MONTHYEARML20055J1891990-07-24024 July 1990 Memorandum & Order (Ruling on NRC Staff Motion for Summary Disposition & Dismissal of Proceeding).* Grants NRC 900518 Motion for Summary Disposition & Dismissal of Proceeding. W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 900725 ML20055F6141990-07-0909 July 1990 Order Modifying Schedule.* Advises That Time for ASLB to Rule on Motion for Summary Judgement Extended to 900801. W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 900709 ML20055D8751990-06-22022 June 1990 Order Modifying Schedule.* Advises That Time for ASLB to Rule on Motion for Summary Disposition Extended to 900720.No Party Should Be Prejudiced by Action.Licensee No Longer Conducting Business.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 900622 ML20034C8131990-05-0303 May 1990 Order Modifying Schedule.* NRC 900502 Unopposed Motion to Extend Time to File Motions for Summary Disposition to 900518 Granted.Order of 900315 Re Proceeding Schedule Modified.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 900503 ML20034C8311990-05-0202 May 1990 Staff Motion to Modify Schedule.* Licensing Board Should Modify Schedule to Allow Motion for Summary Disposition to Be Filed by 900518 & That All Other Deadlines Be Modified to Be Consistent W/Mod.W/Certificate of Svc ML20011E4861990-02-0707 February 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR71 Re Compatibility of Pu Air Transport Regulations W/Iaea Stds.Supports EEI-UWASTE/NUMARC Comments to Be Provided to NRC by 900209 ELV-01267, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR71 Re Compatibility of Pu Air Transport Regulations W/Iaea Stds.Supports EEI-UWASTE/NUMARC Comments to Be Provided to NRC by 9002091990-02-0707 February 1990 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR71 Re Compatibility of Pu Air Transport Regulations W/Iaea Stds.Supports EEI-UWASTE/NUMARC Comments to Be Provided to NRC by 900209 ML20248D2831989-09-28028 September 1989 Notice of Appearance.* Advises That Author Will Enter Appearance in Proceeding on Behalf of Nrc.W/Certificate of Svc ML20247Q2661989-09-26026 September 1989 Establishment of Aslb.* Board Will Comprise of Mb Margulies, Chairman & Oh Paris & Fj Shon,Members.W/Certificate of Svc. Served on 890926 B13367, Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR30,40,50,60,70,72 & 150 Re Preserving Free Flow of Info to Commission.Nrc Made Wise Choice to Not Impose Any Obligation on Private Parties to Include Affirmative Statement in Employment Agreements1989-09-20020 September 1989 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR30,40,50,60,70,72 & 150 Re Preserving Free Flow of Info to Commission.Nrc Made Wise Choice to Not Impose Any Obligation on Private Parties to Include Affirmative Statement in Employment Agreements ML20248C8751989-09-13013 September 1989 Response to Order Modifying Licenses & Order to Show Cause Why Licenses Should Not Be Revoked.* Requests Hearing on Issues,Including Funds for Equipment.Supporting Info Encl ML20246C7141989-08-18018 August 1989 Order to Show Cause Why CPs CPEP-1 & CPEP-2 Should Not Be Revoked & Requiring Licensee to Notify Commission at Least 30 Days Before Taking Possession of Any Classified Equipment ML20245G0721989-08-0303 August 1989 Comment on Draft Reg Guide, Assuring Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors. Recommends That NRC Recommendation on Trust Agreement Wording Be Deleted or NRC Should Grandfather Existing Trusts Such as for Plants ML20248B6201989-08-0202 August 1989 Comments on Draft Reg Guide, Assuring Availability of Funds for Decommissioning Nuclear Reactors. NRC Should Permit Use of Potential Tax Refund as Source of Decommissioning Funds ELV-00674, Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR50,72 & 170 Re Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in NRC-Approved Storage Casks at Nuclear Power Reactor Sites. 10CFR72.6(c) Should Be Revised to Provide for Storage W/O ISFSI Requirement1989-07-0707 July 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR50,72 & 170 Re Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in NRC-Approved Storage Casks at Nuclear Power Reactor Sites. 10CFR72.6(c) Should Be Revised to Provide for Storage W/O ISFSI Requirement ELV-00679, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components. Agrees W/Numarc Comments Provided to NRC on 8906261989-07-0505 July 1989 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components. Agrees W/Numarc Comments Provided to NRC on 890626 ML20246K4801989-07-0505 July 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components ML20246D8811989-06-30030 June 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50, Acceptance of Products Purchased for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Structures,Sys & Components ML20245D2481989-06-16016 June 1989 Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR50,72 & 170 Re Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel in NRC-Approved Storage Casks at Nuclear Power Reactor Sites. NRC Must Consider Provision in Rule to Permit Indiscriminate Storage of Spent Fuel at Reactors ML20246Q2971989-05-15015 May 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20245J0191989-04-14014 April 1989 Comment Re Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20244B3241989-04-10010 April 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20247A2971989-04-0404 April 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20246M2771989-03-20020 March 1989 Decision.* Affirms Board Decision LBP-89-05 Granting CP & OL to Licensee.Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 890321 B13113, Comments on Proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.9, Selection, Design,Qualification,Testing & Reliability of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Sys at Nuclear Power Plants. Reg Guide Does Not Provide Flexibility1989-03-0808 March 1989 Comments on Proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.9, Selection, Design,Qualification,Testing & Reliability of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Sys at Nuclear Power Plants. Reg Guide Does Not Provide Flexibility ML20246N9471989-03-0808 March 1989 Comment on Proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.9 Re Selection Design,Qualification,Testing & Reliability of Diesel Generator Units Used as Onsite Electric Power Sys at Nuclear Power Plants ML20235T3581989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants.Util Endorses Comments Filed by NUMARC & Nuclear Util Backfitting & Reform Group.Rule Fails to Provide Basis for Determining Effective Maint Program B13136, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants.Proposed Rule on Maint Will Not Improve Maint in Plants Nor Improve Safety or Reliability of Plants.Proposed Rule Much Too Vague1989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants.Proposed Rule on Maint Will Not Improve Maint in Plants Nor Improve Safety or Reliability of Plants.Proposed Rule Much Too Vague JPN-89-008, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants1989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants ML20235V8541989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants. Util Committed to Goal of Achieving Improved Reliability & Safety Through Better Maint ML20235T1861989-02-24024 February 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Ensuring Effectiveness of Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants, Extension of NRC Authority to BOP Portion of Plant & Misapplication of Adequate Protection Std of Backfit Rule ML20235T7391989-02-23023 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 55 Re Educ & Experience Requirements for Senior Reactor Operators & Supervisors at Nuclear Power Plants ML20235N8531989-02-14014 February 1989 Comment Supporting Chapter 1 Re Policy Statement on Exemptions Below Regulatory Concern.Policy Development for Criteria for Release of Radioactive Matl Needed for Development of Consistent Waste Mgt Practices ML20235L5921989-02-0606 February 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule on Chapter 1 Re Proposed Policy Statement Exemptions from Regulatory Control.Extreme Care Will Be Needed in Establishing State Role Both in Developing Rule & in Subsequent Implementation ML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20196F6341988-12-0101 December 1988 Notice of Reconstitution of Board.