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Insp Repts 50-424/85-52 & 50-425/85-37 on 851101-1202. Violation Noted:Failure to Provide Adequate Maint Procedures for Work on safety-related Equipment Appropriate to Circumstances
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/10/1986
From: Livermore H, Rogge J, Schepens R, Sinkule M
Shared Package
ML20137L329 List:
50-424-85-52, 50-425-85-37, NUDOCS 8601270416
Download: ML20137L337 (18)

See also: IR 05000424/1985052


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g ' , REGION ll i


  • g ATL ANTA, GEORGI A 30323

% *s. .* /

Report Nos.: 50-424/85-52 and 50-425/85-37


Licensee: Georgia Power Company

P.O. Box 4545

Atlanta, GA 30302

Docket Nos.: 50-424 and 50-425 License Nos.: CPPR-108 and CPPR-109

Facility Name: Vogtle Units 1 and 2

Inspection Conducted: November 1 - December 2, 1985

Inspectors: @ M ///o/86

H. H. Livermore, Senior Resident Date Signed


Inspector, Construction

D M @& ~

1/ soles

D' ate Signed


g J. F.Inspector, Rog'ge, Operations Senior Resident


7 @d _///o Date Signed

/ f6

M In.spector J. Schepens, ons ruction Resident

ApprovedBy:)(/! u.%M /!/o ffe

M. V. Sirikule, Section Chief te S'igned

Division of Reactor Projects


Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection entailed 238 resident


inspector-hours on site (40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br /> were on backshifts) inspecting: containment

and safety related structures, piping systems and supports, safety related

components, auxiliary systems, electrical equipment and cables, instrumentation,

quality programs and administrative controls affecting quality, and follow-up on

previous inspection identified items.

Results: One violation was identified in the area of maintenance, paragraph 4.

9601270416 860113

PDR ADOCK 05000425


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1. Persons Contacted


Licensee Employees

R. E. Conway, Senior Vice-President, Vogtle Project Director

] D. O. Foster, Vice-President, Project Support

*R. H. Pinson, Vice-President, Project Construction
P. D. Rice, Vice-President Project Engineering

W. T. Nickerson, Assistant to the Project Director

  • D. G. Smith, Assistant to the Assistant Project Director

D. S. Read, General Manager, Corporate Quality Assurance


W. C. Ramsey, Readiness Review Manager

H. H. Gregory III, General Manager, Site Prudence Audit Activities

M. H. Googe, Project Construction Manager

G. Bockhold, Jr., General Manager Nuclear Operations

, *H. P. Walker, Manager Unit Operation

! 0. Batum, Deputy to the Vice-President Engineering

j *C. W. Hayes, Vogtle Quality Assurance Manager

j *C. E. Belflower, Quality Assurance Site Manager - Operations


  • E. D. Groover, Quality Assurance Site Manager - Construction

S. D. Haltom, Quality Assurance Engineering Support Supervisor

W. E. Mundy, Quality Assurance Audit Supervisor

J. E. Sanders, Project Construction Manager - Unit 1

D. M. Fiquett, Project Construction Manager - Unit 2 ,

  • B. C. Harbin, Manager Quality Control

C. R. Brewer, Assistant Quality Control Manager


T. L. Weatherspoon, Assistant Quality Control Manager



  • G. A. McCarley, Project Compliance Coordinator

W. C. Gabbard, Assistant Project Compliance Coordinator

J. O. Dorough, Administrative Manager

W. F. Kitchens, Operations Superintendent

*P. T. Ciccanesi, Regulatory Compliance Specialist

i. T. Dannemiller, Senior QA Engineer

J. F. D' Amico, Regulatory Compliance Superintendent

, H. W. Swain, Mechanical QC Section Supervisor

! *C, L. Coursey, Maintenance Superintendent

  • M. A. Griffis, Maintenance Superintendent

Other licensee employees contacted included craftsmen, technicians,

supervisors, engineers, inspectors, and office personnel.

