IR 05000213/2024001

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Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company - Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation NRC Inspection Report Nos. 07200039/2024001 and 05000213/2024001
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck  File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 08/27/2024
From: Anthony Dimitriadis
Decommissioning, ISFSI, and Reactor Health Physics Branch
To: Desmarais R
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co
IR 2024001
Download: ML24234A022 (1)


August 27, 2024



07200039/2024001 AND 05000213/2024001

Dear Rob Desmarais:

On August 2, 2024, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an inspection under Inspection Manual Chapter 2690, Inspection Program for Storage of Spent Reactor Fuel and Reactor-Related Greater-Than-Class C Waste at Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations and for 10 CFR 71 Transportation Packagings, at the Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (Connecticut Yankee) Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI). The inspection examined activities under your license as they relate to safety and compliance to the Commissions rules and regulations and conditions of your license. The inspection consisted of observations by the inspector, interviews with site personnel, a review of procedures and records and ISFSI pad walkdowns. The results of this inspection were discussed with you, and members of your staff on August 2, 2024, and are described in the enclosed inspection report.

Within the scope of this inspection, no violations of more than minor safety significance were identified.

In accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter, its enclosure, and your response, if you choose to provide one, will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the NRC document system (ADAMS), accessible from the NRC website at To the extent possible, your response, if any, should not include any personal privacy, proprietary, or safeguards information so that it can be made available to the public without redaction.

Current NRC regulations and guidance are included on the NRCs website at; select Radioactive Waste; Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities; then Regulations, Guidance and Communications. The current Enforcement Policy is included on the NRCs website at; select About NRC, Organizations & Functions; Office of Enforcement; Enforcement documents; then Enforcement Policy (Under Related Information). You may also obtain these documents by contacting the Government Printing Office (GPO) toll-free at 1-866-512-1800. The GPO is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays).

No reply to this letter is required. Please contact Christian Hargest of my staff at 610-337-5310 if you have any questions regarding this matter.

Sincerely, Anthony Dimitriadis, Chief Decommissioning, ISFSI, and Reactor Health Physics Branch Division of Radiological Safety and Security Docket Nos. 07200039, 05000213 License Nos. SFGL-21


Inspection Report Nos.

07200039/2024001and 05000213/2024001



07200039/2024001 and 05000213/2024001 License No:

SFGL-21 Licensee:

Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Location:

East Hampton, CT Inspection Date:

July 22, 2024 Inspector:

Christian Hargest, Health Physicist Decommissioning, ISFSI and Reactor Health Physics Branch Division of Radiological Safety and Security Approved by:

Anthony Dimitriadis, Chief Decommissioning, ISFSI and Reactor Health Physics Branch Division of Radiological Safety and Security


Connecticut Atomic Power Company

Inspection Report Nos. 07200039/2024001 and 05000213/2024001

A routine, announced inspection was completed at Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (Connecticut Yankee) on August 2, 2024. On-site inspection activities were performed from July 22, 2024, to July 24, 2024. The inspection included a review of radiation protection, fire protection, emergency preparedness, surveillance, maintenance, environmental monitoring, training, quality assurance, corrective action programs, and aging management activities. The inspection consisted of observations on-site activities by the inspector, interviews with Connecticut Yankee personnel, a review of procedures and records, and ISFSI pad walkdowns. The NRCs program for overseeing the safe operation of an ISFSI is described in Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2690, Inspection Program for Storage of Spent Reactor Fuel and Reactor-Related Greater-Than-Class C Waste at Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations and for 10 CFR Part 71 Transportation Packagings.

Based on the results of this inspection, no violations of more than minor safety significance were identified.


1. Inspection Scope, Observations, and Conclusion

a. Inspection Scope

The inspector assessed whether Connecticut Yankee personnel had operated and maintained ISFSI programs at an Away-From-Reactor (AFR) ISFSI in conformance with the commitments and requirements contained in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Safety Evaluation Report (SER), Certificate of Compliance (CoC), Technical Specifications (TS), Quality Assurance (QA)program, Connecticut Yankee procedures, and 10 CFR Part 72.

AFR ISFSI activities, located at sites where loading operations have been completed, are essentially passive operating facilities. The inspectors review was directed toward evaluating the ongoing adequacy of the radiation protection, material conditions, fire protection, emergency preparedness, surveillance, maintenance, environmental monitoring, training, QA, and corrective action programs.

The inspector observed aging management activities, interviewed site personnel, and reviewed procedures and records. The inspector also reviewed changes made to Connecticut Yankees programs and procedures since the last inspection to determine if changes were consistent with the license or CoC and if such changes reduced the effectiveness of the program.

b. Observations and Findings

The inspector determined that Connecticut Yankees plans and preparations for controlling radiological activities were effective in meeting 10 CFR Part 20 requirements. The inspectors also verified that Special Nuclear Material (SNM)stored at the ISFSI was properly accounted for. A review of dosimetry records and environmental reports were found to be complete, and all employee exposures were below the regulatory dose limits. In addition, dose to members of the public at the nearest accessible location to the ISFSI were within limits as prescribed by10 CFR 72.104.

The inspector verified that Connecticut Yankees emergency preparedness program was properly coordinated with the appropriate offsite support groups, agencies, and Local Law Enforcement Agencies (LLEAs). The inspector also verified the emergency call list was current and checked periodically for accuracy and all revisions to the emergency plan had been submitted to the NRC and reviewed by the Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR).

The inspector verified that daily temperature monitoring of the Vertical Concrete Casks (VCCs) was performed by site personnel in accordance with surveillance requirements in the TS and that Connecticut Yankees procedures contained back up plans if the primary surveillance method became unavailable. The inspector also verified that transient combustibles had not been stored on the ISFSI pad or in the vicinity of the VCCs and confirmed procedures were in place to control entry onto the ISFSI pad.

The inspector performed an independent walkdown survey of the VCC inlet vents to verify dose rates.

The inspector reviewed and determined that Connecticut Yankee had a training program which consisted of classroom instruction, on-the-job training, and various drills. Additionally, the training program includes shift turnover briefings by supervisors and that refresher training was provided on a regular frequency.

The inspector verified all employees had been trained and qualified to perform their assigned ISFSI related duties in accordance with the requirements.

The inspector determined that issues were entered into the corrective action program, prioritized, and evaluated commensurate with their safety significance, and corrective actions were implemented to address identified issues and were tracked to closure. The inspector verified the QA program evaluated changes in the ISFSI program to ensure that any changes that were implemented would not decrease the overall effectiveness of the program. The inspectors also determined the Connecticut Yankees 10 CFR 72.212 evaluation report had been appropriately updated.

The inspector verified that Connecticut Yankees aging management activities were performed in accordance with TS requirements and guidance from NUREG-2214, Managing Aging Processes in Storage (MAPS) Report.

c. Conclusion

No violations of more than minor significance were identified.

2. Exit Meeting

On August 2, 2024, the inspector presented the inspection results to Rob Desmarais, ISFSI Manager, Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company, who acknowledged the inspection results. No proprietary information was retained by the inspector or documented in this report.



J. Macdonald, Director of Operations, 3 Yankee Companies
R. Desmarais, Connecticut Yankee ISFSI Manager
D. Laing, Maine Yankee ISFSI Manager
J. Bourassa, Radiation Protection Manager
S. Day, Licensing Representative, 3 Yankee Companies
N. Fales, Aging Management Project Manager
S. Hemingway, Assistant Director of Operations, 3 Yankee Companies
P. Plante, Consultant

