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Requests Fee for NRC Review of Requests for Exemption from Schedular & Other Fire Protection Requirements.Encl List Reflects Each Request,Any Fees Paid,Fees Due & Fee Determination & Action
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/15/1986
From: Holloway L
To: Opeka J
NUDOCS 8605200387
Download: ML20210S024 (3)



't MAY 151986 Docket Nos. 50-245/50-336 Northeast Nuclear Energy Company l ATTN: Mr. John F. Opeka Senior Vice President Nuclear Engineering and Operations

, Post Office Box 270 l Hartford, CT 06141-0270 Gentlemen:


10 CFR 170 Fees for Fire Protection Reviews and Approvals for the Millstone Nuclear Power Station 'Jnit Nos.1 and 2 The purpose of this letter is to address the fee requirements of 10 CFR 170 as they relate to actions pertaining to the fire protection require-ments of 10 CFR 50. On February 17, 1981, 10 CFR 50.48 and Appendix R, which added fire protection requirements for operating nuclear power plants, became effective. Prior to that date, you were exempted from the fee requirements of Part 170 for the review and approval of fire protection actions based on Branch Technical Position BTP APCSB 9.5-1 and its Appendix A. Since the February 1981 amendment of 10 CFR 50, there have been a number of requests filed by licensees for their plants. These requests consisted of exemptions from schedular and other requirements, and other reviews (e.g., alternate safe shutdown capability).

It is current NRC policy to exempt from fees all of the fire protection exemptions requested prior to June 20, 1984, which are granted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.12 by the staff of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (ONRR) unless a license amendment or other approval is also required.

On this basis, fees have not been requested for any of these types of exemptions. Fees will be charged for all other approvals and denials relating to fire protection. This means that the review and approval of the alternate safe shutdown capability and any reviews which result in a denial of a request for your facility are subject to fees pursuant to 10 CFR 170.22 of the March 23, 1978 regulations. An ONRR letter dated November 24, 1980, informed all reactor licensees with plants licensed prior to January 1,1979, that fees were required for requests for Comission action resulting from the fire protection rule.

Based on a review of the fire protection requests filed by your Company for the subject facilities, we find that a total of $1,600 is required.

The enclosed list reflects each request, any fees paid, fees due, and the ONRR staff's fee determination and action on each. It is requested that your Company remit the sum of $1,600 to our office for fees cur-rently due on your fire protection requests. Fees for any future approvals by the ONRR staff on pending applications that were on file as of June 19, 1984, will be in accordance with the position set forth in this letter. Fees for applications filed on or after June 20, 1984, will be in accordance with the provisions of the current revised Part 170 that became effective on June 20, 1984.

e605200387 860515 PDR ADOCK 05000245 F PDR 2

3 ,

MAY 151986 New York Power Authority 2


If for some reason our list does not include all fire protection re-quests that your Company currently has on file with the ONRR staff, we will address the excluded ones in a later letter if fees are required.

' If any'of those on file as of June 19, 1984, are approved totally pursuant to'10 CFR 50.12, they wihl be exempted from fees, but an additional letter will not be sent to you unless required otherwise


(e.g., fees paid and refund has to be raade).

Sincerely, ged, C. Jrmas Hotteway, Jr, C. James Holloway, Jr.

Acting Director License Fee Managenent Staff Office of Administration


N-List of Applications and Fees DISTRIBUTION:

PDR LPDR Reg Docket File 00sborne, PBD-8 JShea, ISAPD RM0iggs LFMS Reactor file LFMS Pending Check File LFMS R/F l

1 l jf 0FFICE :LFMS AD :L ADM :LFMS DM  :  :  :  :

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DATE  : 5/14/86 : 5/ / p486 : 5/ /86 :  :  :  :


9 List of Applications and Fees Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit Nos. I and 2 Docket Nos. 50-245/50-336 Fees ONRR's Fee Application Date Fees Paid Applicable Determination & Action

1. 3/19/81, as supplemented
a. Schedular exemption $2,400 None Exempt - Issued pursuant from 10 CFR 50.48 to 10 CFR 50.12 on 5/10/82
b. Exemption from Section 4,000 None txempt - Issued pursuant 111.0. - oil collection to 10 CFR 50.12 on system - Unit No. 2 11/11/81
2. 3/1/82, as supplemented
a. Alternate safe shutdown None $8,000 Involved single safety capability issue for each unit.

Approved by letters and SEs dated 11/6/85 and 4/15/86

b. Exemption from Section None None Exempt - Issued pursuant III.G. to 10 CFR 50.12 on 11/6/85 and 4/15/86 Total Fees Applicable . . . $8,000-Total Fees Paid . . . . . . 6 400 Fees Due NRC. . . . . . . . $ ,

1 1

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