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Forwards Rev 1 to PGE-1049, Inservice Insp Program for Second 10-Yr Interval from 860520-960519
Person / Time
Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/29/1989
From: Cockfield D
Shared Package
ML20248G904 List:
NUDOCS 8910110081
Download: ML20248G900 (6)


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l 1 David W. Cockfield Vice President, Nuclear


September 29, 1989 Trojan Nuclear Plant Docket 50-344 License NPF-1

[' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Corrmission l . ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington DC 20555

Dear Sirs:

Revision to Topical Report PGE-1049,

" Trojan Nuclear Plant Inservice Inspection Program Second Ten-Year Interval" By letter dated November 14, 1986, Portland General Electric Company (PCE) submitted Revision 0 to Topical Report PGE-1049,'" Trojan Nuclear Plant Inservice Inspection Program Second Ten-Year Interval", to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for review. We requested approval of the relief requests contained in the topical report and enclosed the required application fee of $150.

By letter dated August 15, 1988, the NRC requested additional information from PCE to assist in evaluating our initial submittal of Topical Report PCE-1049. In our response dated October 7, 1988 PGE committed to submitting an extensive revision to the topical report. PGE described the details of the revision to the NRC in a meeting on April 4, 1989.


Revision 1 to Topical Report PGE-1049 is enclosed for your review. It includes a voluntary upgrade to the 1986 Edition of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)Section XI for the exemption, selection, and examination criteria for Class 2 piping welds. Your approval of the upgrade to the 1986 Edition of the Code and the revised relief requests contained in this revision is requested. The following items are also enclosed for your information to assist you in your review of the topical report:

1. Piping and instrument diagrams (P&lDs) from the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) which define the ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 boundaries for the systems in the Inservice Inspection (ISI) Program.

8910110081 890929 PDR N

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121 SW Sanon St:wt. PrMaw Oregon 97204 2- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _


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Document Control Desk September 29, 1989 Page 2

2. Isometric drawings generated from our ISI computerized (ISIC) data base which show the welds, components, and supports included in our program.
3. A hard copy of the ISIC data base which details specific information and the inspection requirements for each program item.

The Attachment to this letter is a. guide to show where each of the requests from your August 25, 1988 1ctter are addressed in this submittal. We would be pleased to discuss 4ny questions or comments you have regarding this revision to our ISI program.

Sincerely, f

Attachment Enclosures c: Mr. John B. Martin Regional Administrator, Region V U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. David Stewart-Smith State of Oregon Department of Energy (w/o enclosures)

Mr. R. C. Barr-NRC Resident Inspector Trojan Nuclear plant (w/o enclosures)


$ Trojan Nuclear Plant Document Control Desk Docket 50-344 Attachment License NPF-1 September 29, 1989 Page 1 of 4 GUIDE TO THE COMPLETION OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (NRC)


By letter dated August 15, 1988, the NRC requested additional information from Portland General Electric Company (PGE) to assist in evaluating our initial submittal'of the Trojan ISI Program for the second ten-year f interval. In our response dated October 7, 1988, PGE committed to a 1 complete revision of the program and provided our plans for addressing each of the NRC's specific requests in our revised program. PGE's completed' actions for the NRC requeste deviate in some instances from those described in our letter of Oatcher 7, 1988. The deviations are due j to the use of different American Society ;f Mechanical Engineers (ASME) l Section XI Code editions, format changsa in Revision 1 of the ISI Program 1 and the application of new ultrasotic examination techniques.

1. NRC Request:

Verify that the temperature / pressure exclusion criteria contained in ASME Section XI (1974 Edition through Summer 1975 Adde.nda), Paragraph IWC-1220(a), will not be applied to Class 2 piping welds in the residual heat removal (RHR), emergency core cooling (ECC) and containment heat removal (CHR) systems. Verify that volumetric examination will be performed on at least a 7.5 percent sample of the Class 2 piping welds in the containment spray (CS) system.