Other Organizations

  • H. M. Handfinger, Preoperational Test Superintendent - Bechtel

M. L. Bagale, QA Surveillance Specialist - Bechtel

l- B. F. Hurless, QA Surveillance Specialist - Bechtel

! *F. B. Marsh, Project Engineering Manager - Bechtel

. * Attended Exit Interview.




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2. Exit Interview (30703C)

The inspection scope and findings were summarized on September 26, 1985 with '

those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The inspector described the

{ areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection finding listed below.

j No dissenting comments were received from the licensee. The licensee did


not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by

the inspector during this inspection,

j A separate meeting was held during the inspection period with the General t

Manager, Nuclear Operations to discuss control of access to plant equipment

j and necessary interfaces between Operations and Construction. ,


! (Closed) Inspector Follow-up Item 50-424/85-13-01 " Review Implementation of

i FECO N-17-BF to Install 2 Piece Balance Drum Locknuts into the CVCS Charging

Pumps" - Paragraph 4.


(0 pen) Violation, 50-424/85-52-01 " Failure to Provide Adequate Maintenance

Procedures for Work on Safety-Related Equipment Appropriate to the



s The following NRC exit interviews were attended during the inspection period

I by a resident inspector:

i - .

November 22, 1985 J. R. Harris

November 27, 1985 0. Masnyk

3. Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters (92702)


l (Open) Violation 50-424/85-43-01, 50-425/85-32-01; " Failure to Provide

Adequate Protection to Safety-Related Components During In-Plant Storage" A


meeting was held on November 22, 1985 at the Resident's office to discuss


the licensee's response to NRC Violation 50-424/85-43-01, 50-425-85-32-01,


dated November 15, 1985. The licensee informed the inspectors that they

will be issuing a supplement to their response.


! 4. Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Items (92701)

! (Closed) Inspector Followup Item, 50-424/85-13-01 " Review Implementation of

l FECO N-17-BF to install two piece balance drum locknuts into the CVCS

} centrifugal charging pumps". The inspector reviewed maintenance work orders

(MWO) No's. 1811851 and 1811852 for the installation of the new two piece

balance drum locknut assembly per FECO N-17-BF, Rev. O on the Train "A" &


"B" CVCS centrifugal charging pumps. In addition, the inspector witnessed

! the installation of the new two piece balance drum locknut assembly on the

l Train "B" CVCS centrifugal charging pump.


During the inspection of the Train "B" CVCS centrifugal charging pump

balance drum locknut assembly change out on November 16 & 18, 1985, the

j inspector reviewed the following MWO's and procedures and the MWO associated

with a lube oil flush and speed increaser gear inspection.

i ,



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MWO 18511851 MWO To Install New Two-Piece Balance Drum Locknut

i Assembly on Train "A" CVCS Centrifugal Charging

i Pump

, MWO 18511852 MWO To Install New Two-Piece Balance Drum Locknut

i Assembly on Train "B" CVCS Centrifugal Charging

j Pump

MWO to Provide Maintenance Support for Lube Oil



MWO 18511088

Flush and Inspection / Cleaning of Speed Increaser  ;


i SUM-22, Rev. 10 Maintenance Work Orders

27116-C, Rev. 1 Pacific RL/IJ Pump Inspection


j During the inspection the inspector noted the following discrepancies

< regarding the implementation of SUM-22: i

l a. A MWO was issued without all of the applicable documents. FECC N-17-BF  ;

specifies the installation instructions for a new two piece balance ,

drum locknut assembly. MWO 18511852 was issued to implement j

i installation of two piece balance drum locknut assembly utilizing FECO t

N-17-BF. However, upon inspection at the work site FECO N-17-BF was

not part of the MWO package. In addition, when FECO N-17-BF was

obtained and added to the MWO the inspector noted that it was marked as

an uncontrolled copy and not for construction use.

b. MWO was issued without appropriate work procedures and instructions.

i MWO 18511852 & 18511851 were issued with maintenance procedure

i No. 27116-C. This maintenance procedure was for the complete

! disassembly, inspection, and reassembly of a CVCS Pump. The scope of

i work, however, only required the disassembly of the outboard bearing

and seal to achieve access for replacement of the two piece balance

i drum locknut assembly. During the preparation of the MWO the

i unnecessary steps were not deleted nor was the necessary step to affect

replacement of the new locknut added,

j MWO 18511088 was issued without appropriate work procedures and

i instructions for the disassembly, inspection, and reassembly of the

speed increase gear for performing the lube oil flush. In essence the

! three MW0's should have been closely coordinated to achieve the overall

work scope intended for the CVCS Centrifugal Charging Pumps.

