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Submits Rept on Bodega Bay Atomic Park from ACRS 47th Meeting on 630411-13.Concludes That Proposed Reactor Can Be Designed & Built at Proposed Location on Bodega Head W/ Reasonable Assurance That Plant Can Be Operated Safely
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 04/18/1963
From: Hall D
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
To: Seaborg G
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709180344
Download: ML20234B281 (3)



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C ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON REAC'IOR SA UNITED STATES Washington 25, D. C. A'IDMIC ENERGY COMM April 18,1963 Honorable Glenn T. Seaborg Chairman U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Washington 25, D. C.




Dear Dr. Seaborg:

A At its forty-seventh meeting, April 11-13 Electric Company for approval c on by theof constru Pacific Gas and tion' R Bodega Bay Atomic Park, on Bodega Head Comittee , Sonoma County, California.on of Pacific Gas had the benefit and Electric Company,of with discussions the Gen representatives of the The d AEC Staff and their consultants.eral Electric Company, and the a preliminary form The at application a subcommittee had a'lso been reviewed on March 20,1963, and in meetin on July 31, 1962 of the tions, theCommittee Committee made viewed use of thetheerdo site date. at an earli Members cuments listed.In its dilibera-The site of the pmposed nuclear power u i are used for camping and fishing.

u ure n picnicking, Francisco. Areas coast agric lta nea,rby of California s tudies.

The reactor site as a field stationu red forbymarine the University bi lAn ad the San tively low.Andreas fault zone. proposed is about one thousand feet wo o est of

' The plant will incorporate engineered eguards.

safThe rela- surrou boiling water type.The 1006 Mw(t) reactor plant proposed i the reactor sure, and is conne located Pressure in a dry suppression well that i confinement is to bs of the e used, with internal pressure.cted to a toroidal suppression chember rateds ra As proposed piping as well as soup other par,ts of the p i at 35 psi i water All piping pumps penetrations andthrouth the primary the r mary system, dry watersuch ascleanup feed-mary sy tth

. isolation valves. s em, are not to be confined.

trate the dry well wall and open into thTheesapplicant that pene-states tha e dry well or the nuclear steam 1

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. Seaborg onora April 18,1963 supp CPe nsideration should be given to the inclu inc tion valves in some of the primary system pipinonal P bac6 f a strainer before the main steam line i g and to-ei n matter from interfering with proper valve actionsola .

e naideration should be given to providing the emergen rsystem f pump. with pump back-up beyond that provided ary-by the mmittee believes that the dry well and the suppression be designed and built to permit leak testing atpool d r theshould ction installation of all penetrations, andesign that pressure design and con-

- ign pressure. permit periodic leak testing at the suppressio In the initial tests of the dry well, the leak I

ould be determined as a function of theressure, internal so p rates

- can be extrapolated

'i with confidence..e results of subsequ essure p/ l }Ina the unlikely event of a r j

ugtthis--u relied on to reduce eactor accident th the consequenc,es.e emergency ventilation frequent testing of the ability of thsystemeshould to permit also be design units to meet their specified efficiency evels.

le filtration and iodine remo The requirements that are imposed on pl an active seismic area have antbeen design conside because of location in referenced have been connulted documents contain red by thethe on this question reconsnend applicant, a ions of seismologists who and the t that line.

fault the reactor and turbine buildings .

Tentative exploration indicates the design criteria for the plant arThe Committee believes th hazards associated with earthquakes o nt is established, diorite rock below shoul . e adequate from the standpoint of this point. Careful examination of the quartz Furthermre,d careful attention shouldthe be beComittee made given to suggests the duringthat,building durin excavation g design, systems to operate properly during and s bability of emergency shocks, and to the stress effects that mito hviolent earth u sequent reactor ent building geological and the turbine buildin formatjlons. g t be introduced.because the isolation of th The need for earthquake-induced shutdow e primary system can be considered at a l nt and a er time.


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Honorable Glenn T. Seaborg 1. "

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April '18, ' 1963 '

l observations will be. used'to establish.ents, .

e-atmos and as one of the bases for determinining the height'of the ack.'

off-gai '

The' applicant has submitted ' evidence to establishaethat the an .

temperature changes in the ocean near the condenser coolant.

point will not be great enough to..cause appreciable influenc. discharge 1.

. marine life. The expected release' of radioactive' e on the'effluentlocal by l coolant the water applicant haswill made at rates.well below obtain the 10 CFR 20 environmental lim data.


~ and'1and life in the neighborhood of the proposedorplant marineboth be n.

after reactor operation. . These measures seem adequate .

a to i plant can be operated so as not to alter the local' ecology e-or e caus j .

undesirable concentration of radioactivity in marine life. .

i t i The ACRS believes s that, subject to the above conditions

, the proposed Head with reasonable assurance that

' hazard to the health and safety of the public.

it can out undue a be op i


Sincerely yours,

., /s/ D. B. Hall l

D. B. Hall l' Chairman Referencea: >



Number 1, dated DecemberPreliminary 28, 1962.- Hazards c Park - Unit Summary Report  :

2. .;

Licensing and Regulation Relative dated March h,.1963. s to on ofConstruc pplication, 1 l


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