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Forwards Safety Insp Rept 50-443/86-47 on 860916-1110 & Notice of Violation
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/12/1986
From: Wenzinger E
To: Harrison R
Shared Package
ML20211P918 List:
NUDOCS 8612190160
Download: ML20211P911 (6)

See also: IR 05000443/1986047



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DEC 12 W

Docket No. 50-443

Public Service Company of New Hampshire

ATTN: Mr. Robert J. Harrison

President and Chief Executive Officer

P. O. Box 330

Manchester, New Hampshire 03105


Subject: Inspection No. 50-443/86-47

This refers to the routine safety inspection conducted by Mr. A. Cerne and other

inspectors of this office on September 16 - November 10, 1986 of activities author-

ized by NRC Construction Permit No. CPPR-135 and License No. NPF-56 and to the

discussions of our findings held by Mr. Cerne with Messrs. Mcdonald, DiProfio and

others of your staff at the conclusion of the inspection.

Areas examined during this inspection are described in the NRC Region I Inspection

Report which is enclosed with this letter. Within these areas, the inspection

consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, in-

terviews with personnel, and observations by the inspectors.

Based on the results of this inspection, it appears that one of your activities

was not conducted in full compliance with NRC requirements, as set forth in the

Notice of Violation, enclosed herewith as Appendix A. This violation has been

categorized by severity level in accordance with the " General Statement of Policy

and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions",10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C (Enforcement

Policy 1986). You are required to respond to this letter and in preparing your

response, you should follow the instructions in Appendix A.

The responses directed by this letter and the accompanying Notice are not subject

to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by

the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-511.

Your cooperation with us in this matter is appreciated.


Original Signed 373


Edward C. Wenzinger, Chief

Projects Branch No.3

Division of Reactor Projects

, Enclosures:


1. Appendix A, Notice of Violation

2. NRC Region I Inspection Report No. 50-443/86-47








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Public Servico Company of New llampshire 2 DEC U

cc w/encls:

Seabrook Hearing Service List

William B. Derrickson, Senior Vice President

John DeVincentis, Director of Engineering

Warren J. Hall, Regulatory Services Manager

Donald E. Moody, Station Manager

Gerald P. Mcdonald, Construction QA Manager

The Honorable E. J. Markey, Chairman, Subcommittee on Energy and

Conservation and Power

Public Document Room (PDR)

local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector

State of New Hampshire

bcc w/encls:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

Management Assistant, DRMA (w/o encls)

DRP Section Chief

Robert J. Bores, DRSS

R. Barkley, DRP

J. Hunter, DRS

D. Haverkamp, DRP

W. Kane, DRP





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Thomas Dignan, Esq E. Tupper Kinger, Esq.

John A. Ritscher, Esq. Assistant Attorney General

Ropes and Gray Office of Attorney General

225 Franklin Street 208 State House Annex

Boston, Massachusetts 02110 Concord, New Hampshire 03301  !

Mr. Bruce Beckley, Project Manager Resident Inspector

Public Service Company of Seabrook Nuclear Power Station

New Hampshire c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm. ,

P. O. Box 330 P. O. Box 700 i'

Manchester, New Hampshire 03105 Seabrook, New Hampshire 03874 l

Dr. Murray Tye, President Mr. John DeVincentis, Director i

Sunn Valley Association Engineering and Licensing

209 Summer Street Yankee Atomic Electric Company

Haverhill, Massachusetts 08139 1671 Worcester Road

Framingham, Massachusetts 01701

Robert A. Backus, Esq. - - -

Mr. A. M. Ebner, Project Manager -

O'Neill, Backus, and Spielman United Engineers & Constructors

116 Lowell Street 30 South 17th Street

Manchester, New Hampshire 03105 P. O. Box 8223

Philadephia, Pennsylvania 19101

Mr. Phillip Ahrens, Esq. William S. Jordan, III

Assistant Attorney General Diane Curran

Office of the Attorney General Harmon, Weiss, and Jordan

State House Station #6 20001 S. Street, N.W.

Augusta, Maine 04333 Suite 430

Washington, D.C. 20009

Jo Ann Shotwell, Esq. D. Pierre G. Cameron, Jr. , Esq


Office of the Assistant Attorney General Counsel

General Public Service Company of

Environmental Protection Division New Hampshire

One Asburton Place P. O. Box 330

Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Manchester, New Hampshire 03105

Ms. Diana P. Randall Regional Administrator, Region I

70 Collins Street U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Seabrook, New Hampshire 03874 631 Park Avenue

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 ,

Richard Hampe, Esq. Mr. Alfred V. Sargent ,

New Hampshire Civil Defense Agency Chairman

107 Pleasant Street Board of Selectmen

Concord, New Hampshire 03874 Town of Salisbury, MA 01950

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. Seabrook Units 1 and 2 Hearing Service 2


Mr. Calvin A. Canney, City Manager Senator Gordon J. Humphrey

City Hall ATTN: Tom Burack

126 Daniel Street U.S. Senate

Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03810 Washington, D.C. 20510

Ms. Letty Hett Mr. Owen B. Durgin, Chairman


Town of Brentwood Durham Board of Selectmen

RFD Dalton Road Town of Durham

Exeter, New Hag shire 03833 Durham, New Hampshire 03824

Ms. Roberta C. Pevear Charles Cross, Esq.

