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Forwards Description of Transient Response Implementation Plan Procedure Training Program & Rev 0 to Administrative Procedure A-94, Procedure for Preparation & Control..., Per NRC 840921 Request & Suppl 1 to NUREG-0737
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/14/1984
From: Daltroff S
To: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20099C861 List:
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-1.C.1, TASK-TM NUDOCS 8411200093
Download: ML20099C857 (7)


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. PHILADELPHI A. PA.~19101 ,

satos L. DALTROFTJ i $i 84

  • rese mer.coucn*'

November 14, 1984 Docket Nos. 50-277.

50-278 Mr.-John F. S tolz' Operating Reactors Branch-94 Division of Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory' Commission


Washington, D.C. -2055.5'


-Request-for the Procedures = Generation Package (Section 7, Supplement 1, to NUREG-0737) for Peach Bottom. Atomic Power Station

Dear Mr. Stolz:

This letter transmits additional information requested by your letter of September 21, 1984 (J. F Stolz , NRC, to E. G.

Bauer, Jr., PECo) to assist the staff in their review of the Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) upgrade performed to meet the requirements of NUREG-0737, Item I.C.1. A previous response dated ~ April 15, 19 83 '(S . L. Daltroff, PECo, to D. G. Eisenhut, NRC) provided a description of the procedures generation program utilized to implement Peach Bottom EOP's in March, 1983. The

. procedures conform with Revision 2 of the BWR Owners' Group Emergency Procedure Guidelines as approved by the NRC staff in correspondence dated February 8, 1983 (D. G. Eisenhut, NRC, to All BWR Licensees of Operating Reactors) .

The Peach Bottom Procedure Generation Package, requested in your September 21, 1984 letter, consists of the following documents:

1) Administrative Procedure A-94, " Procedure for the Preparation and Control of Transient Response Implementation Plan (TRIP) Procedures". This administrative procedure incorporates both the Writer's Guide, and verification and validation program requirements for Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP).

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i 2)~ :The1 Peach.Botton' specific TRIP Ba'sesJthatiwere: prepared. _


i in; support of2the. Peach botton TRIPiProcedures~z Thisi . R 4 E


7documentiaddressesith'eJPlant SpecificETechnical'. ~

, iGuidelines: requirement *ofJNUREG-0737,1: Procedures' if

-_ Generation (PackageL , A j. -n 5;g e w r

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JA description of-fth'e Transient: Response; Implementation?


1 Plan M (TRIP);; Procedure ; Training : Program. : _

F .  : ,


i . .nThe f'irstiand' third documents;are'enclosedLwith thl's'- '

."ig submittal.: .:Theisecond'documentuis'currentlyt-being1revisedfand willsbe;: submitted to theiNRCJon oribefore December- 14,:1984..-The .

-. Peach . Bottom - Procedure " Generation _ Package L (PGP) addresses all of c'

e the:elementalthat;NUREG 0737',: Supplement.1,frequires.of;a PGP;l

~i .e. ,: (1)3 plants specific itechnical=: guidelines, ;(2)3 writer's'-

gulde , (3) ; description' 'of ithel validation / veri fication l program for ;

JEOP.'s, : andi(4) c description of; a , program ifor training- operators Lin -


theluse-ofiupgraded EOP's.1:TheiPeach Bottom PGP; used'for.

allfadditions orJrevisionsito-the current'EOP's',Jand containsi

' a ,

,1information similar' to that provided::forithe$ Limerick Generating?

LStation'~which, asfyou stated in youn Septemberc21,01984Lletterf:

is~ generally'acceptablejto.the
. staff.: '

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b, -. [-Should,you.h'aveiany questions regarding7this. submittal, 4

- - l , ,

F please>do:not(hesitate'to contact us._

'Very truly.yours, L



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iAttachments '

cc A.jR.f Blough,-- Site: Inspector i ,

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The TRIP-training. program ~was developedt toisupportt .

Li mplementation'of the1 TRIPS. -

The1 TRIP writer = interfaces-Lwith:the Nuclear' Training'Section:to-ensure aLaupportive-


2.0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION, When. developing thefTRIP trainingLprogram, the following major items were considered: >

1. What typ (initial,.of refresher)..

operatorftraining should be:provided~

2. What' method of operator training should be followed.-
3. - What operator knowledge and skill level is desired.

, 4. .What procedure tasks exist that require operator decision-making.

5.. .What' training material is needed to support TRIP training requirements.

. 6. What current operator licensing requirements exist.
7. What method should be provided for operator feedback

.into the training program and TRIP. development.


8. What will'be the effect on current plant operation 1

while training operators on TRIPS not yet in place at the plant.

This description outlines the approach to be used to train licensed operators on TRIPS and to ensure the operators are informed and'knowledgmable of future changes to the TRIPS.

