IR 05000213/1986004

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Ack Receipt of 870515 Ltr Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-245/86-06, 50-336/86-06 & 50-213/86-04.Progress & Established Milestones for Training Program Noted
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck
Issue date: 06/18/1987
From: Martin T
To: Mroczka E
NUDOCS 8706300955
Download: ML20216F832 (2)





, JUN 18 1987 Docket Nos. 50-245 50-336 50-213

Northeast Nuclear Energy Company ATTN: Mr. E. J. Mroczka Senior Vice President - Nuclear Engineering and Operations Group P. O. Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06141-0270 Gentlemen:

Subject: Inspection Nos. 50-245/86-06, 50-336/86-06 and 50-213/86-04 We have reviewed your letter dated May 15, 1987, in response to our request for updates on your program improvement plan for your radwaste preparation, !

packaging and shipping progra We have noted your progress and the established milestones in your training program scheduled for complete implementation by December 31, 198 !

Thank you for informing us of the corrective and preventive actions documented in your lette These actions will be examined during a future inspection of your licensed progra Your cooperation with us is appreciate

Sincerely, original SiEDSU p as T. Martin, DiYector


Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards cc:

W. D. Romberg, Vice President, Nuclear Operations  !

S. E. Scace, Station Superintendent D, O. Nordquist, Manager of Quality Assurance R. M. Kacich, Manager, Generation Facilities Licensing Gerald Garfield, Esquire Public Document Room (PDR)

Local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector State of Connecticut 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY RL MILLSTONE 86-06 - 0001. /13/87 f i 8706300955 DR 070618  !

ADOCK0500g3 jl (ht/ ,



,. Northeast Utilities -2- l bec:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

Management Assistant, DRMA (w/o enc 1)

DRP Section Chief M. McBride, RI, Pilgrim P. Swetland, SRI, Haddam Neck J. Shedlosky, SRI, Millstone 3 M. Boyle, LPM, NRR R. Bores, DRSS i








i l

. . s D SS:RI DRSS:RI D S :Ri Bicehouse/k1 Pasciak Bellamy '

6/faf/87 6/l@/87 6/ /1 /87 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY RL MILLSTONE 86-06 - 0002. /13/87


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General ottices * Seiden Street. Berhn. Connecticut 9 if ,UEIcNi$iNU.'.'

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co- g P o. BOX 270 HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT 061410270 (203) 665 5000


May 15, 1987 Docket Nos. 50-245 50-336 A05929 Re: 10CFR71 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn Document Control Desk l


washington, D.C. 20555 References: (1) E. Murley letter to F. Opeka, dated July 22, 1986, Inspection Report No. 50-245/86-06, 50-336/86-06 and 50-213/86-04, (2) F. Opeka letter to T. Murley, dated August 21, i 1986, Response to Inspection No. 50-245/86-06, 50- i 336/86-06 and 50-213/86-0 (3) F. Opeka letter to T. E. Murley, dated November 19, 1986, Update to Response to I&E Inspection N /86-06 and 50-336/86-0 (4) E. Mroczka letter to U.S. NRC, dated February 17, 1987, Update to Response to I& E Inspection No. 50-245/86-06 and 50-336/86-0 Gentlemen: i,


Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Units No. I and 2-Update to Response to I&E Inspection No. 50-245/86-06 and 50-336/-06 -

o Reference (1) informed Northeast Nuclear Energy Company (NNECO) of five Level IV violations, which were identified during inspections at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Units No. 1 and 2 (March 24-27, 1986). In addition to responding to the inspection report, Referenec (1)-directed that an update be provided every 90 days until all upg rades a re complete !

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-2-Reference (2) responded to Reference (1).

provided the 90-day updates. This report isReferences (3) and (4)

'the third 90-day update and provides the status on all items that were incomplete as of the date of our Reference (4) updat Alleged Vi'olation 10 CFR 71.5 requires that each licensee who transports . license material outside of the confines of its plant and other place of use, or who delivers licensed material to a carrier for transport, shall comply with the. applicable requirements of the regulations appropriate to the mode of . transport of _ DOT in 49 CPR Parts 170 through 18 CFR 172.403(c) requires, in part, that a Radioactive Ye llow -III label must be each. package of. radioactive material which '

measures in excess.of 1.0 millirem at one meter from each point on the external surface of the. package. In' addition, 49 CFR 172.504 requires j

that a vehicle contains packages of licensed material that are labeled Radioactive Yellow-III .


l the above, on March 5, 1986, licensed material was delivered to a carrier for transport in a package which had a radiation. level of 3.0 millirem per hour at 1 meter from the surface of the package, 'and this package was erroneously labeled Radioactive- !


