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Corrected Pages 13 & 14 to Insp Repts 50-254/88-15 & 50-265/88-15
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/14/1988
Shared Package
ML20154L746 List:
50-254-88-15, 50-265-88-15, NUDOCS 8809260286
Download: ML20154L770 (4)

See also: IR 05000254/1988015






l . MAGE. ,N RR.OR

I .

procedure in use enthiled opening the feed brealer from bus 29

to MCC 28/29 5. This action not only doencrgized MCC 26/29-5, iut

also closed contact HMA 1951 b, which caused the fetd breater frota

bus 28 to MCC 28/29 5 to close, thereby reenergizing MCC 26 9 5.

If power to bus 29 was lost MCC 28/29-5 would become deer rigized

tvcn though the fee j bre.aler frcm bus 29 to MCC 28/29 5 5 still

closed. The feed breaker from bus 28 to MCC 28/29-5 w d not shut,

and MCC 28/29-5 would remain deenergized. Thus the o rability test

perfomed to verify the auto transfer f(ature for MC 28/29 5 was


The test which the licensee perfomcd on June 2*,1988, was core

rigorous, since it entailed deenergizing bus 2 . This deenergized

V:C 28/29 5 without causing the feed breater rom bus 29 to MCC

2B/29-5 to open. Thus the feed breaker fror bus 28 to MCC 28/29-5

c'id not sht.t. so MCC 28/29-5 rerained deer rgized.


If a LOC /, occurred with MCC 28/29-5 de ergized, the LPCI injection

valves for both recirculation loops w id not have opened,

treventing LPCI from injecting, and e recirculation pump sut. tion

and discharge valves in both recir ation lonps would have been

I revented f rom shutting. Manual ckup would have been availabic,

for the unit optrator would ste ower that expected recovery of

reactor vessel level. Ht woul notice no status lights on the RHR

inboard and outboard injectie valves to both recirculation lects.

This would be positive indi tien that MCC 26/29-5 was deenergized.

The optrator could then fr .. the control room open the feed breaker

from bus 29 to MCC 28/29 and close the feed breaker from bus 28

to MCC 28/29-5. This - id reenergize MCC 25/29-5. The valves

would reposition autor tically and LPCI would inject provided that

MCC 28/29 5 was reen gized within 5 minutes. If power was restored

after 5 minutes, t

LPCI injection valves would have to be opened

ranually, which c id be done from the control room.



ihrcu;hout thi' sctr.ario, ont ccrt spray pur; wculd havt t'ttn

anil!t it , vt

h the FSU statt! wctld tt suf ficitnt tc prturt

futi dar agt .r.d would rt flect ttt core within crt htur of ccrt


spray op r icn.

itt g ir' s e rror occurr(d ttceuse tht original insteller did r ct

terra.c' cr.t end of ttt whitt virc to the proper te rrinal, t.ut it:f t

it te (c to the green wia, dich was a spre. Cuality control

thi .d to detect this it.stallatic,n trror, anc subsequent testitc

ma it.tdte,uate to dctoct thc trrer. ~

o iht inability of MCC 26/29-5 to auto transfer from bus 29 to tus 28  !

ugh a loss of bus 2S is contrary to FSAR Section E.2.3.1 (which



requires this auto transfer to be operable) and 10 CFR 50 Appendix A l

criterion 17 (which requires that on site electrical power supplies '


y shall have sufficient redundancy to perforn their safety functions


g assuring a single failure), and is an apparent violation of NRC

o requirer.tnts (265/SS015-01(DRP)). However, a notice of violation is

net being issued at this tirc because this issue is being reviewed

for potential enforcerent acticn. An enforcenent conference to

discuss this issue is planned fcr August 2f,19EE.


.. . - -






procedure in use entailed opening the feed breaker from bus 29

to MCC 28/29 5. This action not only deenergized MCC 28/29 5, but

also closed contact H'% 1951 b, which caused the fetd breaker fron

bus 28 to MCC 28/29-5 to close, thereby reenergizing MCC 28/29-5.

