ML20215K978 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | 05000000, Shoreham |
Issue date: | 09/26/1986 |
From: | Lewis M LEWIS, M. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20213F109 | List:
References | |
NUDOCS 8706250507 | |
Download: ML20215K978 (3) | |
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7801 ROOSEVELT BLVO. 4 62 j
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Limited Statemen'"\\ of Mar' vin I. Lewis for the ASLB at Shorehsm Nuclear power Station Docket 50-322-OL-5.
We have seen Chernobyl. we have seen TMI. Still we prest I
on with the most,rediculous of power supplies.
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'86 0CT -2 A10:24 October 1, 1986 GFFIC r
UCC --
SERVED nr.T -21986
'i MEMORANDUM FOR: William L. Clements Chief, Docketing and. Services Branch FROM:
Kathaleen Kerr ~
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board j
DOCKET NO. 50-322-OL-5 l
Please serve the attached correspondence on the Shoreham/EP
Exercise Service List--Docket No. 50-322-OL-5:
j 1.
Ltr. dated 8/15/86 from Lisa S. Deuel; i
Ltr. dated 9/17/86 from Ron Posnack; 3.
Ltr. dated 9/23/86 from I. W. Bianchi, Jr.;
Ltr. dated 9/24/86 to Sharleene Sherwin from Thomas J. Lee; 5.
Ltr. dated 11/24/86 from Herbert Jaffee.
4 Enclosures As Stated s
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'86 0CT -2 A10:26 OCNIIN'.i A EPbl j
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.i 15 August 1986 Morton B. Margulies, Chairman I
Dr. Jerry R. Kline Mr. Frederick J.
.j Adutinistrative Judges i
Atomic Safety and Licensjng Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conmission Washington, D.C.
Re: Shoreham Nuclear Power Station
Dear Administrative Judges:
i As a resident of Nassau County I am intensely interested in the
Shoreham plant.
I understand that your Board intends to conduct hear-1 ing on Long Island regarding LILCO's plan and the February 13, 1986, l
t I am writing because I want to have an opportunity to inform the Board of my views about the LILCO plan and the exercise. I wanted to do this in February, right after the exercise, which I i
observed butFEMA, contrary to its practice at other plants, refused to hold such a public meeting.
I understand that this Doard has agreed to hold sessions for the receipt of " limited appearance" statments but that dates have not yet been set. The dates should be set and the sessions should not be de-layed. I and'other Long Island residents have important data to pre-sent..
9 It has been sut;gested that at least one limited appearance session should be held in Nassau County. TThe great public interest in this matter demands no less.
i I look forward to hearing as soon as possible about when and s
where the sessions will be held.
j i,
Sinceroly, i
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1 Lisa G. huel l
Es Qktd Rd.
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P. O. 80X 162
'86 0CT -2 A10:26 MIDDLE ISLAND NEW YORK 11953 OFFtLE 0' ::i a
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90CKf.f!NU & ?.! PvlC L BRANCH
. September 17, 1986 i
Chairman of Atomic Safety and Lic. Board US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 l
Dear Sir:
Enclosed is the Middle Island Teachers' Association Resolution against Shoreham.
I respectfully request that q
this resolution become part of the " official record" that
shows opposition from employee groups within the 10 mile zone.
1 Sincerely.
(W v
Ron osnack MITA 2nd V.P.
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P. O., BOX 162 I
MIDDLE ISLAND, NEW YORK 18953 MIDDLE ISLAND TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION RESOLUTION AGAINST THE SHOREHAM NUCLEAR POWER PLANT WHEREAS', the g (number) members of this Association, many of whom are women of child bearing age, teach in 7
schools i
located within A
miles of the Shoreham nuclear power plant; and I
WHEREAS, many members of this Association live within 10 i
miles of the Shoreham plant and/or have family members or chil-dren who work or attend school within 10 miles of the Shoreham plant; and f
WHEREAS, Federal regulations require that before full. power operation of the Shoreham nuclear power plant can be permitted, there must exist a workable emergency plan which can be,imple-mented and which assures that the population will be adequately protected in the event of a nuclear accident at the plant: and J
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WHEREAS, the governments of Suffolk County and the State of New York, after extensive analysis, determined not to adopt or implem'ent any radiological emergency plan for a Shoreham plant accident and court decisions have upheld Suffolk County's deci-sion not to adopt or implement such an emergency plan; and WHEREAS, ir) light of thIt recent nuclear power plant acciden't in the Soviet Union and its devastating sffects, this Association is mindful of the potential for, and the dangers associated with, e
- a nuclear power plant accident, and is mindful as well of the q
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necess'ity of assuring that real and adequate protection can be provided to school children and school personnel before creating the risk of..such an accident by permitting a nuclear power plant to operate; and WHEREAS, the Long Island Lighting Company has prepared an emergency plan for Shoreham according to which LILCO employees would perform functions normally performed by duly authorized governmental officials, and'the proposed LILCO plan has been ruled by the courts to be illegal and beyond LILCO's authority to j
implement; and
I WHEREAS, the LILCO emergency plan includes provisions sup-posedly to be implemented by school officials and school person-I School District which are purportedly nel in the i nnwnna intended to protect the school children in their charge from the effects of a nuclear accident at Shoreham; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education for the Lengwood District has adopted a redolution setting forth its position that the proposals contained in the LILCO plan could not be implemented ef fectively by its personnel and, even if im-piemented, would not adequately protect.the schoo1 children in this district in the event of a Shoreham accident, and deter-mining not to implement or cooperate in implementing any LILCO-proposed emergency plan for Shoreham; and.
