MONTHYEARTXX-9915, Comment on FRN Re Rev of NRC Enforcement Policy NUREG-1600, Rev 1 & Amend of 10CFR55.49.Concurs with Need to Provide Examples That May Be Used as Guidance in Determining Appropriate Severity Level for Violations as Listed1999-06-18018 June 1999 Comment on FRN Re Rev of NRC Enforcement Policy NUREG-1600, Rev 1 & Amend of 10CFR55.49.Concurs with Need to Provide Examples That May Be Used as Guidance in Determining Appropriate Severity Level for Violations as Listed ML20206H1881999-05-0606 May 1999 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,App K Re ECCS Evaluation Models. Commission Grants Licensee Exemption ML20206M5111999-04-30030 April 1999 Comment Supporting Draft RG DG-1083 Re Content of UFSAR IAW 10CFR50.71(e). Recommends That Listed Approach Be Adopted for Changes to Documents Incorporated by Ref CY-99-007, Comment Supporting Proposed Changes to Improve Insp & Assessment Processes for Overseeing Commercial Nuclear Industry That Were Published in Fr on 990122 & in SECY-99-0071999-02-22022 February 1999 Comment Supporting Proposed Changes to Improve Insp & Assessment Processes for Overseeing Commercial Nuclear Industry That Were Published in Fr on 990122 & in SECY-99-007 TXX-9825, Comment Endorsing NEI Comments on Proposed Rulemaking to 10CFR50.65, Requirements for Monitoring Effectiveness at Npps1998-12-14014 December 1998 Comment Endorsing NEI Comments on Proposed Rulemaking to 10CFR50.65, Requirements for Monitoring Effectiveness at Npps ML20154C4101998-09-30030 September 1998 Comment Re Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Reporting Requirements for Nuclear Power Reactors.Comanche Peak Electric Station Endorses NEI Comment Ltr & Agrees with NEI Recommendations & Rationale ML20236V2421998-07-28028 July 1998 Confirmatory Order Modifying License for Plant,Unit 1. Orders That,Effective Immediately,Tu Electric Shall Complete Final Implementation of Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barrier Corrective Actions at Plant ML20216E1051998-04-0707 April 1998 Comment Supporting Draft RG DG-1029 Titled Guidelines for Evaluating Electromagnetic & Radio-Frequency Interference in Safety-related Instrumentation & Control Sys ML20217H3611998-03-26026 March 1998 Comment Opposing Draft GL 97-XX, Lab Testing of Nuclear Grade Charcoal, Issued on 980225.Advises That There Will Be Addl Implementation Costs ML20198Q4851998-01-16016 January 1998 Comment Opposing PRM 50-63A by P Crane That Requests NRC Amend Regulations Re Emergency Planning to Require Consideration of Sheltering,Evacuation & Prophylactic Use of Potassium Iodide for General Public ML20211A4871997-09-12012 September 1997 Changes Submittal Date of Response to NRC RAI Re Proposed CPSES risk-informed Inservice Testing Program & Comments on NRC Draft PRA Documents ML20149L0311997-07-21021 July 1997 Comment on Draft Guides DG-1048,DG-1049 & DG-1050.Error Identified in Last Line of DG-1050,item 1.3 of Section Value/Impact Statement.Rev 30 Should Be Rev 11 ML20140A4871997-05-27027 May 1997 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule Re Safety Conscious Work Environ.Util Agrees W/Nuclear Energy Inst Comment Ltr ML20133G5411996-12-0505 December 1996 Transcript of 961205 Meeting in Arlington,Tx Re Comanche Peak Thermo-Lag Fire Barriers. Pp 1-111 ML20135B7881996-11-29029 November 1996 Order Approving Corporate Restructuring of TU to Facilitate Acquistion of Enserch Corp ML20128M8011996-10-0303 October 1996 Comment Opposing Proposed NRC Generic Communication, Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking of Control Rod Drive Mechanism & Other Vessel Head Penetrations ML20097D7321996-02-0909 February 1996 Comment Opposing Petition for Rulemaking PRM-50-63 Re CPSES Request for Amend to Its Regulations Dealing W/Emergency Planning to Include Requirement That Emergency Planning Protective Actions for General Public Include Listed Info ML20094Q6421995-11-28028 November 1995 Comment Supporting Petition for RM PRM-50-62 Re Amend to Regulation Re QAPs Permitting NPP Licensees to Change Quality Program Described in SAR W/O NRC Prior Approval If Changes Do Not Potentially Degrade Safety or Change TSs ML20094H4801995-11-0808 November 1995 Comment Supporting Nuclear Energy Inst Comments on Proposed Rules 10CFR60,72,73 & 75 Re Safeguards for Spent Nuclear Fuel or high-level Radwaste ML20091M6441995-08-25025 August 1995 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule Re Review of Revised NRC SALP Program.Believes That NRC Should Reconsider Need for Ipap or SALP in Light of Redundancy ML20086M7921995-07-0707 July 1995 Comment Supporting Proposed GL Process for Changes to Security Plan Without Prior NRC Approval ML20085N3561995-06-21021 June 1995 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.55a(f)(4)(ii) Re IST During Successive 120-month Intervals ML20084A0181995-05-19019 May 1995 Comment Suporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Containment Leakage Testing.Supports NEI Comments ML20083M8731995-05-16016 May 1995 Exemption Granted from Certain Requirements of 10CFR73.55,to Implement Hand Geometry Biometric Sys for Site Access Control at Plant Such That Photographic Identification Badges May Be Taken Offsite ML20077M7311994-12-30030 December 1994 Comments Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Shutdown & Low Power Operations for Nuclear Power Reactors ML20077L8711994-12-22022 December 1994 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50,55 & 73 Re Reduction of Reporting Requirements Imposed on NRC Licensees ML20073B6731994-09-19019 September 1994 Affidavit of Cl Terry Re License Amend Request 94-015 ML20073B6951994-09-19019 September 1994 