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Advises That Portions of 861112 Rev 17 to Security Plan Consistent W/Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p) & Acceptable.Other Portions of Rev Unacceptable for Reasons Stated in Encl.Encl Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/21/1987
From: Martin T
To: Coss H
NUDOCS 8705180193
Download: ML20213G229 (3)


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APR 2119p Docket Nos. 50-317 ,

50-318 Baltimore Oas and Electric Company ATTN: Mr. Herbert D. Coss, Jr.

Vice President, General Services P. O. Box 1475 i Baltimore, Maryland 21203 l Gentlemen:

Your letter of November 12, 1986, transmitted Revision No. 17 to the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, Security Plan. We have reviewed the  :

information contained in the plan revision and have determined that porttons of the revision are consistent with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.54(p), and are considered acceptable.

However, a portion of the revision is not considered acceptable for the reason i stated in the enclosure to this letter, For this portion, you are to riodt fy 1 your plan accordingly or revert to previously approved plan wording and submlt corrected page revisions to this office within 30 days of the receipt of tnis letter.

The enclosuce to your letter and the enclosure to this letter are being with-held frum pubItc disclosure, since they contain Safeguards Information and mus'. he protected in accordance with 10 CFR 73.21.

W. L. Oshner (215-337-5308) is our contact should there be any questions concerning this matter. The response directed by this letter is not subject

  • to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as required .

by the Papurwork Reduction Act of 1980, PL 96-511.  !

Sincoroly, i Thomas T. Martin, Director Olvision of Radiation Safety and Safeguards ,

Enclosure (ContainsSafeguardsInformation):

As Stated

-I; cc(w/oenc1): _


_ , _ , i See Next Page c,q, ,,4$$$hiRMSi}03!E03 Mall 6T. _ _

f,c,t/O t# OFFICIAL RECORD COPY OL SG SRR DGAE - 0001.0.0 i ,

0e$S 04/17/87


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Baltimore Gas and Electric Company 2 PubiteDocumentRoom(PDR) [

Local Public Document Room (LPOR) r Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

Mr. J. A. Tiernan Mr. William T. Bowen, President Vice President - Nuclear Energy Calvert County Board of Baltimore Gas & Electric Company Commissioners Gas & Electric Building Prince Frederick, MD 20768 P. O. Box 1475 Baltimore, Maryland 21203 D. A. Brune, Esq. Jay E. Silberg, Esq.

General Counsel Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge Baltimore Gas & Electric Company 1800 M Stroot, NW P. O. Box 1475 Washington, DC 20036 Baltimore, Maryland 21203 Mr. M. E. Bowman, General Supervisor Resident Inspector Technical Services Engineering U.S.NuclearRegul(w/oncilatory Commission ~

Calvert Clif fs Nuclear Power Plant P. O. Box 437 M0 Rts. 2 & 4, P. O. Box 1535 Lusby, Maryland 20657-0073 Lusby, Maryland 20657-0073 Combustion Engineering, Inc. Departmont of Natural Resources ATIN: Mr. W. R. Horlacher, !!! Energy Administration, Power Plant Project Manager Siting Program P. O. Box 500 ATTN: Mr. T. Magotte

  • Windsor, Connecticut 06095 Tawes State Office But1 ding Annapolis, Maryland 21204 Bechtel Power Corporation ATTN: Mr. D. E. Stewart Calvert Cliffs Project Engincor 15740 Shady Grove Road Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 l



Baltimore Gas and Electric Company 3 bcc(w/ enc 1):

Chief. RSGB/NRR NRR Docket File . - _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ ,

r9"eunset testsetlDeskJ(Off1etal: Record Copy)".3195 Gode..R001'T are enc 1?

"R Docket Room ^(w/ concurrences) - w/o enci RI Licensing File (w/ concurrences)

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RI: RI:0R$p / 0955 81 I:0RSS Kus ms Keigth LUoyner )g,an.ORP e Martin 4g0/87 4/Jo/8 4/7*/87 I 4/9/87 480/87 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY OL SG SRR BG&E - 0003.0.0 04/17/87