* Board Reconstituted by Appointing Fj Shon in Place of EA Luebke as Administrative Judge.Served on 881202 ML20196F5831988-12-0101 December 1988 Memorandum Memoralizing 881129 Telcon.* Applicant & NRC Agreed to Submit Joint Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law.Served on 881202 ML20196F5981988-12-0101 December 1988 Notice of Hearing.* Notifies That Hearing to Be Held in CP Application Proceedings on 881221 Cancelled & Rescheduled to Commence on 890104.Served on 881202 ML20196F6471988-12-0101 December 1988 Notice of Reconstitution of Board.* Board Reconstituted by Appointing Fj Shon in Place of EA Luebke as Administrative Judge.Served on 881202 ML20206M9181988-11-22022 November 1988 Memorandum Memorializing Telcon of 881121.* Discusses Board 881121 Telcon W/Counsel for Parties Re Prehearing & Scheduling Matters.Served on 881123 ML20195H0331988-11-21021 November 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program Which Includes Random Drug Testing.Util Strongly Favors 180- Day Period for Implementation of Rule & 360-day Implementation Period for Random Drug Testing ML20206M5321988-11-21021 November 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re fitness-for-duty Program ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 JPN-88-063, Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program.Util Has Constitutional Concerns Re Proposed Random Testing Which Should Be Fully Addressed Prior to Rule Being Promulgated.Endorses NUMARC & EEI Comments1988-11-18018 November 1988 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Fitness for Duty Program.Util Has Constitutional Concerns Re Proposed Random Testing Which Should Be Fully Addressed Prior to Rule Being Promulgated.Endorses NUMARC & EEI Comments ML20195H0111988-11-18018 November 1988 Comment Supporting NUMARC Comments on Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re NRC Fitness for Duty Program Which Includes Random Drug Testing ML20206C6131988-11-14014 November 1988 Withdrawal of Request of State of Tn to Participate as Interested State,Per 10CFR2.715(c).* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20206C6321988-11-14014 November 1988 Withdrawal of Request of State of Tn to Participate as Interested State,Per 10CFR2.715(c).* Certificate of Svc Encl ML20206C3271988-11-10010 November 1988 Memorandum Memorializing Telcon of 881109.* Licensee Request to DOE to Extend Deadline for Receipt of CPs Until 890131 Not Officially Passed Upon.Further Prehearing Telcon Scheduled for 881121.Served on 881114 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 1990-07-09
[Table view] Category:TRANSCRIPTS
MONTHYEARML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20151M8991988-07-21021 July 1988 Transcript of 880721 Prehearing Conference in Knoxville,Tn. Pp 1-43 ML20196G0621988-06-21021 June 1988 Transcript of TVA 880621 Briefing in Bethesda,Md Re Util Reorganization & Plant Status ML20154C7511988-05-0404 May 1988 Transcript of 880504 Annual Briefing on State of Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-60. Introductory Remarks, State of Industry Rept & Status Rept on Util Research... Encl.Served on 880509 ML20207A6561988-01-0707 January 1988 Testimony of T Murley Before Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee Re Plant ML20213F6861986-11-0707 November 1986 Transcript of Commission 861107 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-86-325A Concerning Perry Unit 1 OL & SECY-86-292A Concerning Order Re Dispute Between ASLB & Ofc of Investigations in Braidwood OL Hearing.Pp 1-4 ML20215K9781986-09-26026 September 1986 Limited Appearance Statement in Proceeding.Compares Shoreham W/Chernobyl ML20211B0841986-08-0505 August 1986 Transcript of 860805 Meeting Between Region Iii,Computer Interference Elimination & Util in Redmond,Wa Re Plant as-built Drawing Review.Pp 1-200 ML20203G3571986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of Commission 860724 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re TMI-2 Leak Rate Data Falsification & ALAB-836.Pp 1-6 ML20207A6301986-07-17017 July 1986 Partially Withheld Transcript of Unidentified Witness 840717 Deposition in Glenn Rose,Tx Re Const Insp.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199H5601986-06-23023 June 1986 Partially Withheld Transcript of Telcon Re Feedback & Interview W/Comanche Peak Technical Review Team.Pp 1-15. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199H5371986-06-23023 June 1986 Partially Withheld Undated Transcript of Feedwater Interview W/Comanche Peak Technical Review Team.Pp 1-11.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20205J5191986-02-13013 February 1986 Transcript of Commission 860213 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc on SECY-86-31 Re Request for Reconsideration of TMI-2 Leak Rate Proceeding & Order on Shoreham.Pp 1-3 ML20137R9531986-02-0707 February 1986 Transcript of Commission 860207 Briefing in Washington,Dc on Staff Activities Re Tva.Pp 1-75 ML20155H8941986-01-0606 January 1986 Transcript of 860106 Discussions W/B Daniels & B Dieterich in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-79.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20155H9111986-01-0606 January 1986 Transcript of J Jones 860106 Interview in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-12 NUREG-1195, Transcript of 860105 Meeting in Herald,Ca Re Status Report Update.Pp 1-241986-01-0505 January 1986 Transcript of 860105 Meeting in Herald,Ca Re Status Report Update.Pp 1-24 ML20155H8411986-01-0404 January 1986 Transcript of Brock 860104 Interview in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-42 ML20155H7741985-12-31031 December 1985 Transcript of DD Whitney & G Coward Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-116.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20155H7981985-12-31031 December 1985 Transcript of D Whitney 851231 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-52 ML20155H7261985-12-30030 December 1985 Transcript of M Peterson & D Jenks 851230 Exam in Herald,Ca. Pp 1-47 ML20155H7421985-12-30030 December 1985 Transcript of DD Whitney 851230 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-39 ML20155H7201985-12-29029 December 1985 Transcript of G Simmons 851229 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-82 ML20138P8591985-12-18018 December 1985 Transcript of Commission 851218 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc on SECY-85-391 Re ASLB Decision on Shoreham & SECY-85-241(A) on TMI-2 Leak Rate Falsification. Pp 1-5 ML20138K0661985-12-12012 December 1985 Transcript of 851212 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-85-367A on Palo Verde 1 Leaseback & SECY-85-371 on Refund on Black Fox License Fee.Pp 1-4 ML20137R8771985-11-26026 November 1985 Transcript of 851126 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re Extension of Environ Qualification Deadline for Fort St Vrain & Pilgrim.Pp 1-5 ML20137C8601985-11-19019 November 1985 Transcript of Commission 851119 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-330(a) on Point Beach & SECY-225(a) on Sequoyah.Pp 1-5 ML20198E3301985-11-0505 November 1985 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Cessar/Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station 851105 Meeting in Washington,Dc.Pp 1-326. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20138M8711985-10-25025 October 1985 Transcript of 851025 Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Util Requests for Exemption from Environ Qualification.Pp 1-76 ML20136G3881985-10-17017 October 1985 Transcript of 851017 Public Meeting in Glen Ellyn,Il W/Z Reytblatt Re Containment Leak Rates.Pp 1-135.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20134B2891985-08-0808 August 1985 Testimony of DD Jordan Re Corporate Commitment to Safe Const & Operation of Facility.Pp 1-12.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20134B2671985-08-0808 August 1985 Testimony of Jh Goldberg & RA Frazar Re Applicant Mgt of Facility Const.Pp 1-34.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20141H0991985-07-10010 July 1985 Testimony of Nj Palladino to Subcommittee on Energy Conservation & Power,Committee on Energy & Commerce,Us House of Representatives on Facility Licensing Process ML20133C5201985-06-26026 June 1985 Undated Testimony of PM Reep Re Welding Inspector Concerns. Rept of Verbal Harassment Encl ML20137X5031985-06-25025 June 1985 Testimony of Hs Phillips Re Discovery of Quadrex Rept. Related Info Encl ML20137X5111985-06-21021 June 1985 Testimony of Hs Phillips Re Util Sys for Reporting Design & Const Deficiencies ML20127N7591985-06-20020 June 1985 Transcript of Commission 850620 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Concerning Denial of 2.206 Petition for Midland plant,SECY-85-60 Concerning Pressurized Thermal Shock Rule & Shoreham Order.Pp 1-4 ML20199H5721985-06-17017 June 1985 Partially Withheld Transcript of 850617 Telcon in Bethesda, MD Re Discussion of Alleger Feedback on Facility.Pp 1-35. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199A5431985-06-10010 June 1985 Partially Withheld Testimony of Wj Collins Re Welding Fabrication Concerns ML20147E5441985-05-0808 May 1985 Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Pr Clark in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-26 ML20147E7261985-05-0808 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Mj Stromberg in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-23 ML20147E6191985-05-0808 May 1985 Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Rl Long in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-20 ML20147E7391985-05-0808 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Nc Kazanas in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-45 ML20147E5171985-05-0202 May 1985 Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Bw Alatary in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-15.Marked-up 841107 & 19 Press Releases Also Encl ML20147E6551985-05-0202 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Ba Bader.Pp 1-45 ML20147E6001985-05-0202 May 1985 Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Pb Magitz in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-40 1988-07-21
[Table view] Category:DEPOSITIONS
MONTHYEARML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20151M8991988-07-21021 July 1988 Transcript of 880721 Prehearing Conference in Knoxville,Tn. Pp 1-43 ML20196G0621988-06-21021 June 1988 Transcript of TVA 880621 Briefing in Bethesda,Md Re Util Reorganization & Plant Status ML20154C7511988-05-0404 May 1988 Transcript of 880504 Annual Briefing on State of Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-60. Introductory Remarks, State of Industry Rept & Status Rept on Util Research... Encl.Served on 880509 ML20207A6561988-01-0707 January 1988 Testimony of T Murley Before Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee Re Plant ML20213F6861986-11-0707 November 1986 Transcript of Commission 861107 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-86-325A Concerning Perry Unit 1 OL & SECY-86-292A Concerning Order Re Dispute Between ASLB & Ofc of Investigations in Braidwood OL Hearing.Pp 1-4 ML20215K9781986-09-26026 September 1986 Limited Appearance Statement in Proceeding.Compares Shoreham W/Chernobyl ML20211B0841986-08-0505 August 1986 Transcript of 860805 Meeting Between Region Iii,Computer Interference Elimination & Util in Redmond,Wa Re Plant as-built Drawing Review.Pp 1-200 ML20203G3571986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of Commission 860724 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re TMI-2 Leak Rate Data Falsification & ALAB-836.Pp 1-6 ML20207A6301986-07-17017 July 1986 Partially Withheld Transcript of Unidentified Witness 840717 Deposition in Glenn Rose,Tx Re Const Insp.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199H5601986-06-23023 June 1986 Partially Withheld Transcript of Telcon Re Feedback & Interview W/Comanche Peak Technical Review Team.Pp 1-15. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199H5371986-06-23023 June 1986 Partially Withheld Undated Transcript of Feedwater Interview W/Comanche Peak Technical Review Team.Pp 1-11.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20205J5191986-02-13013 February 1986 Transcript of Commission 860213 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc on SECY-86-31 Re Request for Reconsideration of TMI-2 Leak Rate Proceeding & Order on Shoreham.Pp 1-3 ML20137R9531986-02-0707 February 1986 Transcript of Commission 860207 Briefing in Washington,Dc on Staff Activities Re Tva.Pp 1-75 ML20155H8941986-01-0606 January 1986 Transcript of 860106 Discussions W/B Daniels & B Dieterich in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-79.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20155H9111986-01-0606 January 1986 Transcript of J Jones 860106 Interview in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-12 NUREG-1195, Transcript of 860105 Meeting in Herald,Ca Re Status Report Update.Pp 1-241986-01-0505 January 1986 Transcript of 860105 Meeting in Herald,Ca Re Status Report Update.Pp 1-24 ML20155H8411986-01-0404 January 1986 Transcript of Brock 860104 Interview in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-42 ML20155H7741985-12-31031 December 1985 Transcript of DD Whitney & G Coward Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-116.