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Informs That 850624 Proposed Schedule for Meeting Rule on Hydrogen Control Sys for Mark III Containment Unacceptable. Schedule Inconsistent W/License Condition 2.C.(33)(d). Revised Schedule or Application for License Amend Requested
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/22/1985
From: Novak T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Richard J
NUDOCS 8510310005
Download: ML20138K865 (3)




Docht Fils i,

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October 22, 1985 1


I i

Docket No. 50-416 Mr. Jackson B. Richard j

Senior Vice President, Nuclear Mississippi Power & Light Company P.O. Box 23054 i

j Jackson, MS 39205 l

1 i


Dear Mr. Richard:



Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit 1 - Schedule for Completion of Hydrogen Control System Safety Analysis By letter dated June 24, 1985 Mississippi Power and Light Company (MP&L)


l submitted a proposed schedule for meeting the Commission's rule on hydrogen l

4 control systems for nuclear plants having a Mark III containment, such as Grand Gulf Unit 1 (10 CFR 50.44(c)(3)). This proposed schedule was discussed l

with MP&L in a July 30, 1985 meeting regarding licensing actions.

The NRC staff has considered the proposed schedule and finds it unacceptable because it does not meet Paragraph (vii)(C) of 10 CFR 50.44(c)(3) which requires i

j the proposed schedule to be consistent with license conditions or approved j

amendments thereto. Grand Gulf Unit 1 License Condition " Hydrogen Control" t

l 2.C.(33)(d), requires, among other things, that prior to startup following the j

first refueling outage MP&L must obtain NRC approval that an adequate hydrogen r

j control system is installed and will perform its intended function in a manner


that provides adequate safety margins.

In the July 30, 1985 meeting, MPAL provided a schedule for the Grand Gulf Unit I first refueling outage which 1

gives August 1, 1986 as the date for startup following the outage. The MP&L proposed schedule indicates that the containment drywell analysis and equipment i

survivability program would be submitted by December 31, 1986. Accordingly, the proposed schedule for completing the safety analysis of the Grand Gulf l

hydrogen control system appears to be 5 months later than the date required by l

License Condition 2.C.(33)(d).

Provide a revised schedule which is consistent with License Condition l

l 2.C.(33)(d) or a request to amend the license condition. The staff I

recognizes the desirability of having the Hydrogen Control Owner's Group (HCOG) i program completed prior to submitting the Grand Gulf Unit I safety analysis.

I If this is not practical, consideration should be given to have work relevant to Grand Gulf completed by HCOG on a schedule that will enable MP&L to meet i

j the Grand Gulf license condition.

If it is determined that the schedule for completing the hydrogen control safety analysis for Grand Gulf cannot be i

1 I

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8510310005 851022 L

i PDR ADOCK 05000416 l

p PM

1 2-1


I j

consistent with the license condition, provide a request for a license amend-t i

ment. The request for license amendment should include the results of an i

analysis as reouired by 10 CFR 50.91(a)(1), using the standards in 10 CFR 50.9?

l for the determination as to whether or not the schedular extension involves significant hazards considerations. The description of the analysis regarding i

significant hazards considerations should clearly state the scope of the analysis and the reasons for conclusions regarding each of the three standards, i

You are requested to provide a revised schedule or request for ;icense amend-ment within 90 days of receipt of this letter.

If you cannot meet this date i

or wish to discuss alements of a revised schedule prior to submittal, you j

should contact the Project Manager, L. L. Kintner.

f Sincerely, b

r i


Thomas M. Novak, Assistant Director

-l for Licensing l

Division of Licensing cc: See next page I

i l



f DESIG"pID ORIGIliAL CekifiedBy __I




i I

l i


.I i

I i

Mr. Jackson B. Richard Mississippi Power & Light Company Grand Gulf Nuclear Staiton 1


j Robert B. McGehee, Esquire The Honorable William J. Guste, Jr.

Wise, Carter, Child, Steen and Caraway Attorney General P.O. Box 651 Department of Justice l

Jackson, Mississippi 39205 State of Louisiana j

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804 Nicholas S. Reynolds, Esquire j

Bishop Liberman, Cook, Purcell Mr. Oliver D. Kingsley, Jr.

j and Reynolds Vice President, Nuclear Operations l

i 1200 17th Street, N.W.

Mississippi Power & Light Company


Washington, D. C.

20036 P.O. Box 23054 i

Jackson, Mississippi 39205 l

Mr. Ralph T. Lally i

Manager of Quality Assurance Office of the Governor l

Middle South Services, Inc.

State of Mississippi i

P.O. Box 61000 Jackson, Mississippi 39201 l

New Orleans, Louisiana 70161 2

Attorney General l

Mr. Larry F. Dale, Director Gartin Building Nuclear Licensing and Safety Jackson, Mississippi 39205 i

Mississippi Power & Light Company i

P.O. Box 23054 Mr. Jack McMillan, Director l

l Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Solid Waste 1

Mississippi State Board of Health Mr. R. W. Jackson, Project Engineer 880 Lakeland Bechtel Power Corporation Jackson, Mississippi 39206 l

15740 Shady Grove Road i

Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 Alton B. Cobb, M.D.

I State Health Officer l

Mr. Ross C. Butcher State Board of Health i

Senior Resident Inspector P.O. Box 1700 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Consnission Jackson, Mississippi 39205 j

Route 2, Box 399 Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150 President i

Claiborne County Board of Supervisors i

Regional Administrator, Region II Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150 I

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 101 Marietta Street, N.W., Suite 2900 l

l Atlanta, Georgia 30323 Mr. J. E. Cross, General Manager j

Grand Gulf Nuclear Station 1

Mississippi Power & Light Company l

P.O. Box 156 Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150 i



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