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Requests Brief Status Rept on Arrangements for Medical Svcs in Offsite Plans for Plant by 870608,per Encl IE Info Notice 86-098, Offsite Medical Svcs
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/03/1987
From: Nerses V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Harrison R
IEB-86-098, IEB-86-98, NUDOCS 8706150109
Download: ML20214W148 (2)


i Docket No.: 50-443 UN o 3 ino7 Mr. Robert J. Harrison President and Chief Executive Officer Public Service Company of New Hampshire Post Office Box 330 Manchester, New Hampshire 03105

Dear Mr. Harrison:


IE INFORMATION NOTICE NO. 86-98: 0FFSITE MEDICAL SERVICES Enclosed please find IE Information Notice No. 86-98: Offsite Medical Services, which was distributed on December 2,1986 to all nuclear reactor facilities holding an operating license or a construction permit. The information notice transmitted a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Guidance Memorandum (GM) MS-1, " Medical Services," that addresses implementation of the Commission policy on offsite medical services published on September 17, 1986 in the Federal Register (513 32904).

The implementation section of this FEMA GM states, " Plans for plants that do not have a full power operating license should reflect the provisions of this GM within nine months of the effective date of the GM" (i.e., August 13,1987).

It will therefore be necessary for your offsite plans to reflect the provisions of guidance memorandum MS-1 for full power license consideration.

The NRC would like to be aware of the status of your offsite medical services arrangements to determine any potential delays in FEMA findings. Please provide by June 8,1987, a brief report on the status of arrangements for medical ser-vices in the offsite plans for your plant vis a vis the guidance in HS-1. In particular, please identify the schedule for submitting offsite medical services information to FEMA's regional office (s).

/r Victor Nerses, Acting Director Project Directorate I-3 Division of Reactor Projects I/II


IN No. 86-98, w/ Attachments 0FFICE: PE/ POI- IR/PD I-3 SURNAME: ETr6tt% Neeses DATE: 06/'f/ 06/J /87 m

8706150109 870603 PDR ADOCK 05000443 G PDR

.p. g.

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Local PDR PD.I-3 Reading SVarga.



E. Jordan D. Grimes J. Partlow '

EMcKenna VNerses M. Rushbrook ACRS(10)


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SSINS No.: 6835 i IN 86-98 '



Addressees: I I

All nuclear struction power reactor facilities holding an operating license or a con-permit.


This information notice is provided to bring to the attention of licensees a new Commission policy on offsite medical services around nuclear power plants and a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidance memorandum addr that policy.

cability to their facilities.It is suggested that recipients review the information for appl.i-No written response is required.

Description of Circumstances:

Attached is FEMA Guidance Memorandum MS-1, " Medical Services," that addresses implementation of the Commission policy on offsite medical services published on September 17, 1986 in the Federal Register (51 FR 32904).

Memorandum was prepared in coordination with the NE staff. This Guidance As noted in the referenced policy statement, the Commission has determined that these modifi-cations fall under the backfit rule's exception as necessary to bring facili-ties into compliance with a rule of the Commission.

No written response is required by this information notice. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the Regional Administrator of the appropriate regional office or this office.

'J dward L. ordan, Director Division , Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response Office of Inspection and Enforcement Attachments: i

1. FEPA Guidance Memorandum MS-1
2. List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices Technical


Edward M. Podolak, IE (301) 492-7290 _,

-gunnnns- l


.O Attachment I IN 85-98 December 2. 1986 Page 1 of 12 I

eM Al Federal Emergency Management A,gency Wa hington, D.C. 20472 MDCTRCX.E IVR: Regional Directors Acting Regional Directors M g %'

F70'.: ':Icoghlin puty Associate Director State and local Prograns and Sp; ort S3 E CT:

Guidance Memorand.n (m) MS-1, Medical Services ne atta::hed m MS-1, Medical Services, is forvazded for your use in pro /idire gaidance to State and local officials in developing their radiological e.engency response plans and in evaluatirq the fredical services capabilities of State an$ local cpverments.

he origins of this m and its develogrent and apprenal have been screAat '

different frcr. crJwr CM's. his W was developed as a result of a series of legal decisions irr/olvirg NRC which determined that the existing interpretation of the required pre-accident rnedical arrangements for conta .inated injured individaals was not sufficient.

Those decisiens led NRC to issae a policy statment (Attadrent B) on Septeter 17, 1986, indicatire that the NRC staff (in ecnsultation with FTMA) would develop detailed services gaidanceby Noianber on 17, the 1986.

necessary pre-accident arrangenents for rtedical We this base wrked closely with NRC in recent weeks in the preparation of gaidance.

Unfortinately, the short deadline did not permit our usual this final procedare gaidance. of obtaining Regional a.-d other otrrents before issuing If yoa have any gaestions about MS-1, you rnay contact James *Dxras at 646-2802.

provided for A your list ofinferration.

all current operative CM's (Attactrent C) is also AITA~HMS:

A. CM MS-1, Medical Services B.

Energency Plannirn - Medical Services, Septe.ber 17,1986, 51 FR 329 04 C. List of Operative m's

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. s i Attachment 1 IN 86-98

. December 2, 1986 Page 2 of 12 jD % # , Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 204 72



MEDICAL SERVICES Perpose This Guidance Memorandum (GM) provides interpretation and clarification of '

requirements. contained in the huclear Regulatory Comission rule, 20 CFR 50.47 (b)(12) and the associated guidance in NUREG-0654/TEMA-REP-1, Revision 3, re-lated to the provision of medical services for members of the general public.


The tackground is contained in a policy statement from the Nuclear Regulatory Co=ission (NkC) titled " Emergency Planning - Medical Services" (51 FR 32904).

