IR 05000302/1986001: Difference between revisions

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| number = ML20138A360
| number = ML20205P087
| issue date = 02/26/1986
| issue date = 05/14/1986
| title = Insp Rept 50-302/86-01 on 860106-10.Violation Noted: Inadequate Verification of Design Change to Borated Water Storage Tank
| title = Ack Receipt of 860404 Ltr Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-302/86-01.Results of Evaluation Will Be Provided at Later Date
| author name = Belisle G, Smith C
| author name = Reyes L
| addressee name =  
| addressee name = Wilgus W
| addressee affiliation =  
| addressee affiliation = FLORIDA POWER CORP.
| docket = 05000302
| docket = 05000302
| license number =  
| license number =  
| contact person =  
| contact person =  
| document report number = 50-302-86-01, 50-302-86-1, NUDOCS 8603140208
| document report number = NUDOCS 8605210148
| package number = ML20138A353
| page count = 1
| page count = 10

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{{#Wiki_filter:ti s Florida Power Corporation  May 14, 1986
/TTN: Mr. W. S. Wilgus Vice President Nuclear Operations P. O. Bo,x 14042, M.A.C H-2 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 Gentlemen:
SUBJECT: REPORT N0. 50-302/86-01 Thank you for your response of April 4,1986, to our Notice of Violation issued on March 7, 1986, concerning activities conducted at your Crystal River facilit We are evaluating your response and will notify you of the results of our evaluation at a later dat '
We appreciate your cooperation in this matte