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20155H7981985-12-31031 December 1985 Transcript of D Whitney 851231 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-52 ML20155H7261985-12-30030 December 1985 Transcript of M Peterson & D Jenks 851230 Exam in Herald,Ca. Pp 1-47 ML20155H7421985-12-30030 December 1985 Transcript of DD Whitney 851230 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-39 ML20155H7201985-12-29029 December 1985 Transcript of G Simmons 851229 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-82 ML20138P8591985-12-18018 December 1985 Transcript of Commission 851218 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc on SECY-85-391 Re ASLB Decision on Shoreham & SECY-85-241(A) on TMI-2 Leak Rate Falsification. Pp 1-5 ML20138K0661985-12-12012 December 1985 Transcript of 851212 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-85-367A on Palo Verde 1 Leaseback & SECY-85-371 on Refund on Black Fox License Fee.Pp 1-4 ML20137R8771985-11-26026 November 1985 Transcript of 851126 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re Extension of Environ Qualification Deadline for Fort St Vrain & Pilgrim.Pp 1-5 ML20137C8601985-11-19019 November 1985 Transcript of Commission 851119 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-330(a) on Point Beach & SECY-225(a) on Sequoyah.Pp 1-5 ML20198E3301985-11-0505 November 1985 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Cessar/Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station 851105 Meeting in Washington,Dc.Pp 1-326. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20138M8711985-10-25025 October 1985 Transcript of 851025 Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Util Requests for Exemption from Environ Qualification.Pp 1-76 ML20136G3881985-10-17017 October 1985 Transcript of 851017 Public Meeting in Glen Ellyn,Il W/Z Reytblatt Re Containment Leak Rates.Pp 1-135.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20134B2891985-08-0808 August 1985 Testimony of DD Jordan Re Corporate Commitment to Safe Const & Operation of Facility.Pp 1-12.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20134B2671985-08-0808 August 1985 Testimony of Jh Goldberg & RA Frazar Re Applicant Mgt of Facility Const.Pp 1-34.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20141H0991985-07-10010 July 1985 Testimony of Nj Palladino to Subcommittee on Energy Conservation & Power,Committee on Energy & Commerce,Us House of Representatives on Facility Licensing Process ML20133C5201985-06-26026 June 1985 Undated Testimony of PM Reep Re Welding Inspector Concerns. Rept of Verbal Harassment Encl ML20137X5031985-06-25025 June 1985 Testimony of Hs Phillips Re Discovery of Quadrex Rept. Related Info Encl ML20137X5111985-06-21021 June 1985 Testimony of Hs Phillips Re Util Sys for Reporting Design & Const Deficiencies ML20127N7591985-06-20020 June 1985 Transcript of Commission 850620 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Concerning Denial of 2.206 Petition for Midland plant,SECY-85-60 Concerning Pressurized Thermal Shock Rule & Shoreham Order.Pp 1-4 ML20199H5721985-06-17017 June 1985 Partially Withheld Transcript of 850617 Telcon in Bethesda, MD Re Discussion of Alleger Feedback on Facility.Pp 1-35. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199A5431985-06-10010 June 1985 Partially Withheld Testimony of Wj Collins Re Welding Fabrication Concerns ML20147E5441985-05-0808 May 1985 Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Pr Clark in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-26 ML20147E7261985-05-0808 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Mj Stromberg in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-23 ML20147E6191985-05-0808 May 1985 Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Rl Long in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-20 ML20147E7391985-05-0808 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Nc Kazanas in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-45 ML20147E5171985-05-0202 May 1985 Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Bw Alatary in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-15.Marked-up 841107 & 19 Press Releases Also Encl ML20147E6551985-05-0202 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Ba Bader.Pp 1-45 ML20147E6001985-05-0202 May 1985 Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Pb Magitz in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-40 1988-07-21
[Table view] Category:NARRATIVE TESTIMONY
MONTHYEARML20247R4091988-12-31031 December 1988 Transcript of Commission 881221 Press Conference in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-31 ML20196A5991988-12-0101 December 1988 Transcript of 881201 Hearing in Bethesda,Md.Pp 143-152 ML20206J3701988-11-21021 November 1988 Transcript of 881121 Telcon in Bethesda,Md Re Alchemie. Pp 70-100 ML20206C0851988-11-0909 November 1988 Transcript of ASLB 881109 Telcon in Bethesda,Md.Pp 44-69 ML20205R7111988-11-0404 November 1988 NRC Staff Testimony of Jj Swift Addressing ASLB Inquiries Dtd 881018.* Supporting Info Encl.Related Correspondence ML20151M8991988-07-21021 July 1988 Transcript of 880721 Prehearing Conference in Knoxville,Tn. Pp 1-43 ML20196G0621988-06-21021 June 1988 Transcript of TVA 880621 Briefing in Bethesda,Md Re Util Reorganization & Plant Status ML20154C7511988-05-0404 May 1988 Transcript of 880504 Annual Briefing on State of Nuclear Industry in Rockville,Md.Pp 1-60. Introductory Remarks, State of Industry Rept & Status Rept on Util Research... Encl.Served on 880509 ML20207A6561988-01-0707 January 1988 Testimony of T Murley Before Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee Re Plant ML20213F6861986-11-0707 November 1986 Transcript of Commission 861107 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-86-325A Concerning Perry Unit 1 OL & SECY-86-292A Concerning Order Re Dispute Between ASLB & Ofc of Investigations in Braidwood OL Hearing.Pp 1-4 ML20215K9781986-09-26026 September 1986 Limited Appearance Statement in Proceeding.Compares Shoreham W/Chernobyl ML20211B0841986-08-0505 August 1986 Transcript of 860805 Meeting Between Region Iii,Computer Interference Elimination & Util in Redmond,Wa Re Plant as-built Drawing Review.Pp 1-200 ML20203G3571986-07-24024 July 1986 Transcript of Commission 860724 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re TMI-2 Leak Rate Data Falsification & ALAB-836.Pp 1-6 ML20207A6301986-07-17017 July 1986 Partially Withheld Transcript of Unidentified Witness 840717 Deposition in Glenn Rose,Tx Re Const Insp.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199H5601986-06-23023 June 1986 Partially Withheld Transcript of Telcon Re Feedback & Interview W/Comanche Peak Technical Review Team.Pp 1-15. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199H5371986-06-23023 June 1986 Partially Withheld Undated Transcript of Feedwater Interview W/Comanche Peak Technical Review Team.Pp 1-11.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20205J5191986-02-13013 February 1986 Transcript of Commission 860213 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc on SECY-86-31 Re Request for Reconsideration of TMI-2 Leak Rate Proceeding & Order on Shoreham.Pp 1-3 ML20137R9531986-02-0707 February 1986 Transcript of Commission 860207 Briefing in Washington,Dc on Staff Activities Re Tva.Pp 1-75 ML20155H8941986-01-0606 January 1986 Transcript of 860106 Discussions W/B Daniels & B Dieterich in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-79.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20155H9111986-01-0606 January 1986 Transcript of J Jones 860106 Interview in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-12 NUREG-1195, Transcript of 860105 Meeting in Herald,Ca Re Status Report Update.Pp 1-241986-01-0505 January 1986 Transcript of 860105 Meeting in Herald,Ca Re Status Report Update.Pp 1-24 ML20155H8411986-01-0404 January 1986 Transcript of Brock 860104 Interview in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-42 ML20155H7741985-12-31031 December 1985 Transcript of DD Whitney & G Coward Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-116.