In this policy statement, NRC _ states its belief that 10 CFR 50.47(b)T12)

(* arrangements are made for medical services for contaminated injured individuals *) requires pre-accident arrangements for medical services (beyond the maintenance of a list of treatment facilities) for individuals who might be severely at a nuclearexposed power to dangerous levels of offsite radiation following an accident plent.

As used in 30 CFR 50.47(b)(12) and planning Standard "L" of NUREG-0654/FEPA-REP-3, Revisicn 1, the tem "conts'ninated injured" means

1) contaminated and otherwise physically injured; 2) contaminated and exposed to dangerous levels of radiation; or 3) exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.  !

Guidance 10 CFR individuals.*

injured 50.47 (b)(12) requires.that

  • Arrangements are made for contanineted In its policy statement the NRC determined that this standard requires pre-accident arrangements for medical services for offsite individuals accident at awho r.ight nuclear be erposed power to dangerous levels of radiation following an plant. The following guidance applies to the eval-untion of the medical services aspects of State and local emergency plans under the criteria in NUREG-0554/TEPA-REP-2.

Standards. Evaluations Criteria. Areas of Reviews and Acceptance Criteria A. Assignrent of Responsibility (Organization Control)

Plannino Standard Primary responsibilities for emergency response by the nuclear facility itcensee, and by 5 tate and local organizations within the Emergency Planning Zones have been assigned, the emergency responsibilities of the various sup-porting organizations have been specifically established, and each principal i

response on organization a continuous basis. has staff to respond and to augment its initial response

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Attachment 1-IN 86-95 December 2, 1986' Page 3 of 12 4

A.3. Evaluation Criterion Each plan shall include written agreements referring to the concept of operations developed between Federal State and local agencies and other sup;crt organizations Flanning Zones. having an emerg,ency re,sponse role within the Emergency The agreements shall identify the emergency reasures to be provided and the mutually acceptable criteria fer _their implementation, and specify the arrangements for exchange of information. These agreements may be provided in an appendix te the plan or the plan itself say contain descriptions aofg these reerent retters

s. and a signature page'in the plan rey serve to verify the The signature page format is appropriate for organizations where response functions are covered by laws, regulations or esecutive orders where separate written agreements are not necessary.

Areas for Review and Acceptance Criteria State or local governments should obtain written agreements with the listed

-redical facilities (Planning Standard L. Evaluation Criteria 1 and 3) and trans-portation providers (Planning Standard L. Evaluation Criterion 4). The written

! agreements should contain simple assurances that the providers have adequate technical information (e.g. tresteent protocols) and treatment capabilities for handling " contaminated injured" individuals.

An indication of Joint Commission on (Note:Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH) accreditation will suffice for such assurance.

Veterans Administration (VA), military and other government hospitals are not usually accredited by JCAH but usually have the desired capabilities.)

4 If state or local governments do not obtain written agreements, the licensee should obtain portation providers.written agreements with the listed medical facilities and trans-If good faith efforts are not successful in a particuler case, the licensee shall provide or arrange for adequate compensatory measures, e.g.,

medical obtain care.written agreements with other providers or provide temporary field

} L. Medical and Public Health Support 4

Planning Standard A[}ang ments ar.e made for medical services for contaminated injured

_L.1. Evaluation Criterion Each organization shall arrange for local and backup hospital and medical '

, services having the caprbility for evaluation of radiation exposure and uptake,

includingto prepared assurance that personsindividuals.

handle contaminated providing these services are adequately i

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e Attachnent 1 IN 85 Dece-ber 2, 1986 Page 4 of 12 3-Areas for Review and Acceptance Criteria There should be one primary local hospital and one backup hospital for each site for the e. valuation and emergency treatment of " contamination injured"

r. embers of the general public. Hospitals are generally distributed proportional i to the population. Thus, at sites with low pcpulation and few hospitals, the i primary local and backup hospitals for members of the general public could be the same as those for the utility employees and emergency workers, i

L.3. Evaluation Criterion Each State shall develop lists indicating the location of public, private and military hospitals and other emergency medical services facilities within the any for State or contiguousinjured contaminated Statesindividual. considered capable of providing medical support The listing shall include the name, location, ties.

type of facility'and capacity and any special radiological capabili-These emergency medical services should be able to radiologically eenitor contaminated personnel, and have facilities and trained personnel able to care for contaminated injured persons.

Areas for Review and Acceptante Criteria The lists should be annotated to indicate the ambulatory /non-ambulatory capaci-ties for providing medical support for " contaminated injured" members of the general public and any special radiological capabilities. This will enable state i and local officials to direct members of the general public to those institutions capable of handling " contaminated injured" patients.

In the event that local and regional medical resources need to be supplemented, additional eedical re-sources would be available through the Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan.

These resources would include the Rediation Emergency Assistance Center /

Training Site at Oak Ridge, Tennessee and the National Disaster Medical System with headquarters in Rockville, Maryland.

L.4. Evaluation Criterion Each organization dents to medical support shall arrange facilities. for transporting victims of radiological acci-

_ Areas for Review and Acceptance Criteria i Because the early symptoms of persons exposed to dangerous levels of radiation are usually limited to nausea and vomiting, ambulances may not be required to

! transport such persons to medical facilities. Rather, non-specialized public and private vehicles can be used, supported, if necessary, with agreements -in accordance with A.3. above. For other types of cals, specialized transportation resources (e.g. contaminated injured individ-

, ambulances) would be necessary and should be assured by agreements, if necessary, in accordance with A.3 above.

Provisions contaminated shoule be made persons to medical for thefacilities, use of contamination control in transporting i

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Attachment 1 )

IN 86-98 December 2, 1986

. Page 5 of 12

-4 plannino Standard

0. Radiological Emeroency Response Trainino i

Radiological emergency response training is provided to those who may be I called on to assist in an emergency.