Affidavit of Cl Terry Authorizing Signing & Filing W/Nrc OL Amend Request 94-016 ML20065L3661994-04-14014 April 1994 Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.71(e) to Resubmit Original Pages of FSAR ML20058E0561993-11-10010 November 1993 Comment on Proposed Rule Re Staff Meetings Open to Public. Believes That NRC Has Done Well in Commitment to Provide Public W/Fullest Practical Access to Its Activities ML20056G3351993-08-27027 August 1993 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR2 Re Review of 10CFR2.206 Process ML20045D8321993-06-11011 June 1993 Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 54, FSAR Update Submittals. ML20044F3271993-05-21021 May 1993 Comments on Draft NRC Insp Procedure 38703, Commercial Grade Procurement Insp, Fr Vol 58,Number 52.NRC Should Use EPRI Definitions for Critical Characteristics ML20035D4151993-04-0202 April 1993 Texas Utilities Electric Co Response to Petitioners Motion to Stay Issuance of Full Power License & to Stay Memorandum & Order CLI-93-10 Pending Review of CLI-93-10 in Us Court of Appeals.* Motion Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc ML20035D3971993-04-0101 April 1993 Petitioners Motion to Stay Issuance of Full Power License & to Stay Memorandum & Order CLI-93-10 Pending Review of CLI-93-10 in Us Court of Appeals.* W/Certificate of Svc ML20035D0061993-03-31031 March 1993 Response to Commission Order of 930326 by RM Dow,Interested Party.* Party Joins W/Natl Whistleblower Ctr & Urges Commission to Stay Facility Licensing Until & If All Questions Are Answered.W/Certificate of Svc ML20035B5341993-03-26026 March 1993 Order.* NRC Staff Response to Bi Orr & Di Orr Motion to Stay Issuance of Full Power License Should Be Submitted by COB on 930330.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930326 ML20056C0831993-03-19019 March 1993 Texas Utils Electric Co Response to Petitioners Motion to Stay Issuance of Full Power License.* Licensee Urges NRC to Reject Petitioners Motion & to Deny Petitioners Appeal of 921215 Order.Motion Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc ML20056C1881993-03-17017 March 1993 Order.* Directs Util to Respond to Motion by COB 930319 & NRC to Respond by COB 930322.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930317 ML20034H7751993-03-12012 March 1993 NRC Staff Response to Commission Order to Show Cause Why Proceeding Should Not Be Dismissed as Moot.* Staff Submits Const Permit for Facility Has Been Converted Into OL & Thus, Expiration No Longer an Issue.W/Certificate of Svc ML20034G7491993-03-0909 March 1993 Memorandum & Order CLI-93-04.* Cfur Petition for Late Intervention Should Be Denied.Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 930309 ML20128F6221993-02-0303 February 1993 Transcript of 930203 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote Public Meeting in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-2.Related Info Encl ML20128D9651993-02-0303 February 1993 Memorandum & Order.* Stay Request Filed by Petitioners Denied.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930203 ML20128D4651993-02-0202 February 1993 Texas Utils Electric Co Response to Emergency Motion to Stay Issuance of low-power Ol.* Petitioner Request Should Be Denied Based on Failure to Meet Heavy Burden Imposed on Party.W/Certificate of Svc ML20128D3391993-02-0202 February 1993 Emergency Motion to Stay Issuance of low-power Ol.* Petitioners Specific Requests Listed.W/Certificate of Svc ML20128D3461993-01-29029 January 1993 NRC Staff Notification of Issuance of OL for Facility.* Low Power License May Be Issued by 930201.W/Certificate of Svc ML20128D6321993-01-29029 January 1993 Memorandum & Order.* Denies Citizens for Fair Util Regulation for Fr Notice Hearing on Proposed Issuance of OL for Facility.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 930129 ML20128D6111993-01-26026 January 1993 Joint Affidavit of I Barnes & Ft Grubelich Re Borg-Warner Check Valves.* Discusses Issues Re Borg-Warner Check Valves Raised by Cfur & Adequacy of Actions Taken by TU Electric ML20127L9181993-01-26026 January 1993 NRC Staff Reply to Cfur Request for Publication of Proposed Action Re Licensing of Unit 2.* Cfur Request That Notice Re Licensing of Unit 2 Be Published Permitting Parties to Request Hearings Should Be Denied ML20127L9661993-01-26026 January 1993 Affidavit of Rl Pettis Re Borg-Warner Check Valves.* Statement of Prof Qualifications & Certificate of Svc Encl 1999-06-18
[Table view] Category:TRANSCRIPTS
MONTHYEARML20133G5411996-12-0505 December 1996 Transcript of 961205 Meeting in Arlington,Tx Re Comanche Peak Thermo-Lag Fire Barriers. Pp 1-111 ML20128F6221993-02-0303 February 1993 Transcript of 930203 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote Public Meeting in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-2.Related Info Encl ML20034B8131990-04-16016 April 1990 Transcript of 900416 Discussion/Possible Vote in Rockville,Md Re Full Power OL for Unit.Pp 1-113.