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Forwards Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Site-Specific Offsite Radioloigical Emergency Preparedness Prompt Alert & Notification Sys Evaluation. Alert Sys Satisfies Requirements of Rev 1 to NUREG-0654
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/09/1987
From: Mcloughlin D
Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Stello V
Shared Package
ML20215M274 List:
RTR-NUREG-0654, RTR-NUREG-654 NUDOCS 8706260331
Download: ML20215M270 (1)



Alur1e M R,

J onlyi---Stello

. p g-Taylor Federal Emergency Management' Agency t

Rehm-Washington, D.C. 20472 Grace Murray 4

JUN 9 1987 Mr. Victor Stello, Jr.

Executive Director for Operations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cmmission Washington, D.C..


- Dear Mr. Stello-L The Federal Emergency Management Agency'(FD%) has empleted an analysis of the prompt alert.and notification system for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station located in Port Gibson, Mississippi. Bis review has been cmpleted pursuant to FDR Rule 44 CFR 350; selected evaluative criteria and Appendix NUREG-0654/FDR-REP-1,: Revision 1; and FDR-43 the " Standard Guide for the Evaluation of Alert and Notification Systems for Nuclear Power Plants" (now published as FD%-REP-10).

The enclosed report which is entitled " Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Site-Specific Offsite Radiological Emergency Preparedness Prompt Alert and Notification System Evaluation," summarizes the engineering design review; incorporates the results of the telephone survey of the public conducted immediately following the activation of the alert and notification systs on April 10, 1985; and confirms the adequacy S

of the applicable evaluative criteria from NUREG-0654/FD%-REP-1,( Revision 1,.

' and Fam-43.

Based on the engineering design review and the results of the telephone survey, FD R has determined that the alert and notification system installed around the-Grand Gulf Nuclear Station satisfies the requirments of NURD3-0654/ FEMA-REP-1, b

Revision' 1, and FDR-43. Therefore, there is now reasonable assurance that.the i

system is adequate to prmptly alert and notify the public in the event of a-radiological emergency at the site. The caveats on the alert and notification systs. contained'in the 44 CFR 350 approvals for both Louisiana and Mississippi, dated June 29, 1983, are now removed. We Honorable Edwin W. Edwards, Governor of Iouisiana and the Honorable William A. Allain,' Governor of Mississippi,' have.

i been advised of this approval.

f Sincerely, i -

Dave McIoughlin Deputy Associate Director


State and Local Programs L

and Support Enclosure k

l-8706260331 870609 fDR ADOCK 05000416 i


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