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Forwards Annual Progress Rept on Implementation of Control Room Enhancements,Per NUREG-0737.Corrective Actions for All Priority 1 Human Engineering Discrepancies Completed for Unit.Remaining Priority 2 Discrepancies Under Reevaluation
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/12/1990
From: Hunger G
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 NUDOCS 9007180237
Download: ML20044B262 (10)


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':D ,2 .NUREG 0737- *

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. . WAYNE, PA 19087 5691 '

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July 12, 1990 Docket No. 50-277 U.S.. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4 Attn Document' Control Desk L iWashington, DC 20555 q

SUBJECT l Annual' Progress Report for Implementation of Control Room Enhancements Pursuant to NUREG-0737 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit 2 i


1) Letter,.S. L. Daltroff, PEco, to D. R. Muller, USNRC, dated February 26, 1986;


Control Room Design Review '

2) Letter, E. P. Fogarty, PECo to USNRC  !

dated June 30, 1989 i

In.the' reference-1 letter,..which transmitted the' Control

' Room Design Review (CRDR) Report, we stated that a progress' report Lonithe, implementation of the control room' enhancements.would be

. submitted to the-NRC within two months following completion of the L

' inext: refueling outage for Peach Bottom Units 2 andL3 and. annually thereafter. Reference 2 letter provided the status of the control .

l-' . room enhancements as of the end of the 7th' refueling outage for Unit H :2. 'This' letter submits.the annual progress report for Peach Bottom Unitn2. '


The two week delay in submitting this report was discussed- -

with the NRC Project Manager on June 29 , 1990. We are currently taking measures to ensure timely submittal of future progress reports.

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9007180237 900712 DR ADOCK 0500 7 k g\ t l

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. . . . Document C ntrol Deck July 12, 1990 .

Page 2

-In the'CRDR Report, 262 Human Engineering Discrepancies

.(HEDs).were identified. Each HED was assigned a priority with respect to safety using a significance _ scale of 1 to 6. _Three (3)

HEDs were assigned dual priorities. The HED' priority _ categories and-u numbers of HEDs assigned to each were: '

L Priority Number of Unit 2 HEDs Identified Resolved 1 High Safety Significance 10- 10 2 -Low Safety Significance 44 38 i 3 Operational Reliability 26' 16  :

L 4 .No Significant Improvement 94 74 5 -Previously Corrected 52 NA l 6 Not A Discrepancy 39 NA i

The subject, schedule, and status of each identified i

Priority 1 and 2 HEDs are provided in Tables 1 and 2 of Attachment 1

to this letter. The status is presented as the actual outage or '

date-the will be resolved. resolved HED was or the forecasted (F) date when the HED i In summary, the corrective actions for all the >j Priority 1 HEDs have been completed for Unit 2. The corrective i actions for.38 Priority 2 HEDs have been completed. The tcmaining 6 L Priority 2 HEDs, DS-09, TAl-01, TAl-06,'TAl-16, SPl-02, and VW-12 0 i

and their implementation schedules.are being re-evaluated in -

conjunction with the unresolved Unit 3 UEDs. The revised forecast i for implementation _of the remaining Unit 2 Priority 2 HED ]

inresolutions will be provided with the Unit 3 annual progress report February, 1991. 1 In addition to resolving-the last Priority 1 HED (El-02),

the corrective actions for three' Priority 4 HEDs (Al-01, D3-02,'and j

j 15-01) were completed. The Priority 3 and 4 HEDs resolved to date J l

-are listed'in Table'3 of Attachment 1.

If_you have any questions regarding this progress report,

- please-doLnot hesitate to. contact us.

Very truly yours, l


G. A. Hunger, Jr. '

Manager-Licensing Section 1 Nuclear Engineering & Services Attachment cc: J. J. Lyash, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector T. Martin, Administrator, Region I, USNRC t


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Schedule and Status of c,.'~ ,

Human Engineering DiscrepanciesL(HED).


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. Table;.1'- Priority 1~HEDs L

Table'2 - Priority 2 HEDs-f Table Priority 3 and 4 HEDs 1

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TIRI 14RIIRITY 1 IElk ED Priority- Schedule Actual / Forecast-' B EV -

A14 Annunciator Silence Centrol PRI1 7th Refuel 7thRefuel  ;

D245 .NisicFlowDirection PRI1 8thRefuel 7thRefuel D343 - Cosponent String and PRI 1 8th Refuel 7thRefuel 'I Matrix Arrangesent El-42 P. A. Systes Access PRI 1 8th Refuel Nid1909  !

