IR 05000261/1990027

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Insp Rept 50-261/90-27 on 901126-30.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Design Changes & Engineering Support Activities
Person / Time
Site: Robinson Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/11/1990
From: Jape F, Matt Thomas
Shared Package
ML14178A066 List:
50-261-90-27, NUDOCS 9012210023
Download: ML14178A067 (6)





50-261/90-27 Licensee:

Carolina Power and Light Company P. 0. Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602 Docket No.:

50-261 Dock t No : 50 261License No.:, DPR-23 Facility Name: H. B. Robinson Inspection Conducted: Novemer 26-30, 1990 Inspector:

f. Thomas y a e S g e Accompanying Personnel:

F. Jape, November 27-29, 1990 Approved by:

F. Jape, Chief Engineering Assessment Section Engineering Branch Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope:

This routine, unannounced inspection was conducted in the areas of design changes and modifications and engineering support activitie Results:

In the areas inspected, violations or deviations were not identifie The Nuclear Engineering Department (NED) provides design engineering support: to the plant mainly during modification development and implementatio :h involvement by NED during modification development and onsite availability during modification implementation is considered a strengt The Technical Support Unit provides engineering support to the plant on a day-to-day basi There was good interface and cooperation between NED and Technical S8upport during resolution of the service water piping minimum wall thickness concer There was a weakness in the licensee's method of prioritizing and tracking items which has resulted in a backlog of open items assigned to Technical Support. The licensee had recognized this weakness and other weaknesses in the Technical Support Department activities prior to this inspectio The Technical Support Unit is developing a Technical Support Improvement Plan to

address the weaknesse PDR ADOCK 65000261


REPORT DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted

  • Licensee Employees
  • R. Barnett, Manager, Outage and Modifications W. Biggs, Manager, NED Site Unit
  • S. Billings, Regulatory Compliance Technical Aide R. Clark, Senior Specialist, Mods/Projects
  • C. Coffman, Project Engineer, Onsite Nuclear Safety
  • D. Crook, Senior. Specialist, Regulatory Compliance R. Dayton, Support Subunit Supervisor, Technical Support
  • C. Dietz, Manager, Robinson Nuclear Project M. Heath, Engineering Supervisor, Mods/Projects F. Murray, Regulatory Compliance Coordinator, Plant Support Unit

Niemi, Project Engineer, Quality Assurance

  • M. Page, Manager, Technical Support
  • R. Parsons, Manager, Robinson Engineering Support, NED
  • W. Powell, Lead Mechanical Engineer, NED Site Unit
  • D. Quick, Manager, Plant Support Unit/Acting Plant General Manager L. Wilson, Senior Specialist, Mods/Projects Other licensee employees contacted during this inspection included craftsmen, engineers, technicians, and administrative personne NRC Resident Inspectors
  • K. Jury, Resident Inspector
  • Attended exit interview Acronyms and initialisms used throughout this report are listed in the last paragrap. Design, Design Changes and Modifications (37700)

The inspector reviewed the modification packages listed below to determine the adequacy of the 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations, verify that the design changes were prepared and being installed in accordance with licensee administrative procedures and applicable industry codes and standards, field changes were reviewed and approved in accordance administrative controls, and post modification test requirements were specifie The followina modifications were reviewe a. M-994, Control Room Habitability This modification was implemented to change the control room HVAC system in order to reduce unfiltered inleakage and to meet the single

failure criteri This modification also implements the design changes that are required by NUREG 0737 Item III.D.3.4, Control Room Habitability. -The purpose of Item III.D.3.4 is to assure that control room operators are adequately protected against the effects of an accidental release of toxic and radioactive gases, and that the nuclear power. plant can be safely operated or shut down under design basis accident condition During field observations, the inspector observed activities related to implementation of modification M-994. The inspector also observed portions of the refrigerant system leak testing where nitrogen was used to pressurize the system in order to check for leak The system was unable to maintain pressure as required which was an indication that there were some leak Licensee personnel stated that troubleshooting would be performed to locate and repair the leak b. M-1001, Service Water Pipe Replacement-Containment Penetrations to Service Water Booster Pumps This modification was written to replace the SW supply and return piping that lies between the containment penetrations and the SW booster pump The piping is being replaced because it had developed pinhole leaks at some weld joints due to MIC. The leaking welds had been previously sleeved, but the sleeving was considered only a temporary repair. This modification also involved adding throttling valves on the discharge of the containment fan cooler units and installing removable Venturi tubes in the discharge line During field observations the inspector observed implementation activities associated with this modificatio The new throttle valves had not been installed at the time of this inspectio Licensee personnel stated that the valves had not arrived on site which delayed implementation of that particular section of the modification. Work on applicable sections of the modification would resume as soon as applicable components and parts arrive During review of the above modification packages the inspector noted that each modification had a section which provided the DBD information for the application modificatio The inspector considered this to be a positive input to the modification package In the areas inspected, violations or deviations were not identifie.

