IR 05000254/1981001

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IE Insp Repts 50-254/81-01 & 50-265/81-01 on 810107-0207.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas inspected:NUREG-0737 Followup,Monthly Maint Observation,Ler Followup,Plant Scrams & Operational Safety Verification
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/10/1981
From: Chrissotimos N, Dupont S, Spessard R
Shared Package
ML19350A828 List:
50-254-81-01, 50-254-81-1, 50-265-81-01, 50-265-81-1, NUDOCS 8103160944
Download: ML19350A829 (14)







50-254/81-01; 50-265/81-01 Docket Nos. 50-254; 50-265 Licenses No. DPR-29; DPR-30 Licensee: Commonwealth Edison Company Post Office Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 Facility Name: Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 C 2 Inspection at: Quad-Cities Site, Cordova, IL i

Inspection Conducted: January 7,1981, through Feb:uary 7,1981




M Inspectors:

..J Chrissotimos


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)LtMrd gt}lcffl Approved by:

R. L. Sp sard, Chief Reactor Projects Section 1 Inspection Summary Inspection on January 7 through February 7, 1981 (Reports No. 50-254/81-01:


Areas Inspected: NUREG 0737 Followup; Monthly Maintenance observation; Licensee Event Report Followup; Plant Scrams; Operational Safety Verifi-cation; IE Bulletin Followup; IE Circular Followup; Followup on Headquarters Reggests; IE Information Notice Followup; Public Meeting; Semi-Armual Operational Verification; and Independent Inspection. The inspection involved a total of 274 inspector-hours onsite by two NRC inspectors including 18 inspector-hours onsite during off-shifts.

Results: No items of noncompliance were identified.











Persons Contacted

  • N. Kalivianakis, Superintendent T. Tamlyn, Assistant Superintendent Operations D. Bax, Assistant Superintendent Maintenance
  • L. Gerner, Technical Staff Supervisor G. Conschack, Senior Operating Engineer
  • J. Heilman, Quality Assurance, Operations The inspector also interviewed several other licens-e employees, including shift engineers and foremen, reactor operators, technical staff personnel and quality control personnel.
  • Denotes those present at the exit interview on February 7,1981.


TMI-2 Action Plan Requirement (NUREG-0737) Followup The inspector verified the completion of the following described NUREG-0737 requirements as co=mitted to by Commonwealth Edison letter dated December 31. 1980, J. S. Abel to D. G. Eisenhut. iechnical evaluation and acceptar e of the response will be accomplished by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

Requirements Commtnts I.A.l.1

- STA Inspector verified

" 1/18#81


- Trained par LL Cat. B.

Describe Long Tem Program



I.C.l.2A - Short Term Accident & Proc. Review ]


- Reanalyze C Propose Guidelines


.3A - Transients C Accidents


Rogers Dated


- keanalyze C Propose Guidelines



- Feedback of Operating Experience Reviewed

Licensee to Implement Procedures I.C.6.

- Revise Performance Procedures Completed



- Training for Mitigating Core Program Developed Damage

" Nuclear Operator


- Develop Training Program fC t a Program"



Requirements Comments

II.E.4.2 Response in 12/31/80


.5A - Cont. Press. Setpoint - Specify Prest. Pos t o Sa d


- Cont. Purge Valvec Letter dated 12/26/80, Janecek to Eisenhut Position Stated II.K.3.3

- Reporting SV E RV Challenges Verified. Done with LER's and Monthly operating and Failures Reports Per T.S. 3.5.D.1 and D 2 and D.3-6.6.B.2.b

.13 - HPCI C RCIC Initiation Analysis Mod Transmitted by owners Group

.17 - ECCS Outages Transmitted per 12/31/80 letter Eisenhut from Abel

.21 - Restart of CS C LPCI Owners Group will submit

.22 - RCIC Suetior; Verify Reviewed QOP 1300-2 Rev 2 RCIC System Manual S/U

.27 - Common Ref. Level Complete per letter dated 1/7/81 NJK to Janecek

.44 - Eval. Tran, with Single Failure Owners Group will submit

.45 - Manual Depressurization Owners Group will submit III.A.2.

- Emergency Preparedness To be transmitted III.D.3.3

- Inplant Radiation Monitoring Low Background, Low Contam-ination Areas Identified C


- Mod to Measure I2 Reviewed QEP 330-7 Rev 1 Inplant I-131 means during post-accident conditions III.D.3.4. - Control Room Habitability Reed to Eisenhut 7/25/80 Review Describing Delay of Evaluation to 1/1/82 No deviations were identified.

