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Advises of Completed First Preliminary Review of 891228 Proposed Amend 182, Defueled Tech Specs & Requests Review of marked-up First Draft Version of Defueled Tech Specs
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 04/24/1990
From: Reynolds S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Keuter D
TAC-75620, NUDOCS 9005010254
Download: ML20034B974 (5)


_ - _ - - _ _ _ - _ _


0 April 24, 1990.

b Docket'No. 50-312 Mr. Dan R. Keuter Assistant General Manager', Nuclear Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station 14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638-9799

Dear Mr. Keuter:


PROPOSED AMENDMENT 182, DEFUELED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (TACNO.75620) 4 We have completed our first preliminary review of your December 28, 1989,.

submittal of Proposed Amendment 182,-Defueled Technical Specifications.

In order-to continue our review, you need to review our marked-up first draft versionof.theDefueledTechnicalSpecifications(includedasEnclosure1)~and meet with our technical staff at your earliest opportunity to discuss the results of your review.

Additionally, the Bases submitted with the Defueled Technical Specifications' were found to be deficient in a number of areas, so Enclosure 2 is provided to give general guidelines on what should be included in the Bases for Technical Specifications.

Sincerely, original signed by Steven A. Reynolds Steven A. Reynolds, Project Manager Project Directorate V Division of Reactor Projects

.III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of-Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc w/ enclosures:

See next page DISTRIBUTION 1pocketdnew NRC & Local PDRs PDS Reading J. Larkins j

J. Zwolinski S. Reynolds P. Shea 0GC E. Jordan ACRS(10)


R. Giardina J. Calvo I


( D3P/D:PD5


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April 24, 1990 I

Docket No. 50-312

%r Den R. Keuter Assistant General Manager, Nuclear Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station 144a0 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638 9799

Dear Pr. Keuter:



We have completed our first preliminary review of your December 28, 1989, submittal of Proposed Amendment 182. Defueled Technical Specifications. In order to continue our review, you need to review our marked-up first. draf t version of the Defueled Technical Specifications (included as Enclosure 1) and meet with our technical staff at your earliest opportunity to discuss the results of your review.

Additionally, the Bases submitted with the Defueled Technical Specifications were found to be deficient in a number of areas, so Enclosure 2 is provided to give general guidelines on what should be included in the Bases for Technical Specifications.

Sincerely, original signed by Steven A. Reynolds Steven A. Reynolds, Project Manager Project Directorate V Division of Reactor Projests - III, IV, y and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc w/enclosurs:

See next page DISTRIBUTION Docket File NRC & Local PDRs PD5 Reading J. Larkins J. Zwolinski S. Reynolds P. Shea OGC E. Jordan ACRS(10)

R. Giardina J. Calvo D

DRSP/P (A)DRSP/D:PDS DRSP Y PShe SRey s:sg JLarkins t [ *


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.. !.j WASHINGTON, D. C. 20$$$

%,..'... /

April.24. 1990 t

Docket No. 50-312 Mr. Dan R. Keuter Assistant General Manager. Nuclear Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station 14440 Twin Cities Road Herald. Californie 95638-9799

Dear Mr. Keuter:





We have completed our first prelimin' ary review of your December 28 198 submhtal of Proposed Amendment 182, Defueled Technical Specifications.9, In order to continue our review, you need to revi%w our marked-up first draft versionoftheDefueledTechnicalSpecifications(includedasEnclosure1).and meet with our technical staff at your earliest opportunity to discuss the results of your review.

Additionally, the Bases submitted with the Defueled Technical Specifications were found to be deficient in a number of Enclosure 2 is provided to give general guidelines on what should be included in the Bases for Technical Specifications.

Sincerely, A

Steven A. Reynolds, Project Manager Project Directorate V Division of Reactor Projects - !!!,

IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc w/ enclosures:

=See next page

Mr. Dan R. Keuter Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station i

cC' Mr. David Boggs, General Manager Mr. John Bartus l

Sacramento Municipal Utility District Ms. JoAnne Scott 6201 S Street Federal Energy Regulatory Comission P.O. Box 15830 825 North Capitol Street, N. E.

l Sacramento, California 95813 Washington, D.C.

20425 l

Thomas A. Baxter, Esq.

Ms. Helen Hubbard Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge P. O. Box 63 l

2300 N Street, N.W.

Sunol, California 94586 Washington, D.C.

20037 Environmental Conservation Mr. Steven Crunk Organization fianager, Nuclear Licensing Suite 320 Sacramento Municipal Utility District 101 First Street Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station Los Altos, California 94022 14440 Twin Cities Road Herald, California 95638-9799 Ms, Jan Schori, General Counsel Sacramento Municipal Utility District Mr. Robert B. Borsum, Licensing 6201 S Street Representative P.O. Box 15830 Babcock & Wilcox Sacramento, California 95813 Nuclear Power Division 1700 Rockville Pike - Suite 525 Rockville, Maryland 20852 Resident Inspector / Rancho Seco c/o U. S. N. R. C.

~i 14440 Twin Citics Road Herald, California 95638 Regional Administrator, Region Y L

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek, California 94596 i

Mr. John Hicke n Senior Health Physicist Environmental Radioactive Management Unit Environmental Management Branch State Department of Health Services 714 P Street, Room 616 Sacramento, California 95814 Sacramento County Board of Supervisors 700 H Street, Suite 2450 l

Sacramento, California !C14 (12)

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j D1.0 DEFINITIONS......................

D1-1 D1.1 A C TI ON.........................

D1-1 D1.2 DEFUELED MODE............-..........

01-1 D1.3 OPERABLE - OPERABILITY................

D1-1 dl.4 INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE 01-1 J1. 4.)'1-CHANNEL TEST.....................


01-1 h"a eN )1.4.34 D



-sun"EI L LMCE INTE~/' LS l t t.o.u.v. E W.9 9.....

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D1-2 01.

DI.p it MEMBER (S) 0F THE PUBLIC...............



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D3/4.1 SPENT FUEL POOL 03/4-2 D3/4.2 SPENT FUEL POOL TEMPERATURE..............


03/4-4 i


03/4-5 D3/4.5 SPENT FUEL POOL MATER CHEMISTRY............

03/4-6 D3/4.6 LIQUID HOLD-UP TANKS.................

03/4-7 D3/4.7 SEALED SOURCE CONTAMINATION, 03/4-8 01/4. t rfrrnaa s a c. us rios,w a t lusrw, m,c. o u pl/4 t e ik b3/4 "

py[4, o A m i w.i w En.s i




L l


D5-1 D5.1.1 EXCLUSION AREA....................

05-1 D5.1.2 LON POPULATION ZONE..................



D5-1 1



D5-6' i


DS-6 i

i i


SECTION PEtE 2.c A 6.1 RESPONSIBILITY....................


?> N *

.2 ORGANIZATION.........

D6-1 l


D6-3 l

06.4 TRAINING.......................

06-3 06.5 REVIEN'AND AUDIT...................



D6-3 I p.


D6-5 D6.5.3 TECHNICAL REVIEN AND CONTROL.,............

06-7 D6.5.4 AUDITS........................


06-10 D6.7

-NOT USED................-......

D6-11 D6.8 PROCEDURES AND PROGRAMS,...............

06-11 J6.9 REPQRTING REQUIREMENTS..-..............

D6-13 56.9. 7 1. ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL REPORTS..............


D6-14 D6. 9.Y4 ANNUAL REPORT.....................

06-14 D6.9.( f LICENSEE EVENT REPORT.................

D6-14 aQ 6.9.Ji ENVIRQNMENTAL REPORTS.................

06-14 1

26.10 RECORD RETENTION...................

06-15 06.11 RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAM'.............

D6-16 D6.12 HIGH RAD!1 TION AREA..................



06-17 i

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' TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS D1.0 DEFINITIONS The following terms are defined for uniform interpretation of these specifications.

'D1.1 ACT1QM i

ACTION including time requirements shall be that part of a specification which prescribes remedial measures required under designated conditions.

D1.2 DEFUELED HODE The. plant is in a DEFUELED MODE when the fuel has been removed from the l

reactor vessel and Reactor Building and there is spent fuel in the spent fuel pool. These specifications apply only after the June 1989 plant shutdown and subsequent defueling.

Subsequent movement of nuclear fuel into the reactor building voids these Defueled Mode Technical Specifications.


A component or system is OPERABLE when it is capable of piirforming its intended firnction within the required range.

The component or system shall be i

considered to have this cambility when:

(1) it satisfies the Limiting

%p47 Condit @fs_fdefined in Specification D3, (2) it has been tested periodically in

V accordan n with Speci'ication D4 and has met its performance requirements. (3) the system has available its W source of power, and (4) its required I

auxiliaries are capable of performing their intended function.



A 4 01-14

% lusre D1.4.)'s.CHANNELTEST A CHANNEL TEST is the injection of an internal or external test-signal into the channel to verify its proper response, including alarm and/or trip initiating action, where applicable.


An INSTRUMENT CHANNEL CHECK is a verification of acceptable instrument 1

performance by observation of its behavior and/or state. This verific& tion i

includes comparison of output and/or state of independent ch6nnels measuring the same variable.M therc-44 r.edundant-4dic t%

D1.4.f 4 INSTRUMENT CHANNEL CALIBRATION An INSTRUMENT CHANNEL CALIBRATION is a test, and adjustment (if necessary), to establish that the channel output responds with acceptable range and accuracy to known values of the parameter which the channel miasures or an accurate simulation of these values.

Calibration shall encompass the entire channel, including equipment actuation, alarm, or trip and shall be deemed to include the CHANNEL TEST.

l 01-1

i j


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operations -scheduiiny. 4he-frequency +0 tat 4cn4pecified for--the. performance-454wvtH4tnet-Requtrements-sheH-eenespond to +ha tifDVET' LANC4-iWTMVAt& -.

def-ined-in--T;bl e Dh -i.

D1 d*1 PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) l The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) shall contain the estrent formulas, sampling, analyses, test, and determinations to be made to ensure that processing and packaging of solid radioactive wastes based on demonstrated processing of actual or simulated wet solid wastes will be accomplished in l

such a way as to assure compliance with 10 CFR Parts 20, 61, and 71, state I

regulations, burial ground requirements, and other requirements governing the disposal of solid radioactive waste.


The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCH) shall contain the methodology and

. parameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from rad 1oactive j


and n ed in the calculationf of gaseous and iquid effluent monitoring A f Ine opcM shall also contain f

j0 ythe Radioactive Effluent Controls 7,6,. requir'ed by Specification 06.8.3/

m J andadescriptions of the informatio that should be included in the. Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release R or required by Specificatio



HEMBER(S) 0F THE PUBLIC shall include individuals who by virtue of their occupational status have no formal association with the plant.

This category shall include nonemployees of the licensee who are permitted to'use portions of the site for recreational, occupational, or other purposes not associated with plant functions.

This category shall no,t include nonemployees such as vending machine servicemen or postmen who, as part of their formal job function, occasionally enter an area that is controlled by the licensee for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials.

