IR 05000213/1986026
ML20212Q450 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png |
Issue date: | 01/09/1987 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20212Q389 | List: |
References | |
50-213-86-26OL, NUDOCS 8702020262 | |
Download: ML20212Q450 (106) | |
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FACILITY: Haddam Neck Nuclear Power Plant EXAMINATION DATES: November 3-7, 1986 CHIEF EXAMINER: J' 2 M.~ Barber Datre Reactor Engineer aminer REVIEWED BY: _
//[ 7 R. M. Keller, Chief Date Projects Section 1C APPROVED BY: N -uN h1m S. J. Collins,T eputy Tirector
_i4 ln Date" Division of Reactor Projects
SUMMARY: Oral, written and simulator examinations were administered to six reactor oper-ator, three senior reactor operator, and two instructor certification candi-dates. All senior reactor operators, all instructor certifications, and five of the six reactor operator candidates passed all portions of their examina-tions and will be Issued licenses. One reactor operator candidate failed the simulator examinatio i 8702020262 870121 9 PDR ADOCK 05000213 Q PDR , -
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REPORT DETAILS TYPE OF EXAMS: Replacement EXAM RESULTS: I R0 l SR0 l Inst. Cert i I Pass / Fail l Pass / Fail I Pass / Fail I i i l l I I I I I I IWritten Exam I 6/0 1 3/0 1 2/0 l l I I I I I I I I i 10ral Exam I 6/0 1 3/0 1 2/0 l l l l l l l l 1 l I ISimulator Examl 5/1 1 3/0 1 2/0 1 I I l l l 1 I I I I 10verall l 5/1 1 3/0 1 2/0 I I I I I I I I I I i CHIEF EXAMINER AT SITE: G. S. Barber, NRC I 2 OTHER EXAMINERS: D. M. Silk, NRC R. R. Temps, NRC P. Isaksen, EG&G ,
B. Hemming, EG&G . Observations and Generic Weaknesses noted during the Operating - r Examinations:
,. The facility prepared Read and Sign program expediled access to the facility. However, there were delays in badging that postponed actual entrance into the protected area. In addition, the NRC ,
contract examiners were not* allowed to be-badged using the Read and Sign progra The Simulator's Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) use removable opposite page instructions to direct operator actions for routine evolutions, such as resetting containment isolation. The use of . these opposite page instructions in the simulator improved the ability of the candidates to complete their required actions in an expeditious fashion. The actual control room did not have a copy of this valuable operator ai . !
d There were uncontrolled and unattended copies of operating procedures in the desk across from the Waste Gas Panel that were not verified to be the latest revisio In addition, the opposite page instructions of the E0Ps used in the simulator were uncontrolle ' d During a plant walkthrough, a valve off of the HPSI pump recircula-tion line was found unlocked. The control room was immediately noti-fied by the candidate. During the following day, the. resident inspector found the valve unlocked and out-of position indicating '{ that the control room had taken no action to lock the valve. Upon ( further investigation, it was found that the first and second verifi-cation of the valve's position had been done by the same individua Because of the nature of this problem, the follow-up on this item was turned over .to the senior resident inspector and his findings will be issued in Inspection Report 86-2 . Simulator Deficiencies noted during the Operating Examinations: As a scheduled malfunction, pressurizer level Channel I was failed high with a bubble in the pressurizer. Subsequent to this malfunc-tion, a LOCA was initiated and a Safety Injection occurred due to a low pressure condition. Even with a bubble in the pressurizer, plant pressure increased as if the plant were soli While attempting to run a dilution accident, VCT level jumped up 15% f.or no apparent reaso The "B" Emergency Diesel Generator auto started after it had been placed out-of-service at the instructor's consol An automatic Safety Injection (SI) failure caused the indicating lights above the SI WL switches to go ou '
',, The Boration and Dilution flow controller operated erratically during the first day's scenarios while attempting to run various CVCS -
malfunction ' The Annunciator Response Procedures reference the old E0Ps instead of the new Emergency Response Procedures (ERPs). Generic weaknesses noted from grading of written exams: '. . Some RO candidates were unable to list the peak Xenon reactivity value after a trip from 100% powe All R0 candidates had difficulty explaining the permissives associ-ated with the LPOP relief isolation valve All RO candidates had some difficulty explaining the permissives that prevent control rod withdrawal including setpoints and coincidenc e
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D, All RO candidates had some difficulty explaining the Criteria ~ used to determine Natural Circulation effectiveness per A0P 3.2-3 All RO candidates had difficulty listing the inadequate core cooling conditions per Attachment A of the ERP All SR0 candidates had some difficulty explaining the interlocks associated with the letdown stop and orifice valve Some SR0 candidates had some difficulty listing the Containment Spray System water supplies and flowpath Some SR0 candidates had difficulty explaining the effects of a steam pressure compensation failure on steam generator leve All SRO candidates had some difficulty explaining how a loss of DC bus "A" affects various primary and secondary safety and control function All SRO candidates had minor difficulty explaining actions required if a ruptured steam generator's MSIV will not shu All SRO candidates had some difficulty explaining the proper posi-tioning of fuel assemblies during a Cavity Seal Failur All SR0 candidates had some difficulty listing the conditions for which a blanket RWP could be issue All SR0 candidates had some dif ficulty listing the steady state conditions necessary to evaluate axial offset using the incore detector . Training / Reference Material: There are significant conflicts between the lesson plans provided and the Plant Information Books. Completion of outstanding lesson plans will allow their use as a sole source reference for theory and systems informatio The enabling objectives did not match what was required and expected of the candidates. For example, one learning objective required operators to be able to recite the contamination limits for radio-active material. However, the facility said that knowledge of this objective was not required by the recently completed operator training program.
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. Personnel Present at Exit Interview:
I NRC Personnel i G. S. Barber, Reactor Engineer (Examiner) D. M. Silk, Reactor Engineer (Examiner) R. R. Temps, Reactor Engineer (Examiner) P. Swetland, Senior Resident Inspector Facility Personnel J. Ferguson, Unit Superintendent R. Brown, Operations Supervisor G. Bouchard, Station Services Superintendent H. Haynes, Manager, Operator Training B. Ruth, Supervisor, Operator Training J. Deveau, Assistant Supervisor, Operator Training M. Bray, Assistant Supervisor, Simulator Training Summary of NRC Comments made at the Exit Interview: The chief examiner reviewed the number and type of examinations conducted over the previous week and presented generic weaknesses observed during the simulator and oral examination . Examination Review: A review of the written examination was conducted immediately following the examination. Facility comments were discussed on a line item basi A number of comments were resolved during the exam review. The unresolved comments are listed in Attachment 3 and Attachment 4 details the signifi-cant changes to the examination Attachments: 1. Written Examination and Answer Key (RO) 2. Written Examination and Answer Key (SRO) 3. Facility Comments on Written Examinations made after Exam Review 4. NRC Resolution of Facility Comments
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FACILITY: _H8DD8M_ NECK _ _____ .
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I,, i_ R E A C T OFi T Y P E':1 _PWR_-W$C_4 __ ___ - -
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EXAMINER: _ TEMPS 1 _R._______________
CANDIDATE: bT^_ ______
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'Use separate paper for.the answer Write answers on one side onl . ' St ap lo ., quest on top #fof the ansder sheet Points for each ' question' are,.fndjcatq,d ,
ion sheet in parentheses after the questio s The passing - grade requir,es at leest 70% in).each category and'a final ~ grade of at l eas t '. 80% . Examination papers)willsbe picked ' uptsix (6) hours after
on start * ' ' I the examinad[y ( ,
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QUESTION 1.01 (2.75F A For the followino questions, show all equations used, calculations made and proper units for answers, During a reactor startup, rods are moved outward adding a total of 74 pcm. Using the equations and values given on the attached equation sheet, talculate the SUR that wi11 be achieved as a result of thie reactivity additio (0.75) Based on the SUR calculated in part (a):
1) What will power level be after two (2) minutes assuming an initial power level of 10 E-8 amps? (1.00) 2) How long will it take to increase power from 10 E-8 amps to 10 E-7 amps? (1.00) OUESTIOta 1.Od (2.50) -r The react'or has been shutdown for the'last.50 days for maintenance. The power history prior to shutdown was operation at . LOO % power.for 25 day No refueling operations have hccur.r.ed . durihd ther".sh'utdow Currently,a startup to 20%-power is being performed using a calculated EC Indicate whether the actual critical control rod position (ACP) is HIGHER than, LOWER than, or ESSENTIALLY THE SAME as the ECP for the following events / conditions. Consider each part independent) *. RCS pressure has increased 75 psig since ECP was calculate w- . The start up is delayed for an additional four day gb High Pressure Steam Dump pressure setpoint is lowered by 20 psi dv----When-e+LcMat-W-t44e-EGP r-t41e--wr-oncy-si-gn-was-used-4er-t-t+e-ehenge-in--power def ir44., pgg RCS boron concentration increases by 50 ppm just prior to the startu (***** CATEGORY 01 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)
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- . , ~ - (1.75) e DUESTION 1.03 The following data is obtained during an initial approach to criticality following a refueling outage:
-.- ------------- ------------- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1900 Q2 1850 39 1800 50 1750 70 Using figure 1-1 as an answer sheet, construct an inverse multiplication plot (1/M plot) and predict the boron concentration at which criticality wi11 occur. Show al1 equations used and calculations made. Next to each point on the ~1/M plot LIST the coordinates for that poin (1.75)-
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OUESTION 1.04 (3.00) --
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How wi11 the fol1owing changes i,n condit-4ons effect' CONTROL ROD WORT Consider each part independently and,brief.1y explain,each answe ,_ , Soluble boron concentration in t h'd Rbf increases 50' pp .. b. fore ages from BOT _ to EOL ciusi~ng'an increase in fission
product poison RCS average temperature increases .
OUESTION 1.05 (3.00) ('
.g-The CY plant is designed to inherently add negative reactivity with increasing power level. This inherent stability can be attributed to THREE effects. List the three reactivity effects and explain how each acts to oppose power changes and prevent uncontrolled pownr excursion (***** CATEGORY 01 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) .
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12rg BINCIE6ES_OE_NgCLEGB,EOWgg= P PLANT _OPERATIONr _ _ _ _ _ _- -- _ l _T H_E____R M O _D_Y_N_A M_. _I C S, _ H_ E A_T_ _T R_ _A NS_ E E_R_- A_ N_ _D_- EL_ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ --__ __ U_ _I D_ FL_O_W --__
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QUESTION 1.06 (2.00) State the production and removal mechanisms f or XE-135 and SM-149 in the reactor ,goge.(describe the process mechanism; equations are not (1.50) required.) State the approximate value for peak Xenon reactivity (pcm) following a reactor trip from 100% power AND the time required to reach this value?
(Assume Core Cycle 14 at BOC) (0.50)
OUESTION 1.07 (2.00) A motor operated centrifugal pump in operating at rated flow when the pump's discharge valve is throttled in the shut direction. Which (0.50) statement below best describes the parameter changes that occu ~ -
. . . . Flowrate decreases, motor amps decrease,available NPSH. increase . Flowrate decreases, motor amps increase,available NPSH decrease ~5E ~
Discha>rge pressure i n'c r ease s , motor amps' decrease, a.vailable
. NF:SH , d ecr eases . , Discharge pressure increases, motor amps increash, available NPSH increases, HowJunifd a change in each of the following parameters effect avail-able NPSH to the ch-SPging pumps during normal operation. Consider each part independently . State INCREASE, DECREASE or NO CHANG (1.50) Decrease .- , VCT pressur b Increase in VCT leve wf Decrease in VCT temperatur (***** CATEGORY 01 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) ,
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OUESTION 1.08 (2.50) Indicate how the following parameters will change from initial values,once new steady state conditions are established,if the M1 RCP trips while the unit is operating at 40% power. Assume no operator actions, that no reactor trip, turbine trip or SI occurs and that all controls are in automatic and operating initi ally f rom .the 4-loop mod Answer should state: INCREASES, DECREASES. or ESSENTIALLY THE SAM Indicated DP-in loop Turbine Loa Delta-T in loop Core differential pressure,
~ * Steam pressure from the steam generator for loop ._ - .. ,
QUESTION 1.09 (2.50) ~~The reactor i s .'oper at'i dg ~ t' 60% power, 'and ' T.' avg it 535 F with a-steam pressu're'in the S/G's of 720 psig..How' much will Tav.g have to change if 10% of all S/G tubes are plugged and 60% power and S/G pressure -
of 720 psig is to be maintained. State all assumptions made, show all equations used and calculations mad .
- . . J"" QUESTION 1.10 (1.00) -
Use the steam tables and associated Mollier chart to answer the quesbfoh below. Label quantites with proper units and state any assumptions mad During a plant cooldown and depressurination, you are required to r6 main 50 F subcooled. What is the maximum Tavg allowed (nearest degreeF) when RCS pressure is at 1885 psig? l (***** CATEGORY 01 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)
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OUESTION 1. l'1 ~~ (2.00) , If steam goes through a throttling process, specifically as in a main steam header to atmospheric lehk, will the following parameters INCREASE, DECREASE or REMAIN THE SAME?( Explanation not required )
* Enthalpy (h)
b. Pressure c. Specific Volume (v) d. Temperature
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. . . . ..._ (***** END OF CATEGORY 01 *****)
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OUESTION 2.01 (2.25)_ Listed below are several valves contained in the Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS) that will be effected by either a low pressurizer l evel , high letdown temperature or HCP signal. For each valve listed, state ONLY the signal (s) that effect them and the position the valves will go to automatically. ( Assurae that all systems are in AUTOMATIC and that NORMAL system lineups are in effect. )
' LD-MOV-2OO (Letdown Stop Valve) LD-FCV-202 (Letdown Orifice Isolation Valve) LD-TCV-113A (Demineralizer Bypass Valve) LD-TCV-113B (Letdown Radiation Monitor Trip Valve)
QUESTION 2.02 (2.00)
The f ollowing questions pertain to the low pressure overprotection system (LPOP): . . _ What purpose do the LPOP relief valves serve? (0.50) b.-What $.re the LPOP rel-ief.. val've setpoints and where do they 'reli" eve t'o?
' "~" ~ (0.50) .- Describe each of the two permissives associated with the LPOP relief valve isolation valve (1.00)
~~ -- . %
_ _ QUESTION 2.03 (1.50) m( b The following questions deal with design features of the Reactor Coolant
" System ( RGE) .
a. What is the purpose of the RCS Head Vent? If a white light is ON next to a shut cold leg isolation (Tc) valve's switch, how does this effect operation of the valve?
-~ PAGE 8 - ~4 2___-y_2L_ A_N_ T_ _D_E.=S _I G_N,_ _I N_C_L_U_ D_ _I N_G_ _S_ A_F_E_T_Y _ A_N._ D_ _E_M_ E_R_G_ m_ -
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QUESTION 2.04 (3.00) -- Following a LOCA the RHR system is used in tAe recirculation mode to provide core cooling. Driefly describe each.of the three(3) flow paths which can be used starting with the suction source and endino with the di scharge point to the RCS. Include major pump components. Valves are not require e QUESTION 2.05 ~ (2.25) The HPSI and LPSI pumps each have minimum f1pw recirculation line Where do these lines normally recirculate back to and why are they (1.25) installed? Specify the rated flow rates for the HPSI and LPSI p um p s . -spec-i+y-- (1.00)
--t-he--p : : co r .- ._ t--wh-i< h thc ' 1 owr-atc : :.r c achi-eved, };{g 9 . .__ . _ _ _ - - . _
__ OUEGT-ION .- 2. 06 (1.50) For $5hh ' statement - bel ow concerniTig the Mai rr Feed system, indicate whether
the statement is TRUE or FALSE; A 'Etearrr ' Generator 's IS/G)MFFfV iso.iation, valve hill cldse if. l evel in
- that S/G exceeds 69% 11LR) 'on either level channe A pressure of 190 [sig on any one of the feed pump suction transmitters ~ ~ wi11 trip al1 runni ng--feed water pump An auniliary feed i ni t i aj i_on signal on 2 f 4 channels of either logic train (A or B) will result in all of the feedwater bypass valves going full ope A e (***** CATEGORY O2 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****)
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QUESTION 2.07 (2.00) State the FOUR separate conditions / signals which will cause the Auxiliary Feed Water (AFW) system to automatically go into operatio Include coincidences as appropriat (1.00) State the design flow rate for each type of pump used in the AFW (0.50) syste . Steam Driven (P-32-1A/B)
. Eleg rical1y Driven (P-32-1C) State the steam supply for each of the steam driven AFW pump De specific as to which steam generator (s) supplies each turbine (0.50)
of the AFW pum OUESTION 2.08 (3.00) During normal operations, what condition will cause the standby CCW pump to AUTO m start &-{pti- 1 6 p g n u L;p tt g[L (0.5Q) Why must the Reactor Coo.lant Pumps be' secured in the even't bf a loss of CCW to them? (0.50)
, . - . . . . State 2 of,.ge 3 functions of the CCW surge tan ( 1. 02) .. How are the Reactor Coolant Pump Thermal Barrier-piping and components protected from overpressure due to a leak or rupture in the Thermal Barrier? (1.00) -
QUESTION 2.09 (2.50)
A smoke detector in the cable vault has detected smoke and has caused alarms and generated an automatic initiation of the fire suppression syste Describe the automatic sequence of events that cccurs to deliver CO2 to the area. Include any ti me del ays, signal conditianing and valve oper ati ons. Al ar ms and control actions not related to the delivery of CO2 to the area are not require (2.00) What feature can be defeated if the cable vault fire suppression system is ii.itiated manually? (0.50) I i
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a o - OUEST10N 2.10 (3.00) _ The following is the timing sequence for automatic starting of SOME of the core cooling system component TIMER FUNCTIONS _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' V 'Be c . LPSI Pump Starts 1/ timer 10 Se HPSI Pump Starts 1/ timer 20 Se Standby charging pump stary .
43 Se Recirc. fan 2?a3 starts (If not operating) b there is a loss of offsite power coincident with an SI actuation, (0.50) which load above will not Auto start? With reference to 06 part cad (a), 6 hse CEis an additional ten seconds added why g (0.50) to each start time 9 What is the reason for sequencing the loads on at different t i mes? .( **+. OO ) 4%. If there is a small break LOCA and plant pressure remains high,.what
.- done to the LPSI. pumps and Why is this done? C h 00) ~^ - -~ , .m . - t . - . - , ~ . . ~
QUESTION 2.11 ( 2. 00.) . , Match each of the following loads / systems in column A to their Vespective NORMAL. power supply in column B.(DO NOT place answer on test) COLUMN A COLUMN B .? _
------ -- -._ ._:---------- Reactor Coolant Pump #1 V Bus 1-1A Semivital 120 VAC system V Bus 1-1B Nuclear Instruments V Bus 1-2 g b Electrically Driven Auniliary Feedpump V Bus 1-3 Emergency turbine oil pump V Bus 8 Inverter "B" V Bus 9 Charging Pump "A"(P-18-1A) MCC-5 Feed Pump "A" Vital 120 VAC VDC Bus A 1 VDC Bus B ( ! * (***** END OF CATEGORY O2 *****)
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QUESTION 3.01 - (3 2.0) .. For the following list' of. components, state if they will receive an OPEN,
CLOSE or NO signal in response to a Safety Injection Actuation Signal caused .tnr a High Containment Pressure signal . (HCP-WL-At<B) Core Deluge Valves CH-TV-334(RCP Seal Water Return) SI-MOV-861A(SI Loop,1)
~ d '. Main Steam Line Trip Valves CH-MOV-331(#1 Seal Bypass Valve) RCS Sample Valves . FWRV Isof3hion Valves RA-MOV-34(Spray Header Isolation Valye) CH-MOV-257(VCT Outlet to Charging Pumps) ,
j. BA-MOV-373(RWST to Charging Pumps) . Steam Supply Valves to Auxiliary Feed Pumps Bypass Dampers on all CAR Fans . . - - .
~ ' - . .. _ ,--
QUESTION-.3.02- (2.50) ,___ ' a.'Briefly describe the AUTOMATIC aq. tion, if, any, (besides al~ arms)
associated whWi ##th "cif the f ollowing Radiati-on-Mdth toring' Systein -
- - -
monitors,, ~'Eammi ** *
. ( 1. 50.).. . . , - < ' ' - 'i ~ -
1. River Effluent Monitor (R-18) '** Component Cooling System Monitor (R-17) ~ ~ ~ Main Stack Effluent MonitorlB-14A) ._ _ b. List two (2) radiation monkApes that can be used for indication of primary to secondary leIkage? - ( 1. 00 )
4 OUESTION 3.03 (3.50)
, List the f our (4) inputs to the Rod Control system's Average Temperature (I.00)
Control Uni Why does the control unit for automatic rod control actuation have a deadband of + or - 2 F around the setpoint before automatic control
. (0.50)
rod motion is initiated?
c .- What input signals are compared to provide the 7 F LARGE DEVIATION AUTOMATIC ROD WITHDRAWAL STOP7 (1.00)
. What input signals are compared to provide the 15 F DEVIATION ALARM (1.00)'
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(3.50) List the four (4) permissive circuits which will prevent control rod withdrawal (automatic or manual) AND give any setpoints or coincidences (2.75)
associated with eac List three (3) reactor trips which will be automatically blocked when reactor power and turbine power are <-.10%. (0.75) OUESTION~ 3.05 (1.00) List the inputs used to calculate the Variable Low Pressure Reactor(O.50) Trip (VLPRT) setpoin What is the fixed lower limit on the VLPRT setpoint? (0.50) ..<
OUESTION 3.06 ( 1.' 00 ) .._
.. - . ~ . ."
E:: plain how a sensor _ig the' Heated Junction Therm 6 couple System -(HJTC; a subsystem of the ICC system) is used to develop ,a signal in.dicating that water level in the vessel is'above'that s en sor. .
> - - . - ... ~' -~ ~ (3.00) '" - _ __
QUESTIGN 3.07 For each range of nuclear i ndi cati on ( ..i SR.IR and PR)' state the kind of detector used and the method used by each to eliminate undesirable gemma signals. If no method is used to remove undesirable gamma signals, describe why it is unnecessar < *
__ _
- -3.i__.INSIButj!!NIS_AND .CONIBOLS _ _
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UESTION 3.08 (2.50) For each of the conditions listed below, state how the Pressure Control Valves (PCV's) and Temperature Control Valves (TCV's) of the High Pressure Steam Dump System will respond . Concider each case separately and assume trip was from 100% powe Turbine trip, Tavg Decreases to 535 F then increases to 537 F (1.50)
. . -
s _- Turbine trip, Tavg at 550 ( 0. 50)- (0.50) Turbine trip, Tavg at 540 F, condenser vacuum at 15 inches H OUESTION 3.09 (2.50)
' a . Explain the purpose of the steam pressure input used in the (1.00)
S/G wateF"1evel. con. tral syste During a power decrease from 100-50%, the steam pressue signal for the ill s t,eam . f l ow tr.ansmitter sticks at its 100% power value. Assume no operator action 'and that. all control systems are in automatic. Briefly , explain the effect this failure will.have' on the f ollowing paratheter (1.50)
w Final qteam flow recorder indication for c hannel' tt' * Final S/G til leve _ Final steam flow indication on h1C B ttF for the #1 main steam heade .m OUESTION 3.10 (2.50)
$ For the normal operation of the Containment Spray Systam, what supplies the water and motive force for the system? (1.00) What is the backup supply for the Containment Spray System? (0.50) What other system is utilized inside containment to reduce containment pressure following a LOCA? (0.50) TRUE or FALSE. The Containment Spray System will initiate automatically on high containment pressur (0.50) (***** END OF CATEGORY 03 *****)
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QUESTION 4.01 (3.00) In accordance with E-O: 1) What SYMPTOMS require a Reactor Trip and SI if one has not occurred? Setpoints and coincidence require (1.00) 2t- Li st the four (4) SYMPTOMS that indicate Core Cooling (1.00)
.. Actuatio . List the two (2) immediate action substeps for verifying that SI flow is not required contained in ES-1.1, SI TERMINATIO (1.00)
QUESTION 4.02 - (3.00)
, - ~
List aEl of the immediate action SUBSTEPS from E-O (Reactor Trip or Sajety Injection) that allow you to accomplish the folloising immediate actions. Include any. applicable setpoint VERIFY TURBINE' TRIP m .
