IR 05000302/2014001

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IR 05000302-14-001, on 02/11/14 - 03/31/14, Duke Energy Florida, Inc., Crystal River Nuclear Plant - Unit 3, NRC Inspection Report
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/29/2014
From: Marc Ferdas
Division of Nuclear Materials Safety I
To: Hobbs T
Duke Energy Florida
Download: ML14119A373 (10)





Dear Mr. Hobbs:

On March 31, 2014, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed a quarterly inspection of activities at Crystal River Nuclear Plant Unit 3 (CR-3). On-site inspections were performed on February 11-12 and March 17-21,2014.1n-office reviews of information supplied by Duke Energy Florida, Inc. were also performed during the inspection period. The inspection examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to safety and compliance with the Commission's rules and regulations, and the conditions of your license. The inspection consisted of observations by the inspectors, interuiews with personnel, and a review of procedures and records. The results of the inspection were discussed with Blair Wunderly, Plant Manager, and other members of your staff on April 7,2014, and are described in the enclosed report. No findings of safety significance were identified.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter, its enclosure(s), and your response, will be made available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the NRC document system (ADAMS), accessible from the NRC website at To the extent possible, your response should not include any personal privacy, proprietary, or safeguards information so that it can be made available to the Public without redaction.

Current NRC regulations and guidance are included on the NRC's website at www.nrc.qov; select Nuclear Materials; Med, Ind, & Academic Uses; then Regulations, Guidance and Communications. The current Enforcement Policy is included on the NRC's website at www.nrc.qov; select About NRC, Organizations & Functions; Office of Enforcement; Enforcement documents; then Enforcement Policy (Under'Related Information'). You may also obtain these documents by contacting the Government Printing Office (GPO) toll{ree at 1-866-512-1800. The GPO is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays). No reply to this letter is required. Please contact Steve Hammann, at 610-337-5399, if you have any questions regarding this matter.


Sincerely, Marc S. Ferdas. Chief Decommissioning and Technical Support Branch Division of Nuclear Materials Safety


lnspection Report No. 0500030212014001


INSPECTION REPORT Inspection No. 05000302/201 4001 Docket No. 05000302 License No. DPR-72 Licensee: Duke Energy Florida, Inc. (Duke Energy)

Facility: Crystal River Nuclear Plant Unit 3 (CR-3)

Address: 15760 W. Powei Line Road Crystal River, FL 34428-6708 On-site Inspection Dates: February 11-12,2014 March 17-21,2014 In-Office Reviews: January - March, 2014 Inspectors: Stephen Hammann, Senior Health Physicist Decommissioning and Technical Support Branch Division of Nuclear Materials Safety Laurie A. Kauffman, Health Physicist Decommissioning and Technical Support Branch Division of Nuclear Materials Safety Steve Barr, Senior EP Inspector Plant Support Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety Robert Carrion, Senior Reactor Inspector Engineering Branch 3 Division of Reactor Safety, Region ll Approved By: Marc S. Ferdas, Chief Decommissioning and Technical Support Branch Division of Nuclear Materials Safety Document Name: G i\WordDocs\Current\lnsp Letter\LDPR-72.201 4001.docx


Duke Energy Florida, Inc. (Duke Energy)

Crystal River Nuclear Plant, Unit 3 (CR-3)

NRC lnspection Report No. 05000302/2014001 An announced quarterly inspection was completed at CR-S on March 31,2A14. On-site inspections were conducted on February 11-12 and March 17-21,2014. In-office reviews of information supplied by Duke Energy were also performed during the inspection period. The inspection included a review of operations and management oversight, corrective action program (CAP) implementation, and plant support activities. The inspection consisted of observations by the inspectors, interviews with Duke Energy personnel, a review of procedures and records, and plant walk-downs. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's)program for overseeing the safe operation of a shut-down nuclear power reactor is described in lnspection Manual Chapter (lMC) 256l, "Decommissioning Power Reactor Inspection Program."

Based on the results of this inspection, no findings of safety significance were identified.

ii Document Name: G:\WordDocs\Current\lnsp Letter\LDPR-72.201 4001 .docx


1.0 Background On February 20,2013, Duke Energy sent a letter (ADAMS Accession Number ML130564005) to the NRC certifying the permanent cessation of activities and certifying that the fuel had been permanently removed from reactor. This met the requirements of 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 50.82(a)(1)(i) and 50.82(a)(1)(ii). CR-3 is currently in the "Post Operation Transitional Phase" of decommissioning as described in tMc 2561.