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WHEREAS, the LILCO plan makes unwarranted and false assump-tions and representations about (a) the existe.nce of plans in the Longwood District for the early dismissal, sheltering, or evacuation of children frem schools in the Longwood District during a Snoreham accident; (b) the ability and willing-ness of the members of this Association to undertake or perform particular duties and actions during a Shoreham ac"cident; and (c) the purported effectiveness of such actions even if they were taken; and WHEREAS, this Association understands that according to the LILCO plan and representations made by LILCO to the Nuclear i negulatory Commission, in the event of a nuclear accident at the j ) Shoreham plant, members of this Association are expected to: 1 (a) remain in school, inside the,tmergency planning zone, to supervise children during an early dismissal; (b) remain in school, inside the emergency planning zone, to supervise children while they are attempting to shelter from harmful radiation; (c) accompany children on buses which would take them through the emergency planning zone to evacuation centers to be located substantial distances away from school; - ;,s. j f. 2. -n ,. g.r.L.4 .=a... r :.;g.s.Q& _,.. <f.%. g q.y-Q. = a..!-.'s: :., -- _w. T ',. i.qsg,- ra v q, % , u~... g _. .,.gr,.g ~. .;. g.. 4~;..f q.. ~. 7..,.,.,.... y. , - n., .,...,s.. s 7,.. f e,A..II.,. ' e'.. [,,, E. [-* N - *. .m..._....
(d) remain with children to supervise them in evacuation centers; and, . t o (e) even drive school buses through the emergency planning zone as part of an early dismissal or an evacuation of schools; ,J and I WHEREAS, the Association is informed that in order to protect its own employees who are supposed to participate in implementing the proposed LILCO plan for Shoreham, the LILCO plan expressly orchibits any LILCO employees who are women of child bearing age f rom accepting any emergency assignments that -require them to be inside the 10 mile emergency planning zone during a l Shoreham accident; and l WHEREAS, this Association is informed that based.upon LILCO's false assumptions and representations, the' Nuclear Regu-latory Commission's Licensing Board has asserted that prepared-ness in the Longwood School District is adequate to pro-tect school children in the event of a'Shoreham plant emergency. and that the Federal Emergency Management Agency, without even speaking with members of this Association, has ignored the fact that the Longwood District has adopted no plan to respond to a' Shoreham-emergency and its officials and personnel have received no training on how to respond to such an emergency; a.....3, Y h - & ~:;4 ~. 7-S._ 4 / ..;t S i g../ l
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NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the representations and assumptions made by -~1 LILCO and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission about the ability and 1 i willingness of members of this Association (a) to participate in implementing LILCO's illegal emergency plan for Shoreham or (b) to endanger themselves by performing emergency duties inside the emergency planning zone during an accident which LILCO does not even expect its own employees to perform, are unwarranted, without basis, and false; and be it further L l i RESOLVED, that because members of this Association have im-portant personal obligations and responsibilities to which they would have to attend in the event of a nuclear accident at Shoreham, members of this Association cannot commit or agree to t remain at school during a Shoreham accident, to accompany chil-i dren on buses during an evacuation, to remain with children in evacuation centers, or to drive school buses during an evacuation or early dismissal from a Shoreham accident; and be it further RESOLVED, that the members of this Association are not re-quired by the terms of their employment with the Longwood School District to perform during a nuclear accident at Shoreham the actions which lit,CO and the Nuclear-Regulatory Commission improperly and falsely assume or expect.them to perform; and be t it further 7~.c e.~ m a a. w::~. . s w = ..aa w. m.+ + . ~..~.