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The RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM (REMP) MANUAL shall contain a description of the Rancho Seco radiological environmental monitoring i


The REMP MANUAL shall also contain the REMP requirements of Specification D6.8.3b, a description of the environmental samples to be collected, sample locations, sampling frequencies, sample analysis' criteria, i

and a description of the information to be included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report as required by Specification D6.9.1.3.

TABLE D1.5-1 t


Frecuenev Notation Definition DAILY D

At-least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.


At least once per 7 days.


At least once per 31 days.


At least once per 92 days.

6 rio ni 53 A-r hw em fn. It 9 o A13 18 HONTHS 18H

,At least once per 18 months.

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p 3/4.o p Me u cew y l


r D3.0.1 Compliance with the Limiting ConditionsIco.n. or.w..entained in the succeedine l

specificationsisrequiredduringtheDEFUELEDN00E}5 except that upon "ailure _)

1 to meet the Limiting Conditions, tht is iated ACT 0N '9:!:dit; tit:

,g pf j requirements shall be met.

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%#n.A.N fugg.w" D3.0.2 Noncompliance with(a specification shall exist when the requirements of the Limiting ConditionFand associateo ACTION 'Schd4Gi tin requirements are not met within the specified time intervals.

If the Limiting Condition is restored prior to expiration of the specified time intervals, completion of r.=

the ACTION hc hdin; t! = requirements is not required.



,,, m 04.0.1 Surveillance Requirements shall be met ***s"p'e i d for individual Limiting Conditions unless otherwise stated in an individual Surveillance Requirement.

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04.0 7 Failure to perform a Surveillance Requirement within the :p:i'ied-surveil. lance interval, 44A4-mau+muT wab4-+xten&4cn to eu ved-254 of 44-Specified surwi444*te-4nten44, defined by Specification %T shall

~ 'p4 ',, n constitute noncompliance with the OPERABILITY requirements for a L'.miting Condi tions The time limits of the ACTION W' edin; tin requirements are Qplicable at the time it is identified that a Surveillance Requirement has


not been performed.


1 9d'.; t'= requirements may be delayed for up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to permit the completion of the surveillance when the allowable outage time limits of the ACTION Aac hd' ; ti n requirements are less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.Wca-tic" to these r quir: r+s ne stit-d 4a +ha individes' fteC4(iG tis.;.

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03/4 1

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) 4.0.4 Intry into ap 05.AT!0"i 50! r & specified condition shall net be made unless the Surveillance Requirement (s) associated with a limiting Condition of Operation has been performed within the stated surveillance interval or as otherwise specified..This orovision shall not oervent oassane through or te OT"!P'% M00t4 as reoutres to comply with ACTION reeutrerents.

1 T. un.n w a

.D 4.0.5 Surveillance Requirements for inservice ins +ection and testing of ASME Code Class 1, 2. and 3 corrponents shall be applica ble as follows:


Inservice inspection of ASME Code Class 1. 2. and 3 components and inservice testing of ASME Code Class 1, 2. and 3 pumps and valves f

shall be performed in accordance with Section XI of the A$PE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda as required by 10 CFR 50. Section 50.55afp), except where specific written relief has been granted by the Comission pursuant to 10 CFR $0. Section 50.55a(g)(6)(i).


Surveillance intervals specified in Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Yessel Code and applicable Addenda for the inservice inspection and testing activities required by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code an'd applicable Addenda shall be applicable as follows in these Technical Specifications:

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Required frequencies Code and applicable Addenda for perfoming inservice teminology for inservice inspection and testing

inspection and testing activities activities Weekly A3 least once per 7 days Monthly At least once per 31 days Quarterly or every 3 months At least once per 92 days Semiannually or every 6 months At least once per 184 days Every 9 months.

At least once per 276 days Yearly or annually At least once per 366 days c.

The provisions of Specification 4.0.2 are applicable to the above required frequencies for perfor1ning inservice inspection and testing activities, d.

PerfoT1 nance of the above inservice inspection and testing activities shall be in adottion to other specified Surveillance Requirements.


Nothing in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code shall be construed to supersede the requirements of any Technical Specification.


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An-TMs-enew q bevid::==Ytted h;&5 fer &11 so;ifhtti:2 8e i

4ec4 5:; 3.0 e..


BASES Speciff@ tion?3.0.

throuchP3.0.*F establish the general requirements app 1teable no 1.1miv np condit' ons for operation. These requirements are based on the requirements for Limiting Conditions for Operation stated in the Code of j

Federal Regulations,10 CFR 50.36(c)(2):

  • Limiting conditions for operation are the lowest functional capability or perfomance levels of equipment reovired for safe operation of the facility.

When a limiting condition for operation of a nuclear reactor is not met, the licensee shall shut down the reactor or follow any remedial action pemitted by the technical specification until the condition can be met.'

SpecificationD3.0.1 establishes the Applicability statement within each I

incividual specification as the requirement for when (i.e., in 44ehw ""

-0^: RAT 0NAL MODEf or other specified conditions) confomance to the Limiting Conditions for Operation is required for saf0 operation of the facility. The ACTION requirements establish those remedial measures that must be taicen within specified tir:e limits when the requirements of a Limiting Condition for t

Operation are not met.

i i

There are two basic types of ACTION requirements. The first specifies the i

remedial measures that umit continued operation of the facility which is not further restricted by tie time Ifmits of the ACTION requirements.

In this i

case, confomance to the ACTION requirements provides an acceptable level of safety for unlimited continued operation as long as the ACTION reovirements continue to be met.

The second type of ACTION requirement specifies a time limit in which confomance to the conditions of the Limiting Condition for L

Operation must be met.

i i

This time limit is the allowable outage time to restore an inoperable system or component to OPERABLE status or for restoring parameters within specified limits.

If these actions are not completed within the allowable outage time limits. - thetd;rr ': --- ' " " 'noe the facility

$n a"DE e condition in which the specification no lon s

. t '-t::d;d th;t th; ;h.tdwr, ACT!^" rnutr:nnt; b; :::ger applies. 444s.

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The specified time limits of the ACTION requirements am applicable from the point in time it is identified that a Limiting condition for Operation is not i

The time limits of the ACTION requirements are also applicable when a met.

system or component is removed from service for surveillance testing or investigation of operational problems.

Individual specifications may include a specified time limit for the completion of a Surveillance Requirement when 99uipment is removed h.m 8

. led.

In this case, the allowable outage time 1


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3 se e a m n..

.on BASES (Con't)


m l

3 l

limits of the ACTION requirements are,applicab when this limit expires if the surveillance has not been completed. When[d""r-S n;id h t

comply with ACTION teouirements, the plant may have entered a Mein which a j

new specification becomes applicable.

In this case, the time Ilmits of tie g.,,a m ACTION requirements would apply from the pointin time that the new specification becomes applicable if the requirements of the Limiting' Condition for Operation are not met.


S ecificaticn>3.0.2 establishes that noncompliance with a specification exists l

wien the reoutrements of the Limiting Condition for Operation are not met and the associated ACTION requirements have not been implemented within the i

specified time interval.

The purpose of this specification is to clarify that-(1) implementation of the ACTION requirements within the specified time interval constitutes compliance with a specification and (2) completion of the remedial measures of the ACT!0N requirements is not required when compliance with a Limiting Condition of Operation is restored within the time interval I

specified in the associated ACTION requirements.

h iffeation 3.0.3 establishes the shutdown ACT!0N requirements that must TirpTMted when a Limiting Condition for Operatien is not met and the conditio not specifica ly addressed by the associated ACTION re nts.

The purpos his specification is to eelinente the time limits r placing i

the unit in a shutdown MODE when plant operation cannot intained within the limits safe operation defined by the Limitin nditions for j

i Operation and its AC requirements.

It is not 3ntende o be used as an i

I operational convenience h pemits (routine) volunt removal of redundant i

systems or components from ice in lieu of other i ernatives that would not


i result in redundant systems or ponents being i rable. One hour is l

allowed to prepare for an order 1 iutdown befo initiating a change in plant i

operation. This time permits the o kAtor t ordinate the reduction in i

alectrical generation with the load d i r to ensure the stability and availability of the electrical grid. T time limits specified to reach lower MODES of operation permit the shutd o M eed in a controlled and orderly manner that is well within the s ied max' cooldown rate and within the cooldown capabilities of the f ity assuming y the minimum required equipment is OPERABLE.

Thi duces thermal streu on components of the primary coolant system an e' potential for a plan set that could challenge i

safety systems under e tions for which this specif

~ ton applies.

If remedial afls kmitting limited continued operatio the facility under the pro ens of the ACTION requirements are completed, te shutdown-i may be ten ted. The time limits of the ACTION requirements a applicable i

from the nt in time there was a failure to meet a Limiting Con n for l

Opera Therefore, the shutdown may be terminated if the ACTION reo nts have been met or the time limits of the ACTION requirement e

t n

expired, thus providing an allowance for the completion of the requir



i h



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J( " ~ ~"a m,m ma,,, Q D3/4.0 ApFLICAl!LITY t

BASES (Con!t)

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$recificationsD4.0.1 throucht4.0.5 establish the



h Surveillance requirements stated in the Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR50.36(c)(3):

  • Surveillance requirements are requirements relating to test, c tion, or insttetion to ansure that the necessary quality of systems components is maintained, that facility operation will be within sa limits, and that the limiting conditions of operation will be met.'

specificationD4.0,1 establishes he requirement that surveilla DtNcwo h

performed durirg the W IP!OE*1 MODEJ or ot i

i l

stated in an individual Surveillance Requirement.

fication is to ensure that surve111snees are performed to verify th t

i tional status of systems and components and that parameters ar fied limits to ensure safe operation of the facility when the plant MODE or other specified condition for which the associated Lim Surveillance Requirements do not have to be t

perfomed when the facility is in M Mp'T*='. ?[^

for Operation are applicable.

specified. he Mei"e-re *: '7n::t: :::::iet+4 with : !;::'el ?::tNe


ti;; t; th; ewi, zate =< a eaarifiraHa z
m. m....,....,

vr W., tu ::f:r which the specified time Specification)4.0.2 establishes thebadd":::be extended.