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20066B5631989-10-27027 October 1989 Transcript of 891027 Investigative Interview of Bp Garde in Arlington,Tx.Pp 1-91 ML20066B5351989-10-23023 October 1989 Transcript of 891023 Investigative Interview of Tl Austin in Houston,Tx.Pp 1-45.Related Info Encl ML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20151M8991988-07-21021 July 1988 Transcript of 880721 Prehearing Conference in Knoxville,Tn. Pp 1-43 ML20151B3591988-07-13013 July 1988 Transcript of 880713 Hearing in Dallas,Tx.Pp 25.187-25,295 ML20196G0621988-06-21021 June 1988 Transcript of TVA 880621 Briefing in Bethesda,Md Re Util Reorganization & Plant Status ML20154R3061988-06-0101 June 1988 Transcript of 880601 Prehearing Conference in Dallas,Tx. Pp 25,157-25,186 ML20154C7511988-05-0404 May 1988 Transcript of 880504 Annual Briefing on State of Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-60. Introductory Remarks, State of Industry Rept & Status Rept on Util Research... Encl.Served on 880509 ML20151B5821988-02-25025 February 1988 Transcript of 880225-26 Public Meetings W/Case & J Doyle ML20207A6561988-01-0707 January 1988 Testimony of T Murley Before Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee Re Plant ML20238C3921987-12-0909 December 1987 Transcript of 871209 Public Meeting in Dallas,Tx Re Status of Corrective Action Programs at Facility.Pp 1-60 ML20236J3981987-11-0303 November 1987 Transcript of 871103 Prehearing in Dallas,Tx.Pp 25,139- 25,156 ML20245D1231987-11-0202 November 1987 Transcript of 871102 Special Prehearing Conference in Dallas,Tx.Pp 24,963-25,138 ML20149E5411987-10-16016 October 1987 Transcript of Jf Streeter 871016 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility.Pp 1-95 ML20149E5451987-10-16016 October 1987 Transcript of T Tyler 871016 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility.Pp 1-51 ML20149E5061987-10-15015 October 1987 Transcript of J Hansel 871015 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility,Vol Ii.Pp 1-54 ML20149E5301987-10-15015 October 1987 Transcript of JW Beck 871015 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility.Pp 1-56 ML20149E5231987-10-15015 October 1987 Transcript of Wg Counsil 871015 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility.Pp 1-86 ML20149E4191987-10-14014 October 1987 Transcript of J Hansel 871014 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility,Vol I.Pp 1-125 ML20238A6921987-09-0303 September 1987 Partially Withheld Rept of Interview W/R Spangler Re Allegations Concerning QA Audit Group ML20238A7201987-09-0303 September 1987 Partially Withheld Rept of Interview W/Gs Keeley Re Clarification of Info Contained in 831019 Rept Prepared by R Spangler Re Alleged Intimidation of QA Audit Group by Util QC Site Manager.Related Info Encl ML20237G2781987-07-30030 July 1987 Vol II of Transcript of 870730 Public Meeting W/Util.Pp 2- 87.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20237G2721987-07-29029 July 1987 Vol I of Transcript of 870729 Public Meeting W/Util.Pp 2- 129.Supporting Matl Encl ML20235T7021987-07-20020 July 1987 Transcript of 870720 Telcon in Washington,Dc.Pp 24,892- 24,962 ML20237L0731987-04-0909 April 1987 Partially Deleted Transcript of Unnamed Region IV Official 870409 Interview Re Region IV Mgt Handling of Two Insp Repts of Plant ML20214J9581987-04-0707 April 1987 Transcript of 870407 Meeting in Dallas,Tx.Pp 1-85 ML20209E5821987-04-0202 April 1987 Transcript of 870402 Meeting in Bethesda,Md Re Comanche Peak Response Team Program.Pp 1-101.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20212Q7331987-01-29029 January 1987 Transcript of 870129 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 1-82 ML20155F8161987-01-0707 January 1987 Transcript of 870107 Nrc/Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Mgt Meeting in Glen Rose,Tx.Viewgraphs Encl. Pp 1-100 ML20215E0031986-12-15015 December 1986 Transcript of 861215 Prehearing Conference in Bethesda,Md Re Facility.Pp 24,676-24,826 ML20213F6861986-11-0707 November 1986 Transcript of Commission 861107 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-86-325A Concerning Perry Unit 1 OL & SECY-86-292A Concerning Order Re Dispute Between ASLB & Ofc of Investigations in Braidwood OL Hearing.Pp 1-4 ML20215K9781986-09-26026 September 1986 Limited Appearance Statement in Proceeding.Compares Shoreham W/Chernobyl ML20210B3271986-09-10010 September 1986 Transcript of 860910 Hearing in Chicago,Il.Pp 12,338-12,563 ML20214L0401986-08-19019 August 1986 Transcript of 860819 Hearing in Dallas,Tx Re Comanche Peak. Pp 24,600-24,675 ML20214L0301986-08-18018 August 1986 Transcript of 860818 Hearing in Dallas,Tx.Pp 24,423-24,600. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20211B0841986-08-0505 August 1986 Transcript of 860805 Meeting Between Region Iii,Computer Interference Elimination & Util in Redmond,Wa Re Plant as-built Drawing Review.Pp 1-200 ML20237L3691986-07-25025 July 1986 Partially Deleted Transcript of I Barnes 860725 Investigative Interview in Arlington,Tx Re Insps at Plant & Region IV Regulation of Facility.Pp 1-75.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20237L4311986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of C Hale 860724 Investigative Interview in Glen Rose,Tx Re NRC Insps at Plant & Region IV Regulation of Facility.Pp 1-84 ML20238A3271986-07-24024 July 1986 Partially Deleted Transcript of W Warren 860724 Sworn Statement in Glen Rose,Tx Re Activities Involving Phillips at Plant ML20237L7051986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of Le Ellershaw 860724 Investigative Interview in Glen Rose,Tx Re NRC Insps of Plant & Region IV Regulation of Facility.Pp 1-16 ML20203G3571986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of Commission 860724 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re TMI-2 Leak Rate Data Falsification & ALAB-836.Pp 1-6 ML20237L3581986-07-23023 July 1986 Partially Deleted Transcript of J Gagliardo 860723 Sworn Statement in Arlington,Tx Re Activities of Senior Resident Inspector for Const at Plant.Pp 1-31 ML20238A8021986-07-23023 July 1986 Partially Deleted Transcript of T Westerman 860723 Sworn Statement in Arlington,Tx Re Insp Repts 85-14 & 85-11 & Draft 2-A in Phillips Matrix.Pp 514-707.Supporting Documentation Encl 1996-12-05
[Table view] Category:DEPOSITIONS