1341 Recorder Values PRI1 8th Refuel 7thRefuel 7 13-05 Nultipsint Recorder Speed PRIB11 8th Refuel 7thRefuel 5: Replace Recorder THE-2-349 l SD243' Containsent Isolation PRI1 8th Refuel 7thRefuel +

Misie Arrangesent 803-23 ~ Control / Display Relationships PRI 1 7th Refuel 7thRefuel TA144 ' Isolation Sussary Display PRI1 8th Refuel. 7th Refuel. ,

TA147 Reacter Level - 172 inches PRI All 7thRefuel- 7thAsfuel Yes  ;

As Add Caution Tag l,

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.Pcgo 1 of 2 l l

T E E t - pt! W TY 2 M Ds B -Priority '

Schedule Retual/ Forecast: E E

, l Al-12. 'Alare Clear

  • Indicatten PRI 2 4th Refuel 7th Refuel- Yes-D541 Operation Lisits & Warnings PRI 2 - See TA B s 7th Refuel 05-42 HierarchalLabeling PRI 2. 4thRefuel- 7thRefuel f D54 Redundant Label Inforsation PRI 2 8thRefuel 7th Refuel 3

L . D549 IncompleteLabels PRI 2 2 ICTE 1 d 1241 Indicator Zone Markings PRI 2 See TA B 7th Refuel 1343 Recorder Alars Points, PRI 2 See TA B 7th Refuel j


1347 RecorderPenColors PRI 2 4thRefuel 7th Refuel 13-11 Recorder Zone Markings PRI2 See TA E 7th Refuel 15-45 Inadvertent Control PRI 2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel Activation l {

l-P441 Feedback to operator PRI 2 Dec1987' 7th Refuel SD3-14 E l Indications PRI2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel ,

SD3-18 ControlGrouping PRI2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel

" S03-19 CentrolGrouping PRI 2 8thRefuel .7th Refuel 803-21 IHRIndicatorArrangesents PRI 2 8th Refuel 7thRefuel


.SD3-28 Reactor Mode Switch Location PRI2 8thRefuel 7th Refuel-Spl-42 ProcedureTersinologyUpdate PRI 2 2 NOTE 1 NRC2-!! Torus Level Zone Marking PRI 2 Cosplete 7th Refuel l

NRC2-12 Reactor Level Accuracy PRI 2 Complete 7th Refuel LER4 Diesel Generator Restart PRI 2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel >

Procedural Requiresent LER-48 Valve Alignsent Procedural PRI 2 8thRefuel 7th Refuel Requiresents LER-14 Reactor Yessel Heat-up Rate PRI 2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel LER-18 !sproper Switch Position

  • PRI 2 7th Refuel 7th Refuel

. _ - .. _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ .

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T M .E 2 - PRIR ITY 2 m s

! l 2 ' Priority Schedule Actual / Forecast E LEV -

LER-19 leproper Valve Operation PRI2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel TAl-41. Reactor Cooldoen Rate PRI2 With Ceeptter June,1992(F)

Ned 9551 TAl 42 . Reactor Level - 48 inches PRI2 sth Refuel 7th Refuel  ;

TA145 E l-Initiation Signal PRI2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel Yes TA14 LPCI Flea Resolution PRI2 SEE M)TE 1 TAl-87 ReactorLevel-172 inches PRI 8 2 8th Refuel ithRefuel Yes B:2eneMarkScales .

L TA14 E l 4 RCIC Nanual Initiation PRI2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel TA149 CS Manual initiation PRI2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel y L'

TAl-18 ~LPCI Manul initiation, PR!2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel f TAl-11 AD6 Tiser Reset PRI2 8th Cefuel 7th Refuel  ;

TAl-16 S*" Instrueent N2 Alare PRI2 CCE NOTE 1 j a

, - TAl-17 TuRUS Level Range "! 2

. 8thRefuel 7th Reful


TAl-28 TORUS Level 18.5 fut PRI2 8th Refuel 7thRefuel TA1-21 TORUS Air Space Teeperature PRI 2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel- Yes TRl-22 TORUS Pressure Range PRI2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel YW-81 ADS Nuebers PRI2 8thRefuel- 7thRefuel YW44 .OrificetypassYalveTag PRI 2 8th Refuel 7thRefuel YW4 Torus Pressure Instrueent No. PRI 2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel  ;

YW-11 ECCS Instrueent Color Pads PRI 2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel i YW-12 T-288 Series Nosenclature PRI 2 CCE NOTE 1 YW-15 T-221 Yalves Not Found PRI 2 8th Refuel 7th Refuel K)TE 1: The subject E is being reevaluated with respect to its

' resolution and forcasted schedule for cospletion. PEco will provide an updated status of this E (as it relates to P8APS Unit 2) as part of , cur next annual progress report to be subsitted for P8APS Unit 3 in February 1991.