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20155H7981985-12-31031 December 1985 Transcript of D Whitney 851231 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-52 ML20155H7261985-12-30030 December 1985 Transcript of M Peterson & D Jenks 851230 Exam in Herald,Ca. Pp 1-47 ML20155H7421985-12-30030 December 1985 Transcript of DD Whitney 851230 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-39 ML20155H7201985-12-29029 December 1985 Transcript of G Simmons 851229 Exam in Herald,Ca.Pp 1-82 ML20138P8591985-12-18018 December 1985 Transcript of Commission 851218 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc on SECY-85-391 Re ASLB Decision on Shoreham & SECY-85-241(A) on TMI-2 Leak Rate Falsification. Pp 1-5 ML20138K0661985-12-12012 December 1985 Transcript of 851212 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-85-367A on Palo Verde 1 Leaseback & SECY-85-371 on Refund on Black Fox License Fee.Pp 1-4 ML20137R8771985-11-26026 November 1985 Transcript of 851126 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re Extension of Environ Qualification Deadline for Fort St Vrain & Pilgrim.Pp 1-5 ML20137C8601985-11-19019 November 1985 Transcript of Commission 851119 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Re SECY-330(a) on Point Beach & SECY-225(a) on Sequoyah.Pp 1-5 ML20198E3301985-11-0505 November 1985 Transcript of ACRS Subcommittee on Cessar/Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station 851105 Meeting in Washington,Dc.Pp 1-326. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20138M8711985-10-25025 October 1985 Transcript of 851025 Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Util Requests for Exemption from Environ Qualification.Pp 1-76 ML20136G3881985-10-17017 October 1985 Transcript of 851017 Public Meeting in Glen Ellyn,Il W/Z Reytblatt Re Containment Leak Rates.Pp 1-135.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20134B2891985-08-0808 August 1985 Testimony of DD Jordan Re Corporate Commitment to Safe Const & Operation of Facility.Pp 1-12.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20134B2671985-08-0808 August 1985 Testimony of Jh Goldberg & RA Frazar Re Applicant Mgt of Facility Const.Pp 1-34.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20141H0991985-07-10010 July 1985 Testimony of Nj Palladino to Subcommittee on Energy Conservation & Power,Committee on Energy & Commerce,Us House of Representatives on Facility Licensing Process ML20133C5201985-06-26026 June 1985 Undated Testimony of PM Reep Re Welding Inspector Concerns. Rept of Verbal Harassment Encl ML20137X5031985-06-25025 June 1985 Testimony of Hs Phillips Re Discovery of Quadrex Rept. Related Info Encl ML20137X5111985-06-21021 June 1985 Testimony of Hs Phillips Re Util Sys for Reporting Design & Const Deficiencies ML20127N7591985-06-20020 June 1985 Transcript of Commission 850620 Affirmation/Discussion & Vote in Washington,Dc Concerning Denial of 2.206 Petition for Midland plant,SECY-85-60 Concerning Pressurized Thermal Shock Rule & Shoreham Order.Pp 1-4 ML20199H5721985-06-17017 June 1985 Partially Withheld Transcript of 850617 Telcon in Bethesda, MD Re Discussion of Alleger Feedback on Facility.Pp 1-35. Supporting Documentation Encl ML20199A5431985-06-10010 June 1985 Partially Withheld Testimony of Wj Collins Re Welding Fabrication Concerns ML20147E5441985-05-0808 May 1985 Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Pr Clark in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-26 ML20147E7261985-05-0808 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Mj Stromberg in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-23 ML20147E6191985-05-0808 May 1985 Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Rl Long in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-20 ML20147E7391985-05-0808 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850508 Investigative Interview of Nc Kazanas in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-45 ML20147E5171985-05-0202 May 1985 Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Bw Alatary in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-15.Marked-up 841107 & 19 Press Releases Also Encl ML20147E6551985-05-0202 May 1985 Partially Deleted Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Ba Bader.Pp 1-45 ML20147E6001985-05-0202 May 1985 Transcript of 850502 Investigative Interview of Pb Magitz in Parsippany,Nj.Pp 1-40 1988-07-21
[Table view] |
Docket No. 50-603-CP/0L i
ASLBP No. 88-570-01-CP/0L (AlCheu!E Facility-1 CPDF)
and In the Matter of
Docket No. 50-604-CP INC.
ASLBP No. 80-571-01-CP (A1 Chem!E Facility-2 Gliver Springs NRC STAFF TESTIMONY OF Jerry J. Swift ADDRESSING ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD INQUIRIES OF OCTOBER 18, 1988 My name is Jerry J. Swift. A copy of my professional qualifications is attached.
The purpose of this testimony is to address the Atomic Safety and I
Licensing Board's inquiries of October 18, 1988, relating to the NRC Staff's Environmental Assessments dated September 14, 1988. The Board's inquiries and j
the Staff's responses thereto are set forth below seriatim.
I i
Although the NRC ("Staff") has responded to the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board's request for additional information, dated October 18, 1988, in the paragraphs below, it is igertant to note that several inquires of the Board's l
request imply that the NRC has regulatory authority over the safety of thw t
chemicals the applicant may use in its process. As the Comission made clear in the Notices published in the Federal Register on April 28, 1988,(53 FR 15313 i
and 15317), a license issued by The MC for enriching stable isotopes "would govern possession of the centrifuge machines, but not the enriched stable isotopes produced" (emphasis added).
The Comission approved the staff's l
Policy Issue memorandum which was previously supplied to the Board, regarding the Federal Register Notices wherein it was noted that "In this case, however, t
the chemical hazards, if any, are unrelated to materials licensed under the j
$$kIIS00$ O!b o
. Atomic Energy Act. Such hazards would be subject to regulation by other agencies (e.g., Environmental Protection Agency under the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act, and the Toxic Substances Control Act).
Therefore, in this instance the staff believes that the Cumission should not exercise any authority it may have over chemical hazards that may arise from operation of the machines to produce non-radioactive materials."
In furtherance of this observation, the Staff notes that the issues listed in the FR Notices pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, specifically have excluded the issue of the health and safety of the public as regards applicant's chemical operations.
This issue is left to the State of Tennessee and other appropriate federal agencies to address. Only the protection of the comon defense and security is at issue for the Board's and the Staff's consideration. Therefore, in its environmental analysis the Staff considered only environmental aspects related to the use of the chemicals by the applicant, not details related to chemical safety such as safety procedures to protect workers.
AlchemIE received copies of the inquiries; the responses below were prepared I
after consultation with AlchemIE in order to receive information necessary to prepare this testimony, i
With Respect to Facility-1 1.