MONTHYEARML20133G5411996-12-0505 December 1996 Transcript of 961205 Meeting in Arlington,Tx Re Comanche Peak Thermo-Lag Fire Barriers. Pp 1-111 ML20128F6221993-02-0303 February 1993 Transcript of 930203 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote Public Meeting in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-2.Related Info Encl ML20034B8131990-04-16016 April 1990 Transcript of 900416 Discussion/Possible Vote in Rockville,Md Re Full Power OL for Unit.Pp 1-113.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20066B5631989-10-27027 October 1989 Transcript of 891027 Investigative Interview of Bp Garde in Arlington,Tx.Pp 1-91 ML20066B5351989-10-23023 October 1989 Transcript of 891023 Investigative Interview of Tl Austin in Houston,Tx.Pp 1-45.Related Info Encl ML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20151M8991988-07-21021 July 1988 Transcript of 880721 Prehearing Conference in Knoxville,Tn. Pp 1-43 ML20151B3591988-07-13013 July 1988 Transcript of 880713 Hearing in Dallas,Tx.Pp 25.187-25,295 ML20196G0621988-06-21021 June 1988 Transcript of TVA 880621 Briefing in Bethesda,Md Re Util Reorganization & Plant Status ML20154R3061988-06-0101 June 1988 Transcript of 880601 Prehearing Conference in Dallas,Tx. Pp 25,157-25,186 ML20154C7511988-05-0404 May 1988 Transcript of 880504 Annual Briefing on State of Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-60. Introductory Remarks, State of Industry Rept & Status Rept on Util Research... Encl.Served on 880509 ML20151B5821988-02-25025 February 1988 Transcript of 880225-26 Public Meetings W/Case & J Doyle ML20207A6561988-01-0707 January 1988 Testimony of T Murley Before Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee Re Plant ML20238C3921987-12-0909 December 1987 Transcript of 871209 Public Meeting in Dallas,Tx Re Status of Corrective Action Programs at Facility.Pp 1-60 ML20236J3981987-11-0303 November 1987 Transcript of 871103 Prehearing in Dallas,Tx.Pp 25,139- 25,156 ML20245D1231987-11-0202 November 1987 Transcript of 871102 Special Prehearing Conference in Dallas,Tx.Pp 24,963-25,138 ML20149E5411987-10-16016 October 1987 Transcript of Jf Streeter 871016 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility.Pp 1-95 ML20149E5451987-10-16016 October 1987 Transcript of T Tyler 871016 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility.Pp 1-51 ML20149E5061987-10-15015 October 1987 Transcript of J Hansel 871015 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility,Vol Ii.Pp 1-54 ML20149E5301987-10-15015 October 1987 Transcript of JW Beck 871015 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility.Pp 1-56 ML20149E5231987-10-15015 October 1987 Transcript of Wg Counsil 871015 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility.Pp 1-86 ML20149E4191987-10-14014 October 1987 Transcript of J Hansel 871014 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility,Vol I.Pp 1-125 ML20238A6921987-09-0303 September 1987 Partially Withheld Rept of Interview W/R Spangler Re Allegations Concerning QA Audit Group ML20238A7201987-09-0303 September 1987 Partially Withheld Rept of Interview W/Gs Keeley Re Clarification of Info Contained in 831019 Rept Prepared by R Spangler Re Alleged Intimidation of QA Audit Group by Util QC Site Manager.Related Info Encl ML20237G2781987-07-30030 July 1987 Vol II of Transcript of 870730 Public Meeting W/Util.Pp 2- 87.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20237G2721987-07-29029 July 1987 Vol I of Transcript of 870729 Public Meeting W/Util.Pp 2- 129.Supporting Matl Encl ML20235T7021987-07-20020 July 1987 Transcript of 870720 Telcon in Washington,Dc.Pp 24,892- 24,962 ML20237L0731987-04-0909 April 1987 Partially Deleted Transcript of Unnamed Region IV Official 870409 Interview Re Region IV Mgt Handling of Two Insp Repts of Plant ML20214J9581987-04-0707 April 1987 Transcript of 870407 Meeting in Dallas,Tx.Pp 1-85 ML20209E5821987-04-0202 April 1987 Transcript of 870402 Meeting in Bethesda,Md Re Comanche Peak Response Team Program.Pp 1-101.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20212Q7331987-01-29029 January 1987 Transcript of 870129 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 1-82 ML20155F8161987-01-0707 January 1987 Transcript of 870107 Nrc/Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Mgt Meeting in Glen Rose,Tx.Viewgraphs Encl. Pp 1-100 ML20215E0031986-12-15015 December 1986 Transcript of 861215 Prehearing Conference in Bethesda,Md Re Facility.Pp 24,676-24,826 ML20213F6861986-11-0707 November 1986 Transcript of Commission 861107 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-86-325A Concerning Perry Unit 1 OL & SECY-86-292A Concerning Order Re Dispute Between ASLB & Ofc of Investigations in Braidwood OL Hearing.Pp 1-4 ML20215K9781986-09-26026 September 1986 Limited Appearance Statement in Proceeding.Compares Shoreham W/Chernobyl ML20210B3271986-09-10010 September 1986 Transcript of 860910 Hearing in Chicago,Il.Pp 12,338-12,563 ML20214L0401986-08-19019 August 1986 Transcript of 860819 Hearing in Dallas,Tx Re Comanche Peak. Pp 24,600-24,675 ML20214L0301986-08-18018 August 1986 Transcript of 860818 Hearing in Dallas,Tx.Pp 24,423-24,600. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20211B0841986-08-0505 August 1986 Transcript of 860805 Meeting Between Region Iii,Computer Interference Elimination & Util in Redmond,Wa Re Plant as-built Drawing Review.Pp 1-200 ML20237L3691986-07-25025 July 1986 Partially Deleted Transcript of I Barnes 860725 Investigative Interview in Arlington,Tx Re Insps at Plant & Region IV Regulation of Facility.Pp 1-75.