IR 05000382/1986007

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Insp Rept 50-382/86-07 on 860331-0404.No Violation or Deviation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Liquid & Gaseous Radwaste Mgt Programs & Licensee Action on Previous Insp Findings
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/29/1986
From: Murray B, Nicholas J, Wise R
Shared Package
ML20197E663 List:
50-382-86-07, 50-382-86-7, NUDOCS 8605150299
Download: ML20197E694 (9)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-382/86-07 License: NPF-38 Docket: 50-382 Licensee: Louisiana Power & Light Company (LP&L)

317 Baronne Street P. O. Box 60340 New Orleans, Louisiana 70160 Facility Name: Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (Wat-3)

Inspection At: Taft, St. Charles Parish, Louisiana Inspection Conducted: March 31 through April 4, 1986 Inspectors: [ o- 4//29 d J/JB. Nicholas, Senior Radiation Specialist, Date '

Mcilities. Radiation Protection Section As u Yb1WF8

" J R.fise, Radiation ' Specialist, Facilities Date rHadiological Protection Section Approved: N 2f[86 B: Murray, Chief, Facilities Radiological Ddte Protection Section Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted March 31 through April 4, 1986 (Report 50-382/86-07)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's liquid and gaseous radioactive waste management programs including review of organization and management control, training and qualifications, radioactive waste effluent releases, records and reports of radioactive effluents, control o PDR O ADOCK 05000382 PD . . ._ _ ._ _ _ _ _ - - _ . _ - .

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effluents releases, air cleaning systems, reactor coolant and secondary water i quality, quality control of analytical measurements, effluent control

instrumentation, and quality assurance (QA) progra ,


Results: Within the' areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identified. Two previously identified open items were close !









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i Persor., Contacted LP&L


  • P. Barkhurst, Plant Manager
  • A. Alleman, Assistant Plant Manager, Plant Technical Services
  • N. Backes, Operations QA Manager
  • L. Brewster, Licensing Engineer
  • S. Carns, Assistant Plant Manager, Operations and Maintenance G. L. Dolese, Radiochemistry Supervisor
  • D. H. Espenan, Health Physics (HP) Supervisor W. M. Finnerity, Operations Training Instructor
  • T. F. Gerrets, Corporate QA Manager
  • R. W. Kenning, Radiation Protection Superintendent M. F. Lee, Instrument and Control (I&C) Technician A. S. Lockhardt, Site Quality Manager
  • M. L. Marler, Senior HP Technician R. J. Matherne, J&C Supervisor
  • J. V. Messina, QA Representative G. Miller, HP Training Instructor
  • M. C. Moody, Departmental Assistant L. W. Meyers, Operations Superintendent
  • J. M. O'Hern, Technical Support Training Superintendent
  • D. F. Parker, Training Manager
  • P. V. Prasankumar, Technical Support Superintendent B. D. Rhodes, Engineering Techr.ician
  • B. P. Rocco, HP Counting Room Supervisor P. J. Schlesinger, Major Surveillance Coordinator L. R. Simon, Radwaste Engineer Others
  • J. G. Luehman, NRC Senior Resident Inspector
  • H. F. Bundy, NRC Reactor Project Inspector
  • Denotes those individuals present during the exit briefing on April 4, 198 . Licensee Action on Previously Identified Inspection Findings (Closed) Open Item (382/8211-10): Calibration of Effluent and Area Radiation Monitors - This item involved the licensee not calibrating the effluent radiation monitors with radioactive liquid and gaseous standards and correlating these calibrations to solid radioactive standard The licensee had performed a calibration of the liquid effluent monitor with a



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l-4-combination of liquid and solid standards and had calibrated the gaseous effluent monitors with a combination of gas and solid standards. The NRC inspectors reviewed the results of these calibration This item is considered close (Closed) Open Item (382/8211-14): Procedures - This item involved the lack of procedures to implement radwaste and transportation programs. The licensee had completed procedures for implementation of the radwaste and transportation programs. This item is considered close . Organization and Management Controls The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's corporate and onsite organizations and staffing regarding the radioactive waste effluent program (RWEP) to determine compliance with commitments in Chapter 13 in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and the requirements in Section 6.2 in the Technical Specifications (TS).