, PCge 1 cf 4

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Al-01 Annunciator Color / Location coding 4 l

Al-03 Annunicator Type Stylo 4  ;

Al-06 Multi-Choice Alarms 4 1 l

Al-07 Annunciator Priority Coding 4 I 1

Al-08 Annunciator Identification 4 Al-10 Annunciator control Arranger.cnt 3 J

i D1-02 Consolo control Reach Dist 4 D1-04 Mirror Imaging of Pancis 4


L Di-05 Uncovered Panel Holes 4 l l


D2-01 Control Distinction 4 D2-02 Demarcation and Mimic Lines 3 ]

E l D2-03 Demarcation Lines Contrast 4 j 1

l- D2-04 Mimic Flowpaths '3 l i L t.-06 Mimic consistency 4 l l

D3 Control / Display Grouping 4 D3-02 Component Arrangement 4 l

.D3-04 color coding Consistency 3 J l

D3 Control Display Height 4 ,

D4-01 Color Standards 4 L D5-03 Panel Identification 4

" j

, D5-05 Label Type and Style 4 i i

D7-01. Control Panel Access 4 j l

D7-03 Movable Obstructions 4 i

D7-04 Low Control / Display Visibility 4 j I

i 1

I Pag] 2 cf 4




D7-06' Annunciator Location 4 E3-02 Protective Clothing 4 f

E4-02 Telephone Cords 4 11 Controller Height Low 4 f 12-03 Scale Units 4 I2-04 ' Pointers Obscure Markings 4 l I2-06A Display Grouping 3 12-08 Excessive Scalo Graduations 4 13-08 Recorder Marking Procedurc 4 I

I5-01 Control Sequence 4 15-02 Position Indication Labels 3 15-03' Position Markings 3 $

15-04 Control Height 4 15-06 Label & Indicator Visibility 4 15-07 Control shapo Coding 4 3 15-08' Label & Pointer Visibility 4 ,

15-09 Emerg Control Identification 4  ;


Pl-04 Annunciator Responso Card Identification 4

.SDl-01 Opposing Surfaces close 4 SD2-02 Containment Purgo Mimic Arrangement 3 t

~SD3-01 Control / Display Grouping 3 SD3-03 Air. Ejector Indications 4 SD3-04 Air Ejector Controls 4 SD3-05' Air Ejector Controls 3 SD3-06 Condensate Panel Control Grouping 4

i Pag] 3 ef 4

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'SD3-09 Drain Tank Dump Indications. 4 SD3-10 Drain Tank Drains 4 SD3-11 Rocirc Indications Not Grouped 4 SD3-12 CRD Indications 4 SD3-13 HPCI Controls 4 SD3-15 Controls Arrangement 4 SD3-16 Display Arrangement 3 SD3-17 Display Arrangement 3 l

l SD3-20 Containment Ventilation Cotrol Arrangement 4 SD3-22 Drywell Pressure Indicator Arrangement 4 SD3-25 Indicator Arrangement 3 SD3-26 Control.orouping 4

'SD3-27 Control Color coding 4 SD4-01 Label Location 4 SD5-02 Control Position Escutcheons 3 SIl-01 High Modulo Location / Readability 4 SI2-01 Recorder Location Low- 4 SI2-05 Selector Light Color 4 SI3-01 Recorder Pen Colors 4 SP1-01 Remote Shutdown Panel Proceduros 4 ST1-01 Training Update on Enhancements 3 NRC2-01 Torus Recorder Scales 4 NRC2-02 Extra Scale on Chart 4

.NRC2 Label Scrminology 4

P g] 4 Cf 4 J* e g d

, TABLE 3 - COMPLETED PRIORITY 3 AND 4 HEDs HED PRIORITT NRC2-05 Scale Increments Too Large 3 I TAl-24 HPSW to RHR Drain 4 TAl-25 Reactor Pressurc 330 PSIG 4 TAl-27 Reactor Pressure 150 PSIG 4 TAl-28 Reactor Torus Delta P 4 TAl-30 Procedural Reference 4 L TAl-31 Procedural Reference 4 TAl Generator Load 5% 4 TAl-33 Coro Map Green Light 4 LVW-03 Turbino Speed Label 4 VW-07 Torus instrument-Color Pads 4 VW-08 HPSW to LPCI Mimic 4 VW-09 HPCI Turbine PB Color 4 VW-10 Location of Rx Instruments 4

~VW-13 T-200 Series Information 4 VW-14. T-200 Step Not Cicar 4 l

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