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Advises That Util 830429 Commitment to Inform NRR of Changes to NPDES Permit & NPDES Violations No Longer Necessary
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/27/1987
From: Long W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Trevors G
TAC-65622, NUDOCS 8709030209
Download: ML20237H329 (2)



August 27', 1987.'

N..g.SQ f 4

Docket No. 50-298 l

- Mr. George 'A. Trevors,: Division

~ Manager - Nuclear Support

. Nebraska Public Power District Post.0ffice Box 499 Columbus.' Nebraska 68601-

Dear Mr. Trevors:


' NPDES' REPORTS (TAC N0. 65622)

-Re: Cooper Nuclear Station In Amen'dment No. 81 to Facility Operating License DPR-46, Appendix B Environ-mental Technical Specifications, the~ staff deleted requirements relating to non-radiological 1' contamination of the aquatic environment. However the March 11',

1983 letter which forwarded Amendment No.'81 requested that the staff be rept informed of (1) changes to the NPDES Permit, and.(2) NPDES violations. In your letter'dcted April'29, 1983, you committed to comply with this' request by  !

notifying the Region Administrator (with copy to the Director, NRR) of (1) and-(2). This'1etter is~to advise you that NRR copies.are no longer desired.

You should' continue to send copies to the Region IV Administrator j (Attn: R. Bangart).  ;


If you have any questions please contact me at 301-492-4754. j i


' Sincerely, II)  ;

William O. Long, Project Manager i Project Directorate - IV i Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects cc: Se&next page 1 DI8TRIBUTION

. Wocket File NRC PDR Local PDR PD4 Reading i F. Schroeder J. Calvo P. Noonan W. Long OGC-Bethesda ACRS (10) .PD4 Plant File R. Ballard i DCS-042 R. Bangart ,]

PO4/LA(S b PD4/PM /s/ PD4/0 ff-PNoonahl WLong:sr JCalvo-8/s)]/87 8/)h/87 8/27/87 l

8709030209 870827 DR ADOCKOS0g8

_ _ _ - . - _ __ - - _ _ - - - - _ _ --. d

(+ p

k. ' y, Mr. George A. Trevors Nebraska Public Power District Cooper' Nuclear Station cc:

Mr. G. D. Watson, General Counsel Nebraska Public Power District P. O. Box'499  ;

Columbus, Nebraska 68601 Cooper Nuclear Station l ATTN: Mr. Guy R. Horn, Division Manager.of Nuclear Operations i P. O. Box 98 i Brownville, Nebra:ka 68321 )

Director Nebraska Department of Environmental Control-P. O. Box 94877 State House Station Lincoln,. Nebraska 68509-4877

! Mr.- William Siebert, Commissioner Nemaha County Board of Commissioners l

Nemaha County Courthouse '

Auburn, Nebraska 68305 Resident Inspector i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i P. O. Box'218 Brownville, Nebraska 68321 Regional Administrator, Region IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 I

Mr. 6 cold Borchart, Director Division of Radiological Health Department of Health 301 Centennial Mall, South P. O. Box 95007 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 1

I l


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