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... g ) A J l RESOLVED, that based upon the substantial experience of its taembers, this Association finds that the portion of LILCO's emer-gency plan supposedly intended to apply to school children and, according to LILCO, supposedly to be implemented by school offi-cials and personnel, could not in fact be implemented in the l '1 District during a Shoreham accident; and be j 1.ngma na it further i i RESOLVED, that this Association believes that t in the absence of a workable emergency plan that could be implemented and that would provide adequate protection for school children, the danger posed by the full power operation of the ) Shoreham nuclear plant should not be permitted. q This resolution was passed by the Middle Island Teachers' Association's Board of Trustees on July 15, 1986. i l 1 ) Barbara Governale } MITA President l l / /W Ron Posn k MITA 2nd V.P. 9 r e
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Y M g,t. THE ASSEMBLY 6.o { g%. STATE OF NEW YORK QM 1 , Lge.,,) ALBANY cs,,,y,y
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COMMITTEES Assemblyman 3rd District Aules puder 23, H86 ,y East Ps u L Y,11772 CorpatFor(s/ Commissions - . LegesWtive Office Building CHAIAMAN Albany New York 12248 Sub-Committee on Manne Resources l (S t 8) 455-4901 e Son. Morton B. Margulies Chairman of the Shoreham. Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Washington,fD.C. 20555 Re:.Shoreham Nuclear Power Station EP Exercise- .h Docket # 50-322-OL-5
Dear Judge Margulies:
I-appreciate the opportunity to submit a statement concern-ing the evacuation' plan for the Shoreham nuclear power plant. As a State legislator representing a part of Suffolk County, 1 I do not have any. legislative authority regarding the laws,which-the NRC and this Board operate under. As we all know, the Congress makes the laws concerning-how nuclear power plants are licensed. The law on licensing nuclear power. plants j ) specifically calls for local participation in evacuation plans. j i My purpose in being here is to point out that it. appears to me, as a State legislator, that'the NRC is not following~this. j 1 law mandated by' Congress. When an agency does not follow the
- administrative procedure set up-by a legislative body, it is a violation of due process, and I believe that is'what:is occurring today.
An' agency, whether federal or state, cannot make one set of rules for a nuclear power plant in California'and another set of rules for a nuclear power plant here on Long Island. It is unfortunate'that legal action will most likely be the-result of these hearings, wnich attempt to circumvent the laws. set.up by Congress. .c The second point thatLI wish to make has to do with the new establishing the Long Island Power Authority.. As a. sponsor-of this law,.I was pleased to support this legislation which not only seeks to stabili:e electric ' rates on Long Island, the will of.the people of LongLIsland.that Shoreham not s [, e- %'. - f ..y
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4 Hon. Morton B. Margulies September 23, 1986 ) e . f l The legislators on Long Island have spoken for the people. open. We ask you to respect the statement made by the New York State Legislature and the Governor of the State by not approving a li-cense for Shoreham since our State law will close Shoreham. We have spoken as a State. I am asking you, as a representa-tive of the federal government, to respect our decision in this j matter. Sincerely, J /u I. W. Bianchi, Jr. Member of Assembly cj I 6 l I 4 i n a i i ..i e -l, e
j i
'IM James A. Dever School Codona Avenue Valley Stream, New York 11582 1Sb 4 g 2"/ '825-8545 khft [.ShIC 't BRANCH l .I September 24, 1986 Ms. Sharleene Sherwin L.I. Ocalition for Safe Living 60 Lagoon Blvd. $apequa, NY 11758 + Dear Ms. Sherwin The State Supreme. Court has ruled that LILCO's emergency plan for Shoreham is illegal. The State and Suffolk County have declined to implement any such plan for Shoreham. The Governor takes the position that Shoreham cannot and should not be licensed to operate. This School District, as an arm of the Legislative Branch of the State of New York, feels itself bound by the decisions of the State Supreme Court and by the opinione of the Governor. Accordingly, and in vie < of the above, this School District wants you to know that our agreement with the American Red Cross, dated 12/22/85, for the use of our Wheeler Avenue School as a mass care shel? ar in case of an emergency, does not apply to a radiological smergency originating out of LILCO's facility at Shoreham. Should such a disaster occur, at any time in the future, the Board of Education of this School District will consider a request, de novo, at that time. of course, with the exception detailed above, our school facility stands ready to assist I in any community emergency. Yours truly, W Thomas J Lee Superin tendent .j TJL:dit cc Atonic Licensing Board The Honorable Judge Kargulies The Honorable Judge Klein Dr. Shon r#
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l ASSOCIATION OF INVESTORS IN NEW YORK UTILITIES, INC. y A Mornt>ership Nof4cr Proof New York Corp. l d P.O. Box 12423, Albany, New York 12212 ~#t l November 24, 1986 -2 @eM*.Ellfo' 0mCERS Norton B. Margulies, ChairimanN is Norneeck nidge Hon. Poughkeepsie. NY 12603 ] Pruiden Kart Parker, Jr. Atomic Licensing Board 19,1 3 464-3962 a 75 west Mohawk Street N l Buff alo, NY 142o2 U.S. Nuc I ear Regul atory Commisuio@FFC L' 00CKEi g [ W,1~ l (7161 849-7435 Washington D.C. 20555 Eaecutive vice Pruident J*""c"n*e*Acad
Dear W. Mar # ies:
o, Vereenk. NY 12585 (* '3877'5'38 Re the hearings in Suffolk County regarding the testing of Treeeurer the Shoreham evacuation plan 3 f Auth Kovacs 13 St. Ann's Road Poughkeepsie, NY 126o1 Th e Long Island community and Suffolk
- County, which
' # #* '3 welcomed the construction of the Shoreham nuclear power wi',*M 7,,,,,n
- plant, has been beset by a wave of fear mongering by 76o chutnut Hill Road opponents of technology.