If power to bus 29 wn lost, MCC 28/29-5 would becore deentrigized ,

tvcn though the feed breaker from bus 29 to MCC 28/29-5 was still '

closed. The feed breaker from bus 28 to MCC 28/29-5 would not shut,

and MCC 28/29-5 would res in deenergized. Thus the operability test

perfomed to verify the auto transfer feature for MCC 28/29-5 was


The test which the licensee perforred on June 22, 1988, was rore


l rigorous, since it entailed deenergizing bus 29. This deenergized


MCC 28/29-5 without causing the feed breaker from bus 29 to MCC

28/29-5 to open. Thus the feed breaker frcm bus 28 to MCC 28/29-5 ,

did not shut, so MCC 28/29-5 remained deenergized. ,



if a LOCA occurred with MCC 28/29 5 dcenergized, the LPCI injection

valves for both recirculation loops would not have opened. .

{ preventing LFCI from injecting, and the recirculation purp suction


d and discharge valves in both recirculation loops would have been


prevented f rom shutting. Manual backup would have been available,

for the unit operator would see slower that expected recovery of t

j reactor vessel level. He would notice no status lights on the RHR
inbcard and outboard injection valves to both recirculation loops.

This would be positive indication that MCC 26/29-5 was deenergized.

! The operator could then from the control room open the feed breaker


from bus 29 to MCC 28/29-5 and close the feed breaker from bus 28

to MCC 28/29 5. This would reenergize MCC 28/29 5. The valves

would reposition automatically and LPCI would inject provided that


MCC 28/29-5 was reenergized within 5 minutes. If power was restored


after 5 minutes, the LPCI injection valves would have to be opened

ranually, which could be done from the control room.

Thrcugheut tFis 5ctr. trio, ont core strey purp wculd have beer.


auilatit, brich tht F5AR stett! wculd tt sufficient tc protnt

! fut i dar.ap and Stuld reflecc tht core within ent htur of ccr(

stre) o; t ra ti c r..

1tt virits trror occurrtd tecause the original installer did ';t

cor.nt c t er.t end of the whitt wire to the proper ttrrinal, tut icf t

" it tapc' to tht greer. wire, dich was a start. Quality control

failed to detect this installetion error, and subsequent testir.g

was it.tttquatt



to dctttt tht trrer.



Tht inability of MCC 28/29-5 to auto transfer from bus 29 to bus 28

vien a loss of bus 29 is contrary to FSAR Section (which


requires this auto transfer to be operable) and 10 CFR 50 Appendix A

criterion 17 (which requires that on-site electrical power supplies

shall have suf ficient redundancy to perform their safety functions

assuring a single f ailure), and is an apparent violation of NRC

.! resuirerents (265/88015-06(DRP)). However, a notice of violation is I

net being issued at this tire because this issue is being reviewed

for potential enforcerent action. An enforcement conferente to

discuss this issue is planned for August 26,19EB.

nsi '






i F

< -



, ,

IN C R.R.o R

1. 1/2 Diesel Generator Auto Start

At 3:15 p.m. CDT on June 21, 1988, diesel generator 1/2 di nct

auto start as required during a test of the Unit 2 ECC5. t did

auto start when the cover to the autostart relay was rer ved. At

5:04 p.m. while inspecting the auto start relay the 1/' diesel

generator autostarted when a braided wire touched a e tact. The

auto start relay was replaced end the ECC5 test per rrred


The apparent cause of the problem was an irprop ly routed braided

wire. A total of 224 additional relays wert e mined and four were

found to be defective. Two wcre corrected a the rernaining two

(on the Unit 1 HPCI gland steam exhauster f i motor annunciator


relay will be Unit 1 HPCI during

corrected gland seal condenser

the next iotwell drain

. nit 1 outage. The annunciator

' licensee believes that the two relays w ch are planned to be

repaired will function properly even i the braided wire has a


discrepancy similar to that which ex ted in the auto start relay

of the 1/2 diesel generator. The i troper routing of the braided

wire is being followed as an unres ved iter pending further review

by the inspectors (254/88015-05; 65/88015-06). -

One apparent violation and four unr. solved iten.s were identified in the

review of this area,

11. NRC Infonnation Notices and Eul etins (92701, 92717)

a. NRC Information Notre ber 88-39: LaSalle Unit 2 Loss of

l Recirculation Pumps W 1 Power Oscillation Event.

