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Forwards Insp Rept 50-344/99-06 on 990630-0701,21 & 0408-08. No Violations Noted.Insp Conducted to Review Decommissioning Activities Underway at Trojan Site & to Accompany Shipment of Reactor Vessel to Hanford,Washington for Burial
Person / Time
Site: Trojan File:Portland General Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/09/1999
From: Chamberlain D
To: Quennoz S
Shared Package
ML20211Q334 List:
50-344-99-06, NUDOCS 9909150045
Download: ML20211Q328 (4)

See also: IR 05000344/1999006


{{#Wiki_filter:I . . [[* "#8 % UNITED STATES

NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION , f REGloN IV ' [ 611 RYAN PLAZA DRIVE, sulTE 400 ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011-8064 , September 9, 1999 Stephen M. Quennoz, Trojan Site Executive and Plant General Manager Portland General Electric Company Trojan Nuclear Plant 71760 Columbia River Highway Rainier, Oregon 97048 SUBJECT: NRC INSPECTION REPORT 50-344/99-06 Dear Mr. Quennoz: An NRC inspection was conducted on June 30-July 1, July 21 and August 4-8,1999, at your Trojan Nuclear Plant and at Hanford, Washington. Additionally, on September 2,1999, a follow-up phone exit was conducted concerning the portion of the inspection conducted at Hanford, Washington. The enclosed report presents the scope and results of this inspection. The primary purpose of this inspection was to review decommissioning activities underway at the Trojan site and to accompany the shipment of the reactor vessel to Hanford, Washington, for burial. No violations of NRC regulations were identified. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's ' Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosures will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room (PDR). Should you have any questions concerning this inspection, we will be pleased to discuss them with you. Sincerely, fy l Dwight D. Chamberlain, Director l , Division of Nuclear N.aterials Safety Docket No.: 50-344 License No.: NPF-1 l Enclosure: NRC Inspection Report 50-344/99-06 9909150045 990909 I PDR ADOCK 05000344 G PDR I , l l

_ m , .. f, i Portiand General Electric Company , -2-' . . Trojan Nuclear Plant 1 cc w/ enclosures: Lansing G. Dusek, Manager Nuclear Regulatory Affairs Portland General Electric Company. Trojan Nuclear Plant 71 60 Columbia River Highway Rainier, Oregon 97048 Chairman Board of County Commissioners Columbia County St.Helens, Oregon 97501 1 Mr. David Stewart-Smith ) Oregon Office of Energy . - 625 Marion Street NE- Salem, Oregon 97310 Mr. Lloyd K. Marbet 19142 S.E. Bakers Ferry Road Boring, Oregon 97009 Mr. Jerry Wilson _ Do it Yourself Committee 570 N.E. 53rd i Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Mr. Eugene Roselie Northwest Environment Advocates 133 G.W. 2nd Avenue i Portland, Oregon 97204 Mr. John Erickson, Director Division of Radiation Protection

- Washington Department of Health P. O. Box 47827 . ' Olympia, WA 98504-2600

Mr. Earl Fordham, Health Physicist

Division of Radietion Protection - Washington Department of Health ~ 9. O. Box 47827 : Olympia, WA 98504-2600 - \\ w

L ) , . ! l. Portland General Electric Company -3- / l Trojan Nuclear Plant I E-mail report to D. Lange (DJL) E-Mail report to Document Control Desk (DOCDESK) bec w/ enclosure to DCD (IE01) bec w/ enclosure distrib. by RIV: EWMerschoff ' MTMasnik, NRR/PDND (11B20) ) LHThonas, NRR/PDND (11B20) - JRCook, NMSS/SFPO (6E13) ] RJStrasma, Rill /OPA (email copy @RJSB)- . DDChamberlain - LLHowell ' DBSpitzberg JVEverett DLRice RSCarr FCDB File MIS System RIV Files-4th floor file room (Part 50 Docket) i . 1 ) . DOCUMENT NAME: S:\\DNMS\\FCDB\\JVE\\TN906RP.JVE , DNMS:FCDB , _ C:FCDB D:DNMS JVEverett:Jak } 7 C DBSpitzberg # DDChamberlainl8f 09/ 7/99 f 09/ 7/99 09/ f/99 ff OFFICIAL: RECORD COPY , +; 'ie , . .- A a .

e - , , . t Pcitland General Electric Company -3- Trojan Nuclear Plant E-mail report to D. Lange (DJL) E-Mail report to Document Control Desk (DOCDESK) c bec w/ enclosure to DCD (IE01) ,

bec w/ enclosure distrib. by RIV:-

EWMerschoff MTMasnik, NRR/PDND (11B20) LHThonas, NRR/PDND (11B20) JRCook, NMSS/SFPO (6E13) RJStrasma, Rill /OPA (email copy @ RJS2) - DDChamberlain- LLHowell , DBSpitzberg JVEverett DLRice - ' RSCarr FCDB File MIS System RIV Files 4th floor file room (Part 50 Docket) , ! I DOCUMENT NAME: S:\\DNMS\\FCL'3UVE\\TN906RP.JVE _ DNMS:FCDB ' . . C:FCDB D:DNMS ! ' JVEverett:jak (VTC DBSDitzberg >F DDChamberlainlFT no/ 7/no f no/ T/09 no/ 7/09 ff OFFICIAL RECORD COPY < = 1 }}