[ c. MV0's were processed without the ability to perform adequate reviews.

! As identified in paragraph b above, the MWO's contained numerous steps

i that would not be performed and some steps were not included. Since

each MWO undergoes reviews by representatives from engineering,

1- operation, maintenance and quality control, it was evident that proper


reviews could not be performed due to a lack of detailed instructions

to implement the work scope. In the instance of the QC review for MWO




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18411852, hold points were established for steps that were not

performed and no hold point was established for witnessing the

i installation of the new locknut. This hold point was later established

, after FEC0 N-17-BF was added to the work package as mentioned in

paragraph a. above.

! d. During the performance of work under MWO 18511852 it was ooserved that

a QC inspector verbally waived a hold point upon recommendation by the

vendor; however, SUM-22 requires an approved and documented consent

waiver prior to work proceeding.

The above discreparcies are examples of failure to provide adequate


control of maintenance activities regarding preplanning and review of

J work.

Several meetings were held with the licensee to fully discuss NRC

concerns in this area. The NRC concern centers on thr- fact that the

MWO process relies on the worker to identify the problems in execution

of the maintenance and seek resolution of the problem while under


pressure to complete the work. In the initial execution of MWO

18511852 it was observed, and later confirmed by the licensee, that the

workers had not read nor were following the work procedure but instead


were following the verbal directions of the vendor representative.


The foregoing is considered to be in violation of 10 CFR Part 50,



Appendix B, Criterion V and will be identified as Violation

50-424/85-52-01 " Failure to provide adequate maintenance procedures for

work on safety-related equipment appropriate to the circumstances".

! Subsequently, the licensee took the following corrective steps prior to

resuming work:

[ -

A maintenance foreman was assigned to supervise all of the MWO's

associated with the CVCS centrifugal charging pumps through their




MWO's 18511851 & 18511852 were enhanced by specifying the exact

l steps required to be performed in maintenance procedure No.

i 27116-C.


MWO 18511088 was voided due to inadequate instructions and

! reissued as MWO 18512832.




MWO 18512832 was issued with detailed instructions for performing

l the lube oil flush. Instructions were also providea pertaining to

, the completion of some of the work in support of the lube oil

flush on MWO 18512833,





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Maintenance procedure No. 27115-C, Rev. O for the disassembly,

, inspection, and reassembly of the speed increaser gear was issued


on November 19, 1985.


l -

MWO 18512833 was issued to disassemble, clean, inspect and


reassemble speed increaser gear per the maintenance procedure.

, Additional instructions were also provided pertaining to the


intermediate reassembly process in support of the lube oil flush


per MWO 18512832.



5. Construction Inspection - Units 1 & 2


Periodic inspections were made throughout this reporting period in the form

of general type inspections in different areas of both facilities. The

areas were selected on the basis of the scheduled activities and were varied

to provide wide coverage. Observations were made of activities in progress


to note defective items or items of noncompliance with the required codes

i and regulatory requirements. On these inspections, particular note was made

i of the presence of quality control inspectors, supervisors, and quality


control evidence in the form of available process sheets, drawings, material

identification, material protection, performance of tests, and housekeeping.


Interviews were made with craft personnel, supervisors, coordinators,


quality control inspectors, and others as they were available in the work



i The inspector reviewed numerous construction deviation reports to determine

if requirements were met in the areas of documentation, action to resolve,

4 justification, and approval signatures in accordance with GPC Field

Procedure No. GD-T-01.

