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Forwards Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Exercise Conducted on 890927-28. No Deficiencies Identified.Nine Areas Requiring Corrective Actions Found
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 08/23/1990
From: Kwiatkowski D
Federal Emergency Management Agency
To: Congel F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20028G866 List:
NUDOCS 9009050216
Download: ML20028G865 (2)


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)I Federal Einergency Management Agency 4

Washington, D.C. 20472 0

O AUG 231990 Mr. Frank J. Corgel Director Division of Radiation Protection and Emergency Preparedness Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ctanission Washington, D.C.


Dear Mr. Congel:

Enclosed is a copy of the final exercise report for the September 27-28, 1989, full participation joint exercise of the offsite radiological emergency preparedness plans site-specific to the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.

'1his report reflects the demonstration and evaluation of the plans ard preparedness for only the FDR Region IV participants within the State of Mississippi, which includes the State of Mississippi; Claiborne County (located in the 10-mile EPZ); and Copiah, Hinds, Jefferson, and Warren Counties.

Also included in this report is the evaluation of the Medical Services drill conducted September 27,

1989, in Vicksburg, Warren County, Mississippi.

There were no deficiencies identified during this exercise or the Medical Services drill.

'Ihere were, however, nine areas requiring corrective actions and several areas r - nded for inprovement.

'Ihe exercise report was prepared by the Region IV staff of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Based on the results of this exercise, the offsite radiological emergency plans and preparedness for the State of Mississippi are adcquate to provide re asonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken offsite to protect the health ard safety of the public in the event of a radiologict 1 emergency at the site.

'Iherefore, the 44 CFR 350 approval granted to Mississippi on June 29, 1983, will remain in effect.

FD% Region IV staff will furnish a copy of this final (mercise report to the State of Mississippi, f

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If you should have : any questions, a please cantact Mr. Craig;S. Wingo,'

1 Chief, Techrological'Hazarth Division, at 646-3026.

. Sincerely, x'

cow f Dennis H.' Wiatkowsk3 s

' Assistant Associate Director -.

Office of Natural and Technological 1 Hazards Fr % =e Enclosure t

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