Unfortunately, the local a E,a,s' ^ ' ' ~ NY 14052 politicians, Who seem unable to summon up the courage that f leadership requires, have caved in to the fear mongering of j
- 6) 652-514q
'fnE technology's opponents. Political considerations have j R 0R$ i supplanted r at ional ity in the licensing of the Shoreham l ,and) nucIear power plant on Long Is1and. l Kenneth deLisle { = L +s A. Dickerson o nMN7ou"r'e$n Long Island desperately needs Shoreham's 809 megawatts of l Voorhenville, NY electric power and there is no alter' native. source. There Can be no doubt that the evacuation $ ue fs a red herring. Jo n F .n
- e. NY Joseph F. Furtong In my opinion, the poliDicianE ar e CTear i y in viol ation o f l
their duty to protect the public h'ealth$ and"; safety by Her Ja e refusing to test an evacuation plan. Furth r,.-they are in law by attempting to usurpi}the prerogatives Fr** port. NY o [ensc[ $*" viol aton of the of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Ric kuk y Morris L. Lewy I request that your commission approve the ' evacuation plan conail"d.*Nn ey, Jr'so that the licensing of the Shoreham nuclear plant be Syracuse, NY Heo M nter implemented as s n as possible. p ,, NY Joseph Ottenneitner Si"C'"*IY ou$t n Ae"g#
- i"*
ntein New Canaan. cf Philip M. Rideout Forest Hills. NY Herbert J fe, ir ec tor carrei o. n,pp.inu watertown. NY 57 Elinor Place oiana E. Sander ITeeport N.Y. 11520 oetrnar. NY 516 868-746i A.8. weiieo'", NY Schenectady Lynn Abraham 1 Karr Parker Jr. John Howley i e l / 3 y@DW to ine nn.nci.nnt..,ii,, io.,e,in. in,e....own.d N.w ve,k utiiities. 4
p. 3 ( e OObh ado 4SE M. 0 AMATO ^ k %ggggjt,,..d.Yx .ww yor.x Buited $tates $tnatt W WASHINGTON. DC 20610 e:
- ' 16 ocr 1 go 37 September 26, 1986 OhXbEdt/,fQ'd'y SRANCH 1
r The Honorable Morton B. Margulies N Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Nuclear Regulatory Commission SERVED OCT -1886 Washington, D.C. 30555
Dear Judge Margulies:
As c follow-up to my limited appearance statement before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board on September 23, 1986, I am submitting a series of contentions regarding the shoreham nuclear power plant. These are matters which were addressed repeatedly during the statements before the Board on September 23rd, 25th, and 26th, and they constitute issues that must be considered in the. .d j licensing hearing for Shoreham. 1 It is clear from the staterents presented to the Board that the. ] people of Long Island are afraid. They are afraid that no one is truly considering vital safety issues at Shoreham. They are afraid that there is a pre-existing determination to license Shoreham which I I will prevent full consideration of.these issues during the licensing J hearing. They are afraid that we have not really learned our lessons from Thr e Mile Island and Chernobyl. They are afraid that the Nuclear h9gulatory Commission and the Atomic Safety Licensing Board are simply going through the motions and hre'not really paying any i attention to the legitimate concerns of the residents of Long Island. I share these fears. I therefore urge the Atomic Safety and Licensing Eoard to accept the following four contentions for.. litigation. I believe they are J matters that clearly expose the inadequacy of LILCo's February 13 exercise. Each of these contentions follows.the pleading: require-ments'of NRC regulations: their bases are NRC regulatory require-ments; they are drafted with specificity; and the parties to the proceeding are given notice of what to litigate. 4 Contention 1 NRC regulations provide that'the NRC "shall" base its emergency preparedness conclusions on the finding of FEMA..Following the February 13 exercise, FEMA refused to make a finding. However,-the l then-Director of FEMA' Region II, Mr.. Frank Petrone, found and- ~ publicly announced that the exercise did-not provide a basis to con-clude'that there is a reasonable assurance that LILCO's emergency i plan can adequately protect the public. FEMA headquarters in 1' Washington forced Mr. Petrone to resign'when he would not retract his fs .h s y. a hd
The Honorable Morton B. Margulies September 26, 1986 Page Two In testimony before the ASLB on September 25, 1986, Mr. statement. Petrone stated, "My lasting reservations and warnings about the lack of adequate emergency planning for Shoreham continue...." He also said with respect to the February 13 exercise, "...The scope of the exercise was so limited, the initial f:ndings significant, and the capabilities of government resources impossible to measure, that in any other operating plant, immediate action would be taken. This ) test can only conclude that the state of emergency preparedness for Shoreham is virtually nonexistent in light of your own regulations and standa:ds. It is clear to me that there is no satisfactory or l workable plan for Suffolk county...." Mr. Petrone concluded, "...The i major deficiencies cited should have been enough evidence for the NRC to immediately act and deny any operating license for Shoreham." Accordingly, the Licensing Board must find either: (1) that l there is no FEMA finding on which the NRC "shall" base its conclusion and, therefore, unless