' #
OUESTION _ 4.03 (2.00) ~.. State the four (4) criteria for confirming the effectiveness of natural circulation heat *Pemoval contained in AOP 3.2-30 (NATURAL CIRCULATION b OF RCS) -f OUESTION 4.04 (2.00) Attachment A to the ERP's states that if the high range readings'from core exit thermocouples are not available, then a condition of inadequate cori'* cooling exists if several conditions are met. State the conditions which must exist in this cas .
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QUESTION 4.05 (1.50) What are the three different conditions in Attachment A to the ERP's which require emergency boration to be performed? nb -.
<. ;
OUEST. ION 4.06 (2.00) a. List the Red Path Entry Conditions for the f ollowing CSF's. Setpoints are require (1.25) 1) SUDCRITICALITY 2) CORE COOLING 3) HEAT SINK 4) CONTAINMENT b. Adverse contaiment will be in effect if any of three conditions inside containment exists. State these three condition (0.75)
QUESTIO .0 (3.25) The .f ollowing questions afe to be related to"afloss of DC'.bu's. "AP while
' ~
at normal 100*/. power operation a. List five (5) potential signals that could cause a reactor trip on a loss of DC Qas "A". (1.25)
, .
b. What EFFECT will-this loss have on the followino components /systemC7~ State the effect only, NOT the'riason for t hii'Ei~f ec t . (1.75)
1) Ability"to trip the turbine 2) Secondary annunciators ,( " 3) High Pressure Steam Dump 4) Auxiliary Feedwater System 5) Charging flow contral valves c. Which vital inverter (s) will be deenergized? (0.25)
~ - PAGE 16 ~
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QUESTION 4.08 (2.00) ODI tl109 deals with the starting of reactor coolant pumps while the a solid condition. Based on the instruction portion of this ODI, answer .the following: * State the location (s) for measuring S/G secondary side temperature AND method used for adjusting secondary side temperature if necessar ..- What are the secondary side temperature limits which must be met prior to starting a reactor coolant pump? - QUESTION 4.09 (2.00) From whom must permission be obtained for MANUALLY opening the pres-suricor PORV's during NORMAL plant operation? (2 approvals) (1.00) Who must be notified in the event of spurious opening of the -
(0.5ui PORV's?
Why are the restrictions from part -(a) ,in place? (0.50) ,
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1 (l OUESTIOri 4.10 (M4) In the event of an accident or major cperational difficulty, plant personnel may be asked to volunteer for search and rescue effort In circumstances such as those above, who, by title, may authorize the higher emergency radiation euposure limits for volunteers during (0.50) search and rescue efforts? What should the whole body exposure 1evels for the fal1owing be control 1ed to: -
1) Volunteer entering an area to remove an injured perso (0.50) 2) Volunteer entering an area to control a fir (0.50) uh: t -' the S t a t i-on-Admi m-str-a t-i-ve-E+terna l-Ex posur e-Cont r ol-l evel s for--t h e f o l l ovring--t44t4Mhe-NORMAL-I NI-T-I AL-ex posure--c-on t rol-l evel t, (1.50) wtwo-,,ppr-oprhtsJ
1) 20 ' e ar---old-r_ad_ wor p er ui_th_undaciimnntnd o m enen ef ur_ing_the c u r r er+t- -ewk-nde--qu eter- . _
"MtbyeAr--ol d__f sma1 e_wockac. do_dec1 a .nr._herse1[_pr_ognan .: ,4- M-year---ol d -r-ad- wcirisse -whoihas-a--c omplatN- 54RC' d c ( . .} , ,G :- . ,
_ _ ar- .
. *
OUESTION 4.11 (1.25) ._ State the imitq at which ~~an individual is considered to be -
con, tam g te State the four (4) c r l '; er i a for unc ond i t i ona,1 radiological release of materia fliOO)
~< (4**** END OF CATEGORY 04 *****) (************* END OF EXAMINATION ***************) .
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.5 PAGE- 18 -
. T U ESdO D XN QdlCSgE 61_IB AN S EE G _QN_Crf,L L_] I_ Q _F L Q W _ _
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AI4SWERS -- HADDAM^ N5(IL .- -86 /11/ M.P-T EMPS2
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_ AN'3WCR 1.01 (2.75) O~ T=L*/p + lh> f f --p /1 ambda x p (Lt/p may be 1 oft out) [0.253 , SUR= 26.96/T [0.253 SUR= 26.06/([.00005/.000743+[(.00625 .00074)/(.1 : . 00074 ) 3 P=
' ~ -
0.35 DPM [0.253
= ~ a.. ; . ) P(t)= Po 10 e,
0 3 7 /4.-O - - .. *; . . . *' ~ ." -4-c. OOt/O'OO .KQ.39.* 3.7/3 9- 3 . . ' . . 3.2/ * d. 001/010 KS. 37 '~ f- * OO1/010 = K5.24 3.4/ . . ANSWEF+ - .1.03 (1.75) .- . See attached' graph for data plottin , _ For using correct equation for 1/M: 1/M=CRo/CR1 CO.25] T' For each correct data point: (1900,1.OO);(1850.0.82);(1800,0.64); (1750,0.46) C 4@ 0.25 each 3 For correct boron concentration for criticality;1620 ppm (+- 10 ppm) CO.50] REFERENCE CY, Reactivity and Reactor Control, C . pages 17 L 1 /010 K5.16 2.9/ .1-7 ' . , T $ & , t , _ _ __ y . - PAGE -.. - h ! P 1 I.N G I P_ L,,E S j g E N U G L E G R _ P Q W E R J_ L O N T ,_f)P E R A T,,l gt N __ ._- _IliEEt}9DYNQt!I GS,._UEGLIB8NSEEB_6ND.,ELtJ1g_E6QW -- - _ _ _ .- . _ _ _ ,. 7 -.- _ _ , __C k _ --86/11/03-TEMPS," R.~ _ , ANSWERS ; HADDAM_ NECK. - - - : - , _ . _ , - . . _ _ _ _ - . e , _ __ . ANSWER 1.04 (3.00) ~ Rod worth. decreases. [0.253 * -Increasing baron concentration decreases thermal diffusion lengthCO.253-Shorter thermal diffusion length means shorter migration lengthEO.25} -So f ewer neutrons reach the control rodsEO.253 [h d d C W .6k tL w ( (c.-ra LOW (bmcrIV4O Rod worth decreases.[0.25] gg ' -Same reasons as in part a.CO.753 Rod worth increases.00.253-As moderator temperature increases, water density decreases [0.253-Lower density means neutrons can travel longer distancesCO.253-This increases their probability of being absorbed by the control rods. (increases the rods sphere of influence) [0.253 , REFERENCE CY, Reactivity and Reactor Control,Ch.4. page 3 ' .~. -- EOs CY-OP-LO-RXTH-L35008, #14 - . -, .. . . . . ___ ' ._ 001/000 .K5.29 3.7/3.9' p.' 3.'l-3 - * A 0017000 8530 2 9/ . . . 3.1- . , . . . , , , ,, - - - - , . . . . 7,. ~ ~ . r AN'SWER 1.05 (3.00) DOPPLER TEMF4RATURE COEFFIC"IENT: as power increases, fuel temperature in 7 eases which adds negative reactivety due to increased resonance absorption by U-238 and Pu 240 which decreases the rej,.pnance escape .- < probabi1ity. [1.003 MODERATOR TENPERATURE COEFFICIENT: As power increases, moderator gb temperatTre increases from primary to secondary mismatch which decreases moderator densit" so moderating ability of coolant is ; ' decreased which increases the probability of resonance absoption and neutron 1eakage. Also, boron is removed from the core which also reduces the absorption properties of the moderator. [1.003 VGI I)-GOEFFI C I ENT e-Nuc l ea te-boi-1-i ng- e l ong-hoc' f uel-rods-wi-1-1-f orm-voi ds whi-ch-c auses-ef f ec t i ve-dens i t y- of-cool an t- to -decrease,-wh t ch- decrease he-moder a t i og-abi 1-i t y -of - t he-cool ant ,-whi ch-i noreasen-probabi-1-1 ty-oA e-rwonAsoc K l e-a 4L. bFuu sor mioisressaT7ca/: p t i on -a nd -nou gg t r on --l ea k a.}g,-C-1, 0CL1pggj;w g ygh-f gm REFERENCE Mr[.,(.D. M-tw.< )ct.1/ M c Cczc & fyg CY, Reacttvity and Reactor Control,C , pages 38,48,49 and 9 fW/ W$M' . ffY ,[FfM<- Ct*t.C < .ww~u s:oc,hu, %. d.sen s.- awtiMayoaL l ! n>^ c m/ (s-aa<. w %Aa.// sau & .Ss-a,sy : 6/-Ha.cs $61 g g /kW - " Wrtaa+k cmg n .p aA&% . _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ , PRINCIPLES OF NUCLEAR POWER PL(INT OPERAT{QtJi _ _' - ., 'PAGE .21 _ --ItfE6dODYN8dlCS _,1 tie &E-4 bot 4SEEB_6tJD;E6gILFh0W ~, ,_ _____71 =. = .- a- . _ _ _ - - _ . . _ ~ ANSWERS - HADDAM NECK - - . -86 /11765=-TEflPS , - R . ~7" - _ , . . * 001/000 KS.49 3.4/3.~7 p 3.1-3 - * ANSWER ,1.06 (2.00) u. . ~v~.L =- i s, c>- - < a.M ep1.G% produced from f i s,s i on L O . 25,1 and from decay of Telluraum-135EO.253 [0.253 Xe-135 removed by Cs-135CO.25]and by neutrop (m absorp)t19 pw . SM-149 produced by decay of F;romethium [0.253 and i s rug.oved, by neut r;on - capture. 00.25] , _ y - Approximately 3000 pcm(4 or - 50) LO.253 at 6 to 7 hours following the trip. [0.25] ' REFERENCE CY Reactor Engineering Cycle 14 Data Referenc CY Reactivity and Reactor Control, Chapter 5. page IO K5.33 3.2/ .1-3 001/000 K5.35 J.J / 2. 2 .1-3 001.010 A2.01 3.4/ .1-9 * ^ - ----- _ _ . . ANSWER 1.07 (2.00) .. ' . - (0.50) ,_ . . NPSH decreases NPSH increases " P - - N P__S..H . increases t 4 Q O.50 each 3 ~ REFERENCE CY, HTT and FF Fundamentals, page 323 . A' EO CY-OP-RO-HTFF-L65013, it 3, tl 21 , l i Components, Pumps-Centrifugal, tt 8 2.6/2.6 l l l l m - _ _ _ _ _ _ - PAGE 22 1.__EBIN E_LES _QE_NUCLEBB_E QW EB_Pl . AU.I_QP EB AT ION z _ - __ - - Ib 50 tt0 D Y[!BUJ gh _ UE 81_-IR_A N S FgitJN Q_.EL LJT Q_EL O W _ ' __ __ __ - - -- ..- , . __---- 'ANSWEf1S -- HADDAM NECK __ -86/11/03-TEMPS, R..;~ g .__ _ _ _ . __ - . .* .. . ANSWER 1.08 (2.50) . Increases * "C Decreases . +- 4 c.,Decrease , ,, . Decrehsei - , Decreases [ 5@ 0.50 each 3 s REFERENCE CY-OP-LO-EOP-L30, page 10 CY-OP-RO-HTFF-L65015, page 20 through 23 003/000 K7>. 01 3.7/ .4-1 , p, . % :. .. , - ANSWER 1.09 (2.50) ' .For' hise of equation O=UAdeltaT M C.50] - For assumption that 0, U and Tsteam remain the same [0.503 For stating that A2=.9A1 and for stating that_.AldeltaT1=A2deltaT2 [0.50] ' ~~' From steam tables Tsat for 720 psig= 508(509) F CO.50] - A1(535 F- 508 F)=.9A1(lavg- 500 F M Tavo new= 538 F [0.50] REFERENCE CY-OP-RO'HTFF-L65000, page 14 g6 EO: CY-OP-RO-HTFF-L65008, 410 Components, Heat Exchangers and Condensers, p. A-17, 2.4/ . ANSWER 1.10 (1.00) 570 F (&l,-0) [1.00] REFERENCE CY, HTT and FF Fundamentals, Part A. C . - * _1,_._EBINCIELE3_QE= NUCLEAR ROWER PLANT OPg8ATigN, ;_ , . ; W. - PAGE-T23' - #~_ [ ~ _ _;. THERMODYNAbtC'A HE81_IB6NSEgBJ@D_ELylp_ELQW- -~7 --- - - - - .. . =- :- = _-. . _ . . . ~ . '~ . - -86/1]I7U3,- TEM ,. - R.~. .' - .. '-- ANSWERS.- ~HADDA M ECK - . - - ----' . < _ ,. _ - -- - _ . ... . ._ . . - ,. --- - ,. . p -~ _ - .. - . _ - Components, Heat Exchangers and Condensers, page A-18 . 3.1/3:4 t . - ANSWER 1.11 (2.00) ~s: . es ' - Remain the same Decrease Incr. case 4 ; '." ,'.; %. . Decrease [ four G O.50 each 3 ,. REFERENCE CY, HTT and FFF, Part A, Chapter 2, pages 83-9 Components, Heat E:.: changers and Condensers, 2.2/ page A-18 . : . .- ' # hJ 8 gS' . _ . N .g . .T - + ...... * ' - * "+ . l4 ._,. .. ' ' *- . *;.= ," * * * , . ., . *, ~, . * f , .#e 4 . , ' -*, g-. u, . . . . *27,- , , g < S - . ' , %'~ e f g %. e 6 g % . L * d M_=_EL;eNI_,DEQ1GN_lNQl= DINQ_E6EEIY _6ND_EMEBQEtsgY_QY_SIEUS # .- - . PAGE 24~~-- . -, - - - _ __ _ _ .m .- j__ _._ _ . -Q_ ~7 . . ' ~IN4SWERM 5 FIAN M.(4EC .-86/11703-TEMPS,. ~ _ - . - : . * = ,x ._ 97. ~- :n ..., . .. , - . - _ - - . . - . ' " ~ . . ~ .. >>_ > . ... -* w u - - * ANSWER 2.01 (2.25) - HCP EO.253 SHUT EO.253 . HCP CO.253 Low PZR Level CO.25] SHUT CO.253 , High LD, temp. 00.253 Bypass to VCT C0.253 d. High LD tem Eb.253 SHUT CO.253 , REFERENCE CY-OP-LO-PRISYS-L'OO400, pages 9 .1 /020 A1.05 3.7/ .1-27 004/020 K4.03 3.0/ .1-24 ANSWER 2.02 '(2. 00 ) ' .. They prov,ide overpressure pro,tection when temperat.uref are low, (and the , code--sa6ety valves cannot be used .,to protect .the sys, tem f rorp bFittle - ' -~~' Trac turdai 3 --- l'ure. ) CO.503 .-. - ,, ~ ., , b. Valvds are set at 380 p si g . , E O'. 25 3 ' Rel i eve [tofttiK PRTV EO.'25] , . ? . ....._ . . . ' . .v--.~, m- . . c. One permissive ensures that the valves cannot be opened if pressure is . ' r-greater then 380 psig or temperature is greater then 340 F.- [0.*503 The other permissive will not allow the valves to be shut (once opened) if the temperature i s less then 340 CO.503 - REFERENCE " CY-OP-LO-PRISYS-LOO 240, pages 11-13 g b EO: CY-OP-LO-PRISYS-LOO 240, EO # 3d 010/000 K4.03 page 3.3-1 . s ' ' . . , - 6 g f y - L/ 3a.__P_leuT DESl@N_IUCt_QDING_SGEEIV AND EMERGENCY SY6TEMS - _ . PAGE 25 ._ -- r --- 1- - - - _ _.__ . ._ _ __ ___ - - AAISWERS --- HADDAM NECK _ -- ' -- - '-86 /11/ 03-TEt1PS , tfh - - - - . -- - _ _ . _ ___ - - - . - _ _ .. : _ - - - . _ _ - - -- - 2.03 (1.50) < 4' ANSWER . ,a . (Qlows for venting of noncondensibles from the head region EO.75] (to ensure adequate long term natural circulation.) Would be unable to open the cold % g isolation valve due to the valve interlock which is in effect as indicated by the light. CO.75] ! REFERENCE CY-OP-RO-PRISYS-LOO 210, pages 19,20 and 25 . l l ANSWER 2.04 . (3.00) . 1. Suction from cont ai ncren t sump EO.25], through the RHR pumps and heat ~ bYchangers CO.25]', W oss tie to the LPSI system CO.251 and injection ' l I into-the reactor vessel through core deluge piping.[0.25] ~ .. , , , Suction from containment _ sump EO.25], through the RHR. pumps and heat exchangers CO.25], crgss tie to the charging pump sucti on (vi a CH-i10V- A.}.8 ) [0.25] and injection into7hP RCS via CVCS Loop 2 cold leg injection. [0.25] ' . Suction from containment sump EO.25], through the RHR pumps and hea exchangers EO.25] and injection into normal RHR [0.25] Loop 2 cold leg injection poi m E0.25] p r . I . j L th, L L N 9ps /160.6 r/V . )d_I f/,A L R,EFERENCE CY-OP-NLCT-PRISYS-LOO 500, page 23 h[i {f . g g, g/g ggN[, < . r <' i 005/000 K1.13 3.3/ .4-7 l 005/000 K1.04 2.9/. 1 .4-7 ,. - _ _ - - - _ , - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -2 -.,--- - .. A. N T -D E S I G NPL.---- - - - ------INCL _ - - - - -DING - - - -SAFETY - - - -A..ND - - _ EMERGE.NCY-z----- SYSTEMS -- .. _ PAGE 26- _ p- - __ . _ _ _ . .- _ __-_ 'GNSWEf& -- HADDAM NECK -86~Z11/LLi-TENRH;3 2_~ -. ; -.- _ _ 4+;;;-- ' _ - ~ _ -- - _.-Q _ ^^~ - : _, - f . . - . I - ANSWER 2.05 (2.25) Recirculates back to the RNST [0.253-Lines inztalled to provide minimum flow E0.50] to protect the pumps.when run at shutoff head. [0.50] TTC cc (.5t %* LPSI rated (*5500e 14 gpm -E4p.y;5 3 - 4-240 (+-10)--psi . EOa53 - -HPSI rated Ptt750(+-100) g p m {C-25-3 -@-975 ( +-25 )- p s i---E O 4-254 . REFERENCE CY-OP-LO-PRISYS-LOO 500 EO: CY-OP-PRISYS-LOO 500, 43 006/000 K4.02 2.8/ page 3.2-10 . 006/000 K6.03 -3.6/ page 3.2-11 , ._y , t .." w ~ w. . - .. ANSWER 2.06 '(1.50) . ,FfLSE,. (MFRV goes. shut ) - - s _ . . . _ FALSE M/3. coincidence) - C' .. , - TRUE' E three 3.0.50 each 3 m ~ REFEREtltE CY-OP-RO-SECSYS-LO1900, pages 19,16 and 2 * - ~ EO: CY-OP-RO-SECSYS-LO1900, H 5 _ -. ~ 059/000 K1.04 3.4/3.4 'p. 3.5-35 059/000 K1.02 3.4/ p. 3.5-35 '< ._ . . . . . = - t- PAGE 27 2 c_lL 8MI__DE SIG U _ ld C LU D IN L3_S OEEIX_8N R_Ed F.R GE N Cy _SYSIE MS _ __ _ _ - _ -- --y _ _ _ TANS 14 ERG- J- HADDAM NECK ._ Z- - 86/11703-TEMPS, . . ___ ._ _ - ,_ _ _ , _ _ __ _ . , - . ANSWER 2.07 (2.00) ., ., of 4 S/G's 1ow level at ? 457. ( WR ) cr. 06% C + , 6~ '- l- , #, ' NN l,&.2 BOTH Main Feed pump breakers open n ',gegg.gtj& M e>zi Loss of al1 A.C. powerg! cy ! ,;a( g, g g gg Agid Loss of Control Air " [ four G O.25 each] Steam Driven: 450 gpm (+- 25) (2480 feet of head)(0 5-) , -El-ec tric-Dr i ven :- l onO -gpm - ( +-50 H 27-15--f eet-of-headM-two-G-Or25-eae h-3-g [{,,i P-32-1A supplied by S/G's A8<B P-32-1B supplied by S/G's C8<D E two irO.25 each ] REFERENCE CY-OP-RO-SECSYS-LO2100, pages 4,13,17 and 2 EO: . CY-OP-RO-SECSYS-LO2100, # 6 and 9 _ . - . . - 061/000 K4.02 4.5/4'6 p. 3.5-42 --061/000 K6.02 2.6/2.7 p. 3.5-42 ~ ~ - - 061/000 K1.03 3.5/3.9.,p. 3.5-41 , . = -aus er **"N o N% g . .m, MW . sw - - - 6 . ~ PAGE' 28_ _ ~ 2 2__PLONT_QESIGN_ INCL (JD[dG_SOEEIY_OND_EUERG_ENCyJySIEUS - ,- - - ' _ [- - --- _ _ = ~. .. __ __ - - - -86/11~*T3-TEMP 3, _ R .