Engineering Support Activities The inspector reviewed various NED and Technical Support activities in an effort to assess how the engineering staffs respond to problems and concerns identified in the plan a. NED Site Unit The NED site unit primarily provides support during all phases of the development and implementation of plant modification During the current refueling outage the majority of the Robinson NED support staff has been moved to the site to provide support during modifica tion implementation. The inspector considers NED's close involvement and interface with the plant during modification implementation to be a strength in the modification progra NED provides engineering support when requested by the plant for issues not related to modification The support is provided by means of a RE NED normally receives RETs from the Technical Support Unit. The majority of the RETs currently assigned to NED are related to the current refueling outag One RET reviewed by the inspector (RET-90-151) involved SW repairs for Generic Letter 89-1 NED established minimum pipe wall thickness based on seismic consideration The coordination and interface between NED and Technical Support to resolve this problem was goo During discussions with the NED site manager, the inspector was told that NED plans to take a more active role in providing support to the plant during normal operation NED will assume more responsibility for evaluating temporary modifications and performing engineering evaluation These activities are currently the responsibility of the applicable system engineers in Technical Support. The inspector considers NED's plan to become more active in providing support for daily activities to be a positive actio b. Technical Support Unit Engineering and technical support are provided to the plant primarily by the Technical Support Uni System engineers are part of the Technical Support Uni The inspector held discussions with the Technical Support Manager, engineering supervisors, and system engineers concerning the duties and responsibilities of system engineers. Licensee personnel stated that some weaknesses had been identified in Technical Support and the system engineer program. Some of the weaknesses include:

o There is no formalized training or development program in place yet to ensure that system engineers are qualifie o There was no mechanism for ensuring that system engineers were performing their assigned dutie For example, although system engineers were required to perform walkdowns of their assigned systems, this requirement was not always enforce o There was a weakness in the method for prioritizing and tracking items assigned to Technical Suppor Licensee personnel stated that a Technical Support Improvement Plan is being developed to address the above weaknesses as well as others that have been identified. This improvement plan was discussed with NRC management in the Region II Office on November 27, 199 The inspector reviewed the list of open items assigned to Technical Suppor The inspector also reviewed the lists of SCRs and RAILs assigned to Technical Suppor There are a large number of open items assigned to Technical Suppor The licensee has implemented a Work Management System to address the backlog of open item The WMS provides a means for Technical Support to prioritize and track items assigned to the Uni The inspector reviewed records which indicated that as of October 1, 1990, there were over 1450 backlog items. It was stated that the list included some items which were already assigned to various system engineers. In addition, some of the items were also included in other tracking systems such as the SCRs and RAILs list The licensee began a backlog prioritization on October 1, 1990, and has started entering the items in the WMS. As of November 16, 1990, there were approximately 1075 open items assigned to Technical Support which needed to be entered into the WM Licensee personnel also stated that additional staff will be added to help prioritize and reduce the number of open item The inspector determined from reviewing the various Technical Support activities that, although weaknesses exist in the program, the licensee has recognized the weaknesses and is developing corrective actions to address the problems. The effectiveness of the licensee's improvement plan will be reviewed during subsequent inspection In the areas inspected, violations or deviations were not identifie.

Exit Interview The inspection scope and results were summarized on November 30, 1990, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1. The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection result Proprietary information is not contained in this repor Dissenting comments were not received from the license. Acronyms and Initialisms CFR Code of Federal Reaulations DBD Design Basis Documentation HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning MIC Microbiologically Induced Corrosion

NED Nuclear Engineering Department NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission RAIL Regulatory Action Item List RET Request for Engineering Task SCR Significant Condition Report SW Service. Water WMS Work Management System