and until FEMA submits such a finding,'this i proceeding must be summarily ended; or (2) that the FEMA finding was the statement made by FEMA's former Region Director and, therefore, there is no reasonable assurance that LILCO's plan can adequately protect the public. Contention 2 NRC regulations require that the Licensing Board consider new information relevant to the safety of the public. The Chernobyl acc ident is such new information. In light of Chernobyl, the 1 preponderance of people on Long Island would react to a Shoreham j accident by immediately seeking to save themselves and their loved ones from,Shoreham's radiation as fast as possible. The knowledge that people already have about the impossibility of evacuating on Long Island's few and congested roadways, coupled with the fact that serious radioactive doses at Chernobyl required the evacuation of all people within at least 18 miles, would cause the public on Long Island to ignore LILCO's emergency plan and would create an A :ece.nt uncontrollgble situation where the public wculd be t:apped. Newsday poll showed that if the public were informed of an accident at Shoreham, roughly 1.8 million of Long Island's citizens would immediately rush to evacuate. This obviously would lead to a gridlock. Long Islanders, therefore, would be endangered by the very radiation that the emergency plan is designed to help them escape. Contention 3 URC regulations provide that an emergency planning exercise be a basis for determining whether adequate protective measures can and will be taken. The Februa:y 13 exe:cise provides no such basis, because (1) it was irrelevant to the actual conditions on Long Island; (2) it made believe that 130,000 people were evacuated 4d
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The Honorable Morton B. Margulies September 26, 1986 Page Three j without major problemst (3) it ignored the effects of a large-scale volurtary evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people; and (4) it was Lssed on a scenario that LILCO wrote for'itself and which did not include difficult tasks for LIL,CO. Therefore, there is no basis for the results of the exercise to support a finding that LILCO's plan can be implemented so as to adequately protect the public. Contention 4 FEMA's evaluation of the February 13 exercise was wholly inadequate. Instead of perf orming its duties in accordance with FEMA's obligation to the public and its enabling legislation', FEMA acted as a mere puppet for LILCO. The NRC is going along with the exercise and is using its personnel and resources to further this deception. FEMA's evaluation of the exercise is, therefore, tainted, and it must be rejected as such by the Licensing Board. I ask that you consider these contentions in the forthcoming. licensing hearings for shoreham. I believe it is vital that these issues be fully addressed so that the safety of the residents of Long Island may be protected. I realize that a request for the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board to " slow down, stop, and think" may seem unnecessary when dealing with a plant that is already more than ten years behind schedule, but I assure you that it is not. It is time that the concerned citizens of Long Island whom I represent not just be heard, but be listened to. It is time that we deal with the facts of this particular, unusual case. ( S inc e' rely, s. Alfo e M. D'Amato Unite States Senator cc.: The Honorable Lando W. Zech The Honorable Jerry R. Kline The Honorable Frederick J. Shon l M* l O h _ _. ~ _ _ _. _
b 35 ' '. ' 9'% SERVED SEP 231986 [i'l ) n j NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION UNITED STATES o ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENslNG BOARD PANEL 00C ICC {'gv,/ c W ASWN GTON, D.C. 20555 l 5, September 22, 1986 g g 73 g, CFFI';E Gr SEc....., 00CMETIhd A Q y.ig.. BRANCH MEMORANDUM FOR: William L. Clements, Chief Oceketing and Service Branch Allene Comiez h FROM: Secretary to Judge Margulies
SHOREHAM PROCEEDING - DOCKET N0. 50-322-0L-3 I ] Please serve the enclosed letter on the parties to the Shoreham 1 preceeding. Enclosure ) Ltr. fm A. Beck dtd 9/12/86 e I 'l T
3333 ste b BA WALKFnt9Z5 Anf1370 www
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'86 SEP 23 P3 :02 1 0FFICC "- a t. ... Ar i 00CXEilNG & Mf"/lCf. BRANCH l l September 12, 1986 The Honorable Morton Margulies Administrative Law Judge Atomic Safety & Licensing Board United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
Dear Judge Margulies:
Enclosed please find a copy of our recent letter to the Long Island Lighting Company concerning our withdrawal l from participation in the Shoreham Emergency Response ) Plan. l Sincerely e h i Alan Beck President & General Manager AB/1 Enclosure i ISLAND BROADCASTING COMPANY, INC. A sisuis sa:o p o. eox no patenogue new roa t rm
WALKFhf9XS AM1370 Alan S. Beck, Pressent and General Manager August 8, 1986 Mr. Ira Freilicher Vice President i Long Island Lighting Company 175 East Old Country Road Hicksville, New York 11801 1
Dear Mr. Freilicher:
In accordance with the ruling of the Supreme Court of the State of New York (Cuomo,
- Suffolk, Southampton vs.