!tr cabemits an Ey Interval for surveillance Requirements ma allowable extension of the nomal survell ance interval t surveillance scheduling and consideration of plant operating may not be suitable for conducting the surveillancel e.g., tr l

Itr E 't: th:

or other ongoinc surveillance or maintenance activitised repeatedlyfto

  • n r e. t --- -

n n.

f J?TT) t extend the surveillance interva16beyond that specifie4 The limit $o

~ - "

---9 :::::

-pases on engineering Ovogment and the recogn tionDat l

S>ecificationos.0. y -lt of any particular surveillance being performed is the l

verification of conformance with the Surveillance Re uirements. 2 Cmost probam e resu through surve111alce 44%ufficient to ensure that the reliability ensureactivities specified surveillance interval.

i SpecificationD4.0.3 establishes the failure to perfom a Surveillan ii s Requireme k witnin the allowed sorveillance interval, defined


of Specificatio@4.0.2, as a condition that '.ons ;tutes a failu Under the (I

OPEPMILITY requirements for a Limiting Conditico for Operation.

j RD3/4.0-g5 g

M ~~~

\\^5 * (" }

Q w s. 4 m t = -





I i


l BA$ts (Con't) 1 provisions o'f this specification,. systems and components are assumed to be l

ORERABLE when Surveillance Requirements have been satisfactorily perfodned trithin the specified time interval. However. nothing in this provision is to i

be construed as implying that systems or components are OPERA 6LE when they are i

l found or known to be inoperable although still meeting the Surveillance Requirements. This specification also clarifies that the ACTION requirements are applicable when Surveillance Requirments have not been completed within i

the allowed surveillance interval and that the time limits of tie ACTION i

requiremente apply from the point in time it is identified that a surveillance i

has not been perfomed and not at the time that the allowed surveillance


interval was exceeded.

Completion of the Surveillance Requirement within the s

allowable outage time limits of the ACTION requirements restores cogliance with the requirements of Specificatio@4.0.3. However, this does not negate the fact that the failure to have performed the surveillance within the allowed surveillance interval defined by the provisions of Specificatio@4.0.2. was a l

violation of the OPERIBILITY requirements of a Limiting Condition for Operation i

that is subject to enforcement action. Further, the failure to perfom a surveillance within the provisions of Specificatio@4.0.2 is a viciation of a Technical Specification requirement and is.)therefore a reportable event under the requirements of 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1)(B because it is a condition Prohibited by the plant's Technical Specifications.


If the allowable outage time limits of the ACTION rejuirements are less than i

i 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> e thett- ' - ;P:d 0 :: ;1;; ;'th ^ G 67:::::;r 0.h.

-!;::ifh th; hed, a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> allowance is providtd to pemit a delay in implementing the ACTION requirements. This providet an adequate time limit to completa Surveillance Requirements that have not been performed. The purpose of this allowance is to permit the com letion of a surveillance before a 1hetdr 1s-required t: :n;1; eith *.Ch!0m.aur-t: n ;;7e.. other remedial measures would be required that may preclude completion of a surveillance. The basis for this allowance-includes consideration for plant conditions, adequate planning, availability of personnel, the time required to perfom the surveillance, and the safety significance of the delay in completing the required surveillance. SS ;n ':he ch: pier - - "- " "- "-

;hti;; ;f !:=:1-lh;;; ?.;;;4+emente th:t i::r: :ppiketh e: : ::::::::: e-


of "000 :h::;;; %;ed b{ A0TMN n;2;;;;te end fer :n;hth; SNe'" r::.


n nt: th:t tre ep-t te th: 7;; i : :-te e' 4pess44444the 4.0.4 h eb,h:5h d: ee e teati aIf a surveillance is not completed within nf.

P4. hour allowance, the= time limits of the ACTION requirements are applicable at that time. When a surveillance is performed within the 24. hour allowance and i

the Surveillance Requirements are not met, the time limits of the ACTION


requirements are applicable at the time that the surveillance is teminated.

Surveillance Requirements do not have to be perfomed on inoperable equipment i

i because the ACTION requirements define the remedial measures that apply.

.; owe.d r.

Surveili mce

.us. nents have to be met to demonstrate that inoperable equipment has be restored to OPERABLE status.

tN/4.0-f f

PW !"


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e i

)3/4.0 APPLICABILITY BASES (Con't) inust be reet before entry into # OFIMTION'i "0

-ra l

The purfose of this operation specified in the Applicability statement.

spe:ificetion is to ensure that system and component OPERA or parameter limits are met before entry into.4J006-+eWLndi these systems and components ensure safe operation of the fac W l

OPE *ATICIA 70023 vi

.preHei>+-epplis; t: :Mn;::466w-utM -ith piant thutdown as mil a= AteMwp i

'J f:r th ;n:MSn: c' tH e !==ri'4 "+ 4 ^a. t5 :;;1unk krv:111e-!*-

4eew4 n n at r:t h m fe m d within th t--ei'ded *u ~e M b ;; int;rntStie-3*e te ente : th t tM Lf5ft b; D nditt : S r 07:

l p h et sterte; ;r fel b ing & p h r.; :: t ;.

M y.estien

=i=f te e=aiw -ith ??"" rewir;nnt,t' M.;nld 4;hy ph: M; th.

L'Mr e s%Me= 1: =

+' 0;ni'f;;tien 4.".4 4e eet ;;;1l/ !n=::

4eem t,,

f a e 6., M005-ef ep.retta.

f SoecificatioG4.0.5 establishes the requirement that inservice in l

ASME Code A5m code class 1, 2, and 3 components and inservice testing of and 3 pumps and valves shall be perfomed in accordance with periodicallyupdatedversionofSectionXIoftheASM Class 1, 2 except when relief has been provided in writing by*the Comission.

This specification includes a clarification of the frequencies fo f the the inservice inspection and testing activities required by Settien This clarification ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and applicable Addenda.

is provided to ensure consistency in suave 111ance intervals th Technical Specifications and to remove any ambiguities relative to frequencies for perfoming the required inservice inspection and activities.

Under the tems of this specification, the more restrictive requ Pressure the Technical Specifications take precedence over the ASME P Yetsel Code and applicable perform surveillanc


.ethee specifiercondition takes precedence over the ASME Boile Yessel Code provision which allows pumps and velves to be tes week after return to nomal operation.

of OPERABLE does not allow a grace perio hich precedence over the ASME Boiler and Pressure Ve l'

.:. N r 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. bei

being declare, inonrable.

4 i

hD3/4.0-f ashmen w+wrew' ww w

-g.,w-e na e a wvu -




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RANCHO SECO UN2T 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS D3/4.1 SPENT FUEL POOL LIMITING CONDITION Nc. o7etAn eJ D3.1 At least 37 feet of water shall be maintained in the spent fuel pool.

Ewith e folivwing ceptions:

11 ine water ievei in me apu m rue 1 pops meji be less han 37 et if the dose rate, from the irradiated core components seated in he orage racks, at the surface of the water is 2.5 arem/hr or less and, 2 e level shall be maintained sufficient to limit the dose rate at the pool it face to 10 mrem!hr or less when core component handling activitgi are progress. _

. APPLICABILITY: Whenever irradiated fuel assemblies or core components are in the spent fuel pool.


Hith the requirements of Limiting Condition D3.1 not satisfied, suspend movement of fuel assemblies and crane operations with loads over stored spent fuel, and restore the level to within its limit.........,.......

SURVEILL4NCE REOUIREMENTS D4.1.1 DAILY verify the level in the spent fuel pool is at least at the minimum required level.

D4.1.2 At least once every 18 MONTHS perform a calibration on the spent fuel pool level alarm switches.

0A111 When the spent fuel pool water level is maintained at a minimum of 37 feet, a minimum of 23 feet of water shielding over stored fuel kssemblies is assured.

l This level limits radiation at the surface of the water to less than 2.5 l

l mrem /hr.

A water level of less than 37 feet is allowed as long as the dose rate at the surface of the spent fuel pool is 12.5 mres/hr from irradiated core components seated in their stortge locations in the Spent Fuel Pool.

A level limiting the dose rate at the pool surface to 10 mrem /hr provides a i

condition that allows the movement of fuel assemblies or core components while j

still limiting the exposure received by fuel handling personnel.





RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS D3/4.2 SPENT FUEL' POOL TEMPERATURJ, LIMITING CONDITION F.4. O fr u Teo 4 D3.2 Maintain the Spent Fuel Pool bulk coolant temperature below 140*F.

APPLICABillH: Whenever irradiated fuel assemblies are in the spent fuel pool ACTION:

hies 're exct.Q g

b.Hith the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System out of service, place an alternat coolir.g method in service 44-Me bulk coolant temperature 140]F 4.

act an alternate cooling method in service as a suppiement to the spent ruel Pool i

Cooling System prior to exceeding a bulk coolant temperature of 180'F.

W t


D4.2.1 DAILY verify the spent fuel pool temperature is <140'F.

Au.u This specification provides a method to ensure that the spent fuel pool bulk i

temperature is not maintained at or above 180'F.

The use of an alternate cooling method provides alternate cooling capability to ensure 180*F is not exceeded.

i i

i d

h I

i i

e m

l i


l 03/4-3 l

l a





D3/4.3 FUEL STORAGE BUILDING NANDLING LOAD LIMITS LIMITING CONDITION % A O PSM7, x D3.3 Loads in excess of 1700 pounds shall be prohibited from travel over irraciated fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool.

APPLIC A.BILITY: Whenever irradiated fuel assemblies are in the spent fuel pool



With the requirements of the above specification not met, place the fuel Storage Building fuel handling bridge and overhead crane in a safe condition.

SURVEII. LANCE RE001REMENTS D4.3.1 Perform a dead weight load test at the rated load on the crane to be used within 7 days prior to fuel handling or movement of loads over spent fuel


stored in the spent fuel pool.

4 ;;;10t: a n wrTIO"*L TEST ;f the f e; $ivi.;; 0;ildin; f;;! 5::dling A

04.3.2 C

[Ni %tlO;%1f ' dt?" ?,

h[ni nanonngf m


- -, ct


Bases The restriction on movement of loads greater'than 1700 pounds over fuel assemblies in the storage pool ensures that in the event a load is dropped:

(1).the activity release will be limited to that contained in a single fuel assembly, and (2) distortion of fuel in the spent fuel pool storage racks will not result in a critical array.

These assumptions are consistent with the accident analyses.

The rated load of the fuel Storage Building fuel handling bridge is 2900 pounds.

2 a

4 IE 4


I e

03/4-4 2



-,. -,,.,. ~,, -



I g

4 l

/45m7 A_

Cwr s.s w u o ts.s m3 /on.

ens. a wrors

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,u ns j

b34T"M DM1 tb (F(s7 3 of fI OO h e'4 3 gVM Nfb M % M,ha O $ Hut L t bd L

be'odsvet**tes OP61A4 tr w m*o 7 ws erti en w

twe or w3 3

47 LeTST C +J C,F f0'. ) >Ms WWA6% > vt,*4 G COM f O (s%%"789.J,

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1 6

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psH **





D3.4 Radiation levels in the spent fuel storage area shall be monitored by a fixed radiation monitor.



With fixed radiation monitoring equipment inoperable, fuel handling operations shall be suspended (after fuel is placed in a safi conditionf),until the fixed f

survey instrumentation is in service. Returnthefixedradiationmonitorto OPERABLE status within 7 days or submit a report to t

""C, " ;' -, i' documenting the condition along with a plan to retur e monitor to OPERABLE status.

[ c o m en. a N,es. e n


SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS S e mn.,a 3 c,.;, y,, sq l

A' '" St o,. u-c ui, it me.s (M "^' *Ait D4.4.1 BARY during fuel handling operations *, or HEEKLY otherwise, perform an INSTRUMENT CHANNEL CHECK.