0.4. Evalcation Criterion {

Each organization shall establish a training program for instructing and quali- .

fying personnel whc will irnpler.ent radiological emergency response plans. The l specialized initial training and periodic retraining programs (including the scope, nature and frequency) shall be provided in the following categories:

h. Medical support personnel I Areas for Review and Acceptance Criteria Each hespital listed under Evaluation Criteria L.1 and L.3. shall have at least one physician and one nurse on call within about 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> who can supervise the evaluation and treatment of radiologically " contaminated injured" members of the general public. There are several sources for this training including NRC licensee in sponsored contamination training. Transportation providers should have basic training contrel. Examples include but are not limited to:


FEPA handbo:k, videotape, slides and instruction manual titled ' Hospital Emergency Department Management of Radiation Accidents " SM 80/1984 2.

Courses froe The Radiation Emergency Assistance Center / Training Site (REAC/TS) at Oak Ridge Associated Universities.

3. Audiocassette and text course, " Radiation Accident Preparedness: Medical and Managerial 803, hew York, NYAspects 20016.* by Science-Thru-Media Inc., 303 Fifth Avenue, Suite M. Exercises and Drills Planning Standard I Periodic exercises are (will be) conducted to evaluate major portions of emer-gency response capabilities, periodic drills are (vill be) conducted to develop and maintain key skills, and deficiencies identified as a result of exercises or drills are (will be) corrected.

. Attachment 1 In 86-98 December 2, 1986 Page 5 of 12 M.P. Evaluation Criterion I I

A drill is a supervised instruction period aimed at testing, developing and  !

maintaining skills in a particular operation. A drill is of ten a component of I an exercise. A drill shall be supervised and evaluated by a qualified drill instructor. Each organization shall conduct drills, in addition to the biennial amaval* exercise at the frequencies indicated below:

c. Medical emergency drills A medical emergency drill involving a simulated contaminated individual which contains provisions for participation by the local support services agencies (i.e., ambulance and offsite medical treatment facility) shall be conducted annually.

The offsite portions of the medical drill may be performed as part of the required biennial ammval* exercise.

Areas for Review and Acceptance Criteria State or local governments should provide for the conduct of appropriate drills I and exercises which include " contaminated injured" individuals. These medical emergency drills involving the primary local (L.1.) hospital for state and local governments should be conducted annually. These drills should also test the capability of relocation centers to direct

  • contaminated injured" members of the general public to the apprcpriate hospital. If State or local governments cannot provide for the conduct of the drills, the licensee shall . provide for the con-duct of such drills. If good faith efforts are not successful ir, a particular case, the licensee shall provide or arrange for adequate compensatory measures.

Implem.entation State and local emergency response plans should reflect the provisions of this GM at the next annual update following 9 months from the effective date of this GM. l l

Plans for plants that do not have a full power operating license should reflect the provisions of this GM within 9 months of the effective date of this GM. The first medical drill reflecting the provisions of this GM should be conducted by ,

the end of the next biennial exercise following 1 year from the effective date '

of this GM.


  • Changes reflect language incorporated into GM PR-3.

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Attachment 1 IN 85-98 December-2, 1985

. Page 7 of 12 NRC Coordination This Guidance Memorandum has been prepared in coordination with the NR staff.

As noted in the referenced hRC Policy Statement, the Conf,ission has deterrined that these redifications fall under the backfit rule's exception as necessary

, to bring facilities into compliance with a rule of the Comrission.

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1 1


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Atta & ea.t 1 m et-so Decerraer 2.1956 Page 8 of 12 Attachment B 3:9M reders! Reg' ster / Vol 31. No. in / Wed.nesday. September 17.1ese / Retes and Rentatione such ad&tional anagements, the decia!on") the Commhsten Italf faced l Cornmission Judgment leaves to the informed of the NltC staff, subject for the Erst sme the gus'stion whether to p!ar.ning stardard (b)!!!) op hed to generalpidance from the CommisslorL members of N pubbc whc w;ere the exact parameters of the minimally espond to offsite redantica followies e.a necessa > a-angements for medical acudent at a riuclear power facihry but mereces To M611 this mandate the staff wee not o$erwise und, and Lf so to (and IT.MA) willlesue app op is te what extent In e tng thle pidanca to lleensees oppbcants, and quotier. W Commissien eeught the state and localgoverntsents. .' vsaws of the parties le the SONCS  :

The United Sistes Court of Appenla proceeleg teviewed the prtacfpal I

, I for the thatMct of Cofumbia (" Court") purpoon of the p!a standuqL vacated and esmanded a previous i ana?ysed b Lhehhood f serious 1 Cor.r .isalon interpntation of ann!rrt empowes to the pubhc requirtag I standed (b):12) which tequ!r only taa eme gency me&ca! trea tment, and .

dneicprnent and maintenance of a list i eva!.ated the type of emerge s! tna'. ment facihtles on which pcst. grestreent 1;1e!; to be requin Base!or.

