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Forwards Boston Edison Co 850412 Application for Amend to License DPR-35,changing Tech Specs Re Fuel Storage Pool,Per .Review Incomplete.Evaluation Will Be Forwarded When Available
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 07/17/1985
From: Vassallo D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Doherty J
NUDOCS 8507260284
Download: ML20128N851 (2)


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July 17,1985 Docket No. 50-293 Mr. John F. Doherty 318 Summit Avenue, #3 Brighton, Massachusetts 02135

Dear Mr. Doherty:

In response to your letter dated July 8,1985, we are providing the enclosed copy of Boston Edison Company's letter dated April 12, 1985. That letter proposes changes in the Technical Specifications relative to the fuel storage pool at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station.

We have not completed our review of Boston Edison's proposal. When our

- evaluation is available, a copy will be sent to you.

Sincerely, Original signed by/

Domenic B. Vassallo, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #2 Division of Licensing


As stated cc w/ enclosure:

See next page DISTRIBUTION 3Docket F11e; EJordan NRC PDR JPartlow Local PDR BGrimes ORBf2 Reading GBerry (0 ELD)

HThompson MDunenfeld SNorris ACRS (10)

Pleech Gray File DVassallo ORB #2:DL #2:DL ORB Pleech

  1. 2g SN r s:rc DVas3 allo 07/lG/85 07/r]/85 07//p85 l

i 8507260284 850717 l PDR ADOCK 05000293 P PDR

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Mr. William D. Harrington Boston Edison Company Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station cc:

Mr. Charles s1. Mathis, Station Mgr. Thomas A. Murley Boston Edison Company Regional Administrator RFD #1, Rocky Hill Road Region i Office Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue Resident Inspector's Office King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19a06 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cormission Post Office Rox 867 Mr. A. Victor Morisi Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 Boston Edison Company .

25 Braintree Hill Park Mr. David F. Tarantino Rockdale Street Chairman, Board of Selectman Braintree, Massachusetts 02184 11 Lincoln Street Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360 Office of the Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering One Winter Street Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Office'of'the Attorney General 1 Ashburton Place 19th Floor

.._ Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Mr. Robert M. Hallisey, Director Radiation Control Program Massachusetts Department of Public Health 150 Tremont Street Boston,Aa'ssachusetts 02111

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SOSTON. MASSACNUSETTS D2199 l WILLIAM D. MARRINGTON l April 12, 1985 BEco 85-077 l Proposed Change l 85-05  !

Mr. Domenic B. Vassallo, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #2 i Division of Licensing Of fice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 .

License DPR-35 Docket 50-293 Proposed Technical Specification Change Fuel Storage Pool

Dear Sir:

Pursuant to the provisions of 10CFR50.90, the Boston Edison Company hereby proposes the attached modifications to Appendix A of Operating License DPR-35. These proposed modifications recommend raising the K-effective of the fuel pool to the industry standard and adding a K-infinity factor to the fuel pool LCO.

Very truly yours,

~OM,*A" ERM/ns '

g 6 Attachment 3 signed originals and 40 copies Commonwealth of Massachusetts)

County of Suffolk )

Then personally appeared before me W. D. Harrington, who, being duly sworn, did state that he is Senior Vice President - Nuclear of the Boston Edison Company, the applicant herein, and that he is duly authorized to execute and 4

file the submittal contained herein in the name and on behalf of the Boston Edison Company and that the statements in said submittal are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

My Commission expires: M M afj9gg Notary Public rppxm

Proposed Amendments to Technical Specifications Fuel Storage Pool A. Narrative _.

The present Technical Specification for the fuel storage pool provides a K-effective of 0.90 which is less than the industry standard of 0.95. It also does not list a K-infinity value. This proposal will change the K-effective from its present 0.90 to 0.95 to meet industry standard criteria, and will add a K-infinity value of 1 1.35. The K-infinity will replace the maximum fuel loading criteria of U-235 and the maximum assembly average loading of weight percent U-235.

B. Reason frit Change The Technical Specifications presently limit the fuel storage K-effective to 1 0.90. This is unnecessarily restrictive in accordance with regulatory and industry accepted practices. The proposed change in

  • K-effective will provide more flexibility in the event of future redesign of the fuel racks.

The present design criteria in the Final Safety Analysis Report is a K-effective < 0.90 for normal conditions and a K-effective < 0.95 for abnormal con 31tions. The proposed K-effective 1 0.95 includes both conditions and does not reduce the margin of criticality from the original ,


C. Safety Conside' rations These changes do not present an unreviewed safety question as defined in 10CFR50.59. They have been reviewed and approved by the Operations Review Committee, and reviewed by the Nuclear Safety Review and Audit Committee.

D. Significant Hazards Consideration The NRC has provided guidance concerning the application of standards for determining whether license amendments involve significant hazards l considerations by providing certain examples (48FR14870). The change of the Technical Specification LCO to raise the K-effective limit of the fuel j storage pool and add a K-infinity value is an example of an amendment '

which is considered not likely to involve a significant hazards )

consideration, and provides, "(11) a change that constitutes an additional 1 limitation, restriction, or control not presently included in the l Technical Specifications: for example, increasing the limit of the fuel  ;

pool K-effective in order to conform to the standard within the industry, l while encompassing the limits of the original design criteria."

The present fuel racks at Pilgrim Station have been designed based on an 8x8 fuel assembly with an average enrichment of 3.0 weight percent U-235, without gadolinia and water rods. This assembly design has a maximum K-infinity of 1.35. The proposed change will replace the linear U-235 density and enrichment with the corresponding maximum K-infinity of the

same assembly design which was used for the design of the present fuel racks. This change will not allow storage of any assembly which has a maximum K-infinity greater than 1.35, thus guaranteeing a K-effective equal to or less than 0.95 when stored in the racks. The replacement of the maximum fuel loading criteria of grams of U-235, and the maximum average loading of weight percent U-235, will allow credit to b4 taken for the gado11nta which is mixed with the uranium oxide in the Pjlgrim fuel assemblies. -

E. Schedule of Change This amendment will be effective 30 days after receipt of approval by the NRC.

F. Application Fee Pursuant to 10CFR170.12(c), Boston Edison classifies this change as a Class III amendment. An application fee of $150 (check #896317) is '

included with this proposed amendment.


, 5.5 FUEL STORAGE A. The new fuel storage facility shall be such that the K.,, dry is less than 0.90 and flooded is less than 0.95.

B. The K.,, of the spent fuel storage pool shall be less tham'6r equal to 0.95.  ;

C. Fuel assembly in the spent fuel pool shall have a maximum K -

Infinity less than or equal to 1.35.

D. The number of spent fuel assemblies stored in the spent fuel pool shall not exceed 2320.

E. Loads-in excess of 1000 lbs. shall be prohibited from travel over fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage pool.

F. -No fuel which has decayed for less than 200 days shall be stored in' racks within an arc described by the height of the cask around the periphery of the energy aborbing pad.

5.6 SEISMIC DESIGN The station Class I structures and systems have been designed for ground accelerations of 0.089 (design earthquake) and 0.159 (maximum credible earthquake).

1 Amendment No. 207