n REGION 11 y a y


101 MARIETTA ST., N.W., SUITE 3100 g -

ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 4.....



R'eport Nos. 50-413/80-15 and 50-414/80-15'

Licensee: Duke Power Company

422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Facility Name: Catawba Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414 -

License Nos. CPPR-116 and'CPPR-117


Inspection at Catawba site near Rock Hill, South Carolina

~7!d2 Po Inspector:




i P. 1C..VanDoorn /


Date S'igned i


b 7!?I [O Approved by:


A. R. Herdt,lection Chief, RCES Br$ich -

Da'te Signed SUMMARY Inspection on June 30 thru July 3,1980 i

Areas Inspected i

This routine, unannounced inspection involved 26 inspector-hours on site in the

areas of containment structural; steel welding - observation of work; safety-


related piping - observation of welding and non-welding work; reactor coolant pressure boundary piping welding - observation of work; followup of inspector identified items; and followup of a licensee identified item.


Results Of the five areas inspected,.no items of noncompliance or deviations were identified in four areas; one' item of noncompliance was found in one area. (Deficiency -

Failure to document QC welding surveillance paragraph 7).

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i 1.

. Persons Contacted


Licensee Employees

  • D. G. Beam, Project Manager l
  • D. L. Freeze, Proje'ct Engineer l


  • R. A. Morgan, Senior QA Engineer


  • L. R. Davison, Senior QC Engineer l


  • S. W. Dressler, Construction Engineer



  • S. R. Loflin, QA Audit Division l
  • J. M. Frye, QA Audit Division


l-R. G. Rouse, QA Staff R. D. Blackwelder, QA Staff J. E. Cavender, Level III Examiner Other licensee employees contacted included ten construction craftsmen, two l

l technicians, and three office personnel.





l NRC Resident Inspector


t (

  • G. F. Maxwell
  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview j

The. inspection scope and findings were summarized ou July 3, 1980 with those persons indicated in Paragraph I above. The unresolved items and noncompliance described in paragraph 7 were discussed in detail.


Licensee Action on. Previous Inspection Findings a.

(Closed) Unresolved item 50-415,-414/80-02-02, Linear indications in SWEPCO fabricated SA-312 stainless pipe. This item concerns the fact that linear indications - were noted in longitudinal seam welds upon



radiography (RT) of site perf armed circumferential welds. Duke has


repaired the previously ident.ified defects. The inspector verified b

this by review of' radiographs and welding documentation. This piping


l is within the scope of NRC:IE Bulletin 79-03A. Therefore, the generic l-aspects of this item will be inspected during followup of the bulletin.


. Duke response to this bulletin is due August 1,1980.

l b.

(Closed) Deficiency.50-413/80-06-01, Failure to provide identificable



I heat number on weld-record. Duke actions concerning this item have l

included correction of :the questioned document and retraining of all l

l personnel involved with weld records.

The inspector verified this

. action by reviewing:the ~orrected record and reviewing the documenta-c

tion'of retraining.- These-actions are considered satisfactory.















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-2-t c.

(Open) Unresolved Item 50-413, 414/80-10-02 Base material repairs. It was determined that evaluation concerning previously performed repairs


is still in progress and, therefore, this item remains open.


Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more inform tion is required to determine whether they are acceptable or may involve noncompliance or deviations.

New unresolved items identified during this inspection are discussed in paragraph 7.


Independent Inspection Effort (Units 1 & 2)


The inspector conducted a general inspection of the containments, auxiliary buildings and piping fabrication areas to observe construc-tion progress and construction activities such as welding, material handling and control, housekeeping and storage. During this inspection the inspector observed Unit I steam generator lower lateral repair weld No. L1-GT of Dwg. CNF01438.31-34 in progress for conformance to procedure requirements.

I b.

The inspector observed radiographic film of welds of vendor supplied parts for conformance to Code (ASME, 74S74) requirements in the areas l

of penetrameters used, penetrameter placement, sensitivity level


obtained, density requirements, location markers, film identification, technique, evaluation and documentation of results. Parts included l

were 4-inch valve body Part No. 76050 of P. O. No. A98528; 30-inch TEE i

fitting, Item No. 30 of P. O. No. C80912; 12-inch ELL fitting, Item No. 001 of P. O. No. 84162.

l c.

(0 pen) Inspector Followup Item 50-413/80-02-01, Liquid penetrant developer application standards.

Duke has developed workmanship samples and has taken photographs of these samples to be incorporated

into the training program.

The inspector observed the samples and j

photographs and considers them satisfactory. However, this item will l

remain open until it can be verified that the training has been imple-mented via insuance of the photographs and associated guidelines.

No items of nucompliance or deviations were identified.


Licensee Identified Item 50.55(e) (Unit 1)

l (Closed) Item 50-413/80-03-02, Equipment hatch radiography deficiency.

Duke actions concerning this item - have included reradiography of all

- affected welds by a new subcontractor.

The old subcontractor will no longer be used. The inspector reviewed select;d new radiographic film for conformance to Code (ASME Section III, NE, 71S72) requirements.

Films reviewed were weld W-1, views 68-72, 72-76 and 76-80; and weld W-118, views 40-44, 44-48, 48-52, 52-56 and 56-60. These films are considered satis-factory.

i No itemr of noncompliance or deviations were identified.





-3-i 7.

Containment (Structural Steel Welding)

Observation of Work and Work



Activities (Unit 2)


The applicable code for containment welding is the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Subsection NE, 1971 Edition plus Addenda through Summer 1972. The inspector observed selected field welds at various stages of completion for conformance to Code and procedure requirements. Areas reviewed included, as applicable; weld identification / location, joint preparation and alignment, evidence of QC verification, use of specified weld procedures, use of specified weld materials, procedures used for repair welding, NDE performed, periodic check of welding variables, welder qualification, control of filler metal and coverage of area by site QC personnel. Welds observed were as follows:

I Weld No.

Stage of Completion Observed P-2-14R Final Weld P-2-15R Internediate welding P-2-16R Fitup completed


P-2-17R Fitup completed P-2-G Repair No. 1 P-2-32B-Repair No. 1 b.

On July 1, 1980, the inspector noted that the Field Weld Data Sheet


(FWDS) applicable to automated flux-core containment dome welding


(FWDS L-508, Rev.

7) contained an N/A in the column addressing weld oscil,lation for the flat (IG) and horizontal (2G) positions. Construc-tion personnel indicated that the oscillation requirement for the vertical (3G) position, i.e.

1/8-inch, 5/8-inch, was used a guideline since N/A was determined to mean that there was no limitation on oscillation.

Discussions with site engineering indicated that N/A means that no oscillation is allowed and that the procedure was qualified without using oscillation. Duke construction personnel in later discussions indicated that oscillation was not being used for positions other than vertical. This will be an unresolved item until i

it is fully determined if code / procedure requirements have been violated and this is documented, it is determined if additional FWDS's are involved and procedure clarification is provided.

This is unresolved item 50-413, 414/80-15-01, Control of weld oscillation.


^t July 1, 1983, the inspector questioned Duke personnel as to whether

,ce inspection was being performed on containment weld repair

_sations. The inspector was informed that the Code required NDE has not been performed for repairs made to date and this problem has been identified by Duke and is being followed via noncoaforming Item


Report No. 8636. The initial Duke technical evaluation of this item indicated that repairs performed without required surface inspection were acceptable since re-radiography had been performed on the repair weld. This is based on the Duke interpretation of ASME Section III, paragraph NE 4453.1.

The Duke interpretation of this paragraph is



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that the surface inspection is only required to verify defect removal.

The Duke interpretation does not consider that the intent of the required inspection may be also to verify whether the material has been damaged by the defect removal. Since this paragraph is subject to interpretation, the inspector considers that Duke must obtain ASME agreement with its interpretation and provide further technical evalua-tion of repairs made to date as necessary. This is unresolved item 50-413,414/80-15-02, NDE of repair excavations for containment welds.


On July 2, 1980, the inspector attempted to review records of QC welding surveillances for Unit 2 containment welding. Duke procedure M19, Rev.

14 requires QC surveillance of welding parameters for containment welding to be performed randomly and documented on Form M-19F. The last Form M-19F on file was dated Jan. 22, 1979. Interviews with site personnel indicated that surveillances were being performed but not documented. This is in noncompliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVII which requires sufficient records to be maintained to furnish evidence of activities affecting quality and requires these records to include results of monitoring of work performance. This is deficiency 50-413, 414/80-15-03, Failure to document QC welding sur-veillance.

No items of noncompliance or deviations, except as described in paragraph 7.d., were identified.


Safety-Related Piping (Welding) - Observation of Work and Work Activities (Units I and 2)


The applicable code for welding of piping is the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, 1974 Edition plus Addenda through Summer 1974.

The inspector observed selected field welds at various stages of completion


for conformance to code and procedure requirements. Areas reviewed included, as applicable: weld identification / location, joint preparation and alignment,


l evidence of QC verification, use of specified procedure, appearance of weld, welder identification and qualification, use of specified weld material, control of preheat and interpass, use of specified purge, preparation of weld, periodic checks of welding variables and control of filler metal.

The following welds were observed:

Weld No.

Unit Stage of Completion IRN144-39

Fitup IKD-18-12

Fitup 2ND-3-3

Fitup 2NV-154-2

Intermediate welding 2NV-154-3

Intermediate welding 2KC-155-2

Intermediate welding No items or noncompliance or deviations were identifie,



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Reactor Coolant. Pressure -Boundary Piping (Welding) - Observation of Work and Work Activities (Unit 2)


The applicable code is identified in paragraph 8.

The inspector observed


weld No. 2NI-77-2 at the fitup stage and weld No. 2NI-77-3 at the root weld stage for conformance to procedure and. code requirements. Areas reviewed included, as applicable: weld identification / location, joint preparation and alignment, evidence of QC verification, use of specified weld procedure, appearance of weld, welder. qualification, inspector qualification, control of filler metal and QC coverage.

No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.


Safety-Related Piping - Observation of Work and Work Activities (Unit 1)

The applicable code is identified in paragraph 8.

The inspector observed handling of piping for fitup of weld No. IKD-18-12 for conformance to code and procedure requirements.


No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.





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