l event,of Aoe ensegements for medical this nyiew. W Comrsiselon conclude d trestrrent coutd be based CUAAD t. as a neric mettu that (1) P;annt NA C. 731 T.1d 1144 (D C Cir.1983)- i pending anal Comm!nten action h eLa ud (b):12) applied to mdMds !: i naponse to the CUAAD nmani the bed enalta and ofhitr.(3) j Cornm!ntor issued a statement of *contar. Ins ted irdund in&viduals* wee laterte p! dance which permitted- intended to indude seriously ina&ated I memben M h pub!ic as well as '

puntant to 10 CTR no 47(c)(1), the members of the public who are not issuence of Mipower licenses whers the apphcant satis!'.ed the requinments ugog,h trnthled trut ala are i

ef p!ar.nin standard (b)(12) as in mest: cal?y infund frem other causes l intery ete b3 h Comm! sion prior to and rotologically contemlasted. and (3) I CUAAD. and where the applicant Adetuste. Post-accident arrangements cor.mitted to MI cornpliance with the for necessary me& cal treatment of Cor. mission's Enst re not to the tapend me:nbus of the publ.c spuid be CUAADnmand The mm!:sion's ma de se an et. Ace Im!: if smergency prior inteMin guidance will continue to ler.s sontained a bot of loca! wastosat


seiern the issuance of Mi pown Lcenses antL!iss ance and De oppeal tbr Un! ed States Court of I implementation of the NRC staffs Appeals for the D C Curuit conduded s

specific pidance en this metter, at that the Come.issiot hed not nuor. ably 1 whit.h pomt the new policy wi!! apply, hierpsted p!aanirsg standard (b)(12) I airscTyrs aatt: September 17,1988- when it generica'Jy found that a pt:- )

een evetwta mronmation contract; accident kst of treatment facittles sonstituted "antagements' for post.

C 5ebashan Aloot.Othee of the GeneralCounael U.S Nuclese occident me& cal treatment CUAAD v.

pfU ttAR REGULATORY F erJa toay Cortreissfon. Wa shingteth NMC 713 F.141144 (D C. Cat 1943) Ter I

CClodi1510N th;s nasoft the Court vocated and DC 20311 Telephone (2c2) D4-32.24.

eemanded that part of b Commisston's Su'*Lawterramy osroansateest it CFR Port 40 SONCS decialon that be d interynted 1latsducales plar.n!q standard (b)(12) to te site only Do"Butr7 Psa'ining-Weencal b preparetion of a hat of S***IC** te h wake of 6 Thne M!e taland tresteent faciLties Hewever,in delns secadent la 19's the Nut! eat ReFulatory so, the Court asde clear that the COsseev: Wr.!:at Ret.!atory Comminion, W Hkn( W se h uka7 roadssted regJetions nquiring its Cadulen hed on nmand in its soual dutretion, fle alb;hry in fa shioning a ccTsoet Sta ternent of Policy en cenun and appl ca n a for anan le Eenernency PiannIng $tsndafd 10 CFR opuste commucial nudur poww nennsMe intupntanon MptanNag Sc 47th)2 " standarW12)

, [,],f,f,*,',I,%gf,8, Igf,g',#','yn,7, gg 9 L Ansegmesta Berund A IJsl Df suwmairr.The Nudeer RerJatory Amers boa ngstremtata =ma 10 CFR Treatment Tech Reguimd Corr.missien (-NRC or "Cornmisalon") Sc 47[b)(12)("pien standard M12)-) mh!ch ynvi es: Whaa eristnally lacad with the believes that 10 CTR 247(b)(13) question whehr the hrsee 4

, ("p? ann!*g atandeed (b)(12)") ngu!res (b)The mae and etterie energency per accident a=Tarisercents for me& cal

  • con'.aminated injun ineviduats"wse supense p!an fee secteer powev meetwo
  • j services (beyond the malatenance af A intended to ences ass.interehe.
      • t **ei the fetleuled standeds -

mernbers of the pu hc who, as a neult list Cf treatment facihties)for DI) Arrangreente an sande let me& cal hdtv%ets who sarght be seven services for sentendneied telun d ladividate- of sh ettident wtn espond to Gaposed to dangerous levela of e alta dargemus levels of reistion the

' in Jou!Aern Coh[ornio Edson esd.ation following an accident at a Corr.m!nion found no emphcit and Cerverty, et al. (San Onofre Nuc.lest csclear pewer plan:. While concluding eenclusive dennition of the hrase la b .

Cenereting Statien. Unite 3 and 3). C14- ergutetton ituff er its under ytag Cit planning standard (b)(12) esquirse  ;

SMO 17 NAC l2A (It43)(~$0NCS) documenta Nonethelen.the l

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Fage 9 of 12 i

Federal Revister / Vol 31. No 180 l Wedneedey Septernber 17.1PM / Rules and Reg.;'atiene 32925 4

, Co nrr.nior eenchded $s W pvdent The mintm 113 eieceas: y rist ndsebon pepose of the The Co .missicm hea determined that enangemente for the pe sen tho' me) be the seagemecta conter p?ated ander i Commissiera ns !:tions nguired esposed need not be elaborste. As this Sietement af pohry eye the interpretang ptann!rg standard (b);12) to y=edows!) etsted b) the Comreissien, r.;nirnet required b) a nasenable appf) la auch c!!s.te orponed b}' m es never the intent of the led.sidsals. 3%en er wnderl)ing ns 6eg of p!anning standerd (t);u) tegw?stions to nguire drectly or Accor6ng'3.shhough tv p!er entation of cssumption o! @e NKa emetgency and.rectly tho' e'e'e end local this of the s'endard m.1:ents't plannug ngutsbons bt a eetices gaiemments edept entreordinary some ed6done to. and some

, caesdent so.ild ocrur and the meeruaes each ee cemetruction of mo6h:ehens of.the emergency