3, Monthly Maintenance observation Station maintenance activities of safety related systems and com-ponents listed below were observed / reviewed to ascertain that they were conducted in accordance with approved procedures, regulatory guides and industry codes or standards and in conformance with tech-nical specifications.



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The following items were considered during this review:



limiting conditions for operation were met while components or systems were removed from service; approvals were obtained prior to initiating the work; activities were accomplished using approved i


procedures and were inspected as applicable; functional testing and/or calibrations were performed prior to returning components or systems to service; quality control records were maintained;



activities were accomplished by qualified personnel; parts and materials used were properly certified; radiological controls were implemented; and, fire prevention controls were implemented, Work requests were reviewed to determine status of outstanding jcbs a

and to assure that priority is assigned to safety related equipment i


maintenance which may affect system performance.

i The following maintenance activities were observed / reviewed:

Unit 1

QO1007 Reactor Head Vent Outboard Valve QOlOO8 Reactor Head Vent Inboard Valve QO3964 HPCI Backup Control Power Feed (IEIN 79-32)

[ Mod 4-1(2)-80-10]

e Q06037 RHR Suction Valve Q06040 S/D Cooling Valve Q07000 MSIV l-203-2C Q07817 SRM 21 Q08248 Air Supply Line to MSIV's Q08735 PCI Valves (Mod 4-1-78-14)

Q08953 Cleanup Suction Valve Q09163 D/W Electrical Penetration Unit 2 Q05271-LPRM 48-33 Q08227 Core Spray. Minimum Flow Valve Q08321 RHR Pump Suction Valve Q08800 SBGT Q09170 HPCI Turning Gear Q09651 Recirc. Suction Valve r

Unit 1/2 i

I l

Q09062 MSIV Pilot l

Q09098 SBLC Relief Valve


I Q09447 1/2 Diesel Generator i

l-4-l (

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Following completion of maintenance on the SBGT (Unit 2) and


RHR (shutdown cooling) Unit 1, the inspector verified that these systems had been returned to service properly.


No items of noncompliance were identified.


Licensee Event Reports Followup Through direct observations, discussions with licensee personnel, and review of records, the following event reports were reviewed to determine that reportability requirements were fulfilled, im=ediate i

corrective action was acco=plished, and corrective action to prevent recurrence had been accomplished in accordance with technical specifications.

Unit 1 RO 80-17, dated July 16, 1980, failure of Vacuum Breaker Air Actuator Solenoid.

RO 80-18, dated August 5,1980, failure of the Main chimney off Gas Sample Pump.

RO 80-19, dated August 17, 1980, inadvertent positioning of RCIC Flow Controller in manual.

Details of the event were documented in Inspection Reports 50-254/

80-19 and 50-265/80-21.

R0 80-32, dated December 11, 1980, Sway Strut Hanger installation penetrated the primary containment.

The event and subsequent repairs were discussed with regional construction inspectors. The two 4-inch diameter holes were repaired by fabricating and welding two carbon steel plvgs in place.

The welde were inspected and a vacuum oox test was satisfactorily performed.

RO 80-33, dated Dedesber 17, 1980, failuro of Standby Gas Treatment Suction Valve.

RO 81-01,' dated January 5,1981, the

'B' f tandby Gas Treatment Discharge Valve, failed to close.

RO 81-02, dated January 7,1981, Unit 1 Jiesel Generator tripped and failed to restart when proper speed control could not be





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The occurrence was due to a loose fuse in the 125v DC engine starting and fuel control circuit. The poor contact in the circuit caused a low, erratic voltage on the synchronizing motor, resulting in a loss of speed control. Repairs and testing were completed on January 7,1981.

RO 81-03, dated January 14, 1981, while performing High Drywell Pressure Calibration, the pressure switch was found to trip higher than the LCO setpoint.

RO 81-94, dated January 16, 1981, during surveillance, the Reactor Low Low Level Switch was found to trip in excess of the limits.

Unit 2 RO 80-16, dated July 23, 1980, Main Steam Line Low Pressure Switch was found to trip in excess of the limits.

R0 80-17, dated July 24, 1980, Torus to Reactor Building Vacuum Breaker Pressure Switch was found to trip in excess of the limits.