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20237L4311986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of C Hale 860724 Investigative Interview in Glen Rose,Tx Re NRC Insps at Plant & Region IV Regulation of Facility.Pp 1-84 ML20238A3271986-07-24024 July 1986 Partially Deleted Transcript of W Warren 860724 Sworn Statement in Glen Rose,Tx Re Activities Involving Phillips at Plant ML20237L7051986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of Le Ellershaw 860724 Investigative Interview in Glen Rose,Tx Re NRC Insps of Plant & Region IV Regulation of Facility.Pp 1-16 ML20203G3571986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of Commission 860724 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re TMI-2 Leak Rate Data Falsification & ALAB-836.Pp 1-6 ML20237L3581986-07-23023 July 1986 Partially Deleted Transcript of J Gagliardo 860723 Sworn Statement in Arlington,Tx Re Activities of Senior Resident Inspector for Const at Plant.Pp 1-31 ML20238A8021986-07-23023 July 1986 Partially Deleted Transcript of T Westerman 860723 Sworn Statement in Arlington,Tx Re Insp Repts 85-14 & 85-11 & Draft 2-A in Phillips Matrix.Pp 514-707.Supporting Documentation Encl 1996-12-05
[Table view] Category:NARRATIVE TESTIMONY
MONTHYEARML20133G5411996-12-0505 December 1996 Transcript of 961205 Meeting in Arlington,Tx Re Comanche Peak Thermo-Lag Fire Barriers. Pp 1-111 ML20128F6221993-02-0303 February 1993 Transcript of 930203 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote Public Meeting in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-2.Related Info Encl ML20034B8131990-04-16016 April 1990 Transcript of 900416 Discussion/Possible Vote in Rockville,Md Re Full Power OL for Unit.Pp 1-113.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20066B5631989-10-27027 October 1989 Transcript of 891027 Investigative Interview of Bp Garde in Arlington,Tx.Pp 1-91 ML20066B5351989-10-23023 October 1989 Transcript of 891023 Investigative Interview of Tl Austin in Houston,Tx.Pp 1-45.Related Info Encl ML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20151M8991988-07-21021 July 1988 Transcript of 880721 Prehearing Conference in Knoxville,Tn. Pp 1-43 ML20151B3591988-07-13013 July 1988 Transcript of 880713 Hearing in Dallas,Tx.Pp 25.187-25,295 ML20196G0621988-06-21021 June 1988 Transcript of TVA 880621 Briefing in Bethesda,Md Re Util Reorganization & Plant Status ML20154R3061988-06-0101 June 1988 Transcript of 880601 Prehearing Conference in Dallas,Tx. Pp 25,157-25,186 ML20154C7511988-05-0404 May 1988 Transcript of 880504 Annual Briefing on State of Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-60. Introductory Remarks, State of Industry Rept & Status Rept on Util Research... Encl.Served on 880509 ML20151B5821988-02-25025 February 1988 Transcript of 880225-26 Public Meetings W/Case & J Doyle ML20207A6561988-01-0707 January 1988 Testimony of T Murley Before Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee Re Plant ML20238C3921987-12-0909 December 1987 Transcript of 871209 Public Meeting in Dallas,Tx Re Status of Corrective Action Programs at Facility.Pp 1-60 ML20236J3981987-11-0303 November 1987 Transcript of 871103 Prehearing in Dallas,Tx.Pp 25,139- 25,156 ML20245D1231987-11-0202 November 1987 Transcript of 871102 Special Prehearing Conference in Dallas,Tx.Pp 24,963-25,138 ML20149E5411987-10-16016 October 1987 Transcript of Jf Streeter 871016 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility.Pp 1-95 ML20149E5451987-10-16016 October 1987 Transcript of T Tyler 871016 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility.Pp 1-51 ML20149E5061987-10-15015 October 1987 Transcript of J Hansel 871015 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility,Vol Ii.Pp 1-54 ML20149E5301987-10-15015 October 1987 Transcript of JW Beck 871015 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility.Pp 1-56 ML20149E5231987-10-15015 October 1987 Transcript of Wg Counsil 871015 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility.Pp 1-86 ML20149E4191987-10-14014 October 1987 Transcript of J Hansel 871014 Deposition in Dallas,Tx Re Facility,Vol I.Pp 1-125 ML20238A6921987-09-0303 September 1987 Partially Withheld Rept of Interview W/R Spangler Re Allegations Concerning QA Audit Group ML20238A7201987-09-0303 September 1987 Partially Withheld Rept of Interview W/Gs Keeley Re Clarification of Info Contained in 831019 Rept Prepared by R Spangler Re Alleged Intimidation of QA Audit Group by Util QC Site Manager.Related Info Encl ML20237G2781987-07-30030 July 1987 Vol II of Transcript of 870730 Public Meeting W/Util.Pp 2- 87.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20237G2721987-07-29029 July 1987 Vol I of Transcript of 870729 Public Meeting W/Util.Pp 2- 129.Supporting Matl Encl ML20235T7021987-07-20020 July 1987 Transcript of 870720 Telcon in Washington,Dc.Pp 24,892- 24,962 ML20237L0731987-04-0909 April 1987 Partially Deleted Transcript of Unnamed Region IV Official 870409 Interview Re Region IV Mgt Handling of Two Insp Repts of Plant ML20214J9581987-04-0707 April 1987 Transcript of 870407 Meeting in Dallas,Tx.Pp 1-85 ML20209E5821987-04-0202 April 1987 Transcript of 870402 Meeting in Bethesda,Md Re Comanche Peak Response Team Program.Pp 1-101.