' Comm:ssion p esempnen Get evd en ad6tional hospitale or recruitment of procedans and e genitations for wbch cecident could nowh in offsite owbstannel additionet me& cal Leenaces an ultimate!) nsponsib e. the bdrid ale being esposed 8e danpetous personnel. tvet to deel w!th asef ter segu! resents of et backF. rule.10 QTt besch of to presurnpboo p! ant sceldents *17 NRC et 533 Rather, &c 106 (1984 for o cosbbeneht snelysis son:v-red in b3 the Teders'I;mr.rgency ee Commission beheves that and a fming that the costs of the hianope=ent Agen:)) Aher mo6f.catiens an futuhed by a ncon3dmte: ef tha rj'i sti er fo!!cwing esusfactor) in:1ude (1) e bet aelaca' tonfemente or ngtonal obould ewbstanba!incree se in safe *) are act the CfARD dedf cQ,Cc ucles!on me6cel treetment facihties and opphtable. o!sce these mod.hubons fall i

has de::ded te n e?hr. tus prier transporuuon prenders appropriately unde er beekf. ewle's excepton for interpretebon of phrdy etendard annotated Ic show their capacibes, mo6hesbons necesaa 3 to bring (b);12). special cepob:hties or other urJgue lecihties into corsp!.ence mit.'s eule of i How ever, the Cor. mission has come cAeractenstses (2) e sood falth the Ceram:ssior. 5ee 10 CT1 Ac 10e j to a d.fferent with rn;rct to the nasonable effatt by licennes or localme (e);2) and (e)(4)(1944l The snelysis ran!mwr arrongemente nemenery for otste gesemmenta to facibtste er obtain mbcA the beckfat rule requien be done i nn6 tid als who edght be seriously

  • Titten areementa mie b hated to jushf3 the oppbeation of any ofits capesed but net etherwise injund. le e melee!fac!Llees and trenoportetion enception provie!*aa senatitutes the sed.otor: emergeney in enginally providers (3; proviesen for mahng sore of tha Sta tement of Pokey.See fd nachirg the stcpe of e est,pementa ensifeble storseary trainingler

, leswe. the Corr. rnssien focund on the eme gency enpocar preonna! to M hiesa Culdamse partsew!ar needi of offsite en. posed idenuf). transport and provide In its prior statement of policy.the endmdwels for eme rency me& cal i testment of their redietion in}vay h ernergen:fs and (4)e goodlaisIkotm+Jth in6vid.4e Ceulssioc aid to ide.ct.4ed three oeserely factare amposed testif ed en teterim pokey of this inhion. the CornrJuten mede a eve:onsbie e! Tort b) Leaansa er state er g anting appLt. ants for MJ power

! distincter. bermeer, the need for '

loca13esemments to see that immeLete er eitar term me& cal care, Lcense an eguitable es;epton to the eFpro;riate dril:a and esercians are nquirements of p! arming etsadard m Neh wes tn i s view the gosl of sendarted shich inc!wde simulated ,

i plantung standa d (b)32) and the need (b)32} under 20 CT7. nc 4ric)3) wbm i senerely esposed inevid.,als if good the oppLt. ant sabehed the requirvaeste

! far long teren red ca!save As to la;$ efforts are not ovecessM ie e esposed indmdwets, the Cornmientos of F!anning standard (b)'it)se

' particsfer case. the licaneer ahan inte preted by the Cominission prior to Sound that, provide er enange for adequels the CUA@ decieler, and committed )

i e e opeseat hus d ta poseiby,se sorr;stiastog meeeniet oosaistaat erith itself to Mleem espeme is the pennt The serure a: the Cedesior/a letest le halt the edd tions!nq*p!.ance arte e?'y ements trposed by the l estot.or mM ei tht. Wie meecet seed for entreord;aar) measures noted Comrtission in neponse to de Cum j evetmer* mes he ngewed to abose The topper. sfo7 meneures j emses of enturne espeere ow pebeets m nmend Statementof pebey en must be approved b3 NRC. DJs tres.1 of E.rnertent) y;a*.ning 5:enderd to CFR 1

ent,n e?r is seei ea r t'ert me$aat m's p!saning mowld help 1) provide oc 4*1b)32) Sc TR acar, [htn 22. sas4 (feetnew emitied, The een of she add. bone? aaeurance(of the scoperaWen eg e tm e n'svg wi'od fe' re &s .e* *urned

. he three laeters wers. (1) the l

>d . Late p o.Jee eae'w est etteas of medace11stihtiek (2) ensure pee ponibiht; ht $e scope of plaW trein!n3 (3)enom te asa;!ab t) of atendard (b)32) wmJd be kra,ned. (2)

!a eY$f r,g$e$"brj' teensportation. and (4) demonstrate e . e poss%Lty ht dete; in sempLasse gp gn;m) espebihr) 1,o preside necessuy services ele the past4UWnguinnesee

{ through erwis and emeralses Frere thfe, the Ceme Juten nemoned sow 1d be fossd to be insig Lf cant dee le De Comm!nfor hu d.rocted the stag the le= probabihti of scesdenta darma Get the lona tere treatment teeds of to develop. sone! stent with this capoetd individale seafd be the latest period. and (3) the posa;bdity coequately met en ed Aec besta.

laterpreteuen of the p!stintag standard, of eSer corpef' noensi gustJysng deta!!ed and specific 3.Jdanse se the a brief eacept,or, w apphcasta med Af:er reconsideration la ksht of the seture of W med cal unicas to be whed at good tale apon pner

! CUAM dussion, W Cemselulen has eva!1stle la esposed lad.widuela and on i Comm:oien hierpreistion of p'analg emarJuded theIsome ed6tionet planewd the ep;hcation of plann!ng standard enengemente beyond the enelopment standud (b} 13).