! On November 19, the inspectors attended one of the licensee briefings given

i to their QC inspectors to inform them of how protection under federal law is

i provided. These briefings were an hour long and were scheduled to be

presented nine (9) times during the day to reach as many QC personnel on


both shifts. The presentation was given by W. C. Whitney, B. C. Harbin and


L. B. Glenn. Mr. Whitney described the legal basis for protection

j available to the employee from the Department of Labor and outlined the

, legal process that could take place thru the Supreme Court. He stated that

i Vogtle takes the position that the writing of Deficiency Reports are

i protected activities. Mr. Whitney stressed that no-one on the project will

i be retaliated against for identifying a quality concern. The proper level

for resolving a concern was identified as first with supervisor then the

! Quality Concerns Program and finally the NRC which is available at any .

l point. In summary, it was stressed that no-one should get the impression

that concerns were not wanted, but instead must bring them forth as part of ,

your employment. Mr. Glenn presented an overview of the Quality Concerns

Program. In the presentation, i t was pointed out that concerns would be ,

processed and investigated within seven days to preserve the thirty-day time




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frame the employee would have to submit a complaint to the Department of

Labor. It was also stressed that this program was not in place to be used

as a threat to a supervisor. Mr. Harbin stressed the avenues for raising a

concern; and stated that he thought that Vogtle had the best QC inspectors.

He also made the point that as the QC Manager he was available to discuss

any concerns. The meeting was opened for questions. The inspector noted

that several times during the presentation that emphasis was made to stress

the importance of QC inspectors bringing quality concerns forward for

identification and resolution.

No violations or deviations were identified.

6. Fire Prevention / Protection and Housekeeping Measures - Units 1 & 2 (42051C)

The inspector observed fire prevention / protection measures throughout the

inspection period. Welders were using welding permits with fire watches and

extinguishers. Post indicator valves were being maintained in the open

position. Fire fighting equipment is in its designated areas throughout the


The inspector reviewed and examined portions of the following procedures

pertaining to the fire prevention / protection measures and housekeeping

measures to determine whether they comply with applicable codes, standards,

NRC Regulatory Guides and licensee commitments.

-GD-T-05, Rev. 6 Fire-Protection Equipment Inspection and Testing

-GD-T-15 Rev. 5 Welding and Cutting

-GD-T-17, Rev. 3 Housekeeping

The inspector observed fire prevention / protection measures in work areas

containing safety related equipment during the inspection period to verify

the following:


Combustible waste material and rubbish was removed from the work areas

as rapidly as practicable to avoid unnecessary accumulation of



Flammable liquids are stored in appropriate containers and in

designated areas throughout the plant.


Cutting and welding operations in progress have been authorized by an

appropriate permit, combustibles have been moved away or safely

covered, and a fire watch and extinguisher was posted as required.


Fire protection / suppression equipment was provided and controlled in

accordance with applicable requirements.

No violations or deviations were identified.


7. Containment (Structural Concrete) - Unit 2 (47053C)

a. Procedure and Document Review

The inspector reviewed and examined portions of the following

procedures pertaining to the placement of concrete to determine whether

they comply with applicable codes, standards, NRC Regulatory Guides and

licensee commitments.


CD-T-02, Rev. 15 Concrete Quality Control


CD-T-06, Rev. 9 Rebar and Cadweld Quality Control


CD-T-07, Rev. 8 Embed Installation and Inspection


CD-T-20, Rev. 6 Installation and Inspection of Trumpets,


Rigid Extensions, and Duct Sheathing

b. Installation Activities

The inspector witnessed portions of the concrete placement indicated

below to verify the following:

(1) Forms, Embedment, and Reinforcing Steel Installation



Forms were p operly placed, secure, leak tight and clean.


Rebar and other embedment installation was installed

in accordance with construction specifications and

drawings, secured, free of concrete and excessive rust,

specified distance from forms, proper on-site rebar

bending (where applicable) and clearances consistent

with aggregate size.

(2) Delivery, Placement and Curing


Preplacement inspection was completed and approved prior

to placement utilizing a Pour Card (Procedure Exhibit



Construction joints were prepared as specified.


Proper mix was specified and delivered.


Temperature control of the mix, mating surfaces, and

ambient were monitored.


Consolidation was performed correctly.