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20212Q7331987-01-29029 January 1987 Transcript of 870129 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 1-82 ML20155F8161987-01-0707 January 1987 Transcript of 870107 Nrc/Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Mgt Meeting in Glen Rose,Tx.Viewgraphs Encl. Pp 1-100 ML20215E0031986-12-15015 December 1986 Transcript of 861215 Prehearing Conference in Bethesda,Md Re Facility.Pp 24,676-24,826 ML20213F6861986-11-0707 November 1986 Transcript of Commission 861107 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-86-325A Concerning Perry Unit 1 OL & SECY-86-292A Concerning Order Re Dispute Between ASLB & Ofc of Investigations in Braidwood OL Hearing.Pp 1-4 ML20215K9781986-09-26026 September 1986 Limited Appearance Statement in Proceeding.Compares Shoreham W/Chernobyl ML20210B3271986-09-10010 September 1986 Transcript of 860910 Hearing in Chicago,Il.Pp 12,338-12,563 ML20214L0401986-08-19019 August 1986 Transcript of 860819 Hearing in Dallas,Tx Re Comanche Peak. Pp 24,600-24,675 ML20214L0301986-08-18018 August 1986 Transcript of 860818 Hearing in Dallas,Tx.Pp 24,423-24,600. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20211B0841986-08-0505 August 1986 Transcript of 860805 Meeting Between Region Iii,Computer Interference Elimination & Util in Redmond,Wa Re Plant as-built Drawing Review.Pp 1-200 ML20237L3691986-07-25025 July 1986 Partially Deleted Transcript of I Barnes 860725 Investigative Interview in Arlington,Tx Re Insps at Plant & Region IV Regulation of Facility.Pp 1-75.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20237L4311986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of C Hale 860724 Investigative Interview in Glen Rose,Tx Re NRC Insps at Plant & Region IV Regulation of Facility.Pp 1-84 ML20238A3271986-07-24024 July 1986 Partially Deleted Transcript of W Warren 860724 Sworn Statement in Glen Rose,Tx Re Activities Involving Phillips at Plant ML20237L7051986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of Le Ellershaw 860724 Investigative Interview in Glen Rose,Tx Re NRC Insps of Plant & Region IV Regulation of Facility.Pp 1-16 ML20203G3571986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of Commission 860724 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re TMI-2 Leak Rate Data Falsification & ALAB-836.Pp 1-6 ML20237L3581986-07-23023 July 1986 Partially Deleted Transcript of J Gagliardo 860723 Sworn Statement in Arlington,Tx Re Activities of Senior Resident Inspector for Const at Plant.Pp 1-31 ML20238A8021986-07-23023 July 1986 Partially Deleted Transcript of T Westerman 860723 Sworn Statement in Arlington,Tx Re Insp Repts 85-14 & 85-11 & Draft 2-A in Phillips Matrix.Pp 514-707.Supporting Documentation Encl 1996-12-05
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- !ER23009."O 1
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7 4
Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc.
8 Suite 402
444 North Capitol Street, N.E.
9 Washington, D. C.
10 Thursday, May 2, 1985 II The telephone interview cc:::menced at 10 :03 a.m.,
12 Chet Poslunsy presiding.
' Interviewee 15,!
NRC T.achnical Review Team 17 f i
M/444 i
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23009.0 2
_P _R _O _C _E _E.D _I _N _G.S 2
We will start here.
For the 3
record, this is an interview ofI for the i
4 purpose of providing feedback regarding the technical 3
5 review team assessment of certain concerns raised about
6 the Comanche Peak facility.
Present at this interview are I
7 myself, Chet Poslusny of the technical review team; Ern i.e l
8 Thompson, also of the team; and Tao Shou Hou; and we are 9
talking to,C;.R w hag.
p,2 w.
P 10 As agreed, this interview is being transcribed 11 and a copy will be provided to you,(dKyyr'GQ In i
-t 12 addition, we will be providing a copy of our SER, safety 13 evaluation report, which will include this item'that we 14 are going to discuss today.
We will send you a copy of 15 that also.
16 We would like to start a discussion of the i
17 technical concerns.
Mr. Thompson will begin.
Let me first of all be sure that 19 we have characterined your allegation correctly As
,Q 20 we understand it, your allegation was that an improper 21 weld design was used to attach Cadweld sleeves to 2-inch s
22 thick A588 steel plate details on steam line penetration 23 assemblies of the reactor containment building.
I believe l
24 y,our assertion was that the. steel plate details used were 25 susceptible to laminar tearing when tensile-loaded in the s
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j 23009.0 3
1 thickness direction.
This is a condition which you felt 2
would result if Cadweld sleeves were welded to A388 steel 3
Is that correct 4
If it is'not correct, would you 6
' The fact that when the members 8
came to the job site, they were already showing signs of 4
r 9
laminar tearing at the welded joints of the members 10 th ems elv es, not in the Cadweld sleeve area.
We had cracks 11 from 2 to 3 inches long -- I don't know how deep in the 12 welded areas -- but in the members themselves, showing 13 that this seal, whether it is 588 or not, is definitely 14 susceptible to laminar tearing.
Are you now talking about th e 16 material of which the penetration sleeve assembly itself 17 was made?
' WiNW Yes, sir.
Because that threw us off a 20 little bit.
There was no A588 steel specified for the 21 penetration sleeve assembly itself.
There were specified i
22 two other materials, I believe.
That is A516, grade 70 t
23 and ASME SA 537, class 2, and then an SA 533, grade 6.
i l
24 The reinforcing plate was SA 537, class 2.
So you are l
I 25 saying then that these materials which were part of this
.f 4
I 23009.0 4
1 penetration sleeve proper showed laminations?
2 Yes, sir.
t; 3
Did you say that these had 4
already been repaired prior to receipt or that you had to
. i 1
l 5
repair them after receipt?
6 They were repaired at th e job site, 7
af ter-it was dete= mined that if the members were remade or i
N 8
remanufactured, if would cause a job delay of at least six 9
Were these repairs in the gussets 11 themselves or in the pipe section?
12 In th e gus s et.=
th' ems elv e s.
There are some standing gussets.