) (b)32) to NRC licensere and appbcante an this Statsmaat of poLc) laterpreties 4 cf a list of weateent feetLtin are fee hcenses to operete sommercial j mecesser) to p+, vide odd tiemel ptarming standard (b)t12) the nucleet power neetore De Carwrante of aflective menagement of Comatsston d resse the NRC sistf to. i Commission has slao dirveted the staff dnelop lie sonewhotien m14 FD4A) '

1 Gmergeneay med caf eervime in the hours to sonstder whether and ander what ce days fellowleg a seven sortdent. and love by 11/17/06 appnpriate eriterie it le eseeeuery or opprop lete for detalled 3,ndance es & enect oosteurs Dfewever. O Cementuten esmtinues to the staff to vedfy h appropriatennas of of the necesser3 errengemar,ta befiewe that the long term treatment trsining and dntis or erertisee

ceeds of ego ed indMdvals saa be sons!sterit mie the Cosnmaaston's cdequately met en ed Aac beels. specteted wie the bandling of sevenly detenrinetton ht pfenning standard espond pereena. (b)D2)ngwtre enengemente for med cal O

1 l

'. ___ ___. _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __._._ _._- _ _ _ _ _ _ -_____i

M -9e

-- 12 ; a
  • ace 9 of i?

Fe ders! Frps?cs / WI 51. No m / Wednende) sepinner 17 / Mes and Fe;.'e'; ens 3M05 Cc .. . nice ce c).ded th at Se pwdent De'ms") netess a y rid re f act.on yo:se of the De Cc .misCcm has detertrJr:ed thet ener.;e erto fez the pg.,en tha' a'sy be the e agtese:3 ceMe"ph'ed r.r. der Ceme.asier.'s rep'saora et gutred espesed reed co: be elsSente As in e pretir; p'a .nfrg a:endstd (b;;12) to Vis Staternew of Pehr) e t the p-niess?) sisted b) the Cownissio . run:mn: ??O ared b) a re,asonatte a r;t) le s.,ci c'b.te e rpcnid "O}'

  • si enrvtt the tr.ter.t of the reateg o'ptana.irg sedvd (t);t2) ted.ud.ah 3.en the order 1)ir g rep'stions to nguire dmtly or Attorbri'), ahhewgh tr p'e .entanen of cani.reption c' NFCs emetter6:y kg. rect'y that sta'e and loul ein tra cf the Conderd w;1: enta!!

plannig regwh bons that a metsces gesernments ede;' estrae-dres*y occ.ders co.,1d cm and the scr e ad1*ie-s tc and some Cemrn:esion p es.: phort that su:h an e e s ru v :d as cetstrueben of med.f:ahor.s o!.Ge sme teney ad?henal hos;Hals or ermitment of F?'"de**

  • s nd c sanite t.e .s fo wbdi eccident cow d renh to offsite swbstannst a ddiSo* st me6ul L:er.aets a t sinrnste?) rtsponaitie.the in? sit.als tw4 empened le desprows persennel bef Io deel w'th andrer etga'rteents of the Lad". rsle.10 Cn, lesels of ea6st.:r (a presurrpben '

p? ant accidents

  • 17 PiRC et LM Rather. Elon (1W) fo a cos bentra? anatyals cenev rvd in b) Oe Teder.' To:.rgency the Commission bebevu that and s f:nir.g that the costa of the klana;t=ett Agent)) Ahet 13 mod f.:stic-s ce hsuf.ed b) e ncensidr at:: c!th.: matterI:1!cmig satisfactor5 in:!vde (1)e het oa1:u'c rsefements regicm1 eher: edvarLa' Leerene in n'e7 s t sat the CL*d.1.D de:iik . the Ce .=!ss!c:. r.c.;. cal trealmeni facehties and apphtable. s!=:e these mod f.ubens fal' isa de: ded te n.s'Lr n tEs peer transpe tat,on prendert appropriataly unde the bedf.: rule a rate; ton for interp etater of;! r@4 standa d annotated te show their capc.iues, retratauena ne:easa7 to bnq lb);)2) spe:is' capsh;hties or ether g .;que fa:ihties into cer p!.ance m-th a rs!e cf Mcm rs er. er Ccin rtssier ha e come chara:tenstics (2) e good fatth the Ceram.nior. See 10 CG E 1:s te a d.ffnent ete.'s with rn;e:t to the ress:nable effc.rt by L:enens er locaJ cc (s)'2)and (s):4}ltW) The enslysis r.:rdme arngerents necesia7 for s!ete 3:sernments to latiLtste or obtain wheth the badfat rule requien be done indwid:a's whc en.t kt tw serious'y w-uter treer.ents sai the Lab d te's de oppLution ef ary ofla ampesed trut cet c'#erwlse inju ed. it a sne?csi fa:!LLes a:d traetsportatscm este; tion prevaions coutituin the nLof:s : emelenty k or.g:nst!y presiders (1) prensacr. few nahta to e of LLs Satecw=t of Fobey.See14 ets:Sirg the see;e e' a rar,rements 8ssibble ne:rsea y traisir4 for in e. the Cc .wss'er foewied e . the erne gen:7 respeue III 1 steric Cufdaace parteJa eseeis of c'! site esposed idenLfs. transperL and prende In its p'ie? statec ent of pohry the ird udaab fo erae gency ineLui er ergenr7 f>st aid to seserel) esposed C7st' ett of their rs?shon in)v y In Cc-Masic: idtz t. Led three factors in6ud en. and (4) e teod f aith did b LFed en t:ter'.= pobey c! f the Cote.:nten er.ade e 1 re n : nab:e ef' ort b) brunu or state ce a pL:nts for power d.stnet.or. betm eer, the need for '

ica? gesern nents to ese that L:ense an;egaitable excepton to the ir.netste o esear te n s ed eal ca,s. opprc;r; ate dr.1:a and emercina are teqirements of p'ar.niy sucuiard t:> wes in its vie = the 3 cal of tendarted which inchde simulated p?anntag etenda d (b):12) and the merd (b):12) ur. der 1C C3 K 44c):1) where seserely espesed tr6idsah if goad the s;pt:.amt sats.".ed the reqore= ats for lors tere : ed.u!u e As to e'Io ts are not succenM i: a ofp?annLa stand s ed (b)'12) as es p2 sed indmd.sts, the Cerr.miesion partieder cast. the Lcensee shaI: inte p ele.j by the Cort.rossion pnar to fossd that provide or arrange for adequets the CUAF.3 decision and cetr.=Jtted 1 Cw ereca'han d ta peerd b i0.e;oe, cc ptan!c7 cenareL cess;ste !Wi Italf to fut ecm;Lante wnh a1 y came. v se the pa .est The aste of Ge Cem. nior/a intest te lanti the {

