IR 05000254/1989014

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Insp Repts 50-254/89-14 & 50-265/89-14 on 890605-09.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Implementation of NRC Bulletin 88-010 Requirements Re molded-case Circuit Breakers
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/27/1989
From: Gardner R, Neisler J
Shared Package
ML20245K072 List:
50-254-89-14, 50-265-89-14, IEB-88-010, IEB-88-10, NUDOCS 8907030284
Download: ML20245K074 (3)









Reports No. 50-254/89014(DRS); 50-265/89014(DRS)

Docket Nos. 50-254; 50-265 Licenses No. OPR-29; DPR-30 Licensee: Commonwealth Edison Company Post Office Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 Facility Name: Quad Cities Nuclear. Power Station, Units 1 & 2 Inspection At:

Cordova, IL 61241 Inspection Conducted: June 5-9, 1989 Inspector:

J. H. Neis

& ~ 2 7'

Date k.

b'O 7 Approved By:

Ronald N. Gardner, Chief Plant Systems Section Date Inspection Summary Inspection on June 5-9, 1989 (Reports No. 50-254/89014(DRS); No. 50-265/89014(DRS))

Areas Inspected: Routine inspection of licensee implementation of NRC


Bulletin 88-10 requirements relative to molded case circuit breakers (62705).


No violations or deviations were identified.


8907030284 890628


PDR ADOCK 05000254 Q


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Persons Contacted i

Principal Licensee Employees

  • R. Robey, Technical Superintendent
  • D. Gibson, Regulatory Assurance Supervisor
  • W. Yount, Technical Staff Parts Engineer l
  • S. Willoughby, Quality Assurance
  • T. Barber, Regulatory Assurance-T. Evans, Stores D. Dolecheck, Technical Staff K. Perkins, Modification Coordinator NRC R. Higgins, Senior Resident Inspector
  • Denotes.those present at the exit meeting.


Molded Case Circuit Breakers (62705)

Implementation of Bulletin 88-10 The inspector reviewed the licensee's activities relative to the implementation of the requirements established in NRC Bulletin 88-10,

" Nonconforming Molded Case Circuit Breakers."

The licensee contracted f or the services of a consultant to determine the number of nonconforming or nontraceable molded case circuit breakers purchased subsequent to August 1, 1983.

Each molded case circuit breaker r

was traced through its purchase order to the circuit breaker supplier.

The supplier was then contacted by the licensee and asked to provide traceability to the circuit breaker manufacturer.

Sixty-seven breakers were not traceable due to suspect or unknown sources.

In addition, 128 breakers were not traceable due to the lack of supplier documentation.

The licensee's quality assurance organization is attempting to verify whether any of the 128 breakers with inadequate documentation can be declared traceable.

The inspector's review of the results of the licensee's walkdown of installed molded case circuit breakers determined that six non traceable


i breakers, eight breakers with indeterminate traceability, and 21 breakers from purchase orders not identified during the licensee's initial evalua-tion of breakers in the storeroom are used in safety related applications.

The licensee has plans to replace the identified non traceable breakers and others for which traceability cannot be verified with breakers ordered

.directly from the manufacturer.

The inspector examined molded case circuit breakers in the licensee's stockroom and warehouse. Circuit breakers with insufficient documentation to prove traceability to the circuit breaker manufacturer were segregated in one locked room in the stores area. The circuit

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breakers examined by the ' inspector.were.600 volt and'480 volt rated General. Electric, Westinghouse, and Square D breakers. None of the breakers examined showed evidence.of tampering or refurbishment; however, no' documentation was available to provide traceability to the circuit

' breaker manufacturers.

The.. inspector reviewed procurement documentation for molded case circuit breakers purchased by the licensee for the Quad Cities plant. Purchase orders' selected for review included purchases for both safety-related and-commercial grade breakers.. Items procured directly from the manufacturer, or from General Electric's or Westinghouse's nuclear services divisions,:

had adequate documentation to demonstrate traceability. Purchase orders-from electrical supply companies contained a Certificate of Conformance.

None;of-the Certificates of Conformance provided sufficient information to establish traceability to'the circuit breaker manufacturer.

The inspector reviewed six modifications, five complete, one in process, to determine whether circuit breakers were installed with the.

modification and if the breakers were traceable to their respective-manufacturer. The modifications were completed prior to August 1, 1983,-

and had not been included in the licensee?sBulletin 88-10 evaluation.

The modifications _that included molded case' breaker installations did not contain sufficient documentation to verify traceability to the manufacturer. The one in-process modification package included documentation providing traceability to the circuit breaker manufacturer.

The inspection verified by review of documentation and discussions with cognizant' personnel that maintenance work requests and work orders have been reviewed for circuit breakers installed as replacements in safety-related applications and the breakers identified and evaluated for traceability.

Based on the reviews and examinations described above, the inspector-determined that Quad Cities Station is adequately implementing the requirements of NRC Bulletin 88-10.


Exit Interview The inspector mot with licensee representatives listed in Paragraph 1 and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection. The inspector also discussed the likely informational content of the inspection report with regard to documents or processes reviewed by the inspector during the inspection. The licensee did not identify any such documents or processes as proprietary.

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