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Forwards Safety Evaluation Re Util 831104 & 870121 Responses to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.2.1 & 3.2.2, Post-Maint Verification Testing. Responses Acceptable
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/16/1987
From: Long W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Trevors G
Shared Package
ML20212Q947 List:
GL-83-28, TAC-53746, NUDOCS 8704240155
Download: ML20212Q945 (2)



April 16, 1987 Docket No. 50-298 Mr. George A. Trevors, Division Manager - Nuclear Support Nuclear Power Group Nebraska Public Power District P. 0. Box 499 Columbus, Nebraska 68601

Dear Mr. Trevors:


SAFETY EVALUATION FOR GENERIC LETTER 83-28 ITEMS 3.2.1 AND 3.2.2 POST-MAINTENANCE VERIFICATION TESTING (ALL OTHER SAFETY-RELATED COMPONENTS), TAC N0. 53746 Re: Cooper Nuclear Station By Generic Letter 83-28, dated July 8,1983, you were requested to respond to certain generic concerns that developed from the investigation into the failure of scram circuit breakers at Salem Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1. These concerns are categorized into four areas: (1) Post Trip Review; (2) Ecuipment Classifi-cation and Vendor Interface; (3) Post-Maintenance Testing; anc (4) Reactor Trip System Reliability Improvements. Your response to these four areas of Generic Letter 83-28 was provided by letter dated November 4, 1983. Your letter of January 21, 1987 provided additional information relative to (3).

We have completed our review of your response to Items 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 relating to post maintenance verification testing (all other safety-related components).

The results of our review are provided in the enclosed Safety Evaluation.

Based on our review, we find that your response to these items for Cooper Nuclear Station are acceptable.

Sincerely, ls William 0. ong,ProjectManager ProjectDirectorate-IV DivisionofReactorProjects-III, IV, V and Special Projects


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l Fr. George A. Trevors  :

Mehraska Public Power District Cooper Nuclear Station CC: 1 I

Mr. G. D. Watson, General Counsel Nebraska Public Power District j Post Office Box 4999 Columbus, Nebraska 68601 Cooper Nuclear Station ATTN: Mr. G. Horn, Division Manager of Nuclear Operations Post Office Box 98 Brownville, Nebraska 68321 Mr. M. Steffensmeier, Supervisor Hazardous Waste Section Nebraska Department of Environmental Control Post Office Box 94877 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 Mr. William Siebert, Comissioner Nemaha County Poard of Commissioners Nemaha County Courthouse Auburn, Nebraska 68305 Senior Resident inspector U.S. Nuclear Reculatory Comnission Post Office Box 218 Brownville, Nebrasl:a 68321 Regional Administrator, Region IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 Mr. Harold Borchart, Director Division of Radiological Health Department of Health 301 Centennial Mall, South Post Office Box 95007 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509