D4.4.2 MONTHLY perform an instrument CHANNEL TEST.


i B1111 The OPERABILITY of the spent fuel storage area radiation monitor ensures that early notification is provided of excessively high radiation levels in the building.

4 03/4-5

j l



  • o u D3.5 The spent fuel pool water chemistry shall be maintained within the limits specified in Table D3.5-1.


With any one or more of the water chemistry limits exceeded, initiate action within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> to restore the water chemistry to within limits and conduct an evaluation to determine the cause.

SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 04.5 The spent fuel pool water chemistry shall be determined to be within the limits by analysis of those parameters at.the frequencies specified in Table 03.5-1.


BA111 The maintenance of spent fuel pool water chemistry ensures that degradation of the spent fuel assemblies and the spent fuel racks-is minimized.

TABLE D3.5-1 SPENT FUEL POOL HATER CHEMISTRY Parameter L MD111 Limil Analysis Frecuency Chloride ppm 50.15 MONTHLY Fluoride ppm 50.15 MONTHLY 03/4-6




j D3/4.6 LIOUID HOLD-UP TANKS LIMITING CONDITION Fo A oPFtA7aJ D3.6 The quantity of radioactive material contained in each of the following tanks shall be limited to 110 Curies, excluding tritium and dissolv4d or entrained noble gases:


A, B. and C Regenerant Hold-up Tanks b.

Domineralized Reactor Coolant Storage Tank c.

Miscellaneous Water Hold-up Tank d.

Borated Hater Storage Tank i


Condensate Storage Tank f.

Outside Temporary Tanks l



With the quantity of radioactive material in any of the listed tanks exceeding the above limit, immediately suspend all additions of radioactive material to the tank, and initiate actions to reduce the tank contents to within the limit.

Reduce the tank contents to within the limit within the next 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> and describe the events leading to this condition in the next Semiannual i

Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Specification D6.9./.

J SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 04.6 The quantity of radioactive material contained in each tank listed in Specification 3.bshall be determined to be within the specified limit by analyzing a representative sample of the te.nk's contents {.Mth" '"


t'te" radioactive materials eveh added to the tank.

l nr u n s, g m og #

A lini l

Restricting the quantity of radioactive material contained in the specified l

outdoor tanks provides assurance that in the event of an uncontrolled release of the tank's congnts, the resulting concentration at the nearest potable water supply and the nearest surface water supply in an unrestricted area would be less than the limits of 10 CFR 20 Appendix 5. Table II, Colunin 2.

The limit applies to tub tank individually.

Tanks included in this specification are tho'e outdoor tanks that could s

potentially contain radioactive liquid that are not surrounded by liners.

dikes, or wellt capable of holding the tank contents and.that do not have tank onrflo.ts an! Ourrounding area drains connected to a liquid radwaste treatment system.

03/4-7 e

- 1

, _.. _.....,, _ _.,, - ~,,


  • ~


D3.7 Each sealed source containing radioactive material either in excess of 100 microcuries of beta and/or gamma emitting material or 5 microcuries of

' alpha emitting material.shall be free of 30.005 microcuries of removable.



With a sealed source having removable contamination in excess of the above limits, immediate1

  • withdraw the sealed source from use and:

j a.

Either decontaminate and repa'r thii sealed source, or 1


Dispose of the sealed source it. peordance with NRC Regulations.


D4.7.1 Test Recuirements l

Each saaled source shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination by:


The Licensee, or b.

Other persons specifically authorized by the NRC or an Agreement



The test method shall have a detection sensitivity of at least 0.005 microcuries per test sample.

l 4.7.2 Test Frecuencias Each category of sealad sources (excluding startup sources and fission detectors previously subjected to core flux) shall be tested at the frequency described below, a.- For sources in use at least once per 6 months for all sealed sources containing radioactive material:


WithahalI-lifegreaterthan30 days (excludingTritium),and 2.

In any form other than gas, b'.

For stored sources not in use each sealed source and fission detector shall be tested prior to use or transfer to another licensee unless tested within the previous 6 months.

Sealed sources and fission detecNrs transferred without a certificate indicating the last test date shall be tested prior to being placed into use.




Bases The limitations on removable contamination for sources requiring leak testing, including alpha emitters, is based on 10 CTR 70.39(c)11mits for plutonium.

This limitation will ensure that leakage from byproduct, source, and special nuclear material sources will not exceed allowable intake values.

The use.of-organizations specifically authorized by the NRC or an Agreement State to perform the sealed source testing is permitted by 10 CFR 35.39.

Sealed sources are classified into three groups according-to their use, with surveillance requirements commensurate with the probability of damage to a source in that group.

Those sources which are frequently handled are required to be tested more often than those which are not.

Sealed sources which are-continuously enclosed within a shielded mechanism (i.e., sealed sources within radiation monitoring or boron measuring devices) are considered to be stored e

and need not be tested unless they are removed from the shielded mechanism.

1 l

l i

O D3/4-9 1



4 i

01/4.?f*It-n'oeouoo<AL M o n,,., r a s las raanwror ro ok

,i nes d a c Codh a n o s Fo ce o emt.A rla s l

p 3. 8 - Tee r r crv-c rto e oci u u ef ea e ro n. ) c s a s v e; s, w + r,. a cam, set a s,.c a.,,

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/et o Ps%3 60 Po A.

M orto THv4.J

'I DATA, PA= TAI.f Avvb Sv4M at i6 I t'iL4 L To WW b eref 8 41s 04 PvfL3v&J7 To Se e t, A ev,,,v b 6.9,)7 emd h& OIL 7

'Thiv d ni'Y'T l0 bA/$

o v T"Lo.4/*4 4 11.W CAV$F c l*

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U 1


'D 4.6.1 E4cn ce w r.r enetito coc, u s t19.a mm s 4 cew un.r.

s,.o a.3


-TAis t< 4. g.:

ww sc 3moa4 vie opt % 6w a v rr% F.o e n M c.s-ee w M 5'74 v eriw7 CtwJrJet C w.x.,,w a Msruncwr C Hwar.

C A a n as.,, o r.)

gr,rw sus,vm e,n saw 4

,L 744 L F 4. l.


T S/4-to






11:iti;; S fiti;; ' - t e-t h 8







Nominal Eley.

10 meters 1

1 b.

Nominal Elev.- 60 meters 1

1 2.



Nominal Eley.- 10 meters 1


Nominal Elev.

60 meters 1



3 J.



l l


Nominal Elev.

10 meters 1

1 '-


Nominal Elev.

60 meters 1

1-F i

m i




GM D J/4 - o c..



. ~ - -.

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. + -

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' TABLE in;:'":::: St:nfis l





7 1,


Nominal Elev.

10 meters D-SY lt b.

Nominal Eley.

60 meters D

- SY.'

I l



e a.

Nominal Elev.

10 meters D



l' b.

Nominal Elev.

60 meters D'



Nominal Elev.

10 meters D



Nominal Elev.

60 meters O



g 1

l i

I l' -





-t h;r.1ia ai. liv.,8B 4 44

-007:7 G7-03/=( - i 2 4


RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPEC 2FICATIONS D5.0 DESIdNFEATURES D5.1 SITE The Rancho Seco site is located on the 2,480 acres owned by Sacramento Municipal Utility ^ District, 26 miles north-northeast of Stockton and 25 miles southeast of the City of Sacramento, California. USAR Figure 1.1-2 shows the plan of the site.

The minimum distance to the boundary of the exclusion area, as defined in 10 CFR 100.3(a), is 2,100 feet for Rancho Seco.

The. Low Population Zone is defined in 10 CFR 100.3(b).

D5.1.1 Exclusion Area The Exclusion Area is shown in Figure 05.1-1.

D5.1.2 Low Pooulation Zone The Low Population Zone is shown in Figure 05.1-2.

D5.1.3 61te boundD For Gaseous Effluent



The Site Boundai5D for Gaseous Effluent for 10 'CFR 20 compliance and for meet ng 0 CFR 50, Appendix I guidelines is shown in Figure 05.1-3.

D5.1.4 kbe BoundkFor Licuid Effluent The site boundary for Liquid Effluent for 10 CFR 20 Compliance and for meeting 10 CFR 50, Appendix I guidelines is shown in Figure 05.1-4~.

O e



-FIGURE:DS.1-1 EXCLUSION-AREA' (2100 foot radius)

, 4'*

4 G



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  1. +







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e.., s 7 8 05-3 -t P W a-- -m 4 wevyae e m. p e

RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 iTECHNICAL. SPECIFICATIONS 4 3 FIGURE 'DS.1-3 1 ? SITE' BOUNDARY FOR GASEOUS EFFLUENT 'i + 1 ~ l-7 i O i !/[ .e ~ 16,91($ M LM A M11 M g- <=:= / t g3 r i d; I . w$.L = w x )) l ( wiimue.. ' E'."*' +.


~ --.y w",__ ~ .,h- / r '^ t35t, p,, .y a u i ,s,' ;i N I t [- i / / E ? IN h ( .s l j i y , u.a. I l ,/ J,W rg. f m \\ r, ** * % i/ .(g; ). f f-l V.Gi i I = 3 1 i i i 05 4 4 l- -~. ~ -

qs t .x_ RANCHO SECO UNIT 1. -0 TECHNICAL. SPECIFICATIONS ~ .] FIGURE.:DS.1-4 .51TE, BOUNDARY-FOR LIQUID EFFLUENT h f I (. ) 's.- [ O. { s1.ase \\ l ,.? 1 batt t _l hane _ _ _ 4 sanna senpasts tan j h 5 \\ /=~ t / gy(u.. ./- /( l e. - s eon iecesso I L h l A49 10CFR50 -.I l'd h

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, g ig am e. .--s..--------- y f..# %.>.,s s i ,]x w ./. g s-c- . fN,/ / l w d t. q' . j a. <- g Jppcr u~ i/r v C I s I e 05-5 __a., .-.,t,

q !f -g g RANCH 0'SECO UNIT 1 a: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIDNS Qf.2 SPENT FUEL STORAGE FACILITIES- -i D5.2.1 Seent Fuel Storace Racks and Failed Fuel Storace Container Rack i Irradiated or failed fuel shall be stored in the stainless' steel lined spent-fuel pool prior to offsite shipment. The spent fuel pool is: sized to accommodate 1080 fuel assemblies, including four assemblies in failed fuel containers. The pool has the capability of storing new and spent fuel-assemblies in eleven freestanding stainless steel rack modules and four failed fuel at6emblies in a special rack module. All assemblies are on nominal 10.5 inch centers in both-directions. This spacing with the neutron absorber material is sufficient to maintain Keff <0.95 when flooded with unborated water, based on a fuel enrichment of 4.0 weight percent. DS.2.2 Scent Fuel Pool and Storace Rack Desian The spent fuel pool and all storage racks are designed for the plant Design Basis Earthquake. 9 l O l i-D5-6

RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 1 J D6.1 RESPONSIBILITY D6.1.1 ThG Assistant General Manager (AGM), Nuclear shall be responsible for the management of the overall' facility and ensuring the safe storage of irradiated nuclear fuel. The Deputy AGM, Nuclear shall assume the AGM, Nuclear's responsibilities in his absence. They shall delegate in kriting-the 1 succession of their responsibilities during their absences. D6.1.2 The' Shift Supervisor (or a qualified, designated individual) shall be i responsible for the control room command function. A m~wmvr Diam-To N etrg,; @,' M 'm' Acpr.1, e m,mr u

m. o r, gut, rwn ym vs. on M OPI,ANIZATION Ca i ne % 7,g, w d,,a g g,sp an m n a. sat et e n 3

,,,w Av ow siw oar. Am t Anim j i IDL2 J 'An organizations shall be established for$:m?y e; rit5. The " "' Y r organizationsshall include the positions 7 :p;;;ith for activities affecting the safe storage of irradiated nuclear fuel. ,a. Lines of authority, responsibility and communication shall be established Wa* % and defined for the highest management levels through intermediate levelsj (Q anciuding all'ereta'::t5"Dpositions. - Thgse relationships shall be ~^ cumented and updated. as appropriate, in the form of organization i h charts, functional descriptions of departmental responsib'lities and ~ relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalent forms of documentation. The= organization and responsibilities shall be documented in the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR). t ---+ la ct7 A 4 h -i A ceuee re f' A ' " "b"" 5 ^

  • W'

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c. )(. TheAGM,Nuclearshallhave[responsibilityforandshalltake4 measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure

~ nuclear safety. 4 f. The individuals who train the operating staff and ' chose who carry out health physics functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence from operating pressures. e g. The quality assurance organization shall report to the AGM, Nuclear to-ensureindependencefrom+shedu4esgressures. 7 GN T STAFF O 'M" 4 D6,.2.2 9 0 Tesi?iQ Or; "i ?tti " Chill 5: : Chr 4" *h? ? ?"d ?!!. ? b en-duty :hift :hil' be : - :::d ;f n ivut he mnd r rki'+ c'e" cr ;etitbn L shewa *- T:bh D5. 1. E ;dditiet, the S?t ^;;r;.th;; !:;;ri-tendent tht?! i hid a Senier ";;;ter ^perater license in ::: rdin:" with 10 CSA-55,- t 7 /4.5er.17 f g 3) c - A. I EI g e 06-1

s. /dsevr A 1, b 3eem A4n e/nuws, seu as s#5f ea s s te M wiw o 6 - v.m 7 per o c e u r. w A-a n seu na co e t. om Thost ed 8 W 4Er.l.Na em ser eo( seec ef35A h M eMeih te oe N W. Id Set, & a. Each on duty shift shall be composed of at least the sintaus shift crew ecaposition shown in Table 6.2-1. b. = At least one licensed Operator shall the control room when. fuel is in the +'ete4een t serrt.F M Po*t-O. ^ t l^ s t t',;; l a rant ed Deeratnre ~,-na^ ^* " -- "' '- ***'-- Heensed, th:H te preshnt in the ;;ntrei is-s. ten th: ; nit' is - la ^t'ee t % ^;id ehvid n vi iefeel";;r.-

c. f.

An individual qualified in radiation protection practices and procedures shall'be on site when fuel is in the se6e4er. F g# s g. Ald a^e Wou g^o rge ro.4s^ -- "- '-' -' "-' ';;d' ; shal l be ^ " ^ ' " " ' ' " directly supervised by either a licensed Senior Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator lialted to Fuel Handling.e 5::30 eth= co^c;rrent 7;;;;n:'t"**'a= duriae M !


_a a.i.. re.. ,.+ i.... e --4... 6-si --a ..a..a 'e-iN3 Q5'd.." "i.; !! ; Ta's,ede :h:t!.;t '::1& ? me-ber: Of t..e sintas; ehift ;;;; :::^ s* la ::r gefe etoido.n vi +he "a4+ ead "e" ;: :^a-^t --^".i-ad fa-at

ntisi ena,+4ane-duetng a etee--.g. g.

e g. Administrative procedures shall be developed and implemented to limit the working hours of facility staff who perform safety-related functions; e.g., senior reactor operators, reactor opef1 tors, radiation protection personnel, auxiliary operators, and key maintenance personhel. Adequate shift coverige shall be atintained without t'outine heavy use of overtime. The objective shall be to have operating personnel work a normal shift schedule while the plant is operating. 1ow?" , M the event that unforeseen problems require substant:16avonts of overtime to be used, or during extended periods of shutdown for refueling, major maintenance or major plant modifications, on a temporary basis, the following gulde'ines shall be followed: ) a. An indiviemel should not be permitted to work acre than 16 k.:ts stra'et, excluding shif t turnover time. l 8r l

lel52nn 6 (.co.nmm) b. 'An individual should mot be permitted to work more than 16 hours. in any 24-hour period, nor more than 24 hours. in' any 48-hour period, not more than 72 hours in any seven day period.' all excluding shift turnover time. c. A' break of at least eight hours should be allowed between work periods, including shift turnover time, d. Except during extended shutdown' periods, the use of-overtisq should be considered on an individual basis and not for the entire staff on.a shift. i Any deviation from the above guidelines shall be authorized by-the AGM, Nuclear-Power Production or designee, in accordance with established procedures and with documentation of the basis - for granting the deviation. Controit shall be included in the procedures such that individual overtime shall be reviewed-monthly by the AGM, Nuclear Power production or designee to assure that excessive hours have not been assigned. Routine-deviation from the above guidelines is not authorized, Ion. eve ao 4 K. The Shift Operations Superintendent shall hold a Senior Reactor Operator license in accordance with 10 CFR 55.

i I


,s ' RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 'ICHNICAL. SPECIFICATIONS TABLE D6.2-1 i -MINIMUM SHITT CREW REQUIREMENTS *- Position 'Defueled. . s . Shift Supervisor ~ er 0:ntr;l.";;a, Op..;e. 1~-SL'**- j c,u m o h 0perator. 4, L.. N o - Li c,wi.o orm A i Minimum Total Personnel f.1 l 7 - In the event thtt any member df aTainimum shift crew is absent or incapacitated.due to illness or: injury, a qualified replacement shall be: designated to report on site within 2 hours.- su - A c. win umss omed. i L - NRC Licensed Operator or-NRC Senior Licensed Operator != idditien te the ea-=M ft nc i tee-eed __ tr:te*, an individual nonteceiac ma N80 Seai e- __ 0^e-ste-Licease shal' be :: ::1' ; :::nt t:. -the 7; @ ire;;nt: 0' !O CN 50.56'-}'lh i t e i .B' 4 4 O f f D6-2 4 ~

RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICNTIONS ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D6.3 FACILITY STAFF OUALIFICATIONS' -Each-member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions, except for the-Manager, Radiation Protection who shall meet or exceed'the qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975. D6.4 TRAINING A retraining and replacement training program for the Licensed Operators shall be maintained under the direction of the AGH, Nuclear and shall M 00 & :ted W h m dance ait" the uoc 3ppumma tre M na pr;;rm


,,4 ey u y g 3.e - Rc1Ni AfMM5 A Jb.14rtom ev ew a A re a.J $~ Di~. 5 REVIEW AND AUDIT OF D'm S. F '5 M 58' m.8*8 M 8 A " o A rt e v an y A o e,t o c.e s s S. D6.5.1 Plant Review Committee (PRQ rv a c.v.oa i D6.5.1.1 The PRC shall function to advise the Deputy AGH, Nuclear on matters' l related to nuclear safety. D L Ori e* 0 % e n o.=J \\ D6.5.1.2 The PRC shall be composed of a Chairman and a minimum of six members.- l pf m4.=es,4 e D6.5.1.3 Membership of the PRC shall be as defined below: a. A list of members made up of personnel filling positions in the Nuclear Organization and others who meet.or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971, Section 4'.2 or 4.4, shall be developed and approved by the Deputy AGH, Nuclear. 1 b. A list of alternate members of the PRC shall be developed and approved by the Deputy AGM, Nuclear. The Chairman of the PRC shall be appointed by the Deputy AGH,' Nuclear. c. When a meeting is scheduled or an emergency meeting is necessary, and the PRC Chairman will be absent, an alternate. Chairman may be designated by the PRC Chairman or the Deputy AGH, Nuclear from among the PRC members in Specification D6.5.1.2. riew s fuw e - The PRC shall meet at least once per calendar month and as convened by the PRC Chairman, or as directed by the Deputy AGH,. Nuclear. o Jon.a D6.5.1.5 A Quorum of the PRC shall consist of a majority of the members in Specification including the Chairman or alternate Chairman. No more than two alternates sha.ll participate-in PRC activities at any one time for the purpose of establishing a quorum. D6-3 t

RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 s w w' TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ,e, l 1 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS W46.5.1.6 -The PRC shall be responsible for= review of: 1

a. ~The required-safety evaluation of:

(1) all procedures and programs l-required by Specification D6.8 and changes thereto, and (2) any other proposed procedures and programs or changes thereto which are as determined by the Deputy AGM, Nuclear to. affect nuclear safety. J

b. ~The safety evaluations of proposed tests and experiments that affect l

. nuclear safety. cuw 4 c. Proposed changes to the Technical Specifications or the faciMty License, p

d. 4 Safety evaluations of proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.