Sincerely, ( original signed by V. Brownlee for)
Luis A. Reyes. Acting Director Division of Reactor Projects
, cc: g,F.McKee,NuclearPlantManager f/. R. Westafer, Manager Nuclear Operations Licensing and Fuel Management bec: RC Resident Inspector Document Control Desk State of Florida RII RII RII R RII GBe isle:btm 'C ,an VP o :iera -
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Report No.: 50-302/86-01 Licensee: Florida Power Corporation
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  ' 320134th Street, South o St. Petersburg, .FL 33733 Docket No.: 50-302  License No.: DPR-72 Facility Name: _ Crystal River 3 Inspection Conducted: January 6-10, 1986 Inspector: f d / N    2. - 26- Efa CM p . Date Signed 2 -24 -#4
Approved by: , -/ r [
G. A.' Belisle, Acting Section Chief  Date Signed Division of Reactor Safety SUMMARY Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection entailed 32 inspector-hours at the site during normal duty hours, in the area of design contro Results: One violation was identified - Inadequate Verification of Design Chang T 8603140208 860307 PDR ADOCK 05000302 G  PDR
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REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees
*P. Breedlove, Records Management Supervisor
*C. Brown, Nuclear Outage and Modifications Assistant Manager
*J. Bufe, Nuclear Compliance Specialist
*J. Cooper, Jr., Nuclear Surveillance and Modification and Approval Record (MAR)TestSuperintendent C. Dutcher, Nuclear Construction Supervisor
*B. Hickle, Operations Manager G. Hildebrandt, Instrumentation and Control Engineer
*R. Jones, Nuclear Modification Specialist C. King, Flour Field Engineer
*J. Lander, Nuclear Outage and Modifications Manager R. Mahaley, Flour Project Engineer
*P. McKee, Plant Manager C. Mizeu, Construction Verification Engineer
*V. Roppel, Manager, Plant Engineering and Technical Services D. Ruzic, Construction Verification Supervisor R. Wagner, Florida Power Corporation Plant Engineer
*K. Wilson, Supervisor, Site Nuclear Licensing NRC Resident Inspectors
*T. Stetka, Senior Resident Inspector fJ. Tedrow, Resident Inspector
* Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on January 10, 1986, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection finding No dissenting comments were received from the licensee. The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio Violation: Inadequate Verification of Design Change, Paragraph Inspector Followup Item: Revision of Program Controls for Pework Process, Paragraph Inspector Followup Item: Completion and Closecut of Appendix R Fire Detection Installation, Paragraph . - - _- _ - . --. - --.
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:  3. . 'Lidensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters
. This subject was not addressed in the inspectio '
l  4 .' Unresolved. Item '
Unresolved items .were not identified during the inspectio . Design Program (37702)    ,
References: (a) 10 CFR 50 Appendix B,' Quality Assurance Criteria for r
Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants, Criterion III (b) 10 CFR 50.54(a)(1), Conditions of Licenses i-  (c) Regulatory Guide 1.64, Quality Assurance Requirements j    for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants  i
;.  (d) ANSI N45.2.11-1974, _ Quality ~ Assurance Requirements for I j    the Design of. Nuclear Power Plants
  . (e) ' Regulatory Guide 1.33, Quality Assurance Requirements  i j    (Operations)    j
,        .
  (f) ANSI N18.7-1976, Administrative Controls and Quality i    Assurance for' the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants-
  (g) -10 CFR Part 50.59 Changes, Tests and Experiments
!.  (h) Technical Specifications Section 6.5, Review and Audit  !
        - ,
The inspector reviewed the licensee's design change program required by  l t
references (a) through.(h) to. determine if these activities were conducted  .
  . in accordance. with regulatory ~ requirements, industry guides and standards,  t
:  and Technical Specifications. The following criteria were used during the  !
review to assess the overall acceptability of the established program:
  ~-- Procedures have been established to control design changes which  !
include. assurance that a proposed change does not involve and  ;
unreviewed safety question or a change in technical specifications as  !
required by 10 CFR-50.5 Procedures and responsibilities for design control. have been
  ' established including responsibilities and methods for conducting  i
,  safety evaluations.
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Administrative controls for design document control have been established for the following:
Controlling changes to approved design change documents
Controlling or recalling obsolete design change documents such as revised drawings and modification procedures Release distribution of approved design change documents
- Administrative controls and responsibilities have been established commensurate with the time frame for implementation to assure that design changes will be incorporated into:
Plant procedures
Operator training programs
Plant drawings to reflect implemented design changes and modifications
Design controls require that implementation will be in accordance with approved procedure Design controls require assigning responsibility for identifying post-modification testing requirements and acceptance criteria in approved test procedures and for evaluation of test result Procedures assign responsibility and delineate the method for reporting design changes to the NRC in accord:nce with 10 CFR 50.5 Controls require review and approval of temporary modifications in accordance with Section 6 of the Technical Specifications and 10 CFR 50.5 The documents listed below were reviewed to determine if these criteria had been~ incorporated into the licensee's design change program:
Florida Power Corporation FSAR, Section, Design Control Section, Corrective Actions CP-111 Documenting, Reporting, and Reviewing Nonconforming Operations Reports, Revision 32 M0P-504 Processing of MAR Field Change Notices, Revision 2 M0P-508 Turnover of Modifications (Completed / Partial) to Nuclear Operations, Revision 2 M0P-405 Job Completion, Walkdown, Turnover, and Nonconforming Item Reporting, Revision 5 M0P-600 Construction Verification, Revision 3
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I The . inspector randomly selected several Modification Approval Record (MAR)    !
packages and conducted a narrow: scope indepth review of the Design Change    '
Program to verify procedural compliance with the accepted QA program. In    1 addition, a review for technical adequacy was conducted for the selected MAR
packages. .The activities of the Construction Verification group during the implementation of the' selected MAR packages were also reviewe The following is a listing of the MAR packages used during the above review:    !
MAR No. T84-06-05-01, Remove ES Signal to MUV-64 Valve
MAR No. 80-09-18-01, BWST Isolation Valves Interlock MAR No. 80-04-06-01, Condensate System Low Flow Control
MAR.No. 81-05-33-01, Smoke Detector Placement and Location MAR No. 77-07-01-04, Remote. Shutdown - Preoutage/ Outage Electrical Terminations MAR No. 82-10-19-10, Appendix R - Fire Detection Installation
  .The licensee has established an enhanced design program which provides for system /ce'nponents walkdowns prior to and during the detail design process.