LILCO./ Judge Geiler) and on the advice of counsel, we find it j necessary at this time to withdraw from participation in the i Shoreham Frergency Response Plan. S ncerel i f h Al'an S. Beck President and General Manager ASB:ds k' / .Ji ISLAND BROADCASTING COMPANY,INC. $1647$ $200 e P.O. Son 230 Patchogue. New Yom 11772 .m en , ems-es p e 5
p..CT MUM s tA .gg P FW00. 6 t/TIL FAC 1-g## "8%g*g UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION y g g w AsHINGTON. D.C. 20666 y USNRC uwg An MUM 3 EA ,ygg[ %{e.43M / ...j PROD & UTIL FAC '86 SEP 19 40:50 ~ ornesorrus cesslONM ge tember lg,1ggg OFFICE Or hnu,,,,, 00CMETihu 4 3:r,v r;f' 3 RANCH MEMO TO: William L. Clements, Chief Docketing and Service Branch SERVED SEP 191956 FROM: PatriciaR. Davis,legalAssistantD Office of Comissioner Asselstine StJBJECT: SHOREHAM PROCEEDING Comissioner Asselstine received the attached letter with a copy of a book entitled " Power Crazy." Please serve both the letter and the attached copy of the book cover on the parties to the Shoreham - proceeding. ) i r J
- t;
/ o
's [f fiEel Grossinan Box 1680 SAo HARBOR, N.Y.11963 ^
Dear Commissioner Asselstine,
Here's a copy of the LILCO book. It is also simultaneously being issued in hardcover. There are numerous quotes from you in the chapter "In LILCO's, Pocket: Washington, D.C." f i I tried to make it a full and comprehensive account of thei-j l LILCO and Shoreham story and, by closely examining one utility and one nuclear power plant, it is really the tale of the U.S. { 1 f utility industry and nuclear power. Perhaps it would also be helpful for your colleagues on the NRC to read. Sinc re 1 M m* " &#-m 7 g a
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_4 kC QtCQ f t UN.'TED STATES i i e S' NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION y O E ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARO PANEL 3 a 5,,, f W ASHIN GTON,0.C. 20555 September 17, (986 '86 SEP 18 A11:03 'i 1 0FFICE 7 ..9 00CKEliNu BRANcd 1. AERVED SEP 13 % 1 ~~ Ms. Jean Christie i Secretary-Treasurer North Shore Coalition for Safe Energy -l P.O. Box-18 ] Great Neck, NY 11022
Dear Ms. Christie:
Long Island Lighting Company, Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1, Docket No. 50-322-OL-5 This is in response to your letter of September 10, 1986, inquiring 1 about the limited appearance sessions that are to be conducted by the Board in the subject proceeding. Please find enclosed a copy of the Board's Notice detailing the times and places of the three limited appearance sessions. You will note that there are day and evening hours scheduled. A sign-up book will be available on the day of each session to permit persons to sign up to make an appearance during the morning, afternoon or of that l particular day. Very trul) yours, Morton B. Margulies, Chairman Administrative Law Judge i
1 Board's Notice dtd. 9/10/86 cc: Service list c
- )
s b j e
-i p& *%c, f. t UNITED STATES { '!,1* I j NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION $[hi,E: 'e e ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD PANEL g** .lr j[ W ASHINGTON. O.C. 20S55 '86 SEP 17 N0:39 September 16, 1986 l'* 3 0FFLE s 00CKET:% ^ x 'd !1 BPANC" ~! t 4P!!D SEP 171986 ) Mrs. Francine Walker 3188 Wynsum Avenue Merrick, NY 11566 '\\
Dear Mrs. Walker:
Long Island Lighting Comoany, Shoreham Nuclear Power l Station, Unit 1, Docket No. 50-322-OL-5 i Thi; is in response to your letter dated August 15, 1986, which I [ received today, requesting information on the Board's. holding of limited l appearance sessions in the above captioned proceeding. Please find enclosed the Board's Notice detailing the time and location for such sessions including one in Mineola, New York on September 26, 1986. Very truly yours, Morton B. Margulies, Chairman Administrative Law Judge
Board's Notice dtd. 9/10/86 -' ' l cc: Service, list i j' i 'T i, 5
- ,e q
a y
e 1s 4' l e UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1 NUCLEAR REGULATORY. COMMISSION J ,j ATOMIC' SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARO~ Before Administrative Judges: f 5 'f .Morton'B..Margulies, Chairman Or, Jerry R. Kline< i ',.e Frederick J..Shon x-m i ,s ,V' .) e Docket No. 50-322-O'L-5 -l In the Matter of. (EPExercise) ^' LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY (ASL8PNo.86-533-000Lf f {p 1 (ShorehamNuclear.PowerStation, September 10, 1986 Unit 1) ,y i n dOTICE (Schedgle For Prehearing Con.ferkace .l And Making Limited Appearances)Sj Pursuant to the Board's'0rder of September 9,.1986 providing for q the scheduling of a prehearing conference in-conjunction with the taking. 