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Expresses Appreciation for 630806 Answer to Author Ltr Re Undesirability of Constructing Nuclear Reactor at Bodega Bay
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 08/21/1963
From: Hayes K
To: Price E
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709250222
Download: ML20235D429 (2)


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Q 117 Tamalpais Rd.,

. Berkeley 6 califcraia August 21,1963 Eber R. Price, Assistant Director (

gk ,.._. .g Division of Licansing and Regulation , ,j..,.,,,, .

Atomic Energy Commission ,


?!ashington 25 , D.C.

g gilo C W L N

Dear Mr. Price,

f rn / .-

gTED e.

O '

Thank you for your answer ( August 6,1%3--DLR:CTE- D NEC .a n Decket No. 50-205 ) to my letter to Dr. Seabor6 regardin- ge,fst . p& E ~

the undesirability of constnacting a Nuclear Reactor at q g 31NF -

Bedega Bay. gg gg_-r-

.g3g cibc5 I appreciate receiving the enclosures and anticipate making a detailed study of them with some friends in the nea future. ,

(o .I co[s;p  !

i It is not clear to me just what proceedure would be followed if the radienctive wastes, either liquid or gaseous, I were found to be beyond " the permissible limits for safe human consumption."

Would the Reactor be shut down 1 and would this be automatie er a decision to be made by your Commission after

t. report from the Pacific Gas & Electric Co.? Or would the j Pacific Gas & Electric Co. be left to decide this matter them-selves ?

Further, I cannot understand how the Pacific Gas e Electric Co. has felt so sure about the issuance of a permit authorizing construction that they are reported to have spent one and one-half millions already.

I note that Senator Engle and acting Governor Anderson have requested that the Atomic Energy Commission hearing be held before the construction progresses further.


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, ( Mrs. Kenneth A. Haye$ )



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, FIRESTD85-665 PDR 3

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( j L .. ,

? 117 TamalP ais Rd*

- .E*TU*1ey 6, Calif.

July 9, 1963 . ..

Mr. Glenn Seabo g -g I,

  • l-Washin
  1. EY mission DC ']

Dear l'r. Seaborg; Atomic Energy Commi:sios 'for another terme and you as well ss diccuss ,the t kWeofara Cinatraanchip the wt a e this opportunity to ocugratuinto )

many of us in the Bay Area, seemsproposal most ill. locate a lhelear Reactor ,at Beidega o the proposal and trust that you will insist th t thWe are therefo a cumissio n will review solely on the natural desire to develop the peaceful u well the hazards due to this particularseo location. of Atonio Entirgy For but n te will final weigh de only is the proposed location

  • , Practically onthethe Sanand Andreas Fault th but the prevalin vapor wastes over produced, pactures fams on which o Kilk for the Day area is lars*1y  ;

is said to supply the commercial catch exceediFurther, on the Mari .ne Life which what effe '

not least, such a Plant with it's radiating power ling that of Fisherman's Wh a the rost beautiful spots on tho whcie Coast . nes would ruin g un ique and one of national Conferonoe of Nucleon structure. e speakerss Dr. HofstadlWe at the Inter-man knows less than he thought ho knw abouterthe f is reported as explaining that which have already occurred musp have .

a a healthyYcu havin about th to accidents possible peactul uses for Atc=io Energy. respect for f.he hazarda as well as the i unfortunate location for a nuclear reactor less hazardous location. ou will and fit ad will thiscouWe an or nsel your Uc=mitte se to seek a tru ty 7/ [ #} 70 0

  • lq **} NTE*fc5C. h yeg# %

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NO ACTION NECEssARv 0 CouuCNT O eri cLA* ara y cost orreCE rioE CooE, g


! tr ack our E-6 ltr re hodega Lay and

. h.ds: 6 ret;. clarification on preceduras that m old be cred if radioactive mastes were foum w y/guppl file cy Ni ACTI. N p t..e.,

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- ENctosunEs' it. Pries 6 26 m/m arm; r. v i vro le24*nntm i n # M6 ,

w/astra, ter info t . tyt ee : N6 u kvtra. rer c nfo Y lt Mattirnticus 1 - for.ssi E.le 1 - SAU File l l 1 - Aic . eta de / #~hN . - -


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4 4 l-AUG 6 1963

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D3:. hot 50. $ M OS .

t M w. V.arcarot C. Y.;7cc 117 Imalpais Ec:d I;.:rholoy 'J, Califomla' Dcar D.m. I!aycst I

Thts rep 11oc to your letter of Jd7 h IC, cddr:0 sod to Chci: van Cuabo:0 Yea expr-scal ecurur:: with ro g.:ct to the n st.metAcn of a nec1 car res: tor at k.doga n:ad,' eaposed co l

Nfore thu Cecniscica c::n reach a de::1rdca en the 1 cuan::s of a ps: cit outkrining c= trucilcn Of a paccr recetor 1the the cna pre, cod by Paci!1c Caa fr. :lle;:trto C:.:.p: y, cur technice.1 ct ff

tst nrJ:s a ea:1.orchcacive chfct y review cf tha prgwccd desi;;n, ,

c:;r.otructica craj Iccation oi' the t hant. 7a c05d. tic.n, theco r.att.cro cast be utvicsod itri the Advicra;' C=:dt,tco ca rec: tor L

r.afcgacris cnd the rrport:: uf Lt o Ocu.tteo ca:.t he nede pubile.

l iho Mvico:/ Ccrrdttco en ;',cact:r it fc.Taards ::as c: t:,'lichW by Cang eca to ndvise the C:.:ctccien en aatters cf thLc hind. .P9 lo caco up of ccienticts en:s, c.y tr.tcra wh: cro cm.n=:1y qualified in tho scientific dicciplim;c rc LL;Ln; u reactor cafety.