Testing at placement location was properly performed in

accordance with the acceptance criteria and recorded on a

Concrete Pikacement Pour Log (Procedure Exhibit CD-T-02*20).


Adequate crew, equipment and techniques were utilized.


Inspections during placements were conducted effectively

by a sufficient number of qualified personnel.


Curing temperature was monitored.

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i 8

Pour No. Location Inspection Activity


A-1111-087 Control Building Wall Preplacement and Placement

2-59A003, 2-59A-004 Auxiliary Feedwater Preplacement, Placement,

Pump House Base Slab and Curing

I 2-010-042/043 Containment Dome Preplacement and Placement

No violations or deviations were identified.

! 8. Containment (Prestressing) - Unit 1 (47063C)


I a. Procedure and Document Review

The inspector reviewed and examined portions of the following



specification, procedure, and drawings pertaining to the installation

of horizontal tendons, to determine whether they comply with applicable

1 codes, standards, NRC Regulatory Guides and licensee commitments.

-X2AF04 Technical Provisions for Containment

Post-Tensioning System

-AX2AF04-100-12 Field Instruction Manual for Installation

of VSL E5-55 Post-Tensioning System Within

l Nuclear Containment Structures, Rev. 9

, -1X2AF04-50-5 Horizontal Tendon Elevation-Unit 1

Buttress #1 to #2

-1X2AF04-51-4 Horizontal Tendon Elevation-Unit 1


Buttress #3 to #1

-1X2AF04-52-3 Horizontal Tendon Elevation-Unit 1

Buttress #2 to #3


-AX2AF04-78-4 Horizontal Tendon Stressing Data

-AX2AF04-79-4 Horizontal Tendon Stressing Data


b. Installation Activities

The inspector witnessed portions of the installation activities

indicated below to verify the following:


The latest issue (revision) of applicable dra. ngs or procedures


are available to the installers and were being used.



Tendons were free of nicks, kinks, corrosion; were installed in

designated locations; and that the installation sequence and

l technique was per specified requirements.



Installation crew was properly trained and qualified.



QC inspection was properly performed by qualified personnel in

accordance with applicable requirements.




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Adequate protective measures were being taken to ensure mechanical ,

and corrosion protection during storage, handling, '

installation, and post installation.


Tendons were stressed in the proper sequence.


All strands in the tendon were moving together during the

stressing and the tendon is being stressed from both ends



Elongatiari measurements were being taken properly and being

compared to the calculated elongation.


Anchor head lift-off force was being taken and documented



The stressing operation was being monitored to identify any strand


The following tendons were observed:

Horizontal From Buttress

Tendon No. to Buttress Seq. No. Activity

116 2 East-1 South 20 Pull Through Dummy


117 3 West-2 West 20 Tendon Installation

139* 1 North-3 East 24 Tendon Stressing

240 2 East-1 South 24 Tendon Stressing

  • Surveillance Tendon

No violations or deviations were identified.

9. Containment (Steel Structures and Supports) - Units 1 & 2 (48053C)

Periodic inspections were conducted to observe containment steel and support

installation activities in progress, to verify the following:


Compenents were being properly handled (included bending or



Specified clearances were being maintained.


Edge finishes and hole sizes were within tolerances.


Control, marking, protection and segregation were maintained during


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Fit-up/ alignment meets the tolerances in the specifications and


No violations or deviations were identified.


10. Safety-Related Structures (Structural Steel and Supports) - Units 1 & 2



Periodic inspections were conducted to observe construction activities of

safety-related structures / equipment supports for major equipment outside the

containment to verify that:


Materials and components were being properly handled to prevent damage. ,


Fit-up/ alignment were within tolerances in specifications and drawing



Specified clearances from adjacent components were being met.

No violations or deviations were identified.

11. Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping - Observation of work and work

activities - Unit 1 (49053C) (52063C) (52153C) (37301)

During the inspection period, pipe run walkdowns were performed where piping

installation is near completion to determine whether the piping run was

installed as shown on approved drawings and in accordance with applicable

construction specifications. Specific pipe run walkdowns included a

walkdown of portions of the following lines:


1X4DB112, Rev. 17 Pressurizer Surge Line (053-14")

Pressurizer Connections to Root Valves

Pressurizer Spray Line (030-4"/030-6")

Pressurizer PORV & Code Safety

Relief Lines to the PRT (059-6", 063-6", 060-3",

063-6", 064-12", 058-6", 057-6", 056-6", 065-6",

066-6", 067-6" & 068-3/4")


Specific areas examined during the pipe run walkdown for compliance with the

applicable isometric drawings and the Plant Design and Instrumentation

Construction Specification No. X4AZ01, were as follows:


Vent and Drain Connections and Locations

Instrumentation Connections and Locations

Valve Installation and Orientation

Line Size and Location

Fittings Type and Location

Pipe / Valve / Fitting End Connections

Hanger Locations and Types

No violations or deviations were identified.


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12. Reactcr Vessel Protection - Units 1 & 2 (50053C)

Periodic . inspections were conducted during the inspection period to


determine that proper storage protection practices were in place, entry of

foreign objects and debris was prevented, and that access was controlled for


the following:

Unit 1 & 2 Reactor Vessel

Unit 1 Integrated Head Package

Unit 1 Upper and Lower Internals

i No violations or deviations were identified.


13. Safety Related Components - Units 1 & 2 (50073C)

The inspection consisted of plant tours to observe storage, handling, and

, protection, installation; and preventive maintenance after installation of

safety-related components to determine that work is being performed in

accordance with applicable codes, NRC Regulatory Guides, and licensee


During the inspection the below listed equipment was observed at various

times during the inspection period to verify the following as applicable:


Storage, environment, and protection of components were in accordance

with manufacturer's instructions and/or established procedures.


Implementation of special storage and maintenance requirements such  !

as: rotation of motors, pumps, lubrication, insulation testing

(electrical), cleanliness,etc. ,


Performance of licensee / contractor surveillance activities and

documentation thereof was being accomplished.


Installation requirements were met such as: proper location, placement,

orientation, alignment, mounting (torquing of bolts and expansion

j anchors), flow direction, tolerances, and expansion clearance.

l -

Appropriate stamps, tags, markings, etc. were in use to prevent

4 oversight of required inspections, completion of tests, acceptance, and

! the prevention of inadvertent operation.


The following Unit 1 equipment was inspected:


Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Pumps


Diesel Generators


Containment Spray (CS) Pumps








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Main Coolant Pumps

4 -

Steam Generators


Safety Injection Pumps


Containment Penetration Encapsulation Vessel for Train "B"


RHR and CS


Component Cooling Water (CCW) Heat Exchangers, Surge Tanks & Pumps



Cable Spreading Room Train A & B




Accumulator Tanks


Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Pumps


Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) Letdown Heat Exchanger


Reactor Coolant Drain Tank & Heat Exchanger


Reactor Cavity Pumps



Battery & Charger Rooms Train A, B, C & D


Nuclear Grade Piping, Valves & Fittings


Spent Fuel Pool Heat Exchangers


Pressurizer Relief Tank

CVCS Centrifugal Charging Pumps & Positive Displacement






Bottom Mounted Instrumentation (BMI) Seal Table



The following Unit 2 equipment was inspectea:


RHR Pumps


CS Pumps

I -

CVCS Centrifugal Charging Pumps & Positive Displacement Pump


Steam Generators

- -

Safety Injection Pumps


CCW Heat Exchangers Surge Tanks & Pumps



Accumulator Tanks

! -

Pressurizer Relief Tank


Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Tanks

! -

Nuclear Grade Piping, Valves, & Fittings


No violations or deviations were identified.



14. Safety Related Pipe Support and Restraint Systems - Unit 1 (50090C)

I Periodic inspections were conducted during the inspection period to observe

i construction activities during installation of safety-related pipe supports


to determine that the following work was performed in accordance with

applicable codes, NRC Regulatory Guides, and licensee commitments:



Spring hangers were provided with indicators to show the approximate

" hot" or " cold" position, as appropriate.


No deformation or forced bending was evident.


Where pipe clamps are used to support vertical lines, shear lugs were

welded to the pipe (if required by Installation Drawings) to prevent




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Sliding or rolling supports were provided with material and/or

lubricants suitable for the environment and compatible with sliding

contact surfaces.