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TThe' initial, overall training ~ goals for the TRIP training program areias:follows:2

1. -To enable lthe: operators:to understand.the~ structure.of-

- the TRIPS. ,

t 2.: ~ To enable the: operators-to understand the.technica12 bases of the TRIPS.

3. To enable the operators! to.have a wosking k'nowledge of.-

the technical' content of'the' TRIPS..


4. . To enable:the operators to-use the TRIPS.under operational' conditions.

Training program objectives'to support these goals!will be '

developed for_each lesson plan.

4.0 INITIAL TRIP TRAINING METHODS The TRIP trsining program was established to instruct operators in.the TRIPS. It consisted of classroom instructions and simulator exercises.. An outline of the-TRIP training course is included as Figure I.

4.1 ' Classroom Instruction Classroom. instruction sessions of approximately twenty hours were conducted. Included in the information

. presented during.this method was the following:-

1. The logic-behind the development of TRIPS. ,
2. The entrance and exit conditions for each TRIP procedure.
3. The TRIPS'themselves, including supporting technical and human-factors information, and a step-by-step discussion of each procedure including the basis for each step.


Each classroom session addressed specific TRIPS and ,

was followed by a simulator session where the TRIPS

- were practiced in appropriate ^ scenarios.

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?4.~2 1 Simulator-Exercises' .

? Training:onLthe TRIPS 1wasiconductedLforiallilicensed

< operators . and ~Shif t tTechnical Advisors: (STA) using


. scenarios ' on' the ; LimerickETraining Center c simulator:

'for approximately; twenty-hours.. .

-Training was'conductedfwith:all-operators" performing -

.theirinormallcontrol!roomffunctions... Additional-training:wasHconducted whereithe members-of a crew. ,

alternateiresponsibilities. This' additional training '

.is:important to promote-understanding of the other:

operators'. responsibilities in the overall conduct ~of- ,

Jthe' action's,cand it should lead to enhanced C ,

communications within:theicontroliroom. -




, Refresher training'on'the TRIPS is part of.the normal'

!. licensed operator requalification; program, fFor

'approximately 204 of.the time devoted to requalification o, training, operators:arejpresented with variousfsequences of-events on the simulator whose symptoms require'the-operators-to follow.through the. major;flowpaths of the' TRIPS. ~ Realistic scenarios.are developed to ensure that-the critical' aspects of the TRIPS are exercised.

2 Training;on TRIPS is conducted in such a manner that each crew responds to the symptoms with'each operator simulating


c the actions that he normally would be responsible for

, during an emergency incident.. Licensed operators not i assigned to a shift participate in the scenarios as part of a control room crew. The plant training staff participates-in the development and execution of refresher training.

! 'The training staff is responsible for developing the j' scenarios, observing and evaluating the simulator F demonstrations and critiquing.the results.* Any additional i training needs are determined from the performance of the i operators.

i The scenarios are varied sufficiently to ensure the operators do not develop a' set' pattern of responses to l' incidents but are able to respond to the symptoms as they

' develop.

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-Trainington minor procedure revisions.will'be conducted-throughw a program of required readings :(self-taught) ,

preshift'; briefings, or lectures in theLrequalification-program. _ Training;on" major revisions will-be conducted'by the.useLof. classroom > instruction.and: walk-throughs in the controllroom or on the._ simulator. . If operational'

. considerationsLdo not allow control room. walk-throughs, and the simulator is not available, training-on major revisions; will.be_ conducted during~ classroom l instruction.

7.0 INPUTS INTO-TRAINING PROGRAM CHANGES c7.1~' Supporting, Training' Material-Ch'anges

- Changes to supporting-training material will be factored'into updated lesson plans and operator

- training-packages. Some of the supporting material identified-to date is as follows:

1. EPGs-2.; Background information
3. Applicable design changes-

^7;2 Operator Feedback-Operator feedback resulting from TRIP verification,


TRIP validation, and training ~ critique forms will be used to keep the training program and TRIPS
current ~

and relevant.

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' PHILADELPHIA 1 ELECTRIC COMPAFY TRIP l Procedure. Training Program-


Jfor Certified Operators. .



. El'. Intro to TRIP format- 11 IC-1lStartup?

and layout- ,

Day:I- 2.. .T-99. 2. Trainsients' consistent with T-100 3.--T-100

11. - Transients and
1. T-101 Accidents con-

-sistent.with; LClassroom training.

Day II-  ; 2.. T-117 Transients-


1. T-102 1.

and Accidents.

Consistent with:

Day III 2.. T-ll2 < Classroom training.-

3. . T-ll6 f
1. T-lll 1. Transient and Accidents Con .

sistent with classroo. training.

Day IV 2. T-ll3

3. T-ll4
1. T-115 1. Transient and Accidents

, Consistent with Day V Classroom training.

Figure 1 9

1 I


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