Mtcr tMco revic.Ja hrto bct'r. c( p;G Meir o pd21e hecrin!; ba hold bwfore en Atet:Lc Sc.%ty enc fi.r.%inj hard. At :meb n hearin Oc ecpc:xt pcu.wte;. tJ/ -3 v.L aust cvidac o justicing the pr@n:ci fra th ute.;;geint c" p.blic b:21G cnd cafoty, cnd ::::.*cro of .h iechniar:1 v.nff of the C=iccion prc cut their cvsluatica <411c enM7 c: peau of the ;fi:;nt. In thic Lcaring, cc:scre of 1.ha rd & hav.: cn i.r.:croct in the

, catter ::ay ps:dicipato in tM h crini; in cecardsme with t.ho' Co.r.iecion's "Kules of Peno;1ce' ,1C> C'!.; Fort 2, n cov/ cs which lo caelecod.

t.t the conclucien of t";; u.i Riu he.m-in;;, the ite..ic IsNty end Licensing S ced rondors c'; '.rs1 :A end t:lt C :!cice.

10 then subject to revicu .y th Cr.ri=Lon ct the mysat of a party or en the Cc::'d.ccic.14 e un act.i'.a.

The purposo cf these uWdesi nafety rcviews cnd pr r:cdarco 10 to :::are tirrot:r3: ccnnidvntico cf all encetc ef tha prcposed plant bearig ugn the rpostice of whether it .

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ILa. :larcaret c. Psyce -2r gg s T963 )

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.1 c:a 60 cc:utructed and eperated at Qc p':rp;ced cito ulthM:t

- undwo risk to tho health sr,J er.fct./ cf tb .? Th0 c.ntter '

of dischor:2 of rndiccetivo efflu:Mc to Lb cnvir ruont 10 enc )

ce tb insertant cancideratire. . .4 acre d::ctlw.1 d:ecriptita of

'.' 4 tha regalaton revisu of raacter peaje:rta la pro 71dc3 in tto ' pch;cict. '

t t.t tho . Cat.ntnolon's ec:;uest, the 9. S. CccIci:01 A rvc7 h:c bocn c:wh: ting a throc;h 21ci:1 did/ cc t.Y3 ::cdeg/ of Dode:;s ib::d nin e early 1 Icy. Further, th 510h end Wildlitb Co:vico

..* h:s :r.Gnitted a reprt centic:ning ::o effect of t.paration of a tv. ce on the earl 2o envin.nxet. A co)/ o.f the reyrt in en:leced. ' In addition, ceparY M.u titcnto havo tc<n retained to c.cust the Arc Rostdatory ateff ..a evaluating heiric Ces &

12cetri.c C =pany's.cpplicatica n-ith resp.2ct to the scir. :aloc/

cf tho aren cnd :tractural dra:1:n c? the prope. cd pinnt. Final .{ '

. metica en tha Pc.cific Cas .) Elc;tr.t: C ce;eny applicatico util net ha icken until the ropcrt by t!u U. :). Goalogte:1 m:vey bc boca recci.ved end evaluated. Part.hcr, 'a coast.txtion pemit till nct bo incued tudocs Lho Cuabdan, fdllmin a pblic '

hearing cnd a deci 1cn tr/ the Ate:n : Scfat-/ ar.4 Liec:alon '

L:ced cod censideratica of all f -:Lurs hearing ep.:n cer:ty in eenvinced that fa Llity c7c Lvs :enA;ucced ced cprated ct the ptspcced 1centict uit!mt unh:J rich to tho hccith ced c fety of th: ;rdhlic.

7,0:tinc gestieno, cc.n:crvatie. .m;,tra cnd iho ecthchico cf the cito cre n::,t uit'an thaiurisdiction of the At:cle Ener/ i Cal = ion and, thereforo, are nc e..nldered in tho cc.troo  !

of the revicv nad evaluaticnfpi thu appb.cs!.len.

SLn:a.%; yst=, '

Cd$d b5 N C. Prics i

I Unr fL M co .

/.821&nt ?Lt00ter Divicn of I Lear.uln~

s.vl tnelocurces Distribution: .

Formal ^

1. *16 CF3 M 2 Supplemental

& Pan %det 3 Ibport Public Document Rocci (2)

O. Hadlock, 000 l

C.-T. Edwards )!

DLR 000 h DLR '

C7Eduards:bsb GHadlock ERPrice i

8-2-63 8 63 8- -63 1

i 2

g g s. --+? tor **- - &. m i- .se**- t a w es --A b