1.l 1 of limited appearances we set the following-schedule for the session.- ' The schedule has been affected by the availability of edequate hearing 1 facilities.. Linkited appearances will be taken on September 23, 1986,.at. Hauppauge, New York, in the William H. Rogers Building, Guffolk County Center, Veterans Memorial Hig M y,-between the. hours-of 9:30 a.m. to ,c 12:00: noon,1:30,'4:00p.m.,and6:00_p.m.~to9:00p.m. D Limited aooearances'will be taken on September 25, 1986, ats Riverhead. Naw Yo?k,.in the Riverhead, Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue,- between the kdurs of 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon,1:3'O p m. to 4:00 p.m.. ~ and'6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. -'~ g. 'G. t j
- 199
a 2 26, 1986 at Mineola, i Limited appearances will be' taken on September 3 New York, in the Executive Building,1 West Street, between the hours of - i f 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.1:30 p.rd, to 4:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 f p.m. The orehearing conference, concerned with legal issues, in which only the parties are to participate, will be held'en September 24, 1986, at Hauppauge, New York, in the New York State Court of Claims, State Office Building, 3844, Veterans Memorial Highway, cortunencing at The public is invited to attend the prehearing conference. i 9:30 a.m. It is so Ordered. THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD Morton B. Margulies, Chairman t ADMINISTRAT'VE LAW-JUDGE i $dM I ', Jerry Rf Kline' A MINISTRATIVE JUDGE-Lc.w ~ A ~ Frederick J. SncV' ADMINISTRATI'/C7J0GE Cated at Bethesda, Maryland this 10th day of September, 1986 1 ..,U, sj e 9
~ -, . -. ~. '1'/ r. A CICg% D a .e.
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2 W ASMNC TON, D.C. 20555 ) g,; y,/ September 10, 1986 '86 SEP 12 P3 :06 j a GFFS. 00c, ' 1 OM MD i 7 {9$( 1 Ms. Carol Berman 42 Lord Avenue Lawrence, New York 11559 ) l
Dear Ms. Berman:
Long Island Lighting Company, Shoreham Nuclear Power j Station, Unit 1, Docket No. 50-322-OL-5 j l This is a follow up to my letter of August 22, 1986, to advise you when l limited appearance statements, pursuant to 10 CFR 715(a), will be taken in the subject proceeding. { i Please find enclosed the Board's Notice detailing the time and place for such sessions including one in Mineola, New York on September 26, 1986. Very truly yours, I l Morton B. Margulies, hairman j Administrative Law Judge
Eoa-d's Notice dtd. 9/10/86 \\ cc: Service list [ Q-p ygg*[ IP 4
- ao otam 5
f t UNITED STATES { Wfj NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 3 ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOAAD PANEL " ' gf ,[ W ASHIN G TON. O.C. 20555 September 10, 1986 S i .? 1 Ms.* Marge Harrison J 1845 Voshage Street Baldwin, New York 11510
Dear Ms. Harrison:
Long Island Lighting Campany, Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1, Docket No. 50-322-OL-5 This is in response to your letter of August 28, 1986, inquiring about a holding limited appearance sessions, in the subject proceeding, in - Nassau and Suffolk-Counties, New York J Please find enclosed the Board's Notice detailing the time and location for such sessions in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. ] i Very truly yours, s 1 Morton B. Margulies, Chainnan . Administrative Law Judge j
l Board's Notice dtd. 9/10/86 cc: Service list e e Y t y{ h4 hl 4
- 8%g f1 ft UNITED STATES y
- ) ;
,.., l 4
- l 1
Thomas L. Carroll, Esquire l Counsel, Board of Supervisces Nassau County Executive Building. j 1 1 West Street Mineola, New York 11501 'i
Dear Mr. Carroll:
l i
Long Island Lighting Company, Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1, Docket No. 50-322-OL-5 ' i l This is a follow up to my letter of July 29, 1986, to advise you when limited appearance statements will be taken in the subject proceeding, a Please find enclosed the Board's Notice detailing the time and location - for such sessions including one in Mineola, New York on September 26, l 1986. Very truly yours, \\ Morton B. Margulies, 1 airman l 3 Administrative Law Judge 3
~ l Board's Notice dtd. 9/10/86 cc: Service list j t ir b
- j '
~) 4, w,<y e 0 n
l 4"##'% UNITED STATES fe. ' i-f i. I ') ' I f.j NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION r ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD PANEL Q 5,* W ASHIN G TON. D.C. 20655 I September 10, 1986 N l Ms. Shauleene Sherwin 60 Lagoon Boulevard Massapequa, New York 11758
Dear Ms. Sherwin:
