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Forwards Amend 1 to License NPF-56 & Safety Evaluation. Amend Changes Tech Spec Setpoints for Pressurizer Pressure, Pressurizer Water Level & Steam Generator Water Level Channels,Result of Replacing Veritrak/Tobar Transmitters
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/27/1988
From: Nerses V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Duffett J
Shared Package
ML20154Q757 List:
NUDOCS 8810040054
Download: ML20154Q754 (8)



September 27. 1986 r

Docket No.: 50-443 Mr. John C. Duffett President & Chief Executive Officer Public Service Cortpany of New Harrpshire  :

Post Office Box 330  !

Manchester New Harrpshire 03105 ,

. i

Dear Mr. Duffett:



ISSUANCE OF AMENDMENT TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSF NO. NPF-56 i The Conrnission has issued the enclosed Amendrent No.1 to Facility Operating  !

License No. NPF-56 for Seabrook Station. Unit 1. This amendment is in response to your application dated. July 8.1988 and supplemented by  !

your August 8. 1988 submittal.

! This amendment revises the Technical Specifications by changing the technical specification setpoints for the pressurizer pressure, pressurizer water level, i i and steam generator water level channels as a result of replacing the Veritrak/Tobar transmitters with Rosemount transmitters.  ;


A copy of our Safety Evaluation is also enclosed. Notice of Issuance will be  !

included in the Conrnission's biweekly Federal Pegister notice. l

} Sincerely, i


Victor Nerses. Project Manager I i Project Directorate I-3  !

Division of Reactor Projects 1/11  :

Office of Nuclear Reactoc Regulation


7 d

1. Amendment ho I to r License No. NPF-56 i

! 2. Safety Evaluation j l I

cc w/ enclosures See next page (

i I j l j *See previous concurrence I i PDI-3

  • PDI-3
  • PDI-3
  • PDI-3
  • PDL-3 c6h i MRushbrook DBrir.kman VNerses OGC PWesstran \P \ [

09/1968 OW 1FF8 09/1988 OW 20/68 \\

74(/88 j l

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' 05000443 j PNU i

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_ _ _ - - - , , - . _ . . _ _ _ - , , , , _ ~ _ . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ - _ . , _ - . - - - - .

Docket No.: 50-443 Mr. o bert J. Harrison Pr sident & Chief Executive Officer Pu(bMq Service Company of New Hampshire -

Post Of ice Box 330 Manicheste New Hampshire 03105 f

Dear Mr. Harrison:


ISSUANCE OF AMENDMENT TO LITY OPE TING LICENSE NO. NPF-56 The Commission has issued the enclosed Amendment No. I to Facility Operating License No. NPF-56 for Seabrook Station, ht't 1. This amendment is in response to your application dated,/001 8, 1988 and supplemented by your August 8, 1988 submittal.

/ '

ThisamendmentrevisestheTechnic31Jhecifications\ychangingthetechnical b

specification setpoints for the pressurizer pressurc, ' pressurizer water level, and steam generator water level cha'rnels as a result of re:21 acing the Veritrak/Tobar transmitters with,Rosemount transmitters.


A copy of our Safety Evaluation' is also enclosed. Notice of Issuance will be included in the Comission's , biweekly Federal Register notice.

Sincerely, Victor Nerse:, Project Manager Project Directorate I-3 Division of Reactor Projects I/II Office of Huclear Reactor Regulation


1. Amendirent No. I to License No. NPF-56 2, Safety Evaluation cc w/ enclosures:

See next page l

MRus brook PDI-3 dd DBrinkman ',

PDIFf er'sVs P.D OGC PDI-3 RWessmen

%/ 88 9/l4[/88 //(/88 f /88 / /88

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.2-  !

1 ,

2 Technical Specifications

, The Technical Specifications contained in Appendix A. as revised through ,

2 Amendment No. 1 are hereby incorporated into this license. The licensee 1

shall operate the facility in accordance with the Technical Spet.ifications.

l 3. This license amendment is effective as of its date of issuance. ,


, Richard H. Wessman, Director  !