PGE Completion:

Revision 1 of Topical Report PGE 1049, " Trojan Nuclear Plant Inservice Inspection Program Second Ten-Year Interval", includes a voluntary upgrade to the 1986 Edition of ASME Section XI for the exemption, selection, and examination criteria for Class 2 piping welds. Paragraph 6.2.2, " Class 2 Exemptions for Piping (86)", of PGE-1049, allows no pressure / temperature exemption for the RHR, ECC, and CHR systems since one is not provided for these systems in the 1986 Edition of the Code. Section 8 of PGE-1049, pages 37 and 38 of the Table, " Inservice Inspection Plan for the Second Interval", shows that examinations are included for Class 2 piping welds in the R{R, l' ECC and CHR systems. PGE has augmented the ISI Program by scheduling l a 7.5 percent sample of Class 2 CS system piping welds for surface and volumetric examinations.



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Trojan Nuclear Plant Docum:nt Control Desk Docket 50-344 Attachment License NPF-1 September 29, 1989 page 2 of 4

2. NRC Request:

Provide the staff with Boundary Diagrams which define the ASME Code Class 1 Class 2, and Class 3 boundaries for the systems in the Trojen Nuclear Plant Second 10-Year Interval ISI Program Plan.

PGE Completion:

Piping and instrument diagrams (P& ids) from the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) which define the ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 boundaries for the systems in the ISI Program are included as a separate enclosure to this submittal.

3. NRC Request:

Provide the staff with an itemized listing of the components subjett

.to examination during the second 10-year interval. The requected listing will permit the staff to determine if the extent of ISI examinations meets the applicable Code requirements.

PGE Completion:

The Table-entitled " Inservice Inspection Plan for the Second Interval", found in Section 8 of PGE-1049, provides a summary of the components subject to examination as well as the percentages of the total number of components to be examined which demonstrate that the Code requirements are taet. Additionally, a hard copy of the ISI computerized (ISIC) data base is included as a separate enclosure to this submittal. It details specific information and the inspection requirements for each program item.

4. NRC Request:

Provide isometric and/or component drawings showing the welds, components, and supports which Section XI of the ASME Code requires j be examined.

PCE Completion:

Isometric drawings generated from the ISIC data base are included as a separate enclosure to this submittal. They show the welds, components, and supports included in our program. Those items which are scheduled for examination are listed in the hard copy of the ISIC data base, i

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Trojan Nuclear Plant Document: Control Desk R Docket 50-344 Attachment License.NPF-1 September 29, 1989 Page 3 of 4

5. NRC Re4 west:

Provide a list of the ultrasonic calibration standards being used during the second 10-year interval ISI at Trojan Nuclear Plant. This list should include the calibration standard identifications, material specifications, and' sizes.

PCE Completion:

Nondestructive examination (NDE) calibration standards available at Trojan are listed in the Table entitled "NDE Calibration Standards",

found in Section 13 of PGE-1049. Size, material, and component applicability information is also included in the table.

6. NRC Request:

With regard to the bottom head nozzle inner radius sections on the the steam generators, relief is requested from performing the Code-required volumetric examination because of the as-cast condition of the outer surface and the clad inner surface of the bottom head.

If relief from examining the nozzle inner radius sections is to be considered, sufficient technical justification must be provided.

What attempts have been made to obtain construction drawings, to select transducers, and to perform the Code-required volumetric examination of the nozzle inner radius sections? If the full Code-required volumetric examination cannot be completed, describe a "best-effort" volumetric examination that could be performed.

pCE Completion:

Relief Request RR-A2, found in Section 10 of PGE-1049, contair;s minor revisions for clarification and provides additional technical justification for the request. Industry efforts to perform volumetric examinations of heavy wall castings in general have not proven effective in detecting defects. PGE is exploring the feasibility of applying new techniques that would provide a meaningful volumetric examination. Until a new technique is determined to be acceptable this relief request remains necessary.

PGE will provide an update by October 1, 1991 on the progress of finding an acceptable technique for examination of this weld.


  • * ' 'fTrojan Nuclear Plant


Document Control Desk Docket 50-344 Attachment License NPF-1 September 29, 1989 Page 4 of 4

7. 'NRC Request:

Discuss what efforts have been made to perform the Code-required volumetric examination.of'the cast regenerative heat exchanger circumferential shell welds. Has a refracted longitudinal' wave ultrasonic examination been. attempted?

PCE Completion:

A refracted longitudinal wave ultrasonic examination technique is being developed. for performing the volumetric examination of the cast regenerative heat exchanger circumferential shell welds; therefore, the relief request for this examination has been withdrawn in this revision to the ISI Program.

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