Supports are located and installed as specified.


The surface of welds meet applicable code requirements and are free

from unacceptable grooves, abrupt ridges, valleys, undercuts, cracks,

discontinuities, or other indications which can be observed on the

welded surface.

No violations or deviations were identified.

15. Electrical (Components and Systems) - Units 1 & 2 (51053C)

Periodic inspections were conducted during the inspection period to observe

safety-related electrical equipment to verify that the storage,

installation, and preventive maintenance were accomplished in accordance

with applicable codes, NRC Regulatory Guides, and licensee commitments.

During the inspection period the inspector conducted an inspection of the

below listed equipment during storage, installation, and cable terminating

to verify the following as applicable:


Location and alignment


Type and size of anchor bolt:




Segregation and identification of nonconforming items


Location, separation and redundancy requirements


Equipment space heating


Cable identification


Proper lugs used


Condition of wire (not nicked, etc.), tightness of connection


Bending radius not exceeded


Cable entry to terminal point



The following Unit 1 equipment was inspected:

1-1605-PS-SDA Train "A" Shutdown Panel

1-1605-PS-SDB . Train "B" Shutdown Panel

1-1805-S3-DAD Reactor Coolant Pumps 13.8KV Switchgear ~~

1-1805-S3-CAC Reactor Coolant Pumps 13.8KV Switchgear

1-1804-53-A03 4160V Switchgear 1BA03

1-1804-S3-A02 4160V Switchgear 1AA02

1-1805-S3-BBE MCC 1BBE


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14 .

1-1805-S3-806 IBB06 Switchgear

1-1805-53-807 1BB07 Switchgear

1-1805-S3-BBC MCC IBBC

1-1805-S3-804 1AB04 Switchgear



1-1805-S3-805 1AB05 Switchgear

1-1805-S3-BBD MCC 1880 Train "B" '

1-1805-S3-ABD MCC 1ABD Train "A"

j The following Unit 2 equipment was inspected:

~ '

2-1805-S3-806 2BB06 Svitchgear

2-1805-S3-807 28807 Switchgear

2-1605-S3-SDA Train "A" Shutdown Panel

2-1605-S3-SDB Train "B" Shutdown Panel

No violations or deviations were identified.

! 16. Electrical (Cables and Terminations) - Unit 1 (51063C)


. a. Raceway / Cable Installation


The inspector reviewed and examined portions of the following

procedures pertaining to raceway / cable installation to determine

whether they comply with appiicable codes, NRC Regulatory Guides and

l licensee commitments.


- ED-T-02, Rev. 8 Raceway Installation

! - ED-T-07, Rev. 9 Cable Installation



Periodic inspections were conducted to observe construction activities

i of Safety Related Raceway / Cable Installation in the Containment,


itrol and Auxiliary Buildings.


In reference to the raceway installation, the following areas were


inspected to verify compliance with the applicable requirements:




- -



Bushings (Conduit)

4 -



Supports and Anchorages

In reference to the cable installation the following areas were

inspected to verify compliance with the applicable requirements:




Protection from adjacent construction activities (welding, etc.)


Coiled cable ends properly secured


Non-terminated cable ends taped



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Cable trays, junction boxes, etc., reasonably free of debris


Conduit capped, if no cable installed


Cable supported


Bend radius not exceeded



b. Cable Terminations

The inspector reviewed and examined portions of the following

procedures pertaining to cable termination to determine whether they

comply with applicable codes, NRC Regulatory Guides and licensee



.ED-T-08, Rev. 7 Cable Termination

In reference to cable terminations the following areas were inspected

to verify compliance with the applicable requirements.


Cable identification


Proper lugs used


Condition of wire (not nicked, etc.), tightness of connection


Bending radius not exceeded


Cable entry to terminal point



No violations or deviations were identified. ~

17. Safety Related Piping (Welding) - Unit 1 & 2 (55083C)

Periodic inspections were conducted on safety-related pipe welding at

various stages of weld completion. The purpose of the inspection was to

determine whether the requirements of applicable specifications, codes,

standards, work performance procedures and QC procedures are being met as


I -

Work was conducted in accordance with a process sheet which identifies

, the weld and its location by system, references procedures or

instructions, and provides for production and QC signoffs.