- _ _ - -__ - __ GNSWERS -- lje_DyAM- ._ m , NECC- __. __ _ - - ,__ - _ _ _ .__ -__ -- _ _ _. _ _ _ _ - . _ _ - e _ ANSWER 2.08 (3.00) Will auto start if common supply discharge header pressure drops below 50 psi [0.503 b. .The RCF' bearing oi1 wi11 heat rapidly and the pump wi11 be damaged CO.50] if left operating.(Secured to prevent pump damage is acceptable) , ) Pr ovides required NPSH f or the CCW pump operatio n 2)* Allows for changes in system volume due to temperature change ) Allows monitoring of the CCW system water inventor . E any two @ 0.50 each J-OIfu ng Citatmtsb bu kb VLLJ4u.LCfzSts:pb0 I n l et- Fi n emver pr es sur e- p r ot ec t-i on-v i a-a-r-el-ig f-va l+e . - High f1ow wa11 shut the Thermal Barrier Isolation Valves - Inlet check valve will shut on reverse flow , - - High pressure (2500 psi) relief valve in outlet piping Any E @,G.53 cc E-4eur 9.o.25-eac-h 3 - . . . REFERENCE . ' CY-OP-RO-PR 15Y5YCf4400, pages.'17-18.9.bnd 26 respectivel . CY. PIB, Section page 8 and .-- 008/000 A3.01 3.2/ p . 3'.'10-2 - - 008/000 K4.01 3.1/ p.3.10-1 008/000 K3.01 3.4/ p.3.17-1 . , = - ; PAGE.~29 A _P!=8MI_ DESIGN _INCLUQ1NG_S8EM Y_8ND_EME_89ENCY_SYSIEUS ^ - ~ _~' l__ . - ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ - - . - - _ _ _ _ _ - - -86/A1/03-TEMPSp Rg ---nr (~%NSWERS -- }MDDAM NECK . - _ . _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ gg - _ - - - - _ _ __ _ O - - , ANSWER 2.09 (2.50) a. -CSR-2 - panel- sends-signal to-Firetek-210-panel-CO.-253. I kdbo - - Sends signal for squib valves to fire after 20 sec time delay CO.501 * * - Time delay valve starts to operate CO.50] - Time Delay Valve (TDV) opens after 60 seconds EO.50] - Dise_harge pressure opens rgg ining bottles allowing discharge - to the cabl e%atTil area to. a ~ The 60 second time delay on the TDV can be defeated at any tim CO.50] . w , . - REFERENCE CY-OP-RO-SECSYS-LO3906, pages 14-1 EO: CY-OP-RO-SECSYS-LO3906, #6 086/000 K'.06 4 3.O/ .11-23 * -=. . ANSWE .10 (3. 00'.) - - The charging puIr@ wil'1 not .Ath startIEO.503 ~ -- - - ~ ~ , . , eh , . . The 10 second delay allows time for the diesel'to start; get up to speed and be ready to accept load .50] # , , The starting sequence is spaced out so as to limit the effects of the - ---s t"d e t i n g c u r r en t s o f the loads (and for loading of the diesel generator , ~ when used to supply these loads.) [1.00] W[sda.ed b/ - The LPSI pumps should be turned off.'EO.50] This is to prevent pump burnout due to running the pump at shutoff head. [0.50] REFERENCE Wo Olf8 k' CL 6 bY 7 Ql CY PIB, Primary Systems, Section F, page 2 Mi4[ k M*W /000 K4.10 3.5/ .7-1' Puaedww+f"hS-AW-7 s Y ", . ' . . A__dLOUI_DE;SIGU;1NCLUDlyGJAFETY AND EMERGENCY SYSTEMS . PAGE 30, - _ - - - - - - - _ .__ __ "- ~ ~~~ _~ .--.cd4SWERS -- A5DDAM NECK--- - - - - - -86/11/O'3-TE14PS7 R- - ~ . - - - - - - - - ~ -- _ _ _ = ._ _ - . - - _ - __ _ . ANSWER 2.11 (2.00) d"~~ f. 9 9 6 h. 4 E ei c,)ht-Gener4 25 esch ] ~ ' ' ' REFEREI4CE CY-OP-RO-ELECT, various section /000 K2.01 3.3/ page 3.7-1 ~ . . ' " r " ~ . - ' * .ww # 'O * r * g- ' , _ ._ ' - * 2 -- g _ . . - - s -. , * .A" - .- 6 * *~ 89 ~ M . - - ~ 31, [ _ ~ ~~ - ~ _ P'A G E'_ _7n__ INSTRUMENTS AND COtlTROLS _ _ _ _ _ . _ - ~~ _3 _ - -- - _ _ _ _ - - - ~ GNSWERS ---HADDAM NECK _ _ . _ _ __ - 8 6-t-t I /3 E - T E M P S ,- R. - - . _ _ -- -._ _ --g - _ _ -n - _ _ . - . _ _ _ ._ - - _ ,' _ - _ . . _ _ _ ANSWER ,3.O { (3.00) OPEN NO , OPEN , NO . CLOSE . CLOSE CLOSE NO * i. CLOEE j. OPEN NO CLOSE E twelve @ 0.25 each 3 REFERENCE CY-OP-NLCT-PRISYS-LOOSOO, page 64 and 65 . ' ~ ~ _ - - - + ,_... EOs CY-OP-NLCT-PRISYS;-LOO 5007 # 15 . -- . _ . . - _ - n 006/000 A3.03 4.1/ ,2 - 1 - . - . . ~ - # _n __ ANSWER (2.50) - e- . At alarm point it terminates any l i @_ti d -d?f6harge in progres (trips FRCV-1003) w- - 2- At alarm point causes /ent isolation valve on CCW surge tank to shut ~ (CC-TV-605) isolating the surge tank from the environmen Al arm trips the waste gas decay tank release valv ' C three G O.50 each3 Steam Generator Blowdown Monitor (R16A and B) CO.50] and the Air E Mctor Gas Monitor (R-15). E0.501 . REFERENCE OCY-OP-RO-FUNHP-L25010, pages 2,4,8,3and EO: CY-OP-RO-FUNHP-L25010, #4 073/000 K4.01 4.0/ .9-23 073/000 K1.01 3.6/ .9-23 i - ~ ' 3- INSTRUMENTS AijQ_ CONTROLS _ _ _ PAGE 32 ; - - . _ - --+_ _ _ . . . _- __ - . - * ANSWERS _ _HADDAM -NECK - - -86 /11./.D3-T EMPS , R. - - - , =. . _ - :=-- . _ - _ ._ _ ._, ANSWER 3.03 (3.50) Tavg Tref , , r ,ftc. h ti 1 ; M -N (./t t .<. Rate of change of, reactor cool ant 'pr essure q1 ib ' Cr [ft ~-) # ' ,_ , , i, , , , . 'R a t e of chanq~e of) neutron fluy E four @ O.25 each~ ] ' s M hfEY Prevents excessive control rod motion due to small system temperature changes E O.50 h'kt d Y Avg} Tavg (3-loop avg.) EO.50] compared to the individual loop avg. CO.501 '+ f4hth d.[ Avg.)Tavg (3-loop avg) [0.503 compared to Tref. [0.503 REFERENCE ' CY PID, NI, REACTOR PROTECTION 84 ROD CONTROL Rod Control Ch4TTttn , , page13 and 14 and figures 3 and * - m . 001/000 K4.08 3.2/ .1-2 001/000 K4.07 3.7/ .1-2 - -w- , ~. ~ . . . . . . . _ _ -. e **P s g so . . mee it, . 8 . .e ,8ts __1NS5EUM_ENISgNdjCQNIBQ!=S ' , _ __ _ i-9,__, - .PAGE 3 *- * j. aei.%C28dr/-1I1/03-TEhS, __--fjNSWEh= EA.DDAM_, NECK . l
_: - '^~ : . ..__... , _ - ; ;,; - . . - ~\ ._- . i - -- _ . . - - - - i - _ 2 _ _ ' ~ - - - . . - . , _ , . . l ANSWER 3.04 _ (3.50) OVERRQWER,J,f0DgIOP.(P1) 20%, tM,-$45% t valT.le is precet) 1 out of 4 power range channels E three @ 0.25 each 3 . 2-LOW POWER CUTOUT OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL ROD WITHDRAWAL or-AUTOMATIC ROD CONTROL (P2) . . . < 15% on turbine fi.---;tage pressure E two @ 0.25 each 3 ROD DROP CLITOUT OF CONTROL ROD WITHDRAWAL or DROPPED FkOD * ~ STOP (P3) - Ramp decrease in power range. flux of 5% in 2 seconds ' or rod. bottoming signal E three @ 0.25 each 3 4-STARTUP RATE ROD STOP (P6) 2 DPM startup rate on either source or i ntermediate range NI , Cutout when >'10% by P 7 , [ three 9 0,25 each 3 . , " Ba4 UV h l-j Ag g._gg' ~ " - -- -
- .variabale low pressure trip . -7 ..
bra % ~ 2.1 ass of reactupc.ccolant , f1oWJrgM Cr DP 4 GoM y-f - ' .- , " ~ p. mai n steam 'l i nE5ol ati on pl~ . . -__ reactor trip qn turbine tr-ip ~ T~d Q g g any ee,@ 0.25 each . _37 - ~ ~ NM M E f55h ~ .. --- _~ .REEERENCE 4~ CY'PIB, NI, REACTOR PROTECTION & RODCCNTR L Reactor Protection Chapter', pge .25- , .+ . ., _ 012/OOO ^ IG.10 5.3/ p . 32[, - _. . m ANSWER 3.05 (1.00) < a. Tavg [0.253 deltaT CO.25] L .. . psig [ 0 . 5 885 - -s - REFERENCE CY, PIB, Reactor Protection Page 1 /000 K6.03 3.1/ .9-2 . . a s' N o * y ~t , - , _ , - - - - - - , , - , - - - , - , - --e-.- -r, =- ,,,e .,---~~-,,n w,m-yc-,,-,-,sne- p ---qv.~~ -- ,- - , , , - , .m - L __INSIRUt!ENIS_@ND_CQNIROt={i~ - _ * Z- ~ _ _ PAGE _ 34- _ ] - _ _ _ . __= . - - - _ "__ .._. ANSWERS - HADDAM NECK -8671 f7_OEIEMPGy_ _fh--- -- _ - _- ; _ , _n . . , _ _ - - ._ _ _ - - * . .__ ANSWER 3.06 (1.00) Each sensor consicts of a heated thermocouple (TC) and an unheated T When both TC's are immersed in water, a temperature difference of less than 200 F is maintained which generates the signal t i?. a t level in the vessel is above that sensor location. E1.OO] w REFERENCE ~' " PDCR 73,, page 16 . - .:... 000/074 EA1.13 4.3/ p. 3.4-24 * . ANStJER 3.07 (3.00) 3 SR- uses a BF3 proportional counter [0.503. Uses a discriminator ' fi1ter out y mma' pulses. C O . 5.03 - _ IR-tNes a compensated ion chamber E O. 50] . -Inner and outer chambers connected so that their output currents electrically oppose each other -- . sAthe net electrical, output or c urr.en t from the chamber will be the ' ~ ~ 'a l g eb r a i c' m.t m of the two ionization currents _ [0,503 ' $* b CW Y W~ . c.4 PR-uncompensated ion chamb~er [0.503. Compensation not required as the neutron f l u:- is so much-Targer than the gamma flux at power. [0.50] FERENCE CY, PIB, Excore NI, pages' 4 through _ 015/000 K6.02 2.6 @ 9 .9-6 . . - 015/000 ._K5.01 2.9/ . - - .9-6 -~ l - ~ - 3; INSTRUM NTS AND -CONTROLS . --PAGE 35 - _ _ _ - ___ - - _ _ _ __ . _ _ _ ~ ' ~ - ~ - - 86/11/03-TEMPS, A.NSWERS -- HADDAM ___ NECK--- --- ' _ - - - -- - . .- __ .- . _ _ - - .. , ANSWER 3.08 (2.50) TCV's and PCV's modulate closed as Tavg goes to 535 F. [0.50] TCV's go full shut at 535 F along with the PCV's EO.50] TCV s stay shut but PCV's will modulate open as Tavg increases back to 537 F. EO.501 TCV's anWPCV's all go full open. [0.503 TCV's and PCV's stay shut (due to condenser vacuum interlock) 10.50] . - - - . . FEFERENCE CY-OP-RO-SECSYS-LO1700, page 12 EO: CY-OP-RO-SECSYS-LO1700, # * .a 4 *- 041/020 K4.18 -3 4/ p. - 3J-6 .- ,___ , . . _ - . ... ANSWER 3' . '09 (2.50) -~~- - * Steam pressure _ie m ed %o compensate the ' steam flow signal for " " - density variations in the steam (caused by pressure-athanges * as power changes). -( 1. 00 ) - ~ . s- .- Indicated steam J, Jew will be lower .*han actual . Mam appears to be less dense to the circuit so the steam pressure signal is lower than 1t should be7t 50"/. p ower ,- so , the density compensMd flow rate wi11 be l ower .- -- -1P . w-- kyt% - ~ 2-Final level will b e hww . If indicated is loweF than actual steam flow,' feed flow will initially match the indicated steam flow i,hich will cause S/G level to decrease. This will eventually generate y * level error tending to increase feed rate. Eventually steam fly will balance feed flow but S/G 1evel wi11 be t, lo em ic & thc- ~ 3- No effect. The steam flow signal for this circuit is no q ) p M // g compensated for steam pressure, [ three .D O.50 each 3 g dmyg - REFERENCE CY PID, Secondary Systems, Feedwater Control, pages 28,29 CY-OP-RO-SECSYS-LOl600, page 7 039/000 K5.06 2.2/ .5-2 059/000 A2.11 3.0/ .5-38 ~ L INSTRUMEt[J. SAND. CONTROLS -- -- - _ . . . - _ . $ . .. _ PAGE .36 . -_ m_;-_ . ___ _ -86 /-1-t / 03-IEMPS , R2 _ ~ ~ ~ ' *.ANSWERS - M DAM.NEC C __ - .3- - - - -~~._- - --_ - __ = __ _ - __ - . - - ~ - , .. w .- ,,. _ ANSWER 3.10 (2.50) The RWST supp l i es the water [0.503 and the LPSI pumps suppiv the motive force. LO.503 Backup supply is via the firomain system EO.50] (c on t a i n menb sua,p is acceptable alternative answer) The Containment (' i r Recirculation System (CAR) is used.[0.50] % FALSE EO.50] _ REFERENCE CY P18, PRIMARY SYSTEMS, Section A, pages 4 8 ?.< 4 9 . a . .g 026/000 K1.01 4.1/ .6-13 026/000- K4.01 4.2/ pr 3.6-13~ -- . -.-- {" & g * ^ . - . . A . . . . w,.=~n * . . *r* . * _% . _ _ . . * - s_ se & ~ . %. % d . e* .-- - - + ,, _ T' . . _ _- _ e 9 # e> + 1 . ' l I * l I ~ Ls_.zeoCEDueES_i..NoeneL1_eeugeseL3_EdEJBGENCY_6UD - - . PAGE 37 - ~ - - - . l__~- ~ -- '_ _ _. -- __ . __ T_I6DIOLOGICOL.XQNIROL - _ _ . - - - _ dNSWER._S - M DDAN NECK -- - -86 /1 1/ 03-T Et1PS , J:D _ P~- - _ ~ _ _ - ~ . . .. f . . . . ANSWER 4.01 (3.00) ) - High Containment Pressure 5 psig CO.2S] either train CO.2S] -- Low Pressurizer Pressure .D N00 psig EO.25] 2/3 channels EO.251 --~ _, 2) - Core cooling actuated annunciator lit EO.25] - - SI pumps running EO.253 , . - SI-WL Switches Trip E0.25] 7 , , j , - Containment Isolation CO. 25]h ctDue W_J.nu4d ) RCS subcooling based on core exit TC's CO.25], > 32 F CO.25] - Pressuriner Level EO.251, > 1 0 */. (247, adv. contm.) [0.25] REFERENCE E-0, page 1 . ES-Q, p age 4 ~D * . - * 006/030 A2.01 4.5/ page 3.2-16 ,, .. . . _ - AM9WER 4.02 (3.00) - - - - . ' * ~ ) Etoth turbine stop val ves_.-- CLT9ED - - . 2) All four turbine control valvoIclosed . E two .D O.50 each 1 ,, -" ) ' F f oti ~c on t r ol valves -- CLOSED if Teve <. 545 F -. 2) Feed Water motor operated isolation valves -- C R ED on ~ ;;entainment isolation E tW.3 ~ .D O.50 each 3 __ ) Reactor trip breaker's -- OPEN , 2) Neutron flux -- DECREASING 3) All rod bottom lights--- LIf' or (* 4) Rod position indicators -- DVM indicates rods on bottom " & E four .D 0.25 each 3 REFERENCE E-0, pages 2 & /007 El::3. 01 4.0/ .1-43 - PAGE 38 - b.__PBOCEDt)BF,si._c._NOBM 6BNOBM_6ta_ EMERGENCY AND ' ~ , . R,A,. . D _I O L. _O G_ _I C_ A_ - L_ _ C_ O..N_ T_.R. O L. - - '. -- -._ -- _ ' _ _ ___ _ -- -- - - _ _ , _ ~ " b-HADDAM 11ECK ~ -06/I1/03-TEMPS, .- - --- ~ 01NSWERS _. % _ *** . - _ , . . ANGWER 4.03 (2.00) 1. Steani release occuring from SiO'n and offective in maintaining , essentiallv tosistant , team pressure. 00.501 Average of core cnit-TC's at a value cubstantially less than W. sat for immediate PZR prensure and trend of core exit TC's should indicate they are st,ab i l i z ed and decreasing as decay heat output decreases. CO 503 > Temperatures in cold legn of all active loops stabilized at a temperature near Tsat for the steam pressure being maintained. C O. 50 3- Observed delta-T across each active loop no greater then full power forced ci rcul at ion delta-T at any time and observed delta-T should slowly decrease as core decay heat decreases. 00.501 REFERENCE - d AOP 3.2-30, page 4 . -~ . , -=dwtNt/RO5 EF1.01 4.4/ .4-17 - ~ s - ~&. . - *"** - . . . __ ANSWER 4.04 (2.00} _ Accg t i on of inadequate corc cooling e::1 nt s wh = = - - - c (# n s, . . . /, ,,,> u # - Hot. l e.) RTD's are pegqed high [0.501 # ' ' I - OR, five (5) or more thermncoup1en off-scale above 700 F CO.503 , - AND, s af ety iniection flow not being delivered to the RCG CO._501 - AND , auni11ary f eM wter a5 not beinq delivered to the ini.act(, - I -- , s t e a m gener a ti >r . L O . '9.i 3 c e, (L ( u 9, .. m /f m - REFERENCE gb Att achment A ta the E. R f ' ' - 000/074 EAT.07 4.1/ .4-2S === n . S - - _- PAGEE sv' ~ _ _ ~ ~ _is. 38QCEDUBEh ?_UQ8d8 6 ,3gtfQ~Bd8l,t_EME8QENCY"~ 8UQ' _ R__A__D_J_O_L_O_G_ _I C A_l,_GO_N_T_R_O_ Lj- __.,__~~ _ __ _ , ~ . .. t . .__ - -- - _ . -2-- , -*, ' ' ANSRGRS = '. HADDAM . NECK 'Sa ;_ .. . -86/11/07-TEMP, W . .. , - ~ - - .=. _ .- - - . . . .. .. . . , - - . , .. ...- - ' ~ 4.05 (1.50) - ANSWER . ,. , Uncontrolled cooldown occuring and Tavci akroaching50Flesstha steady state valu . Two or more rods f ail to drop after a tri ^~ . p ^ Unexplained or unexpected positive reactivity additio +- - - , _ , [ three @ 0.50 each 3 REFERENCE Attachment A to ERP's 000/024 EK3.,01 4.1/4.4,.p. Q.?1-g ~w a ,, , + . . , . * - ;~< ' ' \ ~' . h- - ;. . ~e,y ,, ~ ' * * ~ . , . . _ . ;- ~. @ . ANSWEfe 4 06 .- 1.- ( 2. 00H - ._ Q y - -- w- .- . ,, , , ~ ~ * ,'
- a. 1) ' Pciper, > 5% ], .,
* ' 2) Core bxi C*u > 1200 F ' "** 3) All S/G WR. levels,'<63% * ~ nment)- - ' . Total feedwater f low < 320 ' gpm - ,* . 4) Containment pressure >'40 psig C five @ 0.25-each 3 _, e ,. _ ** b. Pre N e'> 5 pcig + *N Radiation > 10E 5 R/hr "~ Dos ( exceeds 10E 6 rad 'C three @ 0.25 each 3 .M REFERENCE ' +* F-O CY-OP-t.0-M I TCOR-L75004, page gb PNG 1936 2.9/ = o . b 4 4 > ' , . , , *. *' ' . '., ' , , ,* . 4_. __PRUCEQURES_- _tJQBMAld_AEjNQR_MAta_ EMERGENCY AND ~,.PAGE . 40 - . l_. . - - - ' ~~ - - ~~-80DIOggElC_6t; COUIBCL - - - . .~. dNSWEfi5 ;HADDAM NECK ; -964_11/03-TEMPS, R.__ , ' Yd~ ~ _ _ e + - w -e . " e ANSWER 4.07 (3.25) '.. m. . Reactor trips on: Over Power High Pressurizer Pressure Low Pressurizer Pressure Ha.Qh Pressurizer b 'el - . . MSIV closure [ five @ 0.25 each ] ) Unabg?to perform AUTO -L O. 25 3 or MANUAL trip of turbine [0.25] . 2) No etfect ( p oy,er ed from "B" DC bus) LO.25] 3) Actuates (however, MSIV's are shut) EO.253 4) Starts terry turbine "A" [0.25] Opens FWRV bypasses tt i and it 2 [0.253 5) Both valves go open EO.253 Vital inverters A and CO.253 a M - ' ~ ~ -
