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Requests Info Re PG&E Application to Construct Power Plant at Bodega Bay
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 10/17/1961
From: Alexandra Smith
To: Lowenstein R
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709210028
Download: ML20234B655 (1)


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e N A TIO N AL -

PARKS A S S O CI ATIO N s Publishers of National Parks Magazine 1300 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE, N.W.

  • DUPONT 7-3477 OFFICERS Ctamanes Cottau President l
  1. 'Ec",$e.*f,'n'e^""

Octobsr 17, 1951 Jonw II. Covra Secretary Dowato A. McComuaes Treasurer Apinowy Watys Sw Tu Executive Secretary Patra. Masow Trters, UMer"' o,P&"/,'," t. .t . wwens tein , Jicector Jivision of Licensing and Regulation BOARD OF TRUSTEES HonaC8 M. ALBatcHT l!Lomic Z'norgy Commission '

New York. N. Y. Um shinciton 2S, ') . C.

Hanscar L ALLev -

Tavernier. Ila.

Hanoop L Autuowy New York. N. Y' -

RICHaaD BoaDEN b,dbr br. a.JoNdbb tb1' b I Concord. Mass.

Croact E. Barwen Ja.

New York. N. Y.

Rossa7 Z. BaowN Colorado Springs. Colo. (ith g3(Q73nCO (Q yOQ7 1GIIQ7 Qf 3dpIembe[ 2b f A3bl,

  • *'s^Ji,E Jn",*g"C.

g abouc licensing foc atomic power plants, it was our C^ law"YfX'."N"'f'*" informa tion that the Pacific Gas and alectric Company Wa'dir* "o"n'.'E*E had announced that it intended to procsed with the jaMas C. CHAnttswearH Philadelphia. Pa.

Gaaw r CONWa y 8

Construction of a &Dlant at Bodega Bay; it would aopear RosT/F"CMd from such announcement that a license must have been H5ftUl'o"iScE' Washanston. D. C.

obtain2d fro:n the Atomic 0:nargy Commission.

  • ClansNcs CoTTaM -

Sinton. Te x a s

'Ja"y",Ma,'f,= o c.. 'ia a ch a r: baan an application for such a licensc, and


Nawrom B. Davay has it N an issuoi- '

Berkeley, Calif.

Josuua Evaws ja.

Washinston. D. C.

S Hansen t E'visoN Cordially yours, Putsburgh. Pa.

B. Ftovo FLacuencga Baltirrore. Md.

laa N. GasarrLeow Wa shington, D. C.

LEoNaaD NaLL Caledonia, Mo.


WILDoM f.HEaLD M Tucson. Artz.

MrcuarL Hupos..

Washington, D. C. A Jhon d n9 3mith Dagw,i , Lam a u r EturL L. Laason DOCutiVe 3GCretary M a nistee. Mic h.

Mastin Lttrow Menlo Park Calif.

'Faawa E. Mastamo Carlisle, Pa. '

'Dowato A. McCoaMacu 7 7O / f Washington. D. C.

OLaus J Meant Moose. Wyo.

M. CaaMaM NETTING Pittsburrh. Pa.

Secono F. OLson Ely. Minn.

Jonw Ossewano  ;

Seattle. Wash. j Rsenaan H. Poucu 1 Pelham. N. Y. i Srewcra M. Surrn.Ja.

Washington, D. C

'HUSToN Tuomeson . 1

%washington. D. C.

i ttlaM r. WHanTON '

  • in, M ass.
  • EnecoV LsON E

-. y 8709210028 B51217 PDR FOIA FIRESTD85-665 PDR s

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NOV2 19 61 i l

l Mr. Urban D. Busiek }

1867 E. Ave, Q 12 Palmdale, California

Dear Mr. Busiek:

b r 25,1961, con-This is in reply to your letter of septem ebe erected by carning a proposed nuclear power plantdtoCalifornia.

J Pacific Cas & Electric Company at Bodega On the Bea ,Commaission h!

contrary, '

. You state that you presume the Atomic l t Energy granted permission for this proposed p power an .for theatnecessary AEC plant to the present time no application l although the l

authority to construct and operate a nuc ear l

' Rodega Read has been recatved by the & Electric comunission  !

l nt, Commission staff is aware that the Pacific G is granted by Before a license for such a nuclear power plantforth detailed in the Couzaission an application setting rocedures must be ake a thorough j

, on the plant location, design, and operating p d compiled in a forinal and independent evaluation of the safety oand  ;

canIn the course of this  !

public hearing, that the nuciaar plant f d the other en-undue risk to the pubite health and sa ety.

h proposed. design review the meteorology, geology and hydrolo and operating procedures for the facility, areds that have been pro termining the adequacy of Thethe safeguar Commission would, of course, co to protect the public.

the possibility that an earthquake coul h an accident, particularly f the inhabitants of to the facility and the consequences of sucits the surrounding area. i l te AEC You also ask *%,hy the AEC allowed a s in Massachusetts contractor to v oa regulations by dumping containers of nuclear wasteYour in Boston, Mass-May in ' shallow water?" ta

'trations of Crossroads Macine Disposal Corpor vetts.