14 I think they were not too high, maybe 2 or 3 inches high.
15 Does that sound about right for the gussets?
16 I am not sure what you are 17 referring to as " gussets."
If the penetration sleeve itself i
1 1
19 is a pipe, correct?
J 20 No, sir.
Not what I am talking i
21 about.
We must be talking about two different things.
22 This is not a pipe.
This is a rectangular member or a i
23 square member, it is made out of 2-inch plate fabricated l
24 up.
It is an I-beam-like section which makes a perf ect J
1 25 square with a square hole through the middle.
4 1 9
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M 23009.0 5
1 MR. HOU:
I think you may think that A588 steel 2
plate is part of the penetration assembly,, is that right?
I do not remember exactly.
3 e
y 9
4 MR. HOU:
But your concern is about the e
4 5
integrity of the plate, th e 2-inch plate?
_The 2-inch plate used, regardless 6
.b 7
of what material it is.
Because it is definitely
!b 8
susceptible to laminar tearing, as was demonstrated by the 4
j 9
laminar tears in the plate when it was received at th e job 1
I 10 site.
.j 11 MR. HOU:
You think the plate is used for the 12 containment penetration?
1 s
i 13 m'.a F=7-..y Pardon me?
2 14 MR. HOU:
You think that the plate is part of a 15 penetration assembly?
16 ff;Os2 ~Mog Yes, sir.
It is a part of this l
j i
17 plate assembly.
That is what was repaired, this 2-inch i
18 plate assembly, 19 MR. THOMPSON:
Did you say these were I-beams?
4 6. N $
They'd be fabricated pieces out of 20
21 2-inch plate that form more or less an I-beam.
You said they were a square I
,d 23 member when they are through with it?
24 It forms a square box.
25 MR. HOU:
I think Mr. Thompson is trying to tR'I M.
s 4
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23009.0 6
l REE j
1 explain to you that if the plate itself is not a part of t
subject te 2
the penetration assembly and also the plate is I
l 3
compression, you will not cause the concern of the laminar
.8 4
5 The mechanism I'm talking about 1
6 had Cadweld sleeves that were to accept number 18 rebar i
i 7
attached to it top and bottom.
The welded tubes, the very 8
outside of the member and therefore any stress applied in 9
tension would be through the Z direction.
I cannot 10 believe that a force inside the containment building I
11 itself would not put pressure in a tension direction.
I am confused now.
What you are Jl 13 talking about is not what we were looking at.
4 14 Q)g$geq Q*fg I do not have a set of plans, 15 obviously.
You should have.
It is a square member that 16 was f abricated up out of 2-inch plate.
It is a not a i
17 member that the main steam line goes through, but it is 18 the member that the number 18 rebars are Attached to.
19 MR. HOU:
I can explain to you, one, th e 20
, penetration sleeve actually is a pipe type, the pipe shape.
21 These are 2-inch plate is not the penetration.
They are i
22 not welded to or is part of the penetration assembly.
23 This plate is actually the anchor plate.
You 24 attach the rebar to it.
The rebar goes through the hole i
25 and then there is a Cadweld sleeve, but that is after you 1
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23009.0 7
1 weld, and that weld is a weld that is just temporary to 2
hold the rebar in position before putting the Cadweld.
3 After that, you pour the concrete.
This is subject to 4
compression because 'the rebar, the end is through the hole; 5
the compressing force would not cause laminar tearing 6
effect through the plate.
not talking about that.
He 8
is talking about something we haven't looked at.
9 MR. HOU: /
concerned about the effects to 10 the penetration cf the integrity of the plate itself, 11 subject to laminar tearing.
Not the hardware we looked at.
I 13
_alking about something different.
14 c;JWWns j
ruw.cra Yes, sir.
That square structure, was that --
17 since you said Cadweld sleeves and bars were welded top 18 and bottom,, it must have been encased in concrete.
19 Yes, sir.
These are associated with the i
21 - main steam line penetrations?
22 -
That is correct.
Is this part of a pipe, by any 1
9 24 chance?
25 Sir, it has been a long time since A9
2,1 5
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23009.0 8
I j
1 I was th er e.
It is hard for me to remember all the 2
I j
3 MR.-HOU:
This is for tension on the rebar, is 1
3 4
that correct?
5 I didn't understand you.
6 MR. HOU:
This is for tension on the rebar.
7 Yes, sir.
8 MR. HOU:
But this is anchor plate.
It can't be
.g-gsaidit is a 10 square member.
11 N'
M3 3 this square member -- we are having t
12 a little difference of opinion here.
We did find an A588 13 material which was used as an anchor plate to the ends of 14 rebar,. and these anchor plates were anywhere from 12 15 inches square to somewhat larger.
They varied in size.
16 It was just a single piece of plate with a hole cut in the 17 middle.
It was slipped over the rebar and a Cadweld i
se then the Cadweld joint was sleeve was gack-welded ~ to it, 18 19 made.
Those were what they call anchors for the ends of 20 rebar, which were not attached to the penetration 21 assemblies.
These were later encased in concrete.
Is 22 that what you are referring to?
23 Encased in concrete?
I am not 24 sure if we are talking about the'same member or not.
These plates had no welding on.
_ ~,
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23009.0 9
1 They were square pieces of material.
When I say "no 2
welding," I mean they were not made of several members 3
welded together.
9 4
This is a fabricated member mad e 5
out of several pieces of plate.
Do you have a drawing that you 7
could reference for us?
8 No.
It is made out of about 12 9
pieces of plate.
12 pieces, boy.
Where the welds were made holding 11 e
12 the member together is where it started tearing, coming 13, apart.
Were these welds do you know 15 whether the welds were either all fillet welds or 16 primarily fillet weld or groove welds?
lh The welds at the assembly itself 18 are full penetration welds.
They were made in such a 19 manner that they pulled on the plate in the Z direction, 20 and that is what started pulling it apart.
That is what 21 showed the tendency to laminar tearing.