" ' ~ C Q P-LO-EOF'-L32 4 pJges 16,17t<18. M" ~ , EDt: CY-OP-l.0-EOP-lN.2 h tl2. c p . . - - 000/059 EA2.03 3.5/ .7-28 .._ u ,, ~~ . A ~ _ m~ ANSWER 4.08 00) - .. _ &condary nide temperature taken on hand-hol e covers [0.253 ~ - ~ - on DOTH sides of the S/G CO.251 -- adjitsted by feeU"en1 bleed EO.5Q) * No hotter than primary side temperature CO.50] - No more than 20F colder than primary side temperature CO.503 g6 REFERENCE ODI 4t 109 010/000 41.04 3.6/ .3-2 l l l l l . .. .. 3 . , " _, . "' - i'$2.=_BBgGEQUBES_":,_N9Bd661_8Buggget _ENE!gENCY_8NQ -- * . _I ~~~ PAGE * 411 ~ ~ ! ___ B@l0LdG.IG86_G9NIBQb '~ .. , . ._ i .. -_ _ . -- -. _? _ - _ ,- - ~-_ . _ _ _ , _-. -_-.t . - . -- * Z ,--86/11/03-TEMPS, R .~ ,7 . _ . , ". ANSWERS ^-" HADDAM~ NECK - - _ . .- .u . - . - ' _. . - ~ '- - , . .. a __ .- * - . ~ > .- , ~.~~~~ ' ANSWER '4.09 (2.00)' Operations Supervisor-(or designated alternate) '[0.503 AND the Duty' ' Officer . [0.503 - . . . .. ~ . . Reported to the Duty Officer. [0. 50 3 ' ' & .. . . > . To reduce the chanceT 'of a PORV becoming inadVertantly stuck openEO.503 - , _ _ r ', M F E R E N C E - ., , ODI #121 010/000 A4.03 4.0/ .3-3 - ., . *- ~' t. 50 '-. - f/O M * ANSWER e 4.10 -, ( 5r00-) ' ' -- 6 .~~.,, _ ~. - Director .of Site Emergency Operatione-~40.501 - -- + . ~~ . , ~ * 1) 75 h .ms . [0. 50 3* ~ - - . s- . . _ . . .. - m .2) 25 rems [0.503 a --- - -- . . . .... . . . _ c_ 1$ 300 - cm / c 31 endar----quar-terCM : 50 2 2) 5o4 ogi ew-duri n - eatire pregnancy 4 or-1-25--a,r em /-ca len dar--qu a nter-m00,-503 - 3) mit sl i cen tr- ._ el Of 1000-mrem /ee+eceder-qu art er-C or503 - Jgja /2 - :I REFERENCE _ RAP 6.2-8, pages 10,11 and-5 through . ~- - % EO: CY-OP-RO-FUNHP-L25005, # 3 and'f.' = - - - ~ . g PWG #15 3.4/ PWG #16 3.4/ , t e # 4 ..e , . . - - - .. .. i I - $PAGE-._42 - T . ... . . ~ de. .:.P80CEDyEES_ :NQ6tj@6_6$_NOBMBL t _ElMEM'ENCLONDT - ' 4.I_. ~ ' ' ' - ~ ~ ~ - . RA, D._I LOG CAL-CONTROL-- _ ._- _ ..__- _ ~. - , _ - ~ _s-. _ -C 2 - _ ) . . ' - ! ~ ._ ANSWERS--- HADDAM NECK , - '"W/11/03 -TEMPS, ~ R.-'~. , - --.-' - .= _, _ . - - _ . . ,a _ . . ~- g . _ -- .y ._ AN5WER 4.11 . (1.25) g g ,g ; , . . . _ > 5007 dpm/100 sq. cm (100 cpm above background total beta gamma and alpha > 100 dpm/100 sq. cm . CO.253 ..- < 1000 dpm/100 sq.-cm loose beta gamma contamination E O. 253 ___ . . -Ly. 5000 dpm/100 sq cr3. total beta gamma contamination EO.253 ., - < 20 dpm/100 sqMcm* loose alpha contamination EO.253 - <, 100 dpm/100 sq. cm total alpha CO.253 # REFERENCE .,,- / CY-OP-RO-FUNHP-L25007 - - , . . EO CY-OP-RO-FUNHP-L25007, # 5 and 8 ~ ~ f , V ,,- .PWG,. #15 3.4/ s .. .. .,..... . . f'# - -- ~ * ' - . , ~~ .w: -: .. ~ ,_ pr - _ ~ , .,g , a . - - - .. . .% - - _ - 'e - ~. . . .-u . ~ , * , i. w.. , , ** * *# e g, ~.,,.*T * ' ' * . . . j _ * h % - . >.- - y - % __ . . . . ~% -- .. - ._ _ ~~ ~ - - . . , ,_ m ,. "' M' ~ *}.ny , y- .e - -... 4; ~ ** ~ ~~ -- , p. _ ti,- . $ $ . . # 9 4 3 g w ; ..,a .m - y -,..;=~.--- _, , , , ycyr - ..r _ , * W *' _ 49."* 4.= ~~ ---* , ~~T . . . , __ - _, * -_ '- ] 2 %,4 p'i .p - - _ . -+ j e , j .. j_ _,__ l } _ , . . , - ._ _ , _ p__.._ _ . -14_ . _ _ ._L, . - . ' _ . _ _ t . _ l' _ . _1 }.1 , , . ' . - ' i , , j . , l _k [- : _ ! ! ! __ -.dI _._7. _M .. _ ._ .. - - _ ..2 . 1. _ _ j.; .- p_ ! ~ ! j - 4 4 _.'~ - - .._ L' ,I _.iwi l ., l, . __ .I-.- . l ., I . I , . . . . l l. ._ . i : t ; . ! ! i : , , _ F_f.G_y_.U_ _I_l _I t :. , i , , ! i ' !! . , _ _. f __ f . - } . _+ . L . _ _ _ _ ,' t_ - , _ , - + . - - - - .-- . -- i i - _ . . ~ . -: - _ i : o - 'i l i I i l . _ .' . - i . .! ~ ,...{., . . _ . . - . .-- [ - ' 4 _q - .. . -j- . {. . _ .- t i. L I < _ ._ L _. _ .Lr _ - . _ . _., s_ l _.: __ . _ i . . i .- .1 . ,_4 , - _.--u-.-. i-. . _. . . _1 #()i C ,1 - . - - _ - - - _ ._ . . ,. ,0 .. i __ .- - . - _. _ I : ; i i I ; i _- . _ - - ;- - i i i ! ^ .- ; -- i l i i ;f j i i - 1 ! i i . ~I ,I - t m 7.m _. _ 7 : : 1 u+ _ . ..m ._ _;.I 1 ## I _I__1._"*" l _ _ l l . __ l l ; l _,I f ! . -- '~~ ~' "~~ ~ ~ '; .. Tt @ 0. 82. ~~ T ~~~ l os , q ' 7 , , qd ,] ~ , . : l ; o . . , ,- _ _ aI _., l _ _ l _ L_. _ l - ! p .__; ,1_ s_ .! l l -_ ! _!__rl _ _.1_.' _ __ g . _.L. _ j .__4_ .i_n_ , O ( l f e j l _L[_L i t .__- _ _ [. (. .So, C..M _ . . d---_d_..--_. __ _ __4_-p-u - 1 _ _I _ l _.____.! __ , ! ___._._,!_ ! * * M 4Mk - _.i II .- - l .l . _I 4J_ _} _ __ l .I_ 3.- __ w _ ~ _ ' _ _ ._'_y--. ** h . ! , ._ : _ .. -m- ___ l-f-~_ A_ *-i (,W %) - - l i - _ - ____ _ _ _ __- _ . 7_ t l _L L _Lt 1AL m__ ( l !1 g i !l ! .. I _ +L *-*j_,, , I , _l .d ~8 ._ 'g J .__ L' L__ . > l ! 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- ,
#, - - - - _- _ - _ ^ .- m~~ . - - - - -- -- _ _ _ _ - ._ ^ NRG--RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR LICENSE ~EYfdTIFATidi-- ~~ 2 _ --= w - * . - - - - - ,- _ , )uring the administration of this examination the followiiig rules apply: _ - _- * Cheating on the ex ami na ti on means an automatic denial of your application - and could result in more severe penalties. ?. Restroom trips are to be limited and only one candidate at a time may leav You must avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheating. Use blact' ink or dark pencil on 1. y to facilitate legible reproduction . Print your name in the blank provided on the cover sheet of the examination, Fill in the date on the cover sheet of the examination (if necessary). - Use only the paper provided for answers. 7 Print your name in the upper right-hand corner of the first page of each section of the answer sheet. Consecut'ively number each answer, sheet, write "End of Category , _ _ " as appropriate, start each category on a new page, write only on one side of the paper, and write "Last Page" on the last answer s h e e t.. 7 . Numb each answer as to category and number,~]or' example, 1.4, . 10. Skip at least three ,1'i nes. between each answer. '1. . Separate answer sheets from pad and place finishbd answer sheets face down on your desk or table. 12. Use abbreviations only if they are commonly used in facility l i t e r_ a t;_u z r e . ~:r- - 13. The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the question and can be used as g guide for the depth of answer required. 14. Show all calculations, methods, or assumptions used tc obtain an answer6 to mathemetical problems whether indicated in the question or not. T 15. Partial credit may be give Therefore, ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE OUESTION AND DO NOT LEfWE ANY ANSWER 18L ANK. 1 If parts of the examination are not clear as to intent. ask qu e ; t i on r. of the W3 minor on1y. 17. You must sign the statement on the cover rheet that indicates that the work in your own and you have not received or been given .zuststunco in completing the e: aminatio This munt be done after tht e,: ami n a t i on has been complete l l l 7 - - - :~_ - _ __- _ .- - - _ _ \ , - - __ _ .. - . . _ _ _ . _ _ _- - __ _ __ . .___ _ _ _ _ _ ; B.- When wottcomp l et e70ur examination,,you'shall -- - . . _ .. . ^ . Assemble your e: adu nati on as follows: (1) E: tam quest i on e, on to * (2) Exam aids - fioures, tables, et ( 7. ) Antwer pagen includino flourec which are part of the answe Turn in your copy of the examination and all pages used to answer the examination question Turn in all scrap paper and the balance of the cper that you did s - not use for answer ing the questi on s . . Leave the examinat. ion area, as defined by the examine If after leaving, you are found in this area while the examination is still . n progress, your license may be denied or revoke . Me W* .4 e **-M ' . 9 8 # M * e _ Y , . I ; w I 1 .- :, _ _ _ . - - v' _ _ - :> . _ ._ _ - ~ - ~ ,, ~ ' ' ' ~ . . _ . ~ , gph ~ -- ._ _ - - ~% ._ U . -S . NUCLEAR REGULATORY _ COMMISSION _ SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR LICENSE EXAMINATION _ _ . FnC 1 L 1 1 'v : _UODDIjf;j _UE Cin,________.__ s - -- m REACTUR lYPE: .fMR-WECi_ _ _ _ _ _ . .__ - DAlk AlrNi N L:>I EHED: H e / 1 1/ < ) .5 . " 19ffDER, ExAMgEh: % . ', , . . ' - - CANDIDalk: , . . " .I N3.TRUC1.l OUS_ lO_ C ANC J D ATE : Use separate paper for the answers. Write answere on one side onl Staple question cheet on top of the answer sheet Potnts for each question are todicated in parenthesen after the quectio ~I h e passing orade of at grade requtres al least 70% in each cateqory and a tinal loant D0%. E: amination papers will be picked up ni: (6) hours after the examination start . : ., - r % OF - lATEGORY % OF CANDIDATE'S' CATEGORY . M6l.UE __ I.O TM, ,__SCOhE___ _MALUL'___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,_._ _ __ _ C O T E G O R Y _ _ _,_ ,_,_ _ __ _ ,_ _ wge . ;2 5 99:___ _ Mz'N _._ ;__._.._- ___.___._ HEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANI ~ " OPERATION, FLUIDS. AND ' ** T6EERMODYNAMICS - .h ** ., - *- " PLANT SYS TENS DESIGN, CONTRO : H.)_ ._ 2 5 . T ,_ __ _ _ . . __ _. ._ . _ _ ._ ,_,__,,,_~,. AND I MS i RUttEN I A I I ON f 3.00 ,25. 00 PROCEDURES - NORMAL, HBNORMAL, ~ -- - EMERGENCY AND RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL - ' ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, _? h 00_ _ r'h '") . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - .__..__ CONDITIONS, AND LIMITATIONG gb p t, k.h) . ou Totain Final Grade All wort dono on this enamin*8tton in my ow I havo neither oivon nor r e ic o t ved at . _ . . _ _ . - . . _ . - _ . . . . . . _ S a . k .. . 4 - i - s .. _ __ ,, - . . m~ . , _,- , e _- . - .- -. _ _. _ - - . __ - ~~~ - n--- ~ -. _ _T -~~ - NRC RULES AND GUIDEL4+1ES FOR LICENSE EX At11 NATION ~ 2- _ _ - _ , - _ - ur- _ . )oring the admini .tration of this ex a m i n a t.1 on the foilowtno ruten apply: _ _ . . Cheat.ino oin the e t aint itat i on inoans an au t oma t. i c dental of your app l i c at t ori - and coold ret,u l t in more severe penaltie *d . He ,t : ot .co tripu at e to be 1 i nin t ed and < >n l y one candi dat e at a t i tne may l ea v. .. You m u e, t avoid alI cont ac tn utth anvoiva out s t de thc e:amtnattoin r onta to avoid na o the appearance er ponsibility 04 cheattn Une black i n!< or ilar t- ponct1 on1y to tact 11 tate legtble r epr oduc t i mie . y,. _E.... ). Pr. t n t y rv ir nain in the blant provided on tlie cover sheet of the e t a m t n a t.1 o n . ). l~ n 1 1 in the dat e on the cover sheet of the e:: ami n a t i on (if necessary). U ;e only the paper provided for answer Pr i n your name in the upper rioht-hand corner of the first page of eac;h sect)on of the answer shee . Consecutively number each enswer sheet. write "End of Cat eqsg _ " as appropriate, start nach category on a Oey page, write only go png nide of the paper, and write "Laut Paqo" on the last answer shee . Number- each a n t. w o r an to catcoory and number,.for example, 1.4, 6 . -*> . d - . > .. Sl:1p a leant thene. linen betwuen each and W* . - 1 Gepar at e an':wer c. h e e t 9 from,pe,g and place ftninhed answer sheets face +- down..oi M our de:A or t_ a b l e . . 12. ti f ,d ib r t . t o f t<>n' ontv ii they ar e common!y u di h ri fact 1ity 1.1_ t er a t ur.u . 12. The p o i n~t value for each question in Indicated irsparenthenen after tiib p. t. n on arul c as e be itsud an a ontde for the depth of anuwer r equ t r e . 'ih o w all c a l c u l a t i on e. . m e t. h a d s , or annumptions used to nblair an annwer to o,a t hoo.a t i c a l problemc whether indicated in the quantion or no T* l 'i . Parttal cr edi t may be qive Therefore, ANSWi!R ALL PARTS OF THE PUl% T I f it ! AND 1)U NOT t.E AVii ANY ANSWER I < t _ nNI .. . 1 If paris of the e:omtnat1on are n o t. clear au to 1ntent, ani: quee,tionn of t h. . .: a n i,t o :r, ( ail y . I '/ . 't i s t i no e i r iipi the ntatoment on 1. h e cover theet that todicates that the worl t- vt a n < >on and you have not rer.e t ved or heen 41vs'n a n n i c, t a n c e in itis' i)' asio n flat 1 (all, lit t 5 mi i h t; lJt' (jfHitt o f t('r the e;l alla t ilall of t hat, C. i hii[ t l f * t t ( b l ( H W. f i c f toip l o f 6 Hi . t I = ,. y .. ,g - ?- 7 ." ~ - :.-a :- . - .. , , . . > ,.~ - . . _ _ _ .- . - _ - - __ . _ .-.- _- ._ _ _ _ - - . - . - . :C Whon y oi t completo your_ examination, you sh.411s- _ _, ~ - - .. ... n y,en,h l e . ,t,or it omination as, follown: (I) Em (p ie- L 1 onn on to . . ( .:) E ~ . un a t f 1 q u r e r. , t al)1 on , et ( '. ) vu r p o p Including figures whi ch ar e part of the air oo T i tro in voor copy of the examination and all pac 4oa Lised to an wer ~ ~ th+. o : con t n a t.1 un quen t i or i ,. . . t. . T ut n in all ucrap paper and the balance of the paper t i s a vot t d'd t not use tor a n nwor t r11_f t.h e question l.onvo t he. 0:: ami n a t i on area, as defined by t. h e e:: ami ner . If after l e %.v i ng, v(su are found in thtn area while the o> amt nation tu ottil t vi p r < >qri m , y cttr 11tence may be dernted or revtte ~ _ *9 - 49* , . $ . Cm. - - . . .~ -. .- 4 , * a,ar"- , . - . , . *mg M 9 # . - .. 4* , , , ,;, . _ _ _ --_ q. u, THEORY ahF NUCt.ERPOWER,,PLONT_OPEIjgLIFNy _F1UIDL_GN . _ - m PAGE 2 _ * 1.4'4.E. RM. O. DY... N. AI.l.T.C _ __ - _ . - - - - - - .--- _-- _ i . --- __, _.- i - _ -- - _ , a i ._- . , . . OllE'iTI(Ifl 15 . 0 1 . ( 1. "sO ) ' ii . Wt i y dc m the time to reach eqt ti 11 he tum countrate becomo 1 oniv r <n9 t i t.t li j o ul i ellarq t n d ot: r si-* % O Cs : , * l'I a )I I a c t- two por p rocos f or. ,per 1or ao ni) a 1 / rl p l o dur a nq a r voc t or ( O . 'j ) itsrto % ., . *** Ilm+t:Y cor t has nootron uources o utlable f r oin cporit anoot tu 6 t u , s in . ~ phot iinnu t r e ine , and the reaction of Antimony and l'ter y l l i ui Ye t. , a f"ol i >n i nor Por y 11 h i on sonrce had i o be inntalIed pr 1 or to initial crit cal Why we r c n " t. h u othor courcoe; nuffictont? (0.b) 01JFS T I DN 5.02 (3.00) . C.4 plain how and why the following factors affect the magnitudo of the Doppler coefficiont,over 1if pn -240 huildup , . ,;,\ , - Iiubion qan hulldup - ; e , ,, F}ool pelle , r; . twell l'a i ;1, eh nai t i cat ion . - . . . * * OUl:3 I IIlii * 's. O ? ( '. ' . 2 * i ) - % t h:o fiq u P e < ?.- * i. 5-3b and 'J-3r: to ou n wus l b o[lowini qi tust i on c . %;, . ,. ' * Uh .t p t,r t n ()n , if aig, of the moder ator d e f 1 :: a t of 16"; pcm f r oari 'll/l' t<> FIF p c ..ri tus att r a tiut od to a pow. r 1nrroaro irom 0 to 6N. p owor I: :pl 4 t ri v o' o a n":,u. r . (0.7%) e, *, % $ %. Ilo' CV pl atit l' ho t rio oper.4 t ett a l o t >'/. power at 4 i:FPD wi t h Dann 14 al ' :i > ,la y e . If horon cont:Ont r at t on don', not. #;hanqo, c a l cu l a t.o } t t i. - s u p ii I i ler t i to. rod tiet utit if power is 1 ows et t'd t ri 5 0 */. . Show al1 t v ,r 6 ,oul - 1. I o 11 .w,umpt1ont,. (l.5) i Ihkkk k I i f k k 8k )k r k ,k)I f h b.() k II f [ l '[ik hh hh0hhh a . . %. _._.Titt!ORy_OE_ NUCLE @f 0Wm Pt. ANT OPIIRAT ION,,.f LtJ I DL_OL4D ~ PAGIF. }., _' ' ' ' - ' ' ' * '~ -- . - . O. I.IV.N. AM. fCT y . . . .. .- - *_ - -- - _ .- _ . _ . . L'I JE'T f I ON 5.04 ( ',' . 5 U ) 'M i . upol r ricar ttus erut of cycit', ist t e r cq. r ate u. .it l ' h W. p s .t u .r ( l,p, i .io r t . h d i4 r < dt ir:o pensor io l's".