The NRC inspectors verified that the organizational structures of the corporate nuclear support organization and the onsite HP section were as defined in the FSAR, TS, and Wat-3 procedures. The NRC inspectors reviewed the corporate and Wat-3 management control procedures and position descriptions for the assignment of responsibilities for the management and implementation of the Wat-3 radioactive waste effluent program. The NRC inspectors verified that the administrative control responsibilities specified by the Wat-3 procedures were being implemente The NRC inspectors reviewed the staffing of the corporate radiation control unit and the onsite HP section and noted that the corporate radiation control unit and HP section were fully staffed in the area of radioactive waste effluent managemen No violations or deviations were identifie . Qualifications The NRC inspectors reviewed the qualifications of the corporate radiation control unit personnel and onsite HP section personnel responsible for the RWEP to determine compliance with commitments in Chapter 13 in the FSAR and requirements in Section 6.3 in the T The NRC reviewed the resumes for corporate and onsite personnel associated with the RWEP and verified that they met the required qualifications ,

specified in the FSAR, TS, and position descriptions. Based on the !

review, the NRC inspectors determined that the education and experience backgrounds of the present corporate and onsite staffs responsible for the RWEP met or exceeded the requirements in the FSAR, TS, and position description The NRC inspectors determined that the licensee, with the l


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-5-use of qualified contract personnel, had an adequate qualified staff to meet shift staffing requirement No violations or deviations were identifie . Training The NRC inspectors reviewed the HP section and nuclear auxiliary operator (NAO) training program to determine compliance with commitments in Chapter 13.2 in the FSAR and requirements in Section 6.4 in the T The NRC inspectors reviewed the training program for HP and NA0 personnel including a review of course descriptions, lesson plans, personnel training records, and qualification cards, and held discussions with training department personnel. The NRC inspectors found that the licensee's training program was being implemented in accordance with Wat-3 procedure The NRC inspectors reviewed individual staff training records and qualification cards for selected HP and NA0 personnel responsible for performing RWEP activities. The NRC inspectors noted that two of the selected NA0 qualification cards did not include record of qualification training on the portable demineralizer system. This item of concern was discussed with the licensee and it was determined that the two NAQs in question had received portable demineralizer system operator training, but their training and qualification documentation had not been included with their Level A Reactor Auxiliary Building Qualification Card. This item was discussed at the exit briefing and the licensee committed to reissuing completed qualification cards to the NA0s' and performing an internal audit of all NA0 qualification cards to ensure that no other documentation omissions exis The NRC inspectors reviewed radioactive waste management training course descriptions, lesson plans of completed courses, course attendance records, and examination results. The NRC inspectors verified that NA0's were qualified as level A reactor auxiliary building operator Based on the review of HP personnel training records, HP personnel assigned to the HP counting room and responsible for performing RWEP activities (including contractor personnel) had completed the required training to perform their functional area assignment No violations or deviations were identifie . Radioactive Waste Effluent Releases The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's liquid and gaseous radwaste



processing systems and procedures and records associated with liquid and gaseous release permits to determine compliance with commitments in Chapter 11 in the FSAR and requirements in Section 3/4.11 in the TS l



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-6-radiological effluent technical specifications (RETS), offsite dose calculation manual (ODCM), and the design objectives of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix Liquid The NRC inspectors reviewed a representative number of liquid release permits for the period March 1985 through March 1986. It was determined that processing, sampling and analysis, and approval and performance of the releases were conducted in accordance with Wat-3 procedure Quantities of radioactive nuclides released in the liquid effluents were within the limits specified in the RET Projected offsite doses had been properfy calculated according to the ODCM and were within the TS limit The NP.C inspectors, while holding discussions with licensee staff, determined that no design changes had been made to the liquid waste management system since the previous NRC inspection conducted May 20-24, 198 Gaseous The NRC inspectors reviewed selected gaseous release permits which included plant stack continuous releases and batch releases from waste gas decay tanks and containment purges for the period March 1985 through March 1986. It was determined that gaseous waste


releases were performed according to procedure and the quantities of gaseous radioactive nuclides released were within the limits specified in the RETS. Projected offsite doses had been properly calculated according to the ODCM and were within the TS limits. The i NRC inspectors determined that no design changes had been made to the gaseous waste management system since the previous NRC insp'ection

conducted May 20-24, 198 '

, The NRC inspectors reviewed gaseous waste management log sheets for the period March 1985 through March 1986 to determine compliance with TS hydrogen and oxygen controls and maximum noble gas curie content in the waste gas holdup system. The li.censee's analysis records were

in order and analysis frequency and results met TS requirements:


i No violations or deviations were identified.

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, Records and Reports of Radioactive Effluents The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's records and reports concerning l radwaste systems and effluent releases to determine compliance with. the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36(a)(2) and Sectica in the T .