add tions? esquirerntets teposed by the toOsi4 t br-) ei t>st 3Ste e ecca? Seed for estracidJ.a.7 musures notad Cort.russion in cuponse to the Cu4AD trus tmer' sees be eve-t.s9 3ergs. red to abose The carpartato7 eessures )

s.e ses o' est erne espmri the Nbents e., eTrnand $laternest of Pohey on  !

snust be approved b) NRC. n;s levt.! of Einergent) P;annea 5:andard to CG e's se ur! er e pery set.ecat som p!anning m os !d help (ll pmvide (toc:now owsmed, Tae ser L .metary of es add. bona? seawas:t of the coc &C Pgt);u) % T7 ::'t;. (Kh) r:,3*4 i


b e tm e h' e9q .a 've IC* es L e i.cs ftptzeed The thret fa cto*s e.ars (1) the pgg;gg ggo gg gggpg g g p,.y D e . ut-a '. p e.. dei o e w a.v e t'e isg{ , *'"pggggt p),n,g.tlgg;),g;gg the staihb t) afgj ggggy,[peallert

.gpgg e imran, standard (b);t!! war.Jd be kr: Led 4) f rv - 1

  • trensportation. and (4) dersonstrate a Or p.c.aa;b. Ley Get dehy in cer7' ~=

,,, _e ) espsune reae .eu sn.> .mm, ia e, ,cs,cvu ,ege m,,e l drwis and en er:ases co.!d be isn,.sd to be irss;g r,: Ant due la l Frcr: th!s. the Cc=r Jufen ces soned he Cc .r.!nter has d.rected the stag the Icm pnbabihty of s:.edenu danr4 a

est the &c.r4 te r truteant needs of to develop cons! stent thu j cupone d ccJd b* the inte.vs persed, and p) the peu.b.!aty  :

Interpretatier, of the p!anntag sta.ndard. of eth e r c5rpe L4 es asus' betw*yv4 cdeqwetely a et or c! Ax bash de'a::ed ast spectf.e re!!. ante or the Af'.ar resonalderat.on la Lght cf the a brief eacepbet *Lue ar;Lutu had seture of the a etest se v!cea to be rebed it good fald spea pser CuA AD decssloe. the Carain on Lu avchbh tc esposed indaidusta and oc Co a:moc k.terpretaba of p'asnIrv can: Jaded oor.e sdttiere) phnned the sp;hution of phntdy s'.andant standa rd (b};tt).

errayusents beyond the developmett (b):12) to NRC 14:erse n and appleants cf a list ofinatt ent fs:ittin are in thJs of PpL:3letarpsting for b:er.ars to cperste terr.mercial phnrJr,g stasdard (b);t!) Go accessar3t o yo.ide editional auc!est pe=tr etectors no car.iaru of afreet.v arsnarement of Coe.:.4 'on d.rech ot hM Ca'I to Commin en has also d.recte$ the staff drvetep (la consJeste *!$ TD4A) tr%ertency srcital4 erd:ea ts O.e bevri to co sider v hether and urder what and iss.e by 11/11/62 a;$rspe.ata cr days follow &g e settre str* dent Hooveser, the Cerratulon carbeves to cMteria it is certm'y o* t;p*ppdate foe detailed plance es the entt! cc% tours 0.e sta'I to terif behe se that the lcrg term itt stment tMeg end d*>y the opp'tFrfstenus cfnf the r.ecessa7 strergestab l's tr' e rertlets :r,ns'est.nt a nh ee's Ceeds sf sa. pose d loiddvals um be anociated odth the 1.or.dhr4 et en enly ,b 'crmir. ioti that phaning standard ede gas ul; anet on od Ax baats. esposed perstms.

J);12)rmtre ana gements for c ed cal

n en: :
  • 3.. d6-95 Dece.ber 2, 1950 Page 10 cf 12 3:90s rederal Regteter / Vol. St. No IM / Wednesday Se;' ember 17,1ste / Rwies and Ret.?a!!cn eent:es (bey ond the ms!ntenance of e I;st of p v esitting treatment feelhties) for efis.te esposed ind.widwa!s The Comr.:ssion bel. eves dat de last two ,

factora. d:scussed in detailin its May 21, 1945 5:stement of Polic). continwe to l wit.ft reliance on de talerir.radance for de period ne:essan for O.e h'RC star to iss,e and!,censees. appLcants, and state and loca?9 vere.rtetta to imp'ement 0.e de:si.ed r idan:e.

Therefore, e.ti! appre;nate detailed saidance consistent wie 0.!: pohey staterrent is lassed and irnptemented.

de U:ensing Boards may continwe to evasonab's find tha* any bee irs  ;

ergard.Pg torn;!.ance 10 CTR  ;

SC 4*ib)l12i shall be hmitei ta ls wes which cow!d haie been heard before the Co t : decasion in CUAAD v.NAC.

Da'ed at % a sbag'en. DC. this 124 day of l

Sepssbe r. tese l

For ee N. clear Ber.' ate? Samvet) CELL.