- i i stsoi t od'i oli! is t,t i o t . . . a l i t n i..; / ' ."/. pe iwr -e . i nt i a l e od mot 1 ori would be tequired tis m a1 nt aiet ilu3 p l an at 7 M. pouer over the nrm t 40 hour; aunumnno
" io, t i n iti. o i to b or ori c t int en t r a t t i n i t r u_ l u d e any applicatile time (l.til p o r i e n f ., ... L ip) at si hors the (issaor$nodtitt pr odttc tion unti removal mechen t t mt t,ui w .i r . ..u: t i v i t. y t r a n tat,o n t atter a power rodur t t on from 7 5 *,. to t iO*' p oa. *r . l e u. l tido t t ite p r r t i o p., f or t lie v a r ' t o w, r e'ac t i v i t y ( t . 'il e I f v t O ut:5 T I O!4 !.. OS ( ;' . SU ) , ' C1 c t throt. r oa s on's f or maintaininq Rod Innertion L[ mit ~ - - ( 1 . ti) - ~ m . ar o thn advorr.o consequencou of not maintaintnq tho .a w t a l b..What ' (1.ti) . r i f f t r.' t 11mitu? .Incitute the .ic t i d erft which 10 mont 11mitin ====- - . g - e> * 'Utn ..i>S (;'.'/>) ,1 1 t ;11 , ,. o t ., l. . t o u oi ^ h i t t. d a n i l or ito. laut ' ' ' ,ri a y t i tir m i t n t eriant.e . Il I' ,luitritnen u, (qnrat1on a *,. p t iws r- for 'S d ..s y u . p. o ner lit ti., , J'r t i ,r ii) ll > e . f i n 1 14.. i op e r .i t i e q e . tia m cu r:ur r ini d u r t s u) . t. l io . .n. h u t d ryn . .. in t .oic , .r t iyi i ciir r isn t. ) v Io lin) pi r i or mo ol io "O*/. power ut,tnq a a a li.iil a t s "I Iii. Incli t at o wiirt her tind a r : t tuil trtiital control rod p<r,tt 1#iti ut11 h6 . I l l f H i! l< than' l. owl h t h ..e n , or I:GGl tli I rd 1.Y T l W. " AMt; a 1 g , tin. I:Cl- i<o - 'lu- t eil l owi n ni overit n/cciruli t t onn. C on t, t dor s'.ich part .rp.u .it< ly u ni tiohporoh ntI ,. .. RCti t er o> iir e - l 'i e t ric t . ..od ' / '. , p , t ij t a tics, I' C P c al t iti st en (U.'s) Ih .i .r t iip l' di a l a .o "I fnr ui .uld t t 1 ona l fsnir dav '"- (ii. t 8 .. '.t.. di vin p r e - e,ut (- a'tpotot - i t wi >r s erl by .S i p*.t (U.D) ti, n=4I i e d t f ele i4} eel 6 feil I li+ + h I '. h' , IOle* Wr'8 4 66 ) tiligil W a 4* 4 4 *e4 Hi $ 4 5F 4 lio i e ivi g ee nwor el .t i s t , I i ( s gd til.'s) ta", i o ,, , ,i i ,,.in ont, at i,.n i n, r o.n n , b / nii opm dur i .t at t up , w .*i> ... ($44$4 l lt I I (il lit'f UO I.lllll IIllli O llll Ill / \ l 'Ol il , 4404$) " t__INE96L95.BucLgergggWE(EL@NLQEEBO IQ!h,,EL j$,,609,, .a. 3 4 GE' 4' - L s~ ~ N_ - - T-IINBtt0DYtL@ACS ~ ~ r - - -- -w - - , _ .;- - - - , . . - == - . ' - .. _ _ , - e Ot)ESTluN 5.07 (2.50) - 4P .. a.The GY I?CS ic deskqned tg allow arid promote natural circulation. What RCG dosion featuro(n) enauf en that nattewal circulati.on ( flC) will occur? ' (0.9) .*' If, during stablo NC cooldown. AFW flow is suddenly stopped. how wt11 NC flow inttially repond and why? (1.0) If an NC cooldown and c$ncurrent depressurization tr. conductet too rapidly, a void'could occur in tho vossol head regio * - Spoctfteally, what cancen th1s to occur 7 (1.0)- OUE9 T IOf f '5. OG (3.00) How and why tw fool contorline temperaturo affected by the following? ' Conalder uach indopmTaontlys - - ^ ' (1.0) a . Cor t on'i nri . b'ut Idtlp on thu f uol cladding , p- * Fuul donetfication . - ,1.0) ( . % * (1.0) Pollut cwoll $ ~'. _ . . -- * . g, , , OUE9TIUN % . '.4 (2.W.O- .. .- Wtm t is the cubcooling enargin (SCM) of the plant if the following . ' cond t t. t on e, ny,$ o t (1.0) ,, .. Th n%50 F Pp:ra1905 pulo b Tavn=535 r Pm '=700 p n t .) . . . . f +- T t- a5?O Y~ If plant poiEr to rained from 50 to 100'4. how will SCM chanqu(increos decrbaro.ntay the uamo) 7 Why 7 (0.75) Whtch of the f01lowsno would atve a smallor GCM7 Ascume idontical RCS pronsurou. Dr i of I y onp1 a t n why. (Q.75) 1) H C H d or itu) .i control l ed nat ural chrtulation cooldown immodtately following a r oactor t.r t p f roen .i comploto lann of flo ) GCM f rom c ont inund operott on at 57. powor 3) GCM prottuted whon alI l#Cfes aru oporat od at normal no-!oad t emporal.oro atter en t oorlod t. hut tiown. , 44$6*4 CATEGORY 0% CONIINUED Ott NEXT PAbt 44444) _ JCOFly_OF__tStlCl EAF3[ POWER, PMNI _QPFJOIION,._FLUIDh_Qtill PAGE' 'S - U . - ~ " - ~ - - IUEPt10Dyt!Af11ry. 7 - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ , _ , _ , -- _ . -- ___- _ _ _ _ ' ~ - = " ; ,. : ~ - _ . _ (JtlE S T I O N S.10 (2.75) ~. " .N A v cie i ah l e speed contr i f unal p tmip 1- operattnq at 1/4 rated opeed " tvi i Ct I)'31. D '; m t em ut tii the f ot-l owi ng parameters: Pou. r ~_' i n i I , W F 'u mp <lolta P ' SO paid Flc+i 800 opm Hlis t are the new valuWorMhese parameterg wW*n the pump speed ~~ 11.5) t t, t r ir.r ea u .d to full rated speed? gir Choono the answer th t most corr ec tl y comple c'*i tie sentenc ' (D.5) " In a CLOSED sy sitem, two etnole utage centrifugal pismps og er at inn in parallel wt11 h ave--- ( c hoose-f r om-bel ow)- . as compar ed to thn name system with one single stage centrifugal pump < per al i tig with one pump isolated." . 1. double the head and double the flow rat . Iho t,um,, liead and the name flov g t.c. D , ,, 3 . Ltin <>amo h e n.1 and double the flowrato , * h e lou t e l i- the h o od -ar M4. h t- s mnr; Wowrote ~ mo _ lino ik..' a ou l ahlo NPSti chanqo when flowrate5s increased? # Itr i o f 1 < i' :pl ai ti why' (O.7S) . - e .9 OO @ . Ww ~ .- O % tt4%$$ l'lill ()I I',h I h f)(IR Y t l' s $$$$$) ~ ' . . _ .. PAGE 6 6. - PL ANT ~B.Y. STEMS _DESIGW, CONTROL f _AND INSTRUMENTATION _ _ - ,. _ - _ ___ g_ _ _- -- - _ - - . - - - _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ - -- - _ - .= _ _ . _ - . a OUEST10N 6.01 (3.00) Answer the following questions concerning the Chemical Volume and Control Sys, tem (CVCS). - What signal pr oviden the input (s) to charging flow when the chargina flow controller is set to remote and manual? What signal providen " ,the input (c) to chargina flow when the charging flow controller is (1.0) sct to local and attomatic? b . 'Tes c r i be the i riter l oc ks acccociated with the f ollowing valves: . ~~ 1, Letdown stcp valve. LD-MOV-2OO ( 0. 8% . Let douff or t ii ce valves, t.D-MOV-202/2O3/204 (l.2) OilESTION 6.02 (3.00) , '" Answer the Q: - * f oTl owi ng questions concerning the Emergency Core Cooling ,,,, System (ECCS ,g%.. .x - . , - _ e g What olant conditic+s muit 6 to- m se SI actuation? Include ' ( l '. 4 ) setpoints and coincidenc _ , b.3 hen"is 51 olockM _during normal plant cooldowns? How i s-SI * (1.0) -T[I oc k i r i t i ated? _ c If during cooldown SI in blocked and a pressurizer malfunct ubsequently ralI - ressure to 1900 psi o,. what wi ll happen if the cooldown is reinitiated? Assume no further operator action and ~ ~ ' ,n' irk the pressurizer .ma l ,f u, nc t i on has bech correcte , . ,% $ OUESTIOta 6.03 (2.50) For normal operation of the Containment Spray System (CSS), what (1.0) supplies the water and motive force for the system? What is the backup water supply for the CSS? (0.5) . What other system is utillred inside containment to reduce containment pressure follouing a LOCA? (0.5) Will 40 psia in containment automatically initiate the CSS? (0.5) Euptain your answe (***** CATEGORY 06 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) ! l <m . : - h __PL, ANT SYSTEtj5 7 DESIGNt_ CONTROL _3 -AND INSTRUMENTATION: . _ PAGE _ 7 , .. ] -- .. - . _ . . _ _ _ - _ - 2n _ - . _ _ _ - . . - _ -7 q - _ _ - _ __ ____ _ - _ _ _ . _ ~ __ -- .- -_ ,_ :- - _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . QUESTlON 6.U4 (2.50) List the inouts that are used to calculate the Variable Low Pressure Rohctor Trip (VLPT) setpoin (0.5) + Indicate whether the VLPT setpoint wil1 INCREASE, DECREASE, or REMAIN THE SAME for the following operating parameter chanoe Consider each change separately. Assume normal --- system lineups and plant power ' is initially 100%, unless ' otherwise specifie _N ' ~ - - _ _ . . Tavg is less than full loa (0.5) ~g . _ ,.~- - . . Cos. denser steam dumps fail open at BOL and (0.5) rods are in manua . A Reactor Coolant Pump trips off at 50% power. Consider (0.5) VLPT on the unaffected loop (0,5) Let e n.d. low is raised by 40 gp . - , . . . y m, ,~ - -Q- ' - . - g -. m - ,, . . . r OUESTION * 6+4)3pr_. , % (3. M - - _ _ - _ g , - - What would t-[appen_to the f ollowi7ig indications if the listed condi ti ons wer y g urring? E>: plain each answer and consider each case independently. - I nd i c a tIi on s Conditions _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ,. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'St eam ^5enerator l evel -- _ * pam pressure compensation signal - s low, while operating at _ steady-state,, power.- (0.75) -n A power range NI channel-- cold leg temperature decreases by . 10 F, while maintaining 100% (6 actual powe (0.75) Control bank rod height - Tcold input to Tavg channel fails lo (0.75) Difference between Hot-- During a plant cooldown and calibrated PZR level and depressurizatlao (0.75) actual pressurizer level ; l l l l (4***4 CAT EGORY (M CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) l l l L/ - 6_ t dAT SYSTEP1R RESI_GN[_CgNTROL AND_INHR_UMENTBTjgg , % _ , _ PAGE_ 8 - - --- . = . - - __ _ 4 -__ - .. ..- _ . _ -- - . _ - :- ^2 . __ - _ - q - . OUESTION 6.06 (2.50) 1 What two interlocks must be satisfied to start a main feed pump? (0.5) .. The main feed reaulating valves (FRV) are 12) manual and the plant trips from 65% power. If no operator action is taken explain how the auxillary and main feed water s,vstems will respond for the transienY'.' Carry out ... ,your discussion u n t->-1 "t he S / G d r i es out, overfills, or until level .. . , , , " Elabilize (2.0) ~~ .- _ .- - QUESTION 6.07 (2.50) Answer the follcwing questions concerning the pressuriner syste List three trip or control functions of pressurizer leve (1.0) What in the purpose of having continuous spray flow? (0.5) . c.-The. plant is at 65% power with-all the heaters energi ed W ~ . -wg a spray valve fails open. Explain how the plant will respond to this transien (1.0) '~ N- .. - _ ^ g,' . ,. QUESTION 6.08 (2.50) - a. Briefly describe ans AUTOMATIC action (s) (besides alarms) associated q ~ -each of the following Radiation Monitoring System monitors: .- ( 1. 5 ) . -. River Eifluent Monitor (R-18)- ,y - Component Cool 1. 9 Gystem Monitor (R-17) ~ * 7. . Mai n Stack Efiluent Monitor (R-14A) * ~ List the radiation monitors on at 1 east two different systems (6 ,, that can be used to detect primary to secondary tube leakag (1.0) .N . ._- (***** CATEGORY 06 CONTINLIED ON NEXT PAGE *****) w w . . ,. - .no PAGE- 7 9- - \; .. ~ -4 _ _P L;ON T_ _Qy,SIEt4.,3_QE@ lQtLC QN T RQt r_GN D _ I r_lST R UtjE N T AT I_QN _ = .. __~_ _ - ,, ---- -. _ _ .- __-__ .p-, . __ - __ - - _ _ _ p _ , _ _ _ _ -- -- _ _ : = - _ , _ - . __ - _ s _ . _ . . QUESTION 6.09 (3.50) The plant is in hot shutdow NI-12 reads 600 cps and NI-14 reads 800 cp . . An Instrament t echni c i are reports to the +hiit supervisor that he thinkr, NI-14 di scriminator vol t aqe is too hlch. ~ What in mean[lIy the term "*D i's ch mi nft or vo7Eagd"? (1.O) What is the purpose of discrimination in the source range? (0.5) - If the technician reduced-Che magnitude of NI-14's discriminator ~~ voltaqe, what would you expect to see hapqen to the NI-14 (1.0) reaaling? How does " compensation" differ from " discrimination"? (1.0) Be explicit in your answer including where each is use ~ " - , =. - . . - - , . .-. y - # - .. +_ - ; - - _ ._, . . . . . _ - ,. _ ' __ , ~. ,, - - A' _ (****4 END OF CATEGORY 06 *****) w - . .n ' - ) , - -- . , < b_._E'.8QQEDURES_ ;UOEt1@Li. .ABt ,E MAL _EMERGENGL AND , s - ., .;PAGE 10 . ~ - ROD 1QLQGICOL JQNIBQL __ - - - --- -- -- m ._" -- - _ ,_,_ - w., .; - ____ -- . .a , f ; . . _ . . ~ ~ _ , - ._ j T , . _ _- Z 2: _ - - . . . . _ _ _ , _ , - $ _ _ . , - QUES. TION 7.01 (3.00) List - ALL the immediate action sub-steps from E-0, " Reactor Trip or Safety - Injection" that allow you to accomplish the following immediate actions: a) VERIFY REACTOR TRIP, TRIP REACTOR , (1.6) * A **me &. , b) VERIFY FW ISOLATION ,_ #' ~tO.6) c) CHECK IF SI IS ACTUATED - - - - (0.8) . ~. . y p-s QUESTION 7.02 (2.50) If the reactor fails to trip, then emergency boration is necessary per FR-S.1. Answ questions concerning emergency baratio # ~ r % he ,following ~ - -e - a. .. Describe 'the noriiTal flowpath from the Boric Acid supply un-ta it,_.rea g s td RCS. Include ma.)or-yumps*, valves, low in-the alternate flowpath different? , and ' gi g(2.1) . - . . ~ ~ ress.ur.izer, pressure remains ~ ~b. Why'is it'necessary to ensure tfb .. ~~ l'ess than 2350 psig for emergen at4 on* d urghATWS? 7- A (O.4) . _ M- - . %. 7.03 (2.50) - QUESTION ~ - ~ - f The followino 9' questions.,, concern NOP 2.1- M yeactor Startu . . . y _ ~ What is the maximum stable startup rate permitted? (0.5) What must9 e done if Source Range counts double durin . rod withdrawal between scheduled 1/M measurements? , g(f.0) What action must be taken when a critical rod position is estimated or extrapolated from the 1/M plot to predict criticality bel g the Rod Insertion Limit? (1.0) , (4**** CATEGORY 07 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) i l . . - . - -_- .- .- - .. _ - - . - . . . - . - - - -. , . . . . -- . <- ,m a. ..." , - -. y PAGE 11 7 PROCEDitRE@f,_NORtlAla_M NQRMAL, EMERGENCY _ANQ - - - - . -.-- _F_TA_ D_ _I_O_L_O.G I C._ AL. ._C. O_N_ T_R_O_.L., ; , - -, __ _ _ __ __ -- - - -- - -~___ - ; -. , _ _ _ : _ ~~ - .__ _ _ _ , . . _ ..__ _ ~ _ , OUESTION 7.04 (3.50) - f:n t wer the following concerning AOP 3.2-0, Plant Operation Outside Control Roo (0.5) Hou are communications established? - . . . , liow do you determine steam generator levels? Include applicable (1.0) locatio How is a Core Deluge motor operated valve opened and what indication is used to determine that the valve-is open? (1.0) What specific operator actions are necesrary to initiate (1.0) core cooling (ECCS) outside the control room? * . - _ - *. QUESTION 7.05 (2.50) L i s t' the Red Path Entry Conditions for the fqlloding CSF' (1.25)' Setpoints are require ' -' 1 ) Subtriticality ** J Coreloolinq - 3) Heat Sink -' 4) Containment <- An nrange path exists on heat sink, core cooling and subcritical-(0.5) ity ,si mul t an eousl v . Which orange path takes priority? What indications must euist for " adverse contEinment" conditions to be o o f f oc t .. (0.75) *' 6 . 4 (***** CATEGORY 07 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) -) _ _ _ . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ y .. , _ - . , ,. . { _.PAG . %Zr. .._ PROCEDURE,S_7 .N@MOL1 _ ADNORMAL,_EMESf3ENGy_AND . - C -__ _ --- __ _ -EAE OLCRgeL_GONIBgL _ __ _ , _ _ _ -__ __ _ * . _ . _ _ _ - - _---- -_ - - _ - _ - - - - - _ . . = - ~ . _ - - ... , QUESTION 7.06 (3.00) { Ihe f ol l owino [4uest ions concern the precautions and prerequisites of procedure NOP 2.4-2. Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) Operation . Why must the seal water return valves be closed when primary (0.5) pressure is less than 100 PSIG7 List two conditions that al1ow a RCP to be operated without (1.0) - seal wate .~ - What action must be taken if Quemponent Coolino Water (CCW) is (1.0) Icst to the RCP motors? (0.5) Why must RCP motor starting limi tati ons be adhered to? ~ OUESTION 7.07 ' Q yG.25) % . ~~ *A Answcr the.. f ol l owi ng questions c.oncerning a loss of DC bus - "A". .M :m . - z. e , _ . Li st% _si gnal s 'N,coul d hav h au' sed a reactor tri ~ (1.25) - - If a loss- of the "A" DC bus'occuced from 100% power, how would the f ollowiTTo systems / components be affected? State the effect only, ' ~ (1;75) - NOT the reason for t.h e effec * .. 1) Ability to trip the turbine ~ ~ - 2) Spcondarv annunciators - 3) High Pressure Steam Dump e ) Auxiliary Feedwater System 5) Charging flou control valves . Which vital inverter (s) will be lost '? f:).625) ; ." N .. l l (***** CATEGORY 07 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) l l l - . . w . - - PAGE .13 : Z z._ _.EB OC E D U B Eq ic__N QBdh ,_QB U O Bdh jM E SG E U ML,6U D _ _ - - -- - - __ ___ ._ BODIQLQGICQL-- CONTRQ __ _ - . . _ _ _ -- _ __ - ,- _ -CC-_ _ _ _ , _ . _ .- _ .__ ___ _ ____ - , - - __ _ _ . _ - - ._ . - _ e , QUESTION ~~ 7.08 (2.50) What FOUR indications " identify" a cpecific ruptured steam generator (S/G) according to E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture Ruptur e? ( 1. O ) After the ruptured S/G has been identified, the MSIV is required to be shut. What FOUR other actions / veri-fications are required by E-3 to isolate the ruptured S/G? (1.0) - , . . ' What TWO specific actions are required if the ruplured S/G MSIV will not shut? (0.5) OUESTIGN 7.09 (2.25) Answer the following questions concerning EOP 3.1-48, Cavity Seal Failur e me e - List the TWO i mmedi~ ate 'iaperatcir actions for a Cavity SM ~ ' . (1.0) F a i.l.ur e .. _ _ tDIf irradiated fuel assembl i es (g;p .i n the following.Jocations ' (1.25) _when a Cavi ty Seal Failure occur- @ escribe what should be done ~ ~ with the fuel assemblie ,, i n -the core envelope and attached to the manipulaO on crane " I a .f.,hre f u e l tr-ansf er car *" - - e; , In the2CC change f i :: t ur e + , -- ~~' % ,, _ ~ - 4> - E -- . (***** END OF CATEGORY 07 *****) e .. , . . . . . . _ ' _-42;.;0Dt1INMIBOIIME PBOQDUBES __COND1IlogS 1 1_ONQ_(I(11I@l19t4S _ . PAGE_ 14 ~ -- _ -- -- -_ - --- __ -- - _ _ -- -- -- "m --- _ - ~ - _ , _ _ - _- - _--~~ -- _ _ _ - - - ~ ' - ~~_ 3 - - ., - - . _ - ._ - - , - QUES 1 ION 8.01 (3.00) What are the TWO responsibilities of.the Shift Supervisor as outlined in ACP 1. 0 -4 , Radiation Work Permit Completion (1.0) , and Flow Control' (1.O) _ Under whoL condition would a blankeL RWP be isnued? (0.5) How l ont) is a bl ant:et RWP in effect' (0.5) Who can terminate a blanket RWP7 . .-^ OUESTION 8.02 (2.00) Answer the following questions concerning CY facility staffing. Assume plant power is 1007. unless otherwise specifie t M h ,t'- Due to unformeen circumstances only one R dccin tech is available to relieve thW g going. shift. Is this permissible by Tec M pecs? (0.5) - -: . , b. -Whit'~i s the mThimum number of fire bri-gade members ? What i s the minimum ~ * number of operator's'Mecessary for sfe shutdown ? Is it permissible to ' -' % + .use nn individual required for saf e shutdown ~ms a member of the fire ' - hrigade ? (1. 0) - . Per Tech Specs 3 select the one ret of crew mannino that best represen % -- the minimum requrrement for a reactor startup. An STA i s or.-shi f t in ~ -~ rach case. ( O. M - -- . 1-) 2 SO F's , 1 '-RW, 1 T!OP-2 ) 1 SOPS, 2 ROPs3 2 AOPs ~~. ) 2 SOP, 2 POPS, 2 AOPs .