R0 80-35, dated December 28, 1980, failure of the Drywell Equipment Drain Sump Outboard Isolation Valve to close within the required time.

R0 80-33, dated December 1,1980, the 'RHR System II Supply from Emergency Diesel' Annunciator alarmed from a grounded wire in the Unit 2 Diesel Generator to Bus 24-1 circuit breaker.

R0 80-36, dated December 3, 1980, failure of Electromatic Relief Valve to open manually.

The failure was caused by excessive leakage between the retainer plug into the volume below the main disc. The retainer plug was seal welded to prevent any future leakage past the retainer plug.

R0 80-37, dated December 7,1980, excessive leakage of the mechanical seal on the 2D RHR Pump.

R0 80-38, dated December 10, 1980, a series of six trips occurred of the 2A Recirculation Pump Motor Generator Field Breaker.


Concerning the events, the licensee had performed extensive testing and determined that the Tachometer was defective. The licensee replaced the Tachometer and returned the 2A MG set to service on December 31, 1980, with no further occurrences.

  • R0 80-39, dated December 30, 1980, Suppression Pool Isolation Valve to the

'A' loop RHR System failed to open.


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RO 81-01, dated January 16, 1981 High Drywell Pressure Switch was


found to trip in excess of the limits.

No items of noncompliance were identified.


Plant Scrams a.

Following the plant scram on_ December 25, 1980, of Unit 1, the inspector ascertained the status of the reactor and safety systems by observation of control room indicators and discussions with licensee personnel concerning plant parameters, emergency system status and reactor coolant chemistry. The inspector verified the establishment of proper communications and reviewed the corrective actions taken by the licensee. The cause was the failure of a Recirculation Pump Speed Controller to high speed which caused an APRM H.H. signal.

All systems responded as expected, and the plant was returned to operation on December 25, 1980.


Following the plant scram on December 30, 1980, of Unit 1, the inspector ascertained the status of the reactor and safety systems by observation of control room indicators and discussions with licensee personnel concerning plant parameters, emergency system status and reactor coolant chemistry. The inspector verified the establishment of proper communications and reviewed the corrective actions taken by the licensee. The cause was attributed to a

. contractor inadvertently bumping an RPS instrument rack.

All systems responded as expected, and the plant was returned to operation on December 30, 1980.

No items of noncompliance were identified.


Operational Safety Verification The inspector observed control room operations, reviewed applicable logs and conducted discussions with control room operators during the acnth of January,1981. The inspector verified the operability of selected emergency systems, reviewed tagout records and verified proper return to service of affected components. Tours of Units 1


and 2 reactor buildings and turbine buildings were conducted to observe plant equipment conditions, including potential fire hazards, fluid leaks, and excessive vibrations and to verify that maintenance requests had been initiated for equipment in need of maintenance.

The inspector by observation and direct interview verified that the physical security plan was being implemented in accordance with the station security plan.





The inspector observed plant housekeeping / cleanliness conditions and verified imple=entation of radiation protection controls.

During the conth of January,1981, the inspector walked down the accessible portions of the Unit 2 SSGT and Unit 1 Condensate syste:s to verify operability. The inspector also witnessed portions of the radioactive waste syste= controls associated with radwaste ship =ents and barreling.

These reviews and observations were conducted to verify that facility operations were in confor=ance with the require =ents established under technical specifications,10 CFR, and ad=inis-trative procedures.

While conducting a tour of the Unit ~. Turbine Building, the inspector discovered a water leak on the bonnet drain valve of the

'B' Feedwater Discharge Line. The licensee isolated the line and repaired the leak. Nor=al operations were not dis rupted.

No ite=s of nonco=pliance were identified.


IE Bulletin Followup For the IE Bulletins listed below the inspector verified that the written response was within the ti=e period stated in the bulletin, that the written response included the inforcation required to be reported, that the written response included adequate corrective action co=citzents based on information presentation in the bulletin and the licensee's response, that licensee =anagement forwarded copies of the written response to the appropriate onsite manage =ent representatives, that infor=ation discussed in the licensee's written response was accurate, and that corrective action taken by the licensee was as described in the written response.

IE Bulletin 8G-21, dated November 7,1980. Potentially faulty valve parts cast by Malcolm Foundry Coreany. The inspector verified that no active valves are currently in use or P anned for use in l

safety related syste=s manufactured by Malcolm Fe,undry Co=pany.