$rtelc9 ofshe Commissiah (f1 Ds 86-21C54 Telei bibet. 8 al sej am occa rsan4 4 I

i O


  • ee 1


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n  ;

  • December 2, 1985 Page 11 of 12 4,.9-f[;g0[ Federali Emergency Management Agency Washingion, D.C. 20472
  • Atta iment C Nover-ber 13, 1986 OPEPATIVE GJIENCE MDOPNG N.r-6er Date Title 4 4/1/83 Radio Trans .ission Tregaencies and Ccnerage 5 4/1/83 Agreemnts A ong G:nerrrnental Agen:les and Private (Revised- Parties 10/19/83) 8 4/2/83 Regional Advis.ory Ccrr.ittee Coordination with Utilities (Fevised-10/19/83) 16 8/7/83 Standard Re;;ional Re/iewirg and Reportirn Procedares for State and local Radiological Dergency Plans 17 1 / 8 / 81 Joint t ercise ProcedJres 18 5 /2 1 / 81 FD% Action to Oualify Alert and Notification Systems (Revised- Against NJRm-0654/r&A-RIP-1, Rev.1 10/19/83) i 20 10/19/83 Toreien lavaage Translation of Public Eda:atier. Brochures and Safety Messaaes 21 2/27/84 A:ceptance Criteria for ENa:uation Plans '

22 10/19/D Recordkeeping ReqJirenents for Public Meetirgs 24 4/5/84 Radiological D:ergergy Preparedness for Handicapped Persons n -1 7/15/85 Renedial Exercises n-2 7/15/85 Staff Support in Evaluatirg RIP Exercises PR-1 10/1/85 Policy on NJREG-0654/F&A-REP-1 and 44 CFR 350 Pericdic ReqJirements 1

1  :

Attachment 1

. IN 85-95 De:e-ter 2, 19ef Page 12 of 12 2

IT-1 10/1/85 A Guide to D>. vents Related to the REP Prcga .

PI-1 10/2/85 FEMA Action to Pilot Test Guidance on Public Infomation Materials and Provide Technical Assistance on Its Use FR-1 12/3/85 Federal Response Center MS-1 11/13/86 Medical Se: vices EV-2

  • 11/13/86 Prote:tive A:tions for School Children
  • h21 vill be retitled as GM EV-1 when it is revised.

e 0

e 9

0 i

i l

O w , e -- 4 enw -- - ,-m

s '

2, Attachment 2

. IN 86-98 December 2, 1986 LIST OF RECENTLY ISSUED IE INFORMATION NOTICES Information Date of Notice No. Subject issue Issued to 86-97 Emergency Communications 11/28/86 All power reactor System facilities holding an OL or CP and fuel facilities 86-96 Heat Exchanger Fouling Can 11/20/86 All power reactor Cause Inadequate Operability facilities holding Of Service Water Systems an OL or CP 86-95 Leak Testing Iodine-125 11/14/86 All NRC licensees Sealed Sources In Lixi, Inc. authorized to use Imaging Devices and Bone Minera! Analyzers Lixi, Inc. imaging devices 86-34 Hilti Contrete Expansion 11/6/86 All power reactor Anchor Bolts facilities holding an OL or CP 86-93 IES 85-03 Evaluation Of 11/3/86 All power reactor Mctor-Operators Identifies Ir. proper Torque Switch facilities holding Settings an OL or CP 86-82 Failures Of Scram Discharge Rev. 1 11/4/86 All power reactor Vclume Vent And Drain Valves facilities holding an OL or CP 86-92 Pressurizer Safety Valve 11/4/86 All PWR facilities Reliability holding an OL or CP 4

! 86-91 Liriting Access

' 11/3/86 All power reactor Authorizations facilities holding an OL or CP; fuel fabrication and processing facilities 86-90 Requests To Dispose Of Very

11/3/86 All power reactor Low-Level Radioactive Waste facilities holding Pursuant to 10 CFR 20.302 an OL or CP i

OL = Operating License CP = Construction Permit .



s :


PAGE 1.0 DEFINITIONS D e f i n e d T e rms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 T h e rma l P ow e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Rated Thermal Power........................................... 1-1 O p e ra t i o n a l M o d e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 Action........................................................

1-1 Op e ra bl e - Ope rab i l i ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -1 Rep o r ta bl e Ev e n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Co n ta i nme n t I n teg ri ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Channel Calibration........................................... 1-2 ChannelCheck.................................................1-2 Channel Func ti onal Tes t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- 2 Co r e Al t e ra t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 S h u t d own M a rg i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 I d e n ti fi e d Le a k a g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Uni denti fi ed Leakage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 P re s s u re Bounda ry Lea k a ge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Co n trol l e d Lea k a g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Az i mu th a l Powe r T i l t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Do s e Eq u i va l e n t I - 131. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . 1 - 4 E-Ave rage Di sin tegrati on Ene rgy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Staggered Test Basis.......................................... 1-4 Frequency Notation............................................ 1-4 Ax i a l Sh a p e I n dex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 i

MILLSTONE - UNIT 2 -I Amendment No. 9,E. M .111

2. 4 INDEX DEFINITIONS SECTION , PAGE Unrodded Planar Radial Peaking Factor - Fxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Enclosure Buil di ng Integri ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Reactor Tri p Sys tem Response Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Engineered Safety Feature Response Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 P hy s i c s T e s t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Unrodded Integrated Radial Peaking Factor - F . .r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
S o u rc e C he c k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (REM 0DCM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Radioacti ve Waste Trea tment Sys tems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 P u rg e - P u r g i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 k Venting........................................................1-8 Membe r( s ) o f t he Publ i c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 S i t e B o u n d a ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 t

U n re s t r i c te d A re a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8

{ Storage Pattern................................................ 1-8 l

l 1 ,

i I

1 l

l 1

i l

1 MILLSTONE - UNIT.2 II Amendment No. JSA,ill, ll7 i

- - - - . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ -