IR 05000413/1980038

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IE Insp Repts 50-413/80-38 & 50-414/80-38 on 801216-19.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Rcpb Piping, Observation of Welding,Review of Radiographs & Observation of ASME Survey
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/1981
From: Bryant J, Vandoorn P
Shared Package
ML19341D410 List:
50-413-80-38, 50-414-80-38, NUDOCS 8103050577
Download: ML19341D419 (4)





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Report Nos. 50-413/80-38 and 50-414/80-38 Licensee: Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Facility Name: Catawba Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414 License No. CPPR-116 and CPPR-117


Inspection at Catawba site near Rock Hill, South Carolina



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P. K. VanDoorn 3 V Date sig6ed Approved by h /


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J./C. Bryant, Section Chief, RCES Branch Date Signed


SUMMARY Inspection on December 16-19, 1980 Areas Inspected This routine, announced inspection involved 25 resident inspector-hours on site in the areas of reactor coolant pressure boundary piping - observation of welding and review of radiographs (Unit 2); and observation of ASME survey for renewal of manufacturing and installation certificates (Units 1 and 2).


Results Of the two areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified.





Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • D. G. Beam, Project Manager J. R. Wells, Corporate QA Manager D. L. Freeze, Project Engineer
  • S. W. Dressler, Senior Construction Engineer R. A. Morgan, Senior Qa Engineer
  • L. R. Davison, Senior QC Engineer
  • J. C. Shropshire, QA Engineer
  • H. D. Mason, QA Enc'neer D. Godd, Welding Engineer J. T. Dunston, QA Radiographic Film Reader R. G. Rouse, QA Technician Other licensee employees contacted included ten construction craftsmen, two technicians, and two office personnel.



Other Organizations Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company C. W. Tahnk, Assistant Regiona' Manager J. W. Kosko, Authorized Nuclear inspector C. F. Toegel, Authorized Nuclear Inspector The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

H. F. Jackson, Survey Team Leader C. W. Allison, National Board Representative

  • Attended exit interview 2.

Exit Interview

The inspection scope and findings were summarized on December 19, 1980 with those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above.


Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings Not inspected.



Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspection.


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Independent Inspection Effort (Units 1 and 2)



The inspector conducted a general inspection of containment and auxiliary buildings to observe housekeeping, protection of safety related piping and components and control of welding filler material.

During this insoection activity the inspector observed fitup in progress for Class B weld. no. 2ND4-5 for conformance to procedure requirements.


The inspector acted as an observer during the ASME survey for renewal of manufe-turing (NPT) and installation (NA) certificatec.

This observatior included site material purchase eders, warehousing of ASME safety related materials, outdoor piping and fitting storage, trace-ability of installed materials, field welding and welding material certifications. The survey team voted to renew the ASME certiff < ates.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary oiping (Welding) - Observation of Work and Work Activities (Unit 2)


The applicable code for installation of reactor coolant pressure boundary and othe-saf ety related piping is ASME Section III (74S75).

The inspector observed in process welds and reviewed records for conformance to code and procedure requirements in the areas of documentation of pertinent information and QC signoffs via a weld traveler, availability of pertinent instructions, use of appropriate quuified welding procedure, provisions for weld repair provided, certification of filler material, control of welding parameters, verification of welder qualification, use of specified shielding and purge gas, condition of welding equipment, provisions for voltage and amperage checks, control of preheat and interpass temperature, and condition of weld and base metal surfaces.

The following welds were observed:

Weld No.

Size (In. Dia.)

Stage of Welding Observed 2NC13-7 27 1/2 Internediate 2NC15-1 27 1/2 Internediate 2NC9-7 27 1/2 Intern ediate i-2NC13-2

Internediate b.

The inspector reviewed radiographs of reactor coolant weld areas where defects have recently been noted.

These areas included weld no.

2NC13-1, Area 5-6; weld no 2NC9-2, Area 8-9 and weld no. 2NC9-3, area l


Defects noted near weld nos. 2NC13-1 and 2NC9-3 appear to be outside the field welt area and also appear to be rejectateie.

The inspector informed Duke that followup inspection would be performed of corrective actions taken concerning-the defects.

This is Inspector Followup Item 50-414/80-38-01 - Review of RC Defects Identified by RT.









'No violations or deviations were identified.