Welding procedures, detailed drawings and instructions, were readily

available and technically adequate for the welds being made.

l -

Welding procedure specification (WPS) were in accordance with the

applicable ASME Code requirements and that a Procedure Qualification

Record (PQR) is referenced and exists for the type of weld being made,








That the base metals, welding filler materials, fluxes, gases, and

insert materials were of the specified type and grade, have been

properly inspected, tested and were traceable to test reports or



That the purge and/or shielding gas flow and composition were

as specified in the welding procedure specification and that protection

was provided to shield the welding operation from adverse environmental




That the weld joint geometry including pipe wall thickncss was specified

and that surfaces to be welded have been prepared, cleaped and inspected

in accordance with applicable procedures or instructions.




That a sufficient number of adequately qualified QA and QC inspection

personnel were present at the work site, commensurate with the worA in '



That the weld area cleanliness was maintained and that pipe alignment

and fit-up tolerances were within specified units.


That . weld filler material being used was in accordance with welding

specifications, that unused filler material was separated from other

types of material and was stored in heated cans, and stubs properly

removed from the work location.


That there were no evident signs of cracks, excessive heat input,

sugaring, or excessive crown.

No violations or deviations were identified.

18. Preoperational Test Program Implementation / Verification - Unit 1 (70302)


The inspector reviewed, in part, the implementation of the preoperational

test program. Test program attributes inspected included review of

administrative requirements, document control, documentation of major test

events and deviations to procedures, operating practices, instrumentation

calibrations, and correction of problems revealed by testing. Specific

activities reviewed included the following procedures:

Sum No. Sum Procedure Title

11, Rev. 2 Construction Acceptance Test Program

12, Rev. 1 Construction Acceptance Test Implementation

Preop No. Preop Test Procedure Title

1-3BN-17, Rev. O Refueling Water Storage Tank l

1-3KJ-01, Rev. 0 & l

Chg. Reg's. No. 1 Diesel Generator Train "A" Starting Air System '

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The inspector also witnessed portions of the following construction

acceptance tests (CAT):


Cat. No. Equipment / Generic CAT

85-2903 RHR Train "A" (CAT-M-01) Pump & Motor (CAT-E-11)85-908 ACCW Pump #1 (CAT-M-01)

Other tests witnessed by the inspector during the inspection period


consisted of the train "A" safety injection pump lube oil flush.



The inspector also reviewed the following completed maintenance procedure

data sheets for the train "A" RHR pump motor prior to witnessing the above


listed CAT for the RHR pump & motor.


4 Maintenance Procedure No. Maintenance Procedure Title

25734-C, Rev. O High Potential Testing A-C Motors

(4KV Less Than 1000 HP)

, No violations or deviations were identified.

19. Meeting With Local Officials (94600) - Unit 1 and 2

On November 23, a meeting was held to familiarize local officials of the

City of Waynesboro and Burke County Board of Commissioners with the NRC.

The meeting presented the mission of the NRC, introduction of key NRC

personnel, discussion of lines of communication available to local

officials, ard discussion of the facility status. The NRC presentea the

, scope of the inspection and emergency preparedness programs.


The meeting was open for questions during the presentation. NRC persons


involved with the presentation were as follows:

D. M. Collins, Chief, Emergency Preparedness and Radiological

Protection Branch, Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards

M. V. Sinkule, Chief, Reactor Projects Section 20, Division of

Reactor Projects


J. F. Rogge, Senior Resident Inspector, Operations

R. J. Schepens, Resident Inspector

20. Management Meetings (307028) - Unit 1


On November 25, 1985 the resident inspector attended a management meeting at

the Region II office in Atlanta, Georgia. The purpose of this meeting was



for Georgia Power Company to present Readiness Review Module No. 8

" Structural Steel"; Appendix D " Document Control Program; and Appendix E

" Material Control" to the NRC for review.



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