. Yellow II rather than Radioactive Yellow-III as required. As a result, the vehicle containing the package was not placarded as required by 49 CFR 172.504(a).

This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement V).

270 Day Status Development of the training program is continuing . The task analysis for.Radwaste personnel was completed on schedule in February, 198 Also,

. instructional objectives were generated by Nuclear Training and approved by the Training Prog ram Control Commi ttee for Radwas te in March, 198 A performance based continuing training prog ram consisting of class-room and on-the-job-training will be developed by July 30, 1987 and completely implemented by December 31, 198 !


A l_IJtigd Vi ola t i on 10 CPR 50, Appendix B, Criterion II requires, in part, that the licensee shall provide for indoctrination and training of personnel performing activities af fecting quality as necessary to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained.



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Contrary to the above, as of March 27, 1986, the Acting Radioactive Materials Handling Supervisor and the principal Radioactive Waste l

Materials Handler, who are involved in an activity affecting quality i in the handling of radioactive materials, were not adequately trained ,

to assure that suitable proficiency was achieved and maintaine Specifically, the- Acting Radioactive Materials ' Handling Supervisor had been in the position for about a year and had not received any training in the transportation of radioactive material. The Radio- i active Waste Material Handler, who has been in his position for about a year, received only 2-3 days training about a year ago, which was ,

insufficient to assure that suitable proficiency was achieved and maintained in the' area of transportation of radioactive material in light of the complexity of these regulations and of the complexity of the transportation activities at the Millstone Nuclear Power Statio This is a _ Severity Level IV violation (Supplement V).

270 Day Status Development of the training program is continuing. The task analysis for-Radwaste personnel was completed on schedule in February, 198 Also, instructional objectives were generated by Nuclear Training and approved by the Training Program Control Committee for Radwaste in March, 198 A performance based continuing training program consisting of classroom and on-the-job-training will be developed by July 30, 1987 and completely implemented by December 31, 198 Day Status of Improvements to Radioactive Materials Depa r tme n t l The Radiation Protection Supervisor attended the Waste Management Conference in Arizona, and the Assistant Radiation Protection Supervisor attended the Chem Nuclear Training on Transportation and Packaging of Radioactive Materia l

\ Monthly surveillance of the processing of radioactive waste including packaging and shipping is continuing . Surveillances done during this time period are listed belo S686-01 Radwaste Shipping and Handling of Resins l

S686-03 Radwaste compliance to Procedure NEO 6.07, " Quality i Assurance and Quality Control in Station Radioactive Material Processing , Classification, Packaging, and i Transportation" i

S687-01 Compacting waste ,

S687-02 Shipping cask 8-120B air test S687-06 Laundry snipment LSA  !


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. -4- -l Programs pursued andfor the reduction implemente of radioactive . waste are being actively j

! ACP-OA-2. 01B , "OA and OC In Station Radioactive Material I i


' Processing , Classification, Packaging and Transportation" was incorporated into ACP-0A-2.01A, " Radioactive Material and. Waste Pack ag i ng , Shipping and Processing Quality Assurance Program"..

This revision establishes the Quality Assurance requirements I governing the Radioactive Material Shipping Quality Assurance Program at the Millstone' Statio A status report of upgrades and improvements in our program for preparation, packaging and shipment of radioactive materials will be furnished to you every 90 days until- upgrades are complete {

Very truly yours, >


Senior .Vice President


cc: T.-Russell, Region I Administrator l


J.- Shea, NRC Project Manager, Millstone Unit No. 1 D. H. Jaffe, NRC Project Manager, Millstone Unit No. 2 Rebelowksi, Senior Resident Inspector, Millstone Unit Nos. I and 2 l

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