Project Directorate I-3 i

Division of Reactor Projects I/I!


i Changes to the Technical Specifications


Date of Issuance: September 27, 1988 I



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Docket File . 50-443 NRC POR/LPOR PDI-3 r/f  ;

0Brinkman ,

VNerses MRushbrook i OGC O!iagan EJordan BGrimes TBarnhart(4)

Wanda Jones Tech Branch - 7E-12 ACRS (10) - P-312 Phillips GPA/PA - J. Kopeck 2G-5 ARM /LFM8 2015 AR !!!

VThomas - 7E-12 EButcher M,fairtile - 14D1 l

OTSB/ ARM Brent Clayton 4

R. Gallo James Miller -

8. Boger i S. Varga '

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% ,',,,, September 27, 1983 Docket No.: 50-443 Mr. John C. Duffett President & Chief Executive Officer Public Service Company of New Hampshire Post Office Box 330 Manchester, New Hampshire 03105

Dear Mr. Duffett:


ISSUANCE OF AMENDMENT TO FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-56 The Comission has issued the enclosed Amendment No. I to Facility Operating License No. NPF-56 for Seabrook Station Unit 1. This amendment is in response to your application dated. July 8.1988 and supplemented by your August 8, 1988 submittal.

This amendment revises the Technical Specifications by changing the technical l specification setpoints for the pressurizer pressure, pressurizer water level, and steam generator water level channels as a result of replacing the Veritrak/Tobar transmitters with Rosemount transmitters.

A copy of our Safety Evaluation is also enclosed. Notice of issuance will be included in the Comission's biweekly Faderal Register notice.


k ' . cl 1 cdr.CNerses, Project Manager Project Directorate I-3 '

Division of Reactor Projects 1/I!

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation '


L Amendment No. 1 to License No. hPF.56

2. Safety Evaluation l cc w/encicsures:

See next page i

I i


Mr. John C. Duffett Public Service Company of New Hampshire Seabrook Nuclear Pcwer Station CC: i Thomas Dianan, Esq. E. Tupper Kinder. Esq.

John A. Ritscher Esq. G. Dana Bisbee, Esq. ,

Ropes and Gray Assistant Attorney General -

225 Franklin Street Office of Attorney General Boston, Massachusetts 02110 208 State Hosue Annex Concord New Hampshire 03301 Mr. Bruce B. Beckley, Project Manager Public Service Company of New Harpshire Resident inspector Post Office Box 330 US Nuclear Regulatory Comission

Manchester, New Harpshire 03105 Post Office Box 1149 Or. Pauray Tye, Presidint Sun Valley' Association Mr. A. M. Ebner, Project Manager 209 Sumer Street United Engineers & Constructors i Haverhill, Massachusetts 08139 Post Office Box 8223 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101 Robert Backus. Esq.
  • Backus, Meyer and Solomon Steven Oleskey, Esq.

l 116 Lewell Street Office of the Attorney General Manchester New Harpshire 03106 Cne Ashburton P' ace P.O. Box 330 a Diane Curran, Esq. Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Harmon and Weiss <

2001 S Street, NW Carol S. Sneider, Esq. i l Suite 430 Office of the Assistant Attorney Generai 1 Washington. 0.C. 20009 One Ashburton Place  !

P.O. Box 330 Philip Ahren Esq. Boston, Massachusetts 02108

! sssistant Attorney General l D. Pierre G. Cameron, Jr., Esq.

State house. Station #6 Augusta Maine 04333 General Counsel ,

' Public Service Company of New '

Harpshire  :

Mr. Warren Fall Fost Office Box 330  ;

Public Service Cortpany of Manchester, New Parpshire 03105 i New Harpshire  !