Items which are determined by a qualified reviewer as not involving an unreviewed safety question, a change of Technical Specifications, or a change in a-licensing-basis document'need not be reviewed by the PRC. L e. Investigations of all violations of the Technical Specifications to-determine adequacy of corrective action arid to detect any degrading trend, f. Facility operations to detect potential safety hazards. g. Events requiring a Licensee Event Report as defined by 10 CFR 50'.73 and NUREG-1022 to determine adequacy of corrective action detect any degrading trend. (See Specification D6.9.4) h. Special investigations and reports thereon as requested by the Deputy AGM, Nuclear. i. The Plant Security Plan and changes thereto, j. TheEmergencyPlanandchangN es thereto. 4

k. ghe Fire Protection Plangnd,*Ald%%f {,%j$e." * "**

O ** *' " ** f 39;; th;r;;;. 1. Changes to the PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP), the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (00CM) and the RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM (REMP) MANUAL. (See Specifications D6.13 and D6.14) [ m. Major changes to Radioactive Haste Treatment Systems (Liquid, Gaseous and Solid). esw n .= n.hnyaccidental, unplanned,oruncontrolledreleaseofradioactivematerial to the environs, including the preparation and forwarding of reports covering evaluation, recommendations,~and disposition of the corrective action to prevent recurrence, and the forwarding of these reports to the Deputy AGM, Nuclear and to the MSRC. D6-4 4 4 ,n

l r m RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 'TECHNICA1.. SPECIFICATIONS A p.m ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS d L l R D6.5.1.7 The PRC shall:- l l a. Recommend in writing to the Deputy AGM, Nuclear approval or. disapproval of-l items considered under Specifications D6.5.1.6. l-i b. Render determint.tions-in. writing with. regard to whether or not each item I considered under Specifications D6.5.1.6a through 6e, and 6m above constitutes 'an unreviewed safety question. j c. Provide immediate written notification to the MSRC Chairman of disagreement between the PRC and the Deputy AGM, Nuclear; however, the l Deputy AGM, Nuclear shall have responsibility for resolution of such i disagreernents pursuant to Specification d. Form subcommittees to screen reviews designated in Section D6.5.1.6'. Rno r-Os Minutes of each PRC meeting, including appropriate documentation of reviews encompassed by Specification D6.5.1.6(e) and. (g), shall be prepared, approved, and forwarded to the Deputy AGM, Nuclear and to the MSRC-Chairman within 14 days following each meeting i D6.5.2 MANAGEMENT SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE (MSRC) b44A lM7A Q p%,cv. m n

v. pomme w The MSRC shallhrov,.n.. side independent review and audit ^^ itt^r:- jajtor.nlearse'et,7 =d r+arHnr of th itaMk " :$ty Of tp: - Toms.fio4 _ g c, n.r i D6.5.2.2 The MSRC shall be composed of a Chairma.n and a miniaum of 64*- members. THE MSRC membership shall be made up of manager levels or above in the Nuclear Organization or of other personnel m9eting or exceeding the i minimum qualifications of ANSI /ANS 3.1-1981, Section'4.7.2. ( ri m,ves,+se - As unennsro l The Chairman of the HSRC shal be appointed by the AGM, Nuclear. A-current list of members and alternate n Specification shall be-CN T developed and approved by the AGM, Nuclearf In the absence of the Chairman. [nuvA,wo : an alternate Chairman may be designated by the tiSRC Chairman ofathe AGM,. I _ si w J: Nuclear. The alternate Chairman shall be selected from among the MSRC members NI" I i in Specification D6.5.2.2. N% ) rfrt n.a r,ta v ew e D6.5.2.4 The MSRC shall meet at least once per calendar quarter and as L convened by the MSRC Chairman or as directed by the AGM, Nuclear. Quorm D6.5.2.5 A quoru rof MSRC shall consist of a majority of the members in ~ Specification D6.5.2.2, including' the Chairman or alternate Chairman. No more than two alternates shall participate in MSRC activities at any pne time for a the purpose of establishing a quorum..No d u r w w-A n,soe,rv er. W avam su m arzeoa s sov.14 F, n o p wr.w

  • e m v4 1.

^ l D6-5

.___ ~ 4 .t i ) i' /edSF14v A op 3>rsicaAveD Ac.viANes=,A THe Atens. F.: a. FAc.asiy otetAv..a j a / ~-