The NRC inspectors reviewed the semiannual reports from initial criticality for the periods March 4 through June 30, 1985, and July 1 through December 31, 1985. These reports were written in the format




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-7-described in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.21 and contained the required information. The NRC inspectors noted that the 1985 fourth quarter 893p and 90Sr particulate filter composite results had been lost by the contractor performing the analyses. The licensee had prepared a possible reportable event report (PRE-86-018) to document the event and provide corrective action. The licensee stated that the loss of analysis results and l corrective action will be discussed in the first semiannual effluent release report for 1986. This item was discussed with the licensee during the exit briefing on April 4, 1986, and the licensee agreed to note any missing or late analysis results in future report The NRC inspectors determined that for the period March 1985 through March 1986 the licensee had not written any licensee event reports connected with radioactive waste affluent No violations or deviations were identifie . Radioactive Waste Effluent Release Procedures The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's effluent release procedures to determine compliance with Section 3/4.11 in the T The NRC inspectors reviewed current approved revisions of Wat-3 procedures governing the release of liquid and gaseous radioactive waste. These procedures provide for the following: sampling of. radioactive waste effluent, chemical and'radionuclide analyses prior to release, calculation of projected offsite doses prior to release, verification of effluent radiation monitor setpoints, recording effluent dilution and meteorological parameters during releases, verifying discharge flow rates and effluent volume discharged, calculation of offsite doses, and the use of checklists for the operation of both and, gas waste effluent discharge systems including shift supervisor's approval signatur No violations or deviations were identifie . Air Cleaning Systems The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's procedures, surveillance tests,-

selected records and test results for air cleaning systems containing HEPA'

filters and activated charcoal absorbers to determine co'mpliance with requirements in Sections.,-4.7.6, 4.7.7, and 4.9.12 in the T The licensee's procedures provided for the required period.ic' checking of system components, evaluation of HEPA and activated charcoal absorber

efficiencies, tracking of system operating hours, and refueling outage replacement and inplace testing of certain filter systems. The NRC inspectors reviewed records and test results for the control room, shield building, controlled area, fuel handling building, reactor auxiliary '

building, and hot machine-shop air cleaning. system In place filter





-8-testing had been performed by an outside contractor at the required frequency to meet TS requirements and all test results were within TS limit No violations or deviations were identifie . Reactor Coolant and Secondary Water Quality The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's program for monitoring and controlling the reactor coolant and secondary water quality to determine compliance with commitments in Chapters 9 and 10 in the FSAR and requirements of Sections 3/4.4.6, 3/4.4.7, and 3/ in the T The NRC inspectors reviewed selected reactor coolant and secondary water chemistry analysis log sheets for the period March 1985 through March 1986. The records reviewed indicated that all required sampling and analyses were performed at the frequencies required by the TS and the analyses results met TS requirement No violations or deviations were identifie . Calibration and Quality Control of Analytical Measurements The NRC inspectors inspected the chemistry laboratories and HP counting room and reviewed the licensea's program for calibration and quality control of chemical and radiochemical analytical measurements to determine compliance with the requirements in Section 6.8 in the T The NRC inspectors inspected the licensee's chemistry laboratory and HP -

counting room instrument calibration and quality control procedures, counting instrument calibration data and performance check data, and other documentation of instrument performance during the NRC inspection of chemistry / radiochemistry activities conducted December 9-13, 1985. The satisfactory results of that inspection were. reported in NRC Inspection Report 50-382/85-3 No violations or deviations were identifie . Radioactive Waste Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation .

The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's effluent maritoring instrumentation and procedures used in calibration of the effluent monitors which control. effluent releases the determine compliance with the requirements in Sections,, and in the T ~

The NRC inspectors reviewed functional check, calibration, and alarm / trip setpoint procedures and records for selected effluent radiation monitors which showed that the frequency of calibration and functional channel checks met TS requirements. Radioactive standards of liquids and gases




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-9-used in the primary calibration of the effluent monitors were determined to be NBS traceable. The NRC inspectors reviewed the results of the licensee's calibrations of the gaseous effluent monitors (PRM-1R-0100.15 and .25 and PRM-IR-0648) which had been performed using a combination of gas and solid radioactive standard The calibrations were determined to have been performed according to approved procedure No violations or deviations were identifie . QA Program The NRC inspectors reviewed the licensee's QA audit program regarding radwaste activities associated with liquid and gaseous effluent releases to determine compliance with commitments in Chapter 13 in the FSAR and requirements in Section 6.5 in the T _

The NRC intpectors reviewed the QA department organization, selected QA audit procedures, audit schedules for 1985 and 1986, and the qualifications of auditors. Selected QA audit reports generated from audits performed during 1985 and 1986 in the areas radwaste, training, TS surveillance, primary chemistry, radioactive waste effluents, and ODCM were reviewed for scope to ensure thoroughness of program evaluation and timely followup of identified deficiencies. The NRC inspectors found the audit plans and checklists were comprehensive and that the response and corrective actions to audit findings were timel No violations or deviations were identifie . Exit Briefing The NRC inspectors met with the NRC senior resident inspector and the licensae representatives identified in paragraph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection on April 4, 1986. The NRC inspectors summarized the scope of the inspection and discussed the inspection finding .







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