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.l NOV2 1961  !

Mr. Urban D. Busiak  !

contractor of the Atomic . Energy Commission but a licensee au-thorised, in 1952, to dispose of low level radioactive wasta in Massachusetts Bay approximately twenty-two miles from Boston in an eres designated by the Corps of Enginr+rs, U. 9. Army, for the disposal of explosives and toxic material.

Obviously its disposal of westes at that loestion pursuant to its

' license did not vielste AEC regulations. At that time Crossroads Marine Disposal Corporation was the only licensee authorised to s engage in such sea disposal operations and the types and quantities  ;

of weste authorized for disposal were such that it could be safely disposed La the M*==ahaatts Bay area. However, wbss, in late 1958 and early 1959, several additional applications for authority to sagage la such sea disposal operations were filed and it appeared ILkaly that the quantity of westa disposal at see would increase substantially, the Caunission determined to require that auch dis-posals be made in water met less then 1,000 fathans deep. Aeoordingly, Crossroads Marine Disposal Corporation was notified that it would also have to seek a new disposal site off the continental shelf in at least 1,000 fathoms of water and its license was so ==aad=d effective Angmat 15, 1959.

You aise meat. ion the current Ca===taaion investigation of the in-tagrity of cost.atanes used for sea disposal of radioactive materials.

This survey is a part of the Comed.asion's contimutas efforts to protect the publis health med safety, which is the overriding com-l l sideration in the managemaet and administration of the Atamic taergy operations, including the disposal of radioactive westes at ses.

ilhile serveys conducted in October,1957 of both Atlantic and pacific ocean disposal areas indiosted no build-up of radioactivity of public health significance in the disposal. areas, and thus supported the Commission's belief in the safety of the AEC's ses disposal operations, the Ceamission nevertheless undertook this study to obtain additional information which might provide a basis for further refime===t of the sea disposal sentainer criteria established for such operations.

nie trust that the above provides the information you desire.

Simmerely yours, orena# sang ey R. Lcwennein.

Robert Lewsmetain, Direeter ALEMEL Division of Licensing @and Regulation FI OGC 00C Di&R x3333g BADLOCK: ken COBBER JOHNSON FOUCEARD LOWERSTEIN 10-30-61 10- -61 10- -61 10- -61 10- -61 i

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NOV 17 061 -j j


s. 1 - -et Cederborg, Esq.

1002 syndicate Building 1440 Broadway .  !

Dakland 12 California i

Dear Str.'Cederborg:

This is in respones to your letter of October 9,1961, con-aernias Pacific gas & Electric Company's efforts to acquire 64.9 acree belongias to Mrs. Rose S. Gaffney on Bodega Road.

Pacifie Gas & Elsetric Company has not ' filed an appliestion with the <*-8 maine for authority to construct an atomic power plant sa Bodega Bead although the cometission's staff is susre that the Pacific Gas & Electric Company is considering construction of such a plant at that loestion. h Atomic

,, Energy Commaissian's itsensing authority over nuclear reactors deala prunrily with protection of the public health and safety.

It.' dees not beoems involved - therefore, in such matters as property rights, land requisition and seeing considerations.

These matters are normally resolved with local and state offi-cials prior to the submission of an appliestion to the comunission.

If Fasific Gas & Electric company files such an application with the Commission a detailed safety review will be undertaken by the e-f amien's taahnf mal staff and by the Advisory Committee os Reactor Safeguards. The review, among other things, will include an examination of the sevironmental charasteristice of the site, such as smetogical, hydrological, meteorological and seismologloal features, the nature and use of the surrounding area and the design features incorporated in the facility for the pre-taction of the public.

La eddition, a formal public hearing will be held before a coer-struction pannit is isseed for a aselear power facility. Amy perona obese ietsresta may be affected may file a petition to es.=*" h *

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S. Leonart Cederborg, Esq. -2. ,,. ,

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1 intervene and be permitted to ;rreeent his vieve at such boarin6. i before the thtmaica decides whether to issue a permit and what l conditions will be prescribed. ,

1 i

Sincerely yours.

.I anonai unu )

by H. Loahama-Robert Lowenetsia Director Division of Licensing med Regulation j 1

cc Pacific Cas & Electric Coogany l


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iBodega A-Plant' Hearing .