Post Office 96x 330 Regional Adrinistrator, Regior i Seabrnok, New Harpshire 03874 U.S. Nuclear Pegulatory Comission 475 Allendale Road Ms. Jane Ocughty King of Prussia, Pennsylvaria 19406 I

Sescost Anti-Pollution League i j 5 Market Street ,

j Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03P01 M. Brock, Esq. i Shaines & McEachern i

25 Maplewcod Ave.  !

i Portsmouth, N.H. 03601  :

l Mr. Diana P. Rar.dall 70 Collins Street r j Seabrook, New har.pshire 0387a

,,-.,,,,,,,---,,.---,n.,,,--n-,.n- - - . , - - - - - - , , - - , . - - - - . - - - -

Public Service Company of - 2- Seabrook Nuclear Power Station New Hampshire CC:

Mr. Calvin A. Canney, City Manager Mr. Alfred V. Sargent.

City Mall Chairman i 126 Daniel Street Board of Selectmen ,

Portsmouth, New Harpshire 03801 Town of Salisbury, MA 01950 Board of Selectmen Senator Gordon J. Humphrey RFD Dalton Road ATTN: Tom Burack Brentwood, New Hampshire 03833 531 Hart Senate Office Building '

U.S. Senate Ms. Roberta C. Fevear Washington, D.C. 20510 Town of Hampton Falls, New Hampshire Drinkwater Road Mr. Owen 9. Ourgin, Chairman Hepton Falls, New Hampshire 03644 Durham Board of Selectmen Town of Durhair Mr. Cuy Chichester, Chairan Durham, f.'ew Hampshire 0382 ^.

Rye Nuclear Intervention Comittee Jane Spector c/o Rye Town Hall Federel Energy Regulatory 10 Central Road Comissicn Rye, New Farpshire 03870 825 North Capital Street, NE Room 8105 Chairman, Board of Selectmen Washinp on D. C. 20426 f RF0 2 ,

South Hampton, New Hampshire 03827 l Mr. R. Sweeney R. Scott Hill - Whilton Three Metro Center Lagoulis, Clark, Hill-Whilton Suite 610  :

& McGuire Bethesda, Maryland 20814 79 State Street Newburyport, Ma. 01950  ;

Ms. R. Cashman, Chairman New Hampshire Office of Emergency ,

Board of Selectmen Management i Tewr, of Amesbury State Office Park South Towr. Hall 107 Pleasant Street i kresbury, Massachusetts 01913 Concord, New Harpshire 03301  :

Ad,iudicatory File (2) l Horcrable Peter J. Matthews Atomic Safety and Licensing Board l Mayor City of Newburyport Danel Oceket '

City Hall U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Newburyport, Massachusetts 01960 Washington. 0.C. 20555 Mr. Ocnald E. Ct.ick Town Manager Congressman Nicholas Mavreules i Torn of Exeter 70 Washington Street 10 Fron; Street Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Exeter, New Farpshire 03623 j

P W _ .,n.,

m. - - , - . - -. - - . - -- - - - - . , , . - - , , . , - - - - - - - - ,

Mr. John C. Duffett Public Service Company of New Hampshire (other)


Governor of New Hampshire Director, Eastera Environmental State Heuse Radiation Facility (SSERS)

Conccrd, New Harpshire 03301 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Post Office Box 3009 Montgomery AL 36193 Massachusetts Department of s Environmental Quality Engineering EIS Review Coordinator 100 Cambridge Street Environmental Protection Agency Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Region ! ,

JFK Federal Building State Planning Officer Boston. Massachusetts 02203 Executive Department  :

State of Main '

189 State Street .

Augusta, Maine 04330 Chairman New Hampshire Public Utilities [

Commission 100 Cambridge Street l

Boston. Massachusetts 02202 Office of the First Selectean Town of Seabrook i Seabrook, New Harpshire 03874 i

Chai rman Vermont Public Service Board 120 State ,

State Office Building Montpeller. Vermont 05502 Director Criteria and Standards (SSERS)

(ANR-460) ,

Office of Radiation Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

, Washinston, D.C. 20460 i , i l I r

v i

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