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FOIA Request for plant-specific Documents Re Fire Protection Requirements,Insp repts,hardware-specific Deficiencies & NRC Communications W/Util
Person / Time
Site: Byron, Braidwood, 05000000
Issue date: 06/16/1988
From: Murphy M
FOIA-88-344 NUDOCS 8810060391
Download: ML20155B665 (5)



~ "WSgpKgt,{JfW.N 1750 N. Mohawk Ave.

Apt. 406 Chic a go, 11.

60614 June 16, 1988

[REEDSM OF INF0WATIO ACT REQUEST Director, Of fice of Adennsstratton U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

[dA ~[#'*e$ Yf I

Washington, DC 20555 fk h h *N '



1 would like to obtain some inforsnation related to the Byron and j

Braidwood Plants, 1

i in accordance with Title 10. Code of Federal Regulations, Part 9, please provide copies of the documents listed on the attached.

l l

1 am willine to pay the charges related to copying the documents requested.

Please contact me at (312) 266-2139 if a deposit is required, or if there are any questions.

Thank you for your assistance.

1 i

Sincerely, l

Michael l phy l

cca Druce A. Derson, Esq.

NRC Region 111 Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region !!!

799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, 11 68137 8810060391 080616 PDR I;OIA MURPHY 80-344 PDR 1




a Freedom Of Inf ormation Act Reouest List of Documents Requesteo - Page 1 J. _!?[FQRMATION RELATED.Tp f!RE..PROTEC_T_ ION REQUIREMENTS Flease f urnish all internal NRC correspondence, telephone notes, conference notes, and other documents generated by the NRC organizational elements npectised related to the interpretation and application of regulatory requirements for fire protection at Byron 1

and 2.

The time frame of interest is 1982-1905.

NRC organtrational elements of interest are the Chemical and Mechantcal Engineering Branch (CMEB. (V. Benaroya Branch Chie f), and Inspection and Enforcement Region III (Mr.

Ramsey inspector).

Limit the information provided to the application of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards, in the following areast fire detector type and location, sprinkler head loc a tion, water supply valve type and configuratton, diesel t ank high level clarms, fire door s t il s, and fire pump check and relief valves.

Inf orma tion as also requested related to NRC Inspect!on Reports 454/03-62 and 455/03-42.

Provide inspector notes, work papers, internal NRC correspcodence, minutes of meetings between NRC personnel and Edison personnel or Edison contractor per sonnel, and minutes of meetings within the NRC, related to the inspection.

!!. INFORMATION RE_ LATED _TO VAR { OMS NRC INSPEC_TJON REPORTS Information is requested related to several NRC inspections conducted at Byron and Brand sood.

Provide inspector notes, work papers, internal NRC correspondence, minutes of r eetings between NRC personnel and Edtson personnel or Edison contractor personnel, and minutes of meetings within the NR C, related to the NRC inspections and inspection reports listed t:elow.


Braidwood Inspections A1.

50-456/77-05 and 50-457/77-05, conducted in September 1977 A2.

Inspection 50-456/02-03 and 50-457/82-03, conducted May 24-20 and June 1-4, 1982 A3.

50-456/02-05 and 50-457/82-05, conducted April through July 1982

Y, * **

1 Freedom Of Inf ormation Act Request List of Docsents Requested - Page 2 A4 50-456/03-02 and 50-457/8; 02, conducted in January and February 1983 A5.

Inspection 50-456/83-09 and 50-457/83-09 conducted from June 1983 to February 1984.


Dyron Inspections bl.

Inspection 50-454/80-25 and 50-455/00-23, conducted from December 1990 through March 1901 E 2.

Inspection 50-454/82-05 and 50-455/02-04, conducted in March through Ma r 1982 b;.

Inspection 50-454/00-04 and 50-455/80-04 conducted in Marc.h through May 1980 11h INF ORMA TIONJEt, A T E.D _V ARIOUS_11AR DW ARE, SFXC EIC _ DE F_lC.!ERGl_E S A.

Provide all documentation related to any analyses performed by the NRC to determine the potential cause(s) of the quality deficiencies noted by the NRC, during inspections 50-454/00-25 and 50-455/80-23, associated with the Hatfield Electric Company electrical installations at Byron, g


Provide copies of all Repor t able De ficiencies (la CFR 59.55(e) report s) submitted to the NRC related QA/DC activities or har dware deficirncies associated with electrical installations at nuclear ponse plants under construction in the period of 1974 theough 1906, C.

Provice copies of all Reportable Deficnencies (10 CFR 50.55(e) repor t s) submitted to the NRC related QA/QC activities or har dwar e deficienc t us associated with HVAC installations at nucle.e power plants under construction to the period of 1974 throuqn 1986.


J Freedom Of Inf ormation Act Request List of Locuments Requested - Page 3 D.

Please provide the inspection procedures utiltred by NRC inspectors for the inspection of HVAC installations in the period of 1975 to 1985, E.

Provide all reports of studies or evaluations conducted ov or for the NRC related to DA/DC inspector quantf tcation deficiencies in nuclear power plants under construction.


Provide all reports of studies or evaluations conducteo by or for the NRC related to electrical hardware installation or inspection def tetencies an nuclear power plants under const r uc tion.


Provide all reports of studies or evaluations conductec by or for the NRC related to HVAC inst alla t ten or inspec tion deficiencies in nuclear power plants under construc tion.


Provide all reports of studies or evaluations conducted by or for the NRC related to the need for changes in the NRC inspection practices for nuclear power plants under c onstr uction, and all internal NRC correspondence, me e ting minutes, and notes related to this t opic.

1%__lNFORMATjQN R(L ATED_TC_ NRQ_COMMUNIQATjON WJTH E_DjlQff Please provide all pr esent a tion materials, inspec t or notes, manutes and work papers related to the pr epar a t t o')

for, and the par ticipatton tr% enforcemerk conferences / management c ommunic a tion meetings conducted between Eorton and the NRC regarding the byron and/or Braidwood projects beginning in August, 1982.

If the following list is not corplet e, please supplement with the above requested information, any additional enforcement conf erences/ management communication meetings.

Enf orcement conf erence_s 0-31-02 Related to Draidwood Steam Generator and safety related mechanical e tN tpment inst allation 11-19-0 2 NSSS Installation

!?-20-83, 3-07-04 Piping and electrical and HVAC at BW related to trs pection 83-09 f;ndings

%Nb5lfEIt$ W'M S~

Freedom 0+

Information Act Request List of Documents Requested - Page 4 6-06-84 Systems control Please. e clude, the f ollowing,Enf orcement, GorJerences 5-23-03 Preops r at1onal testnr.g 4-02-85 Wtal area access ccerol 4-29-85 Vital area access control 6-27-85 Radiation exposure protection 7-22-05 Radiation exposure protection 11-22-05 Failure to follow technical specifications M_anagement Communication Meetings 7-26-03 Summarized in inspection report 50-456/83-12, 50-456/03-12 9-09-83 Second managen.ent communication meeting regarding regulatory cerformance and NRC Edison communication 10-19-83 Third management communication meeting