,s~ Gas Jm i

P.Q.&E.' jfower ' Bargain' PacifTe and that a conventu r:1 tue: plant.demn for its plant site.

Doctrie Company arv of ident: cal me at B dega, Cedt rborg said the plant W p rday that h Bay would pmduce electric 'would ruinwne of the last 1 proposed 564 rnil!!on try for 5 9 mills per kilowatt scer.ic recisation a r e a s in hour, operating at the rame > Northern California; would a.tornic power plant at rate. ' endanger the entire commu.

hodega Pay would give The Bodega Bay plant .mty; lower the water level of g g gg;p, gh, initially stil be fuefed with Bodega Bay: deflate property a 78-ton core of uranium. ; values, and be generslly un.

hPeet owlear ger.erated A procession of witnesses si-htly. -

.. AWQ,7 JR repreeersting pubhc g r o u p s j But Stuart hizoc, repre-

$tatek. s . ! .-the. -Unlited eed privatelandowners,teau senting the ninecounty Red-l Th said the sta. Oed that Sonoma county aad I Don, 30 venthatbete e its o p the Scuouse cedsty eesst, m pa a entizes n y's the supported a ppbcs said the pient tioncould to l'become a major visitor attraction.

wood E m p I r e Association, would predges electricity br build the power plant. . '

t.5 mins:pse kilowatt hour, pigstyy 5 kept la operation 90 per %e only dissenting voice -

was that of S. Lentwrt Ceder-Mn,:ff

*tent of the time.

This aset==te is the low- borg, attorney for Rose Gaff-y est ever ferocast for a run- ney, wtao owns 64 acres w hich o n p n w n ,.


4) car fueled plant in the U

% w, or *:w'*d.S the rempany 25 tr>ug to con-ersge cost of. Producing er.- Cost Below OtherFuel .

ergy,at 8 Jn111s per kilowatt hour. Production of eIect rie that separates Bodega Bay power by atomic energy will from the ocean.

J.' pean Worthington, the soon be economically feasible Deputy State Attorney Gen-firm's chief civ!! engineer, in . northern California a Pa- eral Ralph Scott urged the told a California Pubbe Util. PUC to impone restrictions cific Gas and Elcetric Corn- for the protection of fish and lties Comminion hearing pany engineer testified at a wild life, if the PG&E appli-State Pubhc Utilitics Com. cation is granted. Scott ap-mission hearing > csterday, peared for the State Depart-J. D. Worthington, chief ment of Fish and Game.

De hearing will continue PG&E cini enpncer, pre. today before PUC Examiner.

dicted that the cost of gener.

atinc electric power at the Leonard S. Patterson.

company's prnjected 361.000,-

000 atomie ener:;y plant at Bodega Ray Sonoma County, will be less than with other fuels.

Worthington was testifying in support of a PGLE appli.

catwn for authorintion to proceed with construction of the Bodega Bay plant.

, The PG&E facility would be built on a 223-acre alte (

at the south end of Bodega '

Head, the peninsular strip I

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~"" Arc' h ;aeologist to Comb Si'e,q

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idFci.Sonoma A-Power Plant -


'. ~

  • lsts g 111' make a p'the

's.urvey of property on Bodega l ' A'dobe hiins located on .

, y,. Head, Sonoma County, where.jproperty will be left undis. h d _)

, . , ' the Pscific Gas and Elcetne turbed by the survey. }fisto.

..,' Co. plans to build an atomic rians and archaeologists have h l

(( l


  • 7


r plant. Apeculated that the ruins may I i

.~ E President N. H. he the remains of a Hussian j

. . ' .Sutherland reported mfort, Sanpossibly built near the end of the Isth century.

, ., . .. .. .. .[. Francisco that Western tage, Inc., archaeological con- llen.

,' The ruins are located out-sultants, has been retained to side the contemplated con.

. ,.,' .. "! ;.,,[. make the anve::tigation. struction 2 o n e . Sutherland .

j s (J.;; gg,,,'

1 g Particular attention will be said the company has been i

directed to CampbeH Covp, advised that these should be 1 M.2,6 s - , . where the power plant's in. left alone as long as it is un.  ;


,e -/. l ~ ,,, ; take structure eventually will necessaty to disturb them,

%d y . be located, and to the bluff t.ecause lechniques of excava. l

. Q .g.,,,.f. .above CampbellCove. - i tion improve steadily.

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j~ Interdepartmental ~


Conununication ^

.J To: State Dn11AtnPublic San Francisco,g ssion Utilities Commi, u (m / . ,$ n

[.s. -% , j, v.wr California Date:

Attention: March 12,1962 Frmn: R. J. Pajalich, Secretar y File No.