IE Bulletin 80-23, dated Nove=ber 14, 1980, Failure of Solenoid Valves manufactured by Valcor Engineering Corporation. The inspector verified that the licensee's review indicated that no Valcor Solenoid Valves, having part nu=bers listed in the bulletin, are used to perform any safety related function.

No items of noncompliance were identified.



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t 8.

IE Circular Followup


For the IE Circulars listed below, the inspector verified that the Circular was received by the licensee management, that a review for applicability was performed, and that if the circular were applic-able to the facility, appropriate corrective actions were taken or were scheduled to be taken.

IE Circular 80-22, dated October 2,1980, Confirmation of Employee Qualifications.

IE Circular 80-23, dated October 31, 1980 Potential Defects in Beloit Power Systems Emergency Generators. The licensee does not utilize this type of generator.

No items of noncompliance were identified.


Followup on Headquarters Requestu a.

TI 2515/42 Revision 1; TMI Action Plan Apection Requirements -


Procedures and Staffing TI 2515/43 Revision 1; Hardware Changes TI 2515/44 Revision 1; Health Physics - Emergency Planning The inspector verified completion of requirements for the Temporary Instructions and are documented in Inspection Reports 254/80-22; 265/80-24, 254/80-25; 265/80-26, and 254/81-01;


265/81-01, with the exception of items II.F.1. (implementation scheduled for January 1,1982) and II.G.l. which is applicable to PWR's only, b.

TI 2515/40 i

The inspector, by review of the licensee's procedure for Core verification (QTP 1100-1) and discussions with the Nuclear Engineers, verified that the Quad Cities procedures follows the acceptance criteria of the Temporary Instruction.


TI 2515/46

The inspectors review included the licensee's recommended procedure changes for compliance with IE Bulletin 80-17; interviewing various operators for training on the proposed procedure changes; and portions of the licensee's response dated July 14 and July 18, 1980, addressing the ATWS without recirculation pump trip.

The following procedures were reviewed by the inspector:

QGP 2-3

' Reactor scram;' steps have been added to QGP 2-3 to provide an entry point into QGA-19 ' Failure of control rods to insert during a scram.'



QGA 19 ' Failure of Control Rods to insert during a scram;'


which is in compliance with IE Bulletin 80-17, Action item 4.

QCA 17

' Automatic Reactor Scram Signal present with no resulting scram ( ATWS event)' which includes as requested by TI 2515/46, the manual tripping of recirculation pumps by the operator following an ATWS condition, QGA 17.

The inspector also reviewed the procedure for ' Standby Liquid Co' 'rol Injection' 00P 1100-2, for compliance with IE Bulletin 84-17 supplement 1, including the assignment of responsibilities, authority of the operators and the availability of the SBLC key in the shift engineer's office.

The inspector verified that the procedures concerning scrams, failure of control rods to insert during a scram and the ATWS event complied with Action item 4 (a) through (e) of IE Bulletin 80-17.

Reference Inspection Reports 254/80-12; 265/80-15, 254/80-22-265/80-24, and 254/80-25; 265/80-26 D. L. Peoples' letters lo J. Keppler dated July 18, 1980, and August 7, 1980, and R. F.

Janecek's letters dated July 11,1980, July 14,1980, and July 18, 1980, to J. Keppler for more detailed information.


On January 9,1981, the Resident Inspectors were requested to

. determine the status of licensee completion of the following TMI-2 Action Plan items:

Committed Completion Status Item Date Completed I.A.l.1 STA 1/1/81 Yes l

I.A.l.3 Shift Manning 11/1/80 Yes l


RO & SRO 12/1/80 Yes Training Program i

I.C.5 Feedback of 1/1/81 Yes Operation Exp.


l I.C.6 Verify Performance 1/1/81 Yes I.

of Oprting Actvties II.E.4.2.(Sa)

Cont. Pressure 1/1/81 Yes Setpoint II.E.4.2.(6)

Cont. Purge 1/1/81 Yes Valves II.K.3.9 PID Controller (W)



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Completion Status Item Date Completed II.K 3.22a RCIC Suction 1/1/81 Yes III.D.3.3 Inplant Rad 1/1/81 Yes Monitors No items of noncompliance were identified.


IE Information Notice Followup For the IE Information Notices listed below, the inspector verified


that the information notice was received oy the licensee management, that a review for applicability was performed, and that if the information notice were applicable to the facility, appropriate actions were taken or were scheduled to be taken.

