IR 05000213/1986004

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Discusses Insp Repts 50-213/86-04,50-245/86-06 & 50-336/86-06 on 860310-14 & 24-27 & Forwards Notice of Violation
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck
Issue date: 07/22/1986
From: Murley T
To: Opeka J
Shared Package
ML20212A139 List:
EA-86-117, NUDOCS 8607280121
Download: ML20212A135 (3)


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JUL 2 21986 Docket Nos. 50-245 50-336 _

50-213 License Nos. OPR-21 DPR-65 DPR-61 EA 86-117 Northeast Nuclear Energy Company /

Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company ATTN: Mr. J. F. Opeka Senior Vice President - Nuclear Engineering and Operations Group P.O. Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06101 Gentlemen:

Subject: NOTICES OF VIOLATION (NRC Combined Inspection No. 50-245/86-06 and 50-336/86-06; NRC Inspection No. 50-213/86-04)

This refers to ti.e NRC inspections conducted on March 10-14, 1986 at the Haddam Neck Power Station, and on March 24-27, 1986 at the Millstone Nuclear Power Station, of your program for preparation, packaging and shipment of solid radioactive waste. The reports of these inspections were forwarded to you on March 27, 1986 and May 30, 1986, respectively. During the inspections, viola-tions of NRC and DOT requirements were identified. On June 18, 1986, an enforcement conference was conducted with Mr. E. Mroczka and other members of your staff during which the violations, their causes and your corrective actions were discusse The violations are described in the enclosed Notices of Violation and include failure to identify and list on shipping papers and shipping manifests the identity and activity of a specific radionuclide contained in several shipments of radioactive waste; improper labelling of a package containing radioactive material, and improper placarding of the vehicle transporting the package; inadequate training of certain personnel involved in handling radioactive waste materials; and inadequate control over a contractor used to solidify radioactive waste. Although these specific violations were of low safety significance, they demonstrate that deficiencies exist in procedures, training and the quality assurance programs for the preparation, packaging and shipment of radioactive waste. Since violations resulting from these program deficiencies were identified at both sites during the previous inspections of this area in April 1985, improved management control of the radioactive waste programs at both Haddam Neck and Millstone is needed to ensure that these


underlying deficiencies are corrected and violations do not recu r607280121 860722 'ICIAL RECORD COPY CP PKG HN - 0001. PDR ADOCK 05000213 O PDR 07/22/86 mh0 f '

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Northeast Nuclear Energy Company 2 Although the violations at Millstone have been classified individually at Severity Level IV, and the violations at Haddam Neck have been classified in the aggregate as a Severity Level IV problem, in accordance with the " General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions" 10 CFR 2, Appendix C (Enforcement Policy) (1986), we strongly emphasize that any similar violations in the future may result in escalated enforcement actio You are required to respond to this letter and should follow the instructions specified in the enclosed Notices when preparing your response. In your re-sponse, you should document the specific actions taken and any additional actions you plan to prevent recurrenc Further, for Millstone you should describe the status of (1) upgrades in staffing and training in the radioactive waste transportation program; (2) procedural improvements in corporate QA oversight of these programs; and (3) improvement items identified in response to the enclosed Notices. In addition, for Millstone you are also requested to provide to the NRC, Region I, an update report every 90 days until all upgrades are complete In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice", Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter and its enclosures will be placed in the NRC Public Document Roo The responses directed by this letter and the enclosed Notices are not subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-51 . NED BY:

JAMES M. ALLAN Thomas E. Murley Regional Administrator Enclosures: Notice of Violation - Millstone Notice of Violation - Haddam Neck cc w/ encl:

E. J. Mroczka, Vice President, Nuclear Operations R. Graves, Plant Superintendent, Haddam Neck W. D. Romberg, Station Superintendent, Millstone D. O. Nordquist, Manager of Quality Assurance R. T. Laudenat, Manager, Generation Facilities Licensing Gerald Garfield, Esquire Public Document Room (PDR)

Local Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

NRC Resident Inspector State of Connecticut 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY CP PKG HN - 0004. /22/86 _

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Northeast Nuclear Energy Company 3 bec w/ encl:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

Management Assistant, ORMA (w/o enc 1)

DRP Section Chief M. McBride, RI, Pilgrim P. Swetland, SRI, Haddam Neck J. T. Shediosky, SRI, Millstone 3 J. Shea, LPM, NRR G. Walton, SRI, BV-2 T. Rebelowski, SRI, Millstone 1&2 B. Doolittle, LPM, NRR D. Holody, EC, RI (2 copies)

P. Clemons, RI J. Axelrad, IE RI:EC h RI R.SS RI R RI:DRP Holody/gcb P c B /amy McCabe 6/2]/6 q yL R .0RSS N: %dyY RI A iRI:RA IE d I M rtA n Gut erMz Al an Mu ley Axelra '/f(p b'

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