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Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Timely Support for Review of Plan for Commonwealth of Ma Communities.Schedule for Providing Info Requested
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/05/1988
From: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Harrison R
NUDOCS 8802110369
Download: ML20149F021 (4)


I February 5, 1988 Docket No.: 50 443 Mr. Robert J. Harrison President & Chief Executive Officer Public Service Company of New Hampshire Pest Office Box 330 Manchester, New Hampshire 03105

Dear Mr. Harrison:


TIMELY SUPPORT FOR THE REVIEW 0F THE SEABROOK PLAN FOR MASSACHUSETTS COMMUNITIES As you probably are aware, in the last two meetinas (September 16, 1987 and December 22,1987) withNewHampshireYankee(NHY),theypresentedaschedule that showed a spring 1988 graded exercise. To assure meeting this schedule, NHY comitted to put forth the necessary effort to support the ambitious review schedule of the Seabrook Plan for Massachusetts Comunities (SPMC).

There are a number of matters that are beginning to adversely impact the review schedule because we are lacking the following urgently needed information from you. The information we need is:

  • Revisions to the SPMC that conforms your various plan' volumes to the Utility Plan Evaluation Criteria;
  • A description of the alert and notification (A&N) system for the Massachusetts comunities within the Seabrook emergency planning zone (NHY has notified the Appeal Board that the information on A&N will be provided by February 22,1988);
  • Your response to the request for additional information (RAI), similar to the RAI enclosed, that was provided to your Bethesda Office on January 25, 1988.

I want to emphasize that it is imperative for you to provide the comitted support in order to maintain our review schedule. Please submit your schedule for providing the urgently needed infomation noted above.

Sincerely, 8002110369 econos 0$teven ipinal signe'd tiytDirector

. Varga, PDR ADOCK 05000443 PDR Division of Reactor Projects I/II p

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc: See next page *SEE PREVIOUS CONCURRENCE

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NAME :VNerses* :MRushbrook* :PWessman* :FCongel* -

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DATE :02/ /88 :02/ /88 :02/ /88 :02/ /88 :02/C788




S ,

e Docket No.: 50-443 Mr. Robert J. Harrison President & Chief Executive Officer Public Service Company of New Pampshire Post Office Box 330 Manchester New Hampshire 03105

Dear Mr. Harrison:


TIMELY SUPPORT FOR THE REVIFW OF THE SEABROOK PLAN FOR MASSACHUSETTS COMMUNITIES As you probably are aware, in the last two meetings (September 16, 1987 and l December 22,1987) with New Hampshire Yankee (NHY), they presented a schedule that showed a spring 1988 graded exercise. To assure meeting this schedule, NHY l comitted to put forth the necessary effort to support our ambitious review schedule of the Seabrook Plan for Massachusetts Comunities (SPMC).

There are a number of matters that are beginning to adversely impact our review schedule (thus putting a spring 1988 graded exercise in jeopardy) because we are lacking the following urgently needed infomation from you.

The infomation we need is:

  • Revisions to the SPMC that conforms your various plan volumes to the Utility Plan Evaluation Criteria;
  • A description of the alert and notification (A&N) system for the Massachusetts comunities within the Seabrook emergency planning zone (NHY has notified the Appeal Board that the infomation on A&N will be provided by February 22, 1980;
  • Your response to the request for additional infomation (RAI), similar to the RAI enclosed, that was provided to your Bethesda Office on January 25, 1988.

I want to emphasize that it is imperative for you to provide the comitted support in order to maintain our review schedule. Please provide ne your schedule for meeting the urgently needed information noted above.


Steven A. Varga, Director Division of Reactor Projects I/I!

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated ,

cc: See next page p 0FC :PDI  : 3 :ACTD 3DRly/DIR :DRP/DIR  : :



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1. Two copies of the "Seabrook Station Time Estimate" and "Traffic Management Plan," dated August 12, 1986.
2. Documentation on the model and assumotions used for the primary (MET PAC) and backup (HP 41) Dose Projection Systems.
3. A copy of the Annual Letter of Certification and Report on Periodic Requirements as specified in Section 7.6 of the Plan (Section 4.5 of the Procedures).

4 Four copies of the booklet "Emergency Information for Fanners."

5. A status report on the planned Prompt Notification System for Massachusetts Contrunities.
6. A copy of the procedures for the Radiological Laboratory ano ,

statement / description of the types of equipment, etc.

7. A copy of the lesson plans for the training modules referenced in Appendix K, page X-10.
8. A copy of the base cases or access to the computer system with all of the base cases referenced in the Evacuation Time Estimate Study (8/86).
9. A status report on the existing put.lic education progran and the impact of the PSNH decision to no longer consider the Massachusetts sirens as part of the planned Prompt Notification System for Massachusetts.
10. A statement on whether there are school districts, nursing homes, hospitals, etc., within the Massachusetts' plume EPZ that are participating i'1 the preparedness effort with PSNH. If so, please provide a copy of their existing appifcable plans.
11. A statement by the American Red Cross (ARC) on the number of ARC identified congreoate care facilities and their capacity in support of the Plan.

i i


q .

Mr. Robert J. Harrison DISTRIBUTION:

mM NRC & Local'PDRs P01-3 R/F SYarga BBoger.

PRushbrook-VNerses RWessman OGC EJordan JPartlow

-FCongel DMatthews ACPS(10)
