IR 05000458/1986016

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Insp Rept 50-458/86-16 on 860331-0404.Violation Noted:Torque Wrenches Removed from ADM-0029 Controls & New Controls Implemented W/O Approved Procedure & Document Transmittals Older than 10 Working Days Not Incorporated Into Manuals
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/01/1986
From: Jaudon J, Skow M
Shared Package
ML20204A469 List:
50-458-86-16, NUDOCS 8605120255
Download: ML20204A475 (5)





NRC Inspection Report:

50-458/86-16 License:

NPF-47 Docket: 50-458 Licensee: Gulf States Utilities Company (GSU)

P. O. Box 2951 Beaumont, Texas 77704 Facility Name:


Inspection At:

River Bend Station, St. Francisville, Louisiana Inspection Conducted: March 31 through April 4, 1986 Inspector:


'//25 Y6 M. E. Skow, Project Engineer. Project Date Section A Reactor Projects Branch Approved:

4 44 (fyle I / 8d J. f. Jaudgn, Chief, Project Section A, Date Reactor Prtjects Branch Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted March 31 through April 4,1986 (Report 50-458/86-16)

Areas Inspected:

Routine, unannounced inspection of Maintenance and Test Equipment and Document Control.

Results: Within the areas inspected, three violations were identified (paragraphs 2 and 3).

8605120255 860501 ADOCK 05000458)





Persons Contacted Principal Licensee Employees

  • W. J. Cahill, Senior Vice President
  • P. F.' Tomlinson, Director, Quality Services
  • H. R. Roark, Electrical Maintenance Supervisor
  • A. F. Harvey, Coordinator, Nuclear Document Control
  • D. B. Reynolds, Supervisor, Administrative Support
  • R. J. King, Licensing Engineer
  • R. R. Smith, Licensing Engineer
  • D. R. Gipson, Assistant Plant Manager for Operations
  • K. E. Ormstedt, Quality Assurance Engineer, Systems
  • J. G. Cadwallader, Supervisor, Emergency Planning
  • R. G. West, Instrument and Controls Supervisor
  • P. F. Gillespie, Senior Compliance Analyst

- *J. E. Evans, Stenographer R. B. Stafford, Director, Operations Quality Assurance M. E. Crowell, First Class Instrument and Controls Technician L. L. Rachel, Materials Foreman L. R. Cummings, Mechanical Maintenance Foreman Stone and Webster Employees D. L. Goodman, Document Coordinator

  • M. R. Gandette, Assistant to Project Engineer
  • Denotes those attending the exit interview.

The NRC inspector also interviewed other licensee personnel.


Maintenance and Test Equipment The purpose of this inspection was to ascertain that the licensee has developed and implemented an Quality Assurance Program relating to the control of measuring and test equipment (li&TE) that was in conformance with regulatory requirements, commitments, and industry standards.

In this regard, the NRC inspector reviewed the following procedures and changes thereto:

Title Revision Date ADM-0029

January 21, 1986 TCH 86-0486 flarch 17, 1986-TCN 86-0601 March 31, 1986 QAD-12

May 25, 1985


These procedures appeared to conform to regulatory requirements and while the licensee was not comitted to the provisions of IEEE-498-1980, the procedures appeared to conform with this standard.

The NRC inspector selected 25 pieces of M&TE from the licensee's M&TE Master List for further inspection. The inspection included record review, visual observation of M&TE, review of calibration procedures, lost or retired M&TE record review, review of maintenance documents, and record review for calibration standards. M&TE items and documentation appeared to meet procedural requirements. Personnel interviewed during the course of the inspection appeared to understand and to follow the M&TE controis of ADM-0029.

During the review of maintenance records, the NRC inspector noted that M&TE item DMM 031A had been listed as used during the performance of tests STP 305-1100 and STP 251-3100 on March 10, 1986. M&TE records showed that DMM 031A had been retired as beyond economical repair and was

- reported out of service by log number 85-IC-799 on August 1,1985.

The licensee subsequently performed a review of the tracking cards for similar M&TE. Tracking cards provide a means to determine what a piece of M&TE was used for in the event that it's calibration status becomes suspect.

The licensee showed that STP 305-1100 and STP 251-3100 were listed on the tracking card for DMM 081A for March 10, 1986.

In addition, the DMM 081A use card showed that the same maintenance person who signed the STPs had checked out the DMM 081A on March 10, 1986. Since M&TE records appeared to be otherwise correct, the NRC inspector considered this an isolated I

case of inadvertent error.