2.O Post Operation Transition Phase Performance and Status Review Inspection Scope (lnspection Procedures (lPs) 36801. 37801. 40801. 60801 )

An announced on-site safety inspection was conducted on February 11-12 and March 17-21,2014, at CR-3. In-office reviews of information supplied by Duke Energy were also performed during the inspection period. The inspection consisted of observations by the inspectors, interviews with Duke Energy personnel, review of procedures and records, and plant walk-downs.

The inspectors assessed management oversight of the site's transition to decommissioning status and reviewed the organizational structure, staffing levels, and personnel qualifications to ensure the safe storage of radioactive materials was not adversely impacted. The inspectors also reviewed Duke Energy's plans to address a potentialjob action at the site associated with the December 2013 expiration of their contract with the lnternational Brotherhood of ElectricalWorkers (IBEW) Local 433. The review included an evaluation of the content and actions contained in their plans.

lnspectors evaluated employee training, including that of contracted work force.

Inspectors reviewed Duke Energy's process for reviewing, responding to, and implementing regulatory information and the methods in which Duke Energy resolved employee/safety concerns and provided information to employees. The inspectors toured the control room and verified that requirements detailed in plant technical specifications (TS) were being met. The inspectors also reviewed the CAP to determine if issues were being properly identified, evaluated, and prioritized, and corrective actions were being appropriately implemented.

The inspectors reviewed the modifications being performed to stabilize the containment building and reviewed work orders associated with the de-tensioning of the hoop tendons to verify they were completed in accordance with site procedures. The inspectors also toured the mock-up facilities used for the de-tensioning and weatherization activities to verify workers were being trained properly to implement the procedures. Quality control documentation was reviewed to determine if the appropriate management and technical reviews were completed.

The inspectors reviewed the programs for the safe wet storage of spent fuel and verified that maintenance was being performed within the established frequencies and that the tnspection Report No.050003022014001 G:\WordDocs\Current\lnsp Letter\LDPR-72.201 4001 .docx

equipment was being properly maintained. The inspectors also reviewed the material condition of systems used to support spent fuel pool cooling during plant tours.

The inspectors conducted reviews of '10 CFR 50.54(q) evaluations to determine whether the CR-3 emergency preparedness program was maintained in a state of operational readiness and whether changes made to the licensee's emergency preparedness program continue to meet commitments, NRC requirements, and have not resulted in a reduction in effectiveness of the CR-3 Emergency Plan.

b. Observations and Findinos The inspectors noted that the decrease in staffing at CR-3 had slowed down since the last inspection at which time staffing had decreased by approximately 50 percent from the date when Duke Energy announced the site had permanently ceased operations.

The inspectors also noted that reviews were continuously being performed by Duke Energy to ensure that adequate staffing levels were being maintained to support plant activities and regulatory requirements. New training procedures, as well as, specific training programs, were put in effect to better address the training needs of the organization as it transitions into the decommissioning process.

Duke Energy developed a Staffing Contingency Plan to ensure a sufficient number of qualified personnel were available to continue operations in the event of a job disruption.

The Staffing Contingency Plan properly identified the number of qualified personnel needed for operation of the facility and their availability. The Staffing Contingency Plan also appropriately ensured that TS and other NRC requirements could be met if a job action occurred. Negotiations between Duke Energy and IBEW Local 433 continued without a job disruption and on February 28,2014, Duke Energy and IBEW, Local 433, announced an agreement of a new contract.

The inspectors determined that issues were entered into the CAP, prioritized, and evaluated commensurate with their safety significance. Corrective actions were implemented to address identified issues and were being tracked to closure.

The inspectors determined the CR-3 program to stabilize the containment was properly being implemented. The de-tensioning of the tendons was completed and the re-greasing phase of the project was underway as of the conclusion of this inspection.

Duke Energy was planning to perform weatherization of the containment to seal it against water intrusion.

The inspectors noted that changes made to the CR-3 Emergency Plan did not reduce its effectiveness and that screenings and evaluations contain the appropriate level of detail and sufficient basis to support the change. However, this review is not a formal safety evaluation and does not constitute formal NRC approval of the changes. Therefore, these changes remain subject to future NRC inspection in their entirety.

lnspection Report No. 05000302/201 4001 G:\WordDocs\Current\lnsp Letter\LDPR-72.201 400'l.docx

c. Conclusions

Based on the results of this inspection, no findings of safety significance were identified.

