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Ack Receipt of in Response to Request for Addl Info Re Drawing Update Efforts Per Insp Rept 50-298/89-02
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/09/1989
From: Callan L
To: Trevors G
NUDOCS 8905230045
Download: ML20247A117 (1)

See also: IR 05000298/1989002


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In Reply Refer'To:-

. Docket: 50-298/89-02 ,

Nebraska Public Power District

ATTN: George A. Trevors

Division Manager - Nuclear Support

P.O. Box 499.

Columbus, NE' 68602-0499


Thank you for. the April 28,1989, letter in response to our request for

additional information on'your drawing update efforts. We will continue to

follow your efforts and would appreciate being informed of any significant

changes in their' scheduled completion.


Original Signed Ily

E J. Callan

L. J. Callan Director

Division of Reactor Projects


Cooper Nuclear Station

ATTN: Guy Horn, Division Manager

of Nuclear Operations

P.O. Box 98

Brownv111e, Nebraska 68321

Kansas Radiation Control Program Director

Nebraska Radiation Control Program Director i

bec to DMB (IE01) - DRS 4

bec distrib. by RIV: .l


RRI' R. D. Martin, RA



SectionChief(DRP/C) Lisa Shca, RM/ALF


RIV File Project Engineer (DRP/C) j

RSTS' Operator DRP  !

P. O'Connor, NRR Project Manager (MS: 13-D-18) j



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Nebraska Public Power District "" " %c#s* ens #*%S0*** "



April 28, 1989  ;-

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i MAY - 31989

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  :;

Attention: Document Control Desk


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Washington, DC 20555


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Subject: NPPD Response to Inspection Report 50-298/89-02

Cooper Nuclear Station

Docket No. 50-298, DPR-46

This letter is written in response to your letter dated March 1, 1989,

transmitting Inspection. Report 50-298/89-02. Therein you requested that we

provide within 60 days of the date of that letter a discussion of all facility

drawing update efforts, together with the schedule for completing the updates.

Following is a discussion of all facility drawing update efforts including

scheduled completion dates you requested.

1. As Built Verification Project

This proj ect is. under the direction of the Nuclear Configuration

Management- Department and is being performed by the Consulting Firm

Applied Power Associates.

The As-Built Verification Project is scheduled to walk down 239 Safety

Related Drawings (Primary. Drawings) held in the Control Room at CNS by the

end of the fourth quarter ~ of 1991. Nine additional drawings were

previously verified under a pilot proj ect. In addition, approximately

2,500 related drawings are scheduled to be walked down by the end of the

first quarter of 1993.

To date, the equivalent of approximately 85 primary drawings (thirty-six

percent) and the equivalent of approximately 200 related drawings (eight

percent) have been completed. The overall proj ect completion is

twenty-four percent.

2. Electrical Conduit Hanger

The District undertook the task of as-building the cable tray and conduit

hangers 'in the Reactor Building, Control Building, and Diesel Generator

Rooms. This project is about 75% complete. As-building is complete in

the Diesel Generator Room, Control Building except the Control Room,

Critical Switchgear Room, and Steam Tunnel. Presently, 3,976 hangers are

as-built. with 1,339 estimated remaining. These are primarily in the

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,, ', . NLS8900175



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. * April 28, 1989

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Reactor Building Quads. About five man-years of effort remains to be

done. Work should complete around January 1990 depending on other 1

priority work.



3. Building Structeral Core Drill

Work'has also started on as-building the building structural drawings to

show core drills. This proj ect is approximately 25% complete and will

take about three man-years to complete. This is presently a lower j

priority job but should complete in 1991. '


4. Burns & Roe E-150 Electrical Drawings


The B&R E-150 drawings' contain the relay settings for ., tha electrical

system. Following the completion of the critical (safety-related) AC & DC

system . coordination studies, these drawings were totally reviewed and

. updated as required. A non-critical study is now being completed. The

appropriate non-critical E-150 drawings will be reviewed and. updated

following any identified modifications that may be required during the

Spring 1990 outage.


5. Pipe Support

Modifications are being made to pipe supports during the 1989 outage as

part of the I-S Pipe Support Upgrade program. These pipe supports will be

as-built following modification. Additional pipe supports will be

as-built following modification during the outage due to the snubber

reduction / pipe stress upgrade program.

An as-building program is also scheduled from March 1989 to March 1990 to

reconfirm the as-build status of the remaining essential large bore pipe

( supports. This information will be used to review / upgrade the pipe stress

F calculations and to optimize snubbers.

Torus attached piping support as-builts will also be reconfirmed during

the Spring of 1989 to assure the documentation matches the quality of the

rest of the supports.

6. Appendix R Drawings

All the walls making up the " Appendix R" Fire Protection Areas were

as-built to show fire seals and penetrations. This resulted in_a set of

128 drawings which provide a basis around which the fire protection plans

were developed.



7. All. USAR Piping and Instrumentation (P&ID) drawings were identified to




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Pcgn 3  !


4 April 28, 1989



determine which vendor, General Electric (GE) or Burns & Roe (B&R),

originated the drawings.

All GE P&ID drawings located in the USAR will be removed and replaced with i

current B&R P&ID drawings, with the exception of one drawing. This one GE

P&ID does not have a corresponding B&R P&ID to replace it and therefore,  ;

it will remain in the USAR.

The replacement of the GE P&ID's with the B&R P&ID's will be submitted

with the seventh revision (July 22, 1989) of the USAR for Cooper Nuclear


If you have any questions regarding this response, please contact me.


. . Trevors

Division Manager

Nuclear Support


cc: .S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Region IV

Arlington, TX

NRC Senior Resident Inspector

Cooper Nuclear Station ,


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