(Page 2, line 26) Why has the staff not requested nere explicit information en feed material and processing rate so that it can perform an analysis of material rq1 eases that will be applicable to AlchemIE's Facility-l? What did Staff base its analysis on and why is it deemed "conservative"?
L Staff Response:
The level of production associated with the AlchemIE facilities will depend upon the development of the market for enriched naturally occurring isotopes.
In the environmental reports and safety analysis reports, AlchemIE Jentified production levels for various materials.
These production levels were optimistic (high) estimates and were used to bound the environmental analysis.
The Staff's environmental analysis is considered conservative because these production levels which the Staff used are higher than A1ChemIE actually expects to occur.
In additiM, the release fraction tssumed by the Staff is at least a factor of ten greater than the DOE estimates for the performance of a gas j
centrifuge plant.
(Page 7, line 27) When will the design of the portable feed carts become available? Since the most serious accident that could occur involves the release of the toxic contents of a cylinder, would it not be important that the carts definitely (as opposed to "may") provide secondary confinement for feed cylinders?
Staff Response:
The preliminary designs for the portable feed and withdrawa'l carts have been cogleted. A1 Chem!E has provided a copy for the Staff (see attachment). Final designs will be completed after the construction permit for the CPDF has been issued by BC and af ter DOE has leased the CPDF to A1 Chem!E.
The primary function of the feed carts will be to provide a versatile method to
hold the feed cylinders and some feed and withdrawal equipment, such as heating or cooling devices, in the inmediate area of the cascades. The design concepts
t being considei*ed for the heating or cooling of materials (particularly the coolint operations) involve O e use of insulation or other covers. These may provide some additional confinement although that is not one of the primary objectives of the system. Secondary confinement of these materials is not required in normal industrial practice. A1 Chem!E has comitted to DOE to preparing detailed handling, operating and safety procedures for each of the materials before it is actually processed in the facility. Recently AlchemIE has completed a G) tailed safety analysis of the materials it expects to process in the coming years. This analysis has led AlchemIE to conclude that feed and withdrawal cylinders of toxic materials will be limited in quantity (e.g., to 5 kg) so that operational personnel will be adequately protected and secondary confinement is not necessary.
(Page 8, line 5) The same questions apply to the portable withdrawal carts as those reised with regard to the feed carts in Question 2.
In addition, how will the dry ice in isopropyl alcohol or liquid nitrogen system used for condensation be designed and work?
Staff Response: The response to the issue of secondary confinement is the same as for Question 2.
The dry ice - isopropyl alcohol cooling system will involve the withdrawal cylinder setting in an open top vessel with the annulus between the cylinder and the inner vessel wall filled with an isopropyl alcohol, mixture. Dry ice at atmospheric pressure will have a temperature of about -78 C which makes this the limiting temperature for this system. The system will evolve gaseous CO2 as it cools the cylinder. Theisopropyjalcoholisusedasaheattransfer medium that will not freeze at the -70 C operating temperature.
j The liquid nitrogen cooling system will be similar to the isopropyl system in that the cylinder will be positioned in another vessel and the annulus between the two will be filled with liquid nitrogen.
The addition of liquid nitrogen will be controlled by a liquid level controller and the top of the outer vessel will be covered to insulate the annulus and exclude moisture and air.
(Page 9, line 2) When will AlchemIE decide on the method of gas treatment (cold trapping, chemical trapping, or mechanical trapping) to be used, or will the method used be selected specifically on the basis of the physical and chemical properties of the material being processed? What environmental effects would result from the different treatments?
Staff Response: A1 Chem!E will decide on the msthod of gas treatment prior to the beginning of any actual processing of a specift: material.
The criteria to be used in selecting the treatment system will inc'ude the compliance with Tennessee air standards, the protection of the operating iersonnel and the public and to the extent practical, minimizing valuable materisl losses.
As stated on page 24 of the EA, release fractions of less than 1E-3 were used in considering the inpacts of normal operation. This release fraction is considered to be very conservative in light of the DOE estimates for gas centrifuge plants enriching uranium. Most of the toxic or hazardous materials l
4-which may be processeJ by AlchemIE have low va)or 3resst.res which means that their management would be similar to that of V i w11ch has a release fraction of less than 1E-4.
The estimated release quantitier, are less than a gram per day (probably orders of magnitude less) and it is expected that the releases will not be detectable in the environment. No environmental effects are expected to result from normal releases.
(Page 9, line 11) When will procedures be developed from data supplied by the manufacturers of feed materials for the handling, operating, and safety procedures to protect workers and the environment? Will Staff review the data supplied by the manufacturers and provide an opinion as to its adequacy?
Staff Response: Handling, operating, and safety procedures for the protection of workers and the environment will be prepared prior to processing the specific material. The Staff does not consider 8t necessary to review the manufacturer supplied material safety data sheets because the standards for the content of material safety data sheets are established and monitored by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration pursuant to 29 CFR 1910.1200 and 29 CFR 1903.
(Page 11, line 20) The same question raised with respect to dry ice and isopropyl alcohol and liquid nitrogen under question 3 applies here.
Staff Pespon g: The answer provided in question 3 also applies here.
(Page 13, line 5) Why has A1 Chem!E not attempted to estimate the gaseous discharges expected from the building ventilation system and the evacuation and purge i,ystems for the cascade? Shouldn't they be required to do so in order that Staff's assessment be premised on more than mere belief?
Staff Response:
A1ChemIE has not attempted to develop detailed estimates of the gaseous discharges expected from the building ventilation system and the evacuation and purge systems because the engineering details to support a more rigorous assessment are not available. The Staff considers the estimates it prepared to be conservative (higher than expected to actually occur) and these show that the amount of material that will be discharged will be minimal. On this basis, the Staff does not believe that additional assessment is required.
(Page 18, line 24 and continuicg on p. 19 through line 8) What might the effect of A1ChemiE's facility-1 be on the ecology of the endangered species, Cimicifuga rubifolia and tampsilis orbiculata, and on other species in the Clinch riiier or elscwhere in the vicinity of the facility?
Staff Response: The analysis conducted by the Staff indicates that the releases of hazardous or toxic materials to the local environment will be extremely small and are not expected to be measurable in the environment. These releases are not expected to result in any impact on the endangered species in the Clinch River or elsewhere in the vicinity of the facility.
(Page 23, line 19) What is the status of A1ChemIE's application for an air permit from the TDHE7 Has A1CHemIE satisfied the requirements of TDHE for a license?
. Staff Response:. AlchemIE received a construction air permit from the TDHE.
The initial permit was only valid for 3S days and has expired. A1 Chem!E is in the process of requesting a renewal of the permit.
They have prepared and submitted to the TDHE the material required in support of an operating permit.
The TDHE is currently reviewing this information.