Exit Meeting Summary

On April 7, 2014, the inspectors presented the inspection results to Blair Wunderly, Plant Manager, and other members of Duke Energy's staff. The inspectors confirmed that proprietary information was not removed from the site.

Inspection Report No. 05000302/201 4001 G:\WordDocs\Current\lnsp Letter\LDPR-72.201 4001 .docx

PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED Licensee R. Biddleman, Superintendent, Nuclear Oversight S. Bowden, Performance Support Supervisor J. Connor, Decommissioning Transition Organization (DTO) Engineering P. Dixon, Decommissioning Support Manager F. Dola, DTO Plant Support J. Lane, Lead System Engineer, Spent Fuel Pool System Engineering S. McDaniel, Senior Licensing Engineer D. Westcott, DTO Licensing B. Wunderly, Plant Manager ITEMS OPEN. CLOSED. AND DISCUSSED None LIST OF


Action Requests

574867;633490; 634424;636033; 637077;638296; 646423; 649852:649953; 650921; 654680;

655828;663337; 666006


2Q13-2014 Radiological Emergency Response Plan Change Log

Abandonment Package - Chemical Feed Secondary

Abandonment Package - Gland Water System

Memo, Termination of Continuous Audits, January 28,2014

Radiological Emergency Response Plan, Rev. 33

Self Assessment Report, 2013 Radiation Protection Program Annual Review

Self Assessment Report, BWB Contractor Qualification

Third Cycte 2013 CR3 DTO Nuclear Oversight Status Report

Precision Surveillance Corporation (PSC)

Post-Tensioning System N1100 Field and Quality Control Procedure, Revision 3

PSC Safety Manual, STD-SFTY-O01, Job Hazard Analysis/Pre-Job Brief for Greasing Tendons,

dated 3-3-2014

PSC Safety Manual, STD-SFTY-OO1, Job Hazard Analysis/Pre-Job Brief for Mock Up

Detensioning, dated 12-4-2013

PSC Safety Manual, STD-SFTY-001, Job Hazard Analysis/Pre-Job Brief for Platform and

Stressing Operations, dated 2-24-201 4

Personnel Certif ication/Qualif ication/Trainin g Records

Inspection Report No. 05000302/201 4001

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AD-NO-ALL-0201, Rev. 0, Responding to NRC Allegations and Comprehensive Employee


AD-NO-ALL-0202, Rev. 0, Employee Concern Program

AD-NO-ALL-0203, Rev. 0, Differing Professional Opinion Process

AD-NO-ALL-1001, Rev. 0, Conduct of Audit

Al-1500, Rev. 46, Administration of Environmentaland Chemistry Department

Al-9003, Rev. 3, System Evaluation, Categorization, and Abandonment

EM-102, Rev. 55, Operation of the Technical Support Center (TSC)

EM-104, Rev. 17, Operation of the Operational Support Center (OSC)

EM-225, Rev. 29, Duties of the Technical Support Center Accident Assessment Team

PT-531, Rev. 1 1, Spent Fuel Handling Bridge lnterlock Test

SP-300, Operating Daily Surveillance Log (Excerpts for SFP SSC checks)

TRN-1000, Rev. 1, DTO - Performance Based Training

Screeninos and Reviews

EMG-NGGC-O010, Rev 3, Attachment 2 - 50-54(qxg) Evaluation Sheet, ScreeninglEvaluation

Numbers; EREG 611011, EREG, EREG 610019, EREG 609102, EREG 607430

Work Orders

WO 13306278-05, PSC Detensioning of the RX Building, Buttress 2 Field Side Platform


WO 13306278-07, PSC Detensioning of the RX Building, Buttress 6 Shop Side Platform


WO 13306278-09, PSC Detensioning of the RX Building, Buttress 6 Field Side Platform


WO 13306278-20, Greasing of Vertical Tendons


ADAMS Agencywide Documents Access and Management System

CAP Corrective Action Program

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

cR-3 Crystal River Unit 3

Duke Energy Duke Energy Florida, Inc.

DTO Decommissioning Transition Organization

rMc lnspection Manual Chapter

IP lnspection Procedure

NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

PSC Precision Surveillance Corporation

TS Technical Specif ications

Inspection Report No. 05000302/201 4001

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