IE IN 80-37, dated October 24, 1980, Containment Cooler Leaks and Reactor Cavity Flooding at Indian Point Unit 2.

IE IN 80-39, dated October 31, 1980 Malfunctions of Solenoid Valves Manufactured by Valcor Engineering Corporation.

IE IN 80-40, dated November 10, 1980 Excessive Nitrogen Supply Pressure Actuates Safety-Relief Valve Operation to Cause Reactor Depressurization.

IE IN 80-41, dated November 10, 1980, Failure of Swing Check Valve in the Decay Heat Removal System at Davis-Besse Unit No. 1.

IE IN 80-42, dated November 24, 1980, Effect of Radiation on Hydraulic Snubber Fluid.

IE IN 80-45, dated December 5, 1980, Failures of the Continuous Water Level Monitor for the Scram Discharge Volume at Dresdon Unit No. 2.

IE IN 80-45, dated December 17, 1980, Potential Failure of BWR Backup Manual Scram capability.

No items of noncompliance were identified.


Public Meeting On Tuesday, January 6,1981, the Senior Resident Inspector was the guest speaker for the " Citizens for Safe Energy" organization. Major topics of discussion centered on the long-term effects of low level radiation, reportability of radioactive releases from the Quad Cities Plant, the responsibilities of the Resident Inspector, and the effectiveness of the Resident Program.

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Review of Plant Operations


During the months of September 1980, through January,1981, the inspector reviewed the following activities:


Procurement The inspector reviewed procurement and storage activities to ascertain whether the purchase of components, materials and supplies used for safety related functions, is in conformance with the licensee's approved QA program and implementing procedures; non-conforming items are segregated and marked accordingly; applicable preventive maintenance is performed; housekeeping and environmental requirements are met; and, limited shelf-life items are controlled.

The following components were inspected:

(1) Control Rod Drive Repair Kits (2) Scram Pilot Valve Repair Kits b.

Review and Audits On November 14, 1980, the inspector sat in on a safety review committee meeting. The inspector verified that provisions of technical specifications dealing with membership, review process, frequency, and qualifications were met.

The inspector also verified that decisions made were reflected in the meeting minutes and that corrective actions proposed were taken.

On October 7, 1980, the inspector witnessed an audit conducted by the _ licensee's offsite audit team and verified conformance with technical specifications and QA procedures, c.

Training The inrpector attended one of the licensee's operator requalification lecture series and verified that lesson plan objectives were met and that training was in accordance with the approved operator requalification program schedule and oLjectives.

l The inspector verified by direct questioning of one new, one


existing, and one temporary employee that administrative controls and procedures, radiological health and safety, industrial safety, controlled access and security procedures, emergency plan, and quality assurance training were provided as required by the licensee's technical specifications; verified by direct questioning of one craftsmen and one technician that on-t'te-job training, formal technical training commensurate with job classification, and fire fighting training were provided.

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O d.

Environ = ental Protection The inspector verified the installation and operability of seven sa=pling (monitoring) station (s) and associated equip =ent and reviewed records for co=pleteness and accuracy.


Licensee Action Concerning Identified Proble=s The inspector reviewed corrective actions taken by the licensee pertaining to recurring failures and resolution of identified discrepencies involving safety-related co=ponents.

The following component corrective actions were observed by the inspector:

Unit 1 1A Recirculation MG Set Unit 2 3D Electromatic Valve 2A Recirculation MG Field Breaker No ite=s of nonco=pliance were identified.


Independent Inspection a.

Following the December 21, 1980, event at Dresden in regards to their shutdown cooling procedures, the inspector reviewed the applicable procedures at Quad Cities. The procedures recognized that without recirculation pu=p operation, vessel loop temperatures were inaccurate. The resulting action, to refer to other indication, was not clearly del neated.

Following discussions with the operating engineers and technical staff supervisor, the procedure was changed to clearly.

identify actions.

No items of no ompliance were identified.


As committed to in IE Reports 50-254/80-12; 50-265/80-15, Paragraph 4, the inspector verified that a preventive maintenance and testing program for cubicle breakers has been established.

No items of noncompliance were identified.

14.. Exit Interview


The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in

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Paragraph 1) throughout the month and at the conclusion of the


inspection on February 7,1981, and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection activities. The licensee acknowledged the inspectors comments.


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