-.c ; , _ ~ ^ - 4) 1 SOP, i ROP 3 1 AOP 'd OUESTION 8.03 (2.00) Whose approval in required to make a Temporary Procedure Change that does NOT change the intent? (1.0) Whose approval in required to make a Temporary Procedure Change (1,0) that DOES change the intent? (***** CATEGORY 08 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) _ w ~ = -m }' - - t . . . . . ~ ,. - - PAGE,in15 Nm6EtlldlS186TJ]E _P!jgCEDUBESiiCONQ1 HONE 6NQ_L g6I10NS : - - - - - .. - - - .- - - , ._ -. __ ~ ~ __ .~ ~~-_ - ~ ~- - .j- ~~ ~ .TQ=- -_.-. - _ - - - , . _ , . , _ - _ ~ - - - -. - .. . _ ~ . . . _ . . . .. o ~ - OUESTION 8.04 _ (3.00) . Classify each of the following occurances using the Event' Classification sheets provide Identify what factor was used to determine the final classification. If an event would not be classified under any on-the_four emergency classes, explain why? A small plane crashes on the river bank across from the plan The fuel tanks of the plane have ruptured.and the radioactive ' medical isotopes the plane was carrying cannot be locate One diesel generator is inoperable and a loss of offsite power _ ' occurs. The operable diesel generator fails to start. Convex reports that a lighting strike disabled the switchyard and power won't won't be restored for at least one hou An accident in the containment results in an injury to a worke The worker is in contaminated anti-C clothing and has broken his le Due to the accident the worker receives.2 Rem of radiation PreVio7sl.v he had etccumul ated 500 mrem f er . the . quarter and year. - , , _ em - ..% 4 Following operations at 100% power for six months,~a loss of coolant accidgot occurs insidstcontainment. Dde to a CAR fan malfunction ~. _ containment pressur y eaches 45.psi ' .jg . _ ~.. . - - - - -. _ ~. _ ~ A ~ . , .. _ ~ ** ~ QUESTION 8.05 ( 2. ,50 ),. - % ,, The following questio M are in reference to the Technical Specifications, ~ SecticoJ.18, Power Distribution Monitoring And Cen. tro What are the minimum number of power range instruments required to be continuously monitored when determiaing axial offset by use of ex c dr e --d etec t or s'? -f _ - - - - - .s - . (0.5) - k If axial offset is found to exceed the operating limit-curves for g - three or four loop operation, what two actions may be taken to return offset to within the operating band? (1.0) > State the conditions for the re' actor to be considered at steady ~ i operation when using the incore detectors to evaluate axial (1.0) offse , ' . i (***** CATEGORY 08 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE A****) ! . - . _ - . . - - --- . . . . - - . . - - . . w . ,. ~ 8_.J_.__A_D_t}1tJ_"I S_T_R__A_.T_..I_V_.E. _ P_R_O__C_ED_URE..S LC_O._N_D_..I_T_ _I O__N_ ;. PAGE -A_.N_.D_,_L.__ _ _-~. _ _y - - ----_ .--- - _ _ . __. - - - ___ _ _ - _ __ - - . _ __ . _ - g-- - -=- -_ - ._ . -. . - __ - - - . _ ~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ._ _ _ _ ~ - . _ s . QUESTION 8.06 _ (2.50) For each 1ocation below, 1ist the reactor coolant 1eakage 1imits '- (setpoints) which would appl _ * An tinknown l oc a t. i on . _ tn- T hr ough a prescurizer code safety valve to the PR Total S/G tube leakage for a sinole unisolated S/ RHR pump seal leakag Leakage past Loop A HPSI stop valve, SI-CV-072 '% ._ _ QUESTION G.07 (2.00) If the person to whom a clearance was issued is not available, who can assume the responsibiity for clearing a clearance? (1.0) How is responsibili.ty.for a clearance - , . wm transferred? (1.0) . .J - _ QUESTION 8.08 (2.00) ' Assume that the.pidnt is in. a refuel,ing c o'n d i t i on , wi,th f+el~ unloading .in . p r og r e s.s . The chemis't reports that boron concentration i s' less.than that ~ r e qu i r ed to maintain Seff less than 0.9 What, i -f any, action should be .. ' '/t N' J G - a- ,.,t a k e n ? , - , . . . . . - - _ .___ m- . ,.. ~ . ~ _ _ OUESTION 8.09 _ G. 00) , ADMINISTR(UTIVE VERIFICATION may be used to determine operability C of equipment. Define ADMINISTRATIVE VERIFICATIO (1.0) State whether the following equip ent should be verified operable T by an ADMINISTRATIVE VERIFICATION or TEST RUN prior to removing the redundant counterpart for maintenanc (1.0) LPSI pum . RHR pum . Auxiliary Steam Generator Feed pum . Emergency Diesel Generato How is an ADMINISTRATIVE VERIFICATION documented? (1.0) (***** CATEGORY 08 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE *****) ~= re . . + . . . . . . , _-. . ._ PAGE ... 8 2.._ _ODt!1G I STRAT_l,VE _PBQCEDUBESiLCOND I T I ONS t __AN D 4 Ifj I TOT I Ori@ ~._ -f . -= -- --- _ ~_JL _ - _ _ _ _ - __.- , __=- - = = _ -- - - - _- -__ - . _ . -- w . ~ r ry ~ - ~ - -- _ _ _ _ _ - - _ ' ' ~ ~ OUlksT1UN 8.1o (3.00) List which electrical equipment if! List be operabl e to meet the requirements o fu Adffi6n i s t r a t i ve Technical Specification 3.1 . . ..e ~ - %. . ;~ . .. .. ** * . 4 32- , . ! - .. , -- . + _~_, ~ .- - - . * --= ~+ - _J . . _ .w- .m '. . ..- , ^' ~ . . . . .- - ~~ __ - M - , ._ , . __ . ._ , , %" -m ~ , - . . . cn A (***** END OF C AT EGOR's 08 * * * **) (************* END OF EXAMINATION * * * ************) l l l l l l ' - + - 5 267 - .EQ%TIONSHEET . J_1 x% -[- . - .o __: . -[ ~ ~ - _ _ 3 _ y_. 2 .?- T :(- __ - E _~ v U/t ~ ' __ Cy3Ecff_iciency' o-(N2tWrt ~ ~ -f a na - _ , - out)/(Energy in) ~ ~ , I - ~ ~_ --- - - 2 , w * m9 s = Va t + 1/2 at I E = ac ~ KE = 1/2 mv a = (Vf - V,)/t A = AN A=Aeg - PE = mgn Vf = V, + at w = e/t x = an2/t'1/2 = 0.693/t1/2 E w = v ap - l/2'## * b(*1/7)(t h)3 C(tijg) + (t,)] '~ - . AE = 931 am ~ l'= l n e* . . Q = mCpat Q = UAat I = I e-"X Pwr = Wyah . I=I jo-x/WL TVL = 1.3/u P = P,10 sur(t) - -- - HVL = -0.693/n ... ' C - p,p t/T _ - . - . , }. , SUR =_26.06/T _ :me.- _ SCR M ft1.~- K,ff{ ~ - " _' ._i ' -- CR x = S/(1 - K,ff;) SUR = 2So/ t* + (a -- o)T CR)(1 - K,ff)) = -CRf(1 - k,g . n, n. ' T = ( t*/s ) +- [(a - o )/ o ] - M = 1/(1 - Kf ) = CR)/CR, % T = 1/(o - 8) M " (I - Keffa)/(I - Kefft) T = (a - o)/(la) SDM = (1 - K,ff)/K,ff a = (Keff-l) Aeff * #eff/K eff t* = 10 ~ seconds -f ' >' _ T = 0.1 seconds ~I o = [(1*/(T K,7f)] + [f,ff (1 / + AT)] Idlj=Id P = (r+V)/(3 x p 0) Id 2 ,2 gd 2 l jj 22 2 I = aN R/hr = (0.5 CE)/d (meters) R/hr = 6 CE/d2 (feet) f Water Parameters Miscellaneous Conversions - 1 gal. = 8.345 lbs.- 1 curie = 3.7 x 1010 dps 1 ga]. = 3.78 liters 1 kg = 2.21 lbm 1 ft4 = 7.48 ga hp'= 2.54 x 1 Stu/hr Density = 62.4 lbm/ft3 1 nw = 3.41 x 1 Stu/hr Density = 1 gm/cm3 lin = 2.54 cm Heat of vaporization = 970 Stu/lom *F = 9/5'c + 32 Heat of fusion = 144 Stu/lbm *C = 5/9 (*F-32) 1 Atm = 14.7 psi = 29.9 in. H BTU = 778 ft-lbf 1 ft. H 70 = 0.4335 lbf/i _-----1 _ . _ - - . . _ . _ _ - - _ _ . ..-.._ _ _-- _ _ _ _ - - - - n. c; = =. . . , ,. . ~ e s, , n" . ~ ~ /- ' p-n .. - _ _ - _= _ . _ - __ _w' - _ . . . ._ _ 86-1139961-00 __ - - - - _ Pag > . ~ g=- - -. _ .. . Table I 3ct Connecticut Yankee Cycle 14 ReactivTty DefWits- ~~ . -~[ . . - . - _ _ _ _ * - 0 EFPD Deficit, pcm - Doppler deficit, HFP-HZP 1086 Moderator deficit, HFP-HZP 165 ~ Doppler coefficient, HFP, 1212F -1.41 pcm/F '7 Doppler coefficient, HZP, 535F -1.72 pcm/F -- '# . 4 EFPD Xenon deficit, HFP 2293 Xenon deficit, 50". FP 1696 . 200 EFPD b Xenon deficit., HFP 2333 Xenon deficit, 50% FP 1725 356 EFPD Doppler deficit, HFP-HZP 1126 Moderator deficit, HFP-HZP 553 Xenon deficit, HFP - 2376 Xengn deficit, 50% FP 1758 * - Doppler coefficient, HFP, 1182F -1.54 pcm/F % 0 6 coefficient, HZP, 5357 -1.88 pcm/ F - ' A . , ' ~ - . . . . Table .4.5-4. . Connecticut Y.ankee Cycle 14 Ncminal Axial . _ . . Flux Redistribution Reactivity Deficit Time in Ax3 flux ' cycle, _ redistribution,_ -- EFF0 ocm .c_ 0 -32 4 -38 200 -14 356 4> Connecticut Yankee Cycle 14 - Jble 4.6.: Samarium Reactivity Deficit Deficit, 50 EFPD ocm HFP, equil Xe 949 HZP, no Xe 963 l + _ - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ . .c ' gy e . - - . - - . .2 -. - - _,__- _ _ . -- __- . - - : - - __ - - _ _ _ - n- g _ --- - _ . - -.~ ^ _ , 3;;- '* -. _ _ . - - - - -- -. __- - .- _ ) - . _ _ - .-. ., ~ Figure 6-3b Connecticut Yankee Cycle 14 Three-Dimensional Power Deficit Vs Power Level, ARO, HFP Critical Boron Concentration o o O . i [ - n ' i , I'I . Ii, I-I t I I - J- ; - 1 i . . .: I '2 i ; j l . # ; ti 'I # ' . ; , . l 356 EFPD , , . I ,E , t i ' ,, 200 EFP0 :$ I 3k ; t # - I C i N ,I - r2 I O I ,I i . i J u _I e t() i I EE" a= j ! , s a r 1 A 1 * I ; t - ._ y I ~ 11 L _ - - , - - , y y , -- <> m 1 s _ r r I m 0 1 A * , 1 . A .V A i L, ~ I E .2 e s 1 h E D 2 .E n a A -' I 1 & I . t , T I* f f V d F F J , f ' l' A r 2 . Y f e ~-~ J J A7 M A 1 n I 'E i .i I,J, I I -= : .48 i r . i r- r . T, 1 i *og - , i , 1 J J I r So . I: I1 n *- i- r I 1/I 9 . 1& i . . m I i 1 J !I sr i i 1 I Y A T k r ^ i i e I - r ri w J J '1T ~ } ; , & so O EoPD r o I 1 - s ri e ;1 I! M i i 1 rs I TF s I'. F1 a"'f MPM ._ u , ' . -X ' Jyr i 'I : I t ,W i ,J"-- - s . , .r -- ' I iai ! - 3 ! r _> .wM - . o a - . c _>- s-z. - iit: .. I e .F M 1 1 e '- i i i I # 'f - i i I-1 s ;f f 11 i t i K IJ' 3 i i 3 i .F E 1 F J2 Ir , ss m' i ,W , A" . ,- - ,1 ,1 , ii: , i 1 , _r ,. , , . - M 1 A" l i X_ i r _t _ in i i !T T f .I I i i i i i i i ,#- : < " ' I o 40 60 80 10 0 l b 20 ' Power I.evel. % FP .- - -_ . __ . - . . _ EEEE$RE EM M E E WW Mbl i P ' f ! I ' HZP Intedral Rod Worth, pcm-4500 -4000 -3500 , -3000 -2500 -2000 -1600 -1000 -500 0 ' < o l , L .i 1 A s , . - : I j . N - _ \ 'q* , " '- -----,_ ^_ ~ _: a__ , dq ---- < , < t - %, _ L ; q , , ------s , ; g-- _ - .7 e:.. ._ _ -- . ._ __ .__ q , __ ,n ,.,i ; ,, - . .___ s yn .__.,__, , : - - - -- i x gg ; g N ,g 4 - ; J ___, f .___ ____ . 2 ___ -___.____ _ .__ o, n. , g.- yy : __ , l -- ------ N j g . - o . x ---s N m m ;.L ~-- -- - - -- - '-~~~~ ~ - N . n O- " ; 4 - ,. e p ~ :g; w o ~o - e : s x a ,i r 1 mn i e 5w ,- f -- \, M L a 8 o , , .oir mIa lI ' _ . " i; w-g- \ . \ g o * ._ o 3 .__ ._ ' T \ i I{j "3 , r Y . i-] IIq: ' * ;_ L - i s g ; o _ , __.__... .._..___ _ , . , f 5 -5 -,- -- % & , $ , ,.i m e __ _ * ~- o > m - \s - , ,; j+-_-_ y 9 Q I_- ~ . - _.- n w a ., o %? " - l E 0 ' ' Q \ f,! o -----/ E ' ?g o \ , c. %l ' : 8 x- y w ^~~7 g _-_ ) , ;, -l , N- . __ , , ' , ,=, oa C CD O ' 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 J$ 4 j' . j[ < Dif ferential Rod Worth, pcm/ Step ,, lI , i = t , h l cl , % j . . , , -). - l _ - . _ . _ . - _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ . _ ._ ~ _ _ _ . . ___ , e e ' i mr a . s-a et a. n . i o. i g N TABLE 4-1 E,ME GENCY ACTION LEVELS . _""8+a_ . . .. a.-. UNUSUAL LWtNI ALER . SITE AREA EIERGENCY GENERAL E%ERGENCY . t s.. r DELTA DNE/ DELI A TWO CHARUE-0NE , CHARUE.TWO BRAV0/ ALPHA i i .- : . c.,. . , i... .t,., . .a. .w ,. c , ,w .n emwew mi,m ! - l c . i, u i .r.,w,,e am . .m = i,.s. i am j . ,cc3 1 a, . , , , , ,..-4.... u)C4 m . a...r >$c . 4 t. .a* ~ ., ..... De*1. O, . . . , , - . , .... io e > ... ( t 800 p..g - ( 8 aa km, ca, 7 . ..Ca , .m ..c ., . . t' l . .6 i ., . .. e coas .. sc,c ca .a > .o> p..s,., i e ,ue .. .. LD pv a m ..c.n,n iion e e., .5.m.i.em pe . .*i.*,.i a a Cn m t,v mpame a p D.g,.1 c . ..m ra .S.u.c on.e., m1/c I ...u t.% b'a9 .* 1 .w 89'*.') .aec.t.e.t >t e-t3*m i S.a.Casal g 4= so.. .e ca no m.try . > Foo" f ,. me. D.u. O ., ch.mes,y .mp E - .w => e er .. mes . T cant > %.o 6 F .e , I * .r.mpe.. . . , . . . . . . j . ,,..o.,,,,,,gw m..a.,a, w ,.. . .e inn p..g j y .....<w . mm . . : a * , .I . a .r , >= y + . . E Di 4*ag P,46 .E. D Am .,.co.,s. De R . N,. .f 01 a e .r.cs.e'.t.c.' Of Aav e ap c . Dt . G evn. t mc ' ; y sr C . > t. ..P8te4f C.o, D D. t.=,.. .f, a s m . m . .. .o - - I ( % .a. - . .m ... . . .a.n.,fCC8.*se Cwo . sea mo u..a o 6 ., ., .sc.a . .t nu.s. ....m ... ,,, c , . . > t i ,,o,.,, ,.f 4 , g .. e et once. po , a.ECC5 E ' CMG.pu .i* . s o . D2 LO M + e e e, em pumo c. p cdy> C. . .. C3 4 pehW 8m . .** D2 Paa >egoi D2 R D2 D? D2 Of yp m j y g . .-, PRi se e. '.'* r** .,,,,- .e.. ...e.cs.* . > ioc - o at vcv .a t. ca...u.p.,... iu .L Wa > c. c o, 1 0 gera .a . C a859 .o.m.e..i . ee . . , . eo . bm ECCS... +,ie.s u. sk . , . , , i #.s - _, , > .. C o- c ., . . c ,* .. . .c D.i.. One vs.= *t.abh .t .e 3 he . pre RMS 69. . .et.v.y '. m ., e i., ac .it i .E a- i he a p* a 6 p,. .cr ieg f tee .a s. t svr. .e i E ECCS W g .f, ..if ....i [w acs se e, F -..o. i. ce,,.e P m+c.ORv a.*. o ..m .e .g en acau . * n.n. o e +., en,m * c. ...a : I ; m, . . l l r S g .es.nt e r. c .dy een f 4.mpue t.sae.pi..a ...e..e l *4 ' ' e.n,o . . . me c,. . a .. ) - . p..., ., , t I - - D o. n, . a . m , r * . , e .t. cont pea.or. hest j , e * l , l6 - n on ' I ae,.e.. .., o s,mo c... ion.p., . . c,. ., te d. y RG 8 99 yew (P AD s. ,. peg e, pen q, g . I h . p c.17 of 31 * r * *. $ . . ; . y e } ' ;L , ' N , . 8 3 ., . ' .l #3 . . Il i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _, _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ., . . ' * I e ; A . f l ' l , /. .{ l k' t r * %t =.y t' l, f * - , t , t - LPIP 4.5-4 , , i ' e m.rch 31,1 time ) TAB LE.g4-1 EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS - a.w b , - , -} r .n UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT , (~ SITE AREA EMERGENCY j GENERAL EMERGENCY i "8'" DELTA ONE/DELTOTWO CHARLIE ONE ,' CHARLIE TWO t ' BRAV0/ ALPHA n - ! .9, f .i.miu.n, con .. -, ...n .. , =.a..., .. ...u , c. .. ,. . .. ua,& c .. . c . . . . . . . .. n c.a.. . . ci.. u j .f - m .. s, . siso1n a . an,.. e,.. ia. so ...n., ci.,.co,,, a w > s... w *. o,, to si n. coa ,,. . c n.. .a * l s ,,... .... co e .s .n.... . p,. . t. wig .ad con . cio,/LD RMS ,m.i . e ! . .. of .j t....nus... g na e, .. ..o. coai de m.i o # .coai aws m,....,. .as ..,,,.a coasacs - ,- ,so aus ,, ,. ..i coni e,... , H3 Nd..m coal p,M. I g ' . .ao .na .i . , , .ad, ., ... g op wiw ci .ne,w aus . ; m, . j ( ; 0 Ait .i .) no i os..cfob rv. ton j j *- * }5 i.aa-,.i . c.a ao, .i i I . - n.a. ai. .a proe,.n i, g w - 3 lk h,! ,a ; acio. . ni,,ama ; w,.a...... ; ausam a w ,.a,. .i i..,. , jI y c J, - , . .o >un. .c no,,npon.o.ia, ,~ .i .aao, ..., e,oaico e io ,,c. .c io ,ng aa s a .. a io iio m. o. s . . . .o.i , ,ua..', ' .l , , us.c - 25 a.,,, m,. 2 . i .c 5.c ,o.... cu4 ,,,a.,a...,., m> rsa . .n . o .c . so , . ,u . .. o . . . bei. a .mo a =, > n, =' E e be .ea 700 maeavn, em so ono ma.mme., e,em io po coo mp.mina w , Coat-o .. t a .. . C,)al ,n, t.a9 ,.d, .,,,,,,,. _g g ,m g * 2 0 = 10' R a, .e R .. .u .a.f . = .i oni 2 0. 1000* 10* , .R N .Jn,Reg.-. o g 42 1 f,0 a 50 so ..i mf'en l 88 g ;, sono en..<n, a mu me w ., . g a.i.c.t e ,131 { l [, - 4'* c,onc eee e tai.a. .n f ose F ai c.c on to . c,one a yM * 10 * . Cute t o,a { i S e 10 * ,Ce/cc F = 10 S * to 'pCuc( * .Cucc f i. l 4 ! t j R RMs d.t.rt I. N W<d. . b l g..monao,* di,'g co,,.. n.. W8 pon > ,>? > t a to' .Cusec , SD R.N, m .ced v do.e oft.* co .. > 20 000 4 a- . . ~ , , . r. . . , ... 8 ', ,. ,,n.a. > soue me.a n, ,,.qs&i31l c on.> > 7 * 0* ,C4 cc l s > . . . , j [ .[ ' j s g.. , .. 't n .a i6 , ; - l t i - - - - , _ i , . , l k i . . t i e 'g . Ii * I * . * ' 'I j 6 q h 1 s t 5 , > s i ' I.' l s Q ') n ( , e j' i e- , , HIP .bl t Nru. n i TABLE 4-1 EMERGENCY ACTION LEVELS "#66+ay l' ' * Anm** ALERT SITE AREA EMERGENCY GE NER AL EMERGENCY ', UNUSUAL EVENT . eween teiii DELT A ONEs0 ELTA.TWO CHARLIE.0NE CHARLIE.TWO BRA 00/ ALPHA l < . at t te8 f elGBleC7 g @lW1898 lef eGleCf @tef l et tG60C f i se,testieg t es teg e(v (segel.o6 ca atlee gtvet , f Batittel Cges les et'ge ta sta Cae'telteS ttiste KIgge tslitt 7, testifde atlige ttgit 4 A 'es steestane06 6 A %m e tw s.qsand A Meepsoggical Ofikseep A sterk er hq.mG A act see et est.speted A assige e.ece & AMs de6ett .0=e's A ,ange e.ece #sM5 > 101.M each efeh.ons RMs > le nearios ee eeses careesponding ges enorissos reed ng goevoegioneng so t go 5 ges s,, , eeJeva.oget e6 eeeste sete effle.ent PM'n > a. Semi g elessit telpe.ftp tar more gg > 8 0 WPhem/lw W8 Cs tec h tem t. vet.t esteeci te.96 388's enes, gpe h ,yggsger e maa is em ewwe m > so ty 1ecs 10's,ec=e,ee so se mem nem Wi* eneeen u.,, s,enow 9 so FS er i i 2. ir eCe en so ser to I i, n,,,e , ,, . e.e, * h i.m% es,e e,ces e4 , i maem ae erea enn a do4 eve a*=,,ea . so e e se ,ce30 I aeseeen 7@ isspesserp, te go.eeen 47s0 mMe.nqe SM8 Bro. s to 70 m .s ; - .e ,hAe8* . e. c.o. 95 ,, .e e.astem.sie .e er g e,,, , . s, r es a= Si a.e er .ees.n is,, e , ea re aMiee. en enemso ece. u$ie r, / e.aeavne se saae es h .ano e one=<e e I 8MAe84t/98 et AMTe Gelect 90GG mA cek ht er II.Mf e *A* 1 .,- 6-135 on ie becosit.enere r . to o .seeocs-e,. e,.. 31 . !- ,Cucs so 1 S * 10 * from t t . 50 * ec.'ec se eCuct 9 10 * ,C.*cc f .c l eu mq s . . n i e . .i oe k e ch . e aus ae.eo .~,. n a,e . , . e om c .n cc .m> ir .e s ,C. su, . cm . ,. i - .es.ests a% h. i taioutest 6.I39 en eencfo' ct.asent . Rom we se > Pt > t * tr ,c, w e, so Denis O Reni arise ve some se.e y Men lI ftl09eth.fl. et ege.0 14e eM en n I A gieia > 90810 n.Mos.i hs er PM f 3 dete4e t-1J1 68sncenirs > f * -0. teons ,C. scog+eete g :: ~ t - . - -. .. --- li1 . \ = __ . a . ,,e . . n < . . 4; ;V nMs e,ecim ,m .m e .. *. $ 1- ump -a , . iij>'.. g ween eneresDece.e tre c>eo eee . j , . * i I - ] (' + 5 . . W - D *+ gut eed etsen seves O Aree eed.ohon er m.g'i aermeene _ e se een f ante"finne. 04 sh.cft ' C gp 88DScotel & teue'# depede*Wbn .h the O e shenstaf enf89.o# sous ) sW tsfutes e resset* g ! ' g peegeeig % +; coaeros ed ieooec e e.e,. _ j ' ee * sa .t ea a co ia.e.Mse ea,i t,.i l I . e am.%.Se .e .a coas.e, . Ms w fm .- m c r.,. eio, Sposet twee b6s. derg > o gamernegw ene g eect [ 4 es.boeclevity to COril sedtet G. rect 3 tum bui'*as , . asse eehen af h t ebwvM.en el hew f ben @hfig ecc.deett g $ fadIhftgect.deng _ 0 8 > , ; r . . nc . . .t .. ...e , , .n e l . . . ice e en.e se (. ea one se .,e c.,.s .j ; Gr> e. ptu*e r = .t see 6 andb.celcd , i by & 0%OB ha.esd . ' * #se me.' .r.ep4 me. s.gein 9, 'l' s+w..semes'and l' .,4.,, * ($t-4 4 4%.vt.Sel #. pl ( tl c. . . n,+ .. I . ..4.~.>r. m = ' * e _, .. . . . One Df ..I in ' _ _ . - _ - g, - - - - - . , . T -, 4 ' . + j e h , >,,si j ;. . i e I) . t ,i L } n I f ' e ( ,, TABLE 4-1 EMERGENCY ACTION LEYELS 8*8 t c mu r'ee UNUSUAL EVENT ALERT , $1TE ARIA ENERGENCY me16.{9s6 "*"*'*"# GENERAL EMERGENCY a m'+ mu OELT A DNE/DELT A TWO CHARLIE.ONE ' CHARIIE.TWO BRAV0/ ALPHA 8i I ., . . . ..e n .. . . . . e .ne "* (See. .peg Coettee M Ide .eDeu... x, .. .. .ee , ' Ele tf.f6 (eek tilfl6 Coethee . . te 4 ;l,' . u e ., . so .. .w . .. . o l I; d . . .. o ( .f spe s.o .e. ,.o . # i o . i .. ;g l a ei e, . lc +. ei p ..m SGTR to % pee. ACs .e me. css.on at k.a. . em coni p,.u . &. n,e,s.., c ., l - pr an ee-ege one SG f p E s * . I a. epus cone g one cone cio aus.4D Fasi , a e;, . and.av e.e- 1 meee so p.n .imm er s.. acs sene e c,o 'd , j _ 6 . .i .