Town of Hampton Falls Shaines, Mardrigan, and McEaschern

Drinkwater Road 25 Maplewood Avenue

Hampton Falls, New Hampshire 03844 P. O. Box 366

Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801  !


Ms. Anne Verga Mr. Guy Chichester, Chairman

Chairman, Board of Selectmen Rye Nuclear Intervention Committee i


Town Hall c/o Rye Town Hall

South Hampton, New Hampshire 03827 10 Central Road


Rye, New Hampshire 03870 .

Mr. Angie Machiros, Chairman Jane Spector

Board of Selectmen Federal Energy Regulatory Comm.

for the Town of Newbury 825 North Capitol Street, N.E.

25 High Street Room 8105 '

Newbury, Massachusetts 01950 Washington, D.C. 20426

Ms. Rosemary Cashman, Chairman Mr. R. Sweeney

Board of Selectmen New Hasppshire Yankee Division


Town of Amesbury Public Service Company of

Town Hall New Hampshire

Amesbury, Massachusetts 01913 7910 Woodmont Avenue

Bethesda, Maryland 20814

Honorable Peter J. Matthews Mr. Donald E. Chick, Town Manager

Mayor, City of Newburyport Town of Exeter ,

Office of the Mayor 10 Front Street

City Hall Exeter, New Hampshire 03823

Newburyport, Massachusetts 01950

i Mr. William B. Derrickson Mr. Warren Hall

! Senior Vice President Public Service Company of

Public Service Company of New Hampshire  !>


New Hampshire P. O. Box 300


P. O. Box 700, Route 1 Seabrook, New Hampshire 03874

Seabrook, New Hampshire 03874



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' * . Seabrook Units 1 and 2 Hearing Service 3

I List


Administrative Judge Administrative Judge

Alan S. Rosenthal, Chairman Bary J. Edles

Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal

Board Board

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .

Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 l

Administrative Judge Administrative Judge l

Howard A. Wilber Helen F. Hoyt, Chairman  ;


Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal

Board Board

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555

Administrative Judge Administrative Judge

Emmeth A. Lusbke Jerry Harbour

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, D.C. 20555 ' Washington, D.C. 20555

Edwin J. Reis Esq.


H. Joseph Flynn, Esq. -

Office of the Executive Legal Assistant General Counsel

Director Federal Emergency Managenent Agency

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 500 C. Street, S.W.

Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20472

Edward A. Thomas Carol S. Sneider, Esq.

Federal Emergency Management Agency Assistant Attorney General

442 J. W. McCormack (P0CH) Office of the Attorney General

Boston, Massachusetts 02109 One Ashburton Place, 19th Floor

Boston, Massachusetts 02108

Paul McEachern, Esq. Richard A. Haaps, Esq

Shaines and McEachern Haaps and McNicholas

25 Maplewood Avenue 35 Pleasant Street

Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801 Concord, New Hampshire 03301

J. P. Nadeau Allen Lampert

Board of Selectmen Civil Defense Director

10 Central Street Town of Brentwood

Rye, New Hampshire 03870 20 Franklin Street

Exeter, New Hampshire 03833

William Armstrong Sandra Gavutis, Chairman j

Civil Defense Director Board of Selectmen

Town of Exeter RFD #1, Box 1154

Kensington, New Hampshire 03827

10 Front Street

Exeter, New Hampshire 03833

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Seabrook Units 1 and 2 Hearing Service 4



Anne Goodman, Chairman William S. Lord

Board of Selectmen Board of Selectmen

13-15 Newmarket Road Town Hall - Friend Street

Durham, New Hampshire 03824 Amesbury, Massachusetts 01913  ;

Michael Santosuosso, Chairman Jerard A. Croteau, Constable

Board of Selectmen 82 Beach Road

South Hampton, New Hampshire 03827 P. O. Box 5501

Salisbury, Massachusetts 01950

Stanley W. Knowles, Chairman Judith H. Mitzner

Board of Selectmen Silverglate, Bernter, Baker, Fine,

P. O. Box 710 Good, and Mitzner

North Hampton, New Hampshire 03862 88 Broad Street  !

Boston, Massachusetts 02110

Norman C. Katner Bary W. Holmes, Esq. 1

Superintendent of Schools Holmes and Ells l

School Administrative Unit No. 21 47 Winnacunnet Road

Aluani Drive Hampton, New Hampshire 03842


Hampton, New Hampshire 03842

Jane Doughty George D. Bisbee, Esq. l

Seacoast Anti-Pollution League Assistant Attorney General

5 Market Street Office of the Attorney General -

Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801 25 Capitol Street j

Concord, New Hampshire 03301






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