b. 4e/vc oma tw(e.) c'Ytes 4 i

t 4.. .cHe M e svit y Aah 4 tab e c t.Hm s $ vet Y. s 6 4 11FTA L s vt.4 Y - 1 ( 1. t. /d s fit ver NMys os. Ms Maid L : 1 i 4. 62Ab: 0 4.0 4 e (A L. 5Atr(TY g /frT4 M 4 iCA L N3 FLdTA cdL wN deV rK 'a4 ; I h. GvAL Pr' AT3vdAWcf fit.A c.71 c.F1, P h i a I-I l i l [ ~ r i o I 4 ( 5 ? 2 T> L - CA





~~~~~' 'ADMINIfTRATIVE CONTROLS t D6.5.2.6 The HSRC shall be responsible for-review of: l 'I The safety evaluation for (1) changes to procedures, equipment' or systems', a. and (2) tests or experiments completed under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59 to verify that such actions do not constitute an unreviewed safety question. b. Proposed changes to procedures, equipment or systems which unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59. l c. Proposed tests or experiments which involve an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10 CFR 50.59. d. Proposed changes in Technical Specifications or the. Operating Llcense, e. Violations of applicable statutes, codes, regulations, orders, Technical Specifications, license requirements, or of internal procedures or instructions having nuclear safety significance, f. Significant operating abnormalities or deviations from normal'and expected t performance of plant equipment that affect nuclear safety. g. LICENSEE EVENT REPORTS as defined by 10 CFR 50.73 and NUREG-1022. h. Any indication of an identified significant deficiency in the design or operation of safety-related structures, systems, or components. 1. Reports and meeting minutes of the PRC.

j. Any facility activity brought to the attention of the HSRC by the l

District's executive management which may be indicative of conditions adverse to nuclear safety. I K. THe M 5 9.c, ,5 M L L pao ve ref" o vat,si g ny gr y e g.J of

  • "[ 4 )s'nAir r O v AL.W. 761446t h s uc w ea.,4 4 Ty+g fast Fttv 4pAer H O nu,+ ratto m.

e.nw nu m rwronn.ea pg RA4e v Ac revi M/4Sr f' bWM UM e t i ..,. e-, a~ ~ - frM S prei bck-f d N b. b i = l D6-6

J o


TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS _ gg ( ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS I6.5.2.7 The MSRC shall: ) [ .i a. Report to and advise the AGM, Nuclear of those areas of responsibility 'l specified in Specification D6.5.2.6. b. Recommend to the AGM, Nuclear other areas of facility operation for which the MSRC has determined the need for additional auditing per_ Specification j D6.5.4(g). ] c. Advise the AGM, Nuclear of the need for independent auditing of facility 1 operations. RFLoAM D6.5.2.8 Minutes of each MSRC meeting and separate' documentation of. reviews > encompassed by Specifications D6.5.2.6(d),(e),(f)..(.g) and (h) shall be prepared, approved,andforwardedtothe.AGM.'Nucleapwithin14daysfollowing ~ each meeting. i hnical Review and CongD~ch* M D6.5.3 Activities which affect nuclear safety shall be conducted as follows: a. Procedures n d programs requireti by Technical Specification D6.8 and other. procedures and programs which affect plant nuclear safety, and changes thereto, shall be prepared, reviewed and approved. Each such procedure u and program or procedure change and program change shall be reviewed by an individual (s) other than the preparer, but.who may-be from the same organization as the individual (s) that prepared the procedure and program or procedure change and program change. Programs and procefJres other than plant administrative procedures will be approved as delineated in _ pgurwer writing by the AGM, Nuclear, but not lower than thermanager level. Such procedures and programs _shall be reviewed periodically'in'accordance with administrative procedures. The AGM, Nuclear will approve plant administrative procedures, Radioactive. Effluent Controls Program implementing procedures REMP implementing procedures, Security Plan Implementing Procedures and Emergency Plan Implementing P mcedures. Approval of temporary procedure changes which clearly do not change the intent of the approved procedures can be made by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's License. The change shall be documented, reviewed and approved by the procedures apgoval authority within 14 days of implementation. i e 06-7



Proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment that_ affect nuclear safety shall be~ reviewed by an individual (s) other than the individual (s) who designed the modification, but who may be from the same-i the individual (s) who designed the modifications. Such modifications shall be approved by the AGM, Nuclear, or the Deputy AGM, _ i Nuclear.

c. : Proposed tests and experiments awhich affect plant nuclear safety and are-not addressed in the USAR shall be reviewed _by an individual (s) other than the individual (s) who prepared ^the proposed test or experiment. Such-tests or experiments shall be approved by.the AGM.: Nuclear, or the Deputy-AGM, Huclear.

ibleforreviewsperfgrmedinaccordancewith-Individualsrespongfa,D6.5?fb,and06.5.fcshallmeetorexceedthe d. Specification D6.5. qualification requirements of.Section 4.4 of ANSI = 18.1-1971. Each such review shall include a determination of whether or not additional,. cross-disciplinary review 1s.necessary.9 A list of qualified reviewers for l , the independent reviews described in 05.5?fa, b,.and c above shall be established by the AGM,-Nuclear. T50 pee!^=at' perf: :';; th: !b I$ b(' hhe ik + n I el Events reportable pursuant to Technical Specification 6.9 and violations of Technical Specifications shall be investigated and a report p'repared which evaluates the event and which provides recommendations-to prevento recurrence. Such reports shall be reviewed by the PRC and forwarded to the AGM, Nuclearf un A T - rwe Craien Aa, es sac. i l l u t>eco artm an y, u m A e.g vi e w s a u. &c ' per su co S v we l RFV,N Pef 5Nm 07-MS MP/ TAM DI StWu W. + 4 N D6-8 b


  • -5 C**'"

d 06.5.4 Audits of facility activities shall be performed under the cognizance of the Manager, Quality and Safety. These audits shall encompass: n a. The confor. nance of facility operation to provisions contained ~within the. s Technical Specifications and. applicable license' least once j per year. e& b. The performance and-qualifications of the District's, facility' technical staff at least once per year. c. The result _of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, structures, systems or methods of ogeration %at least onra par,nrrtvavtsy Gif monthsf r. n se c 4 4n wet Mevwvity Avdr d. The performance of activities required by the Ouality Assurance Program at, 3 least once per-2 years, g, n4w,,yg g e. The Facility Emergency Plan and isrplementing procedures at least once per year. f. The Facility Security Plan and implementing procedures 'at least once per


~ g. Any other area of facility operation considered appropriate by the AGM,

Nuclear, h.

Compliance with fire protection requirements and implementing. procedures at least once per 2 years,

i. An independent fire protection and loss prevention inspection and audit shall be performed annually utilizing either qualified offsite licensee personnel or an outside fire protection firm.
j. An inspection and audit of-the fire protection and loss prevention program-shall be performed by an outside qualified fire consultant at intervals no greater than 3 years.

k. The radiological environmental monitoring program and the results thereof at least once per 24 months. 1. The ODCM and tuplementing procedures at least one per 24 months. m. The PCP and implementing procedures for processing and packaging of radioactive wastes from liquid systems at least once per 24 months. n. The performance of activities required by 2 $ fl(($$I 2" j7rogram/ for fffluent [ontrol and fnvironmental pi5nitoring. e 06-9 l

RANCHO SECO UNIT 1-TE.CHNICAL' SPECIFICATIONS j i ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS i D6.5.4 Audits (Continued) CM s at Ca* em a ng;) 4 Audit' reports of reviews enco assed by. Specification D6.5.3F shall be l forwarded to the AGM, Nuclear and to the management positions responsible for the areas reviewad within 130 days after completion. D6.6 LICENSEE EVENT REPORT ACTION 'The following actions shall be taken for events which are reportable as Licensee Event Reports: a.. The Commission shall be notified and a report submitted per Specification-

06. 9.qf the requirements of 10 CFR 50.73, and b.

Each Licensee Event Recort shall be reviewed by the PRC and the results of this review submitted to the MSRC. Each Licensee Event Report shall be reviewed and approved by the AGM, Nuclear, or des.ignee. P J l 1 4 I 4 + 9 YU T D6-10 h 4 +., .,. + -

.8 l RANCHO SECO UNIT'1 TECHNICAL SPECIF2 CATIONS ~ MMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 06.7 - NOT USED - 1 D6.8 PROCEDURES AND PROGRANS D6.8.1 Written procedures shall be established, implemented and ma$ntained covering the activities referenced below: & The applicable procedures recommended in Appendix "A" of Safety Guide 33, November 1972. b. Fuel Storage, Decommissioning, and Decontamination Surveillance and test activities of safety-related fuel storage equipment. c. d. Security Plan e. Emergency Plan-f. Fire Protection Mennhw meem od ? g. PCP m W a4w ~ 3 h. ODCM m n e w

i. REMP MANUAL mesmerwo*4
j. Quality Assurance Program for Effluent Control and Environmental Monitoring-using the guidance of Regulatory Guide 4.15, Revision 1, February 1979

+ t D6.8.2 EA@ arecedure of Specification 06.8.1 above and changes-thereto i shall be reviewed and approved as set forth in Specification D6.5. i 06.8.3 The following programs shall be established, implemented, and maintai~ned: a. Radioactive Effluent Controls Proaram l A program shall be provided conforming with 10 CFR 50.36a.for the control l-of radioactive effluents and for maintaining.the doses to MEMBER (S) 0F THE 7 PUBLIC from radioactive effluents as low as reasonably achievable. The program (1) shall be contained in the 00CH, (2) shall be implemented by Administrative, Chemistry, and Operating procedures, and (3) shall include remedial actions to be taken whenever the program limits are exceeded. The program shall include the following elements: 1) Limitations on the operability of radioactive liquid and gaseous monitoring instrumentation including surveillance tests and setpoint determination in accordance with the methodology in-the-ODCM, j 2) Limitations on the concentrations of radioactive material. released in liquid efiluents tofunrestricted areal) conforming to 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B Table II, column 2, w e.miu 3) Monitoring, sampling, and analysis of radioactive liquid and gaseous .^ efflumts in d:ordance with 10-CFR 20.106 and with the methodology i and pa.ameters in the 00CM, 4) Limitations.on the annual and quarterly doses or dose commitment to l MEMBER (3) 0F THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released from each unit to(unrestricted areas) conforming to Appendix I tc 10 CFR Part 50, y, Do-li t f -

RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIF2 CAT 20NS' ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D6.8 PROCEDURES AND PROGRAMS (Continued) 5) Determination of cumulative and projected dose' contributions from radioactive effluents for the current calendar quarter and current calendar year in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the 00CM at least every 31 days. Leo '6) Limitations on the operability and use of the gaseous effluent treatment systems to ensure that the appropriate portions of these systems are used to. reduce releases of radioactivity when the projected doses in _a 31-day period would exceed 2. percent of the. guidelines for the annual dose or dose commitment conforming to Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, M LimMaticas en the-opereb444tu = ad "" ^* +ha liqui d ^"' "-' Arentant systea-te-en:"r th:t th: :ppropriate-pertion:- of this este=-are-used-tc reduce relseses1f-radteast444ty when the - p.cojectedJinses-4-a-84 d:y-p-iod "^"14-ewceed-843Ml/10 of th:l guidelinas_for Aba-annual-doce or dose W4aent-conformkg-to-- Appadiw-Ho-M-CFA-Part-60, 8) Limitations on the dose rate resulting from: radioactive material released in gaseous effluents to areas. beyond the SITE BOUNDARY conforming to the. doses associated with 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 1, 9) Limitations on the annual'and quarterly air doses resulting-from noble gases released in-gaseous effluents from each unit to areas beyond the SITE-BOUNDARY conforming to Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50,

10) Limitations on the annual and quarterly doses -to a MEMBER (S) OF THE PUBLIC from Iodine-131, Iodine-133,-tritium, and all radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than 8 days in gLseous-effluents released from each unit to areas beyond the SITE BOUNDARY conforming to Appendix-I to 10 CFR Part 50,
11) Limitations on the annual dose or dose. commitment to MEMBER (S) 0F THE PUBLIC due to releases of radioactivity and to radiation from uranium:

fue1 cycle sources conforming to 40 CFR Part 190, b, Radioloaical Environmental Monitorina Proaram (REMP) A program shall be provided to monitor the' radiation and radionuclides in,the environs of the p? tnt. The program shall provide (1) representative measurements of radioactivity in-the highest potential exposure pathways, and (2) verification of the accuracy of the-effluent monitoring program and modeling of environmental exposure pathways. The program shall (1) be contained in the REMP MANUAL, (2) conform-to the guidance of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, and (3) include the following: 1) Monitoring, sampling, analys-and rercrting of radiation and radionuclides in the environment in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the REMP manual, 06-12 1

. RANCHO"SECO UNIT 1 ~ ' ^ t ' TECHNICAL SPECIFICAT.10NS ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS D6.8 PROCEDURES AND PROGRAMS (Continued)- 2) A Land Use Census to ensure that} changes-in the use of areas at and beyond the. SITE BOUNDARY.are identified and.that-modifications -to the - r ' monitoring program are made if required by-the results of this census, and 3)- Participation in a-Interlaboratory Comparison Program to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive materials in environmental sample matrices are-performed as part ~of the quality assurance program for_ environmental: monitoring. D6.8.4 Each program of Specification D6.8.3 above,and changes thereto shall ~ be revieued and approved as set forth in Specification D6.5 and D6.14. l D6.9 REPORTING REOUIREMENTS vg n R a vs o r R reo M L W In addition to the applicable reporting requirements of Title 10,:Codelof 1 Federal. Regulations, the following reports shall be submitted to the Regional Administrator of the Region V Office unless-otherwise noted. D6.9.Y Annual Radiolooical Reports Annual reports covering the activities of'the unit, as described below, for the previous calendar year shall be submitted as follows: D6.9.7.1 Annual Occuoat[9nal Radiation Eroosure Reoort The Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Report shall be submitted to the - Commission ~ within the first calendar quarter of each calendar year in. compliance with 10 CFR 20.407. t D6.9.t.2 Annual Excesure Report The Annual Exposure Report shall be submitted to the Commission within the-I first calendar quarter of each calendar year in accordance with the guidance contained in Regulatory Guide 1.16. L D6.9.I.3 Annual Radioloaical Environmental Ooeratina Racer.t omtM*

  • u i

The Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report covering the ut*"ith; of the unit during,the previous calendar year shall be submitted before May 1 ? of each year. The report shall include summaries, interpretations, and analysis of trends of the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Prpgram for the reporting period. The :r tet of thh

pert $shall be consistent with the objectives outlined in (1 theREMPMANUALand(f)

Sections IV.B 2, IV.B.3, and IV.C of Appendix to 10 CFR Part 50. 5 T>e oD t rf s (L) y,A i D6-13 f .r - - ~ ~ ~..., --,av ~-,~.v.~ e ~~