- .3 f' ! e, , k' . coni aus me. .e . I
* 4, c.a. tpe..e e.ieci.rso .e.e. coa. p aus.. .e ' I S3[. , y * j e e one n t . 8, and e ener 9t e . g I ca we, e Au1 ' %e f * eie,.. . . . ... . .. -. I -~e.,+. a i... . . A .e. . iw a,. .u neve ..e,... . a s u.e as on . . .c A se . 64ieo ee o .a.eege oc, a . e k s pe . . S net.wo A s t .e,.ene.a. .eo.n .es .on Prp.a. . hp .e . .e., > , n . P. ., >m- . 09 b :'1' ec . w acs,- .nu.... > 15 c , ee op ..ed.C4 t . Ce . .es 5 Done O .n.peret Dr.e..'. .e a es .f' j b o., .I e., on se DC e to.. .e more y - e t DC e e sinona e t e C e -e.t .m.i ! po 4, . > Menv. a g se , p > 2 hr. , - j . .. 3 C tie a C ) cm .4 .. ro.. to. muAn .,.ctor er ' Ij g' h m so e.n e oe$ r.s .: ene. Co G . . ene ee tCCs .9 .* , Cb .be ' D Aep.d 8 ) l A . -e..,w .D..c o aed.e.r, s ; ', . .ee_ e , s.os,s, . i .a eccs a.c .o . s eieo . aee.e a. es s il 4 . . l Ili (, 4r . . .e.e., se . ,c . . . smse g oy.u. .. ' l . -- . .... e..ooen #,. At . e. F ,%.l . I P*. t e mp . .e a.nd 9*, et PR ' N. p, 4 On. . 4 i e . .a e . n . ... .e . .. - ., ,g n 6 . e u e .p.c so. A.6 e, .e c .e..u . #, j se =; .. c.o . . , . . . e... ,. e . ope. sima w ...a u co .c . i.u . s o, c , e' o.w na. en ~a . c w h.,.. . e l . .I e { l g e,.i+..,. ,, . g f .e* . f D e ; c . , ,,e , cc . I ., ,: . , .c e .c ee . . e.. .w t . . . - , . . .. . e.>.,. . I % ey p e . (*.D . I I + { f ,. :s g c.,w . a4 an . . t.d * g - g , me . . , I .. ..w M o r e6 " + h. - . t ?t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; ' . - .L & A - - - - - . - - -- .. _ _ . -- , _ ~ . - .- ~..g .- ~_ _ .- , l ' . , * . l4 ' , !' ) . ; I l . l '- , 5; g 4a ' i . .' e ; : : , a I s , ( R f' . ' i , i , Il ]: . l I .hl i M.o r tis 3 0. t 9 % " ' * h'a " TABLE 41 EMERGENCY' ACTION LEVELS , SITE AREA EMERGENCY GEhERAL EMERGENCY , "**"'** ALEAT UNUSUAL EVENT a'-*'.* , DELT A DNE/fl(LT A TWO CHARLIE b CHARUE.TWO BRAV0/ ALPHA n . . . . . . , . .,, .. , a.n ., , l s ..o.. , , , , .. ,.,m,,,,, ==, ; g., f , < . .. .. . u . . m...n , > l _ . . o o a.,-. , o .c., .,. o o_ .- , .., . . . ; .~-. . . i ,. . .. e.r me-. = pr.y . c m . . ~ , . C.a m - t t' . * , , 'j .. ' , a c.m*nu n.c. g c.p.i>>ry di S o .o ll . E alben l I Ac e g w i...,,. g pW me ..<.. , >.. **" g R swee dicg E .A.CP c e .,S,no .p.ue s. e --.s wc--,-. .cem . e- n,. -e ei= . , .e g t sp - ,,,, . *> #.*#.*M We n.m e ,~s0.r'$.c .N t .S S 35 p n in *8ve .ed.o . .C.--S c. . eg.i.try .m . fue p e *. . .e > 250 3.*.1r.,C .C.=.'.' c.o.r $.D.ano o j I =<ai w.,m.e e . .. e.So e . i, , rm.a. an nw .ia - a. e., ao our, v r , . wia.a.ue ne . . ,. .... . g - .. . . ..e . .,e . se . .e R he e m.s ce l .h. .e.AM e. .ft s.a hi.c.o0 en ,m.. .# .e. t.we * g ' \ 0000 mAe et 4.% I spa eruns t.i9000 mm.* vi. au t. .mG ' ' a.mme .e swf. .m.ct J , p I-I3t e. * ch t 8't3* co. e m t t . e0 * ' .C.scs f.r F I S * 10 . to.* ,Cect s. f . 50 * .r ca * ,Cs,cs , h f RMS e.*.ct i..e p w, ,.a . . g ,'l ,.' . ; co ee i a.=p.n.e.*., 5- an > . io.r. .agc.s.c ., so . ; , I , ,',' . , 2.% * f* a..R.* *,. t .' ee e.'. > 70 000 en.e.n, RMT. or .O ..t * ..p .ft n. > $0fl0.ife.m w l . .e #W f s .c. .c .e 131 , 1 >e ie .c.<ce l ., . .,,,.,.,,,.,,,,,,,, . ,,,,, 4 .,.,,,..,,,,,,,,, . oo, . ., .,,,.,,,,,,,,. , . , . , c ,,i, 4 8 tfll t oof 18 8.rt I, ty cn.r.qy .0cy4.R$8..g ,' . . .g.ed r pd . . ety g fo of t e.w.e.ty of f @. g.g..,g, of . se ., , , pt .st ......-I c- . . , .... . . - o.,,. o k a .e h . F.. comprom ng . m ,c s n. af er.t a ..m. .e . . p.,. p ,..i., Fie. .s.,m . f . ..ine me piene . f . .oi .f.Ey .ye p mp.t rt .'.o. .t f Ih. h.etebr80. of '.Iy 9.. If . ch.4 pen N ,,,' m.v. th.15 50 pu %,. 4.*1.'.t s, . *E - . . . , . . . $. .+.. ..i==w ., . .. mi o.6.. o.o.m., ., . h, ;I'13 , -. , . . %,,, ,. 4 , , o., a . - - . . . .i . . . . . es > %E l . .~ .ea.n. temg { emigu .> m* . . 8 .g.., =s .e +.. > .. s me.m .e, ,s*., . , . . r fWe . ... , , , . g, , . . . .... .e ( -- a . . ~ . . . , . . . . .0 .. I M > . ei s** e 8, t gM 4 I # I '80 3E g a q s. ...g a am ~d., . .I 8.688 . . ~ - # l 9.lf. f 4 .n.)., , ;" . , , . , , . . .. 2- **' i {. g ,, . ..,...s - - - . . - . . - , - q,..,, i . s Il A = * ,~.,e,- . , yp .t L_ /_ ~L ...--%,, - .,y., _$9" -;h - .- . . _ __--+._ . - - __- . . , - _ -~_ - _ _ - ._, -- , _ _ . - ._ - - . _ _ - _- gl -- - -- -- _.:. _ , < - *. -- .- , ~ .- . - - ___ - _ . ' " _ ..: i si - - T.- -- - ._ : 1 9? ._ - _. 93 - e - 'ni 1? - ig IUS U f . 22E 5 g a ~ 5 3 ~ d "E 5 = 5 !! i! , ' 6 'M ! s - !li j .. - ! a 233 : -i 51 Il a i 11. a: 2 ! I = ii 1'0:1 9 11 p .ittes: ! ; - -~ i ; !!!!)hJ1!!!!!p!!ilt i a g ; . . - ! , a i= i" 15, . '!I , ,3. . i.i es d,.Il . -- " .. .. 1 i > ij '*j I !)I * , al lI . , '" liI[I g. i f:!i I ijI $$ff 2^# O **jf I ..! 3Il$I IH! .~. - O M > e 4.'f $Il - t g { {g j.,3=ygas..g-jtg _ . .i*:o g 3' i _ - y s ~ . - - . . . _ _. 3 ~5 tej -- _ . . ;. - m g . ... ~ - - p-g " gff -. - - - _ ql - - - - - - - ~ > ~ ' - - - -4 -. 1g .ag a g g le I, g 8! {g a %-w _ lijgy8 5 a {{ y{j g ** 1 ~e _m% hgl } . . _ -_ * - '4 .i g=l .liin -- __ - . !: .Ik " ! *I ! hie ! 2 - o ., *- 1sl3- a g tie i I b h' t '.Isq! ::s u? I il:!!;[(si.v sIsjk{j t f Ei a g ; ! " * *I UI! !Nd85 [ !lil [ E E b:= i] Il ! * 'I 2!$ j l}8 g - lE t h'Ig'fl 5lg l5 t b 13 ik $I! ~ :: u !r 2 5* 81 t s: ! 'I = I I il g g, 8 l[.l.TIlI{S I' elU 2 I.r j h !!! * ~$! 4 5 : j ~ g -{ ' SOUVIVHUM10-5 I E 1 i _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - , _ _ . - _ , . - - - - - . . . - , . . . . . - . r - .. . . m 5, THEORY dF NUCLEAFLPOWEP PL, ANT __QPERATIQth FLUIDSc,_AND ' _ -F AGE ~ 18 . - ~-- - ~ - " - IHERMODYNOL11C3 -- ._ ' __ -- .. - - T;INSWERS -- HADT)AM_ NECK ~~ -86/13/03-DARBER,. _ _ J_- a _ _ _ _ . .__ _ * ANSWCR 5.01 (1.50) More generations mu g elspce before countrate stabilize (0.5) Predicts criticality Any 2 D (0.25) e Ensures criticaliT/ occurs below RIL .. Conftrms ECP S p o n t a n e o u e_, fission and photoneutrons do not produce enough neutrons for startu (0.5) The Antimony-Beryllium source doesn't have a large nough g a.nma field to activat (0.5) . REFERENCE CY, Neut. Sources ?, SCM LP, pg 13 EO 8 b. pg 12 c. CY, Reactivity and R:< . Cntrl , Ch 2, pg 3,6 EO 2,3 001/010 K5.16 2.9/3. 5 .. - . - w. ., . . . . .:s - .~. . .. ANSWER 5.02 ('3. 00 ) - .~ . Increase (0.25) More resonancet pe[ks avlilatt le to absorb neutrons kkt. 5) ' Decrease (0.25) Gan conducti a vi ty -desreases*-4 uel temp increases, more + peak overlap; So, Deppl er decreases. ( 0. 5 ) [L , .v'p m 4' - q, In$'rt ase (0.25) Gap trecreases, fuel temp decrea'ses, less peak' overla So. LLwpler increases. (0.5) ' (g / , r/ .. .. Decrease (0.25) Gap increases, fuel temp increases, more peak overia . - Doppler decreases (0.5) (0 71[.7'; . n c a d. [ -- . REFERENCE CY, Doppler Coeff. LP, po 6 A 000/001 EK1.18 3.4/ ,, - 'Sp M HEORY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANT OPERATION;.[FLlJIDSt_@ D _ _ PAGE 19' --y -- - - - _ T..HE..R..MG., .Y_N.. A.M I C S. .~ -- -_ - - - . _ _ - , - . _ _ ~ _ ANSWERS ~=- HADDAM.NECli'- , -86/11/03-BARBER, S __ _ _ - - _ . . 98- .:-- NGWER 5.03 (2.25) None 50.25) HUS fave in constant Ia't T S F) up to 65% t-we (0.5) The negative reac ti vi ty of the rods must overcome the positive react i vi ty i rmn power deilcit and Xeno ,- Xenon reactivttv = 2293-1696= 597 pcm (0.5) Power deficit = 1290- 520= + 770 pcm (0.5) = 1367 pcm Using Figure 5-'3c , rods must be inserted to 215 steps on Bank A (0.5) REFERtNCE - CY, Cycle 14 Physics Data 000/001 EK1.23 2.6/ .. . . _ , . ANShJER- 5. 0T (2.50) - _ f Rod; uill need to be withdrailo for about 5 h_o g ,0.,Q.53 and then ~ .inuerted for the ne::t 35 hours !* C O. 5 3 . . -~ ~ ~ E' After f E power decrease,.the production of ,:enon fr Q fission [0.25] - and f ro.n the decey of iodine [0.251 is greater than the removal by decay of renon LO.25] and burnout by flun. [0.25] After five hourn, the remosal rate is greater than the production [0.25] and positive r eact i vi t y in being added until equilibrium at about 40 hours. [0.25] REFERENCE CY, Reactivity and Reactor Control, Ch 5, pg 23 g6 001/000 l.5. " 3.2/ ._ THEQPY' F rdUCLEAR POWER FLANh 0PERATIONt _FLjJI[$[~_'AND _ , _ PAGE _2O - - - - - T_H.E_R__tj0..D._ Y_N_ A_M_ I_C_ _ _ -. - . _ _ _ __-,,,_ _ . _ -__ _ _ _ . _ - - .. ~~~ dN'SWERS -- HADDAM NECK _ .' 86/11/03-BARBER, S.- - .___ _ __ _ _ _ __ . _ . _ - . ANSWER "N.' U S (2.50) Minimize the consequences of an ejected rod accident 3@ (0.5) e Guarantees a sutticient shutdown margin Pro g >s a more nuitab1e power distribution Prevents excessive buildup of fission products in the upper core hal (0.5) li too many FP's build up, their decay heat could cause f uu enel t i no during a LOCA. (0.5) i ,, .,, . f , _,..,t(, < , . e ,u,_ .- e . . m ' < -- C ,.' _ REFERENCE CY, Reactivity and Reactor Control, Ch 4, pq 44,45 s .c . ' 4 7 [ EO 18 001/000 K5.QS 3.3/ .. % ANSWER- 5.06 (2.50) *. _ m ,. ,, - ESSENTIALLY THE SAME '(O.50) -.,g ESSENTIALLY THE 9AME ' ( O. 50 )- - .._,. . . , . - _- (0.50) LOWER (Psat,Tjat,4c decreas'c addinq + reactivity due to -MTC) " . ~ ' HkhHER .-- (0.S0) "' HIGHER . (0.50) e REFERENCE b CY, Reactivit. and Reactor Control; Ch.3, page 40; y b. Ch. 5,page 16:d. Ch.5,page 28: e. Ch. 4,page 4 /000 t.5.17 3.7/ /000 LD.79 3.7/ /010 t:5. 27 3.5/ /010 K5.24 3.4/3.5 l l l l , , . . u - - ~-- ~' PAGE 21,'y - y" 5._1_THEORLQF_ NQQhEAR POWER PLANT OPE 41ATIO3 FLUIDS _AND' d~ . _ ' " - TUERMQDy,00ljil.CS - _ , -- - _ - % _ _ _ _ - _ -__ ~ -p- -__ . , - -_ ANSWERS -- JJADDAM NECK -- ' ____--86 /11/03-DARDER,. ____ __ . _ - - _ - . - s 5.07 (2.50) ** ANSWER The heat niiW must be at a ?.lgherM 1,vation than the heat sourc (O.S) Initially, NC flow will be reduced (0.2) due to lens cold feed water er.t er i ng the ~a/G c aur.i ng lenn heat removal (0.2) uhich cauces higher RCS temperatures in the IJ-tubes and reduces the thermal driving head (temperature difference between U-t uben and cor e) (0.6) The head contatns a large mass of stored energy which can't be adequately cooled durinq a rapid b' - cooldown. (1.O) , REFERENCE CY, HT,FF AND Thermo, Part B, Ch ~5 , po 355-358 CY-OP-RO-HTFF-L65015. pg 4,12 * - ag EO 3,7 _, 002/000 t5.13 3.3/ . ' , 002/000 k5.16 - 3.5/ . ~~~ - 002/000 A4.02 .4.3/ . ,. - . ,. . - - - - . * .w .- ~- ; * ANSWER' 5.00 (". 00) - _ - --.= % ~. . . . FCf lascre;@es (0.3) Co ggnion and. crud buildup will increase the _ ov er a l'l 7 t~'*i u t a n c n to heat transfer. (0.7) . FCT Incre em (0.3) D+ nsi f i c at i on resu M N ~ fuel sh r i ni:ag e and an increaue in th7 oep botween the fitel pellet and the clad. (0.7) . -- m _ FCT decreate (0.3) Pellet swelling reduces the gap which causes . a decroaue in overall resistance to heat transfer. (0.7) gb REFERENCE CY-OP-RO-HTFF-L65010. pg 12,14 EO 5 002/000 lS.01 3 . i / ~. 4 , l I 1 . .,w -- , , ' l . FLUIDSCAND - EAGE 2 2_ _ h. _T!.4EORY OE_ dQCt=E(_b POWER PLANT'--OPERATION ' - -- - - - THERt10DYNAM I CS - -. ="-~~~1]- -__ ... __ _ ANSWERS -- HADDAM__ NECK -- -86/1_1/03-BARBER, - .- __ -- _ _ - - . - . _ - . . ANSWER 5.07 (2.50) F r oin the C-E fil. m lable Tsat for 2000 psia = 635.8 F (0.5) SCM= l s a t -T h =- 635.8-550= 05.8 F (0.5) ' ' ' Secrease (O.25) ' * ' " ' Th increases as unit delta T increases with power. (0. 5) (0.25) Core delta T during natural circulation cooldown will approach full load (0.5) delta That is areater than in the other 2 case REFERENCE CY-OP-RO-HTFF-L65011, pg 12-14 EO 11 '002/000- - K5.Of ~ 3.7/ , - _ * _ .~1 - .__ ANSWER S.10 (2.75) - - - #- _ , ~~ .a ~ . c = 300 * (4) = 19.2 MW (0,5) Pouer(2) = Power (1) t (N2/N1) - Delta P(2) -- delta p(1) .* _ . (N2 / f 41 ) = 50 * (4) =800 Pstd (0.5) Flow (2) Fl ow ( 1 ) * (N2/N1) = 880 * 4 '3520 opm (0.5) (Ot5) NPSH decreases (0.25) The increased flowrate causes a greater head loss due to friction in the nuction pipin (0.5) , REFERENCE CY-OP-RO-HTFF-L65013, pg 8-13,24 EO ~'. 5 . 19 Comp Pump-centrifugal N .1/ No. 23 2 . 1 / 2 . . N .4/3.6 ! l ( . . _ ' s= THEORY dF.NUCl_EhB_E99!B_.ELONI_DEEBOIIOL_ELUIhh_6dh#'-- - ~ ~- ~ 'C' NAGE -23 * --- - THE--- . - _- _ - - - _ _ _ - _- .R M O Y N. A M. I _.- C S_ - - - - - - _ - - - - - e . .. - - . _ . ,_ A*N8WEHb -- HADDAM tM /11/ 03-13ARBER, - _ - _ .-- . -. . - - -- ,_ _ _ _ - e ~ No. 29 370/ _ - - e % ..- e M*. '- d O ', ** . g . - -4-- * _ mW * s - ~. w ~ 'PAGE~~ 24 64,_ PL_@NT_SYSTEF.lS: DESIGN 3 ,_COtfTROla_AND INSTRUME T'ATION - _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ ._ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -86/11/03- _ BARBER, S- -- -- - - ._ o k F W E R S -~- - AADITAM NECK _ _ ~ - ____ - _ E - _ __ .- _ - _ . ANSWER 6.01 (3.00) , , e ? - .< Pressuri z er "l ewl +-F r-or (U.S) Setpoint adjust knob (not manual adjust thumbwheel) (0.5) . Either channel SI signal causes auto clouui e (0.4) and valve is prevented from reopening. (0.4) 2' .'~ fe.tli e c iannel High Containment Pressure (HCP) (0.4) OR - Low pressuriner level ( 1 1. 5'/. ) (0.4) causes auto closur Valves auto open when i n i t i at i tui condition reset (0.4) REFERENCE CV-OP-LO-PR15iS~ LOO 400, pg 10,12,57 EO 1,3 004/020 A4.02 T. TC 3 % --.- 004/020 K4.03 3. O.s/ 5 4- - - ~ _ .w. . , _- * ANSWER . id 02 - (3.00) - __ , rtCS pressure 1700 psig 2/3 (0.4) condition H CP- 5 psig., 2/3 ( 0.- 2 ) s et p oi. n t ~ _ -24w. e ., (O.1) coincidence t 1800 psig SI block is permitted. (0.5) Enesaizing the block switch establishes the SI bloc (0.5) _ _ , .. ._ SI will actuat (0.6) -__ - - REEERENCE 6 CY-OP-LO-PRISYS-LOOSOO, pg 9, 31, 32 g . EO 9 006/000 U4.05 4.3/ /000 V4.13 4.1/ ~- . . , %' ~ _ _ .. = . . - ^ PAGE- ,25' ' 6 -- PLIANT SYSTEMS -DESIGNt COUTROL t -- AND.-I.NS.-TRUME. N T AT. ION _ - - --- - - - -- -- - . - _ _ _ . _ . - _ ~ -- ~ _ fd,1SWERS --- HADD'AM NEflE _ -- ._-86/11/03-BARBER [ Sd" - ~ ~---- _ - . . . . ~ -- / _ -'- _ - - .- _ * - . , 'M % .. ANSWER 6.03 (2.50) RWSF or containment sump (0.5) LPSI or PHR pumps (0.5) -.- The firemain system (0.5) The Containment Air Recirculation (CAR) fans (0.5) . ~ . . * - . . . .. No (0.1) - CSS it a manual syste (0.4) REFERENCE CY, PID, Primary Systems, Sect A, pg 48,4 /000 K1.01 4.2/ /000 K3. ( 1 3.9/ /000 . M. 01 4.2/ . .,. . > ANSWER 6.04 (2.50) - y Tavg, deltm T (0.5) ~ m . Decrease 4 items (0.5) ea - Increase 7 . ; , x , , ;-% t(,, ,. j; g ,,, w g ,, ; % ;cy Increase Remain the same -- R E F E R E tlC ,E CY, PlB, Reactor Protection, Fi , po 23 012/000 K4.03 3.9/ /000 K6.11 2.9/ g6 ** . e . =- m _ - , . .. - - . PAGE . 26 - c.h ft-OUI _ SYSTEMS _DESIGtjt_C QtJTROla,MND_INSIRydENI6TIDU _ _ - g -- . - __ - - _ _ __ -- _ _ _ ~~ - - - - _ ' - HADDAM NECK -86/11/03-BARBER, - --- A,NSkJER9 - - ._ --__ ~ -- - . _ _ _ .S .- ~~ l l > _ .__ -- - - _ -- _ _ ~ . _ - . _ __ ANSWER 6.05 (3.00) Loww level (0.25) Steam flou signal will decrease resulting in (0.5) * .s E * ~- lower f eea r at , . - . Lower (0.25) The incoming coolant would be more dense, which would lower l ealc aae to the power r a:1g e detecto (0.5) ._ %, The Ic fai1ing low wi11 cause P1 ant Tavg to be 1ow (0,5) rods will move out (0.25) to coinpensate for the lower Tavg. (Full credit g i veci if assume that 7 degree rod stop will prevent outward rod motion) .. Increase (0.25) The colder, more dense, water will result in the indicated l evel being HIGHER than actual level. (0.5) REFERENCE CY, PIB, Rod Control, pg 12; RCS, pg 117_ A ' ' " - .. -+e _- W ^ 035/010 A2.03 3.4/ ' TO15/OOO A1.OB 3.3/ /000 K1.04 3.2/ /000 V4.03 2.6/ a, . _; . -. ANSWER 6.06 (2.50) 3 Adequate bearing LO pressure ~( 24 psio) R).25) adequate suetion pressure ( >210 psig) (0.25) FRVs wil1 go w1 de-op when 1evel drops'to 1ess t h a n . 6 9 "/. ~~ -Wh'en-Tave drops-to less to 545 F the FRVs wi11 close-When level drops to 457. the aun feed pumps start and the FW bypass b valves open fully ,. y-When-l evel --r eaches- 69*/. -the - FRVs - wi l-1-c l osemnd the S/G should over-fi11 since the bypass valves are ful1 ope items (0.5) e REFERENCE CV-OP-RO-SECSYS-LO1900, pg 16,1 / 059/000 K4.14 2.2/ i 059/000 K4.17 2.5/ /000 K4.10 2.3/ ( l l , l l . -vcy . ' ..z, .. - .. _ ~ 27 ' 6-. P_L. ANT,- SY. STEMS D.E..--SIGN - t CONTROL..t A14D INS _TRUMENTAT-IOfC P_ AGE - _.----- ___ - . - - - - - - - - _ __- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .,_ - . _ _ _ ~ - ~ ___f5 + 5ERS.-- HADDAM NECK- . - - _ -___ --- - - -96/11/03-BARBER,~ S.; - - - - -- ~ _ ___ - ._ 7 _ _ , . - - ._ - _ 4 .. . .- ANSWER 6.07 (2.50) Reactor trip (0.4) Pur level control (0.3) Par heater control (0.3) Keeps'the rprav nor le warm (0.25) and equalizes the pzr and RCSz boron concentration. (0.25) . Pressure will decrease until the reactor trip (1.0) (Spray valve capacity exceeds heater capacity) REFERENCE CY-OP-RO-PRISYS-LOO 210, pg 49,55 011/000 K1.03 3.7/ /000 A2.03 3.8/ , _ - .. g .. --~ '- '~ ANSWER 6.08 (2.50) - At alarm point it terminakes any li quid discharge i,n progres (0.5) Rrips FRCV-1003) 2- At ala poi.nt causes vent i soliiti on valve-on CCW surge tank _to shut ~(CC-TV-605) isolating the surge tank f rom the environment. (0.5) 3- hlarm, trips the weste gas decav t an t: release v a l ve~. (0.5) Steam Generator Blcmdown Monitor (Rf5A and B) (0.5) Air Eject'or Gas Monitor (R-151 (0.5) REFERENCE -( b CY-OP-RO-FUNHP-L25010, pg 2-4,7,8 EO 4 073/000 K4.01 4.0/ l l l l l l . -u5 -_PLONT2SYSIEMSZ6ESI_GNt_ CONT 8QL._AND_IN 3 @ 5JtjENTATION . PAGE 28 -. - Lw - _ _ - -_.- _-- . _ _ . -- ~ -- ~ _ _ ,45WERrcI'E' at N E C K --- ~ ~ - ~ - --~86/41103-BARBER, __ _ - g _ HADDAM - - - - - - ._ _ - _ _ _ -- -- ____ _ _ _ ._ _ . __ - s - ANSWER 6.09 (3.50) - The discriminator voltatm is a bias s01tage placed on the output from the detector (1.0) ' It is used to eliminate the oamma signal contributio (0.5) NI-14 readiog should increas Y (1.O) Compensation as used i. n the intermediate range affects the output from the detector by placing a voltage on the center can of the detector causing it to subtract the gamma curren (0.5) Discriminations chops off the gamma pulses at the output of the detecto (0.5) REFERENCE CY, PID, fluc l ear Instrumentation, pg 13,19 . _, .