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Advises of Formation of Resources Conservation Organization. New Group Intends to Oppose Any Util Actions That Might Impact Negatively on Future Facility Operability.Ad Rossin Will Serve as Organization Coordinator
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco, 05000000, Shoreham
Issue date: 06/26/1989
From: Ross A
To: Zech L
Shared Package
ML20247E676 List:
NUDOCS 8907280366
Download: ML20247H363 (1)


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RESOURCES CONSERVATION ORGANIZATION Suite 320 101 First Street Los Altos, CA, 94022 26-Jun-89 Hon. Lando Zech, Chairman United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Deer Chairman Zech.

We the undersigned, have formed the Resources Conservation Organization (RCO).

To the extent that any or all of the members of RCO have appropriate standing, we hereby wish to notify you of our intent to oppose any actions by the holder of the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant license (LILCO) that might impact negatively the operability of the plant in the future.

This includes any effort to amend the existing Ilcense to a possession only" license.


should the license pass to any other party, we rcquest similar notification of any such proposed amendments.

The operating license requires that the plant must be maintained according to its Technical Specifications.

If the licensee proposes any license amendment which would result in impairment of the opera-bility of the plant, its maintenance, or any of the hardware and phy-sical systems, we request prompt notification and leave to intervene.

Dr. A. David Rossin will act as coordinator for RCO in regard to this matter.

He can be reached by telephone at 415-948-7939.

His signature appears below on behalf of RCO.

Copies of this letter bearing personal signatures of the other signators will be forwarded to you in the near future.

Professional affiliations are provided for identification only.

Correspondence should be sent to RCO at the address on this letterhead.

Thank you for your attention to our request.

&a Milton Le renson - (Former President, American Nuclear Society)

Robert A. Neff - Resident of Oyster Bay, Long Island, NY A. David Rossin - Coordinator, RCO (Former Asst. Secretary of Energy)

Ronald Stinson - (Former Presideni. American Nuclear Society) l cc: Hon. Kenneth Carr, Chairman Designate l

Hon. James Curtis, Commissioner l

Hon. Thomas Roberts, Commissioner Hon. Kenneth Rogers, Commissioner Hon. Marie Cuomo, Governor, State of New York Mr. William J. Catecesinos, Chairman, Long Island Lighting Co.

L. Manning Huntzing Esq., Counsel to RCO I

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