Do you happen to know who 23 fabricated that' structure?
Was that fabricated by an
24 outside vendor?
i 25 It was fabricated by an outside m;, c.
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1 vendor.
l 2
Do you know the company that made l
3 it?
2 4
. No, sir, I do not.
-l 5
At this moment I have no further questions to ask[ [
~ I don't know what 6
to look at now.
.We did not look at this type of a structure at all.
-ti 8
Would it be helpful -- how would 4
9 you be able to find it without any further information?
All I can do is look for 11 something else that.is associated with the main steam 12 penetration assembly what is not a square structure.
. _;5F Let me.tell you that it is about a 13 14 3-foot square.
The plate itself is an I-shaped member.
15 It is about 6 to 8 inches wide, as I remember.
Through and up and over?
17 J
- fYes, sir.
They started up, are i
18 penetrated, and they continued on up.
This member is made I
19 to connect ^ where those bars are cut.
I e
Was this associated perhaps. with l
8 21 the George Washington bridge?
Do you know what I mean by
.i 22 that?
I 23 No, sir.
Then we will forget that.
I'm 25 trying to get th e structure.
I don't know where it is e
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23009.0 11 REE
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I don't know where it is.
2 MR. HOU:
According to the drawing, all those 3
penetrations appear to be pipe-shaped.
We are going to 4
look more.
If we are not able to find any ' penetration l.
' assembly and a square plate with it, then maybe th e square 6
plate is not used for the penetration.
We --
7 I know it was for penetration.
8 MR. HOU:
You know that the square plate is for 9
the penetration?
gd..jd.a,m;Ne[ Yes,
I saw it.
10 c
11 MR. HOU:
How do we know this?
How do we know 12 it is not a square plate but used for attaching the rebar?
13' If not, is for the penetration.
Also, the material appear 14 to be th e same materials you called as A588.
So at this 15 moment I feel maybe to yourself, the square plate is for 16, the penetration, but maybe it is just for attachment of rebar 17 at the anchor plate.
18 These anchor plates, there is no concern.
19 was the subject of compression instead of tension.
,M7 No.
This was attached to number 20 i.
21 18 rebar at the top, and 3 inches further down on the -- 3
..f 22 feet, pardon me, further down on the assembly, number 18 1
23 rebar were attached to the bottom of this fabricated i
f 24 member.
25 MR. HOU:
In that case, that means very likely 1
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1 this one is at the anchor of the rebar, so is not for i-l 2
Is anchor plate for rebar.
There is just one thing I am
-1 4
still confused on on this structure you are describing.
~ ~i i
5 You said it was both -a square assembly, built like a 6
square about 3 feet square out of maybe a dozen pieces of P
7 plate, but you also mentinned it was an I-shaped member.
8 Did you mean that you had built-up sections of I-beams 9
that were welded together in the form of a square, or do 10 you mean that when the square was completed, if you look ed 11 at th e cross section of it, it was an I-beam?
12 No, sir, it is more or less an 13 I-beam section built up into the form of a square.
If I took this square and sliced
- 15 through one side of the square and looked at that cut edge, 16 is that the I-beam shape looking at the cut edge?
17 The I-beam shape 'would be if you 18 made a horizontal cut through the member and looked at the 19 end section.
So it sounds to me like 21 you are describing something that was fabricated by 22 welding into I-beam shapes, and then the I-beam sections 4
l 23 were welded to form a square.
24 Yes, sir.
And you said the I-beam sections i
i t
13 23009.0 a
l REE 1
were about 6 inches wide,.I believe?
l 2
I said as I remember.
I 3
Let's see if I had 4
i l
4 any other questions.
t 5
Lid you see the piping through these, or were l
6 these just being installed before the pipes were there?
They were being installed before 7
r 8
the pipes were there.
I see.
10 They were just starting up with 4..
11 the containment wall when thes e were installed.
So this goes through the 13 containment wall, then?
14 g!&h5GMM Yes, sir.
And by " containment wall" we are 16
. talking the concrete structure?
17 Y es, sir.
You said they are 3 feet in 4
19 diameter.
I don'.t' suppose you knew the size of the pipe j
20 that was supposed to go through them?
21 No, sir, I don't.
l, 22 MR. THOMP SOtJ :
I can't help any further.
>l 23 Those are all the questions I have.
There is no.value in talking-25 about our findings.
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talking about a piece 2
of hardware we haven't even found.
3 (Discussion off the record. )
we are going to have.
1 i
5 to check this out.
We will have to get back with you in l
6 the future.
7 If I can be of any more help to 8
you in describing it, I will say it is on the west side of 9
the containment building.
It goes from the containment 10 building to the turbine building.
This went. from the west 12 side of the containment building to the turbine building.
13 Do you know whether that is unit 1 or unit 2?
h g.Q fg g It was the first unit built, 14 15 whichever one that is.
Turbine build'ing of unit 1.
- right.
That might help us a little further.
17 1
Just in case we need to do this, 19 would you be available to show it to us on the site?
20 Yes, sir.
So you wouldn't have a 22 problem with doing that?
j' 23 No, sir.
I want to thank you for your time.
25 As I said, we will look into this an'd get back to you and N
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1 appreciate your help in clarifying this.
I would like to ij 2
go off the record right now.
3 (Discussion of f the record. )
1 l
Thank you very much.
Thank you
- 1 5
for your time.
6 (Whereupon, at 10:17 a.m.,
the interview was i.
7 concluded.)
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i This is to. certify that the attached proceedings before t
i matter od:
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4 1
THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1385 1
s were-held as ka-=d-appears, and that this is the criginal-I, transcript thereof fc:
- 'e of the United States Nuclear
Regulatory Cv-dssicn.
q 4
(,, 1 i
44h s.
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( T?ID I
Rebecca E.
Eyster 2
i Official Reporter Ace-Eederal Reporters, Inc.
Reporter's Affiliatien l
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