- _ - % , - - 015/000 MS.02 2.7/ . - - . - . gg -.. ~ ' ,4 ..Z w ' ~W' . n %- sum f - s O N e < m~ w . . - - ;. Z a _ Jf 8QCE DtjSE S ;; _NQ BM GL ,_ _GQt1080Gl= 3. _E UE 8QEUC v3 _ A N D__ f d . _PAGE , _ . ._ - - -_@D I OL_QGI CfR._CDt1T EDL- - -- - _ - - - ,n---.=-- _ _ _ _ _ ANSWElt3 -- HADDAM NECK B6/11 @ -BARBER, Sw- ~~---'_ ~ ' .__- . - . * - ANSWER 7.01 (3.00) Heactor trip breakers-open E4 items O.4 ea3 --N eu t r on i1ux-DECREASING-All rod bottom lights lit-LIT OR-Rod p oc1m dsi o n indicators-DVM indicates rods on the bottom - t Flow control valves-CLOSED if Tave less than 545 F E2 items 0.3 ea] -FW motor operated isolation valves-CLOSED on containment isolatton S( HL switches tripped E2 items O.4 ca] -SI pumps START and valves actuate REFERENCE CY, E-0, pg 2,3 . -- -. , , _ _ 000/007 PWG -11 4.47 . ANSWER 7,0 2 (2.50) Normal- From the FAMT ( 0 . ,3 ) through the bo ic acid pump ',( 0. 3 ) through - DA-MOV-366 (0.3) through the charging pumps (0. 3) through FCV-110/110A +:>.3) Also, the suction valve from the F:WST is --' ' , . opene (O.3) wAltern ,..Lte- Uses the metering pump at max spee (0.3) To ensure adequate emergency boration flo (0.4) A REFERENCE CY? FR-S.1, pg 3 004/000 K1.16 3.3/ /024 EA2.01 3.8/ . = "7_!__PROCEQURES - NONMAL2_ ABNORM Al,,t _ EMERGENCY _AND _ 5 PAGE- 3d . -- r RODML JGICOL_GOtJTRifL . - _- _j _ _ . , _ _.- - - - , -.= - -- -- .-. __ _ -- __ _ __--- - ANSWERS =~"lMDDAM -NECK - -86/11/03-BAFlBER, __ - . - - ~ . _- ANSWER 7.03 (2.50) , .o UPM (0.5) St on rod withdrawal (0.5) and record, compute and plot 1/M betore continuin (0.5) Stop rod withdrawal (0.5) until baron concentration has beep increased a sufficient amount to raise the ECP above the minimum Rod Insertion Limi (0.5) REFERENCE CY,NOP 2.1-2, pages 1 to 5 001/050 SWG 3.6/ /010 A2.07 3.6/ ~~ . , . ANSWER 7.04 (3.50) ._ ~ _ , . - - By use o f * 'c ort ab l e r adi on~( ob t arfi6d~from radio storage box in the Control Poom) (0:5) -- In the cable vault (0.3) using ..pltmeter at the penetration area - (1 to 9V equals O to 1007. level) 40.7) (Op.cii valve control switch b r e ak.e r , open breaker cubicle door,) cle-e control switch (0.2) pMe " tong ammeter" on 1-i n e to MOV (0.3) push clogpd TOP rel ay and h61 d cl osed (0.2). (When valve hac opened, open contr01 switch on breaker.) When the valve is ful1 open . ( app;animately 10 seconds), the amperage readings rise sharply. - (0.3) A . Open SI stop valves (SI-MOV-816A,B,C,D) and core deluge valves (CD-MOV-871A,B,GyD) at MCC- (0.5) Start HPSI, LPSI and charging pump (.O . 2 ) Open - pu mp -- b r ea k er-_-i n-- EDG r oom ,- - i nser-t-j umpw , start using I"el+t switc (0.3) REFERENCE CY AOP T.2-G 000-068 ELO.18 4.2/4.5 ) l l x Z___P6QCEDUBES n_UQBMOL3 ] DUORU6( uEMEEGEUCLGyp _ _ _M PAGE 31 . ~ ~ ~ ---- - 80DLQkOGIG9L=-COi3T806_ - _Z-1 _ --- . _ . _ -- - _ _ _ . . . _ ----= ~ ~ - -- _ - . . _ _ . '- -86/11/03-BARBER 7 ~ - - > AhSWERS -- HADD W NECK . - - - _ _ . . _ _ . _ - - , . - - _ _ * . . _ ANSWER 7.05 (2.50) . ) Power range 5% _ 2) Core ex t i. TC's ' 1200 F , 7. ) All S/G WR levels (63% ( 67*/. ad v . containment) Total feedwater flow s 320 gpm 4) Containment pressure , 40 psig L5 @ 0.25 each] Subcriticality E0.5] High containment pressure (5 psig) L3 & O.25 each] High containment dose rate (100,000 R/hr) High integrated dose (1,000,000 Rad) PEFERENCE CY-OP-LO-MITCOR-L75004, pg 27 ERP's F-O . . - - . ~ _ ,PWG tt 36 2 g l h K m - ~ ~-- ~ > _ _ _ M - ANSWER 7.0 . - - (3.00) - _ To prevent contamination due to backflow through the sea (0.5) ~ ..t (11 Reactor Coolant System Temperature is less than 200 DEG (0.5) [-2 ) RCP seul 1eak rate is 5 GPM or.less ned20 GPM is f1owing ., _ , throu.:h the the Thermal Barrier Coating Coll. (0.5) The RCP must be stopped wtthin two minutes (0.5) or before either the up[1er or touer bearing temperatures exceed 200 DEGF. (0.5) <' Prevent winding damage (due to the heat from excessive starting current). (0.5) REFERENCE CY, NOP 2.4-2, pas 1-4 0037000 l'"1.03 3.3/ /000 C6.02 2.7/ /000 K6.09 1.9/ /015 SWG11 4.4/ i ; Z:__~_PBQC E DURES NORMAL 2ABNQRt1L_E$GENGY_sND _ ' _I PAGE 32_ 8@pI_gt_Q6%CCQNISO4_- __T _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ ;- _ - - . _ _ . _ - ____ -__ -- _ _ _ , - '- -- AhSWERS -- HA9bAM NECK - -Boe11/03-BARBEE _~ - - - _ _ . , - _ _ * . ._ ANSWER 7.07 (3.25) Over Power High Pr er.,su r i n er Pressure Low Pressuriner Pressure High Pressur izer Level MSIV closure E5 & O.25 ea] ) Unable to perform AUTO (0.25) or MANUAL trip of turbine (0.25) 2) No effect (powered from "B" DC bus) (0.25) 3) Actuates (however, MSIV's are shut) (0.25) 4) Starts terry turbine "A" (0.25) Opens FWRV bypasses #1 and #2 (0.25) 5) Both valves go open (0.25) Vital inverters A and (0.25) - REFERENCE C Y-O P-LO -EOF'-L3202, pages 16,17,1 ~ _ ~ - EO .-~ . , -> 000/058 EA2.03 3.5/ .- . - ANSWER 7.OS (2.50) . Unexpected increase in S/G leve . High radiation from S/G blowdown sampl _ 3. High radiation from S/G steamlin High activity from any S/G blowdown sample E4 items 0.25 ea3 - . Verify S/G Blowdown valves close ($ Close steam supply f rom ruptured S/G to TDAFW pump.( c M r ~- L ' 4 ) Close steam Iine low point drain . Close steam line trip valve, drain , II items 0.25 ea], ' r & c. ;4;$ Gv yM (%O Q hL i~/a NC 1rci kkc lMw,, ~ y,, * i,, 7,\ ,) { kltn , ' . Close non-ruptured S/G main steam line trip valve . Close the nonreturn valve on the ruptured S/ E2 items 0.25 eal REFERENCE CY, E-3, pg 3,4 000/038 EA2.03 4.4/ /038 EK3.06 4.2/4.5 EBOGEQUBE Q _jo8t!OL ~sBNOBt!GL2_EUFJsGEtJGy_GtjD _ .'d PAGE 33 _ -Z _ BGDIOLGG g g _COUIBOL - _ _'l - ~ ] ~_ __ __ ' _ - - _ - =~~.~~__ ~~ - -_ __ -- AIJSWERS -- HADiM NECK - - 286/11/03-BARBER.~ .__ _ ._ - - - . . . _ - W . _ ANSWER 7.09 i2.25) Sound the cntmt evac a l arne Close the SF Bldg cluice gate Move irradiated fuel assemblies to shielded locations EAny 2 .D O.5 ea3 . it back in the core Unlatch the assembly Move the crane away from the core E3 items 0.25 eal 2. Return it to the cntmt but leave it lying down (0.25) 3. Leave it there (0.25) REFERENCE CY EOP 3.1-48, pg 1,2 00/036 EK3.02 _. 7/ _ _ _ . . . . . . , . .. h !
I ' = .. ._- - Os____ADtjltjlSIRAllVE_ PROCEDURES 1 _CQtjD.IllQtjst_ANQ[1,ItjITAllOrjS ;55- PAGE 34 - - --- -,., _ _ -- _ -- ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ Atg l SWERS -- HADDAti-NECM _ _ _ - --86/11/tC-BARBER, S.-__ ~ --_ __ m ~ _2 - _ - - -- _ - m _ , - - - . . . _ ' ... . - ANSWER 8.01 (3.00) . The plant wt11 not tie jeopardized by the work indicated on the RHP No plant evolutions are planned which could change the radiological condiL2or.m tii the work area. (2 itemc O.5 eal 4 Used to record incidental ovposure for routine station activities or where sm al l amounts of exposure will be received. (1.0) //, month (0.5) 7,, g , - ,A f , u 4 , , . . g yh ; ,, ' ' ~ ' HP (0.5) p . <, , , , ,s v. / / ; , "', ' ' ' ' '"# ' REFERENCE , , " ' ' ' ' ' ' .- CY, Al'P 1.0-4, pg 2-4, 12 < PWG16 3.4/ ANSWER 8.02 (2.00) Yes (0.5) __ . - ftre b r i g acle (0.25) 2-safa shutdown (0.25) No, operators required for safe shutdown mus't be exclud'ed from the fire brigade (0.5) (0.5) --. REFEPENCE CY, Tech Specs Sec PWG23 2.G/ gb ANSWER 8.OJ (2.00) On Duty SS (0.5) and 1 member of plant management (0.5) Must be reviewed by PORC (0.5) and then approved by Station / Unit Superviso (0.5) REFCHENCE CV-OP-SRO-ADMIN-L82OO, pg 89-93 PWG1 3 . 5 / ~' . 9 I _5 PAGE 35 8.. _ODMIN[SIBOTlty_[fg-n_- - EDUBES h JCONDITIONSdANr)_L __ , I_MI.TeTIQtjS _- - - A+ W- ~ ~ ~ ~_ - -. N , - ANSWERS -- HADDAM tJEiCF~ _ _ -86/11/03-BAREER, S .__ ___ e _ , g -- [ _ ~_ -- - _ - - - - - - _ e - _ . ANSWER 8.04 (3.00) a. No ewier g enc y classification (0.5) Aircraft does not crash on si te (0.25) ? " . / 't . ,< r - x: ,; ' , . :c,.t - . ' b. Sito Aree En.ergency (0.5) Total loss of offsite power and loss of all <<. onsite power for areater than 15 minutes (0.25) Unusual event (0.5) due to transport of contaminated individual from onsite to o offsite hospital (0.25) .,, :E m- General En.orgency (0.5) LOCA with containment pressure greater than 40 psig (0.25) GRADER'S NOTE: GIVE HALF CREDIT IF EVENT IS CLASSIFIED ONE LEVEL HIGHER AND APPROPRIATE JUSTIFICATION EXISTS FOR THE CLASSIFICATION REFERENCE CY, Foergency Action Level Classification Guide, pg 17-21 PWG36 2.9/ p ANSWEP B.05 (2.50) a. ? (9.5) Control rods (0.5) or power reduction (0.5) . # c. The reactor has operated above 80*/.,of rated power for a continuous peri.od of 24 hours (0. 53 , with control rod bank "B" at a hei ght no less than 270 steps (0.5)# b REFEPENCE g CY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, Section 3.18, pages 3-33 and 3-3 SWG #5 2.9/3.9 l ~ 8 t__.6DUINISIR811MS_PFlgCEDtyf(b CQUDlIlQUS1 _GNQ_l=ldLIQIlgNS ~ __ _ PAGE g36 - --_ n-- 2 . _ _ _ , -._ _ __ _ =w.v' 1 1 / 03-B AR DCR , S. - _ ANSWERS - HADDAM NECK _ _ _ - - m;A-- __ - . _ * _ _ _ -_ -- -. _ -- , _ _ , _ _ - . - . - . - .- ' 4- ** ANSWER 8.06 (2.50) 4 gpm . op gp I* /h gp [5 3 0.~$ eaJ ... REFERENCE * CY Technical Specification 3.14, pp 3-25 002/020 SWG# 5 2.9/4.1 ' ANSWER 8.07 (2.00) i Highest ranking authority onsite in the applicable department. l (Wi11 accept his or her w rvisur) (1.O) l l l l The qual i'f i ed person (Original Responsibility) shall inform the l Person in Authority of the transfer (0.5) and the name of the i successor shall be - ent er-ed in the tagging log (0.5) % REFERENCE CY, ACP 1.2-14.2, CY-OP-SRO-ADMIN-L82OO, pg 111-119 EO 11 . l l PWG 3.6/ ANSWER 8.08 (2.00) T* Fuel unl oading must be stopped (1.0) and the baron concentration raised l l to provide Veff less than Nh 42: (1.0) ? W5 /\t?l' REFERENCE J ,<j 9 fg CY, Tech Spec '.13D, p. 3-2 /036 EF.3.03 T.7/ E___6Rt!1N ISIBOIlVE _EB_ OC E DyBM@ t _GOUD- LI I O[[Q t _6ND J] t11TQI LOtJS - , _ _ _ - PAGE_ 37 _ - .1 _ _ _ _ ,, > - _ . _ . _ .- =- -- - ANSWERS -- HADDAM NECK ~ T 9 C 1/04'-J1(M4ER,_ _ _ _ -- _ .___ [ e , ._ _ __ ___ __ , _ ' O ANSWER G.09 (3.00) e Review appropriate logs or siml1or documents to verify . operability of the alternate or bact:up equipmen (1.0) U , . Test run Test run 3. Administrative verl+1 cation 4. Test run * [0.25ea] (1.0) . Shift Supervisor will make an entry in the Control Room log or SS log indicating his verification of operabilit (1.0) REFERENCE CY ODI-39 . . PWG1 3.5/ . AtJSWER~ 8.10 - (3.00) , ., ~~Two c rcuitt between oficite and onsite safety relate [ equipmen ~ - Two dienel generator _ _ _ . Two 4160 V buces (0.9). . Four 480 V buses (4,5,6,7). . Four 120 VAC vital bucen, Two 125 VDC buses, battery chargers, and battery bank LO.5 each] $ REFERENCE ' T.S. 3.10, Administrative Changes Secti9, ' PWG8 3.5/ . < = " PAGE 1 ~ TEST CROSS REFERENCE - . - - _ - - - - - _= .. - _ g - _ _ . . -- _ - - __ ~_ ~ - - - -- -__ ~ T__T_ ~_- , - - - _. U VALUE Rt-FERENCE _ L_ESJION _____ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - - _ _ =g; __ - - - - - =__ - __ , ^ 05701 1.50 SCB0000301 - _ . ~ 05.02 - 3.00' SCB0000302 - 05.03 2.25 SCBOOOO'303 05.04 2.50 SCB0000304 05.05 2.50 SCB0000305 ' 03.06 2.50 SCB0000306 .. ',- 05.07 2.50 SCB0000307 05.08 ~3.00 SCD0000308 05.09 2.50 SCB0000309 05.10 2.75 SCB0000310 ______ , , , 25.00 , 06.01 3.00 SCB0000311 06.02 3.00 SCB0000312 06.03 2.50 SCB0000313 06.04 2.50 SCB0000314 06.05 3.00 SCB0000315 06.06 2.50 SCB0000316 06.07 2.50 SCB0000317 ~ 06.08 2.50 SCB0000318 ~ '$ ' Q ~$ ~ ' 06.09 3.5) I SCB0000320 ._ . ______ 25.00 . . _ . . g. 01 3.00 SCB0000321 ~ 07.02 2.50 SCB0000322 07.03 2.50 SCB0000323 ~~ ~~ 4 ' ~ ' 07.04 3.50 SCB0000304 .n . ._ %L,05 2.50 SCB0000325 - 07.06 3.00 SCB0000326 _ 07.07 3.25 SCB0000327 01.08 2.50 SCB0000320 07.09 2.25 GCB0000329 ' - - , _ , _ _ . 25.00 08.01 3.00 SCB0000330 -4' 08.02 2.00 SCB0000331 08.03 2.00 SCB0000332 08.04 3.00 SCB0000333 08.05 2.50 SCB0000334 08.06 2.50 SCB0000335 08.07 2.00 SCB0000337 08.08 2.00 SCB0000338 08.09 3.00 SCB0000339 08.10 3.00 SCB0000341 ______ 25.00 ___- _ e.e 6. ein me ese Gem 100.00 T ' ATTACM MENT 3 , d-nounmaast ununus _ . . ,_ 3 .E$ttAs. .nastaO4AETT18LtC'AuC CO.,4888 . .o . co @*.ASI @ LIT.S E.WIC$ W4Bff o- . m co.,- - November 6, 1986 OT-4-86-335 To: Scott Barber From: e (Ext. 205) Subject: Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Examination Review Comments During the review of the SRO and RO written examinations administered at Connecticut Yankee on November 3, 1986 the following examination questions or answers were addressed, but not resolved, as to their validity, accuracy or relevanc The following is a breakdown of the sections and questions with identified points of contentio Attachments or references are provided to address each questio Reactor Operator Examination Question 2.04 Question addresses three RHR flowpaths used in recirculation mode post LOCA. The reference used was a Non-License Continuing Training Lesson Pla These flowpaths are well defined in the following Emergency Operating Procedures. The NLCT lesson plan was not the latest revision, nor is it an appropriate reference for an Emergency System flowpat (Take note of the third flowpath on the key). Attached - Attachment 1 ES 1.3 - Transfer to RHR Recirculation ES 1.4 - Transfer to Two Path Recirculation oS70 AEV 3-83 ent _ _ _ - . . t g Question 2.10d Question addresses turning off the LPSI pumps during small break LOCA with a loss of of fsite power. The purpose as stated in the generic ERG background document for that step is to prevent damage to the pump due to running at shutoff head. The generic background document doesn't address the rating of our emergency diesel generators and their lack of ability to run the LPSI, HPSI, and Charging Pump at the same time. The students may address the need for additional power during a LOCA with loss of offsite power rather than the LPSI* pump running at shutoff head and possible damage to the pum Question 3.03 Question requests list of 4 inputs into the Rod Control System's Average Temperature Control Uni This nomenclature is not commonly used in referencing the rod speed controlle This nomenclature is generic Westinghouse which was not used in our lesson plans or training program. Students may confuse this nomenclature with the plant Tavg uni Question 4.l Question requests the four criteria which must be met for unconditional radiological release of materia The reactor operator curriculum for this program did not include this as an obj ective. This objective was developed af ter the fundamentals portion of this program was completed for INPO accreditatio This class was not exposed to the lesson plan that supported the objective that was used to write this questio Attached - Attachment 2 Senior Reactor Operator Examination Question 5.02 The question does not distinguish between Doppler fuel temperature coefficient or Doppler only power coefficien This can lead to two different correct responses by candidate The key is correct for Doppler fuel temperature coefficient but i must be corrected per attached material for Doppler only power coefficien Attached - Attachment 3 J - --. -. - . . . , * . < , 6 Question 5.05b Answer key assumes a positive axial offset only while the Technical Specification is for both positive and negative offsets. The answer key should accept any LOCA or DNB related event as the accident of concern while operating outside the axial offset limit . l Question 6.01a l Answer key states that the correct answer for the question is _ ! PZR LEVEL SETPOINT when in the REMOTE / MANUAL position on the Charging Flow Controller. This answer is incorrect. The " MANUAL THUMBWHEEL** has control anytime the controller is in the MANUAL position and is independent of the LOCAL / REMOTE switch positio Question 6.05a Answer key should also accept the S/G level returning to normal because the SGWLC system is a level dominant system incorporating a proportional plus reset (integral) control circuit. This design will drive the S/G le.el back to setpoint i despite the low steam flow signa Question 8.01c Answer key states that a blanket RWP is in effect for one month (maximum). This is correct, however, the normal duration of a blanket RWP is ona week. Part I of the RWP is good for one month (i.e., the cover page) while Part II of the RWP is only , good for one week (this is the access authorization list that ' must be completed wach week). Answer key should accept one week or one mont JF/Imh File: ( CY) (MP) l l l . - - - - - .- -- .- . - ._ - . -- , , . _ , - - . _ - -- -. , ., . _ , _ - - _ - - , . , l . , c ATTACHMENT 4 NRC RESOLUTION OF FACILITY COMMENTS Question Number Resolution 2.04 The flowpaths provided in the applicable emergency procedures were also accepte ' 2.1 The reason for securing the LPSI pump is to prevent damage while running at shutoff hea However, it is recognized that the ERG background document does not address the CY diesel generator rating. So partial credit was given for p stating diesel loading required securing the LPSI pump '3.0 This item was considered during grading. The nomenclature was derived from the facility provided reference materia .1 Too much credit was assigned to the Radiological Controls Area. This question was delete .1 Credit given if answer listed no alpha, beta or gamma contamination. Lesson plan objectives in the facility reference material requires candidates to be able to state the requirements for unrestricted release of radioactive materia .02 Key modified to accept candidate's description of the effects on Doppler-only Power Coefficien .0 Per facility Technical Specifications, stating " maintaining offset prevents exceeding peak linear heat rates" was also an acceptable answe , ~ 6.0 Answer changed to Manual Thumbwhee .0 Answer changed to accept that S/G level will return to normal. Other answers are unacceptabl .0 Partial credit was given if one week was listed or if the expiration date of each part of the RWP was specifically state . . A }}