i  Project walkdowns are intended to establish communications between the design office and site personnel on' a continuing basis. Topics covered as they relate to the design efforts are as follows:
Installation Operation Testing        '
  : Inspection Trainin Maintenance ALARA Other particulars associated with nuclear plant modification The enhanced design program also employs a Construction Verification group
  'which ensures that completed ' design changes 'are in conformance with the specifications, drawings, and instructions'
and associated Field Changes Notices -(FCNs)provided  .
with a Verification The Construction MAR Work Package program was -implemented for MAR Work Packages installed during Cycle' V refueling outage.
Pursuant to discussions with licensee management, the inspector ' determined
that the Construction Verification Group verified installed MAR Work Packages. by performing appropriate construction tests, e.g. hydrostatic testing. . Later activities of this group were confined to the review of
  . completed MAR Work Package to verify the- adequacy of the' Quality Control
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  (QC) inspections , and their results. . Licensee management stated that    !
<  construction verification of approximately 25% of the MAR work packages
. installed during Cycle V refueling outage was performed in this manne '
. The1 inspector reviewed the following Nonconformance Operating' Reports
  ~(NCORs) to _ assess the adequacy; of corrective action for identified
2-  nonconformances:.
;  Factory Mutual System QA/QC Program Monitoring Report No. 85-03, dated    :
6/24/85 TNCOR No. 85-102, MAR Packa'ge Discrepancies,' dated 6/25/85
;  NCOR No. 85-53, Welder Performance, dated 4/18/85 i-  .
s  Nonconformance Operating Report'No. 85-53 identified nonconformances in ~ the'    I
welding program- in that two welders failed to follow work instructions
,  , provided with the-work packag The licensee attributes the_ root cause as  .;
  . failure ' to follow procedure, and corrective actions were -initiated for
disposition of the nonconformances.
  ' Factory Mutual System QA/QC Program Monitoring Report No.- 85-03 identified    ;
five nonconformances with the welding activities associated with MAR
,  No. 82-09-22-0 Nonconforming Operating Report No. 85-102 addressed the 1  findings of this report and determined that the root cause was a failure to
;  follow procedure. Licensee management also determined- that the findings    l i  - were significant because of generic implications. The imediate impact entry block for the NCOR was classified as unknown, with the statement that a review of other MAR packages. may be required to assess the generic    !
i  implication .
;  The inspector discussed the-status of the review of MAR packages for generic
;  implications with licensee management. The inspector was informed that a i  review was conducted, and- the results were satisfactory. Based on the    ,
!  - review of the - corrective actions listed on the NCORs, the inspector    '
determined that the corrective actions were appropriate for disposition of    ;
the nonconformance Additionally,. copies of the NCORs were given to the  i (  Engineering Branch / Materials and Processes Section for review of technical    !
  ' adequac Nuclear .. Modification' ..and :0utage Procedure M0P-405, Paragraph,    !
;  assigns responsibility to the , installer for providing a preliminary
disposition. and. obtaining resolution of an exception if the item can be    ;
reworked in.accordance with the~ original approved. MAR, Work Package. etc.
i  This occurs prior to the review and approval of the disposition by the
cognizant Nuclear Project Manager. Additionally. if this disposition is
!  . approved by the Nuclear Project Manager, because the program defines " Rework    l
Exceptions"' as dispositions of nonconformances* in accordance with an    ,;
i  : approved MAR, Work Package, etc Nuclear: Operations Engineering is not    3
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provided an opportunity for review and approval of these disposition Because of the above program requirements the inspector reviewed the processing and disposition of items appearing on the Incomplete Items List (ICIL)/ Exceptions List Log for. the selected MAR packages. The inspector verified that nonconformances identified in approved MAR Work Packages ( design errors); and nonconformances identified before or after the Walkdown and System Acceptance phase of the MAR Work Package, were processed as Field
. Change Notices (FCNs). Nuclear Modification and Outage Procedure M0P-504 delineates the controls applicable to the processing of FCNs. Paragraph describes the responsibilities of Nuclear Operations Engineering for the preparation of FCNs and for identifying FCNs that require the Plant Review Committee's review and approval, in addition to review and acceptance by the Nuclear Technical Specifications Coordinato . Based on the above review the inspector determined that the processing of nonconformances associated with MAR packages appears to be adequately
controlled. However, concern was expressed regarding weakness in the program controls delineated in M0P-405, paragraph Licensee management concurred with the inspector's observations and stated that M0P-405 will be revised to require the approval of Nuclear Operations Engineering for nonconformances dispositioned via the Rework process. This is identified as an Inspector Followup Item and is discussed later in the repor Modification Approval Record (MAR) No. T-84-06-05-01 involved the removal of the Engineered Safeguard (ES) Signal to Makeup Tank Isolation Valve MUV-6 This temporary modification (T-MAR) was made permanent by MAR No. 84-06-05-01A. Approval for the modification was requested by licensee
management, and approval was provided by the NRC in the following letter:
NRC letter dated August 22, 1984 to Mr. Walter S. Wilgus, Vice President of Nuclear Operations from John F. Stolz, Chief Operating Reactor Branch #4, Division of Licensing, Subject: Crystal River 3 -
Removal of ES Signal from Makeup Isolation. Valve MUV-64 In support of their request for the above ES actuation logic circuitry modification the licensee made the following statement; the Makeup Tank Isolation Valve MUV-64 will be capable of being closed by operator action in 5 minutes. Additionally, the closure of this valve within the c'.ated time will not cause unacceptable reactor coolant baron dilution c. aring emergencies, prior to manual isolation of the valv Modification Approval Record (MAR) No. 80-09-18-01, BWST Isolatici Valve Interlock, is intended to reduce the possibility of loss of pu np si ction to the makeup pumps, and complements MAR No. T84-06-05-01 which r: moved the ES signal from MUV-64.
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The following is a summary functional description of MAR No. 80-09-18-01 extracted from the MAR documentation:
This MAR provides an interlock to each of the two BWST isolation valves MUV-58 and MUV-73 which opens these valves upon receipt of a low-low level signal from the makeup tank. This interlock ensures that water will be available to the makeup pumps in the event of a false (single side) ES actuation that fails to open one of the two isolation valve In addition, the interlock ensures that water will be available to the makeup pumps from the BWST to reduce the emptying rate of the makeup tank to allow time for the operator to manually close MUV-64 before the makeup tank is draine To maintain the function of valve MUV-103 and MUV-112, which permits the operator to manually fill the makeup tank with demineralized water, the setpoint of the existing interlock for the bistable MU-14 LS2 valves will be changed from low-low level to approximately three inches above the low-low leve Equipment being changed:
  (1) Control circuit of BWST Isolation Valve MUV-73 Train 'A'
  (2) Control circuit of BWST Isolation Valve MUV-58 Train 'B'
  (3) Set point of MU-14 LS2 Equipment being added to the Remote Shutdown Auxiliary Rack Train A and B:
Tag N Description  Model N A B Contact Output Isolator N-2A0-L2C-R MU14 LY1-4 MU14 LY2-4 Dual Absolute Alarm  N-2AP+ ALM-AR MU14 LY1-3 MU14 LY2-3 A design error was identified by the licensee in MAR No. 80-09-18-01 in that the manual override of the low-low level interlocks to MUV-58 and MUV-73 was omitted from the original desig Field Change Notice (FCN) No. 7A was subsequently prepared for addition of a manual bypass switch. The inspector discussed with Licensee Ma 3gement the system operation as modified by the implementation of the abovt MAR to ascertain the significance of the manual override. No written technical system description describing this mode, i.e. Makeup Tank level low-low and MUV-58, MVV-73 open, was available for review. ~This mode of operation is not described in the FSAR. Based on the
system configuration and the instrument set-points, the inspector determined that the manual override is required to provide operator capability for closing the BWST isolation valves during operation of the makeup pumps from the BWS A Safety Evaluation of the significance of removing operator capability for closing the BWST isolation valves while the makeup Tank low-low level existed was never made. This design error is identified as a violation and is address in paragraph 5.a of the repor .
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An additional design error was identified by the licensee in MAR No. 80-C4-06-01 Condensate System-Low. Flow Contro This system is non-nuclear safety .related and does not provide a basis for a violatio However, it 'is presented as an example of what the inspector perceives to be
  : a generic problem in the design program. The intent of the MAR is to
  ' provide throttling capability to valve CDV ?42, i.e. as a minimum, the seal-in contacts of the motor operator mus be deleted to provide this capability. The MAR was designed, checked, verified, and implemented. The
,  error was discovered in the field during testin Field Change Notice (FCN)
No. 2 was subsequently prepared to delete the seal-in contacts and change the limit switches to enable the valve to throttle from full open to full
close position Modification ~ Approval . Record (MAR) No. 77-07-C .-04, Remote Shutdown -
Preoutage/ Outage Electrical Terminations involved extensive field wiring of components on the Remote Shutdown Panel. A review of this MAR Work Package identified numerous problems encountered . in the field. Some of these problems were attributed to errors in the Engineering Instructions prepared
,  by design engineering. Because of _ the large number of nonconformances j  . identified, and which were dispositioned as FCNs, the number of FCNs
associated with this MAR package is extraordinarily hig This is l  indicative 'to the inspector of weaknesses in the design program;
;  specifically the verification of design process.
l  Within this area one violation and- two inspector followup items were
  ' identified and are describe in the following paragraphs.
, Inadequate Verification of Design Change i  Modification Approval Record (MAR) No. 80-09-18-01 is an extension of MAR No. 84-06-05-01A and provides added assurance for reducing the
,  possibility of loss of pump suction to the makeup pumps. This MAR
  .provides an interlock to each of the two BWST isolation valves MOV-58 l  and MUV-73 to open these valves upon receipt of a low-low level signal
from the makeup tank.
I  A design error was made in that a manual by-pass switch to be used for
defeating the low-low level signals was omitted from the initial
  ' desig This switch is required to provide manual capability for i
closing the BWST isolation valves during the. time it takes for the
!  low-low level interlocks to change stat ,
,  The modification Safety Evaluation prepared for MAR No. 80-09-18-01    L 1  pursuant to 10 CFR_50.59 did not address the significance of removing
!  the closing of' the BWST isolation valves from the operators control.
:  The. Verification Report prepared for MAR No. 80-09-18-01 indicated that the verification method was by design review. However, this . design review process failed to identify a deficiency in- the design. This
;  failure of the design control measures to provide for verifying the adequacy. of design by prformance of design reviews is identified as i  violation 50-302/86-01-0 '
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9 . Revision of Program Controls for Rework Process The inspector expressed concerns regarding the design change program requirements delineated in M0P-405 Paragraph This has to do with the disposition of ICIL and Exception Items via the Rework
  . Process, without the review and approval of Nuclear Operations Engineerin The Licensee has concurred with the inspectors concern and has agreed to revise M0P-405 to ensure participation of Nuclear Operations Engineering in the disposition of nonconformances via the Rework process. Until M0P-405 has been revised to delineate the new requirement, this is identified as Inspector Followup Item 50-302/86-01-0 ' Completion and Closecut of Appendix R MAR MAR No. 82-10-19-10, Appendix R - Fire Detection Installation has been implemented in the fiel A review of this MAR Work package by the inspector, however, identified the following documents as missing:
Cable Pull and Termination Sheets    l Anchor Bolt Installation Sheets    ,
The inspector informed licensee management that since all MAR documentation was not included in the MAR package this would be  !
identified as an Inspector Followup Item 50-302/86-01-0 L Licensee Action on Previously Identified Inspection Findings (92701)
f (Closed) Inspector Followup Item 302/85-38-01: Commitments Requiring Plant Modifications The inspector reviewed a licensee computer printout, MAR Responsibility and Control Report, and discussed the status of MARS initiated pursuant to  (
Appendix R recu'rements, or NUREG-0737 commitment The licensee has  t devised a code tenich defines the status of MARS /FCNs as either in closure  !
(#6); Field complete awaiting accumulation of data (#5); or Field complete  ;
in MAR office (#4). Lower code numbers (i.e. #3 through #1) indicates the  :
MAR /FCN as being in the planning stage or the early stage of development by  [
design engineerin l A review of the above computer printout and random check of MAR Work  l Packages still in the MAR office (#4 and greater), appears to' indicate that the majority of above MARS have been field installed and are in various  '
stages of closeout. The computer printout appears to accurately assess' the  i
. status for the MAR packages measured by the inspecto .
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Revision as of 08:51, 12 December 2020

Ack Receipt of 860404 Ltr Informing NRC of Steps Taken to Correct Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-302/86-01.Results of Evaluation Will Be Provided at Later Date
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/14/1986
From: Reyes L
To: Wilgus W
NUDOCS 8605210148
Download: ML20205P087 (1)


ti s Florida Power Corporation May 14, 1986

/TTN: Mr. W. S. Wilgus Vice President Nuclear Operations P. O. Bo,x 14042, M.A.C H-2 St. Petersburg, FL 33733 Gentlemen:

SUBJECT: REPORT N0. 50-302/86-01 Thank you for your response of April 4,1986, to our Notice of Violation issued on March 7, 1986, concerning activities conducted at your Crystal River facilit We are evaluating your response and will notify you of the results of our evaluation at a later dat '

We appreciate your cooperation in this matte

Sincerely, ( original signed by V. Brownlee for)

Luis A. Reyes. Acting Director Division of Reactor Projects

, cc: g,F.McKee,NuclearPlantManager f/. R. Westafer, Manager Nuclear Operations Licensing and Fuel Management bec: RC Resident Inspector Document Control Desk State of Florida RII RII RII R RII GBe isle:btm 'C ,an VP o :iera -

vSE1 od DVerrelli ,wS 5/d/86 5/ /86 5ff86 5/]/86 5/g/86 7

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