(Page 24, line 9) Since the air emissions from the AlchemIE Facility-1 may be higher than those from gas centrifuge plants used by Staff to make its estimates, A1ChemIE and/or the Staff should attempt to estimate the emissions to be expected from Facility-1.
Staff Response: The Staff has made what it considers to be bounding estinates using release fractions greater than those in DOE reports for gas centrifuge plants designed for uranium hexafluoride. The analysis based on these estimates does not indicate that there will be any problems.
Based on this, the Staff does not believe that additional, more precise estimates are required.
(Page 27, line 3)
If an accident releasing dimethylcadmium from a cylinder in the room containing the centrifuges should occur producing a concentration at the icwer levels of the room that was substantially greater than the ACGIH TWA-TLA, it would be hazardous for the workers in the room. Have emergency plans for actions to protect the workers been developed, and if so, what are they? If they have not been developed, they should be before the facility goes into operation.
(Page 27, line 20) The question about einergency plans given an accidental release of dirrethylcadmium is also applicable in an accidental release of tin hydride.
Staff Response to 11 and 12. As required by DOE, A1ChemIE will prepare emergency plans for each of the toxic or hazardous materials that it will process.
These plans will be prepared befcre any processing of the material is initiated.
These emergency plans will include evacuation plans and recovery plans.
(Page 29, line 10) The probability and u sequences of an accident resulting frcm the transportation of gas cylinders appears not to have been considered but should be.
Staff Response: Haterials identical to or very similar to those being processed by AlchemIE are produced, handled, and transported on a routine basis in the IM ted States. The transportation operations will be conducted in according with DOT requirements. The small incremental amount of material transportation that is associated with the AlchemIE operations will have no significant impact on the risk to the public or the environment. For this reason, the Staff does not believe that the probability and consequences of transportation accidents have to be considered.
With Respect to Facility-2 To the extent that the questions raised with respect to Facility-1 are applicable to Facility-2, they should also be answered with regard to Facility-2.
In addition, we have several different questions about Facility-2 which are listed below.
. Staff Response: To the extent that the questions raised by the Board with respect to Facility I are applicable to Facility 2 they havs been answered with regard to Facility 2 as follows:
All of the above answers are applicable to Facility 2.
In addition, the Board has several different questions concerning Facility 2 which are answered below.
(Page 6, line 8) Why is the prstsure in the cascade area to be maintained slightly above atmospheric?
In the vent of an accidental release of a toxic gas in the cascade area, would it not be in the interest of public safety to have the pressure within the building to be slightly less than atmospheric?
Staff Response:
The safe operation of the centrifuges requires a uniform circumferential temperature to avoid bending of the casings thich can lead to centrifuge destruction. Experience in the centrifuge demontcration program has shewn that the required temperature control is very difficult to achieve with a building which has negative internal pressure. Cold air leaking through building walls has caused centrifuges to destruct.
In addition, the a'1alyscs that have been performed show that there is no significant hazard to th public that would be significantly mitigated by the use of a negative pressure for the process room.
(Page 12, Table 2.2) Why will the electric and the compressed air demands for Fac111ty-2 be so much greater than those of Facility-17 Staff Response: The electric and compressed air demands for Facility-2 are projected to be greater than Facility-1 because Facility-2 will have 600 machines while Facility-1 has only 120 machines.
(Page 13, line 17) Provide more detailed information about presently over-taxed drain pipes resulting from water infiltration into the Oliver Springs i
sanitary waste facility during periods of heavy rainfall. Also indicate when Oliver Springs expects to replace the leaking pipes and how A1ChemIE's facilities or the environment might be affected if A1 Chem!E's facilities go into operation before the leaking pipes are replaced.
Staff Res>onse:
Because there are no floor drains in the process area and because of the Al;hemIE plans for managing the toxic and hazardous material, no toxic or hazardous material of significant amount is expected to be released to the sewer lines or system.
However, it is the Staff's understanding that the Town of Oliver Springs has an active program to assess the condition of its main sewer lines and repair or replace as necessary.
It is also our understanding that a schedule for repair or replacement will be available after the assessment program is com)1ete.
It is further understood that Oliver brings has an apprcved sewer reha)111tation program that meets all of the State of Tennessee requiremants.
(Page 15 Table 2.3) Why will Facslity-2 produce so much more commercial garbage and solid ChemWaste than Facility-17 In addition, explain why Facility-2 will produce less oils and solvents for comercial disposal, more ChemWaste in oils and solvents, and more oils and solvents from the TOSCA or RCRA facility, than will be produced by Facility-1.
. Staff Response: Facility-2 will produce more waste material in most categories than Facility-1 because Facility-2 has 600 machines while Facility-1 has 120 machines.
In the category of oils and solvents for comercial disposal.
Facility-1 has more waste because the CPDF has two diesel generators while Facility-2 will have only one.
(Page 19, line 10)
Obtaining data on terrestrial fauna specific to the Oliver Springs area thculd not pose an unreasonable or expensive task.
In the absence of data one could not expect there to be any evidence of threatened or endangered species, even if such were present. A survey of the fauna of the area should be conducted and the results made known to the Board.
Staff Response:
NRC staff has requested AlchemIE to conduct a survey of the flora and fauna of the Facility-2 area and make the results known to the Board.
The Staff will provide its analysis of the survey conducted by AlchemIE either in writing prior to the evidentiary hearing, or in verbal testimony at the hearing.
(Page 25, line 7) Staff states that "A1 Chem!E will apply to the *** TDHE for an air permit " whereas at page 23, line 19 of the Assessment for Facility-1 it was stated that "A1ChemIE has applied *** to TDHE for an air permit." Does this mean that AlchemIE has an application for Facility-1 pending, but has not yet submitted an application for Facility-27 If so, when does A1ChemIE expect to submit its application for a permit for Facility-27
_ Staff Response: A1ChemIE has applied for an air permit for Facility-1. AlchemIE will apply for an air permit for Facility-2 after being granted an NRC Construction Permit. The Construction Permit will contain a license condition requiring that AlchemIE apply for an air permit for the Oliver Springs facility.
(Page 25, line 20) Why doesn't A1ChemIE attempt to make specific estimates of the release fraction from Facility-2 so that the Staff's assessment can be more s)ecific than merely stating that the release fraction from Facility-2 "may be hig1er" because of the higher vapor pressure of some of the )rocess materials and tha "likely" greater number of cylinder connections and num>er of cascades in operation at one time?
Staff Response:
The detailed engineering information is not available to support a more detailed estimate of the releases associated with the operation of the Facility-2. The Staff considers its estimate conservative.
Because this analysis predicts no significant impact, the Staff does not believe that additional analysis 's required.
j f
i i
Jerr.y J. Swif t PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS I as esployed in the fuel Cycle Safety Branch, Divition of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards, U.S.
I Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC). My position is Section Leader Advanced Fuel and Special Facilities Section. The business of sty Section is primarily 1
the licensing and regulation of commercial enrichment facilities and of source i
and special nuclear material licensees other than those which fabricate nuclear reactor fuel or prepare uranium hexafluoride from yellowcake. Licensees in 1
these last two groups are re ulated by the Uranium Fuel Section for which I was i
1 Section Leader during most o FY 1988.
I From April 1987 to Aujlust 1987, I was employed in the Radiation Protection I
i Branch, Office of Nuc. ear Reactor Regulation, NRC as a health physicist, dtaling with radiological aspects of nuclear power plant operations.
4 i
Froe 1985 to 1987, I was em>1oyed in the Reliability and Risk Assessment l
Branch of the U.S. Nuclear teflulatory Comission, as a Reliability and Risk l
1 Analyst. Much of sty work durnng this period concerned the January 4,1986 accidental release of uranium hexafluoride in Oklahoma and the April 26, 1986 j
accident at the Soviet Chernobyl plant.
From 1984 to 1985, I was employed in the Radiological Assessment Branch of the
i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, primarily in evaluation of environmental f
j radiological impacts of nuclear power plants operations.
j j
From 1982 to 1964, I was em>1oyed in the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Program 1
Office of the U.S. Nuclear tegulatory Cosmission, primarily evaluating l
potential accident sequences which could lead to radiological consequences.
i From 1980 to 1982, I worked at the U.S. Department of Energy on the t
environmental, health and safety aspects of a variety of nuclear technologies, includinji fusion devices, accelerators, transportation, waste management.
sewage s udge irradiation and enrichment technologies.
From 1972 to 1980, I was employed in the Office of Radiation Programs of the j
i U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as a Nuclear Engineer and Environmental
Engineer. During this period, I was involved in evaluating the potential t
radiation doses and radioactive contamination of the environment that might result from severe reactor accidents, with application to the development of i
Protective Action Guides.
I was also involved in the evaluation of normal T
operating releases from nuclear fuel cycle facilities in support of the l
development of 40 CFR 190 "Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for
j Nuclear Power Operations." I assisted in development work for standards and guidance by EPA on management of high level wastes and uranium mill tailings.
l I aided EPA's participation in nuclear policy reviews by Presidents Ford and i
I managed EPA's lengthy review of the Reactor Safety Study. WASH-1400.
j i
l I
f L
I 2
From 1970 to 1972, I held a position as Physicist in the Institute fur Reaktorsicherheit, (now the Gesellschaft fur Reaktorsicherheit mbH) in Cologne Germany; in this position, I was primarily concerned with evaluating the nature and quantities of radioactive materit's that might be released in postulated nuclear reactor accidents, and the e 'ulting radiation doses that might be experienced.
I was also involved ir t "sting siting conditions.
While a graduate student at the Catholic University of America, from 1966 to 1970 I held the position of Assistant University Radiological Safety Official, performing health physics functions throughout much of the University.
i I received the degree of Geological Engineer from the Colorado School of Mines in 1955, a Master of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering from Iowa State University in 1965, and a Ph.D. degree in Nuclear Engineering from the Catholic University of America Washington, D.C. in 1971.
I have current certification in Health Physics from the American Board of Health Physics.
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AICinemE, Inc. s
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NOV 011988) $
All Chemical isotope Enrichment, be.
uut {tc'ucn
q, Docntictru
sN,N October 27, 1988 L.t f
7r. Jerry Swift g
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fuel Cycle Safety Branch A
OWFN 6-11-3 4
One White Flint North
'A u
11555 Rockvil10 Pike Rockvil10, MD 20852
Dear Jerry:
In our discussions on Wednesday, A1ChemIE indicated that sketches for food and withdrawal carts would be provided.
For your usss in replying to the ASLB's questions please find attached a sketch of a feed system, a withdrawal system refrigeration cart, and typical withdrawal, large and small, pumping stations.
If you have any questions or require additional information please call me or Mr. Ernie Evans.
I hope the onclosed is of use in preparing your responses.
Very truly yours, ALCl{EMIE, INC.
William A.
Pfeifer Director of Special rojects WAP/bc Enclosures 80?
adkhokt M&
Pine Ridge Office Pork. Suite 202-B 702 minois Ave.. Ook Ridge. TN 37830 (615) 4 2-002
i FIGURE 1 SMALL WITHDRAWAL CART PUMPING S)STD4 A withdrawal cart will have a pumping system like the one shown here.
For some products it will be larger as shown in Figure 2.
In addition there will be cold traps which will be cooled using solid CO2 (Dry Ice) or liquid nitrogen or mechanical refrigeration.
4 Application Edwards mechanical booster pumps are being used in a growing number of applications where fast DMT' pump down times are required and where environ-mental or energy usage considerations are ruling out afternative methods.
The mechanical booster, when backed by an oil a
sealed mechanical pump or a liquid ring pump, is usefulin the pressure range 500 to 10* torr. Higher j,[
vacuum can be attained by using two or more j
booster pumps in series.
Mechanical boosters ccmbine high pumping speeds with small physical size and their most efficient t
range of pumning speeds fills the ' gap'left between standard speed curves of rotary pumps, vapor dif-l fusion pumps and vapor booster pumps-see curve.They can be used as the final stage of a pump system or they can be used as part of the baching system for vapor booster and diffusion pumps.
$Ef C
2000p _'
, N'g I; too Typical applications of Edwards mechanical E
$4g Db b
plants, furnaces, wind tunnels, space simulators, boostere include steel degassing p9nts, coating giM impregnation plants, drying and aegassing prncess to4 io 4 iod to
iot io P AISSUM:Tona plants, semiConducto. FUduction, packaging equip-ment, pharmaceutical freeze dryers, preparation of 1 Vapor dif fusion pump. 2 Oil vapor booster pump.
vacuum spectrographs for meta!!urgical analysis 3 Mechanical booster pump bried by Rotary pump, 4 Rotary pump.
and evacuation of large vacuum chambers.
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In addition to this pumping system there will be a mechanical refrig-I eration system to cool cold traps.
This refrigeration system will be about as large as thfa pumping system.
Such a combination will l
service two withdrawal streams, i.e. product and tails.
l (Prolicinary)*
Figure 3[,ie' To Centrifuge (s) y a 6 Flame Arrester d
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Vactan I\\mp The equipment for a feed system will be contained in a space approxi-mately 3' wide X 4' long by 5' high.
i FIGURE 4 l
Dese are used for withdrawal of product and tails.
"Jhese units were used for collecting UF at the GCEP.
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