Department of Fish and G ame l



Utilities to construct a Commission bLate y Pacific Gas sai Electrierning Applicati

,a filed Exhibit c nuclear power plant at Bod c Company forrequest to the Public ega Head a certificate Utilities Commission'Ibe statement of March pursuant to e ,

Mr. Morrissey,n was made Exhibit understanding between (22 M maiof the Departmen Mr. Harold Bissell representatives Game, and Mr. William B was amended

r. Worthington, Mr. lemutz 10,-1962 Marchnd Gam

, rep msentative of Pacific of the Califo Oes and Electric C and {


ompany, ricca, and the Department of Fishh amendments this attorney for

. the PUCrnia n Departm to h le \


exhibit be made construction of the propoer of March 6 refermd to (

conditions of any certifiand Game asks that the '

'the Department of Fi sed plant. are hereby set forth,tions cate issued by the PUC plant which P08E propossh and Our Game has a great e ifor th improvement ofmatter purposes es to build onwith publicconcern Bodega this Headnterest in the nu (

effects'o,f with accese.

andconstruction the preservation a i has*to to spublic lands do of for primarily fi h with the ret ention and We should like to operation of the plant., the marine resource fros ing m adverse fish upon and from theof the State Constitutiocall your' atte excepting upon inada public landsn utiicti states '"the;5peoplepart of ..;. .

C absolute rigt to f1Wthestate shall ever be soldY or tra t

shall have the right to eries redpon

, ? ;;, ( . . . . . .'" saiaatinnothe

'nsferred waters without land owned ,e thereof in th pos,erving by.the

' j

.issued Accordingly, by the PUC the . Department'of ,

yy v .l-fishe.. people: the e should incitada the followiami Game; recommends th .. .

ng conditions: y license 4 d

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($ Public Utilities Cormiasion Wi Jewch 12, l?62 p'.


J.f q.

Screening of the intake lines shan be constt

( type of screening as adapted for use at th ami _ Game. (Se

.t plant wouli be satisfactory.) e P084 lerro Bay

. "l 2.

t ,

g,. The compsey, subject to such restrictions as ,

3 law on it, shall make provision for pedestrianmay be imposed'b

, tidelanda to h north of the intakeaccess on the south of h intake structure for ure'to the struct the pur frem the tidelands s

mitting public access to the outer je, tty and the publi pose of per-i

[. 3 c lands.


j 6ccess safety. to as arach of Bodega Head ordingaSe publie licensee ~s s is consistent with public G 4.

to the Department of Fishowing: and o the Game Commission and- the follLi

" a.


An in theassessment vicinity. of the =4ving s of the waters characterisitj of currents

b. i A qualitative ani reasonsble quantitative s ecology of the plant. of the area potentially' influenced urvey of theby marine th e e operation c.

Collections ami radio-analyses of marine years prior to the operation of the plantorganisms for two

d. .

A continuing radioactivity monitoring pro and vi3d. life resources during operation gram of of thethfish

5. e plant.

Licensee shall maintain liaison with the Dep '

and one or more recognized authorities in Mariartment of Fish and several universities on theami installations inaCalifne Science project influences marine environment dornia, regarding

6. n its use.

should results of the studies provided in Item 4 indicat

=1 ring, dilution ami dispersion of radionuclides a d insufficient interested parties revision of these conditions.,

or the Commission'can n vaninrequestveter a then

, rehearing reg,arding tion of the marine resource zc mai for access tCondition now appear adequate for preserva-additional o, power units are installedo at fiahina, e.

this sit fact change as .

" Since certain opera ti Atomic Energy Commission, the Department callng conditions y the of t$1s pla of public accesa and movement in Bodega Hartrors attention to poss and Doran Park. ,

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i Public Utilities Commission 3 March 12, 1 %2


Accordingly we view with alarm the constru tire c 0 public to public lands, either in connectioe right of access by the because of units added later.

n with the proposed plant or

/. ,

Deputy 4 f Director cc:  !

l Mr. Robert Hollis Electrical Section, PUC

' i i

Copies to:

Col. Alexander GrendonPacific Gaa and Electric Company (

Mr.' Mn. Shackleton, WPCB Dr. J. M. Heslep, DPH Mr. Daniel Slater, USFWSMr. JackonPrather, Sonoma Co. P Mr. William E. WarneMr. Rodney Southwick, AEC, Berkeley Mr. Ralph Scott Deputy Director i Region 3 NRO, Terminal Island i

HRO, Menlo Park i

Water Pro jecta Branch a'

6 s

  • i 4 1. . .


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