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Responds to 820713 Request for Addl Info Re Deficiencies in State & Local Emergency Plans Identified in FEMA 820329, Supplemental Interim Findings. State of Ms Deficiency Resolved.La Corrective Actions to Be Completed Sept 1982
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/02/1982
From: Krimm R
Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Grimes B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8208110118
Download: ML20058J596 (1)


Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472

/,US 2 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR: Brian Grimes, Director Divis, ion of Emergency Preparedness U-

/Nuelcar egulatory Commission FROM:

i iard 61mm Assistar t As'uociate D rector Office of Natural and Technological Hazards


Supplemental Interim Findings on Offsite Emergency Preparedness at the Grand Gulf Nuclear Power Station This memorandum is in response to your recent request (memo to Krimm subject:

FEMA's Findings and Determinations of Offsite Emergency Preparedness for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station dated July 13, 1982) for additional information regarding deficiencies in the State and local plans that were identified in FEMA's March 29,1982 " Supplemental Interim Findings" for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Power Station.

FEMA's position was stated in the March 29, 1982 " Supplemental Interim Findings."

Both the States of Mississippi and Louisiana have demonstrated the capability to protect the health and safety of its citizens in the event of an accident /

incident at the Grand Gulf facility.

The one nutstanding deficiency in Mississippi in March was the " lack of agree-ments between various parties."

This matter has been resolved, with the last agreement being completed on July 27, 1982.

!he State of Louisiana has now indicated that all corrective actions will be completed and furnished to FEMA Region VI in the form of a revised " Radiological Emergency Preparedness Plan for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station" in September,1982.

The March 29, 1982 " Supplemental Interim findings" also stated that implementing procedures needed to be incorporated in the Louisiana Plan.

It should be noted that the State and Tensas Parish employed appropriate procedures in exercising their plans.

The implementing procedures that have been requested would make the l

plan easily understood by observers at exercises ar.d would better depict the manner /

mode in which State and local government would respond to an accident / incident at Grand Gulf.

These procedures will also be included in the revised plan due in September.

l The status of the " Alert and Notification" system is unchanged.

The adequacy of the system must be verified in accordance with NUREG 0654/ FEMA Rep-1.

If I can be of any further assistance on this matter, please contact me or


Vern Adler at 287-0200.

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