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Informs That More Appropriate Date for Control Room Visit Will Be Wk of 810309,rather than Wk of 810105.Info Requested in Should Be Provided by 810206
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/12/1980
From: Martore J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Mcgaughy J
NUDOCS 8101060907
Download: ML20002B820 (2)



..3, IRC.12 1980 0

Gi Docket Nos.: 50-436/417 nel Q'




Mississippi Power and Light Company 5i

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N ATTN: Mr. James McGaughy, Jr.



Assistant Vice President - Nuclear Production P.O. Box 1640 Jackson, Mississippi 39205

Dear Mr. McGaughy:


CONTROL R00!! SITE. VISIT - GRAND GULF UNIT 1 Our letter of December 4,1980 requested that you provide certain infor-mation to us prior to our human factors review of the Grand Gulf control room scheduled for the week of January 5, 1981. Based on recent discus-sions with members of your staff regarding the availability of the requested information and status of the control room completion, we have deterr.ined that a more appropriate date for our visit to your control room will be the week of March 9, 1981. Accordingly, you are requested to provide the information requested in our December 4,1980 letter by February 6, 1981. We believe this schedule will result in a more comprehensive control room review, while still maintaining the overall Grand Gulf licensing review schedule.

Sincerely, Joseph A. Martore, Project Manager Licensing Branch No. 3 Division of Licensing l

cc: See next page.


Docket File 50-416/417 LPDR PDR LB#3 R/f FMiraglia I

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cc: Robert b. NcGehee, Esq.

Wisc, Carter, Child, Steen & Ceraway P. C. Box 6bl Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Trcy E. Conner, Jr., Esq.

Conner, Moore & Corber 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, fi. W.


Washingten, D. C.

20006 Mr. Adrian Zaccaric, Prcject Engineer Granc Gulf fiuclaar Station Cechtel Pcuer Corporation Gaithersburg, haryland 20760 hr. Alan G. Wagner, Resident inspector P. C. Box 469 Port Gibson, hississippi 39150 Mr. N. L. Stampley, Sr. Vice Presicent Er.gineering, Procuction S Construction P.O. Lox 1640 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 hr. L. F. Cale Nuclear Project Manager P.O. Box 1640 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Mr. John Richardson l

P. O. Box 1640 l

Jackson, Mississippi 39205 l

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