RANCH 0'SECO UNIT I'. 1 TECHN8 CAL SPECIFICAT2ONS ADMIN [STRATIVE CONTROLS 3 D6.9.f Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Renort o ccum a i The Semiannual-Radioactive EffluM Release Report ' covering the :.:t!"itie: of - the= unit during the previous 6 moiths of operation shall be submitted within 60 days after January 1.and July 1 of each year. The report shall include a summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents-and ,4awita t solid waste tsleased from the unit.- The centent c' tW Wert9 hall be consistent with the objectives outlined in B 1 the ODCH and PCP and (2) in lg lconformance with-10 CFR 50.36a'and.4 W :en tetent cith.Section IV.B.1 of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.. 4 D6.9.I ANNUAL REPORT A routine report consisting of shutdown statistics, a narrative summary of shutdown experience, major safety-related maintenance, and tabulations of facility changes, tests or expariments required pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59(b), shall-be submitted en an annual basis to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory. Commission, Document Control Desk, Washington, D. C. 20555, with a copy-to the Regional Office, postmarked no later than 30 days following the twelve month-period covered-by the report. i f D6.9.# LICENSEE EVENT REPORT The types of events listed in~10 CFR 50.73 shall be-the subject of Licensee i Event Reports, submitted to the U.S. Nuclear. Regulatory Commission,; Document Control Desk, Washington, D.C. 20555, within the time requirements of 10 CFR 50.73. An additional copy shall also be submitted to the Regional Administrator of the Region V Office. The written report shall include a l completed copy of a Licensee Event Report form, pursuant to 10 CFR 50.73 and l the guidance of NUREG-1022, and a-description of corrective actions and J measures to prevent recurrence. Supplemental reports required to fully describe final resolution of the occurrence. In case of corrected ~or supplemental reports, a Licensee Event Report shall_ be completed and reference shall be made to the original report date, pursuant to the requirements of 10' CFR 50.73. ,g,,, D6.9.I CEnvironmental RecorK a. When a change to the plant design or to the plant operation is planned which would have a significant adverse effect on the environment or which involves an environmental matter or question not previously reviewed and-evaluated by the NRC, a report on the change will be made to the NRC prior to implementation. The report will include a description and evaluation of the change including a supporting benefit-cost analysis. i b. Changes or additions to permits and certificates required by Federal, State, local and regional authorities for the protection of the environment will be reported. When the required changes are. submitted to the concerned c,g:ncy for approval, they will al:o be submitted to the NRC lor information. The submittal will include an evaluation of the environmental impact of the change. --+ IJ s m / n bL-d A D6-14

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RANCHO SECO UNIT ) TECMICAL SPECIFICATIONS ADMIN 117RATIVE CONTRMt ^ p6.10 RECORD RETENTION D6.10.1 The following records shall be retained for at least 5 years: a. Records and logs of Facility I$$$ sewn b. Records and logs of principal maintenance activities, inspections, repair and replacement of principal items of equipment related to nuclear safety. c. Licensee Event Reports, d. Records of surveillance activities, inspections and calibrations required by these Technical Specifications, e. e,e. tamir. rem m twm. news + f. Records of changes made to Operating Procedures. gf. Records of radioactive shipments.

b. g'.

Records of sealed source leak tests and results. a h*. Records of annual physical inventory of all sealed source material of record. 06.10.2 The following records shall be retained for the duration of the Facility License:

1. Orot4w t.

a. Record and drawing changes reflecting facility design modifications made to systems and equipment described in the Updated Safety Analysis Report. r-r<ew %) b. Records ofTirradiated fuel invetitory, fuel transfers and assembly burnup histories, c. Records of facility radiation and contamination surveys. l d. Records of radiation exposure for all individuals entering radiation 4 control areas, e. Records of gaseous and liquid radioactive material released to the environs. f. Records of transient or operational cycles for those facility components designed for a limited number of transients or cycles, g. Records of training and qualification for current members of the plant operating staff. k. twas,e .smsa ams. a s rene.sma e <.uun r,,,r w,m A. i X. Records of c'Jali tst.ucanct 'cti " tics required by the QA Manual. J f. Records of reviews performed for changes made to procedures or equipment or reviews of tests and experiments pursuant to 10 CFR 50.59. .j M-15 m

- ~ _ _ _ _ -.. RANCHO SECO UNIT 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATJONS ADMINISTRAh1VECONTROLS i l D6.10 RECORD RETENTION (Continued) l K.f. Records of meetings of the PRC and the MSRC. l

n. k.

Records for the Radiological Envi.aonmental Monitoring Program.

    • m-
6. Y.

Records of the service lives of all hydraulic and mechanical snubbers i including the date at which the service life commences and associated installation and Maintenance records. o pr. Records of reviews performed for changes made to the ODCM, REMP MANUAL, and the PCP. p. p". Records of Decommissioning activities performed. D6.11 RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAM l Procedures for personnel radiation protection,shall be prepared consistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 19 and 10 CFR 20, and shall be approved. maintained and adhered to for all operations involving personnel radiation

exposure, i

D6.12 HIGH RADIATION AREA la sntr A ts 3> L ~ I G A u of the " control device" or " alarm signal" required by of 10 CFR 20. ). a. Each Radiation Area in which the intensity of r n is equal I to or gre than 100 mrem /hr but less than I em/hr shall be barricaded an nspicuously posted as a H diation Area and-entrance thereto I be controlled uance of a Radiation Hork Permit, and any ind' I or r ndividuals permitted to enter such areas shall be pro a radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates ton dose rate in the area, b. Each High Radia rea in which t asity of radiation is equal to or greate-n 1,000 mrem /hr shall b ect to the provisions of Specific p D6.12.1(a) above, and, in addi ocked doors shall be provi ,o prevent unauthorized entry into such nd the keys sh e maintained under the administrative control o hift ervisor on duty. Certain areas within the controlled ar se onspicuourvisible or audible signals such that an individual aware of the presence of the High Radiation Area, in lieu of locked doors. ~ S. 012 0 hL k Ve& e n(%*T, L, & ve% % $s hA*Te p.) .a,As w M C ' C\\ s Nw% &bN Wf twu s ce ra p c o s. s ~

/M ScTv A g p.4M Agg 6.12.1 Pursuanttoparagraph10CFR20.203(c)(5),inlieuofthe" control device" or " alarm signal' required by paragraph 10 CFR 20.203(c), each high radiation area, as defined in 10 CFR 20, in which the intensity of radiation is equal to or less than 1000 mR/h at 45 cm (18 in.) from the radiat. ion source or from any surface which the radiation penetrates shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high radiation area and entrance thereto shall be controlled by requiring issuance of a Radiation Work Permit (RWP). Indi-viduals qualified in radiation protection procedures (e.g., Radiation Protec-tion hchnician) cr personnel continuously escorted by such individuals may be exempt from the RWP issuance requirement during the performance of their assigned duties in high radiation areas with exposure rates equal to or less than 1000 mR/h, provided they are otherwise following plant radiation protec-tion procedures for entry into such high radiation areas. Any individual or group of individuals permitted to nter such areas shall be provided with or accompanied by one or more of the following: A radiation monitoring device wnich continuously indicates the a. radiation dose rate in the area; or b. A radiation monitoring device which continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in tho area and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rate levels in the area have been estab-lished and personnel have been made knowledgeable of them; or An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures with a c. radiation dose rate monitoring device, who is responsible for pro-viding positive control over the activities within the area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified by the RWP. 6.12.2 In addition to the requirements of Specification 6.12.1, areas acces-sible to personnel with radiation levels greater than 1000 mR/h at 45 cm (18 in.) from the radiation source or from any surface which the radiation penetrates shall be provided with locked doors to prevent unauthorized entry, and the keys shall be maintained under the administrative control of the Shift Supervisor on duty and/or radiation protection supervision. Doors shall remain locked except during periods of access by personnel under an approved RWP which shall specify the dose rate levels in the immediate work areas and the maximum allowable stay time for individuals in that area. In lieu of the stay time specification of the RWP, direct or remote (.such as closed circuit TV cameras) continuous, surveillance may be made by personnel qualifiad in radia-tion protection procedures to provide positive exposure control over the activities being performed within the area.' For individual high radiation areas accessible to personnel with radia-tion levels of greater than 1000 mR/h that are located within large areas, such as PWR containment, where no enclosure exists for purposes of locking, and where no enclosure can be reason 3bly 3nf 'cted arourd th. 'nd; ldu&l area, that individual area shall be bar' Madec, conspicuously p ateo, and a flashing light shall be activated as a warning device. 1 M D 6 /6 A

RANCHO SECO UNIT 1-i j TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS l r ADMINISTRiTIVE CONTROLS D6.13 PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM (PCP) D6.13.1 The required content of the PCP is defined in Specification D1.6. Licensee-initiated changes to the PC h : D6.13.2 l

a. (Be documented and records of reviews performed shall be retained as

~ ' required by Specification 6.10.21. This documentation shall contain: 1) Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or. evaluations justifying the change (s) and 2 A determination that the change will maintain the overall conformance g,,,e co 3 ) of tha v........ waste product to existing requirements of Federal, State, or other applicable regulations. sw

b. 3 Become effective after review and acceptance by the PRC and approval by l

the AGM, Nuclear. D6.14 0FFSITE DOSE CALCULATION AND RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING l PROGRAM MANUALS 06.14.1 The required content of the ODCM is defined in Specification 01.7. C6.14.2 The required content of the REMP MANUAL is defined in D1.10. D6.14.3 pChanges to the ODCM or REMP MANUAL M H M no n SIh=:

a. 6icensee-initiatDhm;;; Jhall be documented and records of reviews perroTmec shall be reta' ned as required by Specification D6.10.21.

This documentation shall contain: 1) Sufficient information to support the change together with the appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s) and 2) A determination that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.106, 40 CFR Ped 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix ! to 10 CFR te54.50 and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose, or setpoint calculations, b. Shall become effective after review and acceptance by the PRC and approval r by the AGM, Nglear, Shall be submitted to the Commission in the form of a complete, legible c. copy of the entire 00CM and/or REMP Manual as a part of or concurrent with the Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of the report in which any change to the ODCM and/or REMP Manual was made. Each change shall be identifred by markings in the margin of the affected F pages, clearly indicating the area of the Oag, the. as changed, and'. hall indicate the date (e.g., month / year) the ;hange was ;mplemented. D6-17 m m .. ~. ___.~...#yc.

l l l ) ( \\ h Ih )$.15 ENVIRONMENTAL QutLIFICATION l i s l DE.E.1 By no later than June 30,1982 all safety-related electrical l equipent in the-facility shall be qualified in accordance with the l 6 l provisions of Division of Operating Reactors

  • Guidelines for Evaluating l

Environmental Qualification of Class IE Electrical Equipment in Operating j Reactors *{ DOR Guidelines), or, NUREG-0588 'Interia staff Position on l Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment", December 1979. Copies of these documents are attached to Or' der for Modi-l fication of License DPR-54 dated October 24, 1980. ir D6.18.2 By no later than December 1,1980, complete and auditible records ! I, must be available and maintained at a central location which describe the . environmental qualification method used for all safety related electrical' equipment in sufficient detail to document the degree of compliance with the 00R Guidelines or NUREG-0588. Thereafter,'such records should be updated and maintained current as equipment is replaced, further tested, or otherwise further qualified. 0.rder.dat:3 ktob 6.2r,.a e g l 1 b L _16 ., -. ~ -., ,-..------,e- ..---,.,,.,-,--,.----_.,.,---.-..,-,.,..n,m.-...,- w - n.,- + n-, ,,, + n,--

O. .o i l h Enclosure i j l C0!<MENTS ON THE BASES i l In addition to any specific coment provided in the proposed-Rancho Seco l Technical Specification Bases, the following general comments reed to be i addressed for each technical specification: l A. Discuss the function and provide a description of each system or con >ponent. These discussions should describe what constitutes the system or component and include: i (1) A decription of the system (train, channel, component, paran>eter. I etc.)., including as applicable: o Major Components and schematic (if a system) o Flow Paths f o Operational Aspects o Unique Features o General Design Criteria o Other Acceptance Criteria fi All of this information should be discussed only as it relates to the specification being covered. (2) Identify what limits are protected by the specification and what are the consequences of exceeding that limit. This should include the following as applicable: o Safety Limits o Ceneral Design Criteria o Other Acceptance Criteria B. Discuss the analysis and evaluations included in the safety analysis from which the specification has been derived. l including: (1) The applicable Design Basis Accidtnt or Transient Analyses or both, i (2) Major input assumptions, particulerly single failures as they relete to the effects of the required function of the Accident or Trersient Analyses or both. i

-..., o 4. ~2-(3) The relationship of this specification to the acceptance criteria used in the analysis. (e.g., CKER, peak clad temperature). (4) its basis of each Safety, Trip or Operating Limt including error allowances. (5) The trargin of-Safety should be addressed for each Safety, Trip or Operating Limit. The Margin of Safety discussion should address such factors as Limiting Safety) System Settings (LSSS), Limiting Crrditions for Operation (LCO, design parameters, trip set points, response tire, instrument errors, Completion Times, and Surveillance Test Intersals, Where possible the Pargin of Safety Analysis should be quantitative. This will' facilitate the determination of whether or not an unreviewed safety question is involved when a licensee makes a change to its facility, procedures, tests or experinents under the provisions of 10 CFP E0.59. C. Explain why the Limiting Ccnditions for Operation requirement is appropriate. (1) Ciscuss wby'it was determined to be the lowest 'unctional capability or performance level for the system or component necessary for safe operation of the facility. (2) Discuss any other facets of the LCO that may be required, for example: o conditions required o nunt>ers of coniponents required (single failure criteria) o required flow paths o parameter requirements o exceptions or notes o implications of LCO violations D. Explain why operability is required in the given condition. E. For each ACTION Statement: (1) Explain why the action should be taken and continued operation is acceptable if the LCO is not met. Address the following: o level of protection provided the probability of an event during the period covered o o how Required Actions cospensate for LCO deviations (2) Explain why Completion Times are acceptable. (3) Ciscuss how all Actions for an LCO relate to each other.

\\ 1 (4). Explain the source of all nunbers in the action statssents (e.g., completion tires. paraneter values or component recuirements). F. Explain why the surveillarce is necessary at the frecuency i specified? ] (1) Discuss how'the surveillarice demonstrates operability of the LCO requirenients including the basis of specified acceptance criteria. (2) Discuss how the surveillance verifies the LCO rouirement(s) (This should establish a one-to-or>e correspondence between each surveillance requirerent and an LCO requirenent.) (3) Provide justification for surveillance test intervals and parameter values. C. Broad statements like ' engineering judgement or customary time allowed" for completion times or surveillance intervals should be clarified. For example, to explain how the judgements were deriveo: " Operating history based on an tvaluatico of plant machir.ery history, incident reports, and Licensee Event Reports shows that...." l l L k O r i { .}}