During the inspection, the NRC inspector noted that torque wrenches appeared to be controlled by a memo issued March.25, 1986,- rather than by an approved procedure. The March 25 memo removed torque wrenches from ADM 0029 controls. Some controls from ADM 0029 appeared to have been retained by the memo, such as the use of tracking cards. Torque wrenches, under the memo, were to have a calibration check performed by the maintenance personnel before and after use on plant equipment. The calibration check device remained under ADM 0029 as M&TE. However, the calibration check device was discovered by the licensee to be out of calibration on March 27, 1986, and removed from service. Some torque wrenches were then returned to M&TE status and control by ADM 0029. The calibration checking device was found to have had a 1.4 percent error above 225 ft-lbs.

In response to the NRC inspector's questions concerning the reliability of the torque wrenches during the 3 days the new system was'in use, the licensee stated that none of the torque wrenches were used in the range above where the calibration checking device was in error.

Also in response to NRC inspector concerns, the licensee returned all torque wrenches to ADM 0029 control in a memo dated April 2,1986.

Technical Specification 6.8.1 requires written procedures including those of Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978.

Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33 specifies procedures for control of Measuring and Test Equipment. These procedures are required to be a type


appropriate to ensure that tools and other measuring and testing devices are properly controlled, calibrated, and adjusted at specified periods to maintain accuracy. ADM 0029 implements this requirement.

The removal of torque wrenches by the licensee from ADM 0029 controls without implementing alternative written procedures is an apparent violation (50-458/8616-01).


Document Control The purpose of this inspection was to ascertain whether the licensee had included in the QA program, document controls that are in conformance with Technical Specifications and Regulatory requirements.

In this regard, the NRC inspector reviewed procedures ADM-0005, Revision 4, dated February 17, 1986, Station Document Control, and SSP-1-004, dated February 18, 1986, Station Document Control System.

This review included verification of the methods that provide for the issuance and distribution of documents and their revisions. To verify implemen*ation of the document control system, the NRC inspector selected 34 doct 'nts from the licensee's indices. These documents included drawings, procedures, and temporary change notices (TCNs).

Controlled distribution points for those documents included the Control Room, Technical Support Center (TSC), Emergency Operations Facility (EOF),

Electrical Maintenance, Nuclear Plant Engineering (NUPE), the NRC resident inspector's office, and the Central Information Resource Center (CIRC).

Of the documents and locations selected, five items were found that did not match the master indices.

TCN 86-0451 was superseded by TCN 86-0472.

The master index showed TCN-0451 to still be in effect and the TCN was still filed with it's active document in NUPE. TCN 86-0451 had not remained filed at the other locations.

STP-511-4503, Revision 1, was found in TSC vice Revision 2.

The document transmittal had been signed and returned indicating that the document update had been performed. The index and other locations were correct.

EIP-2-006, Revision 4, was found in NUPE vice Revision 5.

The document transmittal had been signed and returned indicating that the document update had been perfonned. The index and other locations were correct.

FSK 25-01F, Revision 11, was found in the EOF vice Revision 12. The document transmittal was not available for verification. The index and other locations were correct.

The four items above were immediately corrected by the licensee. Of the approximately 22 documents selected for verifications at each of


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the locations, the four items above were considered isolated cases and were not considered a violation.

BZ-072DN, Revision 1, was listed in the index, the IS-217 Report,



supplied by Stone and Webster. Revision IA was found in the NUPE.

The licensee stated that BZ drawings can be revised by a Pipe Support RevisionNotice(PRSN). The licensee explained that PRSNs did not fit the computer index fields and that a modified IS-217 report was provided for the BZ drawings. The NRC inspector found that the

modified IS-217 reports were not recognized in approved licensee procedures, nor was the existence of the modified IS-217 report recognized by all of the document control personnel. This is an apparentviolation(50-458/8616-02).

During the portion of the inspection at the E0F, the inspector found several procedural revisions that had not been incorr -ated in procedures manuals. Attachment 2 of procedure ADM-0005 requires that stations located offsite, such as the E0F, must update the appropriate manuals, sign and return the transmittal within 10 working days. Among those updates awaiting incorporation, the NRC inspector found 17 transmittals that were older than 10 working days from that inspection date. The dates of those transmittals ran ed from March 10-19, 1986. This is an apparent violation (50-458/8616-03.


The outstanding transmittals were subsequently incorporated into their appropriate manuals by the licensee the same day the condition was found by the NRC inspector.


Exit Interview An exit interview was held on April 4,1986, with those personnel denoted in paragraph 1 of this report. The senior resident inspector and resident inspector also attended this meeting.









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