Long Island Lighting Company, Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-322-OL-5 l This is in response to your letter of August 14, 1986, inquiring when limited appearance statements will be heard, in the subject proceeding, in Nassau County. Please find enclosed the Board's Notice detailing the time and location for such sessions including one in Mineola, New York on September 26, 1986. 1 i Very truly yours, i i .;f. Morton B. Margulies, airman Administrative Law Judge
Board's Notice did. 9/10/86 ^ Service, list cc: ^ s f, f tf_
an neog j UNITED STATES y j NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION 'a e ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BCARD PANEL W ASHINGTON. O.C. 20555 September 10, 1986 a I The Honorable Vincent A.'Suozzi Mayor and Supervisor of Glen Cove Executive Building 1 West Street Mineola, New York 11501 i
Dear Mayor Suozzi:
Long Island Lighting Company, Shoreham Nuclear P'ower Station, Unit 1, Docket No. 50-322-OL-5 This is in response to your' letter of August 28, 1986, inquiring about the holding of hearings on Long Island to permit residents-to address t the Licensing Board on the emergency prep,aredness exercise of the LILCO emergency plan. Please find enclosed a notice detailing the times and places for holding hearings to take limited appearances pursuant to 10 CFR 2.715(a). There will be sessions at three locations, including Mineola, New York on September 26, 1986 with day and evening hours. scheduled. 3 I Very truly yours, Morton B.. Margulies, C irman Administrative Law Judge
Board Notice *dtd. 9/10/86 cc: Service list i f. 4. 3, g r
1 UNITED STATES OF' AMERICA { NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD-Before Administrative Judges: 1 i Morton B. Margulies, Chairman Dr. Jerry R. Kline Frederick J. Shon ) In the Matter of ) Docket No. 50-322-OL-5' ) (EPExercise) LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY ). ) (ASLBPNo. 86-533-01-OL) l (Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, ) Unit 1) ) September 10, 1986 ) l NOTICE i (Schedule For Prehearing Conference l And Making Limited Appearances) i Pursuant to the Board's Order of September 9, 1986 providing for the scheduling of a prehearing conference in conjunction with the taking-of limited appearances we set the following schedule for the session. The schedule has been affected by the availability of-adequate hearing facilities. Limitet appearances will be taken on September 23, 1986, at Hauppauge, New York, in the William H. Rogers Building, Suffolk County Center, Veterans Memorial Highway, between the hours of 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noor.,1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Limited appearances taken on September 25,-1986,'at Riverhead, New York, in the Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, between the hours of 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon,1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., )s and 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. q F ~ ( >P _l _
- f.:
1 .2 J '1 Limited appearances will be taken on September 26, 1986 at Mineola, New York, in the Executive Building,1 West Street', between the hours of ] 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. to 9:00
- j p.m.
? The orehearing conference, concerned with legal issues, in which 24, 1986, only the parties are to participate, will be held on September at Hauppauge, New York, in the New York State Court of Claims, State / Office Building, Room 3844, Veterans Memorial Highway, connencing at 9:30 a.m. The public is invited to attend the prehearing conference. 4 It is so Ordered. THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND .t l LICENSING BOARD I .l be-Morton B. Margulies, Chairman ADMINISTRAT:VE LAW JtfDGE \\ \\ \\ &M W. Jerry Rf Kline' i AtMINISTRATIVE JUDGE 4f fr- / /w ] ~ Frederick J. Shor l ADMINISTRATP/E7J00GE i J / Dated at Bethesda, Maryland. l 1
- his 10th day of Seotember,1986 i
, a 1 .~ %? 3' ]. i! 11 e '1
~ klg YL n trooS r, UNITED STATES o f NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION n g ,1 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 $Cy[ USNRC 3,***** OFFICE OF THE '86 SEP -3 P4 :21 ,1 ~~
- } )
September 3,1986 0FFICd Ci n. .n-00CXEIU.u.,i;n !!c r E Nc9 i ~ MEMO T0: William L. Clements, Chief Docketing and Service Branch FROM: PatriciaR. Davis,LegalAssistantpp EED SEP -41986 Office of Comissioner Asselstine { escarguyggjg.g m g,d d
SHOREHAM PROCEEDING noo.s unum Please serve the attached letter on the to the Shoreham proceeding. i 4 1 l l 1 i I t ,j 1: a %}}