In response to the wer oscillation event that occurred at LaSalle,

operating procedur s have been changed at Quad Cities. These

changes were to avoid prolonged operation in regions of

ins tat,ili ty. T is issue is being exarined t3 the EWR oper's group.


b. FC Bulletin S.07: Oscillations in Loiling Water kactors. r

This bull .in rec,uirct licensees tc ensurt that their picte h res ard

training >rogrers have teen r.odified to re flect thc (>perier,ct

gaine d rce the LaSallt dual recirculatior, pr; trip, Lesscm plar.s ,

atttn. .nce rosters and optreting procedurts were ir.spteted to ,

(nsu that the lict.nset had corplitd with the requirer,tnts of  !

thi j

bulletin. All actions required by this bulletin tc have

n corpleted within 15 days of the builttin's receipt have in

ct Aeen cor.pleted. I


No violations or deviations were idcntified.

12. eneric Letters (92701)

(0 pen) GL 64-23:

Reactor Ycssel Water Level Instrumentation in EWPs.


1 i




, E. .





1. 1/2 Ciesel Generator Auto Start


At 3:15 p.rn CDT on June 21, 1988, diesel generator 1/2 did not

auto stert as required during a test of the Unit 2 [CC5. It did  ;

auto start when the cover to the autostart relay was removed. At  ;

5:04 p.m. while inspecting the auto start relay the 1/2 diesel  ;

generator autostarted when a braided wire touched a contact. The t


, auto start relay was replaced and the ECC5 test performed



The apparent cause of the problen was an irproperly routed braided  ;

wire. A total of 224 additional relays were examined and four were  ;



found to be defective. Two were corrected and the remaining two  !

(on the Unit 1 HPCI gland steam exhauster fan motor annunciator

relay and Unit 1 HPCI gland seal condenser hotwell drain annunciator .

relay) will be corrected during the next Unit 1 outage. The l

licensee believes that the two relays which are planned to be

repaired will function properly even if the braided wire has a '


discrepancy similes to that which existed in the auto start relay  !

of the 1/2 diesel generator. The improper routing of the braided L

wire is being followed as an unresolved item pending further review l


j 1


One apparent violation and four unresolved iten.s were identified in the [

. review of this area, r

j '


11. _NRC Inferination Notices and Bulletins (92701, 92717) t




a. NRC Information Notice Number 88-39: LaSalle Unit 2 Loss of

! Recirculation Pumps With Power Oscillation Event. l




In response to the power oscillation event that occurred at LaSalle, i

operating procedures have been changed at Quad Cities. These  !

l changes were made to avoid prolonged operation in regions of  ;


instatility. This issue is being exerined by the EW owner's group, i

! l

l b. NFC Eulletin E5-07: Fcetr Oscillations it. Loilir.g Wettr Feactors.  !

! This bulletin requirtd licensets to ensur( that thtir procehres and I

l training progrars hau tttr. rodified to refitct the experier.ct i

gaintd frce the LaSallt 6s1 recirculatier. Fur; trip. Less or, plar.5, '

I attendar.ce rosttrs ano operating pecctdurt s were ir.spected to

l t r.s u rt that the liccr. set had corplied with the requirer.cnts of



this bulletin. All actions required by this bulletin to have L

betr. completed within 15 days of the bulletin's rer.eipt have in (

) fact been cor.pleted. '

l No violations or deviations were identified.

12. Generic Letters (92701)

(0 pen) GL 64-23: Rcactor Ytssti Kater Levc1 Instrutentation in EVES.









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